HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-03, Page 6Cee TUE, WINU,RAM TIMES„ MARCH 3, it a tpt iitg 4 ar itmts FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2.4, 18ati, OUR OTTAWA VIM h:atu OUT t'ti:er„y:c+r'uuiynt. Ottawa, Feb.:. '5th. .The ilatit)nt+i iilnlnftial statement for the first seven months of the war- ren: fiscal ;l eer itere heen plll':LS lclttlnd figures are a ffltitlir continuance of the mibrulte l record of progress an d deve1Ut) 1::ltt which had merited the last two or tliiee years of our country's Victory. Compared with the, cut•real,ttndine period of last year there is an he:reale of ti 11,.05ii,- 000, this year's figures reaching the unprecedented luta) (if k196,017,000, ae against 8184,e62,000 in 1898. IN'hile experts decreased by 84,703,- 000, the balance of t. ade between imports and experts wits 817,123,- 000 in favo of Oneida, In the seven month's period of 1.898 99 we exported $106,570,000 and imported 1'tS9,447,000 while during the corresponding period of 1897.98 we exported 8111,274,030 and imported S73 688,000. The duty collected. on imports was F4111,408,030 and $12,- 198, 51.5 respectively, an increase for :the seven months of 82,209,515. For the month of January 1899 the figures show exports of $7,667,000 as against 510,654,000 last year and imports of S10,485,000 as compared �ivith $9,887,000. It is from figures such as these, that Sir Chatles Tupper and his political friends must obtain -evidence of a fulfillment of their. prophecies ofcommercial ruin and national disaster, which they so; ',confidently predicted would follow the accession of the Liberals to power. If they sneceed in c.rnvine- • ing their supporters of the correct- ness of these predictions, figures Ban .indeed be made to prove any- thing. LOCAL POLITICS IN NEW BRUNS- 1 WICK. . The Local elections in New Brunswick ere over, and while there has never been any reasonable doubt that the Etnmerson Govern-, anent would be sustained, no one anticipated the practical al nilifla- tiorl of the Conservative party which was the result of the poll, for out of a total membership of fertysix there are only four straight Con -t ser vatives, end two • Independents who will support the Government. 'or many years the affairs of the' Province have been in the hands of a, coalition Government in which the minority have had representation Considerably in' excess of their 'numerical strength either in the Rouse or in the Province, but this refection was run on • straight party Sines, the Federal Opposition leaders ilaving'deeided that this would give Omen, better opportunity to capture the Treasury benches. How wofelly their. plans have miscarried is shown by the result of last Satur- day's vote. THEY DO NOT SING THE OLD SONG. Tupper cabinet, atatei his belief to the 0:tawa Citizen that the Con- eervatives who rallied t'1 the support of the Etnint'rsi'Ii Government would now detit:itely Ieautin in the Liberal eatup.The one grain feomn whieh the ()ppositietn has se farenceeeded in extracting from thesituatittn is the rc'adstu itt'„'', tit}nutlnctntent that "141 le Meter is not :erre tllg. " That's ;nod. TUE. WAY '1 tri: TARIJ'1" WORKS. if it is a fact that the present (sovernttler,t• has made noeubetanti. 1 nig' O* in a t e adjustment !•f the tuff in the interests 'ut' Cauadicln industries. ruosit)ly Opptsition speak - Sirs nett writers eau explain how it' h that such it tre.etentloue impetus has been given to twine tutntltifaetni ers ,ince Out re adjustment betealne 1 operatly e.. 