The Wingham Times, 1899-03-10, Page 1fi .
VOL. XXVIL---NO. 1403.
Everything at Cost
and Below.
Business must be wound up by
April lst, until which time we shall
offer unheard of bargains.
Everything goes—Dry Goods, Or-
dered Clothing, ready-made Cloth-
ing, I3oots and Shoes, House Tarnish,
ings, Millinery, Gents' Furnishings,
Groceries, &e, In fact the whole of
Our immense stook.
Our necessity is your opportanity.
Enough said. Terms Spot Cash.
Owing to the continued illness of
Mr. Bowles, we have decided to wind
'up our present business. In order
to facilitate the winding up and di,
it as quickly as possible; we sh' all
offer the whole of our stock AT
COST OR BELOW, as everything
.must be.sold.
All outstanding accounts must be
paid not later than February 25th.
Accounts not paid by that date
MUST be placed for collection.
i(indly.note that trade cannot be
-accepted on past due accounts, but Taken. the sante as cash on'
goods now' purchased. We_ would z3
ask as a favor that all due bills
against the firm be presented at
-once. Thanking you for past favors,
We remain, your respectfully,
If youhlve a cough
.try . .
the best remedy for
tCoughs, Colds, Bran-
tchitis, etc.
When you are recovering from a
cold and need a tonio, use IRON
TONIC PILLS. For sale at
Shanty Asazzr::s.-T s spring session of WAxeue.. - Butter 1t.•.• -17o ; a ton of Oh Say 1 Do yo
the High Court of J sties will open at feathers, dried applets and raw furs. Meat is it 1' Wa
Uoclerich, an Monde' next. Ohlef Justioe G. B. Kma. have the largest st au
AucTlox SALLs a
Armour presiding.
knot. be latest Y IT
aS SO p
k r nos �ti Button l i t i"15
est stock of fur -
e • week Mr J Currie,
nature ever sbowti lti Wingham, All
WAS Teal: L'JA1tTn•19Ae.r. ?-.-ltiraily people auctioneer, conducted three Bales. on goodie ars up•to date
in this vicinity Oa m that on Monday Monday be was at Mr James Mclnn'a in Soap Uzs Dnlvan.
his week Ur
afternoon last, betw an 4.30 and G o'clock,•Tmnberry ; Wednesday at Mr .lames Molndoa dzsposed of is fins driving mare,
what appeared to be an earthquake was 2'ynne's in Morris ; F Ida" at Mc S C Flossie, tie J C ICi 1g, the millionaire, of
distinctly heard. Wailed not hear any' Howlett's in Bast T'awanoslt, and an Montreal, for the bat doom sum of 0250.
ve at Mr W J Dry. Mr living is the gentle em who purchased
Good prices were Meson Beat Bros' 'Mande mare some
ales and they were years ag d it is s d be has one of the i
Currie has made a heat stock of horses a d beat fitted stables I
auctioneer, and ho to be found in the 1) minion. Mr Mc -
erection. Brg,yone Indoo had exbibite the mare at ten
le cannot da, hatter different times, wad on every occasion
rrie's hands. 'carried off that red tic et;
such noice, but man , are of the, opinion 1 Wednesday of this
$that such e thing dal happoe11'a,hear Zetland'
1?norRUTr oN Tliv Moor„ ome hiteh realized at all of these
having arisen between Messes A McAllister largely attended. M
and Thos Welker, he property transfer name for himself as a1
mentioned in our last issue did not mater- alwaye gives entire sa
ialize. This week itr 1tioAllister purohas• thinking of baying a a
ed the property on jatheriire street, acme, than place it in Mr Cyy
pied by Mr It B 3iliott from Mr. J ti -abea. -Winghari hockey team (tent'
Jerome, Mr Mc,At ester will move into his to Seaforth on Thar sday evening }pet and
tow home at once and yo editor will take played a fast game w th the team of that
the bods a resontloocupied by Mr Me• town. They went away with the feolfng
Allister. that defeat awaited t ,ern and were not at
Fon SA ,E• -That very desirable proper- all out oat when the dame ender'. p to 7 in
ty situated on the corner of Francis and favor of Seafgrth .. The great Wingham
Patrick streets. 7the stficparticulars apply at Lncknow rnatch,will be played o
the residence or at the Balt Qtllce. p y ff•;in.L:sto•
1! G Sieutaxa. wall on Wednesday ,.vening next, if the lee
Bette: Costal It ovene::r.-A mom is in proper condit n. Tho f,ucknoce
ngiog of the nlatol, in
rnakiog arrangements
ipany for the • nning
e match
e Wingham
cetera moulding
ngyolr pictures
to Walker Bros b Butt
..a. eo - reasonable hour. h Listowel, Clinton, I SETTLERS von Tim Wz;oa oesday last
Cl%t`a cr£�G2y2✓ci,R...'`t.�.'chRk'�,�kt�C+•�
I have received .a car load • of
buggies. ` They are good ones. Call
and see them. Get our prides and
you are sure to buy wiry the business me,r
�i�r� not close their phots of business at a
ment is on foot smug the business men
and prominent citizens of the town to
see what can.bc dors in the way of with the railwaycu
having; the business places close at an of a special train.'
