HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-03, Page 7ie }^ ..^R �n ,R nn ,n a •,^,,r r: / �.� a!►e1t,• s, I *,N !,''� :11� 1°/a;. n oL n m; ^tea �^Ro 1�' �i'� xA'i�a `1 .,. � a .•� � . w : �r....:'R'd� /(v; "ry1, � ✓yfi r1;;a,• !fy',, omanAGAINST V i.fY,Lr.tYr"� W ,,•;.s, ****#**' I„R t t i HAM TL%1 l+:t,, MARCH' a, 1.99. t'•- Val and to:u'ihe r they pinet'c1 her C i r t the bottom of the cart tifJN CR11C7TQR WicF. ,"put this or'er your line clvn,ates, ii Conetltudon Undermtned by Mer (Ffin•(sl:" sang! PIM, lltu••in•� hie nom- • mains n shuael•rroel nand draft' MN f Nervine Worked a Cumpiete ✓ 1 11road, -, '11 a must say we've ;Met Smile back from Nestlev t iw n; w "'Vs. been to sell a row. it's mark('t•tlay to- day. 'to that will answer well, I*.t I delft expect we shad be queetioeed." The count slipped the blase blower over bis evening -dress mid donned the slot' ' cel hat, then both' men mounted the e•a.:"t stud droveslowly ,out of thrir pinto to the !finely country ron(1 that ti1.rem ll a clhslvi•tecl part to. the o'd ;O- bey rains. while m1 the rough ;shrike lay the still form of Roy Darr(11's yc 'ug wife, Ignorant of the misery in stare for her, wrapped in deep and dark oblivion. „ 1 1 Vous Cogapil(.tttlana-�•Sout;h , ('till Amer'- , mei, Saar eves, in rase we meet tippets i e h 1 e oa ,'y Nervous. prostration end liver complie c` �a EST MRS. MARY E. HOL]IIES- l ° $? Author of "A Woman's Love," at The Wife's Secret," "A. Heartleee • s Wornan," "Her Falai Sin," "A Wile's Peril," `u' . "A Desperate Tetuan" 'X, c.`Lo.•t; c>t9 kis j, a ��j G `n O�y`^ l°R t^n ,^e n;nr ^p a n) s.9 •.o/ a^F a9 ar n n� ` /�i s '^'t �1.0 G 1' "` c � 4` c ,c G • 4 ',: C'�; c- G' G�: G� ^c o Y c c�`• • s P�,'� d b a r S `K < ;;�, � �' a ;1 ��1 s�� 4i4 !(�\ � l�y R,� u„� ,• <- a d.. ,. 4 01,4” _,-,•1- t ft "Oh, thank yeet! Sty maid mut I • ,"IloVi else can we throw salatne on !live searched everywhere; and thea . her? ' Have no fear. Though these go, ,she suddenly remembered that she sett will so".sal have others front the •kenrcl I)tnis saw she had picked up nn care". • . ornament belonginig to someone, land I Her face flushed, • :thought she .alight ham brought it Contlt Jur+t moved to thio lmclsicle, and titre.turned the inanimate falee, lovely in Rs "Let us look; it may be in the room." pallor, round, lifting the form gently in 1 Alice at once lit en extra candle, and • his arms, " 1 Valerie, tubo was attired in a long, loupe "You Have given her enough," he mute_ +„peignoir of crimson silk, stood gaging term, 1 at tite girlish figure ns it moved from "Will it kill, her?" asked Valerie in •tier with an expression of deepest mai- it low, eager whisper. gnitv.- Ile shook his !head, and a wave o; 1 "T am sure it is not with the Das'- el ntemi►t passed over his facts. 1 roll diamonds, for I put them away "No; she will live but shit is out of, myself," Alice said, shaking hack her your path forever." •' : ntaFses of hair and preparing to search. elyty:it will you do with ]ren•?" the room. •"Ask 1.n questions," retorted the nein "Hmv beautiful. they are. and how . fiercely. "I halve served your purpose; well they became yowl You' .ware ' leave the rest to me." 1.c0ulaning!" "I want to know nothing, except that } 'Valerie uttered the words in her,I ata free of her." Valerie answereel• sswectest meaner, smiling pleasantly. with a sneer. 1 Alice glanced. up,. and, at the !rind ex I will answer for that. She will 1 e • Pression on the ot'her's face. all her.i in my hands. and cannot esenpe n1:', 1 1 feelings oI dislike dis,tppeatred. l tl:nue:' 1, "Thank you very 'much," she said I "''hen come quickly, IIei a -take•thi I•quickly. "I appreciate your words more cloak and hat. It will tools ns if she had .then 1 earl sty, for I feared you did planned everything. The window must • not like me."