HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-10, Page 5-77 -r" -^^,^411r --7-17".7714777111C17 77.41.710. : ,,tri :?� :.4?,r"e-:, . F ....,c ,A ,•i i•',,,,,..,,,,.'r1•, c:,,,,'J's ., , iP,,„. 5'd ,,„ . # PERSIATIC • 0. PersinticSheepDip and Animal Wash is the most highly .eentrated , 1 diseased and Harsh and ire - being strecessfully gate, Boils, Wog -worm, el .pasts. Some evidenee: tt ; es farther, and does more dj 4 and ,1h round satisfactory form of power for cls curing of :a destroying vermin in cattle,. It re powerful without be' 4 'mediate in ofeet without any irritating, results.. It ' .4f used all over Canada for curing Sarrle, .Bruises, ' ear 14 Gauureue Scab, and tordestroying vermin and use. Mr. te. A. Brodie, l3:ithesda, Oat„ Bays: --"'t • • te work then any dip 1 have ever used. I used it i .st suneoestuily iu castrating fe i ;'iR it. bs. The wash healing the wounds rapidly and keepipg^ the maggots 4.• away, I most heartily recommend'it." f.Sr,; E 1 Mr. Crossett, Ringwood,, Ont„ saga :--",i have been unable to gain real J; satisfaction from rustily experiments in different dips until I used Pereiatie ss 1 Sheep Dip and Aoimal Wash. It destroys lice and vermou perfectly on • 1 cattle, mad ants as a tonic, healing wounds, sores, oto." c iant it at Your 4ca1• ' sir's er egg front The Pickhardlt-Reefrew, tlilllteti, Stauf tville, Ont. 1 zro-w.m'.c.0*.c.4 r ,c,71.4pace1-w.i'r�.t ;. i9,"�. oyt oiy2:0,1A ta}" emecove... ►s''1'.:0'1 t"'-..-ttsN; Freight Cars v . Melfck s>, The man wlio builds freight cars could hardly build a fine bicycle. • And the men who make coarse shoes could not succeed in making the fine gen- tlemen's shoe you want to wear. The "Slater Shoe" is made in the only factory in Canada where only gentlemen's fine shoes are made.,. Goodyear welted, sole staiisped t, with • makers' trade mark and price : $3,oO, 4.00 and $5.0o. Shoes by mail. Catalogue free. For Sale Only by HOMUTN 84 BOWLES. PUBLIC NOTICE.. , Raving moved to town to the reel- deuce lately oceupled by Geo P Wells, learner Centre and Alfred streets, near the GTR, I am prepared to pay the highest cash prices for alikincle of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, horse hair, Wool Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at my residence, or if word be teft,I will call for same. C. GOFSD1V1.AN. ord,er your . • .,was -�::_._� rta —AND— � 4fa.,����•WW/ 115 -` • Pk I° LOGS Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts delivered in our yard, CUSTOM SAWING, SHINGLE OUTKIG. done at lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Call .and get prices be- fore disposing of your timber. —FROM THE— HOLSTIEN DAIRY. ��8.tz SON 0 1 1 Get your sight tested. It costs nothing, WE FIT SPECTACLES Scietifically, Correctly,, reasonably. Try us. `:e'; ELL - OPTICIAN AND JE,WE.LER.. WEBSTER&CO, CUE WINGUAN ►IES,. MARCH 1011699% S�r1u^ alyeeeeitteeamaele-lAtAtelke GOBIfIE . i Burney 208, 14. Wheeler 222 » :lie - .EVERY ELIC needs the best quality of tools to iliake his work effective~. They farad trou- ble with cheap goods as quality is sacrificed to price. We do not sell the lowest priced goods, but our offeri°:gs are cheap when quality is considered. All Classes: of Tools All Classes FOR • o$ Mechanics. —AT— J. C,5+G G+ 00 I Lean 211 V I ear t o 18,E 1 high court meeting of the Canadian i e 1 ' '`t%' Bele 78. l.''oreeters at Brantford last week, Miss Whittle Allison attended the ±; millinery openings in Toronto last Inst week. 1 . Ir. G. W , Walker attended the, h 11 71 p Jr, H. i.'rital .il}ra, _I,. McLean 24 , S. Meliurney 220, E. Tae for 210, `k.4. Skinn 118, Pt. IL J. AicC'allum, L. I'earen, Elgin Andction. w out again after„ his s:;ver'e attack of Tt. i. Bella Robertson, IL Skiirn, la grippe. .1, II.Cooatm s, Teacher. Miss Mora . Jamie has gone on a Sunda)', Mitreh 12th, there will be rrtonth's visit to friends in Perth. special serYwl held, fri Cho lIeth0dfk,t Mrs, Ii�trry Day, of �4'ingltan , 13n13k Church: i%ev, Air, half, of T3t'1• was visiting with her parents .here grave will take the morning ser\ lees +l last week, and in the evening there will be a Mr. G. A. Allan, organizer far the song service eoeduetcd, .by the pastor J A. O. U. W., has been in town in the Rev F. J. Oaten and en the follow - interests of the order, beg „Monday evening there will be a i, Rev. A. B. Ji'.arney is able to be 4 48""vr 1 1W11.WIABotc+`4�ia7 ST. HELEN'S. Mrs. J. A, 11feDonald and children have returned to their home in Brandon, Alain, after an extended visit with relatives in St Helens. Miss Martha Salkeld and Miss Christie Miller were visiting with Cloderich friends. ' Grip bas been prevalent in our midst. Miss Dora Eratt, of Auburn is visiting with her sister, 'Mrs. J. D. Murdoch. . Court St Helens, C. 0. F.. recently held a successful oyster supper and Mr.. John Donaghy attended the island .tea -meeting gi' ca. " There millinery openings in Toronto last _ \viii be pomething new and week. He hes engaged liiss Patrick tiling good, Coote sad see; 47101:17: for the coming season. welcome, Admission: children 10e., Word has been received, announe adults 25e. ing • the death of harry Leslie, Miss ids Reid line been visiting at youngest son of Mr. James Young of Alarrio h for the past week. Lon'clon, who departed this life on Mrs. It Rinnigan of Ashfield has been visiting. her sister Thursday, Feb. ',3rd, at the early ,Mrs. Paulson age of 20 years, Barry Was well of the 12th. known in Gerrie,, having liyed here Dr. McDonald of ��lingliant, is at. for rnany years, tending Mrs, R. S. Reid, who is at present laid rip with infiamation of the lungs. Volea:etle Eruptions Mrs. John Reid is Iaid up welt Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life infiamatory rheumatism at present. of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures miss, E, S'Villiatnson,ef Walton, is them ; also Old, Running, aur, Firer S.res, EJlcei s, Boils, Felons, Corns, visiting her sister, Mrs. G, Walker. Warts, Outs, Bruises,- Burns, Scalds. A number in this vicinity have Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best file disposer. of their fat cattle. The cure • on earth. Drives out Pains and r Aches. Only 25 cts, a bo:. Clare gas. Price realized was 1.7a. per cwt. ranteed. Sold by Colin A. Campbell. There are still a number holding their cattle yet. Gi:7'LAND. Mr. Jaynes Young purposes selling his farm and going out West. The following is the report of S. Mr. Aaron Lindsay of Brussels, 8, No, 7, Turnberry for the month visited R. S. Reids ever Sunday. of February. The nares•aecording Mr. Geoege Ray has hired with. to the rnarks obtained -by the pupils, gr. 3. Patterson for the summer. after deductions being made for late ' The storm of Sunday was ono of the severest of the winter,cernpletely blocking a number of she roads, entertainment: •ness, bad conduct, etc, An effort is being made at present Class V. Lane Grain, • Ezra Hoinuth. • Sr. IV. Geo. Orvis, Hattie Mc- Donald, Annie Deyell, Geo. Brirnrier. Jr Iii. Pearl Wynn. - Sr. III. • Jessie '1'Vilson, Wins Ter vit, Geo. Tees, Alvin Orvis, Alex Coulter, Florence