'like to. iusrauce the case of a certain factory in Western .,Ontario : where raw material freer the United; States is used to a large extent. Under the tjld tariff this material was so highly tested that it could not be bought in large quantities, but at -I the present tinge tho raw material l cornee in free, with the result. that two hundred hands now find steady employment where only orle hundred were working two years ago. This is but a sample of what is oceuring all over Canada and the people know it for they have a personal experience in their very midst Not . a day goes by but word comes from . some part of the Dominion of new I and important industries starting up: and old ones greatly developing and l all as a result of "the disasterons tI'ade policy of the Grits " stenographers in, Canada, IIe waw one of the best itnown figures at the Capital anti wes highly estceuled by men of all political schools to whom the news c.f his unexpected death , rr'iti bring sincere regret, �'ne Oyuict. • In an eniereeney the average per- son does the very worst thing. I Anybody can get credit 'unless it.• is the matt who is actually hungry.. In real old fashioned families the onion is venerated next to the Bible. • Sonne people'; virtues are harder to get alung, with than other people's vices. A man who never makes a kick should not get the worst of it, but he • always does. Sorno. people refuse to work today because they expect to draw a prize in a lottery to -morrow. Of coarse the Opposition has taken it all back now, and the Mail and Empire, which ' last week was 3nust emphatic and insistent in de. :daring that it was to be a fight neon straight party lines, now declares that "a coalition victory is not a Liberal victory, notwithstand lag anything that the dominant Federal party may say." Just where the "coalition" business comes in is rut very clear, for Hon. A. R. Dickey, Minister of Justice in the BR1sT,gi�S, `.-1BRISSTOL,►E 4113 Sarsaparilla and c.uoAgt PILL v._ ellof 417.1i JitTBt7' IMMIX isia.d• NY( The Greatest of all Liver, S. Attach and Blood Medicines. d sp'EclF10 Fol/ iii ::tuttatb1.t, GRA and C..7o:1:c C:,.atplatittne x :'y C:t:"n"e and Purify the L",o3.l. ani . (ek:':;l':zi1 Delete s. Il1MPROVING OUR STOCK. The following paragraph from the Agricultural Gazette, London, Eng., of the 30th ult., will be read with interest by farmers all over the' country :-"Messrs. Alfred Mansell & Co., Shrewsbury, have shipped by the White Star Line from Liverpool a small .but choice selection of eleven Shropshire ewe lambs and one ram lamb for the Hon. John Dryden, M. P. P.. Minister. t•f Agriculture furl Ontario, owning for their sires such exceptionally good rams as Butter Blue 9377, bred by Mr. David Butter. and purchased . co - jointly by .Mr. . Bowen.-.Jctriesqasaid Mrs. Barrs for 150 gs. ; Adani (id- stone 8347, bred at Odstol:e by the Royal winner Odstone Commander Star of Euddon No,4,9698. On their dam's side this se eet shipment traced back to the following distinguished sheep:—Bath Brick, 5797,The Cham- pion 7163,purchased for 160 gs.,Royal Jubilee 3702, Ringleader 3693, At. tractor 2917, !Ste, HOW'S THIS rut KIPLING ? British farmers who have got their ideas of the climatic conditions of Canada from the old orthodox pictures of winter here and from Mr. Kipling's poetic imagery, must have been somewhat startled by a state- ment which appeared the other day in a leading English agricaltural weekly to the effect that a remark- able agricultural experiment was successfully tried during the past summer in the fa'' Northwest. The Members of a Roman Catholics mission at Fort Providence succeeded in reaping "a very fine wheat harvest," the period between seed time and harvest having been ninety- one days. Fort Providence is on the Mackenzie River just west of the Great Blave Lake, in a latitude something over 62 deg.