HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-31, Page 4a ..
eaten. then suppers, ran to the hall ,,Ven is ter weddin' ter be?" and old duties and schoolevoin work so ex -
for dear life, fearing they would be O'llooligan replies "O'Hooligan's tremely heavy that!I was compelled
late, and a few' Minetes after six welidin, will be next wake, eh Pat? to neglect our advertising. Let me
o'clock, the first sleigh load arrived Go over and congratulate them, Mr. say, though, that though we were
and was followed immediately by Shooper." The company is complete not keeping your readers posted re -
cutters and some on foot. The hall when Mr. Madill, Dolly and Mr. gardifig our success in placing pupils,
filled very quickly, but several Smith come in. Dominick O'Hooli yet we never placed so many, during
sleigh loads squeezed in even after it „.an, after many troubles, brought the same period as we have Once tbe
was full and people were turned ''ori by his nioney, resolves to give it first of last September. About 100
away by the load. When the cur- all to Pat and settle down quietly have been placed during the period
tato was drawn back before the first with a four-reomed house and a cow referied to, and the salaries in near-
• , eat, the hall was jammed full and and Mrs. O'Hooligan, belt* of' the ly every case were mostsatisfactory.
• tbo people, near the door, by stand same opinion as her good man, is The last two placed were at salaries
ing on the backs of chairs, on the bristly pleased at this proposal. •.She -of.00 perannum, eacheand one Of,
windows and on the tables, rose, one le so happy because Pat and' his these parties was a boy still in ha;
behind the other, until the last row father are oft good terms again, she teens,
• nearly reached the ceiling nut
re --- • thinks she'll not be able to sleep. We expect to have the etrongest
play was written by a Bluevale boy, Pat and Werther both sing songs for.
around the plot of "Finnigan's For. the pleasure of the happy com 2 .7 demand for office help we have glair
P -ale had, during the -coming fall and
tune" •(which was given in several and Mrs. O'llooligan suggests that winter, and those who enter now;
towns in hluron over a year ago) - they all sing together. Mr. Smith
• bolstered up with entirely different requests that they sing "De or Ken- should be ready for some of their
jokes, stories and situations copied many calls which are eettain ea be
• tacky Home, jes' to please me." At made upon us in this connection,
irom tewspapers, magazines and the conclusion of the song, the curtain
. books. The last act, however, with . is drawn on the play. The play was There was another reason for our
the exception of the bit of plot, was . rather crude and disconnected, but neglecting our advertising Apace,
•was brimful of clean fun and was and it was this, that our school, wee
original and the best of the four. In
the first act O'Hoolipd is a hod very loudly applauded. Of course it so full that were almost to the limit
carrier and gets a fortune from Ire- contained one or two old mother-ina of our aceomodation in the montbs of
• land.. To celebrate the occasion, a law jokes, but considering that it January and February, even though
&tele is held. The second act opens was home written and home given, we had added over 16000 square
with the picnic at which are assembl- it was quite an enterprise for a place feet of space at Christmas, but as the
1 ed Mr. and MLS. Dominick O'Hooll• the size of Bluevale, and we are glad attendance usually, lightens about
Aprilfirst, we expect after that date,
at' •
• their son, a vely stylish young man ; Countess, Dolly and Werther could
Mr. :William Madill, O'llooligan's scarcely have acted their parts better, PuPils'
ea friend through thick and• thin ; Count and Mr. Smith was the hest of the Thanking 3,ou in anticipation f•n•
and Countess Chimfake, French hu -
company. The Count, during a long the notice regarding these pointa,
- wino% who have come to visit the evhichl teel assured. you will give
conversation with Me.. Smith, became
O'Hooligan's and are endeavoring to so warm that the museilage on his ,,us, and -for your generous treatment
get some of their money; Mr. Jacob
goatee and moustache melted, and in the past, I am,
Shooper, a Datehman with some
Pat fell to the floor, but the Count was. a Yours sincerely
thousands, who is very angry at
. true artist. He maintained his dig- D. MCLA.OHL AN.
O'Hooligan for courting his lively nity although his fellow actors eoull.
daughter, Werther, until he hears of see the large beads ot bold pespir- BLYTII,
, tion break out on his brow and firm
a The last monthly fair of the sea-
t callokaWytfriVavikel&. waateweera upper lip. The play has not been son was held on Tuesday. A goad
without its humor. For instance
the Cou.nt's dagger was not a real crowd turned out and a few horses - -
,„••• • • •••-•'• r . 4"1!:1: 9111If.
