HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-31, Page 2•
Witten the Whistle Dlowe
I were valaea for the purposes of these
le a aions: that the train la eoming-, ' comparisons, are higher than the
esd if 3/4.3/43/43/4 dou't get eif the track will least et production to the ordinary
run ever Los aro yoi V. lwo you. cougthi farmers and may be higher or low,
it is .3/4 clout that cousumption is eatatog,
esti see had better bolt out. The way er than the prices which could he
tO atop eoesenotio 3/4 ie et..3/43/4 t he eough. I realized from their sales as rod -
The way ta step the cough is to take ders.
Gough an'1 &r"8.1411)1"i" al'Ire' The folioNving is a, summary of the
24 eta. Seem slut :DIA n bottle. Mane),
liQW TO Ora OTTKili'e3/4
Gems of Thought,
If a an is easily diseouraged tc
will languish in obscurity,
A curbed temper is a noble steed
to ride ; au uneurbed temper Is a
wild horse that drags up at his
Thousands of people not really ill heels,
ol o oiled reStiltS from the feeding teSfor
require a tonic at this season, Close There will always be a few people
rif it fails to ours, tS
three ears with 2 -year old
confinment in badly ventilated houses to linger on the outskirts of success •
1•ATTBlirSIG TI,B, thof mo.a.i.
stops. and school rooms daring the and tell how touch better Mi
they ld
0114.11` I , Prom e tests it ap-
winter months makes people feel de- have done.
pears that,:
13"P" Re"Ms"'S W"MMENDA* 1, Daring the feeding period of 20 pressed' languid and "Q." "Sorts." We live also by love. He who,
TIoNs OF TRI PROPER 1 weeks the steers which we e fed Nature must be assisted in throw, loves no one and is loved by not one, I
R t'rioNS
Fespesimentat .testa in the fatten-
ing of stt.ori were e.nnineticed aG the
OensrwExpsri tnen t a I Mirth in. De-
cember. 1890, The math objects of
thetot peritnents was to obtain infer.„ . world, These make rich, red you then fail you. will be honored ;
ration No. ) (bay, roots, stray, arm
upon ration No, a (em ensilage, ing.ofr the poison tlmt aectunalat- is only half alive. We need the'
ed in the system durmgthese maths, ..claily bread of hainan affection,
straw and meal) gained la weighs,
per head else people . a. n easy prey to Should misfortune overtake. von, on the average, 33 pounds
disease. A toine needed and Dr. retrench; work harder, but never fly
more, and cost 7.36 cents per head
Pink Pills.for Pale People the track confroat difficulties with
less, per day fur feed (amain ed,thau Williams't
is the greatest hung medicine in the unflinching perseverance ; shoal
the stsere which were fed u on
matael ott the comparath e cost of inezo) blood; strengthen tired -nerves, and bat shrink, atid you'll be deepised!.
attC.21lng MeechWomen and i To livels. to have jastice, truth, I
S. Daring the feeding period of make dull, listless men,
children feel bright, active and reason, devotion, probity., sincerity, I
strong: • • common s.ensesrightand duty welded
Mr, Johns &Mons, London, 'Ont., into the heart., To live is to knew
says: "1 can speak moat favorably of . what one is. worth,, what one eass doe
the virtue of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and should, do.. Life is conscience.
• They prove invaluable in strengthen.; There is no use'in breaking our
ing and toning up the system when. I hearts against. eternal laws. Try
debilttated. Having used them for buret through, therm and we are in
some time past I can speak meats prison. Live within, their precincts,
.favorably or their benificial resnits...; and we have, the• freedom of heaven.
As an invigorator of the constitution ; and earth -time .and eternity areat
tbey are alt that they claim to he" our service:
But you must get the genuine Dr. I A man takes, .contradletion, andt
Williams,' Pink Pills for Pale People. !advice !audit moreeasily than people
Imitation:I never eared; anyone, and thinks but he willnot bear it when'
there are numerous pink colored violently given., event though it be
imitations against which- the public I well-foundech Hearts, are flowers-.
is .cautioned. The genuine are solcilthey are opens tothe soft -falling dew„
only in boxes,. the wrapper around 'but sbut them, up, inthe violent.
Unnli a ration ctf which the
bulks leader portlito was unduly
Dorn onsita.ge„ hay and (at.
