The Wingham Times, 1899-03-31, Page 3Be Olean
lind Live
Is Natures Great
System Cleanser.
The Spring Medicine Recom-
mended by, the Ablest
In all well run mills, factories and
iineuhaoical cetublisliuteutsrtisuustont.
ary to ulusu down for a short time ear*
year in order to repair machinery. Un-
less this in faithfully attended to there
will be. Irregularity in work, serioes
b Aks, <tieaeters and heavy 'financial
Itis the same with the human hod).
DA varied, uotnplex anti delicate machin...
eery has been runuiug without repairs for
perhaps many ,rears, with disordered ,
nerveta, disearetd liver and, kidneys, and
blood emerged with poison germs and
impurities.. Phe lemma organs and
xnaohieery jarring, weakened and work-
ing fitfully ,and irregularly must be
strengthened and made a barmonioue
whole, or the entire fabric rill soon
break down.
This annual work of cleansing and
repairing as alwaytt suuuessfully a000lnp-
Behed when men and women snake use
of Paine'e Celery Compound, '
Amongsit the first and Most pleasing
?results that come from the use of Paine's
Celery Compound in March is pure, rich,
bright red blood that courses through
the entire system, carrying true life and
strength to every part. Foul matters,
eruptions, pimples, salt rheum and ec-
zema are banished ; the akin becomes
'clear, the oyes bright, the brain aotive,
and the step tirnh and elastic,
• Paine'e Celery Compound is the oae
,and only spring medicine and cleanser
that • people chin implicitly trust as a
health restorer ; it is the choice of phy
-sicians, and our best people proclaim the
glad news that "it makes people well."
Literary Notes.
Anthony Hope's new romance,
which he has just finished, is called
"The Countless Emilia," and has
been purchased by The Ladies'
'Home Journal, in which periodical
it will immediately begin. The
story is about a beautiful Countess.
She has quarreled with her husband,
;and they have decided to live in
selusiolt iu separate wings of the
castle-,' This they do until.Captain
threipe, who becomes a 'Member of
..the household, inadvertently opens a f
door, through which are revealed to
biro the. aparewents of the exiled
Countess; with the beautiful occupant
standing in a doorway. The
Captain falls in love with the young
woman, end from this point there is
trot tt. moment's cessation in the
romantic adventures which ensue in
the castle, its gardens and neighbor-
ing places o`, rendezvous.
The story of the fielding of And ree's
*balloon and three bodies pr over t:>
have been a falsehool.
PER1"e1 MGi1 IN SSYI '!
That the stomach is not° an organ!
essential to lifts in the human species:
is substantiated by' the final report
in the ease of removal of the stoniaelt
performed on an elderly woman by
Carl Schlatter, Provatdocent of the
Univer'aity of !uric. Though the
woman is now dead, none the less tate.
operation was suece:;sfal, r;ince she
died not of the eft eta of the operation,
nor of the lois ut' the stomach, but of
the spread ot"the eanceroas growth
which Mario the original operation ,
neeees ary, and the patient lived ;or a
year digesting food with other por-
tions of the digestive apart.)tus.
Mr, Sclilatter's report on the case,
printed in last week's 'ewe of the
Medical Record,states that the patient
was a woman 56 years old, suffering
from a diffuse carcinoma of the en
tire stutnaeli. The operation was
performed on September 6, 1897,
total extirpation. of .tire stomach be-
ing found necessary, About the lst
of June in the' following year the
woman left the hospital, declaring
that she felt perfectly recovered, and'
visitedesome relatives, In August
she returned to the hospital, having
lost some little weight, saying that ,
she hadn't had good food and had
returned for that reason. Under
the conditions .uf life at the hospital
she quickly recovered her lust weight.
She eomplained oe assionall3 of pains
in the back and side,. but had a good
appetite and had the appearance of
a. person in good health. She died
on October 29, 1895, of cancer of
the abdomen.