—the latitude, that is of the Faroe Islands,Southern Greenland, and Hudson Strait. It is about 600 miles north of Edmon- ton, in western Alberta, 1100 miles north of the international boundary, and less than 200 miles south of the latitude of Dawson City." ONTARIO'S STOCK OF LIVE STOCK. According to the latest published returns of the several classes of live stock in Ontario at the close of 1898 are as follows : Agricultural horses, 611,291 against 613,670 for 1897 ; eattie, 2,216,993 against 2,182,326 ; sheep, 1,677.014 against 1,690,350 ; pigs, 1,642.787 against 1,284,963 Altogether the account of agriculture in Ontario for 1898 Is a prosperous one. A Woman's 11 IIIIMIII.11..111.111 L1.1.m o e c01)oa'taleta0 r get tbo start of you. A few doses or we Cold Cure will ureal: up any form at cold Iu a few hours and prevent grippe, diphtheria, and pneunionla. It should he In every home and every vest pocket. It is hotter than a life insur- ance poltey. MURTON*, At all drggg 1ats, 25e. a sial. Guide to Iiealth nn•l 7,rrrtJr•nl nn••ioe trop+. inn:° Arch Rt.. Philn. Chicaeo's icc eream trust will tat out 900.000 gallons of ice cream the first yteir. Chicago, • yon know, is the piece where they eat ice cream 0n mince pie. San Francisco bas 20 000 children of school ago who attend no place of learning. DTt. A Girl Bele 'S OINTMENT After An Experience Of` The Grunt Skin Cure --35 Celits. •wenty ears. • Mrs. McGregor says : "Diamond Dyes . Are Reliable and Never -failing." I bavo used,the Diamond Dyes for over twenty years sad have never yet failed to get stet good results when 1 followed the dire:;tione. I would not use other makes of dyes even if they were given me i'ree of cost. Diamond Dyes are reliable and never -tailing. MRS. D. N. McC4REGOR, Amberly, Ont. H.OW1CIC, • Council niet in the Albion Hotel, Fordwich, Feb. 15th, 1899, pursuant to adjnurnment, members all present, the Reeve in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and adopted. The Auditors report was read. • Doig—il'inley—That.th° ` Clerk have 150 copies of same printed and one to be attached to each path masters list. Doig—Finley—That the Township printin r be given to Theo. ' Hall, editor of the Winghann Advance for the sura of $43.50 and 'if no munici pal election he accepts $42, his tender .being the loWeet, by him • furld'ishibg satisfactory security to the Council for the completion of the work.— ICarried. ' A deputation of A.- Wyness and Dr. Spence waited on the Connell asking a grant to assist the free Library in Fordwich. Gregg—Spence—That the matter be left over for further consideration. Carried.— Gregg—Spence—That Thomas Gibson, Fordwich, be arbitrator for the Tp. of Ho,viek for U. S. S. No. 12.—Carried. • • ACCOUNTS PASSED. Adam Graham $S for salary as auditor; Peter Hepinstall $8 for salary as auditor; Richard Ettrngey $1.50 for work on bridge lot 10 eon. 8; P; Keating, $1'1 for D. R. 0. fees and. polling booth for Co. election ; Wm. McKercher, $11 for D. R. 0 fees and polling booth for Co. election ; Geo. Henry, $10, for D. R. 0. fees and polling both for Co. election ; Robt. Deachman, $10, for D. R. 0 fees and polling booth for Co. election; Jas. Foster, $10, for D. R. 0., fees and polling booth for Co. election ; Geo. Welker, $10, for D. R. 0. fees and polling bobh for Co. election ; Municipal World, $8.20, for election supplies fo'r Co, election , Municipal World, $1, for stamp and pad ; Wm. Corbutt, $1,68, for gravel and gravelling lot 10 con. 13 ; Jo'in Armstrong, $2.14, gravel; Wm Chapman, $1, extra or. bridge lot 17 con ,I. Finley,—Doig—'Pat this council. do now adjourn to meet again in the Tp. Hall (Gerrie) on the third Wed nesday in March, when the path - masters, poundkeepers titl(ll fence viewers will be appointed.