HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-24, Page 1i
VOL. XX,VII.---NO. 1405.
G ds
[► �t�i+w4% o'er . 1
�1 If youhnve a cough
tryHiAla,�ii ,TON'S
the best remedy for
tCoughs, Colds, I3ron-
. chitis, etc.
When you tire recovering from a
cold,and need a tonic, nee IRON
TONIC PILLS, Far sale at
We, are receiving our new
:.sl ck_ ri
of spring-, oods and will °'�' '4°` �4 ""^
o n �g - ---
offer bargains in, - LOCAL NEWS.
Our Tailoring Department
leads:, Try us for your Spring
'1 Suitts. .:
Full particulars next week.
29 Df pqR TWN?S
have recen ly taken good situations and
four positions remain unfilled. .
See Halsey Park's advertisemeht.
• Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the
Queen's .hotel, Wingham; on the first
Wednesday of each month from 11;30 a.m,
till 3 o'clock p. m., for consultation in
' diseases of the,eye, ear, nose and. throat.
' Honseues i—The TIMES is prepared to
print all kinds of horse route cards at
lowest possible primes. Wn have a oleo
tot of cute to, stele% from. Favor us with
your order,
Poor ELeix's As ssoii—Port J[i'igin coun-
oil is paying two. en each 01.25 a day to
accompany thea essor and assist him in
valuing the real e ate of that town. . The
assessor's judgtne t cactnot be any too good.
when it takes tw men to watch that he
does his work rig t.
Srileo Teel, The Central T3tisiness
College, Stratfor Ont, announces that
the sprang term that. institution "ta`'t3i
begin. on April 4t . Mr W J Elliott, tate-
prinoi•p'aiof'•the liege, will be. pleased to
send full ibfortn on to any sone desirous
of obtaining a usinees eduoat• • n or a
course in,shortha d and type• • fling..
Aomori SALE—The house old furniture
of B. Willson, X;sq, 'lI b sold by public
auction, at his 'testae ce osephine.street;
on Thursday; April commencing as 1
O'o1ook. The furnit. cis all good, includes
two square pianos. A quantity_ of fartn
implements will also be sold at the same
time and place, ' P, Dears, Auctioneer.
(Mims ren Fvaril exti —Mr CD2 Walker,
the well-known furviitnre traveller, of the
firm of Walker &' C -egg, is making things
humin the furnitu• Cline up through the
West. The local fn:aeries are 'already in
receipt of large ormera from 'him ; and he
has :otity been aw- y a few weeks. Mr
Walker seems. to •h id the furniture trade
of the vast wester oountr
Moors°. To Lis 'wE r JCI
ed a boot and shoe
for the past year, re -
Amity this week, to
e will take %barge of
De busines recent4.
broths $ Mr E arges
citizen, during the
been in town, and his
riende will wish him
s new business. Ile 1
ueiness here for a
anagemeht of Mr D
BUSINESS FIRMS throughout the who has eondu
business in town
' moved with his
Listowel, where
the boot and s
purchased from hi
has n.ade a got
sbort'ttwe he has
many Wingham
every sneaese in b
will continue the
time, under the
Sanderson. off Lisowel, and he .promisee
our readers.some wonderful bargains in
the boot and elites line. Watch hie ad -
country employ our graduates. In fair.
bompetitiolf.,our graduates are nearly
always bs That's one reason why
young men'ad women should come to,
the . .
8T T.t• O .. Il
lilt. N • . - ONT.
..J. E
= ' Sit. ELLIOTT. T.. F rinoiOal.
Circulkrb Free. . •
Marriage xdoen>ree ' keeled by PRATig PATLRSON. Wog , Vie-
tolia Rtreet,Wingham, Ont. No witneeses.
• vertisment inevery is Ue. •
atone Oat?:Alnee �t a meeting held in AP READ 1 N O � the ueen's :ratite
alt llfottav evening
last,Qt he Winghan, laorosee club was re•
organized for the otninatbeason with •the
faliowing.of'ficers -Hon Fres, J B Baratta;
Vice Pres, A J bastion ; Capt, fi Wight -
man ; Sea -Tree W Hall ; Manager, S r
Emit ; Commit ee, W Clark, E Moore and
W 2'arquharso The Wingham football
club has also r -organized ; the officers :—
Hon Prete, It., Clegg ; Hon Vice -Pres, Jae
Cline ; Pres, la -fa Bell ; Vioe Pres, W Ma
Our Clubbing list. ` .