Urn n Va QM) ot whieli the
bulky taider portion wss mainly hay
and roots, and
Upon a ration of which the
balkv rudder portion- was mainly
cern ensilage.
PM' the purpose of arranging such
data ae would be obtained from the
tests. in t tuanner whit woald be
dose to he farmers and. useful to
them in making a etatiparistm
tween of feeding steers on
the three different. elsea of rations,
1. cash V a LW was eatituated fur the
CoMponest f'odders in elch. - The
prices at Aldelt U -everal fodders
Positively cured. liy these
Little P1:10,
Theyeko relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
tultes6an and Too Hearty rating. A per-
tect for I)izziness, 7.'Z'ausca, Drowsf,.
mess, Br.d Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Tin in the flide, TORPID VEVER. They
ega e Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
.Srrial• Small! DOSOs
Small PaCCI0
.Substitution •
the fraud of the day.
'Z'ee you get Carter's,
Ask. for Carter's,
insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Cure of
Salt '''''heurn.
The permanent cure after per -
anent cure that is being published
week by week has placed Burdock
Blood Bitters far .above all other
remedies hi the estimation of the
sick and suffering.
Even the severest and most chro-
nic diseases that other remedies
fail to relieve yield to the blood
purifying, blood enriching* proper-
ties of B.B.B.
Salt Rheum or Eczetna-that
Most stubborn of skin diseases,
siVhich causes such torture and is so
:difficult to cure with ordinary seine -
dies -cannot withstand 13. 13. 13.5
healing, soothing power.
The ease of Mrs. Jas. Sanderson,
Ernergori, Man., shows how elle-
titre 13. IL 13. is in curing Salt Rheum
at its worst, and curing it to stay
This is what she wrote
tullardock Blood Bitters cured tee of a
bad attack of Salt Rheum three years ago.
It was so severe that nty finger. nails •came
a 1 can truly say that 1 know of no
Aare valuable medicine in the world than
11.13.13. It cured ma completely and
Orrin s ntly, sa 'have never had a touch
1?heurn, since,"
20 weeks, the steers which were fed
on ration No, 3 (corn ensilage, straw
and meal) gained in weight, on the
average, 64 pound e per head more,
and cost 3.68 cents per head. less, per
day fur feed consumed, than the
steers which were fed upon ration
No. 1 (hay, roots, corn ensilage,
straw and meal),
• 3. When the experiment was
ended the steers which were fed
upon ration No. 3 (corn ensilage,
straw -and meal) were in the most
nttraetive condition of the three lota
fur handling and selling.
From the tests of 1801.92 it ap-
pears that ;
1, During the feeding period of 18
weeks, the steers which were • fed
upon ration No. 2 (corn ensilage,
straw and meal) gained in weight,on
the average, 55?; pounds per head
more, and cost g 75 cents per head
less, per day for feed consumed,than
the steers which were fed upon ra-
tion No. 2 (hay, roots, straw and
meal). " Meettng of Ratepayers, ing the letter of, our hopes we rills&
%Olen bears thefall name "Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills- for Pale People."
If your dealer does not keep them our 13 has beeu cast,. and do the
send to the Dr. 'Williams' Medicine. duties ppoin ted, as.,,we shall finch
Co., Brookville, Ont., and they will : that things seek stein,t wonderfal,
be mailed post paid. at 50e. a box or i manner. It iswhetu we go oat oft
six boxes for $2:50i our way to seek then i that we miss.
what we most desire te find, or flinch -
2. During the feeding period of 18
weeks the steers which were fed - On the 18th inst. a meeting of the the spirit.
upon ration No. 6 (corn ensilage, ratepayers of thetownshiss of Colross
straw and meal) gained in weight was held in the town halls Tecswater Children Ory for
on the average 36 pounds per head at the call, of the- municipal council,
more an cost . cents pei head for the purpose of diseassing the
less, per day for food eonsumedshart good roads question. About fifty or
the steers which were fed upon ra- sixty ratepayerswere present. The.