Currie. td get a branch, telephone line into St. Helens. This is a want that Is teueh felt herr; and • telephone coni. munieation -midi• outside points would he of a very great adva ntage t > the .citizens of St. Helens and vicinity. Bilesnas lots Iona Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will :And tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys aria 13o+a+elsurebut of order: 1f yon vent these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's .New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body, Only '3c at Colin A. aInpbeli's. MORRIS. Mr, Arthur Clintafuri, 3rd line, who lifIe re P. Hiunils, Teacher "0'Hooligan's Wedding." a scree in_ wss3 lir eri cited . r tilt. it ,.r having a has been seriously .11 with in grippe L ing face is in preparation and will be manure l r.i 1 t'n •hes & vet.In is slowly recovering. EAST WAWAv"OSD. Mrs. William'Brays, of Wawanosh, Mr. James Bowe, of Clinton, was is spending a few days • with her visiting at Mr, Itobt. Mason's during father, Willis farrow, 3rd line. the week' King, of near Ethel is the Air, Win, Salter is able to be jet of firs. Thomas Bone, 3rd line around again. ir, P. Erburywho has purchas ed the fifty acre farm belonging to Francis '144 rd line, moved u^to it last weelt, - Miss Jenny -Mason, who has been under doctor s treatment. lately, is notyt able to he around again. Mr. Tames Ireland, srdied at his son's residence last Thuliday after- noon, at tri . a vaneed age of,eighty eight years�T`ile funeral, which was Story of a Slave. • To be bound baud and foot for yea e 1 by the chains of disease is the cvore.t Porro of slavery. George D. Williams. of Manchester, Mich., tells how such eE slave was made tree. Re says : "My wife has been so- helpless for tiye Years Jr. III. Carrie :Thom,. John Burt- that she could not turnover in :bed alone. ' Alter using two bottles et Electric -see— - hill, William Burchill, Norrestlgttson. Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and loy'ed them -eke -et iiitinert:50y, dancing II. Mable Coulter; Mamie Burke, able to do her own ararlt" ''Phis supreme " Ruby Grain, Lily Deyell, Jenies remedy ter female diseases quickly cures until iumrinR,. i 1svi•li,a coulter. ' ' `nery„nsnoss, sleeplessness, •melancholy, i'here•.la a. be a r: 1,,. a fine }'tit II John Jacques, L re`ta headauhe. backache, fainting and dizt,y far those who di i'•t• on dies -sidewalk "Every morning 1 leave a bad taste in my mouth; m tongue is coated; my head aches and I often feel dizzy, 1 have no appetite for breakfast and what food 1 eat distresses. mc, 1 have a heavy feeling in my stomech, I am getting SO wish that sometimes 1 tremble and my nerves are all unstrung. 1 am ,getting pale and thin, I Aril as tired in the morning as at night.” What does your doctor say? "You are suffering front, im- pure blood." What is his remedy? 1 Ton must not have consti••. pated boweis if you expect the Sarsaparilla to do its bestwork. But Ayer's Pills cure constipa- tion: We have a book on Paleness and Weakness which you may have for the asking. F„lwdts fG Oita' D actor a. ]Perit:,ps you would ilio to consult eminent 1.ysiciaus about your condf- tiou • Write us freelyuli the particulars in your case. You will receives. prompt reify. Address, DR,, d. e. ArEP Lowell, Mass. o spells. This miracle working mEdicino ,end if'iar I,t-i.aeti 1� t'i„rr to be en - Thom. is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down ,> Part i. Class II, George Jacques, people. Every bottle guaranteed. ouly it �� vest- soon ..t .l"ie't