HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-17, Page 1IN 6-11 A Id VOL, XXVII. NO; 140& CLOSING OUT SALE • • WINGITAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1515.7.5.• in A YEAR IN A,DVANC rs,e04,402,41,41„,t,w„ iad rao Women.— DO tter 1,0-17e ; a ton of /3Or WatiTSD.---A, good am • se. r ee vented Frettli oysters arriving daily at iioi featliere, dredapples anw furs. tlearn the upholstering Apply vie'e Staany iityle.--jAs. reeteurent, We erythem in el - TS SO EAsy at :eatery, WA t 4 Crone. eilewer,vre, • • $ °dyed from the Deese A.avocate, a full E, T1, J 13, train fro n Kmeardine to Lou- lian, representing tilt Globe, and Kr $ If youliave a cough $ Westee Hiram( rlieseerseers.—tVe have re- Ilecuee Bum ttetra—The afternoon l'aevarallo Toeisegia .-11,1r A. edo Mil us try . HAMILTON'S , . $ COUGH 1 BALSAM the best remedy for • report of the pewee iins a the West don, had a slight • mishap at 11101eY on Wee,. representing the dail-Brapire, were $ held at Exeter last Tit irsday and Friday, engine breaking. :Prafflo was delayed interests of their respernive papers. A. Huron ..reaehers" A.saciation, which was Wednesday afterno m, some part of the in town several days his week in the $We will publish the tient in fall in our next imam ,. $ Hum Weeze.—The water an the prairie has tmen very high •th s week. The recent ? oorreepeeden ; to $ thaw and rains has eaueed the water to Rev ew, of this wk says ;—"An event nesdo,y for Luckoow, , rise very rapidly.. A fine sheet of ice of great importanwc took place yesterday. nyr xoviNs ms Lusizosst". T 0, i with their skates n of lee. Jae Stroud, Bsci, " Kargcse wishes us to st .te That he cloea not about one hour to a 1 to arrive from Pal e Weenam Bemis. Wed - w time for an engine orange thing about- tlese gentlemen is ton. that one Beetles to be fol owing the other, thica ieselewn• as they have happened to be in several he Kincardine towns together. Th left here on Wed - 'u the prairie the fo e pert of two week at the nome was made good use by the small boys the 10th This p trticular Coughs, Colds, Broil- aveni Nva'' rbe intend movint4 his boo and shoe busines hockey sticks, marriage of his dagighter, Miss •Elizebethi Imre wirigham, H has purchased i*.v. chitis, etc. `‘`Aitie $0. 'When you are recovering front it cold and need a tonic, ewe IRON Everything at Cost Tomo PILLS. For sale at . HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE and Below. Business must be wound up by April.Ist, until wbich time we shall offer unheard of bargains. Everything goes—Dry Goods, Or: dered Clothing, Ready-made OlOth. ing, Boots and Shoes, 'louse Furnish ings, Millinery, Gents' Furnishings, Groceries, et.c. In fact the- whole of our immense stock. Our necessity is your opportunity. • Enough said. Terms Spot Cash. Owing to the continued illness of Mr„ Bowles, we have decided to wind up our present business. • In order to facilitate the winding up and dl it as quickly as 'possible, we shall offer the whole of our stock AT COST &it BELOW, as everything must be sold, Ali outstanding accounis must be paid not later than February 260. •Accounts not Paid. by that date WIST-heplaced .forgollection. Kindly note that trade cannot be accepted on past' due accounts, but Will be taken the same as cash or - goods now purchased. We wouldl ,ask as a favor that all due bills against the firm be presented at once..-1413anking you for past favors, •Vertemain, yours reSpeetfully, WINOHAM. Auto .1.i.aeresAvelts. second newspaper, to ditto. Mr E W Joh 'running a job office time, its the prepriete - tied a deal as startin Harriaton. News Fergus new ea, e to Mr John Johnebn, a prorntme,farrner business of his broth r at Listowe and e callecl the Cense a the. v.14irlirY hie business in town vill be •ok after NEGLECT THAT COLO ! sten, who has been A. Weeic vette:Le-me This week has by lstr I) Sanderson, A Li e1,1/ Mr It's se fatally; easy to let that tough Fergus for some seen many make at wee for townspeople Earges has won rnan: We frieuds in fasten itself Orally I This is hardly as in their place of residenee. Mr IA Lamont town and of course a Third paper in per business is over- man towns. has moved into Ali T E Walker's house on the business here. W Leopold arrest; Mi Ed Haines has moved to columns for fail parti Mr Lamont's farm ; NUJ Campbell, White - (lone m many of oar For firat•elass tailoring and cheap gents' Ing maladies - tends oolitic uing telt our advertising lars next week. But it's easy, also, to find. a good, remedy here, or to have us fill a, presoripe tion, and so find relief from tbe dietrees- leee.e„eleetaa,„1,,,,e.e...!eleaeeteneeeeee,„J. Tau eneemerzoie Wire.