HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-10, Page 2On ItIvery Bettie -
of fihnoil'e C,,:seut .ptiun Cist ha this
•,suatentee, "gilt we ask of see ie le
Ilse two shit.!. of the coatente et this
bottle faithful' s. then if you tills set. you -
are not Innen- oil,' cetera the tenets to
your Dregelet.:trio: he may refund the
price paid." le iee2Z eye., es ets, and $l.
A man walking day Rini eight
.without r'e'in•, would take 428 clays
to jt roe; wend the wui'id.
`111.1(.; W I.N0.11 A 'M. Tl lM 1+.Sa. A OIE 10„
Goma of Thought. i Effeots Were W oaderful. C 1;1!-C?i.'ERA-T1GQN 1x7.41, DSSE#,UM
S,.,0:•?•;:f ,
gg• u7
I. ea t tre .w eared i;,te 'u -nes ;
Little Pilin.
They atm relieve Distress front Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and. Tao Hearty Eaiiug. A iter.
fect remedy for D:LzIness, Nausea, Sirotest-
lt ess, Iter-Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in live • . le, TORPID LIVER. They
Replete the '.,.: waft. ? ureiyVegcta1 e.
(.1r:,^2.9 Price.
the ire ad; of tho day
See you. get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
• Insist ax d demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
True books have been written in
all a;;ee- by their'greatest teen --by
great leaders, by great statesmen, •
And great thinkers. neer, are • all
at your choice,. nod Alto i•, short,
Will you Joel .a etch the e'er uton.
crowd.ft r tee t, .1 here, rtnd audience
there, Wl '.1 ,. t i,titl while thte eternal
Court is open to you, with its society
as wide as the world, rueltitedinnus
1• as itstlays, the chosen and the mighty
of every place unci 'tine'? --John
1 . Rare talents may sotiotimes be
prerogatives without being 'advan'-
tges; and though a needless osteo•
1 tctttott of one's excellences may be
more glorious, a modest concealment
• of them is usually, more safe ; and
an unreasonable .disclosure of flashes
nI had been troubled for years with VIE OLD
"I3;tn't II.L'rs•
pities tp, my sides me kidneys erre Red
:who in all perte of my body, owing to TRAM. WHAT }IAY 131: Dt1NI''a
atotxixcll std liter LrJtrbles.. l began willrNi sings a't'MRS JOIN
taking .gond'a Sarsaparilla and its effeets IIdNIiS,
stere wonderful. lu a short time wee.
entfre/y stored," Flom:toe, '?0J This is wart' Prof Robertson has
°sweeten Avenue, Toronto, Outnrio.
to say about co-operation In to d:sal-
Hood'a Pins are non -irritating and the tune ;
only cat.,hnrtle to take it We hood's While certain }farts of farm work
and business can be condinited with
I�INLOSS. the greatest success by the itldividu-
al, as independently of his felicity.
A very pleasant event took place oitizene as any one can net in a
at the residence of Mr. fleury eivttized .eotatnuntiy, part of the
Thompson, of Kinloss on the evening• management cd agriculture, from
of Feb, 22nd, when his sixth (taught- which profits to the individual are
er, Mics filery Etta Thompson, was. • derived, can be eondueted with most
united in marriage to, Mr. Thomas. advantage through sone form of co.
Elliott of Culross. -E 9ie brid'egrr9son operation. At the beginnings of new
,waa,7iIiilpolitadlirikliiMatTh$ntpson forms of agricultural work in Cana-
brotl es„o? oe tit rde The brigs, da, it seems essegtial that the farmers
of wit may sometimes do a ratan no beaa}ttifally atti ed, gats'- assisted by should eo operate until they have
other service than dirtret his adver• 111166-attiheMideentieleie•oighteetertide obtained the ability and facilities
aeries how they way do lana a mis- seelttillierie Many relatives and friends for doing what they may continue
Chief,—R. Boyle. witnessed the tying of the nuptial yo do either singly or in co operative
Laughter should dimple the cheek, knot by the Rev. N. S. leurwtti capacity afterwards. At first when
not furrow the brow. A jest shoeld The tattles woe r`tc hly and bout!.a new settler needed to build hitusolf
CIA re of
Perhaps you've suffered with constipaa
tion for years, tried all the pills and pur-
.gativesyeu ever heard or read of, without
getting any more relief than the one dose
of the medicine afforded.