—Carried. L. WALKER, Clerk. A FAMILIAR ;FIGURE GONE Death has removed a prominen figure frrrtn the rireeit:cls of Praha- The British Coluinnhla budge t ment in the person c f 1er. George 13 ei,ow3a deneiI+ f it first year tri f' 647, Bradley, Chief !'f tl:l: fl,,nttatd staff 723. of the Home of UI'infnotis, Who !died iest week in Buff ilo. Deceased had , t'iTED-ShVitam, iKI,biNein'i rust. field his linortant p.illtiutl since the *'na in this °talar° 141°1 to Our Itueine,l. b 1) see crenae 1 1lrariJy raluntiev It to n1rtJ,i ani c Every' Spring. Ara. Agree Barnes, Lunonburg N,; ., Writes: "I have taken B'.13 B. Ave►s goring now for Rome )ears, to purify m. blood and keep my eyetem in good order. and can honestly env I do not know of its equal anywhere." organization of the tlflicit)! reporting wo k condnetM1 at ii*.., . Salary etralXht llrAtq r o re.....'dOOnita, hnnafldo nnn.nte,na : burette in 1880 and was deesldered icer+ tatarv. Iunmhry >rr,, nreferenot., itnelo9e one of the most rapid find aceturate poi!-r.stee sed etnmpgf ea%etop., Dothan k..1 ea, t'rae „Dept, St, Ch1ca„0, Alfred Le Blanc. of St. Jerome, Que.; has suuh faith in Dr. Agnew'u Ointment that he bu) s it by the dozen to take wits him to his lumber, caner. Be 'dads it a quick cure for chafing, bruises, frost bites, and other emergencii•,A 'ncldent to etintp lire. It cures salt rheum, eezewa, tatter, scald head, and other akin erup !inns, mud piles io three to five nights, 33 oeuts. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, E. D. Morgan Rowland, a wealthy young club plan of New Y.ork, handed a 8500 bili to a waiter in the Grand Pacific iIc'te', Chicago, to pay for a int -al. 'J.'he waiter decamped, and Mr. Rowland was awarded a verdict arraiust the; proprietors of the hotel for the amount flat. Faint and Dizzy Spe1's Are exceedingly dangerous, ];otter take a f' w luxes of .Miitntre'e Heart and Nerve Pitt» and cure them Wines they teatime too be HODS. Vl rs. Geo. Nnih; 1.83 Culborue S.t., L tndon, Ont , era. s she held trt•quent att,ecks of dizziness. tent. there pills cured her completely. 00o. a bur, SABI/AT I, SE1tVIOES. M Tl1ODIST-••-ktev. Dr. Pascoe, pas or. Services at 11 a in and 7 p in. 2ItteSBYT E RIAN-•-Rev. D, Perrie I pu.ltor Services at 1l a ni nnt17 p w. 1 L1SCOPAL, St, Paul's. Rea. Wal. • Lowe, „motor. Services at 11 a to and 7 p w. BAPTIST —Roy. W. Peed, pastor. , Services at 11 a m and 7 p m CONGRF GATIONAL--Rev. H. E.1 Mason, pastor. Services at 11 It m and 7prn. CHRISTIAN WORKERS — Misses OatutraSpmm andand Look8pin. ia. command, Services SAEsVe.TION ARMY—Ca et, M°Leod aun wife in command. Services at 11 a.. m,3pm and8pm, In °Itch of the above named churches Sabbath i choel is held at 2.130 p fn, A men who consider, himself isn anlhority on grippe wiotu u, a New York paper saying abet it was al- ms:, iovariebiv..due to. fiefure. to keep the feet dry ; thereupon another man Sends in a COminaleiceti011 say- ing he knows an individual oho has bad the grippe for five years in succession and has two wooden legs. • •Ir";-;.-- 'ale? 1 • r'//i lr t. . ) Ftp-- L1h1 pd„.. DR, CHASE 'r'ISta o ToIp Sfax: Raised' from a Bed of Sickness. Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure and Kld- , ey-Liver Pills Combined for Perfect Denitb—An Interesting Cure After Long; Sufi:eying. SC:mcoe, Jan. 18t&t, 1897. Messrs. Denanson, Bates, and Co., To- ronto, Opt. :— Gentlemen,—tor over five months X was confined to my bed, not being able to move. The beet nudleal ekld was called in, all treating rete •tor Catarrh of .the stomach, but to no avail. 