HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1985-07-10, Page 8Mon.-Fri. 9-9 '. Sot. & Sun. 9-6 WESTON'S RAISIN - BREAD 450 GM REG 1 59 9 To wed in August Mr. Lome Draper and Mrs. Erlene Caldwell are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Juanita Lorna Charlene Ann Draper to Bradley John Knight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Knight. The marriage will take place August 17, 1985 at 6:30 p.m. in the Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook. Open reception to follow at 8:30 pm in the Brussels, Morris and Grey Community Centre. BACHERT MEATS Ca' LA C UYO, S avo,,P ,.^C SLAUGHTER DAY TUESDAY . 'For v nur ,rapre. ,dos d Ek'kr Pr,p Lar,r Veal Nk SCee'd' .7P ," tash,,ned v, 5-8USAGe f'' aided Ah ,^ea, On, , I-srPc ,d mite Beet 887-932 Welton 8 , GET IN THERE — Jennifer Watt of Seaforth was a participant In the Junior Invitational Golf Tournament held at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club last week. Approximately 60 golfers, male and female, froM around the county were'at the course to participate. PaRTICIPaCTIO17 FREEZER SPECIAL GRADE 'A' BEEF HINDS ti49 OF BEEF LB . CUT • WRAPPED FROZEN A8 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JULY 10, 1985 Hullett approves contracts Council approved tenders for work on the drain. Winning the contract for closed work was Roth Drainage, with Nicholson Construc- tion doing the open portion. The township also approved a contract for Radford Construction. to load and haul "0" gravel, The township will supply all the needed materials for the project. , • On the subject of building permits, the W atsons will be invited to a future meeting to discuss the street and building permit in Alma, council decided. It also approved building permits from the building inspector. The councillors adopted provisionally the engineer's report on the Leiper Drain. They set a court of revision late for August 6, by which time they told the engineer to invite tenders. In addition, Brickman Drainage was given a contract for the Wallace Drain, Other motions the council passed included existing Harding Municipal Drain (at a cost of $4,450), and two motions to borrow against' the township's credit for drain repairs - one loan for$19,250 and another for an additional' $7,660, The. council asked the township clerk to write to Cedric Larson. "explaining the Bell taxes $36,000 Bell Canada paid more than $36,000 in $33,378,15. , taxes to Seaforth in 1984 as a result of In 1985 gross receipts tax will, total telecommunications operations here. In $36,574.30. ' addition Bell spent $20,000 in 1984 to The gross receipts tax is a levy of five,per, maintain and upgrade telephone service in • cent of all telecommunications revenue the exchange. In .1985 this expenditure is , derived from Bell operations in Ontario the estimated to be $58,000. ' • . previous year and apportioned .to each Some of the 1984 highlights include a exchange based on the number of Bell owned buried cable on Main St. with-an aerial cable telephones in use. to he removed.' Some of the 1985 highlights In 1984 Bell's capital expenditures were include replacement of an aerial with burieff $1.17 billion. This is expected to be $1.4 cable on James Street and cable reinforce- billion in 1985. ment rear of Main St. Fast. , In the Stratford area Bell employs 108 In 1984 Bell. paid $36,519.91 in taxes to people with an annual payroll of $3,2 million. Seaforth as follows: real estate, $2,244.07; Bell had 1,253 customers in its Seaforth business. $897'.69 and 'gross receipts, exchange at the end of 1984. HATS ENTERTAINMENT — The Seaforth Optimists ran a flea market at Optimist Par'k.on Saturday. Even though rain early in th.e day threatened to wash out the Proceedings, thbrs was a good turnout. Here Niki Phillips (10) and her mother D.eb,' both of.Egmondville, show. off a couple of hats they were trying 'to sell. It looks more like they've just finished a vaudeville 'routine. • (Till photo) momermoirmammissommor Work on the Glousher Drain in Hullett a bylaw to amend the assessment schedule on township's position on the so-called nectar Township is about to begin, the Wagner Drainage Works, another one to garden. The clerk was also asked to rent a At its meeting July 2, Hullett Township provide for cleaning and repairs to the postage meter for the municipal office. In addition, the coundillors approved Motions to buy a quarter-page ad in a local newspaper for the ' Cixiderich Township Sesquicentennial, and to write a letter to the Clinton Hospital to, express regret at the board's decision not to elect the township's representative, Because You Mark The Prices On!!! SAVE WITH THE RED PENCIL! _r MEAT DEPARTMENT CUT FROM CANADA GRADE ' B.B.Q. READY-REGULAR CUT A' BEEF ( WESTON'S •'-\ BUNSMASIER FIBRE DINNER GOODNESS 79 ROILS BREAD R6: , GN;, HOT DOG AND HAMBURG ROLLS PKG, OF 8 SPECIALS BLADE ,STEAK SUNSHINE 89, 49 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF NI, ( SCHNEIDER'S THURINGER SAUSAGE CROSS RIB • 1 69 STEAKS LB CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF WESTON 5 340 GM REG I 65 JELLY ROLL RASPBERRY1 2 9 the piece LB.,/ REGULAR 'CUT' LB. ONTARIO GROWN ET1 LER s OF DUBLIN A STORE FULL OF BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE On the Main Street of Dublin 345-2250 Free Delivery SHORT RIB 139 LARGE R(NualF wr? S BOLOGNA 7 9 LB. 89 PKG, 450 Gm PKG RIGUL AR S1T 'NIBS 'SWIFT BONELESS READY TO SER VE 2 9 DINNER DINNER 99 GAR PLUM PKG./ J4AMS' 69. 250 GM. MAPLE LEAF BREAKF AST SAUSAGE °SAUSAGE 1 99 ROUNDS Greet for the Grill SCHNETDER S DELI SERVED 44 9L, JUMBO SUMMER SAUSAGE I, VIENNSABLAce, 69 COOKED HAM ft, 'fatten' Marys-Mitchell-Mt, Forest ROAST LB . SWIFT 500GM PREMIUM SUGAR PLUM OR LAZY MAPLE SLICED 99 BACON PKG. MAPLE LEAF HAM STEAKS WIENERS EN s SERVE kHNEIDER'S SAUSAGES swil T PREMIUM LBJ 500 GM. PKG. VIENNA DELI SERVED COOKED 4 69 ROAST BEEF LB MEAT DEPARTMENT HEAD. LETTUCE SIZE 18'S . CANADA NO. 1 'VAC PAC MUSHROOMS RADISH )CA-NADA NO 1 CRISP PKG -SIZE I? 5 OPEtt.,.U6NDAyS, STORE HOURS VC)NDAY [PIDA , 0 1'7.' SA TLIPnAY P 1 ,n r SUNDAY 4arn r 6p in 6Gilpitwetdpind PLEASE NOTE, Advt.-firing den? y oar St kat, ar 010,11 MotiOr fartTI Ito', may diffr, !rpm M.rrhel, I ( CALIFORNIA "VINE RIPENED _,299) U.S.A. NO. I 'JUMBO SIZE' TOMATOES D RKET