Then you were left worse than before,
bowels bound harder than ever, the con-
stipation aggravated instead of cured.
All the miseries of constipation—Read-
. ache, Sick Stomach, Biliousness, Pimples,
Eruptions, Blood Humors, Blotches, Piles,
' and a thousand and one other ills crowded
• beckon you againwit h redoubled severity.
wouldn't you consider- it a blessing to
be cured of yocr constipation so that it
wouldstay cured? So that a repetition of
all the suffering you have endured would
never come again? Burdock Blood
1 Bitters can cure you—cure so that the
• cure will be permanent.
► That's eel -!.re it differs from alt other
remedies. It Inalies a thorough renova-
t ation of the whole intestinal tract, tones
the bowel wall, acts on the liver and
• :stomach, and causes all the digestive and
secretory organstoso work harmoniously
' sand perform their functions properly and
-perfectly that constipation, with all its
-attendant sickness, suffering and ill health,
1 -.become a thing of the past.
Miss Arabella Jolie, living at 99 Carrifre
:Street, Montreal, Que., bears out all we
:say in regard to the efficacy of burdock
Blood Bitters in curing constipation per-
;, :rnanently. This is her statement :
For over a year I suffered agreat
'deal from persistent constipation and
could only get temporary relief from the
various remedies I tried until I started
using Burdock Blood Bitters. I am thank-
' fur to say that this remedy
1 lhas completely and per-
' smanentiy cured me and
have hrrd aro return of
ale room' :..:froa.
be such that all shall be able to juin fully . spread, The presents were
in the laugh winch it oceastons; but numerous and costly. Tho highly
if it bear hard upon one of the Qom• esteemed young eouple start out on
parry, like the crack of a string, it their niatrinloelal career accompaei•
makes astopin the atns'ic.—lfeltham. ed by the best triches and heart felt
Men are not to be judged by their congratulations .if a host of friends,
looks, habits and appearances; but '1/a their lives be long and s happy.
by the etlaracter oi' their livers and' he borne of Mrs James Turner,
conversations, and by their works. i of Culross, on Feb 2lst, was Invade
'Tis better that a man's own works, .ed by a ntuuerous assemblage of fn
than that another tnan's words should • vited friends and ;neighbors. It was
praise him.—L'Estrange. • l their privilege to witnerrs the. perfor-
Usrfnl occupation i� not only a Tynan' e of the matrimonial ceremony,
tonic; it is a sedative to the troubled by the Rev. N. S. Burwash, between
spirit. Instead of looking in upon I. Mr. Joseph Hanna, of Kinloss, and
our own griefs until we ivagnify ;' Miss Nel• Turner; daughter of the
them, wo should. 1:5111er look at the
hottest. Mr. Fred TtMiss Fanny
ioand uipson ()Melee„
sorrows of others, in order to lighten 'ed as gr omsmanBell efficiently per, formed the duties
and lesson theta.—Cuyler, of bridesmaid, Bountiful proi
No one can ask honestly or hope- had been 'made fol• the wucl•► envisjoonsy
fully to be delivered from temptation, ed marriage feast. ,The presents
unless he has himself honestly and were numerous, beautiful and *value
firmly determined to do the best he able. Thusanotber.excellent couple
can to keep out of it.--Kuskin. ( sail out in the ocean of Min a matri•
To be a gentleman is to be honest, , menial barque richly freighted with
to be gentle, to be generous, to be ',the kindest regards and best wishes
wine, .to exercise these in the l;