In order to sate our subscribers the trouble et
making two or more remittances we have made
special arranitenionte with the publishers by Which
we aro enattied to offer the foiidwtn]r pnhltrations in-
nconnection with the wl,t011Attt WARS at special
low rates tront now until Dec, gist„ isss0,
Times and weekly Globe, . 31 25;
Times and Western Advertiser,190
1Times and >H`amt y HeraldIIer i a d and %Voekly 'Star
and Picture 1 7l
Times and Ferment' Advocate, • 100
Ttmce and Vanning, no kit
1 7
fimneirand Ilontreet weekly Witness, a i ti0
Times and Farmers' gun. 1 80
rimes and Daily Globe 4 xis
World - .
Times and Country Gentieman, 270
Times and weekly Mall and L:tvpb'e 125
Times and Dally Montreal Noraid, 200
Special clubbing rates with alt nett papers and
quoted on
,Address alt orders to or call at the
Donogh ; Sec; Geo ills ; Manager and
areas,lr•Irvlgn ith baseball, lacrdrti;se
football dobss organized,g
and b Wingham
shouldgive a ood aecotint of
season, We deratand that 0, movement
its on foot for tie organization of a league
forthe ifferen games, o d Llato •tri base-
e -
g a as
ba l duh bus or nized�th
1 for a aeon and
are trying to err nee a league of clubs
from, I,ucknaw, tiVingtiatn,
Palmerston, I•Is °r1stee, Drayton and
Listowel. We have not heard what the'.
Wingbain boys think of the proposed
Wavalw—Batter anti p;Ilfgheat
Pricer, trash or Trod dmittedly the
best Produce Mart in ac+a.
Brrta, blarolz.- Ar atagarnents have been
made far a ritle nosh between the Wing -
ham An8'Teeswater Rine Clubs, on the
afternoon of Good A•tWay. The shooting
will take place here_ and the conditions
will be the name as 10 former matches,
Tile Poor Orrice.—The following rule as
suggested by an semi anus would fit at the
tiVingbam post office to perfection. ' There
are people in town w -o think a rule sbonld
be madeand enforce that not more than
three members of the ams family be per-
mitted to visit the po t Oleo at the carne
time witoti the aftorn• on mail is being dis-
tributed." •
Bay Watixen --A g d smart boy wanted
to learn the upholst ing business. Apply
at factory. Watilea ? Crs•.00.
ALTtutl\r] Tx1:Iit nEaiIsl:a. — Messrs
Homuth & Bowles. h ve been busy this
week making change in the lay -out of
their store. They lave moved all the
gents' furnishings go s, including tweeds,.
worsteds, etc, to the rear of the store.
where the millinery as formerly stored.
The change makes great itnprovement
in the appearance of
be store.
WAETEr,—A. goo 4 general servant,
References required, Highest wages paid.
Apply to Are Idiagt n, Elizabeth etreet,
Stratford, 2t
OVER 800% Ixoar.AS —The deaths from
all causes in Ontario in January, 1898,
were 238. The me-tthIy report of the
Provincial Board of I earth is just to hand,.
showing the number if deaths for Janu-
ary of this year to .gave been 2154, an
increase of over 800% The winter of 1899
will pass into hitter; as one remarkable
for the great fataliti's, particularly from
inflama'tionof lungs which in so many
cases followed la grit e. •
Fon aegis.—That very desirable proper-
ty situated an rho corner of Franpis and
'. imernexe 18
Campbell, the lima
Telephone Co, hat
eubsoribers in tow•
telephone director
telephone subscri
steadily on the
aax,-- Mr Oolin A
manager of the Bell
resented each of the
with a copy of the
for 1838. The fiat of
ere in Wtngbam is
TAM Ar itrar, he remains of Mr Wm
Sadler, who wive k lied at Niagara Falls on
Wedneeday, mere : nought to Wingham on
Friday last, and tl in funeral took place
from bis mother'etresider.ce, Josephine kit,
on Saturday afterjp000last to the Wing -
ham cemetery. (rho funeral was largely
attended by the m ny old friends of the
BASTER 1talnwAx 1 ATss.—The Easter rail-
way rates are as fo owe: Single fare, good
going March 3001 o April 3rd inclusive,
and returning Apr t 40. Teachers and
students are allow, a fare and a third
rate, good going frot : Maroh 17th to.April
let and returning,no later than April 10th.
