HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-10, Page 3• One MIPSO
Tells the etory. 'When your head
aches, and yean feel bilious, eNibti.
pated, and out of tune, with 10ur1
stomach sour and iso appetite, host
buy a package of
. Hood's Pills
And take a dose, from1 to 4 pills.
Yon evill be surprised at how why
they will do their work, cute our
headache and biliousness, rouse the
liver and make you eest happy Again, r
• WAS, Sold by MI medicine dowlerS•
the After. wcarrE. AND suou.
WON BIS. Q. THE AXIL. BOUND MAN 1 MISIIIBIC eN laCt3VITAL. vantIt liettretate elf.a.
• • •••••.,..
Doors Said He Must D. But Ho
Effects of Grippe
and the Cionanaon
Disoamn Tha
People Look
So Weak and
The Great Disease Danishet-
anti True Health Cuildar.
The writer a few days /Igo enjoyAd a
lielf hour walk with % wed known phvet.
ou one of aolitresai's cruwded
busineeii streets.
Meeting with a great many pale and
reetiow-facted mon and womou-lo4ng
reed middie-aged-tbe writer meed his
ephysioitiu friend the question : **Doefor,
Ave aro passiug scores of sink lobiting
00p0 doet; this filet prov tbat we are
deteriorating as to people Ita health und
genera( physical development V'
The phy MOIR Q'S answer was very CS uch
ts follewe A large numbei of sickly
• 3oolting iind half. wtili people nave ionised
Ins to -day, wheel, rim sure have prom 1.1(
Od your question. You twist remoniuer
that grippe has been epideiniu during
the winter, rind lies left thounande in n
eiarl clone:won of health ; theu there are
ether et non camas of sickness that
lave been ()penning. ouch as insoienth_,
bet01)01iesU ve dieturininces, blood
treublee, rheumatism. end kidney end
liver ailments. All these have cootie.
tailed to eietinees end deaths this yeer,
;and those we bine passed Are but.
a few of the vicunas; The same
ICORditiODS OXISt in all countries, and
would not care to state positively that
as a peepie we 11.31.3 deteriorating in true
Inu)huoc1 aut1 woman 'mod. y 141.-1
teRtio0 to, WO .1:4201,411)14i ORM Rad treat-
/nee; of. present weaknese will bring all
back to good health,"
Tee chose or sack people to whom the
city phymenie referfed tand ire urgent,
zee() Of Paine's Celery Cud, it
they would quickly iegain nerve forcel
sine power, weight in flesh, fresh blood
wind aunt bodily health. There is iite
thing known to physicians or the most I
extensive practice equal to Paine's Celery
-Compound for building up the weakened
body, When the ' great uoinpou lid is
aised, all weaknesses soon bscotne things
sof the past, and solid health, refreehing
vleep, natural appetite and vivacity of .
gdiepeeition make We pleastere,
TUE L trrEet, S eVel ElIIt .1.1M EH SAWYER,
What 'Should be the motet' length
of sleep The quertteni hats often
been put, inc Sit Jemes Sawyer has.
jilt iviweried It in 4 work on log-
eeity. Ile hays teat sleep should
toveapy a third oft the ttventytfour
hien s, Althougb this l'igure snoe et
all exaggeeeted, it meet be noted
Ghat bow e of the greatest workers of
our time never 'devoted eight hears,
to slumber. Thiet jamesisegges,
the of
eighty tWo, roe0 every morntug at
three fetlock, and .ver slept more
than fivo home. Brunel, the fatuous
eugineer, worketi. t malty hews at
day for the greater. part t.,f his life
Lord ileatillieftl, white eonittlander-
id-elder of Gibraltar, dui lug the four
years. seigeof t efertrette, aever took
more than four boure' repose, He
lived to bte eighte
Alexaudee littailuelt in hie ola age
heti tee eleep ICabt lour ,hunrea
day, bat it eeents thut 111 Ins >oath
two hours %sere quite euffirient.
This savant come qttently. maintained
that it. was gat Ito Walt e• to. think
dight bodes a day necessary for sleep.
