HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-10, Page 8'I :IE WING.JJAM TIMES,'t•MA-1.R.CH'z ,. / Mr T I3 AIoA,ndrOW has been in I last )'ear's term exemptions. '.i.'hie yearn - Woodhtlifi for several is,tys, workiu;f to exemption would he attended to when up- *" the intereste of: the Caeudisn ()vier of plicatlou was terse, • .Ohosea Friends,. Aar, tewert weehoatd In the matter, be �..•>.•..,. MIas Corbouid, of W inl;ha•,o. end miss said leo i,houid two gtveu lfotioe, hot ex. Meet cws, of Simeoe, have oven the guests lililyor Morton told dile k was 1104 flees* 8 P t of Alisa .C.atnpbell, ,e.re5ae view,. this week, eery to give pedes every year, f. a ,Ise ,lstawal standard 11Qlloy -Hooson-111at the report of kt Y ,:iW 'g' r (neo• Jollies, of Beet wew,tnosh Court t Revision re Stewart exemption be formerly on the 'Xmas. left ori '.1':uesdey laid oHltr until coat meeting--.-Oarrted. e he had been dolog ales Ili the Witighftnl of New -P,M r'i a z , P EI$1:'I"IS: ti r taint 4 0,, li Gp George for success st,•, 1r Gro Ewing, the milt forwa E►mbt+Oa:dot,iear Laces, - the London hockey team, land well it �t isi this town, has started for halt Po a�ri1 3µb. ti,s«1i +u 8,I1ci Dr 3 ayMrA ad. -re he has eNv ic1Mer.4een, whoa good 1 been visiting with his brother! Dlr la n a, a• , 1„.{.,� • Lean, acct frlendu iii this neighbor ./...tae/;) 'tiR � ' t,wZl�ncs' Ex -•1 eeve Hamm. was heard and said r Pire Brigade to risk the council to tarnish ",?„.w"teight rubber coats for hook and ladder oeach company ; a pair of rubber boots for of the 2'd firemen. J.'lleae things, he eeui, °ll were necessary in going to fires in bad haws weather. lie a180 stiffed if counoil world Aro' pay the eight members of hook and ladder and Ciar9ot . As P. mutter of CCtUI'S(I one gets most ft' sash' money aa't?t1t3 there's. Most 1!i tl.,(t:l.t+ from. `t'he'se things. are tit' %', canting aft going (ivory tiny, at .t!, a flt:,i' ne aro hatter' and pattern. tsnwc:t', and pr.iei't the least for Et.tii'l,tra titl:tl'tty. • CUR' ' '; :� ARB C PETS. Thie, Month fie C„trpcits and Lace Curtain,. Som of the eituic:st pro dticti(°;t• rind unegattlled for variety, quality end value. We want you to see tiltee goods before they get picked „t et• first eboiee.. VORIS IN CLOTHING iVew Staring Salts and Furnishings -yor earn. Una of the pleasures of spring is- the opportunity' to. wear everythlag new from hat to shoes. Oar Ftook ii now mos' eol'nplete. You can stave money by buying your suit from M. 11. McIndoo. ®EE” GOODS AT 25o of the bride's parents, Uarlock, ort Feb. 22, by the Rev„ Mr. Andrews of Londes• boro,'.L'homee Peofouncl, .of Stanley,• to. MiseSareb 'i'aser, daughter of Mr. L. T ,taker, oAtixl:(t•-•-t4711:.rlt.ere-At the masse, ath, 011 ulttroh rich, by Rev .Alvlo• Leap, Mr John li' lefoArter to Jane L. daughter of skis T)w) ee id.iller, all of Morris i '110arrr:.t31).-It1 Morris, on Feb. 28th, Robert Shortreed, lsgt+d 08 yeare;l/ JODUNSTQN-In 'raspberry, on Marob th, Augusta. wife of t Wan Johns en, aged 68 years, 7 luontbe& and 4 dHys.j, Nnintisot' ,--1n Brussels, oat Monday, Feb,'27tn,•Rev. John Ferguson, D. Do aged 09 years, 9 months and 11 clays. hood, eempe,tsy a small salary, The ex -Reeve Ado( betanin• -In Toronto, on March Qrth informed the oounoll that he had been Lith, Mary, eldest daughter of Dir awl made an honorary member of the Wing. Mrs Hugh McQuurrie, of Myth. the dam Fire 13rigade, and he would like tu Paull- see the connoit