earlier hour in the yature than has been come off, we are 1
done in the past. We hays often said boys to come out c
before that we could not see any reaecn. Our spring sto
pe' hie bava the err,
band. They are ala
of this town should has arrived. Bri
oking for
LOCAL liEWS. Ingersoll and mane other towns, the was the first day fog the annual spring ex -
daces of business art olosed at G oaelook I eturelous to the Wes •. fia,ne-5.a°!
See Halsey Park's advertisement. . every evening escep; Saturday. The' freta•-Westeriverttraateleft."a`nrontcxper GP
Dr. Butler, of London, 'will be at the Town Councils of nee above places have, t lt...Ti1e°C' TeRarei" rr to•North'Bay-frole"To'•
Queen's Hotel, Wingham, on the ,first we understand, passe:'. bylaws compelling 1 ronembad.>tabsetitioled• ratti•two""aietioiib.
Wednesday of each month from 11.80 a.m. business men to close heir stores at a stated ,Totty:-iiveepeople•lef oCaliffortietorethe•Wegb
till 3 Moloch p. m., . for consultation in hour, We anderseand a petition will be to nd thtri Cr Tells vas.scr<npelleda:tc -vend--•-ae
diseases of the eye, env, nose and throat. circulated among the iusiness men to agree 1 cant to tr.aain :riiittdt"'fl`aris Palntetsion,
C. 0..I'. ¥nETNIct.-Tile regular meeting to close at a certain hour, and we trust I The followinpassengers left C P lb
of Court Maitland, C 0 F, will be held this eyery-bueiness mar, in town will sign it. the g by
clerks in stores simile not bo expected to froro F Ttngham stab an to different •points
(Friday) evening. ,. A large attendance of work until 9 and 10 o look 'every evening. I in the West :-W '4 tustone and.tire, to
members is requeste, t, as the delegates to Let Wingham be np-to date by inaugurating Caeryville, Man ; Geo M James, to Bran.
Nigh Court will mat e their report. the early closing syst
clireaoeennE Waaa fish. --Wheels, not bt
cycle maw, were in use arqundtown an
have xacen ly taken good situations and
four positions remain unfilled.
BUSINESS Ft1nvis. - throughout the
.country employ our graduates. In fair
.competition. our graduatesare nearly
always chosen, That's'one reason wby
young teen and women should come to
the • `
W. a. ELLIOTT* Principal,
Vireulars Free.
marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATERSON. Wo 23, Vic-
toria stroet,Wingham,Out. Novritnesses
Our Clubbing List.
In Order to onto our subse ibors the troubie of
in tWO.Or more it,t iittanees we gave nulla
male > l
spe0lal arrangements with the pubhahora by which
we aro enabled to offer the following puhlizations in
connection with the WINGHAat TIMES at special
low rates front new until tee. 31st,1300,
Times and weekly Globo, • , 61125
Times and• western Advortiser,. 140
Times and 'Family Iiorgtd and Weekly Star
and Pietero •• -175
'Times and Partners' Advocate, . 100
Times and Paining, weekly, • • 17t.