Littre rose at 8 e. m., are while his
bedroom, %WI set ed also as a
study, wee being atatingett, went
down stairs eith a n her of books,,
having leaned 'from the Chevalier
d'Aguessau to Men idle inomeets to
uccount. vvel whilo waiting foe
his bed ti be made that he et eaid to
have . composed the preface or his
dictionary. At nine o'elecle 110 sat
at Ids desk till luheon; at
one p. in, he resumed Ins works and
sent off ids proofs to the Journal des
Savants, to %Veil be contributed
regularly from om thece to
eix p, tn. he worked ettleie dicelonary;
at six u'eleek bo dined, and at seven
o'clouic went bueit to Iris .desk 1.111
three Colocif in the meriting, often
continning his studies in summer
till swirl...et. Lithe lived to the age
uf eighty,
The.:e ineteneee show at lealt that
longe•vily incompetible -with short
s lee p
g X A 131..EA FOR • Ebeteinetlinn Mife Made La Buteien--- ere wenn mat aanald tiek, 'WWI Se 4.e,
Rallied 'leder South American NY 4 1-1111.41"1"; 1)T- Z''' South Amerietin letteuniatie °tiret .
Kidney Cure, and Dlabetes. Was WM,
Lifted It -A Vertnanent Oere. to et gained by leernine a tredve
Absulately Oared. ......---.....
Tbe lite qfh.P.139. El pinith, et Ainana wtilit:r11.7.11"bvUe"ttstirii7lowililigtglit;ii?. 1174g4k ijal.,40,6e.thig
A prorcieent legal light in a Canadian eleintrrann A SetliP140.-A nEeritAllIsee, .
Wood Ilospital. kit, Tilt/Mae, %VHS 4.11:4/
Weetern Own treuted end dieted for CONFMMKA'rION, lona routed at misery, he woe tie iiillieled vvoreer -an artier:1i rIr mei-halite--
With rhepreattem, lie tried all manner . eArhs two, thaw., 01' even tl'sur 01)364
yeure for what the doctors dittifeosed an ••.•••••••••.1. ••••••
One observes with some interest ot entes without emelt heeetite Altos eta mutat wages In the vette- another
ineurtiele twee of cliauetee. kit, became
stelind tat lie had to quit his prtietiee, a disposition in the purely ctititclawl Athiniveinrgivattiat ebutnnlat taut Lottie riiifs South :, of bolus or days as au 1110:killed
other 'r ' • ti s telt, , in atid. his. circles of England Co dene
a =pima arta 8uting r
greet newt, lied four bottles cured ;eon -
... lahomr-one who dace 'vsot k thee
etaferings ware neeet 'atone°. Almost . -, :
scholarly gl; TI 0 a 4. , earmane,,,,i,„. 800 6,, A . T.,, 1.,„,.,.„. reotaree II i special Vanities,' write*
u last resort he tried South Anierioau
Kidney Cure. and, to hie owe serene°, Grladstone. The di/301113510n was r ".' '' " w A. '4 ""‘P'"wu -4
13are n Cheyrey in the February
• liumeclititely began to ilicerave. Tilts is brought about in an address. by . etateRRIAGE A, SEBIODS Latileel fit nie Journal. Tie; serve
lov?r a your ago. tie cuatiutied tatting Lord Roseberry, tat which be spoke
to -clay he is a well man. Sold by A. le VOCATION
AND THE TRUE WIFE CONSIDERS Of a skilled worker are aite in Mete
eonstatit demend. and what. he flares
this greatest of kuhtee eeetalles, and of Mr, Gladstone's "bookiehness,"
Hamilton, and the general conclusion of the
ONLY TIOW :KUM 8114 OM t WO or three tinea ti.S' inures tier hour,
Cana.ctiert, Oatmeal. reviewers who have ta.kea part int , -
PUT INTO U. the diserasions appeares to be that i he has longer petiods cif -work and
les a enforced idleness thenhas the
"A woman who is blessed with Unskilled lanettar. The 1J osession of
The sultan, in fear for his personal
*0,:tety, has taken to revolver Prize.
Opp,. He shoots at a target daily.
• W;t1e fences, which the American
steny iftilixed for telephone lines in
Ctittil, are now Sei1Ving the &tala.
purpose in Australia.