do what le right • by the oy," Brigade. crib ' Hanson-Golley-•That the ' request of t:x•Beexe Hanna re ]!ire Brigade be re- fer • ci to aha Firs W ter and Li •ht Coin returned to their home in Calces, N l.lriltota, ou Tcesday. �t' tr 1-3 J A. Boyd, representative o pnblieliers of Mr •d Castel 1•.lopkius' " da :^l tl lauoyclopecia of the Conn was in, town least week, ieoliaiti.ng rubs era for this l;Qod work. • Mr W t3 Hearsay, representing Might •Ufrectory Co, was id lawn last gettinginformation for tee Durand Canada. aud Newfoundland t}azettle Classified Bueieess Directory, whi now being published by the above 9any. Mr, Rabt. Gillnonr, of the N W vibiting with his faunae ill add u Winghain. Mr. (*limner was at One on the Northwest Mounted Police, but is °f iudrvadual cheques. note engaKeai in the ranching business,, it `Tie Coenoil were Qf tho opinion that the is sQtne ytfurs since he Iasi visited these individual cheques was the best way in parts.• which to pay the firemen, Leslie Constable made application liar a TOWN Co tJNCYL, license •€or 11$s pool and billiard roan, the The Town Council held ite regular license having expired on the '38th of ><'ebruary. AZoIndo+s-Gt•egory-That the applica- tion of Leslie Constable for a pool and billiard license lie not granted for this year. Gc11ey-1 ensou•-In amendment, that Leslie Constable be granted a Iisceneelam his pool and. billiard room. Considerable . diecutssion followed these resoliittone. E;ouneillor McI.ndoo sp.eaking strongly againel p00! rooms, and Mayor Clegg said he would have to Vote against• granting ilia ('o•nstable a . license on the grounds of the several complaints he had heard, Cloonelllor•Jirwin thought Constable had" 'vested rights and shoals have :a license week mitten -Curried. s ou of llioKenzie-Irwin--That if 800 be placed r and to the credit of the School Boated -Car - eh ie tied. Qotn- Councillor Hanson said that some mem• bets of the 1+ire Brigade wished him to T is state. to the Coupon that they wontd pre#er round it, if Council ,would make gnartevly time cheque payable to their S:eretary, in place meeting on Monday evening. • Members all present. Mayor Clegg in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were react and approved. A cornmUnicat:on was read from W G Raymond, mayor of Brantford, as chair• man of a committee, which. is asking the Legislature to make a change in the aesesmont set, so as to allow inuuieipal- ilius to properly assess telegraph, tele- phone, street railway company's plant. The communication ask council to send one or . two of a depelatiotl tu wait on government to ask for the desired change -Filed, - A communication was read from Mr Wm Wbinnie, ut Owen Sound, re coil-• for three months. • Councillors Gaolley and Hanson were in= ifavor of the Intense as long as the place - was eonduatert hi a business -like way, butt would certainly vote to have license ean. eelied if any complaints of gambling, etc,. • street. Money had been wasted on thisf(meld Coven. street 10 years past. Couuuillor D'Lr.