No fate and a third tickets will be issued
to ordinary pa'ssenge-•s,
WANT MORE WAGE --A petition is being
circulated among the section men on the
Grand Trunk, askint for an increase in
wages. It will be tresented to general
Superintendent Meta ligan at a later date,
and the men feel tint • the request will. be
granted. Section Mien on the G T R at
present only get 01 a ay, while on the 0
PBthe men get $1.
cRu t;k3. Z9:UTEii,
In view of the reoe t meeting held in.
the Presbyterian Blit rah on Wednesday
the Lord's Day
Dino, pastor of the
, will take as his
nig next "The Peer
vice at 7 o"aipck,p iii,
red in having the
eeting held therein
h during the week,
last, connected wit
Alliance, Rev Jho W
Congregational cburo
subject on Sunday ev
Man's Holiday." S
• Bluevale felt hon
Wingbam District
the Methodist ebur
Patrick streets. •. P'or particulars apply at and also that the p stor was the choice
the residence or at the salt office. of the district, to be their chairman, in
F G Seannos. plane of Rev A Cunt Ingham, lately de•
soy:CAchest [ot We. otaaogty• our „wised, There. we .,abAtit,sur iity::fVe
eschatige0 that a new Lake is being worked delegatesP
on the unwary. Reo,ntly a large number:! A large number , ttended the mass
of circulars were wait -d from New York meeting in the Pres., terian chum, on
from a "bicycle firm" offering the public a 1 Wednesday evening, to hear Rev John
Moat liberal offer to i:trodnce a particular;Young, of Hamilton, =peak in the inter -
make of wheel. In return for this favor ! sects of the Lord's P ay Alliance. A .
the company intended giving away 'local branch of the A Bance was formed
absolutely free, 500 w ,eels. All that they with the following o ' oers :—President,
asked was that the su n of $3.85 be sent for j Dr Towler ; trtce Pr sidents, the local
packing, eto. Whew the wheel arrived it ministers ; Secretor D M Gordon ;
Many present
n of joining the
was found to be a mi] fixture wheel suitableTreasurer, P .Fiche
for swatch charm. ' The moral of this is, I signified their intents
buy your wheels• tine all other kind of ; Alliance.
goods at home, where you . can see what i As will be seen by
yon are getting, and vjhere you know the Heron Presbytery, in
man yet, are buying Tont. I most important basin
'fire NOXON Tan'aEi 'Ears. -_- We would the consideration of th
draw. attention to the tdvertisemeut of the Dr McDonald, for over
Noun 'Mfg. co;. of Ingersoll, which will be. of the seaforth.Presby
found on the fifth pag , of this 'issue. The 1 reverend doctor is one
well known reputatioitof this firm needs 1 men in tits church, an
no redOmmendation. The implements and presbytery feel ver
which the firm are no. , specially advertis• valuable a man. W
e proceedings of
nother column, the
s transacted was
resignation of Rev
wenty years pastor
erian church. The
f the most popular
the congregation
sore to lose so
understand he in-
ing are "The Buff ,lo All•Steei Disc tends making his home iu Detroit and live
Harrow," "The No A3 Cultivator,". and the balance of bis days etired.
""'The.Noxon Hoosier frill," all of which
ere theverybest:made They also menu- T g Ross has received a ful
facture,binderss reap -`-s, mowers, rakes', load of buggies and carriages 'Oh
cultivators and. pulper , as good as the' styles, and up-to.date iu
best Mr 7 CamP b 1 is the agent in, material and finial]. Se
warehouse, opposite5"oartte hotel. Mr all descriptions. For Pianos, •Organs'
Crim boll keeps a foil stock of all kinds of" Sewing Maobinee Ca ria sat Bu fes,
}? P S g , g gg
farming machinery ; also all kinds of : Farm Implements, etc., from the beat
repairs. I makers, call at T H Ross' Emporium,
k Town neon.• -Th following from the !opposite Presbyterian cbnroh, Wingham. 2t
D itCbell Advocate, iib the case of 'tying- meta A,dsnnrryM"1 otualxatrabotrarairotbalmbamatotriivoM
ham very well, and 'te cannot see any
reason why Wiiigham should not have one _
of the best bands in pay town of its size,or.
even larger towns :- "Mitchell has the
material for a good town band, and, with
that pi:olte'r nneq>rtrtager.•ent, we know that
one could be organi ]d. with but little
trouble. Music not oily charms the soul. ,
but• it adds new life to a progressive
town. Few places the importance of
Mitebell'are without' braes band, andfwe
have often wonderer why one has :not .
been sustained here. Time and agai}i the'
experiment has been tried, but for iotne •
unaccountable reason a company no sboner;
or. ant.hip,
em befote
'tYingham, and cap nor be found at ,his purchasing elsewhere W • ehouse Crain-
Med full of vehicles farm implements
got into good wort ing order before it
disbanded. One fault, we think,Irested •
with thecottneil, Th
forns the
the recur
y g
would agree to play or
market square, and
May and July 1st,wet
g le
annual rant 4 _f at
money would be well i
some one Will take
e 1 the
gee that a band is orgat
the *limiter menthe ou
something to cheer the!
new lifla to our town."
y expected too' much 1:
ve A ballet that 1
e a week pn the l
] on the 24th of
d be eatitlect. to an
et 0200, did the
p. �P 4
ant e hope
in and,and I }
'zed so th during •
people le w _have •
at well ell r dd`n
4 t
v f
uses OIPA,
We want every
h1oose leo or to
that p
l=oci oi't foe
Vt$x1' ,
lathe best place in town to buy them, A
trial order wilt prove ttte truth of •tine
VN it AL1,
1 1A TE
ont. g OC tto
statement t
oust GOODS.