— Mra Staff churcb, takes Mr l rale& dwelling on Oath- furnishings try Webster st Co..Itemember ne street 1Kr C A. Newton has. gone to the plaoe, in Qaeen'a block. re. aug ors house on Diagonal -re London, Will visit 1:7ingbana on Monday IME TO Cr..aeis.T time is at BUGGIES Copt Phillips, of Pr( vintial Headquarters, Clim bt o Try Heathfieldis Balsam next, March 20th• -$hels an interesting. hand kir a general .leaning up of the our own favorite remedy,. street ; Mr Botenclet, l3luevale, moves in- to Ur Newton's use ; A. McAllister MI the t ash thrown out, into have received a ear load of startling chapters o, real A warfare. is truly the dine f the year f buggies, They are good ones, Call • -von are sure to en (15( yourself if you at. changes, Drug Store, and see them. Get our pricer. and teed her meeting in the •S A 'barracks at 8 m. nee AWL you are sure to buy. Blytn, intends leevi carnu,a taTEs. speaker, a good solo at, and will give some Pjwn. and Mr al El Ellicat have changed a ellings, streets and back yas-is during the winter ainng should be disposed before the warm sun animates the enuntless millions of et,Warft'th (''f microbes, bacilli, it cro-eocci and other B —M s G T. BE ROSS. Loat A P.m lioels.—Messrs Arrnour country anti will 10 auotion sale of disease producers. Don't forget the The rednlar rimed of the W McAllister Kaye ieet one of their fine household furnitere Blyth, on Sa' urday, „teller. See to it t at no decaying vege- will be held at the hot e of Um '.V.na Bute ---------- road horses. On 'Ohursday evening last, January nth- it tatiou rem ai•as the e. Dort't be afraid oon, at 8 o'elbcd, LOCAL NEWS. Mr McAllister hitched the horse to a NATIONAL Sow cutter and. drove about I.5; miles out in Montreal Witness See Halsey Park's advertisement. the country, when the horse took sick. tion, the prizes offe He turned for tows , but before going far follows, the Marq Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the • • tl I dropped tit d I ' ' Queen's Hotel, Wingheare on the nret the misee roa t was ecalectmg the best 'Wednesday of each month from 11.30 a.111, immediately rpm -pd to Beattie Bros ever " by Miss A till 3 &dock p. re., for conseltation in livery barn and dicl on Friday morning. 'Kingston ,second " diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. The horse was (Co- od mid will ba.quite M, acfarland,Westm tlonal Song commeti• latrine and be car.ful that your water to next Tees ay after weenies. — In the of using plenty of lime. See to the ed were awarded as supply has not be a contaminated. Re- is of Dufferin and Ava, member that the -eorst diseases have a ur ; "C'anado, For. close relation to dip. nd filth. 0 4 e re e semen se era • Meaner (.Fidelis') • Fon Tne W • h a set'tlers' MANao00 FRANcaxs P.—Assessor S You- a loss to the owneee, al Song," by It G 9 hill is now engag in assessiog the Fon Sei,e..—That eery desirable proper- Wretreter, ; fourth, " town. Every ma who is 21 years of ty situated on the cornet of Francis and Katherine L Mo,cpe age ahoold see to it tat hist name is made Petrick ateeets- For P"Loill848, 9,PI,Lat OtTIC:/` 3)1°Otre°3* known to the assess r, so that ibeir names the reslarice'or at the. salt office. ,f songaWa'e-Selit in fr F G SrAltratak. I nu, .. may be placed on t e ina,nbood franclaiee re. T. R. PRTMOR. —Mr ,J H Gordon, G ETnza,— pre. e ,, of T R agsnt, was arm na town during the 1 PEEM ME MTH Or Mae akAINSTON.--The (loam , been called in connect' x creaming namse to two petitions. re Johnston, wifeeof Mr jamas Johnston Wee ' flour mill o.nd elevate i to be beld in the return tickets. 