tion No. I. (hay, roots, corn ensilage, Reeve. who acted= as chairman of the
straw and meal). •meeting, in placing the -matter before
3. The cost of feed consumed per the people statedthat in, his opinion
100 pounds of inerease, in live some of the proposal& put forth by
weight, was 62.95 per cent greater 'Mr. A. Ws Campbellits his recent
on ration No, I (hay, roots, straw lecture in Teeswater are good, that
and meal), than it was on ration No. the present systemdsnotsatisfactory,1
2 (eorn ensilage, straw and meal). and that the, time for a ehange has ,
From the tests in 1892-93. it ap- come. The meeting:, however, dict I
pears that : not see ra to' endorsehis, opinions to I
dow„pour of. rain:
If we keepaiurselvee quiet where
Mrs. Mary. Mahoney, or Chlhose,
died at •the. residence of her son,,,
Patrick Mahoney; oroMOnday, MaSch
20th, aged 7120 years -and months:
AA. ellkitifle;
n.tinasteatirean. SOS,a,loo roe Ars. Iloboko
vortaeieletnezrbe?taorevrLett rid.whoode6inre.
a sp6:3205y2anwdo, ociw Ave.,
D. GAlSatra.Vdg. Booentz4
Somewoment may not earn, their
1. During the feeding period of 24 any great extent, and manifested a •
weeks, the'steers which were fed disposition to disease the size' of salt, butt. Mrs Lot's wife^ aentainly
upon ration No. 3 (cora ensilage, gravel boxess thepresent statute aid
straw and meal)gained in weight on labor scale, tins l'Plaeing of stones, It is hardttoconvince some people.
the average 19 pounds per head wood, etc., onthe • road, in fat al- that honesty is.the best polities.
more, and cost 5.06 cents per head most anything but the- real question' Therearo six schools iin Inland,
less, per day for feed. consamed,than that the meeting watsealied for. After where Mils ietaaght.
the steers which were fed upon a most desultory. discussion the orator with,ques-
ratioe No. 2 (hay, roots, . straw and don was put to vote when only
Many arta mule ill' amti-trust
meal). about a dozen votedt for re-organiz Prochvitiets woulicl kick like.
2.. The cost for feed consumed per ation of the statute labor system on • his tailor held similar views..
100 pounds of increase in live the lines suggested by Mr. Campbell, Revs,Jblut Mlackenzle,, the famous.
weight, was 66.34- per cents. greater the remainder prelim:ring to stick to.South...Ifthicats irnissioneryi, is dead.
on ration No. 2 (hay, roots, straw the good. olcheysterathat ahnost every
and meal), than it was on ration No. thinkingor observant nian condemns
3 (corn ensilage, straw and meal). as wasteful of tides and effort. Mr.
From these tests for three years John Meliague them moved, seconded
with 2 -year-old steers, It appears by Mr., John 11' Scott, that 50 cents
that: per day be paid La lien of statute
1: On the average the steers that labor. This. proposition shared the.
were fed upon ration No. 3 (corn en- same.fate as. theether, only receiving
silage, straw and meal), gained in a few votss. Mr. W..11. Jarvis made
wei ht on the 35 8 ounds th I
g average• p
per head more, anct cost . 5.38 cents
ra ways are su s y e goy -
b itlizU gb tho Wannamaker, I have called to see if
less per head per day for feed con- the municipal elee,tions. This idea
eminent: you ean give me a position in your
mimeo, than the steers which were did not seem to meet with ratiela
favor. Mr. Hugh Gillies moved, The remains of 554 American establishment. I can tura my hand
fed upon ration No, 2 (hay, roots,
straw and meal). seeonded by Mr. Jno Armstrong, soldiers who died or were killed in to maltmovist.ani.xthoi,nlvg.cia
are full in every
2. On the average of two years, that pathmasters should be chosen Cuba,. and 120 who gave up their
the cost of feed consumed per 100 lby the men 0i -each beat at meetings lives in Porto Rico will arrive at department, and yen are the twen-
dell) man I have refused to day,,
pounds of increase in live weight, to be called by ale old pathinasters. New York on the transport Roam. Why don't you take up a line in
was 64,64 per cent. greater on ra- 1 This seemed to be considered a vela- aria next Tuesday. which there is less competition and
tion No. 2 (bay, roots, straw and , able feature and received a hearty •
meal), than it was oft ration' No. 3 support. The meeting then broke Child ren Cry for better pay Ps, .