Times and Montreal Weekly Witness, 100
'Times and Fanners' Sun, . 130
'Times and•ltally Globe 4 25
'Times and Daily World - 3 00
Times and Country Gentleman, 2 73
Times and 'Weekly Mail and Empire 1 25
Times and Daily Montreal titmice 2 00
Spatial clubbing' ratan wait all newspapers and
magazines quoted on application. '.Cha bnleneo of
this year will bo awes tree to new subscribers of
filo above weeklies. except the Family herald and
Weekly Star. The Tunes along will be sent to new
,tubserlhors until January 1st., 1300', Caah meet
aceompsny all orders, SCbsorihors should renew
thefr•itnbscreettons as oal•y as possible as the he
position Of postage Otter .haltutry 1st, W11a1
•oOtnpel used make an advance In the above rates.
.Addre8I tatlrord4t's to or call at the
TIMES O E P vC q,I#All
• diiy last° S— tuiclaynigh6 ancl•San•'
change in things: The
o worst we have bad all
day's storm made a�
storm was one of tl
winter. '
the severe snow st
Ltz1.-On naco.uot of
m, it was impossible
for Mr Robt Canto to keep his ap
po3ntmeht at the. 3alv tion Army ',last
Sunday afternoon. Those who were dis-
appointed in not 'leaving his •thrilling
experience will be rebased to know that he
is expectect to rehire the same in the
barracks next Sunday afternoon.
WANTED. -At very tempting prices, a
carload of bright dried apples ; tons of
good roll butter; any quantity of fresh
eggs. and 100 cords good stove wood.
STILL oN TuLr BooScl-`gingham Council,
Canadian Order of ({hoses Friends, is still
on the boom. Mr Barnes, the energetic
organizer, has been making things hum
,einee be came to to vu a . few weeks ago.
We believe that sone 73 new members
have been taken into the Council. .A.
special meeting was 'geld last (Thursday)
evening, when a • brewell supper was
tendered lair Barnes, -nd it was expected
that some 20 nets me4nbers would be init-
$2 00 Rriwane.-Mr J'G Sweats will pay
the above reward to anyone returning his
large ring of • keys, with long • chain at-
tached, which were lost on the streets of
Wingham some time ago.
.-•This season should
rable dwelling houses
This week we have
ern people wishing to
lxnost next to im-
ouse. - We never
nab a source article
hunt one for our,
nouns ARE &AEC
see a number of de
erected in Wingham.
head many enquiries
rent houses, and it
possible'to secure a
thought houses were
until we were forced t
selves. Our moneyed Ron could profitably
invest money this comi :g. Sdasdn in erect-
ingdwellings that woulerent from $0 to
$8 per month.
$ '. I9T N. -�+ Ai:rrt B
1:V En lull A 0 0
Outten, of Guelph, wil add another paper
t rdmyah
to the list of week y newspapers and bettered antes
established a paper in the town of Barris- out to this country, a
ton, to be known as t 'e Standard. Phis ' to be the most lucrat
most i;udeponclent in
e for Harris cn
P r t ,-are all enjoying good
e intention of Mr - are all enjoying the
It want." What in -
n of Harriatort do CFIYJRtal.
Fncee THE. WEST.
writes from Alexand
subscription, as follo
always a welcome` vi
.every copy of which
recollections of the ti
ham, and also the
received at the he
friends, and althougl
miles away, it shall
spot in our memory.
note the many impr.vements in your go. with the great some y comedy, entitled
ahead town, and tin: t. that the wave of 1 "The .Blacksmith's i) ugbter." What the
prosperity may bout nue with you, and Ingersoll Daily Chr nicle of Feb. 29th,
that some day in tae not •far distant says of the Compan : "The town hall
oors last night with
ee to hear the Car -
their fleet appear.