During the entire y ear digestion
and assimilation of food both liquid
and solid was performed well, nor ,
was there any dilation Of the upper;
part of the intestinal tract to form a
substitute stomach. The food went
directly from the 'cetopha us which.:
was joined to the upper intestine°
after the removal of the stomach, ,
ittto that intestine and was °there
ab.oi ed, Commenting on the case,
the Medical Record sayei--
"In the present instance it is
obvious enough tet the ultimate
c".use of death had no connection
with the operation. Ott the contrary
if the disease had not spread beyond
its original and apparently .circum-, there is roe telling how
lung the patient might have lived.
Certainly the conditions for a twelve
month or more were favorable to the
eontinuence of necessary nutrition
for an unlimited period.
"So far, then, 'the --results w;uld
appear to indicate the utility of the
operation as a promising relief
measure. Beyond this, however,
we can scarcely ,go, when we take
in account the inevit.tble tendency of
the disease tow,' rd dissewidation.
Espeially is this the ca'e with these
W,c...1 ,11,11._t YV
r ,
tt .•. M
O M M A.
If the dnestive organs refute do their work, indigestionestion
follow like lightning's flash—the nerves are shattered and then insomnia runs
riot, and the patient is on the road to the mad -house or insane asylum. A well
known Toronto newspaper man was a victim of nervous prosuation and in-
somnia through overwork—retiring at night was more of a 'dread than a wel-
come to test --prejudiced against medicines and remedies, he spurned the
thought of resorting to what he called nostrums --he becaigie almost incapaci-
tated for work—he was recommended to try, South American Nervine, procured
a bottle and when half of it had been taken, he found himself improving --
sleep was induced, the nerves grew quieter, the appetite returned --he continued
to take the remedy until he had used six bottles, and at the -end of that time the
twenty pounds he had lost in worry and for want of rest was put on again—
today he says, " /feel strong enough to do two days' work in one."
South American Nervine is without a peer in the cure of nervousness,
indigestion and insomnia, A few doses will convince the most sceptical. It
givesimnrediaterelief and effects a cern in every case. Strong as this statement.
may Scent it is absolutely true.
South .American Rheumatic dare is never baffled—relieves in silt hours
and cures after years of agony have been sintered.
South Alnerican Kidney pure cures Bright's disease, diabetes mid Mod -
der troubles. A few doses will convince. 11
• °,, 01•t i'ly YI
SOLD LV A. L. 1TA.MILT0fT, 'W'l:Z+`tl"iUA.L .
fLtE W .i. ti ..
particular operation, which can. be
necessitated only when the entire
organ is involvedin (lissome. We
can scarcely expect to be guaranteed
against neighboring infiltration of
eaneortous deposits, when the origin-
al disease it; of the duration and
extent indicated. Evidently the
rule was followed in the present in•
stance and was prolong-
ed but little over a year, from snail
a standpoint alone, the operation was
a great success and the daring oper-
ator le to be congratulated accord,
We, the Undersigned, do hereby gree
to refund the money un a twenty" -t1 re
neat bottle of Di', 1V ills' l!'rnglish Pillti,
if, after t,sing three fourths of eoutents
of bottle, they du not relieve Constipa
tion and Readaohe. Wo oleo warrant
that four bottles will permanently cure
the most obstinate cases of Constipation,
Satisraetion or no pay when Wills' Eng-
lish Pills are used.
A. A. Marrow, Chemist and Druggist,
Wingbam, Ont.
Colin A. Campbell, nhemist end Drug-
gist, Wingharn, Ont.
A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug-
gist, Wingbatn, Ons - •
Well Proven.
"Your honor," said the Irish Lar"
rister, as he rose to plead his client's
cause, "I shall prove to the jury' that
my client did not commit the crime
with which he stands charged. If
that does not convince the jury, I will
show' that he was insane when he
did it. If the jury be even then un-
convinced, I shall prove an alibi,"—
Harper's Bazar.
Of Thousands Have Been Turned In-
to the Joy Songs of the. Cured by
the Almost Magic Medicine, Dr,
Agnew's Cure for the Ileart—It
Relieves in Thirty Minutes.