• mneilloeyllor McKenzie said ha would on the Kenzie said Le would leave the matter *mindtthrtt stthe n nould see no harmlbin pooh over for one year. Have the road proper. or billiards ;: bail i# any gambling were• lY scraped and lowered before any per. allowed, he wends be the first to vote fbr•• moment work is done. •the caneelliog of the license. Oouuoillur Gulley said the road should, ' Mr DEeIucloors motion wag lost on the be built fromcurb to curb and should be done right, if we only .do font rods a year,. and we should oommenee work this year. Councillor Gregory ' said there was any amount of,good gravel on the road. if it was properly scraped. It would nob be., profttabte to do one • or two blocks at`s„ time. 1Ve need a sewer before any per, manent work is done on the street: Councillor Irwin said we should Have a proper eeiverat a system before any per• manent road work was done. Councillor Hanson said the street was in need of improvement, but did not think council could do much this year. Councillor Molndoo said is would -be well for she Public Works committee!to get estimates per rod -from Mr Whinnie. McIndoo-Hanson -- That the Public Works Committee get an estimate of cost for permanent improvement on our front street -Carried. Communicatioh was read from Messrs Button & Fessant, stating that they had. leased their new building to be erected to I t Messrs Walker & Clegg for a term of ten years ; that they would employ 60 or more hands in the two new .buildings, and asked struotion of perxnaueut road. Be asked for particulars and he would send rur Bar : prices, MayorNowgains. Carnival in the ayor thought the general feeling, Dress -Goods. Every yard worthy was that we shoulti do smut:thing in the •and roll>ti11e. Tweiity•live cents for way of a pet•Inanent work ou our front Dress Goods worth as high as 60e. So it will pay you to buy an extra Dress ri• IMO, at such a small outlay. Only 30 Dress Ends and about 20 •J emnaets. Firs: 0.1oice at e .P etSONAL,S. Miss v can Dey ie visiting with friends in Blyth this week, The Misses Gracoy wore visiting with Blyth Monde this week. Miss S::ott, of Toronto,. is the guest of Mi s Cerris Macdonald. Miss T'.tustone is visiting with her sister '-..and friends in Hamilton, License Inspector Paisley, of Clinton, was in town on Friday last. Mr Wm Armour is away on a business trip to Toronto and Montreal. Mrs Gibson, of Mt Forest, was visiting with SViugham friends last week. Miss Jean McMillan has taken a situa- tion in 1Vingha:n,-Brussels Post. MissFlo Fleuty is visiting witb her brother, 111r W J Fleuty, at Clinton. Mrs James McGuire returned an Monday front a visit with friends in Toronto. Miss l?sge, of Wingham, is visiting Mrs J Harris, west ward. --Mitchell Advocate. Miss Moliardy, of Clinton, was visiting with W irnghamfriei ds t'ais week. Uoresorvetl Auction Sale -or-- • .Etaivaa Stock and 1tinep1eanaeltatsg • ,lir, J. Currie, Aurtton:•er, has revolved. inatrne. tions trete Mr. J. Atct:weu, to sell by paWto auction, up lot 11, coo, 1, blot'ris„ort Wednesday, Maros a2nd, ''9. the tollOWlng yaittable property, vie: 1heavy ,pare 11 years old, in, foal to Scottish Ilaight;1 general purpose hover s„xaats old, 't. gen. oral. perpo.•e idly visa,,; twa { ears, Int Galt Stream ; 1 driving stare 7 years old, is rout to Jkl1a=cted; 2 vows. rn coif ; 2 yarrow cows, 1. heifer rising 3•y ears in calf, 3. steers rishie 3 years old, 3 two year old holtaunin end, 1. heifer rising 2 yenta, 'L y:eacliiut- heifers, 2 ycarlhtg steers, 10 uWv,:ar some vatic twat at foot, 41. ewe lambs, 1 Leicester raw, 2.Boric. hi•re breeding sows supposed to be in pis, ti pigs shout 3. wo+tthS old, t tQruurhbred Tamworth +- .., six mouths old; about 35) hunt+. 1Noxell cinder, six foot cut; itEr 't &1Voed 1tfower•, live toot out, 1 *(harp her ,alru,11u,d 1'01104,1 snuffler, 3 turn•p sewer, 1 ,in plow,1set iron harrows, turnip pulper, all - ..., above ia,ftc •manta aee•ucarly now and In go, repair. 