• Le anened, or they will detect the clllorc,- • "Not like you,. my Lady Alice! Why form." It would' be impossible to do itnythin t• 1•iiiWhile she sponte Valerie moved swift- ' else. ' ly about, then, flinging the cloak ever I All, then we may be friends after the. slender for.. iu the count's arms, all!" cried the girl with joy, patting nut Ale led tin' way flvm tli 1rociln, 'tett eying htpi sleau1el baud• the clianloud5. ."Yes --friends after all," repeated Vol- With. gentle t' entl and bated breath '•erne, with n strange- gleam ermine, for they stole along the corridor tai tihcy longe instant int) her eyes, rind clasping (;(m0 to the door Alive haul told the 1 the .hand outstretched, . ' eonut that morning led to an eninhabited Against; herself a shiver went through palet of the Castle, ' A ]0s. as her fingers were held in. that , Ti ie Valerie pushed open, .:indsgnided cold, tight clasp, but slhe was too hupp,y .' by the dim light of the- candle sin+ car - td. give way .to presentiment and fears vied. 1122' count, clasping his precious to -night. I burden close in his arms, clesccncled care - "Conte, let us begin oar 2cnrell.' 10lly the stout' steps till they reach24l She went to the ••dreesin -table and acorridor of stone tluit led to u. door tient dirgcutly ower it. Wilde 1'lsit•1ie, opening into the grounds. 1•gIalu•:iug swiftly at her, took two stens • "Now can you find your war?" whls- t to the door, nn(1 softly and noiselessly 1,(104 Valerie. "Reep straight 121)001," lxemoved the key. "I kuow; my cart TS colc•ealctl. these "I can flee it nowhere here, batt If )'on .12 P110i hors done well." i will wait an iatsthnt I. will go info the "Then fnreweIl; butt once before Ave l-dr,essing-room. It may be there, Owlet lilt r(pelt your oath. Yon 5002r a:0ver I �anl almost afraid to hope. I tit llk to let T';tal Ross l htlest me whe`ri on'(' t, 18.,1: a10UIk Imre been sure to tell me." - _.01100-4 :nn—" , Valerie ie made some-shelit answer, tuts.! "(torotsss of 'TYan•rcil," fiui 2hod .lroe sag' Alice disnppea.rcd through the ear- et:na"t (wieldy. "I sweep it!" tains into the adjoining room. she hent „'that he s1tn11 not npprnnc•h tie'?" i'0 er. the bed And . deftly poured "1' swear it!" he .repeated. ••contents of et small phial on to the lace- "Yon ]have more pe wer over Paul th,n• •e -`fie;. pillow. She •was back diligently 1 inestrined' hnlusln creature to have if !•searching the nuultelshelf n8 ,:!slice• re- yon caul de Aids." 'Valerie muttered. ••turned. . The count Innghed .softly, . • "No, it is not tihere. ,Lisps Ross." She "Anrl this gh'l shall hewer come in , said, feeling really distressed. "Now, my !matin again ?"• i Wililt s11a111 I (10 next?" -"Never by my help. flood'night. We1 "Nothing," Valerie nnswered Wessel* 'suet pert h:ow. (live ale the diamonds." Ily, "Yonhave already done .too !mach, ••• Vittorio held the candle above her �•cl(mr Laidy Alice." 1 bead, andnodded as she handed him the She had saturated her pocket-ha.udkel•• eerie The count took it and gave on" •chief with the remnindcr of the field ;her 11!apt glance et her before he strode away. h'1h0 24)101:0, and how drew !t from j I11 her' crimson gown. red -brown hair, dress, leaving the phial! hidden.in:an(1 eyes flashing with triumph. she Sher,:! oeket. leaked like some spirit of evil pushing "I feel so sorry for yon,"..Alice westi neid.e nil good. �` on; if yon will let me, If lva help you ! "She ie a she -devil!" mattered Count ilook in the morning." 