Mrs, John Fitzpatrick, of Gananoque,
was for five years a great sufferer from
heart disease—spent some time under
experts in Kingston hospital without
getting any bonefit'and was pronounced
incurable. She commenced taking Dr.
Agnew's Cure for the Heart, and when
she had taken three bottles all dropsical
tendencies, palpitation and paid left her,
and she has had no return of it, and as.
(tribes her cure to this greatest of heart
remedieA. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Died in California.
The remains of the late. 1. athel
Kerr, who died in Los Angelos, Cali-
fornia, on Thursday, 9thinst., arrived
in the village on Saturday night last,
and were taken to the undertaking
establishment of Mr. Alex. T. Davison,
to await the funeral of, Tuesday
afternoon. Deceased was a son of
Mr. Angus Kerr, of Kinloss, and was
in the 39th year of his age. Mr.
'. herr was born and raised in the
- township of Kinloss just east of the
village and was widely, known and
• greatly respected by a large circle of
friends: He was a strong and power-
, fully built young man and some ten
or fifteen years ago successfiilly
competed at the annual Caledonian
games here with the best athletes of
the day, and in the heavy
hammers had few equals. He pos-
sessed a powerful and well trained
bass voice, and after leaving Luck
now .appeared on many of the leading:
stages of both Canada a and the United
States. For some three 'years past
he had been a resident of Los Angelos,
and was Employed as a teacher in
the academy in that city. His health
had been poor for some time past,
but about a month ago was seized
with tuberelosis of the throat, , and,
despite the best reedical attendance,
he gradually grew worse, and his
spirit passed away on the 9th inst.
Tho funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoor, religious serviees being
conducted in the Presbyterian church
by the Rev. A. MacKay, after which
the remains were interred in the
[aridly plot in the IVnloss cemetery,
and were followed to their last rest-
tng place by a large concourse of
friends endacquantances.—Lueknow
What to Eat and enjoy it sand feel
comfortable after it, is the all clay, every.
day wail of the indigestion p. tient.
Advice—Eat all wholesome tbitere. don t
worry, and take Dr. Von Stan's Pine-
apple Tablets to aid Maitre in theirs ti"e
stomach's work, 'they're a mitts t,it.i::,
asst gently on the bowels, 'they airevr•ut
Anti relieve distress. pleasant and peel
Give, :Vicente.. Sold by A. L. Dem tlion,
The McClaryhianuf'actnrim C,"ih•
pany of London have advdt,e.ett tlu'
wages of their stove Ilarr& 10 per
Rev. Jetnes A. Spurgc'oh, brother
• of the late Charles Madden Spurgeon,
was found dead In a railway eitrt'ia,ge
at London,
MARCH 81, l b ig.
is as necessary as a broom for the house. For in the blood accumulate
the germs of disease which, if not swept away, become manifest in bolls,
blotches, sores, ulcers, eruptions, eczema,tetter, and like diseases, that
flay the flesh and scar the skin.
of all diseases that begin in the blood.' What other medicines drive in,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla drives out. Where other medicines rnakc a surface
show of health by cleansing the skin, Ayer's Sarsaparilla lays . the faun-
dation of health by cleansing the blood. It is conceded that
the larger portion have their origin -in impure blood. Cleanse the blood
and you cicinsc the skin Foul blood cannot nmkc a fair bock-. The
shortest way to a sound body, a clear complexion, and a vigorous life, is
td'purify the blood with Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
e• I can truly say that Ayer's Sarsaparilla saved my life after. doctoring for years for
blood poisoning. Not one bit of help in any way, shape, or manner did 1 receive before,
by advice of a friend, I took Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It made me a new man, and completely
cured me." HARRY L. ,BROWN, ar I•lanover St., Aianchester, N. P.
"Last year I was badly troubled with boils which I could not get rid of, until 1' profit:;...1.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Two bottles relieved 'me of my tormentors, and they. have never
.made their appearance since." B. IL BRADLEY, I)anburgh, Ga.