Yon don't know when Merrily -an or'
X5ystIntery may attack you, so alwios be
Iirepared to ehe tio them ot tairtti 1)4 nay -
on hand Dr, rowler'a Extrata. of
Wild Strawberry. •
A mixture Of oil and graphite will
pi event screws teem becoming' fixed,
:and protect them for e ears against
e. GJadstone, so felt from being
The value of the oatmeal inaported supereminene either' es .a scholar or • marriage
sense does a triale gives a comfortmer eenee of
intGret Britain in 18, e
$1,- . a diplomat, was only re fine example Het eensider .at' the
, etare that is a yole to be seeurity atio. indeperdenee, for .one
610,701. Of that Canada eantributed 'of th"all round man" o aea
skillfully and suceetsfully 'enaeted,or lbusi skilled is siwtqs su.'n Ia. a enula
to the amount of $207,569, With 1 Beet a decisloneif it can be called '
a grand frolic, of whieh she is to be fortabelivelihoed, and witlt temerity,
the soil and climate admirably a eleciision, carries With it a shade of
the a
adapted for the growing ot large :disappointment that is unfortunate, dmired fled indulged centre, or a e0altetencY. for Ott' deellalot't Yeat'S
eroys cf oats of line qualiey, from ' but which will disappear on wow' a mere incident ,in a life crowded of his lite, a MI besides he bps various
with other activittes," Writee Helen 0PPortnnities of 'eng'Ighig ill Prat-
1Prtnce Edward Island to Vancouver examination. The arraignment
have a lerge shes too versatile to . be profound : . Watterson Moody in the March ante bdsines'l fee hitnself, 'rlw act-
Island, seems that Canada should appears to imply that Mr,
are of chat trade, wLadies' Home Journal. "She knows vantagee ate, within the reeelt of
e, • that marriage lea serious and steady every trel abtainable
Fm brighhay, orn a r al e ape' tt 1 a .
• 5 el) 3 "lee i " 'vocation, and that the true wife is without a sael'Iliee• T10.4 will he
able to certify that • oatmeal from I were a cominual bar to the surer -
Canadian oats ie quite equal in i eminence of any one fttealty. - I one. who enters marrlage. not tbink. understood when It is considered
ling haw much fele can get out of it, that the wages of an app.. eel lee to a,
quality to the best. The fault I have I But one ought io ask himself here
noticed most, and which is a seriou.s and but hew tempt' she can put into it. It . trade are about tee 151111te as the
if the speeialization of talent,
larger conception of marriage weave of a lad of the
One.froM the stanclp:oint of the con- I that sacrifice of eo-ordinate powers : le this' ane age at
which makes women . dwell by thir unskilled forms of labor ; c01)50 -
sumer, in the British Islands, is the i which beeotnes a necessity where 1
presence in sonie makes of oatmeal ; the wan would wicel in a pertieular 1 own dresidesln sweet eonteot with quentl.Y the aPPreetiee la mailing'
what iseommonly called the 'narrow ablaltia6.1111101 tnuneY as f ealPloYed
of a considerable quantity of seeds or ; field, is really the most desirable!'
• , I
1 limits of home,' knowing well that at ordinary rue.nutel labor, beeides
Tax! DI; .4.1:` :S.P..DGE
Ie -Spared to Mane a Ileum, Lieeauee.
Dr. Agnew'e Cure for the Li.eart
Never Fails to Cure Hazen Disease
--11elief in $(.) Minutei
. The pall of death has hovered over
ninny n dekeisat,t1 111.4arl looking ior the
so iliesAr or the c intl.°, itnit Dr. A.4-
now's 041'13 for the .btepinid
between the patient mei the grim kittod,
and Lurked the sufferer bank to perfect
'end 1. erinaneut reedit). Innq., Petrie,
of Aylmer, Qine, had ,heart chassis for
live yeare. WW1 unable wore. The
debtors gave elm up to die many a time.
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the limn. gave
him relief in thirty ad euteie awl four
bottles cured him Rold t L4 Samilton
When it es' nectiosar c, for ships to
' navigate the .Chieago aver then
cornea the tug. •
-1.e`ea C--, ,-,------7•''-et• e-eteettn- •----a• -1-ate,"••
....; , s* :T., ...--1,----s , s.4:-.•, v;-•-)
--,....-....„, „„••••,,,!..-so a., ••....../•,... . :„..-t.,c,es `,....., ....,.. . _I
et -a-
.1,,,$ . .....;,... . f.':....=
1 .:,''''.'
'!:' .;1111:[ii /1 it'll
. .. ' il,1 Ili' 1
•t ---2,-e---,
• ostr
t 4. 7 .