T.H.E WLNULLAM Tfl1ES, m..A.Lteii ai i6V9,
the O'liooligen fortaue, edam he• Qattada Business aolleee, • I
it)orre .(t b ingbauellaroli 23,
1899. j
r1r,g7k ,. oo . o ww
t44;1 becomes very friendly indeed; Mr.
WOLOW.74. :!!.014 OOO 4441144.0Nommau..* #100 • low • • . 44i iii170414
la Smith, colored servant, employed by The following letter *one air. D.
reduce "Naha.. p,!;
. Mr. O'llooligan ; Deily, another ser- MeLaehlan, principal of the Canada viou I) v. ..1(Yie v4ult'l
r ...... 1 130 to 2 00'
- T vane and Billy Harper, a newsboy, Business College, Obathain, will un• Fall Wet
HERBACEUM . g 1 i iWv 11011111 , .. tr wa . , 110;ei isoo0n1 i go il ling fltie4v4ttoascohnegs oduorabytoetidulyg breeaodferins:terest to many of 1,41411,1,4gtioll‘v.11e41" • -
i Barley ?). t117 too 8 III' vi
, asking ir it is a pod one, he sings a' Will you. kincily make known ea MalteY, Jeavio 0 08 to U 00. ; rLI
, . paotai, per air 0 0.1 to 0 00 41,
0 90 te 0 DO 1 ii!!:11
8Ong in good style,. Before going , your readers through the medium of (4.'""`" "
fake is voted to the chair and a: the spring' term the best season of Eggs par dozeu........ 0 10 to 0 W
El- an' I'll giye ye a sanclwieh," After! Dear Editor: . 0 04 to 0 04
[1:1 tione from the pienie, Ceune Chim t your valuable paper, that we consider • beti'or ... „ ,„, 1,3 0;) 12 i• chi
f oo pet elm 1 50 to 1 lo
0. • i
Re- had the pleasure of listening to comet Shorthand or Business training. Itcy p4r ton, .... . .. 4 DC to 5 00 E A
r programme is given and the audience' the year for commencing a course k • 11 • • • • • •
rututoe 're 0 40 t 0 CO '
CATTLED. 1 , r._ good sons and the Dtchmans 1 I know that this point is not very leiliow eier lb ,
............._ i C, his father for money, as he wishes to • theless a, face and the reason is this; ‘'‘"'-'1.
Dreeseti Nue,. * o) 4 foe 0 4
5 ji,IP t� 0 Alai
a t . recitation. In the third ctee Pat asks 'generally understood, but it isnever- Dried, Aloes, per lb
- !get married, but ea Pat wants tenthatthe bulk of the pupils who enter Ili 0 80 to o 80 ;
-.. Vor sale only at
, •; 11:thousand and bis father will only i during the year, are in by the end ....alcheici
a give hin, one thousand and until be ' of January, and by this date have
, - . ......______.........a........ •
FA :sees he deserves more, the check is acquired a good knowledge of the Uteler the headine. of "Trecastle"
� left untouched, At last, in the fourth work, and need much less indirldual the LiDtuwc1 Stellcial 4 published the
[I act, Werther sends for Mr. O'Hooli. help from the teachers than they did followine in its Wale of March '.2<lth:
*. gan to coax him over to Pat's view whenalley started. As the number 'The folloe leg iteuris published at
of the matter, Mr. O'llooligan ap• entering after Easter Vacation is al- the : equeht, t f Metals of the 'family
Drug Store.
reM,'5771.9F.1,-L5-1.434-45-0,1.5E•1149 97'1
pears to get quite soft and pliable ways small as compared with the interested ; On Wednesday, March
O A.DV.E.aVISERS, under the influence of Werther and Fall and Whiter openings, teachers let, Mr. Ches. Waken disappeared,
sends her to fetch Pat. As soon as can, therefore, give those who enter leaving his e if e and two ebildren at
;WO* of changes must be left at this
she goes out he tells his wife to get now, plenty of individual assistance, home. Ills etep daughter left Feb,
office. not later than Saturday
'noon, The copy for changes him, his check book "an' give which is a great advantage, particulei28the and it is, stippo,ed he followed
• •
• IOWA )e eit no a e
eemes in refuses to accept a thou have no term divisions, and as in- :trace t -f theta plea:42. write to Mr. J.
him bis thousand," Pat, when he anly to beginners. Of course WO her. Anybody wno could give any
ments accepted up to aeon sallitt' Tti CrEi9gligalri and. Werth. structions are almost entirely indivi. yvilker, rettat.tle P, 0. The
J --------------------
day eveoing. Casual advertise. •"#, t •
..... esecaktiaes----'
Now that interest is being awakened. in the early closing
movement we ask ourselves the'question, "Can we do as 111110b
business in 10 hours as we have been taking about I4 hours to
do If we can, so"much the better for all concerned. But
YOU must get a, swifter :move on and shop EARLY in the dv.