you for Roy AleDonald, Wm. Reid, Herbert 60 cents, Sold by Cilia A. Campbell get it. 21tis liw•re ==•,„1 r',�,t about Burchill, Norman McDonald, Bertha' Ghe; lir-t t,iiti r k;),:n”, t :v. t} 'r le • .,lei sl;ear s Thorn, Clara Burke. BLUEVALE ance.5tursi •iiic,:n,,t•la f'.,lefnthers $25.00 Pumping - din mdis R. ifl:1�UC ''e 551 William St:, - London, Ont, have secured the services of three first-class coat makers, and are in a posi- tion to execute orders in workmanlike manner on RETURNED ON TIME. • tlE shortest notice. Style and fit ;nes for a good deal these days— , both are combined in the clothes we make, Our goods are all new and the prices are low. Webster 8v Co Carefully washed, properly ironed, to the `overworked brain and correctly finished and fairly priced— that's It will add flesh to that's the history or your linen when nerves" g on Saturday was largely, attended. The remains were taken to E;dniotid ville cetne;ry for interment. Johnny Ellis 3rd line took a trip into Grey township last week and returned with ft - blushing bride, in the person of Mrs.. Henderson. ,lis, friends wish him every happiness. Mr. John Duelsett will have the house on Cho farm oeeupied by Mr. hicks venerrecl , with brick this 5easo.t. �'l�t� is`$COtt�'s Sion ? It is the best cod-liver oil,,+ partly . digested, and. corn- 1 bined with the hypophos- - phites, and glycerine. What will it do'? It will make the poor blood of the afamic rich and red. It will give nervous energy' AIr. Than Johnston, of Westfield, was visiting with relatives and friends on the 12th, Mr.. Robert Cochrane.. or New Hamburg, is spending a few days with relatives and friends. Mr. S. C. llowlett's sale of farm stock and implements on Friday last was a.• success Gond prices brought here, `Not a thing in our the thin form of a cland, washing' preparations to injure the wasted from fat:starvaeion fibre of the goods and not a thing unhealthy about our work rooms. It is everywhere acknowl'- J'D LO • edged as The Standard of the World. a L ;oc. and $t.n6, tit druggfots. Leave Orders at Carr's Feed Store, Seerr5 irtlwtVrr, Chemists,' er lite. • Queen's . block. presented .lithe Foresters' Ball some Bluevs.ie, 'ten t`ie se .r\ gees away night in the near future, by a num! - .this spi Inset here e ill he err rnntinu or• of the village young people. , cue nei.nere. t.e- 8:t i' ,:ns '1 t•.. "!'octans Nothing but 'plum phast and phut- Coolies' gate to tee. to I and if the. ions." , . people of that remrte Slav Mere'fined Mr. Fleming Robertson, of Baise. for such sr' c t 1't «', it is' not :at all vain, Manitoba, has come to spend likely this class 4 f 4•flt'ud"rs will es the summer with his grandfather, cape in 18190. Why f. it that our Mr. John Robertson, stalwart sties, {.u•~ hg'- t:1+�itd and Mrs. John ?McDonald anti child of sinew • .ire gone to Mite' a •les 1 and; Gederieh are spending some week' away in tit It st,'>rli r= t„ ,,try+ they with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J• never think of their de•n' ul.i. Cana- Gar•di',er. dian Bluev;ale, hitt, that dreadful Rev. W. 3, West M., A., attended walk iooins tip I Ao s,.1 iti .oinen. the convention of the Wonlen'c They cannot sites wit h. the le•'at truth Presbyterial Missionary Society, in "I would give nom' Oil 1 t„lye, were re.tlized,tor everything.especial- . Teeswater. last Tuesday, IP I could once n,” `d ie,e: ly cattle. Mr. J. Currie, auctioneer, weilded the hammer to the satisfac- tion of all. Master Alex. McDougall celebrated his thirteenth birthday on Monday evening last. The, evening Was spent in playing games, singing;, etc. Mr, and Mrs. Joss. Johnston were in Westfield on Wednesday.. There was no Sunday School on Sunday last, owing to the severity olfre weather. Mi' Gen. Haney attended tin r. E. Walker has pureh d the' fueer•al of his brother, in Toronto, a farm from L.'