' -4)1 • ii.t.' 1
•. • e•1)
"Nandsome 13 that hand -
1 some does," is the old theoreti-
cal adage, but after all it's the
, •
skie-deep beautythat's attrac-
tive. It would take a big lot
1 of handsome doing to cern-
pensee for a skin that it
diseased and whose appear-
ance is distasteful to all, who
1 see it, and the torment of the
1 patient whose daily burden it
hulls. Better machinery, or better eonsammation according to the :
workmanship, or both, are required, I, natural Scheme of man's develop- no trile home is narrow since it naust gaining' a teade,"
although I have found some samples; merit and his largest reward. Is I give cover to 'the whole 'primal
Baby Eczema and Scald Head.
in that respect. Since toy return I' let us say, i mysteries of life -food, raiment and
of Canadian oatmeal quite faultless the specialist who has,
work to earn them withal ; love and Jeanie and young Children are peon-
: dwarfed. and weakened his emetiont.1 marriage, birth and deatb, right -
have been able to' give information 1 al, in the prodigious enlargement ot i eel_ _ liarly subjeet to this:•terclig_bItt cilist;,)vrdner,,
to several oatmeal miners concern- 1 his ietellectual . faculties, the ideal - ng and wrong -doing -ell these andtinu i. rip) titt)i)(earg tr.lirli;•IL,r, re slt) rd. 18,,,,,,,,ei made
commonplaces of humanity which a spiscial study of E.:zetua arki (beans('
in a ossible outlet in Great 'Britain '
, I whom. g a,
and trial shipments. are being ar- I some foregleatns, a h
, and to whi ch t e are most divine because they are of the skin. and we can coati sently re-
e:moved Dr. Ohase's Ointuion 6 to cure
is most commonplace.' The way to
ranged for. -Prof. Robertson. plane- all forms of Eczema. The' li rtql appli-
1 race along its 1 higher , make hone a wide place to dwell in
, t g 1' ? . cation soothes the irritation fuel puts 1.
Faint and Dtzzy Spells is to bring a wide pet sonality to tbe little sufferer to rest
I The properly 'developed all-round .• •
Are exceedingly dangerous. Better takedwell in it. Any home is just as man is not necessarily a jack of all 1
a few boxes of Milburn's Heart and
erve yids and cure them 'before they trades, But he is necessarily a man i wide as the maker, and can be no •
When a woman understands Bead .this Carefully.
become too serious. IA rs. Geo.Nash, 183 who can think and will and love wider.
this she is abip to . keep her bead An exchange says the ca e.. ot the
Colborne St., London, Ont., says she had with 'that Co ordination of natures
frequent attacks or dizziness, but these oftenest finds its. definition\ la steady and her heart undisturbed petilisber ft ate follows: The news-
pills eured her completely. b which over newspaper sketches about other paper man is the last man in thee
50e. a -ex' • the word genius. '' It is fairly appar- . women, lel which each one of them world that should be. kept waiting
HUSBANDS F011, ALL HIS ens in Mr. `Gladstone's owe state -
GIRLS. • ments that the carefully preserved is maae to do the most -remarkable for his enemy - Ile e an'tget a yeae's
me dit on his paper,. type, or other
. arid unnecessary things.
t sensibilitaes through all the crushing 1 .
. "
Tiernan sem HAS A MILLION AND A ' weight, of parliamentary strife kept printing material, but, has te come to
'HALF MORE NEPHEWS Tit AN NIECES. him fresh. He never lost aptitude I • March, April, Mav. the front every thirty days with
cold bard cash. It is not to be sup-
. . , . .
land adaptability - which could . pose either, that his staff of work-
" "The hum -hereof tratleenfatits bore ussage the Beres*, puts upon part of These Axe the Months in -Which to ,
Purify Your Blood. Men will wait a year for their weges
yearly exceeds that of feneale'ley one his nature, or to be,turned easily to, -this is a matter of weekly neces
to four per cent., the 'proportion the free play of another part. He i This is the season When your blood is sity.
with impuritiel, accumelated Another factor that has forted.
varying slightly from year to year," came from the story scenes of Irish loaded ea itself athWart the pathway of the.
writes Professor D. R. MeAnally of Home Rule to the pursuai of Robert duringmtie tbe winter le e f
"The American Girl's Chanute of Elsmere with a- student's zest. eteo i e. These
. Cr :t."0 3.".‘af i 611 postenee'S PthataP er mustPttlj1 it 101° pr ai el paidthe
Marriage," in the March Ladies' laid down the Greek Horner, and, • your system or they may breed serious the °atone: of each issue-, while
Heine Journal. "The • mishaps of taking up bis: axe, exulted 'for a disease and cause untold suffering. ,
boyhood, howee-er, reduce the name} while in the mere overflow of a veal best1-otsooSersepeeipa is the greatest and formeal v no postage was exacted.