J. E. DAVIS Elrnt• B.1
eilvMilt yy,,,,,,e,�►.,,p,yyw,��.lyyw,,, 947w,
r..iY.Lli � ��"�. �.. t.:.=_ � ��re�:. _��tlk/moi e..a �. .•-. '.: Y, _`n+�'.^�.�.",s
(JIM ti 088' T ' Q W2T 2 WE'J.'.
On Tuesday eve mg about twenty.
five enterprising y' ng men, represent.
ing the different business places of
Wingham, oongreg tad in, the firemen's
hall to discuss the ub$ect of early Dios. I
Ing, The uteetine was unanimous in
electing J. J. Mont tb as .o"airman, and ; ,
G. E. Hanna as sec etary.
Mr, .1=lowuth ma' : a few remarks with
regard to the objeo, of the ineetiutr, and
then expressed his i eas in favor of early
closing, .namely, t close • all .pierces of
business at li o'oio k every night each
week except Wedne day and Saturday
evenings, thus givinthe farmers time
to get their tradin done after their
day's worts. Ile als. ' thought it advis-
able to have each •'inister preach a
sermon embodyicg rly .closing. Mr.
floinuth, on resurnin his seat had hard
worlf to keep the ape kers off the floor,
but during the hot disouseioa every
person had his say. .everal grown up
boys were there gi fog some varied
ideas; Wm. Bele, . Sullivan, Wm.
Home th and A.M.Rob neon gave lengthy
• After en hour's deb : ting it w'as moved
by ,T• Sullivan, s:eouded by Wm.
Hotuntb, that a co wtttels of *ems,
Heele, walksmith a d Robinson be in-
structed to investigto the law bearing
on early closing an : any. other necessary
business and repor'• at next meeting.--
Carcietil -
• Moved by 0. E. Hanna, seconded by
Wm. Iiomnth, that the next meeting be
held op. Friday evo ling at 8.30 sharp in
the firemen's hall. --Carried,
,Campbell'e Headache S5lafers gcaran
teed to pure headache.
•--:nothor .'smarm' winter.
--Friday next 01 be Good Friday.
—The bad weeds .r made business rather
quiet this week. •
Hs.ve,those aid
think of spring.
—The txaIEs :ora
job printing of ever}
--Wingham inerol
adopt the early olosin
—Mr T H 'Rosa
implement la ent deli't
p v�
To tone up your system and over -
tome the bad effects of the severe
winter weather we recommend ow
Beef, Iron and Wine, Its merits
have been proven time after time in
scores of cases, and we guarantee
satisfactory results from its use.
—Wingham infill era will hold their
annual spring ope ing on Tuesday of,
next week. .
—"Empire Day" ill be celebrated in.
the public schools o Ontario on May 23rd
for the first time,
—The celebrated ay. Morgan Wood is
likely to visit Wing m in the near future
to deliver a lecture.
—Deans' Ten Nigh sin a Bar Room Co
gave an entertainme in the town, hall ori;
Wednesday evamng.
Dr. Macdonald i now permanently.
at home; and can he consulted by
¢tks:elet neo' off -;acid plan'
—Waterloo defeate Seaforth at hockey
is the spot for fine f at the Iatter place o;, Tuesday evening
description.. by a score of 6 to 4.
sots will, no doubt, —Mr Geo White, blacksmith, 'will be
system this season. found at Ur Jobb's eand, Diagonal Stoo
ill have his spring; and after 1?Ionday ue,:t:
e first week in April.
' provincial provincial c
—We understand £hat the Bey J W TM is in session a
Goffin hits . purchased Mr Robb Simpson's Mr C3eo nankin is t
property on Patrick t. [Deal Tent.
—The Oarlyle Dra alio Co left town on. —According to t
Monday tnorning for ' xeter, They did Brussels da not t
not make their forint a in thin town.time table the G
-=All the business, snot Wingham are proposing,
requested to attend he clerks'' meeting in:
the firemen's hall tbi (Friday) evening,
For first-class tailoring and cheap gents'
furnishings try Webster ce CO. Remember
the place, in Queen's block.