We will make it worth your while to SHOP EARLY AT THIS
Oroceries Fruits. Dry eoods.
Valencia Oranges, per doz.,10c
, I I 9
c• •• 0
li 13est Mesina Lemons " 20e
I Bright New Pruues, 4 lbs, 25e
Cooking Figs, 6 lbs for 25a
Pin Cushion shapes at cost.
Pillow Sharns, Stamped, wrath
30e, now 20e per pair.
Wool Carpets, Union Carpets,. :
Hemp Carpets, new pat- Fa
Broken Soda Biscuits-, 6 lba, 25e Oar Rearlyemacie Clothing is .11:111:
terns low prices. -
Brown Japan Tea, 0 ihs, $1..00 ' going fast. It must go at •
Best Gran. Sugar, 201bs, $1.00
Pickles, per bottle, - 10e the prices we are askieg.
French Mesterei, 10e size for 5e end latest styles.
These aro all new goods
. TornatOes, Corn, IIandsome Spring Overcoats.
Beans, 3 cans for 25e. See them before buying.
4 Peas and
f Men's Night. Robes, only The.
Big Bargains in Dinner and Toa Sets,
mit kta-
Macdonald Block, - Winghritn, Oa.
Tiversde of Mb week - kave the room and. soon after the dila!: P131,15 Maar QQ11111101198 any time linen ahem 0 I, et ie, height, dark
• Count and Countess come in and
*0,6, 6#6,-...stemesamert
----- change the check from one thousand
oe 0:0ititgiclam times totb a tt:rena ttyi sonewathousand,tebingz1 notiem.k knowing
.1 they see him, the Countess flees, the
• ---:- . Count draws a dagger, bat Pat
WitIDA.Y, MAR01.1 31, 1899. knocks it from him and calls in a
-. .e -e - -- -e---- -.---s- policenian, who is none other thau
BLIJEVALE. Bill Madill, whom O'Hooligan got
onto the police force. Jut then Mr,
O'Hooligan's Wed441' was Pro and Mrs. Hooligan and. Werther
seated last Friday night by eleven come in and as soon as the Count is
of the village boys and girls, before taken away, O'Hooligan turns to Pat
the largest number of people that with the check and says "It's yours
ever equeezed into the Foresters' Pat..I see you're worth it." Soon
hail. Children., as soon as they had after Mr. Shoopor arrives and asks
'4.4 •
nVenient to theanselVes. xion, clerk hair and .naustache.
I must also explain my reason for I tie gal has dal k hair and brownl
neglecting to reinew tee matter in es es, tied is not very tall. Exchanges
our advertisement from time to time, I pleaeo: copy this acme,
as bas been our custom irt the past.
When I sent you the last new matter,
I afforded an appology for our neglect
in this respect; anu stated, that, from.
from that time on, we expected to
keep your readers posted as to our
success in plaeing pupils,. bat our at.
tendance, which she ws representa tives
from 133 towns and villages in Can.
acla and five States of the Union to'.
gether with Newfoundland, has been
so unusually large, and my office,
gane tbe host and hostess ; Patriek, it was a suecesss. The Count, to have accomodation for 20 or 25
0 Lots of shoddy watches
are being offered as baits
for trade ' by business
houses, who don't know
half as much about a
watch as they do about a
turnip, Our advice is,
" Don't Bite" but
to our store arid secure a
genuine reliable Anieri-
can Lever Watch. War-
ranted five years. We
take the risk of their
quality, and have them
from $4. 50 up.
finger on
Your PI118
You feel theblood rushing
But what kind of blood?
That is the question.
Is it pure blood or impure
If the blood is impure then --
you are weak and languid;
your appetite appetite is poor and your •al •
digestion is weak. You can-.
not sleep well and the morn- =I
ing finds you unprepared for
the work of the day. Your
cheeks are pale and. your com-
plexion is sandy,. You are
troubled with pimples, boils,
or wile eruption of the skin.
Why not purify your blood?
"0 my 0 dear !.
Twine broken again.
men to. tie broken sh
get my harvest off at
what kind neie or Brown is using ?
appears. to h, e no trouble."