tier of boys to genie extent, but not nature. In otherwords, he never
Bible to oubt!iunr."Iltngis mweladalt3iVriat lisliPio°08; - Tthh:raehitsingise tn.,: is
swacear nofr,eaddodugyinbge
so much as to maketbe adult females allowed one part of his nature to be- take in the spring. it will purity mod seen how neceeeary it is that all sub -
outnumber the males. For every • come an incubus on the others. It enrich your blood, create an appetite,
tone up your system, and give you sound, seriptionq 'and other accounts should
American wornan,, therefore, there' may be said that, if he refused to
be paid promptly, in order to enable
ought to be husband in posse if not beceme a philosopher, a savant, or a •
the publisher to meet • his bills on
tt esse, and the fact that there is a 1 scholar, in, the strictly technical
There idevery good reason why THOSE MADE 13177LOV/NG FINGERS could better he employed in intprove
. .
sary worry and wnste et time that
time and also to avoid all unneceee
portionate number in some sections
I yeomen 'in the country, and a pro- he insisted.on remaining a man.
large,percentage cf unmarried adult I sense of those words, it was because
, - ing . the literary 'and other features
than. in others, is attributable • to such a man should be measured by
of the paper. , Kindly take this mild
causes which have diseurbed the.: the rounded ciacumstance of his life,
balance. of population. In all new and not byhis failures to eel -
return mail if you have.not already
• • The wedding present as testi-
countries-and compared with Eta certain special& And n, Is that hie tution cannot be ignored," writes favored us,
hint and lat Us hear from you by
rope the United States Is a neve , in its fulness end completeness that , Frances E. . Lanigan in the March
country-theeees a larger proportion ' won for him the extraordinary title :Ladies, Home Journal • "It should
of males than of females. The ag.' of Grand Old Man. I be, and almost always is; a matter of
gregate population of the 'United At this hour of the world, when !pleasure to both reeipierit'and giver,
- Stated, so far as the latest °Metal trained teehnieal eyes are searching I
lend when • properly given -that is,
sPledia ' in CaSCs where intimacy and affee- .
figures stow, is 62,622,250, of which continually for tbe flashing
82,067,880 are males and 36,554,370 of genius, it may be well to consider : tion warrant its being sent -it is a.
are females. Thus tbe preponder if the men Who come the nearest to mot charming institution, Wedding
ince of males over females would doing all their work well in this !presents are sometimes objected io
seem to make it ,lomparatively easy world and not those Who are least , an the ground that they compel
for the American girl tO secure a apt to al Met, the attention of the 1 young people to start their married
husband but in certain sections this chroniclers by flashing ethievements, 'life handicapped. with the overhang.
is evidently not the case, else the and to ask if that Weeld does not,an-
is to bear it about. DR. . g shadow of gifts which must
as well as in ;eventually be repaid in kind. Where
Aettew's omennee is a won- proportion of adult unmarried wo. gain more in its ideate,
&dui cure for alt sorts of teen would not be ea Inrge. If men its achievements, from those who I such a shadow is it deservesto be,
Skin Diseases-Itching:burn- would remain In the neighborhoods live fully up to al/ the posaibtlities of for less kindly appreciation of the
.heart and brain and muscle, thaw interest, and affeetion Of one's friends.
ing,stingingsensations which where tbeV were born the proportion
.of men and women woald be nearly from those whd, in. order to excel I can s . i
zr. , =
• ga are aecompaniments-fetter, oarce y be tmagined than this.
brAtioixwal sett eheutn, scald head, ring equal all over the country', but men theie :ellows, narrow themselves to 1 Tbe wedding present in almost all
worm e&rma /telt ulcers, find work hard to get in the older en exclusive path in
"'nil fanlel cases represents a token of good will
illfAtilf I HU)
r ,c
In speaking. of secret of success as
a writer Edward Bole says in the
March Ladies' Home Journal, "The
way to write is, first, to have some-
thing- to say, and then say it as well
as you can. That is ail there Is
abo.tt it. If white you say is
something which the world wants ta
hear an editor will find it out (Vick
euough when you send hint the
tnanuscripe So far as "a chatee to
be heard" is eoneerned there is
plenty of chance The question Is:
Have yob. something 'worthy of a
chatide That you can Only find Met
erysipelas, liver spots, and all oncl mere populons eomm nnities, and alone cen follow them ----1.sym Ormk. i end affectionate interest, and shoutti IV tiendieg your manuscript to ethe
plication allays the irritation, vvomen are left behind. end the •1. aLet no one be deterred from
and perseverance in its use young men. after Settling hi their . EverseSpeeng.