duction. "Le. Article
e heaviest piece of
in the hall here for
Sadie Farley, who
, was repeatedly ape
est manner in which
She is supported by
nd their performance
est ever seen in the
y will put on it comedy
razebrook Farm." Be-
medy specialties will be
trip and see this co :stay for yourself, for introduced. Con.idering the email ad -
you certainly can biter your eondition mission fee and :the quality of the show
here if you are riot .frail of work, if you!, should be g'eeted with another full
aro' do not come by any means, as we
have plenty of that . ind here now. I 1 house.„ Bargain counter prices, 10, lb
have been up to the northern boundary land 20 cents. Special offer: Ladies can
of Manitoba and als• into the territories, secure best reser ved seats for Monday
and find that wheat does well, but those night only for 10 vents, if secured before
who are pushing nor h are going into
6 p.m. Monday ea Morrow's Drug Store.
mixed farming, wbic is a paying under-
taking out here if pr perly attended ” to.
The people of this c• ntry are very pat•
riotic, or clauish. tiey believe they
have the best country and people in the
world; and are lookinforward to the
time when the seat o the Federal Gov
ernment will be settle 1 forever in, Winni-
peg, and when these ighty plains shall
have their millions of inhabitants, then
'Stand back," I
QnITtrAftY ox Ter rtiAs Mo1vxn,-The
following obituary from the Lucknow
Sentinel of Februi ry 25th, refers to the
father of Mr W 0 delver, of this town
-It is with profou id sorrow that we re-
cord the deatb of Mr Thomas McIver,
which took place e trly last Friday morn-
ing (February 17t1 ) at his bore, con. 3
lot 2, :Huron. ?Leased who was a
native of'Sc',tlr; n.'d - had a short time ago
completed his 77t i ye -r, being born at.
our own favorite remedy.
Loch Broom, Rcesshire, January 7th,
1822, In .June, 1351, he was married
there to Mies Ale aandriaa M:Lc n and
during the safe. year came to tbii D:ag Stere. .
cannery, and afte' being a year in Zorra,
hear Harrington moved to Ltucknow,
Mem fatally eas' to lot that cough.
fasten itself firmly 1
But it's easy, also, to find a good
remedy here, or to have us till a prescrip-
tion, and so tinctrelief from the distress'.--
ing maladies.
Try I eathfield's Balsam
and lived on tilt place known as "The ---- -
Samorville Sure y" 'till 1873 when be Catnpbell's Headache Wafers- guasrane
went to what now the homestead. teed to euro headache. . e
Mrs McIver di d in 1862. The family -Marbles are all t ego with the bmalf
she left are Cie rge A., at borne ; Ken- boy these days. • '.?A "i .1
netb C., of Alp na, Mich, ; ;Miry Jane -A number of yo fig people from "Sea -
(Mrs 13 Mobo old) }.-of Lucknow 'and forth spent Sunday n town. •4.
William 0., of Wif gham. In 1864 Mr -hlr A. Burkhoi er sl:ipp •twoJ.oare
McIver was ag in married to Mrs Mary of peas for export his aeel
Itoss'who surf ives him, her oldest eon Choice Large Prune lbs for- elcts.
by this inertia e, John A,, died on Deo. Rig snap is Dinner.wa • at G'riffin`s, Zw
23rd, 1897, he • remaining family are -Sale bills print d at the Trims orze --
Lanchiin, of r 1pena- and Donald and
cheap, neat and at fair price. i
Lizzie at home Friends and neighbors -Mr Alex Holm s will shortly rttmoyu.
doe, Man; John Rolers,to Sault Ste Marie,; extend their �0 artfelt sympathnydto the. from Fhlt11 t ..n t
n stn ,n linrtt, i�
Mr G McIntyre, AZieb ; Walter Bel r, with a or .of hersee, eorrowgpg F..l w end sons a Vrtrat
t . ...-The inguhtr inulin, oP the Seb:ool
is in renowin his to Soriris NLan. tliat.:lklili.t.IcsWho le st '.resent Corr . .
s :-Your vapor is l Zarin SNA3's.--To hand, twenty, •pairs, ill, tiny be soon restored. Of our de. Board'tvill be: `liel on Tossday evoking.