Sr4ei,VSAltV4 •
What will I do ?
Have to keep two
we. I will never
this rate. Wonder
What is the matter, Jones? You seem to be having an
awful time with. your twine. I use Plymouth. never
breaks, runs free, will bind more sheaves, and• give you
better satisfaction than' any other twine made. Take back the
stuff you have there, get the Plymouth, and be happy."
It pays to buy the best. Price guaranteed, ToY,,c per lb.
Call early and book your orders. •
will do it. Take it a few days
and then put your finger on
your pulse again. You can
feel the - difference. It is
stronger and your circulation
better. Send for cur book on'
Impure Blood. ,
If you are bilious, take
Ayer's Pills: They greatly
riid the Sarsaparilla, They
cure constipation also. •
WATS to oar Doctors.
write them freely alt tbo particular;
In your cm, Yon will receive a
prompt reply, without cost.
Addros, DU. J. 0. AYER,
'Lowell, Mass.
changed hvids. LI'
da er but a, steel belon in t
carving set, which a good lady lent
him with particular warning not to
let it fall lest the horn handl would
break, or, if it must fall let Mall on
the carpet. Dr. Toole, very kindly,
painted a scene for the stage. Miss
Aggie Herbert was pianist. The
Messrs. Robert and George Warwick,
George Findlater and Charles Gar-
nias comprised the orchestra, which
was a very enjoyable part of the en
tertainment. The company moy
next winter, give a play- of a better
grade than O'Hooligan's Maeddiria
although it is doubtfal Whether it
will he half as popular.
On Saturday last Mrs. Geo. Stewart
of all her house -
Stewart intends
Sam's country
had an .auction.sale
hold goods. Mrs.
leaving for Uncle
before long.
Miss Moody, of
Lucknow, is at.
present attending to her grand
mother, Mrs. Porter:, who lea eery ill.
The special Services that have
been held in the Methodist church
for the past three weeks closed on
Sunday night last. Rev. Mr. Mathe-
son, of Toronto, wbo has been eon
dilating them, left this week for
Jaekson's chureh, where he will con.
tioue the services.
, ••••1
- A N D-
161 FEE: ..A.TVE,
Pk -)it
Mrs. WM. Westoby, of Ayr, le at ' L
Marion Brown. the peg -leg was present visiting friends hi tovvn.
0 der of Policeman Toohe" 1Vir. Oscar SteWat t left on Thurs.
d or last week f r Vancotivet• 1$
teund guilty at London of the mar -
2446 1808, and was senteneedyA to be ay o y • (3. .16, , # ... #‘ , ,• • •
haeeel o I May 170. • Mr. John Denholm shipped a of ir .., •
.. \Ir, a; d Airs TY, Cohoe of Court. .loai of horses to Manitoba on 4, • ees a ..,
• , em i .. an, killed, their buggy being' daY '
This is the seeond ear he lits .0 t•••• -14 et
1, shi Ad Ibis a inter to the Battle A rd 1 lir• •et
4 0. ..41011021/11,4441.41,104411/11.11,101/het V' ilrA. place.
tI tlo. Watcher bus&
••• c. 1 ant prepared
. WV!" le.inde of
.6. 4. w,,,,ko.ter., tialOguti,
14.11 cud meat delivered
eel. 'Phone No..9.
1). P111.1c4;1141.1.
0: eie nee hy a. railway train on a erns.
eta ael'aea •
ac P erson
Wishes to thank the
for their kind and libei•al p.
son, and fpr their kindness in a
--Display on 1).1c(cCay and f011owing
now fully- r‘repared to hav all'orders filled 1
'fashio ble and speedy manner possible.
of Wingharn and. vicinity
onage of the past sea-
n.ding her. Millinery.
s. She' is
e most
w Spring Goods
NeW Spring Goods, arriving daily
at T. A. Mills.
Beautiful Patterns in the New Shadings of Dress Goods,
ranging from 25c and upwards
A nice new line of Black Lustre Skirts, nicely made,
good material, for $2.so,
• Also a line' of Black Moire Underskirts with Frill on
bottom, fol
See our Plaid Ginghants for sc per yard,
And Scotch Gingham's, ,Bright Colors,- suitable for
Waists, for 14 to .1 sc.
Something new in Cretonnes and Art Muslins-Selling,
very cheap.
Call and inspect our stock of new Carpets in Unions, All -
Wools, Tapestry and B.russels. In fact we have everything
required to furnish a house up-to-date in our line of business.
Ordered Clothing and Ready-mades a specialty.