'Tompkins. "I'd only be too thank
(corn ensilage, straw and meal)„,- up, and so ended the first attempt to c2ti.•
Prof. Robertson. secure better roads in the Township \3/4,...,,p ST ful if you can put me on track of
s . such a position."
of Culross.
Soath Perth Liberals will file
e strpposa that. a vote. should. be
taken on the question at the time or of de Thirt i r the
iira. sea . Tonapkins. "Good morning, Mr.
' ' • ." ° ' '
(t dilflDflV.'1
11110111. ..... 01111.111111. lllll 101010114 11101111111110111111010 111 it 111
A egetablePreparation,forAs-
slatilatiug iheYood andRegula-
ling the S (0.1=115 undBewels of
ne5sandRest.centains neither 1
Opiiiii,MOrphine tor Nuierat.
Toterpe eirOlir.22-aillVVELPET=
Beelldn Seed.Alb8cnna
Roadie Sskt
kipper -mint -
fit Carbone:fit:az,.
ilbimil;e -
obtprirovni Flgrat
•• ApCifectRerrtedy for Cons tipa-
tion., Sour Stoutarli.Diarritoea,,-;,
Worms ,Convuisions,reverish.-
cimss and LO Sti, 0 E' SLEEP.
Th Simile. Sigpature of
ExAcT co Pr WR A PPE R
m./4,1 • . . 0,10.,r f , 171.4.111 1 1.:
leklAgsklage t 1241.: dIV 441"."-117.r
-.I ..,.r. 4,
Eastorici is put up in gdo-,1i', bottles only, It
-isnot sold in. balk, Peet allow anyone .o selV
you., anything also- on the ilea or prudes that it
ito 'just as good* and answer every par,
limo." res. Sadist yea got O-A.S.,T-04L-I-A.
rziaitao- •
tf • •
• .-1".....,,,C7-..ter4/24. °V4r7't=7-71Z1f.:7777fira=7".4iiin
Seta, •
PersiatieSheop.Dip and Animal, Wash is the most highly coneentrated
C. and all in nod. satisfactory form or power for its curing of akin disease 9 and
clestroving, yernittwin cattle. It is powerful without being harsh and lin- $
f• mediate, in, snot without any itritating results, It is being successfully
.1 neecitall;ov.er Canada, for curing Syres,, Bruises. Shear t)uts, Boils, RiLlaworm,
Gangrene Scala end tar destroying vermin and insect pests. Some evidence:
1V -r: G. At. Brodie, :Bethesda, Ont., saye:-"ft itoell farther and (loos more .
work,ctban any drp•II have ever used!. 1 used it most sucuegs ully in castrating?
lambs.. The wash', healing the. wounds rapidly and keeping the maggots
.; away. tnost beartily recommend it."
Mr. Crossen„ Ringwood, Ont., sayer:- "1 have been unable tb gain real
satisfactiom from many experiments in different dtps unti! 1 used Pereititin
• Sbeep, Dip' and Animal Wash,. It destroys lice and vertnon perfectly? on
cattilt4anct acts ass tonic, healing wounds, sores, etc."
irtdrotOit"Itt The Pickharttt-Renfrew, Limited, Stouffville, Ont.
Nip. It at the Rod.
Thetime to1611,1s out a tire is wben it 1
starts, Consumption is like tire. in the i•
beginning it lee -bey to cure. The longer
it goes on the more it destroys. At the 1
tint time -whoa the cough begins and
when flesh is lost -cure it with Shiloh's t
Obergh and Obusuroption Cure. 25 ct a., !
Wets. and MO a bottle. Your mon ey
refunded if it fails to cure.
G..'Itaymond, • Brantfrird,
Sweet-, nefteshing sleevis given by has beep appointed postmaster of
Hood'e Sarsaparilla, which feeds the that oily place of A. D. Clement,
nerves,, tones. the stomach, and cures all deeeased. •,
, dyspeptio symptotns.
Some eo e find h 1
'its whining,: about thew misfortunes
oth?ve de in boastig, of their good
IMemeo has more than 7 000 miles a va, and
and see what tbey have to offer."
Tomkins. "I have seen the ad-
vertisements of this firm, for agents,
for years back, and have often
thought of writinsr them, but have
never done so. I , will write to day;
and I am very thankful to yen,
Wannarnaker, for your good advise."