0 i the G T It six , i anada Fair."' by Jno excursion to the rorthwest on Taesdity ad ; third, "Nation- last took away froie five to six hundred Anderson, (Versa% •Ontario people area some fifty cars of ytnn to Canada," by effects. Twelve passengers left the son, ('Kay Living, Wingham C P R stettion. We have been ver seven hundred reiv able. to obtaiti the following nares ; - ll parts ortha- Imre' Hughes, to Pluinast, Man ; John Robertion, to Plum e, Man ; Robt Kenna., public. meeting has dy, to Virden, Man, nd Gilbert Forgie, to n with the proposed. Neepawa. Ten of the passengers had " 10 f. mass•rneeting of a be held on Wednesday in the Presb$'terian eb of the LOrels Day Alli will be dresee • by ti the eintrehes will venieg, 22nd lust, rch, in the interests .;t . ca. The niteiling Rev John •Young. of Hamilton. The s "Went is one that should have intens for all ohristian peefile, A. large atten ane is expected. Mr Robe Canteloi ave a very inter- esting account of his experience from Wei time he wee 10 year. AA age Op' to the tit:tires:it his converge , at the A bar- racks les Sunday af ere000. Theri was a large number pres t who listenede*ith, rapt attention, many ming moved er/Para. The address was espe eit'young One was for the Ceenpairy to run a mail men, • took place at her reisiderase; Scott street,on town ball, to morrow ,Saturday) afternoon, passengers aud a, car of settlers' effects train from Palmerst m to Kincardine, to Monday evening, The sadevent was net • at 2 o'clock. Stook sanvaasers have been went out. Amon.' Oa 4 passengers were Mr scrcom reach Wingham abcett 1 o'clock and dis unexpecteOrts dace .sect had been ailin for , through the country soliciting stock, and Rintoul and wife to Galesburg, N D ; J pt:etyitimorne wa:sptroestatv! Ale trains rernain ats t every farmer f thee they would Hastings, to Brandon, Man , Mr V, ellwood, months. To he bereaved hush d HmuT11 .& flowiEs treenhtdteivde.s, heart fel., sympathy ill be ex. rinillresRs to hear the tter fully discussed to Thornhill, Man. chSchoomolbeBr eZdT= SOATCD. The regular ince many names were p on tWehedpoettlitoiotnthaisnik. hbefore sail; aderibinfi,,bit neeotheedmeedinig hads carVreNdTerfe,b—A4 verytempting;prtiees,oar present — Messrs WAN1,Er.—A, good • servant. ing for the change. be earlier train may Abraham, ce, e I elevator will he a ood thing for every good roll butter, any quantity of fresh' —• References required, est wages Paid. be an ads/cottage to ineardine and other • Apply to Mrs Idingto iz e ree , of last meeting we 'farmer within a ma enable distance a the egg e4 and 100 cords good stove wood. ge • northern points, buti the presentsystem tawn, and, no doub • 29• • [11111 Stratford, 2t in our opinion suit Wingham far better ' tuna) toamake • the hange and out off our fully explained mid Tows Consene—Tite adjourned meeting e Wing am should not Make forth coming. E • - of the Town Counci was held on Mon• 1 ... ate trm, have recast ly taken good attentions and day evening, All . any ashongkthe members were • • ali the G,T R will bring • should attend this four positions xernairr unfilled. preaent except Counallor Golley. The PArna —The t Brantford phasic their audien .es and their attend - our mail in on dine, which now irs about 3 ' riADsm`rE • w° g ' , when die scheme is 1). M. GORDON, iscussed. stock will be 01111.1:LE DRAVATIC ery person interested Dramatic 'Company, -meting. night this week in t o. The Carlyle illed to play every e town hall, are /WE bylaw exempting 5:essrs Button & Fes. . deny newspapers the Expositor and mums increases every evening. They put on • o'clock. sant from taxation fair 10 years wars put ' ICourier, issued'spe ial Mustrated editions different plays anit ati. entirely new through its several feedings and fitnally goZortwOoltraSnce-Ttso, kainds, ttwenty pairs tin connection ith the High Court Program eVerY nigb and on Saturday 1 i e, wide pale I Passed. An accountof some 43 was order- blue and pink borders Regular 93 25 ' meeting of the ed to be.paid, which e BUSINESS FIRMS throughoift the country employ our graduates. In fair competition our graduates are nearly always chosen. That's one reason why yotieg men and women should dome to the CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD. - ONT. • W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Circulars Free. Marriage Lieeinses l 'Ted b until next regular me DIRT, 013X MUST dated ganizer Barnes con itateh .from Oak Lake, N W T, February 27th, refers to a former resident connection with Win Massey- adieu Order of Chot of this locality : “Witiam Tees, Harris agent at Prin e Albert, died sucl- day evening of last denly today at his I me. The deceased evening nine new was only few ays,drysipelaa being ted, which makes the cause or his dea h.ir Mr Tees was a new members durin very valuen servee was the agent at of years. He letw Mr Tees:was a b Tees, and went t noluded the business to $8,50—to clear Q2.40. Quick, if you ing. ' want them. 