HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-24, Page 8• re nets f.13 • WINGHAM. I''ti•Bla4Q 1Vt1 iR'px1\itt, n)ill was running 8 days a week. Ogilvie's ft (. The vehho meeting hell is the mill at Goderich was. stunting hits Hewes t council clamber stn bRturday after telling his awn convictions I but if farm- roan in the interests of the, proposed era felt they needed a new mill lie would 1 net: 0014r null and elevator far \Yiughatn do what he could towards was quite largely utteuded. Postnraater ACr S 1Fouhill eaid all must be united 1 p'nisRhteiron whoes fivledotedve• rtyo aictcespttabyix, swaltaiinoga icnaptiitalsl arenadne.rgy Tahreorueodwaisviinpglheatxy oof Iowa Curtains -. ,,-kt"c put up. the new milt, .He thought na �G° t fit�t fu a few words the cblect c# the meeting : dtflSoulty would arise in the matter. ed upou to give Ir growing sntt'.a voila ft)r tinS•1 particutnrs r Alex n oonnectionune Ives itwitli the pro John .Thi 0°' Whitechurch, thaught a I new mill was neeesaary and would be a thing. if complete stock, exetusive r posed mill. Lie a gid it twee propot.4-' tQ paying fnvestn)ent, Present mill was sir lee and a nines. have any weight, I erecta milt and elevator of 100 barrels per 'setcll.to.date. ifie 13?reaent l;o to the then this btta' E` lodet4 thea• Carpet and ; clay capmcity, at a cost of 017,000, to form 7,,,,,.,,,,,,„ Curtain mule of WSngh:rin. t. joint stock company and if possible to i'eeawater 411,1 . '''''" rs u 1.1 Peeteer and . 1:1 thrice, -, ow, itis moult chinning order by next a t"" . v a• representing r son u .�.'�-�+'s r„,. 4, `�'� ta' , �il<•pOa'S�,>C'I,�`S,r ; •fY.tt. Re thought the chinning expenses of p h #, the 0 P it and the G T R•, All -Wool, 1 tics orifi would not exceed $20 per day, were l.,regdnt snit stated that their ��' ' Brussels, I and the earniugs, at three quarter •oapa, canipanies would da all they nanld for lslT11t3( Union. i city, would be io the ueighbor•tioad of the prnpoaed milt. 011,000 per year. Ile thought we should Thos Glegary epoke again at this pninG We have never shown Bach -n, cal and said be did eat' think statements .have an„thee trill; as at present .s'ole's lection of Carpets and Ctlr.ult4s as that et+said coins to' iVingharxa ware going made .to the effect that present mill was ,j net now. to -.Myth, Teeswater, Brussels truce other not up to date were hardly correct. It Nowipa�i,,ng Dregs GOOdtt places. The new ruin would bring, trade was the roller process and the could not itobe flour trent local wheat We have so many new things in to town that rightly belonged here. They unless w expectapatd riiilerenoe. }ie would like would have to bring in some. Manitoba this department that we are ..front , to. see another mill estehisthed in Wing. shoat. The stock books haat beeu open . , out enthusiasm will take all the ham, Literepeaking ended here, end. we for acme time, but many thought it would space for Dress Goods itt Black, All haye tried to give our readers• a brief T be tastier to Dalt a public meeting and' have outline of what was said b Wool, high -Class French Novelties, tee matter thoroughly dismissed ; he had y each °speak+ With Silk raised effects. Beautiful therefore mailed this meeting. er. Designs, All Wool Poplins. Amos ralpling moved, seconded by Jas Fancy T .A. Mills said lie carne to the meeting Powell, that provisional directors be. ap. All• Wool tido-tone Suitings, Fancy to listen, but would assistthe new mill all pointed to sea what they can do in the Pirie ;innings it the very newest ile coati• er4y of getting stook subscribed, spring shades, Thos Gregory s *oke favorable to the r 1�tii ,Cards in all the new shades g y i ,. lie •following directors were then ap- 4new mill. `'Schen two •milia were here pointed :—Alex Young, dames Powell,wm for stylish tailot'•made Sults. before, both seemed to be busy. A new - J Liendersou, John Leggatt, .s.mos