2,renoraLpurpose plow• 1 ..t irot*.harrows, Lot. 'wooden harrows, 1 let a Waif 011, and box., L lots waitron, 1, sat heavy bob . sighs, Ilona 810 E114 1. :buggy, 1•cuttui•, 1 road eart,1 hay reek- Lastaeidee, ;3.sugar I:dttles, 1 saddle, 1 log boat?, L stone boat, 1 ;wood rasa, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 set heavy double -luta - 'nese, 1 -set ori d., harness,1. set ploy harness, 1,but• ,single harness 1 hay fork, or, rope. and pulleys ,complete;, 3 honey extractor, a nut.iber of 12105 bees, Lusa, ution Cubic, chains, forksn, whUfletrees, 'ueolt.yokos,.grain cradles, and severat,other artiolss !too numerous to mention, Everything will ,be sold without reserve as ahs, 'propriatoa•has rented his tarhi. T1:.01S.-AII sums of 35.00 and under caste.: ower ;that amount 5,1cerin credit -vs tit on•y{ur- chascrs furnishing approved joint notes,. 9. per ilceut. per a"utla, off for cash on oredituunourets. & Ct71all1rr. r. o..1.10EWWE-V, auetidneer. Proprietor s .11t`1bome, L. D. S•, •Irj, e. Beaver Block, Wingham,, t Speoial,oa.re gived to the preser. t avatwn otnatiatal teeth. Crowns. and. •bridsoeworit.and gold fillingy a •apeeiatlty. The: boat local. anesthetic for painless extraction of, tee th, free. all wosItat owtst erica:. LONGE REPAIRING, The undersigned is prepared tar following divisinn:. Y. -ea -Clegg, McIndoe,, 'carders • or repairing. loung.• and •redory ; N-ay--Golley, Hanson, Irwin, ;mistresses. Lounges 'rn-cceer.d•,. mat- nesses tease over, carpets; :.:wed, mid l'a'rd. Lowest prices an• . wtorkrna,ata- Mcii,enzie. Mr Golley'b amendment was carried on. the same.ditvrsinn. shi,i,, Orders prompt' • attended to. Golley-Hanson-."hat the Oouncil now wave orders. et my residence,. Oee.i re adjourn to fleet again On Monday evening, istueet, ,next to Wm. Holmes:; or addeess next, for the purpose of passing 'Buttontdx 4box 54,, Wingb am. Itessantexemption by -law --Carried. ig W M? NeemeLzkiree. OL,ONANNAN_ AN ITEM • OF INTEREST• Mr. Jas. Scott has sold his driver 1. to Mr. George Lonttit at a fair price:, 1 Farmers, why pay 5% and E, per Dent. Wood bees are the order of the day i interest. on your loans when money may t be had at -5 per cent. 1)syments made now, as there' were two last week.,, to suit • borrowdr. Chances low. Bat the most saceessful one was thatAt office Friday afternoon and all day of Mr. James Weir last. Thursday Saturday fternoon, when. I got in the neil*h• a Macdonald 1lock,Wingham.; orhood of about fifty cords cut: At. night the young people were given he use of the, house for a dance;, i 93 Atli which they amused themselves, till •w r b o f the twelve, the wee sma'hod e n y r,a�nam� ABNEB: G.DS 01 - that exemptions be extended for the ten when all dispersed for their homes, years in place of five years. Irwin-Golley-That a by-law be passed at next meeting of council, exempting Button & Fessant from taxation for ten years, on condition that they employ 60 hands in both buildings -Carried. Communication was read from Amos Tipling, president; of the Wingham Far- , Mr Wm Batton left on Tuesday morn- - niers' Flax Co, asking for exemption on. ing on atripBuffalo an13W'CB COIIMIITTBE. business to d other plant for ten years -Laid over. their points The following accounts were considered Mrs Geo Ireland and children have gone and disposed of as stated below :- to Wiarton