1 Could not eat the most simple food without beim; in dreadful misery, and found no relief: until same was vomited ori. After vending a large stem 'in rredleel advice, 1 was advised to try a. box of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. I nate it was no use, for 1 considered mine a hopeless ease front whieh I could not recover. At length I our. chased a box from J, Austin and Corn- pany, Slmcoe, and to my surprise found great relief. Not being able to eat I tried a box of Dr. Chase's ICldney Liver Pills; the pains left me the third clay. My tippetJte has been fully restored, 1 consider MYseif perfectly cured, and feel as well as when a young woman, although 1 am 65 years old at present. I was almost a ,ltadow now I am as fleshy as , before day sielrnesa, Have used only three boxes of Dr, Matte's Kidney -Liver Pills, and only two boxes of »r, c1hade's Catarrh Cure. I can do my house work as usual, 1 nm positive 'that 'my inaivellous eure (whieh l: think It Is) is due purely •to 7)r; Chase's remedies, whieh I 'have used. I can nons'istty reronmend tho 'same 4o any per::ours suffering from 'symptoms ,similar to minx+. Wiettung you - every success, Yours, truly, Mttfl, ANN (YIlUltc'III4L, 8r. n n 0 1, e, , apeoiai rates for ll.rger 5dtertiventente, or or if. after using three fourths of contents lme[ or ptrioda. uf bottle. they do not 'relieve Constipa• J Adtert,,omonts and ,heal notices without speciflo A CARD. 41,,i)e 01 THO a in; D; intm, --IB PnisfAMINT)— uniay VRIl}AY MOItNINli --AT TIIIi-- 1 iMCS o FICC, JOSEPHINE SSTFIET' 'NUS GtAIvi, ONT,iUtIO. Subsoription price, St per your.lit adva ee- Af1V 11TI, NG RATES 3 mo I ii mo On, Colnn.n *tie 001 5411 00 esti: 110 .ARS 00 lildif 40 no 1 9n 18 00 t 4 eel Quarter •.40 00 12 00 7 00 ' 2 Oa• re. e. I blab JII 5 1 i sol 1< 2 00 100 Leval itt,t , n,ar t-a.un, 1,11rbt t1senleot, 10.1'14;r line int tire.; lukurtion.and 8n l'cr lhrc Peewit subsequent in ortt..n. 1t • am cit try tennpterail scale, i ,.,rtil noble, It, per lino for first insertion, • 6.. per Soo fol 0 nrh subsequent .ne'-rticr . • i,Advortise,uo ate of Lost., Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business 11u"'reae 11 •anted, not exceeding' 8 line nrntp.uuli, $ for first month, and 50c. for eacic- vubsequont tt •,nthru, Ilmtgae and 1•'ais tor not °weeding 8 lino. We, the Undersigned, do hereby i'gree el for !list ntnuth, 81.c, per gnhbequent month to refund the niouev on a twenty -live t'ar:Cel' adt•ertib,lltJan s lfl P'•oportfon. cent bottle f D Wills' English Pills i These terms writ hn strlrtly adlet'retl to tion and headache. Wo also warrant that four bottles will n care o it I r I! rmlt entl the most, obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Winghatn, Ont. Colin A. Campbeil, Chemist and Drug- gist, Wiogham, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug- gist, Wingham, Ont BANK of HAHHLTO W I N G H A M. ' Capital, 111,250,000. Rost, 5, 775,000 President-,JouN BruAIl!. Vigo-President—A. 0. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS JOHN PROCTOR. GEO. RoAOH, Wat GIBSON, rd P, A. T. Woo», A. 13. LEs (Toronto): • Cashier—J. TURNBULL. SavinlCs Dank—Hours, 10to 8• Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of 61 and upwards received and lntorest eito vel. Spaniel Deposita also received at current rates of Ir. ,teat. Drafts en, great Britain and tho United State bought and sold W. CORBOULD, AGENT E. L.'DI(1EiNSON, Solicitor. Honey to J .Otis+ on Notes. Notes . Discount'ed Al; REASONABLE !ATEA Mbney advanced on Mortgage+; at 6 pet centwi'h privilege of paying at the and of any year. .hot, and accounts collected. - • • iiOBT. ItzcINDOO. cavar4Block %vin! harry Olin . GILAN D'4TRUNK RAIL WAY. DEPART . ' ARRIVE Toronto and East 0 49 a. m. 3 05 p. in 330pin1029pm Palmerston mixed. 8 65 n m 3 05 p re London and South 6 53 a m 11-10 a to J3 lie p in 8 00 p m Kincardine 11 10 a m 6 49 a m 3 30 p m 3 30 p rn • 10 29p m 8 30ani SOCIETY MEETINGS. _ y No.to et Camp Caledonia. is49,e //tt�� S.