Tip• An assortment of Dress Goods and atiltwould bring runny more farmers to ling, Wm Hastings and 'Tiros Haugh.. Silks we believe to be . the largest town. - me directors held a meeting at the and beat over shown in Wingham Air Garin Wagon, of Turaberry. made a close of the public meeting, and it was before. capital speech, Re thought the old mill decided to put canvassers through the Metes Suits • was rather out of date, and had served its country at once to solicit stook. As will You will he interested in the early day. He lied not a word to say against the ' be seen from the above, nearly all the showing of Mien's Suits in pretty owners of the present mill. %Viugbam _ speakers were in favor of a new mill and designs anti Correct colorings for should have a mill that would not be' if the desired amount of stook can be. moderate price will astonish you, equalled in this section. Re said the town . secured, a new flour mill autl elevator We carry a very large range o£ bad made'a.mistake in not scouring the will be erected in Wingham before next High class Ready-made Clothing as Gillies & Martin foundry from Teeswater. - fall. to style and quality we ask you t4 Be thought it would be a. safe investment ' y to put money in the proposed mill.. A. new 33.4.33Y BEAUTY. .. give Lis a look while the stock 2s so mill woula be an advantage to both town ! You always think of a pretty baby as Complete.and country. : plump and chubby. Scott's Emnlsion New goods Just Opened. ' Wm 3 Htnderson,liorris,said he,thought gives just that plumpness ; not too fa6,just Kid Gloves, Spring Boots and Mr Wilson • had pct the case about right. enough for the dimples to Deme. Babies Shoes, Spring Capes, New Dress He thought farmers' interests would be like it fou. Goods and Silks ; Complete stock of ;better served by two mills. A. farmer At Winnipeg, the thermometer Laces and Embroideries, Prints and would save enough in one year to cover marked 34' below zero Saturday Cottons, Tweeds . and Ready-made cost of one share.. . night. Clothing, Gents, Hats and Furnish- Amos Tipling, Turnberry—A grist mill ' • Ings. and elevator is wanted very,badiy by the A movement is on fgot to run a We invite you all to Call and in. farmers. Present firm of millers were branch of the C. pe R. from Guelph - Spect our spring stock. • Ma r alright, but farmers were going to other. to Goderieb. places for .their flour and gristing. - • Two The Ontario Legislature has pass; ci i D 0 0 mills would be alright in Wingham, ed the. Senate reform resolution by a. PERSONALE. a •• Chas McGuire, Morris—I have often majority. of :13. The Opposition got badtionr at Wingham mill. .F sur she may get some satisfaction of that got in feed stores at Wingham was always figure. 142'8 Smith is away on a visit to friends good. Igo to Ethel with my gristing. x11 Listowel. Wm Dawson, of Lucknow, said he had Rev. Dr. Warden has announced always got good flour at Wingham mill his intention of retiring from the Mr J 0 Emig), of Blyth,. was in town Lucknow people' were well pleased with Secretaryship of the Home Mission Wednesday. their elevator. Committee of the Presbyterian Miss A Forbes is visiting with friends D. Stewart, Wingham, thougbt there church in June, his duties as Gen - in Brussels, tine week: was more Clifford flour sold in Wingham eral Agent of the church taking up Mins H Stuart was visiting with her e ster, Mrs Jas l3'ox, at Brame's. than any other make. Flour should . be ` all his time. manufactured here: . It was a big entea; Mr E G Nicholson and a Mr Baillie left prise and would like to see it made a going here on Tuesday for Carman, Man. concern. 31r W Bullard, of Earriston, spent last Dr ,Chisholm said he was not much Sunday with his Wins/jam friends. Miss Mabel Orr, of Fordwich, was visit- ing with tier Wingham friends last week. Mr John McGlynn, who formerly resided here, left on Tuesday for Neepawa, Man. 