7nra with a slight shudder as Valerie - `Yes, I shall be very glad if volt iw1:1; disappeared from his view, "but she 1's helped me to clasp yon in ray, arms," he added,: bending over the sweet, pale faeo lying on his breast. "Yes, my time has coring; before another night you will have bang all pride nsi(le, and be at my feet praying for mercy, which yon will m t get. Carse these . diemendes-t,n •• heavy they are! But for Pnui I wonlil leave thele behind. I have the jewel i crave; but )ie hlmst be silenced, and wit tl"Pee I Tan shut his mouth and work him .As I will." 1 -le drew the cloak over the girl's fare ngnn(m, and crept on slowly till he re:s(rl- ' ed the end of the coppice: Here the step- ped and uttered ,•.Ion' whistle. . After as instant's silence. a man's form. Brent from the bilehes, • "All richt," he brenthed; "Yes. Where is the cart?" ' "Her to the right, 'Yon are Into; I • thonelit You were fleeter r nnling!" "(1st the, Wag safe, Thud?" asked the count ottic1(ly as he !landed the dihhnoilds to the other. - "Yes; .but you have not dole lnn(h, tl ere are only three cups and a odd Mute.'" ,"It is like n. lion's glen. my good Pant, so closely eatirded; I !love do:to fir; legit, Now lend the tray to the cart; my (arms are full." • "Whet have yotl got there?" rucked Paul suspiciously, dimly seehig the bur- den in the darkness. "•t. woman!" • "George, are you mad?" "No; Perfectle sane. • Lead on" • "A woman! W'lla•t i2re you going to do with Aitch it burden on your blinds!. A 00tiraht! Whitt n fool!" "Hold your tongue!" hissed the count, suddenly cltiln_ing his tone; "beware how you talk to Inv. You are fomget- ting yourself, Pipit Ross." ' There nets a change at once in l'am'e .eotttalning the clinmonds.. 1#e opened It, t non''. . Stfut took out the ease: "Yon eurnriaed roe," 1Ie said iluerle(1- "\Must you tante those?" murmured iv. "it is not like von, ilut let's harry; tfielerie with knit brows,hetet is the cart" - . Its viral/14a • The cotiuht wrapped the cloak round ain¢ now I mush say good -night." Vitier!e ]held out her hand to fray , larewell, ! Alice put do11.11 the candle, •an(1 pass - '•ed her. hand over her fere. 1 ':Ha, close the room is! (food-niglht. ('Vlrhat a curious odor!" 1.""It is the event on my llnn(latea'ohief, 1.i x am sorry I brought it tip—:t is some 'vbry pot -areal perfmne Riven ale by a • =fi'knel from India. Do yoit like it?" She put the handkerchief' to the girl's farce as she spoke. "It• as very strong," mtirwm•ed _Slice, l'firintly, .feeling strangely stupid. `"Yes; almost too. strong. Well, Int - 1 'most leave e you. Yet look NO Yes -s- laved; it is really a shame to have rowed 1.7c'tt Good -night." "(lood-might," replied Alice.' She moved with clitnenity after Vol- -'4iise.,and closed the door. Her hand Wandered to the key, but she was . two :‘,confused to Notice it was 'gone. •!"How (dose it • lit!" slit; murmured, ,""HowWhere nm 1-811 is detrk." r She staggered ltlindly towards the sled, noel fell =TOSS the pillow. 1 • There were a •few gnspg for bre-ire, '3t slight struggle, as if for air, .and the .young countess. lay still (11n1 inntionlees !as (leafs A • pew seconds elapsed, then the door .'Was softly opened, and 'Valerie stele ui, •'She. 'moved on tiptoe 'to the bed. k . "Yes!," she muttered; "it has worked Fa;ell. She will sleep well to•nigltt. 1111i('nd--lt friend • to this Moor, .many "thing" I alt her enemy, ;ns he will soon 14.11S00ver--to the bitter end." • -She � 5 c to the door, ,And heck .'owed Without a• word to another form. ' Ll an iu24tt2Nf Count :Tern was 1n the uioni. Glancing anxiously and lttrr iiedly round, his eyes . felt 0)1 the sate 111111• ...... Roy, Earl of Darrell, wake early next morning, A strange, delightful fec•i'•mg filled h•is -cart .directly his eyes opened. What wns it?