�I33. Due, it 1 na,y e g 1111 :l.t , li,vn tri l' .Mrs. Robert Maxwell, of the Bine Ou the sig't, ;:Irc� . t U. nevale road, is quite .poorly after an but slide=vale " attack .of la grippe. Fancy lea piny the "",alto step" Rev, D. Rogers lectured at Pine .ori a illuevtha ;,irie .41"•:, River, one evening last week. Me. •u:tt South Burgess, Assistant High The latest returns ,f l Mr .John urges , Asa n Ii g Auditor for the Canadlan Order of Perth have retliuced Mr. Montieth's Foresters, and Mr. A. MeEwen were majority to seven, and a ree;ount will the representatives of Court Douglas be held on Saturday. at the High Court, in Brantford _ — - Head and LEm last Week. Ray Mr. CaL Hawke has been visiting friends in Berlin during the past week. The following is the earreet standing of the pupils of S. S'. No, 8, East Wawaaosh, for the month. of February. Pupils whose names are marked with a star missed part et the examination. Public School Leaving—Total 400. marlts—*M. Campbell 245, M. Me- Callum 225, *A, Wheeler 106. Sr. IV. "Total 400—Rpy Wheeler 283, A Taylor 274, A, McBurney 284, Jos. E. Ooombes 248, 3, McCal- lum 240, E. Walsh 235, J, Anderson 227, Ida Bone 222, M. Robertson 195, *C. Johnston 158. 3r, IV. Total 400—.Lena reare i 212,1• d Scandrett 285, W. McLean '189, *M. Henry 1:3I'. 7 r. Il L Total 4C0 11.Wightuian 212,*M. Anderson 187, *Jt, Grigg 129., Sr. 1i. Total 400_. Stanley Me- t tv lA5 age, r. Jatnes Phyntie, of Morris, had an auction sale of his farm stock and implements on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Thyme intends leaving the farm` Miss Jennie Ditnent is home from To"unto on a visit. r, and Mrs. John Diment, jr eiebrated the twenty-fifth anniver- sary of their wedding nn Monday evening of last week, by inviting over one hundred of their friends, both old and young, to partake of their •hospitality, Ninety people sat down to an excellent supper, among theta several who attended the Jigst wedding twenty-five years a ohe bridesmaid and best pian, Mrs. Alex. Orr, of Fordwich and Mr, ,frank Scott, of this village, together with their respeetiv:e partners, were also present Mr, and .Airs. Dh lent re- ceived scores of hearty wishes for many happy returns of the day. The young folk of the company en - Alt Covered With Lrutstfcins—Coutck Not Work, the Suffering Was Sox Creat—Hood's Hes Cured. "I was all run down with complaints. peculiar to my sex, and 1 broke oat In sores on my body, head, limbs anti; hands, and my hair all came out. I weal ender the doctor's treatment along timed without benefit. They called my trouble eczema. rinally I began taking good's S9irsaparilla, and atter I had used thret' or four bottles 1 found 1 was itnproving. 1 kept on'until 1 had taken several merit bottles and the sores anditehing have dis- appeared and my bolt has grown onto' Mae. J. G. nuowN, Brantford, Ontario:. "I Was all run down and had no appee tito, I had a tired feeling till the time. t was advised to try good's Sarsallarilla. 1 did so and it benefited n1e, so much that 1 would not be without it." Mits. G. I. 13ermensr, Central Noorbert,,�y, i. 13. I Sams- S ar ili p I, me best -in fact thr OttoTree Dim d Vetter: ton, net liarirtrillfmtsly with sOOu S tr�]xl: llooi'eSarsaparilla. 261. •