'Mrs McNaughton and four children.left Wingham on Tuesday for their new, home ire Manitoba. Mrs John Foster returned home to Clinton on Tuesday, after a visit in Wing- ]tam.•• --•Clinton New Era. Mr. P. W- Smith, representing The Gook Company, of Windsor, was in town this week in the interests of his firm. Miss Stoole, of Seaforth, who has been visiting with her cousin, Miss Florence Sills, returned home on Tuesday. Mr Hebb Leggett has returned home from interested in the new mill. If he. were a merchant he would be. Wingham leads all other towns in everything except milling, and we were nehind the times in that line. - Thought tbe present millers should be eonsulted and see if they would do anything in the way of improvement,as farmers were not now satisfies?. We should haye`:+n position in the milling line. Some one will start a mill here. The farmers should have the majority of stock, and then town people would do their part. This is a rare chance for the farmers and they' should• take advantage of it. if he were.a young man and bad the money, he would soon show the whether :a hew mill in Wingham would be profitable or :not. It would not aers Collingwnod,where he,had been working in took hold obfeess it, sic Anew ess lnaill and elthe ev for his brother's saw mill for some time. in Mr Frank Bambridge, .6f Toronto, repre-. vine c ncern rnnnot be anything else but a senting the Furniture and Upholsters'p Postmaster Fisher was the next speaker. Journal, was in two several days thi>r Be came to Wingham in 1860 to look for weep. tire J Brompton, of St Thotnas, and water power teestablish a flour mill, Miss Graham, of Luflknow, were the guests There was no Wingbam at that time, only of Miss 1i/rattle Campbell', during the past four or eve familiar in the town plot. Ile week. put up a mill and done a good business, x Mr John hiss, of Sarnia, was in town At the end of two vat* Gregory Bros during the week He cairn to town to at- came here and iness fished a mill. lie tend the funeral of his fellow -workman, thought his business would be ruined by a bVtn Sadler. second mill. Such was not the case. Ile Mr John L Campbell who spent three had done more business; had cnstoniers 1 nonths visiting his parents,Mr and Mrs D A 'limn ma longer distance, The opposition He Campbell of town and other friends, left made each of them woulda goab work. He fast Friday to visit his sisters in Toronto, thought a new mill would bringbe alright e, previoes to leaving for his home in Mani. Wingham. it business here, cola, whichrightly behaved to the town, and would not injure the present millers. The i4fisges Hiltltaute spent Sunda - with Mayor Clegg said that if fanners wanted her Wingham friends. Misses Davis, in a new mill they were able to build one. Wingbam....Mr Jas Dawson. of the drug If it can be trade a paying concern many %bore, was visiting at his tome in Wing- would. be found to invest in it. Did not Sunday of this Week. --Clifford Vit* think an eleeator was necessary. S'n have four elevators in town at present and Mr Will Farquharson, who has been re. buyers have bought all grainoffering ding in British Columbia for the past for -which highest. does -ware paidUo year, returned home on Friday last, unci came to Wingham in 1882. More wheat lass taak 't a situation in Mr Cl 1 l Eing's grown then thanat present. If wheat heato EioreV, Will whet well pleased with the be shipped in and flour shipped out it `Gi'estern pantry, atilt eaye they never h td i would not pai4 Woakdnot go as nisch for silty aneh *basher as we herd here halt Sun- • profit as for aosomodation. Alt n)illere ... __ . say there it no money in millingA Dr. Chase Cures Catarrh after Operations Fail. Toronto, March JOtb, 1897, My boy, aged fourteen, has beep a sufferer from Catarrh, and lately we sub- mitted hint to an operation at the Gene- ral Hospital. Sincetheti we have resort- ed to Dr. Chase's Catarrh Ours, and one box of this medicine hoe made a prompt and complete cure. H. G. PORI), Foreman. Cowan. Ave. Fire Hall. tio Do you know where your BOOTS and S 1 have taken•charge JG:K TJMES,. MARCIE 24, 1 X.IL''fOf„,rTORS' SALB cal' Al /Aq p A \A/p P A a AAAAAA\AA4A A Farm Stack & lmple in A1ALtAlrhl Farm, R ,�pry xi 'ted vimentors of the tae. will and `C M -r The sod testauent sale by pull on lot 84.1n et East Wawat A• nrtecnh tenet: 0ton oft a Township p ah, on • ay, Maro1 .8+,'99. atone o'clouk In lb: afternoon, t1 . fallowing Ng.italic term smelt a d implement- la: llenry Wale deceased w • after tor aurtlon, by ,r1111/ Currie ucClnneor, • ` 'burs 1 spatter Hired me os, 4 drivha • mere, 2 drvcsus, p 1 naw ht can, 3 milt. cows. 1 cr ri•Ut„ 8 Ft+nra, rising two years, 2 cglxea, g quantity I, heifer rising 3 Vear• steers rising two years 4 yea ng of hay 2lunahorwagons, 1 >a•• n seed drill, andvnitt- vetot, nearly now, '1 ray Ie, 1 buggy• Age Leutter,1 reaper, 1 mower and pea a _t ,st4r, 1 turnipacualor. ♦ 1 fanning mill; 2 plow., 1 Winvow, I set heavy Winless. 1 ++et plow ha • craves, turnip palper, 1 hay • rack,1 imeherrovs, 'rain, s die, 30 feet of welt • repo, l sten heat, mug skir;h kes, Rorke, spades • and other artichr+. This sale will b • positively with • ti reserve. undo', cash: R and for sums war that amount proved joint. ar at 8 months c dip will be accepted, d a discount \•/ or8Per vent erannum will bo allow' tar wale , ea At the : to time and place there wl be offered . �•i for dale,.t . north half of lot x4,111 the 1 li conces- W 81011 of ea + township of Plast Wp.ivano-h, • hject to. • nreserr• bid, and to tactics and conditio which `.� wilt be ado Rows at the time of8,ale or ' ay be. had on ppliOatigp to the Vendors or their so 'otter: V Thl, i a well unproved fairti with good bui •tngs • and o chard. Is situdto on the gravel road t, •hie abou 'mil+ws from !when. sand 2- ft,iie1 ft in V' wvht cehurch and emits an escellent.epportunIty r w Mr 3 belie TERME. UV SAI. •-•sums or SW a any ono, desirous or. purchasing. \ Match 1809. 1 +ted at Wintritem this lstii day Qt R A STONE, • H.Y. DA, 'IS1 E eh re > to v Solicitor for J;xreutors. P A, d11L"L•�i 25.00 y' VvVVVVVa :.Y E We are agents for the Thorold Cement, and parties wishing to use such this coming season would°do well to call and get prices, SALT GLAZED VITRIFIED SEWER PIPE We are il1so in a position to supply any quan- tity ,of Salt Glayed Vitrified Sewer Pipe for VWells, Chimney s, road Culverts, &c. • 'Rem Paint. tuber that we sell Sherwin Willian-ls Nave just i- ccived a large consignment. PUS l lode P. . �illir�lQix'i, 551 • . ism St., London, PUBLIC NOTICE. Having moved to town to the.resi- dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells, corner Centre and Alfred streets, near the GTE, I am prepared to pity the highest Dash prices for all kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, $arse Hair, Wool Pickings, Iron and Metal of, ail kinds,. delivered at my residence, or if word be left, I will calf for same. 0. GOODMAN, Order your ----- Order G $z PAULIN v v• vocynovvvvvvvvvvvvvv pos . - —AND— ' —FROM THE— HOLSTIEN DAIRY. ,LOUNGE REPAIRING The a ndersiood is prepared. to receive orders. for . repairing • lounges and l matresses. Lounges re-covered; mat- ' tames made over, carpets sewed and laid. . Lowest prices -and good workman- ship. ' Orders promptly attended to. I Leave orders at my residence, Centre street,. next to Wm. .lfolwes , or address { box 54, Wingham. WM. WALKER. AN . ITEM OF INTEREST. Farmers, why pay Sal and 6 per cent, interest on your loans when money may be had at 5 per cent. Payments made to suit borrower. Charges low. Agency Ontario Mutual. Life Amur.' mans Company. .At office Friday afternoon mad all day Sattirday. AlBNER OMENS, • Macdonald Block, Wiugbam. PELTON'S PUMPS We build our pumps to last for years and have them in price from $2.50 up. Brass Cylinders and Galvanized Iron Piping. We have -a full stock of the above. gcods. to • 1ly Call and get prices when in need ODS• t f anything in our line. :WH PEI/TON,. Opp. Beattie's Livery,. IT PAYS TO - PI OTOtLARAPI S • M. E. Zurbrigg makes the newest things in the photo line. Just go and see the collection he has in his window. I1'L,ATfN Old A SPECIALTY-. Gratton and Water Color, Enlarg- ing 'and. - Copying receives special attention. A boy wanted to learn photography.. M. E. Zrl U RiGG, Opposite Presbyterian Church. es Shoe Business and am prepared to Offer bar- gains such as have never be- fore been offered in Wingham, and will give you prices from time to time in this paper un- til the whole stock is cleared out, which must be within the next sixty days if possible. Watch for my adv, next week. DISANDER pookfa Cotton lloo • ompoul ld. 1,1 eucoeasfuif use. onthly by aver b,d00Lndies.S• e,e, etuld,Ladiesask your druggist • r •i aced Root Cm-, baud. Take no Other, Miictnroe, pine nod imitations ate danger • . Price, bio. 1, $1per bort; Neo, ar, to degrcoa s trgager, f8 per'box. No. 1 or x, mal id'an receipt of primaisnd two g•atent Inas� pe�. Iie'('oak Compskywindeor cant. ltW"Noe.1 nd 2 sold and reaonunended by *11 'terponeible Druggists tat aansdA. tto. 1 and Re, 2'for rale by t0a11h A. Campbell, ;The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE a OHA.THA.M, ONT. STILL LEADS i The heli century marl' hiss been reach- , ed by the number of our pupils who have secured good positions since Sept. let. ti.ri)ong those who have secured , places recently are : —Sarah Duncan, Steno. Lyon & 1-leasail. Barristers, tOwosso, Mich. ; Alex. Slott, 14olsonil 1 Bann, Trenton,Ont. ; Arther Oldershttw, Merchants Bank, Chatham, Ont.; Vita Clark, Bkpr, Brown's Woollen Mills, Kingsville. Ont; Mary T, Cain, Steno. Pardee & Shaunessy, Barristers, Sarnia, Ont. ; Florence Sibley, Sten. Macey Desit Co., Grand Rapids. .Mich.; Eva Payne, Steno. D. & L. E. ley. Office, Chli'thatny Ont. These with cony -four others have been place eines Sept, 1st. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE NEST. i Writti for cl;italogue of either Short -I hand or Busirtesa department to . MCLACIILAN & CO. t RETURNED ON' TIME. Carefully washed, properly ironed, correctly finished and fairly priced— that's the history of y our linen when brought here. Not a thing in our washing preparations to injure the fibre of the goods and not athing unhealthy about our work rooms. T.'D. LONG ""Leave Orders at Carr's Feed Store. TO THE FRONT SEE 'WHAT THE DIAMOND PORK SHOP Opposite Post Office,' Says: . Fresh Beef and Pork, Lamb Bologna Pickled Pork .headcheese Breakfast Bacon Sausage Smoked liana Pressed Beef Side Pork Tripe Corn Beef Pressed Tongue Spice hull, Lard, U3'owl, always on hand. Our prices are right. Orders called for and meat delivered to any part of the town. Your patronage solicited. Intrall Pig gap . yr 'utak at. Chtlthalln, Ont. 1 A. E. SMITH H IVM.Git WINGF1att General Banking Business trans- acted. . Moneyy advanced to farmersand business men on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed. Moneys remitted 'by draft to all parte of Canada and the Uuitod States. Notes and t;c,aunts collected oo reas- onable terms LOGS! LOGS! Highest cash, prices paid for all kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts delivered in our yard. CUSTOM SAWING, SHINCLE CUTTING. done at lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and get priees be- fore disposing of your timber, 1V2cLEA .SON WEBSTER 8100. ..; have secured the services of three first-class coat makers, and are in a posi- tion tri execute orders in,,. workmanlike manner on r. • the shortest notice. Style and fit goes for a good deal these days— both are combined in the clothes we make. Our goods are all new and the prices are low, Webster & Co Queen's Block.