•.lever in al his life held he experienced so great a happinesss as seemed t•:, live within) hila now. A vision of a fair, pure, lovely face row to his hind end solved the mystery. it was 'love. Yes. love had come to ttbn-love for (1130(ler, and that other not the stately, handsome 'Valerie Ross, Lor• his simple, low -born wife, Lady ,.lice. The memory ar lier girlish sweetness end manner or the night before,. her taltcl:ng lips aiel great. wondrous, star - 11120 even, made his heart thrill ,with a. •tclltic:ness that amazed Bila.. Now he tunny that he had never love! Valo:e: the had •ndmired and liked her. he had treesurcd her es a friend, but he had never loved till now. 'frac. he had thono+Ilt of making her his wife. but his feelings had been born rather of adedration of her bean(y and 111e kiii1W1ee1ce tlutt she n•on'.d prove ac- ceptable to his, mother. For 11 brief Moment 11 vague passion filled his heart for iter. but it lad cone from pdtlned pahi(1e and justice, when his duel friend Postage Rivers maligned Valerie to him :old dissuaded him tram 3)1131'1'7!%Ii; ;!ler, Ilnt nil these feelings died down now n:a ho cn11t:',t(•tei 1•'1e two women; every- thole lo. looked 11e eeeneet to see the eel e't fall' ince of hi' wire gazing at him. nod et the 112lnll Ws heart s: e lei. "How beautiful Nle R•a'3 last !light," was his tlhotigli't as he hurriedly per- formed his toilet: "No lady of the land ec 01(1 have been 0101e superb. Theme a•t hired in 1•er veins as bile es ilop•s in say Iris fell -I know it; I nm .sure of it Oh, how er,el we have been. Iiow I have ntisind_c":1 leer! I have left her. all these •mmnths-neolecte(1, unhappy, and despised.. But now -now -all shod he ehnrgcd. I feel lis if a heavy elated were ((.1:ed away from my life, ,nnshine as cveryu'her(, and blue sky -bole as the gieeiells radiance fir her wonderful eyes • --argued Ines but.SI lutist 1201 start:e•120 ., 17nw do I know 'she will forgive 1114)- nes poor, sweet (hoeing? I will plead to her to-0ny. This very morning elladl see n1.' at her feet; then, if she -wen forst, 0, we will go away--at'Ay to Italy or some sunny plate -together, alone w;th our love." i1's valet suavely knew his master, he seemed so happy and Changed; he suited and spoke, c410(.1f01y, and looked 1.ke ;t man who tasted joy after a long sorrow.. "It is.a dark day. Jtason," the earl said, lain he opened his letters by the 22thaw. -Yet, nay lord; looks like a storm. I beg pnrdon. my Iord, hut I forgot; here is a note from my lady, your mother." Roy took it and read it rapidly. "Lady D111'i•e11 is fatigued. I will go and see how- she is. Bend my letters and Newspapers down to- the • breakfast - Mason," The earl• left his room. and IMAM] his way to his rnother's apnrtment. .nes was still in bed. "I nun too tired to rise for breakfast, Roy," she said with n faint 5111al0, as her (10(1 hent and hissed her white hand. "IInd you not better go and ask your Wife to take my place?" Roy pressed his lips again to the 'slender fingers. "-Mother," he whispered, passionately, "Yon see :111," • "All," she answered gently. "I read It In your face Inst night., You love your wife, IRoy; it is good and right, lay dearest, that you slhnnld • I honor and respect the girl; 5010 1ri11 nlaalte pan r1 true wife, and n proud countess. Site haw been tried severely,' but has Coate thrown the fire without a sear. Yon (.o love her. -Roy?" "Fes, mother. I do. I diel not know hal- much till nc11w, when I hear you praise her. I will go at once all:t give her son? message. A1ld this Marling' I want to write to Brown or this wife. to make eugttiries About her birth; three is some mystery,, 1 ,12113 sure. She is holly both," , "I agree with yon,"..imdy Darrell 1•e - plied. "We nest try and disr.