, sending a wedding present because
11111E *Kip( . mutts in a speedy cure. For new homes, forget the companions c.f• Mrs. Aggio Barnes. Lunenhcrit, N. S., of her inability to send something
eruptions of theekin--one ap- go to the newer State& The young le (A. U. Wheeler.) be so received.
blind, bleeding, itching, and their yoath, and eontract alliances writes: "1 ha" "1"n 13AI 13. """Y codtly or elaborate. Many prett
1 th
among y
eprieSc now for florae vieera, pur:ev rev •
eir new frieeden te est
ihW, bi 1 • ' Vand s usefel, thingmay be purchased
ulcerating piles it's a magical ood ant keep iny system n goo, or era!
'balm one applicafion gives comfort arid relief in an iestant, and infra. three
hence some of the Eastern Stares and can honestly env I do not know QE nowadays for very little money, and
lave nights the trouble disappears. Price, as ct& show a surplus of .fernalee." Its equal anywhere," - •• many dainty atticles suitable far
A tondret lady had ecterna for years so A Toronto gentleman, living on Dovercourt , ! . peesonat or hnueehold use may be
badly; hot face Ad neck were so disfigured Ae Eoad, spent a small fortune in treatmentsand . Por ovev reift,y Years. One swallow will do away with at made by reasonably ‚clever hands.
wain into a itre of seclusion, and the stinging remedies for plies in their very worst form, was
e 6,0 flies a day.
pahrof it wet so Intense that, to use her Own treated by electricity with temporary relief only,
An Old nd Well -Tried Remedy -Mrs lent 00
• ; Probably the aresents most valued
words, As .. Virblit Cott Willy to Tnaa.". She tried rind had da
ecided to go on tho operating table nd Winsloesas Soothing Syrup has been 1 ,
many ointments, salves and Wasiles-••was treated revs a s rg p , .d, b t. at
. Ilay sp cialista on Skirt diseates 'without getting recommended to- try Da. AGNEW s 0/24t41,11T- Df3t4i for Oiler lfty years by mallets of 1 tleattty is hat skin•Aeep, bot - the v " g 1" e are th 6
any 1:stitis benefit. She bola a box of DR. be did to. The gra appligation of it relit,/ Inethers for their chill:fret -*bile teeth. which are made by the loving.
eliness r/lEASh MS twelve Welles to
. contort, and to -day, after using three boxes her to•day hc's rewarded Vidth tura afteg /tar, s o bands of her friends."
Acossw't swrartm-enct app tendon gavo her tho intones distress -he persisted its use an f ing, ill) D011eot seceese. eoothert the
meets AS bldItt and AA at alatby's. suileriag. child, softens the ga Ms, obeys n11 pain, the foot.
no ctiRle POP Thu hinART-Itelievee smothering, paipliatiou and duttering. A cures wind teite nod the best rereedv
regular lifesaver in cases of organic heart troubles.- for diarrhoea. it is piensant the taste. A. eaLtallat
NITANTED-.SEVEltAL TausTivourtelt rria. '
itoR. Ad:VEIN'S .CATAgRIIAL, POWDER-Rellevel cold itt rho head in to minutes, Cures bay I Sold ey druggists to Avery von of 1130 sobs in this state to manage cur Waitress in
m re, wthalow.a sfttb•ing sytopf end logs ROOS'. MOrl'aihr 1110016 ilustav Boberte,
fever and catarrh. „ their twitted nearby cottnties it Is mainly Mt' 1111' neintv.'1"". f')"8 111°"r°° Ave.. tiAbeiketh
OR. eetelaW'S Lrette PILLse-ttegulate the bowels, Tone thetystem. Never gripe, Pleasant wt'l„r)d.' .T041100',4jve n„„„eote a bottle. ets1 work eendutted At selee:e weight gm ft N. J., advisee iill leen who are week end we„ desire
lime doses, 4011i a vial o 20 eft., 8 , Varna al Zealot, you ash for a 4r and eXPINIAC6.40d it'n nO *Iota, rio a tetlei1d1V 414 Pet rea:t 01111 to write tc,
gOtin x).2' A. L. HAIVaIt.T011, WIttatatiAlla. take no other kind. 1 selkiddrested showed eaveloprt, 'Herbert U. Hess.
peek., Dept. M. Chicago. • area Waodward Mo3 Ave.,Detroit, Mesh.
tors. "Influence" teams for nothing
in a newspaper office; the only thing
thatcunts is what therees in a man-
liser Ito .
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