'D. M. GonnoN. The following dis. Onta,ulreen BARNES Lung Tows.—Or- also splenaid ph luded his work in officials of the Ordi hatn Council, Can.. notice many who Friends, oneTbure. of our readers :—R Elliott, R C It, of large patronage. The admission fee is eek, On the above Ingersoll, formerly of Wingham ; Thomas only 10, 15 and 2C cents and they should tinotnaelreozwnereaerelydntliotc; i.T7hite, H S, Brant Ord; john Neelands, H have crowded houses this Friday and Brantford, la se of Wingham; II D Saturday evenings and also at the matinee Mr Barnes' stay in Henderson, member of Executive, White- on Saturday after loon. of the Company, and town, and puts Win"ham Council with a ohm& ; John Burgess, Blueva.le, and T W ' membership of nearl)r 130. After theDr. Maxdonald is now permanently Gibson, Toronto, High Auditors; W G at home and can be consulted by ti,k Lake for it number s a, widow and family." business had been e.mpleted on There. Strong and Win /pig, of Gerrie, Organiz- his patrons. other -in-law of Mrs .las day evening, the la lies of the Council the West le years age, provided retreat -mien .s and a jolly time Foresters recently paper gives a good Canadian Order of afternoon will give % childrens' .1tatinee, eld in that place. Each giving it prize to e ,ery child attending, rite up of the Orlder ; The character of their playa and the to engrayings of the mariner in wbich they are presented are Ir. Among the list we above reproach. The Carlyle Company re well to many and their entertaientents are worthy of FRAIM PATS:MSC:di:, No 28, 'Vic. Wail spent. prior to Ili Barnes' leaving and had been wi ,h the MIlaiCo ' a etreet,Wmghare, Ont. No witnesses for many years. • the town. Mr Raemes understands his . work thoroughly, aril it one of the best „ Assuan, Tat AoTOIAN.—T tere was a society organizers we have ever met with. e fairly good attendance at the town hall on , so see Ile is now working in the interests of, I Thurethey avenin I of last week, the -ARM. 1••••••••....0) Our Clubbing List.. Anebtath, the roegician; perform his tricks ° 3' Cusenetenamteetv of stied of hand and of illusion, Mr Ante Dena or Rev bach Is very clev at his work and for two Andrew Cundingha •, pastor of the Meth: hours/. kept the audience mystified and °diet church, Kt ardine, died Friday astonished at the unexpected developments morning, after an Inees, lasting several of his different aces. Some of the most roonthaVfle lea,ves a widow, daughter of striking of hie tri sks were the winding op the late Rev Dr Rio, general superintend. of 6.1 famous egg bag trick by producing a ent of the Methodist obutch in Canada ; pair of live woe fowls from the apparent. three lions and two . 5 ught`ers. For thirty. ly; empty bag, The production of bowls five years deeeased h cl been actively en. bennnaing WI of Water in which gold fish gaged an the ministt , during Which be were swimming, comieg seemingly from had tilled some of be most important nowhere, and the'ehienging of it decanter of statiots in the proYin , including Londoe, • . Or on the stage into water, and at the St merge, HamIltote tratford, Guelph, - cone time the i daemons conversion of e Galt, Orangeville, Mite elland Kincardine. 