"Five years ago my little hey became Mind from the effects of scrofula. Our doctor
failed to help hint. We began the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla and, two bottles cured him,"
C. C. G03'FTT, Canes, Ky.
"After six years' suffering from blood poisoning, I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
and although I have used only three bottles of this great medicine, the sores have nearly
all disappeared." A. A. MANNING, Houston, Tex.
"I was afflicted with catarrh for a number of years, none of the doctors being able to
Help me. When almost hopeless of cure, a friend advised me to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
and after using only three bottles, the cure was effected, and to -clay I am perfectly healthy."
JOSEPH MURPHY, 173 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J..
ILittle Sermons from Dickens.
In the Cause of friendship brave
all dangers.
In love of home the love country
has its rise.
- Forgiveness is a high quality, an l
exalted virtue.
Tears never yet wound up a clock;
or worked a steam engine.
Fortune will not bear chiding.
We must not approach her, or she
shuns us.
For Infant° and Children.
T dem •• id sir
fat atur0an
ea try
At . .
An honest man is one of the few
great works that can he seen for
It is an undoubted fact that all
remarkable inen have had remark=
able mothers.
It mast be somewhere written
that the virtues of the mothers shall
occasionally be visited on the child-
ren, as well as the sins of their
O.hlidren Cry 'for
C ST1,a ,1A.
•.atjt. .•nx',h,..n;41i<,, sG.ii" .....+<'h,e
consciousness that we possess
the st inpathy and affection of one
being, when all others have desert-
ed us,•is a hold, a stay, a comfurt,
in the deepest affliction, which no
wealth could purchase, or power
Tf the good deeds of human
er•eator(s could be traced to their
sourt'e, now beautifully would even
death apt ear ; for how much charity,
inerey, and purified affection would
seem to have their own growth in
dusty graves.
Boils Disappeared.
Mr, Jetties Elliott, White P. 0., Ont„
writes : "Leat fall while I wee threshing
1 beim inn troubled with boils, which got
so Intl f had to quit work. t started
• �sand
n Berwick Blood
t+kit fi leas
fore 1 had finished one bottle the boils
Strati' eel ratepayers will be asked
to vote 43120,000 for the purchase of
the waterworks system in that city
on .Tune 6th.
To all who find themsnlvea with health
ern/lordly slipping away, Kidneys and
Liver ass diaoruanized that they sir"� ire
capable of keeping the system free
steno t nisonons witste matnrial, :;t sniaah
Dia,rc1er' d, 0ritt'ela Gaonetipated, Herd
�'chint!, {leek Painintaste 11r, Ch Reese
ititlnr,. User Pills, The quick way thre
help >'ou back to health will surpreeyou
The stnvc tnanlifacturers of nil Mil'
ton will increase the pav of; 'Their
.moulders 10 per Cent. on May 1:.
A St. Mary's ,nian a.ed a Windsor
guest got into a heated argument the
other night as to whether Haycock
went into'the patron besiness`for the
money ti ere was in it, The St. Mary's
man contended he did, while the
other just as stoutly defended Hay-
cock. Finally when things were
getting warm, the' stranger said.
"Well, I onght to know something
about it, Pin 1J1u'cock "
No Need to Sutler
The agony et Rheumatism, Sciatica,
Lumbago or Neuralgia. Milburn's
.Rheumatic pills cure .you htientually---
cure after other remedies fail. Pr ices
50e., all dealers.
Mr. Pritric't Hughes, for many
years a prominent merehant cf `1'01,
ronto, died at the Arlington of heart
If your liver is out of order, causing
Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart-
burn, or Constipation, take a dose of
Hood's Pills
On retiring, an,dtomorrow year di-
gestive organa will be regulated and
you will be bright, active and ready
for any kind, of work, This has
bteii the ezperiense of others; it
Will be yours. HOODS PILLS are
gold by all medicine. dealers. 26 etia.!