on a month's visit ;with' V Vannorman, • salary $34 00 friends. Geo Melvin, drawing cart to fire1 00 Miss Stone has returned to town and Wingham Electric Light Co, lights 30,98 taken her position as head milliner with F Davidson, Braying- .... a Miss Boyd. Geo Russell, testing host Mr ) Saunders, of Listowel, spent a T H Manuel, salary few days with his friend, Me J G ?Bargee John oldie & McC l!ogh, casings, W W 5 85 this week. Thos Manuel, work at wheel house 13 70 Mr W 3 Elliott, of the Ingersoll Ohron. John Clegg & Co, supplies 17 81 dale, visited with his brother, H B Elliott, Isaac Hugbes, work:, 4 06 la day this sella:. 1 00 830 T Hall, printing Auditors' Report.. 14 00 Miss Robertson returned to her home -in Z` Davidson, drawing hose cart .. 50 coonts Wiarten on Thursday, after a few weeks' be ecoramiendedpaid except Go11d t& heabov loghe e which visit with friends here, is not certified to ; also recommended that Mrs 0 l?allaaloft last Wednesday on an 15 cents per hour be paid 'in settlement of extended visit ''to friends in Hamilton, T H Manuel's account for work at wheel Woodstock and London. . house and that cheques be issued for the lir W J Earngey and his sister, Miss respective amounts. Ei y , t w kl eg"Chairman. _c Mstn of 1113 Elliott, of the. Tires Kate 1 arngey, spent Sunday with friends Hansen-Irwin-Thilt'the report o£`the`sisrmorawatt-MOINTos1�1--life the !lid 3n Winght.rn.-•-Gorrie Vidette. Finance Committee be adopted as, read, , tilt,, at the ,residence of the bride' Jean Dallas entertained a few friends also that Goldie. & MoCnllogh's account be Parents, by the Rev Geo Ballantyne at pedro en Wednesday evening in honor' paid and that ohegnes be issued for the John McEwen of the township of Turn of her guest, Miss Futigh, of Blyth. respective accounts Carried. berry, to Mise Elle McIntosh, of th The Executive Committee reported. that township of grey. Mum Lottie Mitchell has returned to the Clerk's mote was not properly furnish. TAttach- Ross•-- t the residence 0 ed ; that a high desk, office table .and two ineetidescent electric lights should be Mies Sarah Mitchell had gone to Toronto, .,plaoed' in, rho office. 'They also mean. ;Annie, second daughter of Mr Geo Ross here she has secured; a situation in the'• meirdedr ill view of the increasing work, Eir n1orx-.nonuser' All the reel well pleased with the kindness shown to them by the host and hostess -.Tompkins. "Good retort ng, Mr. d to see if ion in your tarn mythand Mrs. Gilbert Stevens, sr., has•rsaeved Wannamaker, I have Baal into ' one of Mr. Thos. Gilmoar's you tali give me a pos houses. establishment. 1 eau Mr. Hugh Gilmour; • of Moose Jaw, to almost anythi• ng.” N. W. T.is visitinghis uncle, Mr. Mr. W. "No are full in every 'Phos. Gilmour, this week, department, ani you. are the twen- Robert- Harkness,. of 13rwssajls,, is tieth man I have refused today, visiting'friends onthe ninth line, Why don't you take up a line in which there is less competition and this week: better pay ?', Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stevens visit. Tompkins. "rd only be too thank- ed friends in Brussels, this week, fel if you can put me on track of BORN. such a position." 