4 decanter of wet held by a party in the In 1803 be was horiore by being elected audience into ini'. The growth obit rose president of the Guelph enfetenee, and at seemingly develo)ed from magic) geed by Wingham district of the London econfer- his rnagic.power. The Welts foe the most time. Deceased wait i. his $5th year, • part were not eri lima but were very well Interment took place at Kindeerdine on texecteted, no lIookey Club, tinder whose Monday afternoon, the ger cee being eon- lauspiteis be appe4red, did not trete stet deleted by Rev. Welter E shy, pteticlent even on the enterprise. of the conference. • border' to-Sfv,0 our subscribers the trouble of reelcing two or more remittaboee we ,hove made special arrangements With the .publatheralty which we aro enabled to- offer the tollowher publeationv In ecinnection with the Wile011Aii trinsts speelol low rates from how until Dee. elst,5see. Times and weekly Moho, • • ea 25 Times and Western. ArIveruser, • 1-40 Times end Pottery Irerele nod Weekly ster d Plaine • • • 1 75 Tiles aud Partnere* Advoerte, • times and Farming, Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, Time* and raimere Sue, • • times and Daily ellebe 176 60 130 418 Times arid belly World 300- - Tiniest and Country Hendee -m, -- 2 To Times and weekly Mail and Umpire 1 15 Times and Daily Montreal Herald, 2 be speed oneeine taus with an newspapers and enesteinet quota on epieleation. Address *II ertlersto et call et the OPVICV, wrsomi • ere. teneesetentaietiebesiaertetfresnetieetilibiefestentetato • • DAVIS' im+ WINTER CREAM - . cures all roughness of the skin. Price 26c a Bottle WM. SADLER KID an.-Vr Win Sad- ler, son of Mrs Wrn adler, was killed at Niagara Falls on W dnesday last. Mr Sadler had gone in Niagara Palls on his train from Sart _ , and stepped from the eat onto the era et opposite his train and did not notice an approaohing ex- press, the engine of which struck him and he died in tear hours afterwards. The deceased was 4011 known in this • town, baying lived kora for many years. ' Ile ran as a brakerean on the L II & 8 freight betweeu W wham and London for many years, led 'big here a few years ago to reside in S ;mitt aa ran on it trine from Sarni; to Niagaert Palls small children, an ged mother, brother Deceased leaves a vidow, a family of !Ina a number of stem, all of whore will hnve the Byrn tithe. of the oommun. v ity in their hour o deep affliction. We have not heard re ether hie reMaine Will 44, be brought to Wi gham for interthent. te • thly meeting of the held in the Connell , y evenmg. M'enAera riffle, Bell, Button, r, licannth. Minutes read and adopted. The Principal p eeented his report for the month of Feb -nary, winch was on motion adopted. , , The Finanee Committee reported. recommending thepayment of the account of John Kerr, 42,1 , for repairing furnace. Moved byThos Bea, seconded by J J Henn uth, that it be •pai 1—Carried. A. comnninicatio was read frone the ' Provinetai Schoo Trustee Astocietion, asking the Board o send a delegate to the 111011 is to be heir( in • Moven by Win Button err, that the commutue and filed, utton, seconded by a Chairman and Secretary e tesethers' and officers' nth of February, annual meeting Tomtit°, April 4t1 seconded by Hy cation be receive Moved by Wm Homuth, that th lame orders for i salaries for the m SALE EGIsTEle. Wednesday, Mar auction sale of th plements of 3 D concession 1, Mo Currie, auctioneer. Monday, March 27th. — Unresereed auction sale of the farm stock and implements of /antes Young, on the north. half of lot 86, conceesion 1/, Ease Wawat nosh, at 1 o'clock. John Currie, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 20. — thereeeryed auction sale of tbe eomplete livery outfit . of Geo Shaw, on the premises, joeophine street, Wingham, a.t 1 o'eloek, The business is offered for sale in bulk up to h 22nd. — Unreserved farm stock and int- Monwen, at lot 11,, is, at 1 o'cleek. j. day pi sale. Peter Deans, etictitmeer. ,OfieThureasty, March 80th. — Unreserved auction sale of the farm etecle and implements of the estate of the late Beery Grain, at lot 34, eon 14, East Wawaribeh. The excellent fain belonging to this estate is elect offered for sale at the settle time and piece, R Vanstone, solicitor for Exeetttors, iT Currie, Auctioneer, Mortgage sale of farm in Weet Wawa- nosh,being oath hail of lot No. 25,iu the 14 ton:session of West WitWenosh, containing 100 ecru, will be offered for sale et pnblia auction en Stetardity, March 25th, OA 2 p. iii. at the Brunswick house, Wingnam. 'Per eithelitione and particulare apply to A. Morton, barrister, WinghaM. 1:1111,0 :Ton Thousands cif well•fed Children ate istatv- V ing, simply because their food is not of the right kind. trhey are thin, pal% arid deli. nate. Seotes EMI:Aeon will change all this. It gives vire and sigor,Iteh and fotbei NC11 POST °MICE. ..(04940004e4etegetteliat gattatiiiiiiiittalik a