—The Provincial ldlaard of Health gives
- the total number of dhathe in. Ontario for
January at 2,154 and 'or February 2,558.
—Messrs Bazelwot d Bross of Clifford,
reoently bad seven sl -igh loads of salt de-
livered to them fron the Wingham salt can furnish good wt.
bloc --k.
The Wingham arming { storm this winter
a o received worst of twhe whole '� n g �
,two car loads of hid
week. They also sli
—A large uutuber
of green wood were
week, notwithstan
ly smashe—Thebad pt Oageranc
The oar jumped tb
a box oar, atad in ti
thirty feet of rail.
Fresh oystera arriving daily at; MoXel- number of them in t
Viola Star restaurant, We aerie them iu SALE R C•1•ISTI'R.
any style.—JAL II4IiELvmE. tf
Mr James Dalt tn, of town, snail clerk • Monday, March 7th. -- Uureseded
on the L 13 &B haat teen here and London, auction sato of th farm stook and
has been transferre I to the Niagara, Valle implements of Jame Young, on fixe north
hal# 4f lot Sri, conoes ion 121 East Wawa:
and London run, We congratulate Mr nosh, at fl'olouk. J n etude, auctioneer..
Dairen an his prom ttion, Wednesday, Mart 29. -•- Unreserved
—Mr Halter Beltau returned home on auction sale of the mplete livery outfit
Monday evening frail Manitoba. He was of Geo Shaw, on tit promises, Josephine
onlyawaytwa wee and disposed of his etreet, Wingham,
a 1 o'tltaak, 'I'be
car load of horses. . lie is now lookingbusiness is offered f sale in 1>ulk up to
around for another r fated. day ofpsala. Peter .wens, anctioneerr.
Thursday, !!larch 80th, --- Unreserved
-Grand Organiz rNimmo, of the S C 13, auction sale of t13 farm ',tuck and
wiio wtts recently in this town, is doing implements of the est. to oe the late Henry
splendid work in G eilph at partesent. Thirty Grain, at lot 32, oo 14, !rest iirawanoah.
x e 1 t far beton a t
Tl e e 1 en the'
candidates ware i fileted Guelph ail t
Monday eVenin estatu is also offs a far sale at life same
y g tine and ptece. Vanetone, solicitor
---Prom the Olin en STOW Era we learn for Lxeoutore. ,T Currie, Anetioneer.
of the l ne-
nale a
a es 1 1
that 1Ntr ,T w ,y
nv ti n en o of the E 0
London ,this' week,
e delegate from the
e Herald, the people of
nk much of the ..near
R management were
—Mr J B Swar s this week received a,
fine driving snare froth London. . The
snare is a fast one and •matches one Or
Swarts already hal.
Another shipment of trio choice prunes
4 lbs for 25 ots. Co n, as and tomatoes
8 cans for 25 ots. . P • maple syrup from
Quebec. Sweet peas and garden seeds by the pound, C. N. Griffin, tf
-- ktarob was ah wing us that she
ter weather. ` The
as been about the
from Australia this —Miss Anoie Sim atm, late of Brandon,
Man has as a ed a sits
pped out a car load of c pt po ob in 141:orrow a
drug store. Mies Simpson is a graduate
f loge and a quantity of Manitoba College A Pharmacy, and is
at. rdin
town this
also registered in ( tarro, Her many
1 e
ing the •• disagreeable friends will be pleas ti to see her in this
locality again.
of th0 0 PS was bad- --sir 7' ?defter, f Stratford, was in
town this week w king in the interests'
aviile on Saturday last. of IV H Anger's t books, "13o your
track and•crashed inut to own Lawyer" and "Ontario Munteipal
a infx•up tore up abo.Law " These tw books are good ones
and we understand 2r Merrier placed a
Barton stook far
fine yearling bulls
son, of the Bluev
the bull is 1tnfg
got b
lied Ta
ha, .901d one of hie nosh,bstng south b
0003e Weis
scion of es
Mr amts Hren r
to Jewell7 100 sores, will be:
le Toed. Tho 404"o4 auction on Sitter
of Dritheini, No 20217, m. at the Drun,
2041V, dailn Qisnline, rot odraditfons at.
A. Morton, barrii
farm in West W avrdt•
1# of lot No. 25,in the 14
Wawan eh containing
0 C t t1
oMired for s+t1e stir' public
ay, Mardi 26th, at 2 p.
wink house, 'FVingh•aam.
d patti,oulati apply beg'
or, Wluglranav 4t