—the aa 1 m Ca od I , S. O. S. the filet and third Mod 'y it evary month, in ..he 114d Fellows hale. Vivitir. brethren weleM,-• .1. Murray. Chief. 11. n Elliott, Ren. -Ser WIN STEAM -PUMP WORKS Having purchased then entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers,' ata now prepared to supply the publio with MY: w r. ` co ri reit` -rbRr '4c'I'4't"M ILL IS Wood and Irolt. Force and Lift rump' Brass aiut Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron 'I1iah iDg. Cigterns, Water Trouglis, . Sinks. 1lntks,Pi;pe JL`ittailg, Welil Digging and everything in ,:ore nootion with water supplies. Galvanized rlteel, Windmills for power and pumping water. T)eop well pumps a epeeinlity. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information rr ordering by mail should always Estate depth of well, AU tvark guaranteed or no sale. O. M01tNI'L G$TAR line 140 Wingham, Ont. dir,lations will bo limited till forbid and charged: AGt.Oed lig l v. Trabeitue;y advertisements must bo paid in aclomon Uhnngma for contract adyertfaentonte must be rrn the oitleo by. Wednesday noon, m order to appear - that week IL B. °resets, PROPRIETOR ANS PU$CISUEA. WINGHAM, HOSPITAL. - For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and SUIiO1CAL OAS1:I of all kinds. For particulars - address - DR. J. P. ItENNEDY, Medical Superintendent, 15ieghaut, Ont:.-' 'U• YANSTONM, ��J BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Rte.. Private and Company funds to loon at lowest rata: interest, No.nonlmias,o,, charged. Mortgages, town. and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block N Runup, J. A. AIOBTON BA1ir2ISTER, &c., Wmghun,. Ont. L. DICKINSON, BARILISTER, ETC. sdaxorron TO DANI..OF HAMILTON. • eRONNIP TO•• LOAN. Office—$lever rlonlr. Wingham (I. CAMERON, 1Y1 . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c.. Olitee-t-Corner Ilamiltonend St. Andre* 8t$ -)t3 opposite Colborne hotel. Geometer1, ONTARIO. A LIT11111t J. 1.10%IN, 1) D S, LDS, L Dtit•tnr of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania. Dental Collate mid LL•a,tt to cf the Royal College - of i)ent•.1 :Surgeons of Ontario. Office over 'Poet OtI,u., '1''wham. DENTISTRY. --j. S.JEEROME,L. D. S.,ryrxcaAtf. lb of c, it M' teeth aslactur cheap as they caan bo.,mader• et [n the Dominion. Tooth extraotet: absolutely witbnut pain, by l,fiknevr process. guaranteed parte• fly alto. OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, .oppoaitQ the, Brunswick nous*. 'a, sJ Clift ItITUII)E « ~ '• :'-e.,8; (31;NEa.5L 1vst/RANCE AOM,'iT W INSOa4, l)N�'Anle. UEAi•S, J)t., WINtuu\m, L1t1s si;i, Ai)(JrlON1':ER YON ,tis 170tI1'iT LC? II urwr., >f Sales attnuded he any putt u1 the 0r'..:. e,,liyrge - Iloduratu. di 01IN (JU It1t1L, WVisansM, ONT., ri LIULNAIffi AUCTIONEER. SAI../4 of Fenn Stock and Fat in Implements specialty. , All orders tett at the Touts otNe:e promptly askant ed to. Tort ., re,wobablu. r-- fir--• • J. yt'L11111NG} ;looks, I'atrdphi4ta, roiitera tBL; }loads, t.himets, so., aye„ executed .hr thb'bee• sale0t the art, at moderati, price', and on short naive Apply or add ress• , 11, B. ELLIOTT. •. ,I' q {{�� g// ��pp T °tae twice., Winght m 600 , .1(11INDINit,t • We are noosed to minn,ilgw that env Books or Mugaeirtes lett with Its for Dimling, will have our neOnnpt attention. l'rie'm for Binding in any style will b.' uiven nu nnulim,timt n the Tint,, Office JII i A, w i e, Ylyr. NI Vat .1( 411fti WE MASE , • Sewer and 4.6 Culvert Pipes ,i, An sizes front 4 in. to 24 In. Also Conn esti ono. WRITE FOR PRICESs;. ONTARIO SEWER PIPE.t Clio •-•760 t-2 ADELAIDE Si'. i< FACTORY AT MIMXCo. T02t :NT*. 'r'