41trNOLE-In *gingham, on March 3rd, . Mr. W. "When. I was twenty the wife of Mr W D Pringle ; a daughter %Fyears of age, I , was a •stranger in a FARNBY=Xn Gorrie, on 26th, ult., the. , strange land, with neither work nor Nita of Rev A 13 Forney ; a son.. money, wheal a friend of mine, a .D1oGonci, thin East Wnwanosh, on lawyer, advised me to take a batik March 2nd, the wife of Wei McGowan, y t of a son (still horn). sgency,saying he had educated him - MARRIED. self by canvassing; like drowning G3sM1AM-ELLIOTT-At the residence men graspat straws,I took his ad - of thebride's father, Harriston, on March 1, by Rey Mr M. 0 (aineron, 13 D., Mr vise, and in five years saved $5;000, William Graham of Atwood, to Miss and with this sum .started my pre - Maggie 1i Elliott, daughter of Mr Will- sent business, It is just fifty years heti Elliott, marble manufacturer,aa ago to day • that Mr. Bradley, the founder of the present Firm of The Iaradley-Garretson Company, Limited of Toronto, sent me my.first prospec- tus, and. to his beautiful letters and good advice; Z owe much of my present success. Yes, young man, the- bride's father, Culross, on Feb. 2211d, if you have anything', in you,. there by Rev Jae Malcolm, Wm A Taylor to is just as good a charade for you to• • • day with this old established Hotise as there Was ;for ttle. Write thein 4040.41• . s 1•�6'•`�C+iia•'1Ro\v.\AAe\/ Quo\/•� •\/•�Pa „. ems/+\FR\11�1t A Odorless Crematory A f‘ I setvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ked n�tP� We have on our floor an Odbt-le we invite the' public to inspect, sanitary point, say that it is Crematory Closet, whrlfli edical men• speaking fronn nest important invention, and if healtfi'is any eenere1e atian, no bowie should bo' without one. The i 31C1RS Dippers arcs not all gom yet.. one qt. Dippers for 5c. NOTICE TO, CREDITORS Notice is hereby;;fven, ptrsunnt to,1L. 910„ 135)7, chap.130, sec. 38,' that all. persons having claims against the estate. of Hiram. Lenineix" lade of the Town of Urinhanvin rho County; of Hume, wagon maker,. deceased,. who died on,, orabout, the 25th day of January, A, 1A11S02; aro rogpirellttosend by past prepaid or tialiber to St 4tinetonc, 05 tno said Town of Wingham,•Snlioltor for the Aduaia,ietratrix, on or before the 2;311., day of: March, instant, their mitres, +tddressas and descriptions -and. at fall state. intuit of particularsofttheir claims and- the nature of the security, 1f any, held,by thaw; duty -c wrtiflod, and th •t alter aha s.id • day the •administrcvtrix will proceed to distribute the assets, of- aha+ deceased among the paities:+ontitlod thereto, having regard only to the olaiinesot which.tbsy: she ttaen have notice, Dated this 2nd dd;riob•\laroh, /rib; 195101 11. V0ttST01TE, Solfciton?er, Adanil,tu:ratrix. A. ;�.SMITH ay+INC,.11AIaL• General Banking Eaaalstesa trans- acted. Money advanced bo farmers and business men on endorsed, notes and collateral, Farni.ers:7'Sa1e--1 ase Cashed. Moneys remitted by &aloft to all parts of Canada and'°the Unitas&States. Notes and accounts- collected, on reas- onable terms- • tri"3 PH h TOG ANS M, E, Sarbrigg makes the newest' things in the photo line. Just' go. and see the a collection, he has . imbeds - window. PLATINOS•1,r.. SPECIhX•TM . 4.'ayon and Water 'Color, Enlarge Inge and Copying' • receives special attention. •A boy ' wanted to learnt photography. 11L 2,,,UI BRI4 . Opposite Presbyteriati Clluroh., We will •. i y the. highest .. sh,prico-•for 10t;i3iord, of gooal soft woo., .elivered at our pholstaei.tag factory fl W1ing-} hats. nqulre air the factory olh.' for par eulars. ELY 'S PURIRS WALK Q?-. _65 CLEQ,'• 4 IT PAYS Tr We builds our pumps to last for --"V7--....