•over the truth nowt." • A sharp knock at the door disterhed them, and An nt15WCr to the sunlulont9 Davis entered • abruptly, with marks of egitntion on ;her fare. "Oh, my 142(13'-- ' T beg your word ril, my Hirci; bot I ant so frightened, i ain't find the entttltess anywhere!" "Can't find the countess!" exclaimed Indy Darrell, while '!toy stood silent, gimping the bedpost. "She is not in her room; the heti I1(ts not been slept int her mottle nhd hitt nee gone; and 1 think she has left the Co silo." "She herr gone for a walk," tiled Bop. 01311(10111y nothing :wide the horrible platin. that crowded his breast. i1Fln.w den you be so absurd! The eonutef s is in the grounds somewhere; she will be in muttons eo afflicted J. W. Dia woody, eon. tractor. Carophellford, that phyinially he Wes almost a total wreck. tits druggist ' I recommended South American Nervine. A few dotes gave hilt great relief, in-. (iuced Sound bleep, and a few bottles built hlul u ► f And cured him so that to. . day he (st - as btror,g and rte hearty as eler, Sold by A. L, ldamlituu, If New York is riot worth more than all the other cities in the land, it is not her real estate assessor's fault, I•l•mety Per Cent, Of the people are afflicted with some forth of humor, and this anew a variety of diseases. The reason why- Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when all others fail is found in the Not that it effectually expels the nugtor. Scrofula, salt rheum, bole and all eruptions are permanently cured by tbis great tnedieino. --- Hood's Pills are the best family oath- artic and liver tunic, Gentle, reliable, sure. Refreshing Sleep COMES WHEN IMMHlburn'; Heart and. Nerve • Pills. ARE USED. 7iiiss Margaret Brown, 627 Colborne St.,London, Ont., says :-"My mother has been afflicted with nervousness and geneeal debility fora long time. She suffered .a great deal with iusamnia, and found it nimoet impossible to sleep. "I went to W. T. Strong's drugstore and got a box of Milburn's Heart .and Nerve Pills, which she tools, and derived so much benefit from them thitt I bought another boxfor her. They have done hor a wonderful lot of good, making her nervous system much stronger, giving her restful sleep, and removing many other symptoms which previously distressed her. "I can truly say that these pills are a great remedy for any one suffering from weak nerves, general debility, sleepless- ness or heart trouble." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills aro 50e. a box or 3 for3131.25, at all druggists. BEIM Kn. A llA1llLTO Finds Taxa -Inver PI14 a pe cure for Sick Headache. '!illy ninety per dent, of the women At this country lugger from sick heridachte. Liver disorder stud eonstipation are at the bottom of the trouble. Laxa-Liver Pills cure the head:whe by correcting the rause. And they do their work easily and perfectly without auy gripe, pant or sickening, lint the Hamilton lady we referred to Her name is Mrs, John Tonilinson. Her address is 107 Steven St. North. This is what she says " Being 'troubled with severe head- aches, 122:212 advised by a friend to try I•axe-Liver Pills, I only required to use half a bottle when the headache vanished and I have not been. troubled with it since," Lasa -Liver Pills 25e., all druggists.. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is tho simplest., safest, quickest euro for all coughs and co7lds of children or adults. Price 25e. A bill has been introduced into theLegtsla, bonuses tomanufacturers. s eto do lively with O i8 YOUR P I ., 9 CASTO Ifs For Infantn ane! Children, The he. ef;nilo lteaaturo /44�/J �try // tvrot 01t When you call on a woman and she keeps one • finger in the place where she was reading, don't remain more than five minutes. • A cum. • Mr, E I. }lo,nh:man, 208 swine() Ave., Hoboken, N. J„ advises all men \, tin are weak and who deatr, epuedy and perftct nine to write to Dr. Gustav H. Bobertz, 252 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. An orange tree will bear fruit until it is 150 years old Children Cry for ST. ,y .I . Milton' and Horner were both blipd,...This is concltlsiyo evidence thatout•of sight isn't always out of mind. Gems of Thought. Modesty is a relative virtue -there 'is that of twenty years, that of thirty years, and. that :of forty years.- B1at fte,.. . I am determined to count no hours but unclouded ones, and to let all others slip of my memory. -H. B. Stone. Every man has some peculiar train of thought which he falls back upon when he is alone. This, to a great degree, molds. the roan. — Dugaid Stewart. Good nature is the beauty of the mind and like personal beauty, wins almost without anything else -some, times, indeed, in spite of positive deticieneies.-Han way. A'CTIVESOLICITORS WANTED EVERYWHERE,, for "The Story of rho Philippines" by Mivat Halstead, commissioned by the Government as Wi- eld Historian to the War De,,artaleat, The book was written in army canis at 8 an Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at. Ho- nolulu, in Hong Kong, in the A,neriean trenches at Manila, in the insurgent eamps with auni"aldo, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of Wade at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents, Brimful of original pictures taken by gov- ernment photographers on the spot, Large book, flow prices. Big profits, Freight pntd. Credit aril en. Drop all trashy unofficial ,war Looks. Outfit free, Address, F. T. 'Barber. aee'y., Star Insurance Chicago. A SHORT STORY In London Lite COntaining Condensed Wisdom for Thousands. A baker Living at 257 Dundas Street, ' London, Ont., Geo. Roberts by name, Recommends DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS " Because They cured him. He had Pain in the Back; His Urine Was red-eolored Andain p fol In passage. The euro through • DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Was quick and complete. That's how they always act, Because they're For kidneys only. If yon have Siena: kidneys Don't experiment 'With en unknown remedy. Take fib sllbstittite for .DOAN'S KIDN 'Y PILLS. If you are not getting your Job Print- ing at 'rH'i, Tams Job Printing Rooms, you should stop to consider the reason. No job too small or none too large f* us to give you au estimate on. The Largest Plant Q r in Ontario -C.m do no better work than TI]E TIMES, and!the office is thoroughly equipped in every branch. Pamphlet Work Our Samples of pamphlet work will compare favorably with the output 4 AN Y large city establishment, W have the same facilities and are under less expense than the metropolitan offices, and can consequently more that meet, thein in price. Comraercial tati per: " We now make a specialty of stationery for business .nen... Merchants will find our prices compare favorably with any cut rate printt•r"s and at the same time they will receive better satisfaction. Proof shown with all work, and prompt . attention given t(., mail orders. - 'PHONE 4. THE TIMES ONE GIVES RELIEF. WIN -GRAM. Don't i Aar for Medicine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons • Ten Tabules for Five Cents. • lids sort le pat hp cheaply to gratify the iminissl meant demand for a low print' If you don't find this sort of Ripans- Tabuier At the Druggist's' Send Five Cents to Tens RIPANS ClIEMICA• COMPANY, NO. to ,spruce St., New York, and they will be sotht to you by mail; or 22 cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. 7':t chances ate tea t MO digit Ripens 'rebates are the very mctl. inc you deed. r 1