HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-03, Page 80 H. Mcl N 00 0., SMALL LOCALS. Campbell's Headaohe Wafers guarat. teed to curs beeileche. • —Sugar making wit Peon be in circler. Nam items hm ave be very score° thia PRik,g1 opENING week. —Four weelca fro' tc ea.y aci ea 000 7 Ir, Is , Friday. of New Print; Dittilins7 I -A.”sbar.1,,•,, the Opera House, Thors *dayevening. s...hiee, :Embroideries, Laces, eth, i , —There has heen io end to drummers in the town during the,,paeb week. Ribbons,Silks and Dress . G on wood wanted. G. E. l —The Towu Ooun iyl wevilelnilniogli‘l its regu- GOods, Lace Curtains ; _ter tneeting on Mon I - camp Oelecloni , S 0 Si will bola its and Carpets. , regular meeting on lonaley next, . I —Mr W J noun th i* able to be oat As a niatter of course one gets I again after an attark of la grip most f„r thpir moaey where there'd i -Measrs Darobill e 111�D it 3 shipped a most 1.0. choose from. Those things i car of hogs to Colli igwoo on Tuesday. are eew, coining and going every 113nild.pg.sand and e e wanted. A.pply 4lay, where designs are better and 1 °aiv ]atory 4 patterns newer, and prices the least 1 —Mr a 11 Dulma ,e is able to be ;thank for standaid qualityI ti house aguin, after his sudden hitless of , et week. 1 —Mr Thos Wall er lass sol.1 tia pro CURTAINS AND CARPETS pe - rty on Leopold 'Area to Mr A MO- , Ailister.1 This mouth for Carpets and Laee —Material is beii 7, pluerd on the grouud Carta les. Some of the eholeest pro I for petting stone f andationa under the . eihetione and unequalled for variety, i Iient cottages on Jo 14 street, quality and value. We want you to —Mr =3. 3 Sebne Um took part a see these goods before they get concert given in aid of the Pablii Unary picked over first °twice, at Teeswater ou Th'-rad ay eve . Young & Panlin we a antenna one quart dippers placed in of their a in - SPECIALS IN CLOTHING dows. which they wi cents as long as they last. - fi 'New Sprhig Suits and Furnishings for men. One of the pleasures of spring is the opportunity to wear averythiug new from hat to shoes. Oar stock is now moat eompLete. -You ean save Money by buying your and sure your wed time invItations. Init from 51. IL Mclndoo. —11.1rthy from toweeattentied the auction sales of Mr Wm GeremilleTurnberry, and Ur James Thynne, korris, on Wednesday, Fresh oysters arriving daily at McKel- vie's Star restaurant. Ws serve them iu —Tile milliners w 11 soon he making reedy for the speints, trade. •The millinery season opened iu Tor iuto on Monday. —If yon contempla te "for the better or worse" just cell at ti.et alio of the Thuis DRESS GOODS AT 250. Now for Bargains. Carnival in Vress 'Goods. Every yard worthy and reliable. Twenty-five. cents for Dress Goods worth as high as 60c, So it will pay you to buy an extra Dress or two, at such a small outlay. Only 30 Dress Ends and about 20 ilemnants. First C mice at IYL L hiNDOO any atyle.—Ja. M0SELVIE. tf —A number of your g, folks from town enjoyed themselves a the horde of Mr Robt Marshall, Culros 3. on Friday evening last. —A minstrel show has commenced re- bersal in the tom . An up.th-tlate minstrel show may Is looked for in the future. —The Wingham Fveemen have secured the services of some Ifirst-class talent for )8 their celebration Leme on the Queen's a birthday. • —yr J D Nichol, tanker, of this village, bought a very. fine eirivang mare from a .Purteo.NALS. gentleman near Witirrham on Monday last. 'We shall be triad to have Contributions to this —Luanow Sentinel volumn tom any of our readers. If von have t003 or purpose coing away yourself, drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that effect.. WINGHAM TIMES, MARCH 3, 1899'. ••••••••••• 0,1•••••• UteCeSeiOn Duties t•,••••...