I next.
parted friend it may be said that from n
youth he knew the Saviour. His own
testimony was "I have been following
Jesus since 1 wee fourteen years of ago."
When he was hat age the death of a
eorge A., by drowning,
utpression on him, and
God's hand, of leading
bout twenty-five years
ained an elder in the
Presbyterian oh rch. Although a long
distance from th.. village, few. were more our customers can 0 their way1A1-
regular than he i 1 attendance on Divine ways sure of a bargain at Walker Bros
Service, not oak' on the Sabbath, but & Button's furniture house. •
also at the we'lkfy prayer meeting,
where Inafiilnil far fact, and earnest-Messrs'ycung to Penlin have an adver-
words will be sore'y missed. At the be- tisomant in this ism. Watch their comer
ginning of this mt nth whet the Comm- in every issue of the Tiaras.
-The teachers ,f the Weill drew
Inspeetorate will be in session at.E : eter on.
Thursday and Frith y of this we
Don't buy yowl baby e,ir ages unci)
you see our stet. They were bought,,
from the largest m. • ncturers, and
will oe void at th lowest possible
prices. Walker 3ros Sr, Button.
•-A team of hor es Mr Geo
Shaw made thinly lively on Josephine
street for a few mi lutes on Monday morn-
ing last.
-A few from here attended. a carnival
at Blyth on Monray. Mr Harry Bone}
carried off the prijee for the most Comical
gentleman skate I.
-Messrs Butte i et Fess ant are going
ahead with the w.rk on their neve building.
Stone and brick a.e being placed on the
ground this week
•--We are ser
Griffin is lying
hotel. His
leahis ear
Freshrnof oyster arriving daily at MoKel-
vie's star restaurant, We serve them ire
any style.--JAs. AIC mole. tf
--The atonal 1n, sting; of the Grata
sdian Order of Chosets
i at Toronto on March
ted that 400 delegates
itor to our home, good wool blankets, full size, wide pale
.rings bank pleasant 1 blue and pink borders. Regular $3.25
e spent in Wing- I to 83.50 -to clear $2.49., Quick, if you
any kindnesses wA want them. , D. M. GORDON.
a week's engagement
ngham, commencing
axon lath, opening
die of our many OAELTLE DnaaraTlc
we are now many lyle Company open
ver remain a green at Opera Meese, W
We are pleased to Monday evening,
future you shall to
ibilities of cityhood.
sadness, that the
on all the respons- I was crowded to the
We alsonote, with I, an appreciative liudi
cat reaper of time ie.' tyle Dramatic Do, o
ever at work, and _amo?'iep, many of the I anoo here: There pr
old' land -maths from your midst. I'47," was probably t
notice that you ha,'e had rather a die- dramatic work seen
agreable winter do vn there ; our winter ' a number of years.
up hale at times 0 very cold, but not played the title rol
stormy or disagree
we have all stood
a great country wi
awaiting the ineom
travelled over a go
and cavisay to an
make farming his o
do better than to
le, but on the whole pleaded for the exce
t well, This is truly she took her part.
its vast terlitories a strong company
of settlers, I have was one of the
deal of this country, town. To -night t
man who intends to
cupation, you cannot drama entitled "
oocre out here on a tween the acts c
will say to the world
have taken up a baif .ection C P R land
within a mile of Oa River, a smart
rising young town, an
aa preparing
spring operations. I believe I have
f success by doming
d t believe farming
ve as well as the
his country. We
health, trusting you
awe great blessings.
will snake the third
and wo suppose itis
to fill "a 1on
the world can the t
with three newepape 4. If the business Ret C L ltti11a. of
nlen of the different towns would sit on a St Paul's obu.rch
third newspaper in towns the size of evening.
Wingham, they won be furnished with a The sacrament e
better class of paper papers that would dispensed hi the I'
be a credit to a town Xt. town 2,000 or 'Sunday morning 1
2,500 population can
and the eoonor the
facie, the better it w
cernM r Cud, . If
own intoreets and
people of llerriston,
move' to larger tielde..
.iii °TES.
Blyth, preached fu
ere on Wednesday
the Lord's Sapper was i
esbytertan ,chueoh on• ;
at. r
sepport three papers The Presbyter of Maitland met in
people realize these Knox Church, Teeawater, on Tuesday hist.
bid be for all con- The Maitland Prksbvtery of the W
ten would oonatilt his Society also nest in the same church on the
e interests of the some day. ,A. large number of lady Bele•
we think he would gates from Wingham attended the meeting
of tire litter society.
cures all roughness
.of the ht�
Price 25c a Cottle
11101' Dia. DE
Arkai''POST OrrIGP.
dear brother,
made a lasting
was the means i
bine to Christ.
ago he wad or
Building 'iai u d stone wanted. Apply
at the Chair Factory. .
-The Timis is always au.cious, to receive
items of a local mei personal nature. Tele-•
iz a No. d. y
os Gray.ttcl lira r, nt-lra • . bShcy
J� i;
cut while engaged in shay in - nivee at
the Union on Tu sday$ r
The same old way •f dng business.
If we can't have ou ay in prmee,•
union was observe in the Presbyterian
Church here, he -as in his place at all
the services. Tw days afterwards he
got cold goiog ham from the funeral of
the late Mr Wm cDonald. Influenza
set in, tbon heart f 'lure whioh resulted
in death. Through ut his illnese he was
quite conscious and able to pray aloud
at family worship, a gaging in this loud
exercise about two hours before he
breathed hie last:, net about half an
hour before the end a asked for a bless-
ing on each one aron d him. When the
eighth chapter of Ro ens was read,and
on being asked if the was any particu-
lar passage ha would like to be read, he
said "It isalt one, the whole is the word
of God,"Thus passe # away one of our
pious pioneers. On Monday a large
number from differe it parte followed
the remains. to Kiulocemetery. The
services were conduceed by the pastor,
Rev A Mackay. His Live sons and sone
in-law acted as pall bearers.
Tuesday, March 1.tb, -- Unreserved
emotion sale of the farm stock and imple-
ments of John Gannet. on lot 13, in the
village of Bluevale. at 1 o'clock. J Cur-
rie, auctioneer.
Wednesday, 1March 2 :nd. -Unreserved Council of the Cai
auction sale of thq farm stock and Im-
Friends will be he
plements of 3 D MoBwen, at lot 11, oath, It is cape
concession 1, Morris, at 1 o'clock. J• will be in attender
Currie, auotfoneer, nor first-class tai tering and cheap guts'
Mortgage sale of farm in West Wawa- furnishings try Webster & Co. /teneember
n s blo k.
nosh.being. south half of lot No. a5,in the 14 the place, in ('cues e
y J' 1•rlhave tlielboietra4 of
fy to•reportthat Mr Ed
augeransly ill at SWarte.
riends will bepleasedto
y recovery.
concession of West W awanosh, containing
be - at public
100 cares, rvi11 offered far solo
auction on Saturday, March 26th, at 2 p.
m. at the Brunswick hoose, Wingham. 1
For conditions and 'particulars apply to ,7
Morton, barrister, Wingham. 48 1
STARVING rbfii:,»REN'.
- Thousands of well-fed children are stareo
of the
1 i food is not
fm i
ti right kind. They aro thin, pale, and deli- f
2 date. Scott's Bmulson will change 4111
this. It gives vita and vigor, flesh and
ttp,s, fords.
- oung au i
putting i tt
in on steel
siding for the inter
livery office, which,
be one of the finest
or of .Beetkie Iron*
dleen completed,, will"
ices in this sect'. n,
-One of the m hers of the C Lyle
Dramatic Co, whicl appears here a next
week, is ItIr Wm St watt, the rets Tank
of the flumane'e So iety medal pre nted
foto his
l at summer
to him at
heroism in reacting young lady from
drawling ill thebay
Dr, Macdonald %now permanently
at home and earl no 'consulted by
his patrons.