--- e--• $2.50 up. tr'� Brass Winders. a,nd Galvanized.; le, J,,4 Iron Piping.: We have a fall stock of the above the CANADA BUSINESS � � go Call ands get prises . when in need CHATHAM, ONq'. of anything in our lane. STILL LEADS--�• years and have them, in price from - e e f Platteville, to resume her position as bead milliner in one of the Stores of that place. ' re mantle de artment'of the W A Mur. *rod a type writer' be purchased,if satisfao• donee of the bride's. parents, ort Peb,22nd g ptory arrangements can be made with the by the Rev X S leurwaeh, Miss Mar !ra Co. Clerk. Etta Thompson of the township of Rill eters J' A Cline and Thee Bell were in Go11ey-..-HansonThat the matter Of lose, to Mr Thotllas Elliott, of the town tratford this week, attending a meeting fitting of Clerk's office with • proper furni• ship of Culrote. the Ctltliadian Furniture Exporting . turd, lights, type writer, etc, be left in the i'r;TTpr1ko15-•-l:•1ETItaRtNGTOW-At th rfation. • hands of tho Executive Committee, with resideoe of the brides mother, en, th power to ur de any rM friends ow ails, o ail of the artistes l3urwh i 'tin with iendsb the Rev N S tis I'.:nfouna was V $i b p Carried, y1st idea, . y , ,e y and ace what they have to offer," • Tomkins. 'a1 hitve seen the ad. ements of this firm for agents, - vertls , g' , e for years back, and have often e thought of writing them, but have r never done •so. I will. Write to day 1 !and I am very thankfal to you, Iir. i in also tut leek and Clfnton last week. She Herbert 'Pettypiece of,lflnloss, to ,M1 tended :the wadding of her brother She Court of Revision reported that Oda Hetherington, of Oolross, leek, they (Ioula do nothing with Mr 1)' Stevdart'e ^:'attttrottrito-PAss Et't-At the residene e Wannamaker, for your good advise." • of I 1 Corn Meal is as yet- low etlow as grains of gold, and as pure. It is very free frotn bran becausegreat care is used l,:elmaking it, r ih� best �, corn " that g ; enters the mill wleMe this. The half century mark has besn,neaeb,. jolt x z'E' ka 'oN, ed.by the number of our pupils _who. /have eecuredigood positions Bine° epta. Opp, Beattie slivery.-,iet- tl:►nong those who have. secured places' recently are Sarab: Dunce% jSteno,°Lyon & Heneall, Barristers. Owosso, Mich.; Alex. 13lott; M oleotms •$ani?, Trenton,Ont. ; Arther fdidet•,eltaw, Merchants (Bank,. Chatham. Oct:r i eta Clark, Bkpr,. Brown's Woollen. Mills, Kingsville. Ont ; Mary. T . Min,. Steno. t Pardee & S iaunessy, Barris'ers, Sarnia„ Ont. ; Florence Sibley,: • Sten. Macey Desk Co., Grand Rapids, Mieh. •; Eva Payne, Steno. D. & L. I+1 Ry. Office, Chatham,, Ont. Thee with forty-four GOLD DUST CORN MEAL is ground. It is Kiln Dried and this pre- vents decay, and keeps from turning sour. There are no black specks in it. it •is made t' on honor " and sold by best grocers every. Where. - The Tillbon Co.',yY,imited, Tilsoabttrg, Ont. • others have been; place since Sept, 1st. ' IT. PATS TO 'ATTEND 'EI*AE BEST. Write for catalogue of either Short- hand or Business department to I). McLAGELAN & CO, Chatham, Ont.. TO THE F ' 0 (�T SEE WHAT THE DIAMONI PORK SHOP Opposite Post Office, Says: ]'resh tea and Pork. Lamb Bologna - Pickled Pork Headcheese Breakfast Bacon Sausage Smoked Hato Pi•ci sed Beef Side Pork Tripe . Corn Beef Pressed Tongan Spice' Roll', Lard, Fowl, 'ac,i always on hand. Our prices are right;. Orders called for and meat delivbt'ed to any part or the town. Your patronage soliettcd, tan