••••••••••• As shown by the •pebile accounts i for the Province" Ontario received . during the year 1898 the sum of $20ott80..56, 'The several counties Michael Farr, of the Saltforcl. contributed es :follows: Brant', $6.42; Hotel, bas been serieasly ill of • Carlon. $19,251; Dufferin, $508; , pneumonia,. 141 1 1 889 Esse .$1 030 Itron. tenao, $6,767; Grey, $615; Huron, i $1,485; Hastings, $5,541; Kent, $2,-1 165; Lennox &.- Addington., $771;1 Leeds and Grenville, $2,223; Lanark, $558 ; Lineoln, . $1,460 , Lairibton, $2,887 ; Middlete$, $3,771; ' Northumberland and Durban), $9,- ' 091 ; Oman% $88(); Oxford, $840 ; Perth, $!S,082; Prince Edward, $3,- ; 233; Renfrew, $2,522; Stormont, 1)undass and Glengarry, $3,987 ; Victoria, $250 ; Waterloo, 50;$Well ington, $21,100; Wentworth, 1315,- )80; York, $60,073. It will thus be seen that the rich people.. are distri- buted pretty weli over the pro% ince, although the greater number are • found in (rendes containing t he hug- er cities, The estaiesio the county of Heron that bad to contributed to the. tax were those. of tbe late Wrn. .Young, of Colborne, and W. Wilson, Of Wawanosh, the former contribut- ed $907 and the latter $578.In Perth the estates were those of ,Thoe. Thompson, Theodore ' Hutton and • - There are fifteen grocery stores in J,M Relln, of Ellice, killed a hog that dressed 727 lbs. last week. Mrs W H Wallace is visiting with Irian& in town. Mr John Elder is visiting with his. la -lubber in 'Mitchell. . Mrs $ Kennedy, of Seaforth, is visiting with Wingham Wands, Mrs Peter Deans is visiting with White- church friends this week. lars A Dawson is in Toronto visiting with relatives and friends. W Walker, of Wingham, spent Sunday n town.—Brussels Herald. Mr Geo Thomson, of Goderiob, was in town a few days this week. Mist; Maggie McMillan has been visiting in Wingham.-7Brussele Herald. Mrs » McInnes is visiting with friends in Southampton for a few weeks. Mies Jessie Gray is attending, the millin. .ery openings at London this week. Dr Batler, of London, paid his regular tuonthly visit t� Winghara on Wednesday last, • Mrs Jesse Bolton was visiting with her sister, Mrs E 11 Dever, at Hensel!, over Sunday. Mr nod Mrs Chapman, of Wingham, Aveeit in town on Wednesday.—Gorrie •Vidette. Mrs Grover, of Loridoe, is visiting with Aber father, Mr J H. Damage, atthe Brue- Dr. Macdonald is now permanently at home and can be. consulted by his patrons. —Mr Wm Clegg shipped three cars of wheat and two of 04 41 from Wingharn and thfee care of oats en 1 two of wheat from Belgrave this week. —Latest reports 1 am Mr T E Bowles,e,t 'Orangeville, Ray t at he is improving nicelyAnd his frienq. hope to soon see him able to be around atiain. ' —Waunderstand bat Mr Jacob Kling will erect a new bri sk hotel on the site of the one recently burl ed at Seaforth, if he can make sure of get ,ing a license. --The thaw on 8uday last took a great deal of snow off and left the walks very slippery. Tuesdo,:•'s storm has fixed the roads up again, and we are now having good aleighing. —The nuts office s the place to get your horse and auctein sale bills printed. We do them at proper prices and will'giVe you a free notice in the paper up to the time of the sale. Cutters went good. 1 have ordered a car load of buggies from the seine firm. Doe't buy until you see me. T. H. Ross Wick hoots. —& traveller on 0 ie attic, branch lines Mr and Mrs C Knetchel were in Bruseele !of the G T R is autImrity for the story Friday last visiting with Mr Knetchel's that the train was topped at a country' pother, who is quite ill. cross -road while the e igineer went over to a Mr James Hunt. of Brueefield, wee visit. farmhouse to get a AM of tobacco. 'ug with her molher, Mrs Wm Henderson, —Anebach's perfor-nance is marvellous of t'he Bluevate read, during the weak. and much more mysterious than any Mr Thos Woodcock ogled from Halifax alleged imiritualistic eance, with the die - ion Sunday last for London, England. He Unction that be (sedate nothing aupees natural, but only t ickery and marvellous Mr VIII return home about the end of May. alcill.—Albany, N Argna, Nov 24, 1808. D Stewart, of oampbers drug store, Benefit Hockey Chs), in the Opera Barge, -*as in Brussels on Wednesday, atteuding evening, March 9th. - the funeral of his uncle, Rev Dr Ferguson, Winghani, Thursds, Mr P Teasley, of the Bell Telephone Co, s was called home to Hamilton, on Wednes. Grieves flex ell, nt Harristort, day to the bedews of his father, who is Ont, which has been operated for the .dangerously illpast two years by the garristilyt . Mr and Mrs S A McLean, of Lucknow, I nal Mill Company (limit64 was ;formerly of Witighana, will leave shortly burned Saturday evening with the for the Northwest, where they intend re-ibelanee of the season's eroP• -siding in the future. Mr James Bohertsont who formerly WaTeattrattAg "USTSMP111. PPR' yawed to thil won farm vita. their own and nearby counties. UN maitilstrlotlfot 0,* 4 4 • • .r Wry' TilotnuiriVeetcletij:Inintte#81=f1d8etrlobtorn: gtAt'op17,tetttlgs% sE,nits°14 1.6.4„ WO, M. Chitmge John MeNab. A Inagmffeant Farm. ••••••••.••••.•••••1 The American Agriculturist credits E. D. 'Mem, of Tilsonburg, with the possession of one of the flnest farms in Ontario. • The farm consists of 4Q0 acres in one block, and 200 acres, more or less, broken up into pasture. There is a water tower, 150 feet high, which conveys water all over the pine, part of the supply being used for irrigation. The , main barn is of brick, 60x125 feet,And: there is a brick annex, 48x48 feet, There, are two hoc; buildings of briek, each 40x48 feet, and two additions, one being 30x80 feet, and the other 20x 80 feet. There 75 flitch cows on the farm. There are also five silos, and they hold enough ensilage to cart the stock over two summers it necessary. Mr. Tilson is feeding at the present time 150 cattle, Mhogs and nine horses. There are over 1,000 sugar maples planted along the gravel drives Op the farm, most of the tress being 30 years old. Mr. Ike Rattenbury, Clinton. has bought a four-yearald pacer trona W. W, Parrott, paying therefor a good price. Mr. W. MeKeith, of the 8th con., Blanchard, has •soldbis farin to Taos. Knox fur a handsome figure. age of 43 years. He was a son of the late Robt. Jones, for many years reeve et Logan, and warden for the comity of Perth. An inmate of the Huron Hous 4 of Refuge, Thomas Leathorne by name, was allowed to leave last week, he having secured employment at his trade in .Seaforth, the town from whigh he came. • • Andrew Pattullo has introduced three bills which are of wide import ance. The first provides that the battot shall nor he used in municipal councils of any kind. He also asks that municipalities be prohibited from bonusing inanufaeturing in- dustries under any circumstances. Two years ago an act was passed re- ducing the size' of town councils of .5,000 inhabitants or less. Mr. Pattullo asks that it apply to all towns. News Notes. • DIED. Mr. John Smith, first Mayor of V Mo(JAssv — In Cincinnati, Ohio, on Guelph, is dead. F bruary 22nd, Mrs. P. MoOasse,, form- • ly of Belgrave, aged 76 yearat, William HoItham, aged ftfteea W Mairrxer—In Turnberry, on February JOI3.1vSoN East Wawanosh, on F bruary Tit, the wife of Chris John. '; it son. IY NIoNotr.,—In East Wawanosh, on Feb„,jf 171h, the wife of Matthew McNoll; a soff NOTICE TO CREDITORS .10•01,4,••••••* Settee jihereby given, pursuant to a $.0 , chsp.184. see. litt, that all persona bout Moline against the mate pf Ifirain Lomax, ate of the Town of