Caveats and Trade -Marla obtained, and all patent
business conducted for MODERATE NEEL:. My
officeis in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office,,
and my facilities for securing patents areunsurpassed
Send model, sketch orphotograph of invention with,
descri don and statement as to advanta es I i
fpplicattft apt not i‘y een ti!; !II? se clgtira;
Tentning furl information sent free. All mums
°is' allowed. ilttZtrreoitsi Crtit." con,
MOUS MOtItldettitt as Sonny entldeallial..
• 92D tinqettie WASITINGICOTC.n.se,
60 EARSw
. • .46r o chair madvt a for ;2.n opfnien as to
Is My Blood Pure P
Mr. W, "When I was twenty
Doctors Testi*. protest against the return of Xelson years of age, I was a stranger in a'
This is a question of vast importance
to all who wish to be well. If your blood There's strong testimony by eminent, Monteith, Conservative. strange land, vrith neither work nor
physicians of wonderful mires made by meney, when a 'fiend of mine, a
is impure you cannot expect good health, A Milwaukeejudge reeently grant, lawyer, advised tie to take a book
unless you begin taking neoces swim. Dr. Chase's Family Remedies-partieu.
parilla at once. This great medicine larly Dr. Chase's Ointment. ed a divorce with the provision that agency saying he had educated bini•
6 A. physician declares that people the wife pay the husband alimony. self by canvassing; like drowning
system it Rood health, cures spring
humors and that tired feeling.. Men
who sleep with their inotiiha Mint It is estimated that the Dead Sea, grasp at straws, I took his ad-
ritve longot. Some people are in the lying in the hottest region of the ,vIse, and in five years saved $5,000,
flood's Pills cure nausea. eiek head-
- habit of keeping. their Mouth open globe, loses 1,000,000 toes of water a and with this sum started my pre.
ache, biliousness and all liver ills. Price
25 cents. too much when not day by evaporation, tent business. It is just fifty years
a let et ago to day that Mr. Bradley, tlie
A91013/41finlogiNive ramaiitY)ratig A man inay be worth
Mr McKenzie of the weather Halstead. comintssloned by the Government as money and etill be a very poor sort founder of the present lIsirm of The
Dradley.G-arretson Company, Limited
the roiltivt.MV ik�mit.',It'4, eftteinpaatPVPLL7g.nt mall•
bareati in Owen Sound, reports
depth ofsnow-fall this winter to have On the Pacific With tomeral h_ferritt, In the hospitals 1 yt 1._ 15 a be TOrnittCti,sent me My first prOspee
£t Moonlit', la Hong itong, in tha American trench A great misfortune not to Ms, and to his beautiful letters and
been 18 feet. 69 la Manilla. in the ursurobt damps witti Against- have lodgment enough ,te keep good advice, 1 owe much of my
do. en the ddak of the Olympia with Dewey, and In ,
Mrs, tteeePhLartgtrY, nrockville, thfoe agents. Brimful 6f MOW picturetakan by - "' e roar ot battle at the fall Of Mannas' Bonanza silent at the' proper dme' present success. Yes, young man,
Ont., says: "I have used Dr, LOWS government photographers on the spot, Large
WOrIri Syrup anti 1 can say' it Salado/3e bOok, Lthv prices. 131g, profits., rreight paid. ; Every oiontinfenAt on the globe,with if vou have anything, in you, there
is Just as good a °lianas, for ou to.
my children good. It doves fails to act Credit Won, Drop all trashy unofficial war books. the exeept on 0 tiara a, produces
Mtn free. Addrets, D. T, Dubow, Seof,y,, Star .id
promptly." Price 25c. wi roses. day with this old estabOshed House
!sentence Bldg,. OhlOarie. as there was for me. Write them
inakee the blood pure arid puhi th
TRADC ilillirntS
Jzone sending a slit:tett and desert thin ma
&o. c.
invention Is probnbly patentable. Communtoa4
Sons Strictly confidential. Hand betoken PatoUta
sent free. wriest agency for securingpatnts.
Patents taken through Arum A- Go. toady°,
tial notice, without °ham% in tli.0
Scientific merlon.
A handsomely illintre.ted weekly. Lsramit Or.
11It;1:iaadlis1!iif...%ggotg1P74MUNN &Co8690,ielt9Branch °Moo, 426 If St., Vohiugtott. I)
IN TB 14: