HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-24, Page 6• 11 THE WINUTIAM TIMES, MARCH. 24, 160. 001,tuq041,111(1111r nary intercourse el' Hie they are if the sheritte who are responsible far stnoothed away tbat in the ordi- come WWI antliority Apparontly, and almost entirety put out of mind, and for the decent ordering of these are indeed only apprehended re things, are lectinable or Unwilling to . Fi tin A. V , t 1 II Si. 101. fleetion, There is a moral which ;let effec,tiaely, it is plainly the duty Lord Aberdeen suggests that we ut the Government to instruct them • OUR OTTAWA LEITER. 'might try at home. %Ye all recognize definitely as to their day and then •the enormous advantage we sricithl see that, they de it. Canada cannot From our own Correspondent. gain if we eould confidently rely afford to haveeach incidents re - Ottawa,. March 1811, upon the continued matintenance of peated in her Midst. The Government has officially eordially friendly relations between - announced. its decision viith reference France and ourselves Why cannot' 'GB E.UMATISWS ORGIES. Ailthe Plehlecite vo:e, tho conclusion the 14‘reneli and English people of the The Relentless, Unrospeetiug Pain aixrived at being, to quote the Pre. world nice as the tow i an Age St - • d Giant is Shorn o rem., by Woes words ; "That. in our jedg- of Caneda do ? Lord Aberdeen the Aid of South American Rheum- • , • lineat the expression of public epin. suggests that what is really wanted aie Gut e -It Nese'. kai s. ion recorded at the polla in favor of is more constant social intercourse Mr. Duncan McIntyre, of Mouut For. prohibition, did not represent such a between the countries Unfortun- est, says: I was sorely affiloted with proportion of the electorate ns wo Id justify, the introduction by the Gov- erntnent of a. prohibitory tneasure." Of course this is naturally distil/. pointing to iii•dent prohibitionists who had hoped against hope that. the Government would introduce a prohibition measure upon the strength id the very slim majority which they secured at the polls. AS had been frequently pointed out, and it was the fact upon which Sir Wilfrid' e 1 id the greatest strees the am er vete favorable to prohibition being only 23 per wilt ;if the available vote cannot reasonably he held to be sufficient to give effective backing to the enforcement of sued a law, if it -was placed on the statute books.. This is essentially a practical ques- tion, and practical men are willing 'to admit that a moral taw, making that an offence which is not in itself criminal must be strcngly endorsed atel • it is a thing which is difficult . rheumatism tor over a ) ear. C was al. Washington, March 13.-Adjut- and a thing which mittens which , suffered agnates of pain. I tried Many giving the number of deathe of AN K of HAMILTON win. not exert themselves to promote. i ROO Clu IV. I derived great benefit from and the ceases thereof, frOill May W I N G H A M . resultsildseeIto.ctrinued osine it, and my English in Canada are no doubt due to uaffreernetrs from lest, 1898. to Feb, 28, 1899. It the closeness of social intercouree rheumatism Lytotousealtlhi: which has existed side by side with I feel satisfied it is the greansIteti of wounds, . 125 I died of disease, .. .. .. . .. Rest, 0775,000 utlOWS : Killed in action, 829 : died Capital, ii1,250,000. differences of language and. custom ; rheumatic cures." Sold 03, A. L. Harail- total, 5,731. eminent-4mm nTITART. but that social intercourse so far I.". Vice-Preaident—A. G. Rassar. Dirtzomolas Jost; Pnooroa, Ono, ROAM, WM GIBSON, 14 F. A. T. WOOD, A. B. LBO (Toronto). 5 most totally disabled end at tunes 1 rill guarantee that my Kidney Vine *Will cure 00 per cent. Of 1111 forms of kidney complaint nun in. Many instances the Most serious fOrms of 13r1911tit3 disease, . If the disease Is e0111- pltented send a four. ounce stat of urine. We will analyze tt and advise you free what to do AIUNTON. ..1t7.11gTfigd1:1: go.. aia1:31.,1`1`,'..18.e.4.'' 6 . k il I • l• I • i li' •il 4 + ,t1 1111.1. 4.1 1 ..':X '!•,:; ; a1/2, ,:;')I• .'Jr.,,, .,..,....:,,.,....,.., •: SABOATE. SERVICES. (IL t otti h t 11 Olit ; THODIST-Rev. Dr. Plume, pas 111 I .1 IL e,5 or. Services at 11 m anti 7 p w. PRASBYTERIAN-Rev. D. Perris pa Aar. Servicee rat 11 a m and 7 pW. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul'a-Rev. Wtn. Lowe, rector. Servicee af 11 a in and P m. • BA.PT1ST -Rev, W. Freed, pastor. Services at 11 a m and p CONGREGATIONAL.-- Rev. 3. W. Guilin, pastor. Servioee at 11 m aud 7 p rn CHRISTIAN WORKERS - Misses Outrun) and Look in ownimind. Services et 3 p ni and 8 p SALV‘...TION 314Y.-01ipt. dcLeod and wife in command. Services at 11 a. in, 3 p m and 8 p m, In each of the above named churches Sabbath Sohoolls held at 2.30 p languages, traditions and eustoins I began using South A.cuerican Mauro. have grown up apart with different Kimono; find. doutors without avail until ant•Genera 1 Corbin has issued a State. B went • • soldiers. enlisted for the Spanish war Title good relations of the French and one bottle and wee so pleased with the from being difficult has been almost enforced by circumstances. We can easily see from Canada how much we might gain by being on terms of closer intimacy with France and we can also see that such a condition of this thing is both, possi- ble and desirable is to get well on the road towards attaining it and the rest perhaps may be safely left to time." RAILWAY COMPETITION IN TRE 'WEST. by the general sentiment of the Improved railway transportation community if it is not to he worse facilities and the checking railway than a dead letter, monopoly are kindred matters of It is admittedly absurd to compare vast importance to our gr'eat West. such a vote as that given last Sep. The big mischief in connection with *ember with a vote cast in an ordie the second of these was unfortunate- ary political emtest, and no force lv done so effectually by the' late attaches, in the minds of thinking, Government tnat it will be many sien, to the condition that a majority, years before the country will shake no matter bow small, should carry Pa the shackles which Sir John Mac - the same weight as a similar major- donald and his niinisters allowed the fty secured by a candidate, for say, C. P. R. to bind around him in parliamentary honors. spite of the emphatie peotests and The Montreal Witness, whose prophetic warnings ot the then position upon this question will be Liberal Opposition. It is true that accepted as sound. by the most ad the present Federal Government and vanced reformer, declares :-" What the Local Government in Manitoba is now possible to the good citizens has doe much to counteract and who have been brought to think modify this monopols , and many themselves within distaeceof prohi- attempts ‘IIIRtie itt the -last llbhee bition, only to haye that hope in- years to strengthen the Wilda:have definitely postponed, is to let their signally failed. Several local cam - representatives know how they feel paigns have !.een prosecuted in the about it in sufficiently strong terms • to strengthen the hands of those .-atnotig them who are anxious, like themselves, to carry this reform, but who are at present complaining of the insufficiency of their morl back- ings." The practical trouble with prohibitionists bas always been that they are strong on the hustlings but weak in the ballot box, and the practical politicians appreciating the very obvious faet that a live dog with & vote is better than a dead lion with none will not commit Presbytery of Huron. • The Presbytery met in Clinton on the 1.4thi inst. Elder's cenimissions, were galled for, and the roll for the year was made up. Mr. J. S. Hen- derson, on behalf of the deputatiun appointed to visit Grand Bend and Corbett, reported that the aforemea- tioned congregations resolved to in crease the contributions fur the minister's stipend by the sum of $50, thus reducing the grant received from the augmentation fund by that amount. The Presbytery 'expressed satisfaction tit the liberality of these congregations in this matter. It was agreed to make application to the A hi 's me t don committee A CARD, We, tho Undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on twenty-five cent ',toile of Dr. Wills' English Pills, it, one.. i.sing three fourths of contents' ,,f i!e, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. We also warrant that, four bottles will permanently cure the niost obstinate eases of Constipation. Saii.:fbet ion or ne pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. 4. A. Morrow, Cb id and Druggist,. Wingham. Ont. Colin A. Campbell. nhemist and Drug- gist, Wiogham. Ont, A. L ELatnilton. Cnemist and Drug- Notes Discounted gist, Winghillo, Casiller—J. TURNBULL, Savings Eanlx 10 to a; Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of $1. and -upwards received and interest allowed, Special Inopositts also received at currant rates of it .4rest. Drafts oo Great Britain and the United Sates bought and sold W. CORBOULD, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. Money to Loan on Notes, .•••r••• . . AT REASONABLE - RATES A check for $24 6) which the Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 pec co twit!) • thename of 1trr. George Sleeinan, of privilege of paying at tho end of any year. Dliote continuesupplementsn t ceived, . excepting that of Grand Guelph. wits forged, was cashed. at • Bend and Corbett, which is to be re.' the Mereha n t's Bank, Stre t ford , on limier. atannoo. thiced• - ..• • March 0: The guilty party has not :Seaver Block Winerham, Ont ' • 37 • Reports• „ . Endeavor, and church life and werk, yet been located, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. -. . were submitted and adapted. A. re- ga`. 0 rf iror port from Mr. Carriere was read, DEPART ARRIVE Toronto and East 6 49 a. m. 3 05 p, h • h thework th French portion of his charge is pro gressing satisfactorily. Application to continue the grant received from the French Evangelization Committee is to be made. Revds. Messsrs. Me Williards, of Hamilton, and Rumball present, werer deliberate. The the Presbytery in the Lord's Day of Morden, being vited to sit and former addressed the interests of Prairie 1 rovince against various Alliance, showing the necessity of prejects to extend the ramifications branches of the Alliance being form - of the C. P R., by handing over to ed in oar towns and villages.. The ------ them charters and • construction Presbytery expressed sympathy with rights fur proposed new roads, one the object in view, and recommend. of the more recent being in connee- ed that such branches of the Alliance tion with the Rainy River, and be formed. The resignation of Mr. Manitoba and. Southeastern' Rail- Muir was accepted with regret, ways. and Mr. J. A Hamilton was appoint - A SA TISFACTORY ASSURANCE. ed to declared the pulpit vacant on Uncontrolled by the big road these Sabbath first, and Mr. Shaw to be niod- would form a genuine system of erator of session. The following were competition fer the trade from Win- appointed commissioners to the As political suicide by unduly et.,mmit: nipeg to Lake Superior and the im- sembly: - Messrs. Carriere, Martin, ting himself to the asststance of those portanee of keeping that competitive Dr. McDonald, Musgrove, and Robert who will not sufficiently help them- feature inviolate is apparent to all. It Henderson, ministers, and Fothering• selves, and who will blame himis therefore satisfactory to learn from ham,McDonalci,Ifillen, Walkingshaw, Mr. Win. MacKenzie, of Toronto,one and Lowery, elders. Dr. McDonald -CANADAs OBJECT LESSON TO EUROPE. of the chief promoters, that these tendered the resignation of his charge, The London (Eng) Advertiser has roadaintend to rebain their inde- owing to 'impaired health, with a this to say editorially with reference. pendence. Mr. MacKenzie said :- view of retiring from the active to Lord Aberdeen's remarks upon "The Ontario & Rainy River Rail duties of the ministry. An adjourn - the race question in Canada :-"The way Company is perfectly independ- ed meeting of the Presbytery is to problem there has long been the ent of any other company, and there be held in Seaforth on the 28th inst., problem of making French and is no intention to sacrifice its inde- 1 to which the congregation of Seaforth English live together. It has been, pendence. No particular arrange- is to be cited to appear for their in- bovvever, as Lord Aberdeen said, the ments have been made to eonnect terests. diminishing problem, which in" effect with any system at the western means that it has been solved. A terminus. The scheme is simply to "ONE or ;PAOITSANDS." hundred years ago it may have build a line to develops; a district , Miss Lily Cox, 2 Gladstone Ave., Tor - seemed a hopeless matter ; but now that may be termed the new Ontario. c , onto, contracted acute catarrh through after a century's exercise of tact and We are now trying to get our legis -i taking a se ere cold some two years ago, good. feeling on both sides be diffi 'talon into shape. WA are nowl Her suffg nter was zriiri dti)streming 3 -1t1PITaLlt5411!ir— BYER): PRIDAY INIORNIN(.1 TUE— TIMES3 °MOE, JOinPHINP, STRET WINOILIM, ONTARIO. Subscription prIce.Cii per yotte,,ia advanee a)veirrealie RATES ,.., .%.,,....,.,:; e. ,,,,fr u Li -4 Di Palmerston mixed 8 55 a in 8 05 p m ),) *14„, 3 80p m 10 29 p m Men ale seldom as good as they Londonand South 6 53 a m 11 10 a in , 3 go p m 8 00 p in pretend to be or so bad as the are Kincardine 11 105 m 6 495 m 8. 30 p m 3 80 p m 10 29 p m 8 30 a in said to be. ' • The best rnedicite mnney can buy for impure blood, nervousness. find all stom- aciti 'and kidney -troubles is liciod's• Sar- saparilla. W. Badliman goes' to Winni- peg, to engage in life Insurance business.• times. e i se r r m s, b eulties of the situation have been so locating the line and doing a little, none gave her any great relief. Dr. Ag. construction and eapeet that the first i new's Catarrhal Powder was recommend- ' hundred miles will be completed by ! ad tn. her -one application gave instant MU R. R,4,Y the middle ot next summer. About she Save she was entirely cured. Sold renec arid when she had used four bottles tvrenty miles are already graded. by A. L. Hamilton. - • The work of construction will be exceedingly expensive, as there is al The people of Listowel are agitat- • great deal of water to get twee and ing for the establishment of a York Ai .\" heavy bridging and rock work faetory. a:' ;,-,...4 have to he done in of oising,'ItaillY 1 Hope for the Dyspeptic. -- Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are the Dyspeptic's haven of rest and euro They Contain no injurious drug or bar - The storm ni •, incrgnant protest eotic, won't hurt the most delicate and which has been at in the press sensitive stomach. aid digestion, stop .,I throughout Lite country, by the loofermentation foe! ttheenfeorovdes , goodgof t a good forotthee story of the disgraceful scenes en- brain, goodmaire tied: increase, cure the aeted by thet.nioh outside the gal- stomaoh. 35 cents. Sold by A. L. lows yard of Ste. ScholastiqUe, is a Hamilton- ., heavy sign, indicative that great The Presbytery of Stratford has heart of the peopleis all right. The sustained a call to Listowel of Rev. moral condition whieh makes such a t. W. Somers, of Westminister. demonstration of mob brutality° possible is the same condition wetly No Need to &tiller •rehich leads to the lynehings itt the The agony of Rheumatism, loll:tic?, South, at which 1‘1% are prone to rittigg. gil.Nerrorarma. 1 effec ul n lryn g raise hands and eyes in holy horror. mire after other remediee fail. Price The eorreetive for the disease tanst 50c., all dealers. FLORIDA WATER THE OF THE NM. tee '" ". SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT se!';MOST REFRESHING AND RNibultiNo OP ALL PERFUMES FOR THE • HANDKEROHIEFy TOILET OR BATly ...GENERAL...DEALERS.. Do. A. W. CHASE SENDING FREE ADV/ON ' TO TUE BICE. REV. J. N. VANATTER, OF ALBION, WIS,, WRITES A LETTER ON DR, CHASE'S OINTMENT. Sufferers are at Lib rty to Correspond with the Above Address and will Obtain Full Particulars Re- gard:ng the Great Cure. ilEltE TS WHAT Ht SAY3 : Gentlemen, -My wife was most terri- bly afflicted with protruding piles, and contemplated a surgical operation. A friend of ours recommended the u40 c,f Dr. Chase's Ointment, and less than one boX .eifected a complete cure. We were so pleased with the ointment that 1 tried It myself, as have been troilbled wit', an unsightly skin Arnie - Mu which cOVercd the lower' part of my face. For 25 years T. suffered untold agony, and was treated by the best medical Skill In the United States. 1 consider Dr. lhase's Offittnent worth, Its weight in gold for piles aria skin dieettse. Chase's large -size recipe book, eloth bound, sent to any address on receI1ot of 50 cents, by addreesing, Dr, Mar, 'a CoiliPanY, Tororito or Buffalo, ".011;$(1loattc,n Stiayel0.011'..$)(410m0o; :X); 11 Line: Mail " I 40 00 ' 12 00 4 00, Quart cr I 20 00 10 00 7 PO 2 00, fche pleb ; 30 00 2 00 1 00 . Lettal and ether casual c cc tisemerct, 84. per Brit fel Ws; icceertIen,and 30 per line foreachsubbrquout brcart1,01. )16.0inted by nonpareil seale. " 'An' notices 10e, per lino for first insertion, 6. per lino for each anbrequent insertir Advertisements of Lost, Found,Strayed,Situctiona and Cosiness Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 line nonpareil, 31 for first month, and 60a. for etch. subsequent month. 110uses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line. 31 for filet month, 60o, per subsequent month Larger adverthennents peoportion. These terms will be strictly'adhcred to Special rates for larger advertisements, or or 101A41110i:ePrt,Tileccudients and local notices without specific direonone will he inserted till forbid and charged, pncocidordhilianfilla.noTnrausitory advertisementa must be Chang, for contract advertisements must be tn the office by Wednesday noon, tn order to appear that week II. B. ELLIOTT, PROPROCTOlt AND PuBLERER SOCIETY MEETINGS. 6 . Camp Caledonia, 110. Or, meet O. U, 0.—the first and third :flondny in Avery month, in ybe odd Fellows Mali, Wilting brethren %%demo • J. Murray, Chief. 11 13 Elliott, lice,•See tivitt ,ia,,,sitogrALIIING 4 ty Ail ABSOLUTE NOVELTY 1I IT eSINGS IT TALKS IT ,P L AYS PRIGE. CAN SE. HEARD dOrf A CMILAD C.AN ,' BOXED,W1111 0 ATE.' . Xi'. OM R,EGORD , ,,,k , $250 i -ot EXTRA RECORDS AGENTS WANTED ; 1• j 1.4 avmpinf TOWN AND vii-Likoz, ADDRESS CARTALKING MACIIINE. CO LONDoN. . ONT. WINGHAIN1 HOSPITAL. For the. treatment of DISEASES, OF WOMEN and, SCROD:1AL CARS of all kinds, For particulars. address DR. J. 1,, KENNEDY, Medical Superintendent, Wingbam, Onti. R. TANSTONE, BARRISTER, SuLICITOR, Eto., Private and.Company funds to loan at ;caveat rate. Interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town. and farm proper0 bought and sold OFFICE-13eavor Bloclt Waco -fan. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, .So., Winghan., Ont. E. tf• DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC.. SOLICITOR TO DANK OF EAmiLTON. aroNET LOAN. Office—Meyer Bloc*, Wingham M. G. CAUEROls, T4 BARRISTER, SOMOITOR, CONVEYANCER, Office—Corner Ramflton and St. Andrew streets oppositeppthurng Rote', . • . OODERI011, ONTARIO, ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D D S, 1.11 S, Dector, of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvanien Pc.fi lei College and Licenticte trt the lie) al Colleges of Wm4 Surgeons of Ontario. Oltice over Post: °Wet, 7' ngiuun, Et,: .11:.111110E, L. D. S0.. mook, Wingham, Liacial Cisicgi4jjj to the Preset. cqczwii of natural. teeth. Crowns and bridac4 eek Iced gold IIIImes a specialty. The befiti lees) s, th. 14 104 psidltss, extraction 01 teeth free, aftc.c.,. cd, (zit pt leer, WINGIIAM STEAM PUMP WORKS Having purchased the entire business from Air. Daniel Showers, 1 am now prepared to supply the public with .• THENE.W WAY ALLTM- UNIN4ILL mr.v, WOod and'. Iron Force and Lift rumps, Itrass and Iron. Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water Troughs, Sinks, liaths,Pipe kitting, Well Digging and:everything in dor:- no:twit with water supplies. (RnIvan i zed Steel Windrniils for power acrd pumping water. • Deepwall pumps a ,Speoiality. Repairing promptly,attencled to. Partice writing fo'^ ieformation or ordering by rontl eho,41c1 Many% state depth ef well. All w rk guaranteed r no toile. C. 2.VIORNINGSTAIR, 441- • looda• GENERAL INSURANCE aoksr ONTARIO: DEAINS, JaL, Wixottanc, • LICENSED AUCTIONEER NON ;AL COUNT 0 Sales attended in any part of the (k,. Charge lioderete. JOlitt CURRIE, WikionAlt, 'LICENSED AtTOVONEER. Sales of Ferns Stock and Fenn 11m41e04ente specialty. All orders left at the Tants Otticeisronintly attend ed to. Term, reasonable. JOB PRINT1i1C,. IMOLA./ OINa Books; Pamphlets, Poqters, 33 11444,44. Oilculars, dtc., 4c., executed m the beet style 04 the art, at moderate prices, and on shod notice Apple or addresk 11. 11. ELLIOTT, T MJ45 Once, to Ingham HOOKBIRING. We are pcsakicri to 41111061160 that al,c Hooks or Milea581e4 left with us for Binding, will have our pronentuttention. Prlcee tor Bildincrin any style .win be given 6» anblIcutiOn o the Tniliec Chloe WEMAKE,: 'Sewer and' Culvert Pipes Alt SIZAN fresh 4 Iii. to 24 in Also cenneezesia. WRITE FOR PRIOtr'• THE ONTARIO SEWER PIPE CO, "so 1-2 ADSLAIDE ST. T3' 1410 Wingbatii, Ont. VAOTOIllt air Immo. TOltbleTO, .1;