Obighont,In tht. County of JPsron, wagon maker. Lk:044444 who died on o Mut tho 25th day of January, A, D. asea, are 1ubted to send by et prepaid or deliver to it YSnbt000, of Vie Haw TO vit of enact o or the Administratrix. on or before the -7th et March ite,lant, the r nag es, addieeara an9e9eiiUoiis end a hill state- ment of particulars of their eleime And the nature of the seouritY, miy, held by them, duly oortified, and th t atter the s Id day the administratrix will proceed to oittribute the emote of tho deeetteed among, the parties elltitlari thOrNEn, 1111,11nyr reward only:o the elalins of which they elie than hare Dated tide 2nd day of March, A. P. 1SA0. tt, VANoTONE, Welter tor adininicratrix. ^---- PUN'S PUMPS We build our pumps to stfor ice from years and have than. in $2.50 up. Brass Cylinder Galvanized Iron Piping. We have a ful stook of the above goods. Call and get prices when in need of anything in our line JOHN ry EATON, ' Opp Beattie's Livery. ringle LEADING- UTC111ER Having purehased the butcher busi- ness next the Brunswic.c, I ana prepared to supply the public) with all kinds of Fresh mid Salt Meats, Sausage, Bologna. &c. Orders taken and meat delivered to any part of town. A call solissited. 'Phone No, 9. D. L'ItilitfirLiel. • IT PAYS TO .2,17 The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. STILL LEADS The half century mark has been reach- ed by the number of our pupils who have secured good positions +since Sept. , let. tt.mcmg those who have secured places reeently ,are : —Sarah Minoan, Steno. Lyon & 'Hensel!. Barristers, Owosso, Mich. ; Alex. Blott, Molsons Bans, Trenton,Ont. ; Arther Oldershew, Merthante Bank, Chatham. Ont Vtta Clark, kpr, Brown's Woollen Mills,_ Ont; Mary T. Cain, Steno. Pardee & Shim nesq, Barritaters, Sarnia, Opt.; Florence Sibley, Sten. Macey 1-1esit Cce., Grand Rapids. Mich.; Eva Payne. Steno. D. & 14 E. Ry. Office, Chatham, Ont. These with forty-four otbers have been plane since Sept. 1st. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Write for catalogue of either Short - Bend or Business deoartment to D. MeLAOHLAN & CO. Chatham, Ont. • MARITIME). EfoLT—WELsti—At the tome or the bride's parents, near Ayton, on Wednes- day. February 15th, Mr, John Holt, of the 4th concession, of fiowick, to Miss Mary E. Welsh. CooPta—Wiseasrer—At the residence at the bride's sister, Mrs, Newton Menagh, Montreal. on February 8t,h; Miss Mary, daughter of Mr...Robert Kennedy, of Lower Winghem, to Mr. -John Cooper, of Ophawa, Ont. ilioLeart—NETTearreLD—At the resi- dence of the bride's parents, Lower Winghans, on February 23rd, by Rev. W. Lowe, Mr, Thomas McLean, of Winghatn, to Miss Sarah Jane, daughter of Mr. Thomas Netterdeld. Day—Cony---At the residence of the bride's mother Minnie fitreet on Feb 2,8th, by the Rev. Dr. Pomo, Mr. John . A. Day to iss Bertha Cody'. both of IWnghani. years, was killed in a collision while . 280, Caesie, wire or Mr, •Win, Martin, ice -boating on Hamilton Bay. ' The Rendon City Councillors pass- ed a by-law te increase the number of liquor licenses from 34 to 36. William Rowland, a Port Hope man, 50 years of age, committed suicide by taking laudanum. 252 divorces were grained in Wayne eonnty, Michigan, last year, with 225 still pending. Mr. Robert Shortreed, who bas been ailing for some weeks past, died at hie residence in Morrison Tuesday at the age of 68 years. A Courtright preacher calls out the names of young men who loaf • about the church doorsSunday even - W. S. Turnbull, of Turnbull & Barrie, late pollee magistrate of Galt, has been appointed postmaster for that place at a salary of $1,800, to take effect March 1. • The eorporation of Blyth is suing the late Treasurer Tanner and his sureties, Tanner and McKellar for $800 of a sinking fend" lost in the Lueas•Taner bank failure. The principal and interest now amounts to $1,100. Thomas Jones, 'dr years a very extensive dealer and shipper of cattle, died at his home In Ont., on Saturday evening, at the aged 38 years and 2 months, alcItrats—In Kinlose, on February 18th, Martin Metnnes, aged 74 years. GRACE—At St. Luke's Hospital, 'Van- couver, on February Ifith, of influenza, Wm. E. Grecs, tarmerly of Godericb, Ont. • $25.00 Pumping - YfindffluIIs • 551 William St., - Landon, Ont. R SAL The Tin • rtect Germ oaoh OMB VOL AR Height 16i han. eight 1000 lbs. Color iirew bla A Cloac, horse of the highest typ nth gond line tuition. For fu particulars apply Sarntiel Irwt • elgrave P. O.; 0. Ulla res. ee , or Thos. Innes, Cranbrook. A CTIVESOUCITORS WANTED EVERY WHERE XL for "The Story of the Philippine?' by Murat Halstead, ecnungeskined by the Government air biOctal aletonan to the War Department, The ()or* was written In army camps at San. Promisee, On the rodeo with General Merritt, Iri the hospitals at 1:10130113111, in Hong Iv:mg, in the Amerletin trench es at Manilla., in the insurgent ramp. with Airutnal- dri, On the deck 40 the Olympia with noway, and In thiaroar It for agents. Brimful of original Olotitrei token by "Thmeboa pe . t.P rolt4v Phr?t4efigmPillurt:8 (Alit ths Largo -Credit **ken. Oren alt trashy enatiietat,war book.. °Malt free. Addreet, P. Tr Isobar* 51540.. Star triettr4nce1314,, Chicano, • EAL NOT FLOUR. When you buy Tillson's Gold Dust Corn Meal, you buy meal that is meal, i?ot /tour. If flour is what you want, buy the ordinary corn meal -- note its whiteness and its airylightness. Then sift through your fingers some of the grains of that golden yellow 111,14NON'S COLO DOW COWS MEAL 15 18 MEAL Corn Mel. made from. the hest yel- low cern that grows, and there is very Mae' bran in it because bran is not meal, You pay for meal and you get 3, when your grocer sells you Gold Past Corn Meal, The Tillooti Cl0.1y, Limited, TitstinbUrgi bat EVERY MECHANIC needs the best quality of tools to make his work effective. They find trou- ble with cheap goods as quality is sacrificed to price. We do not sell the lowest priced goods, but our bfferings are cheap when quality is considered. • All • Claeses of Toole FOR —AT— • • All Classes of Mechanics.. 481. CLECG& 00. dolbWIrtaWZ.W.VIlvt/Wli.co PHOTOGRAPHS M. E. Surbrigg makes the newest things in the photo line, Just go and see the eolteetion he has in bin window. PLATIN OS A SPMCIALTY. Crayon and Water Color, Enlarg- ing and Copying receives special attention, A boy wanted to leant photography. 31. E. ZUWBRIGG, Opposite Presbyterian Oh erelas 00 ooRDs So WANTED. We will pay the highest cash price foe 100 cords of good soft wood, delivered at our Upholstering Factory in Wing- 't hard. Enquire at the factory office for particeiars. • • WALKER & CLEGG, 4 AN !TEM OF INTEREST Farmers, why pay 534 and 6 per cent, Interest on your loans wnen woney niay be bad at 5 per cent. Payments made to suit borrower. Charges low. A.t office Friday afternoon aod all day Saturday. Al3NEE, COSEZS, • Macdonald Block, Winghant,,, A. E. SMITH. WINOri AM General 13/inking Bustneas trans.. - acted. Money advanced to farmers and - business men on endorsed notes and • collateral. h'armers' Sale otee Cashed. Moneys remitted by draft to alIparta of Canada and the Unitod States. Notes and xcdounts collected Oa reas.: • onable terms, WEBSTER •& CO. have secured the services of three first-class coat makers, and are in a posi- tion to execute orders in workmanlike manner on the shortest notice.- o Style and fit goes for a good deal these days— both are combined in the clothes we make, • Our goods are all clew and the prices are low. Webster & Co Queen's Mock.