The Wingham Times, 1899-03-03, Page 5I)
Freight Cars vs. Dicycleo.
it Ili
t I The man who builds freight carti
coilld hardly build a fine bicycle,
(L41;1! And the men who make coarse shoes
couldnot succeed in making the fine gen-
tlemen'shoe you want to wear.
The "Slater Shoe" is made in the Ely
factory in Canada where only
.42Enen'S fine shoes are made, '""I's3141.)
Goodye:'„r eRed, sole stamped( 1-'11
with maker' trade mark and '1\:Prricite.‘ ‘
price : $3,00, $4.00 and $5.00. 't
La.F. \VIM:MASI T.LMLS, MAUCH 82 16119.
Shope. by
Catalogue free.
Areee. •
Q.Le_e_ezieseee e.essficetTgArej
For S,9Ie Only hy MOTH et BOWLES.
Having -moved to town to the resi-
dence lately ()coupled by Geo P Wells,
corner Centre and Alfred streets, near
the GTR, I am prepared. to raw the
lie hest cash prices for all kinds of Rags,
Rubbers, Copper,. Horse Hair, Wool
Pickings, Iron and Metal ot en kinds,
delivered at my restrikes, or if word be
left, I will call for same.
Order your_...
SiQ t
Highest cash prices paid for all
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.
done at lowest prices and satisfaction
guaranteed. Cale and get prices be.
tore disposing of your timber.
® .4Acel
Get your sight tested. It -costs nothing.
Scietifically, Correctly, Reasonably.
Try us.
Cerefully washed, properly ironed,
vorrectly finished and 'fairly priced -
1 hat's the history of your linen when
brought here. Not a thing in our
leashing preparations to injure the
fihre of the goods and not a thing
. unhealthy about our work rooms.
. Leave Orders at Carr's Feed Store,
. . •
GOItItil ' by•laws passed previous to the 2nd Kague, .4m. Ii. Jarvis.1. s,
Mr. Geo. Padfield has returned day of January, 1.899, hb now given y 3A pretty weddinas r4'g w
,Taride—Seott—That the offer of at the resIdence of Mrs. tallow \ kV
home from Manitoba. the third reading and fluidly passed. the Village Council re rent of h Ill be on Wedneeday morning of laut
Mr; Wm. Dow, organizer for the Carried.
O. 0. I?. was working in the interests inieheier triaa it je,l)ihtenr, Aid.issylaJlece,
Seo—MeKague—Tliat the appli- The IPInene.e CommIttee repnrted nwnther
of the Order et Teesweter last week. cations for the paid officers be now on the following accounts : John Chiesego. The ceremony i se
The Directors of the Uowick . opened and considered. Carried, Sharp, fixing pitch holes on gravel formed by Rev. G. J. Apily, retiree J
Mutual li‘e Insurance Go. held their The fallowing are the applications road, t32 ; Revised Statutes of On- of St John% tharch In the presen,ee ..
'regular monthly meeting here ee . received for the difterent officers: redo. $6 ; Alex MoDonald, fixing .of a number of relatives atia Mime&
Saturday last • . clerk, Ohas, Button, Thos. P. Me- pitch holes on gravel road, WU ; 'iate frieuds.of the eontraetieg parties.
Miss Kumla Smith is visiting with Donald, Bernard 13eingesenert trete Win. Nellie D. R, 0„Polling Division The bride is ore of bruise le' Moist
friends in Toronto. surer, Peter Clark and D. A. Ireland, No..6, $8 ; E, Os Kuntz, keep of popular young ladies; a member a
Messrs. W. Gs Strong and vem, a tender at sixty six dollars ; assessor, indigent..,S,1 ; R. E. Little, D. R. 0. St Johns Church, aril when it lime
Doig, C. 0, P. organizers, are at 13ernand 13eingeesner, ; colleeeor, Al- Polling Sub•Division No. 4, $8 ; Jas, an enthoholic worker in the Sun -
tending the Nigh Court meeting of feed Caslick and John Armstrong. Parker, fixing pitch holes on gravel day school arid Yourtg People's
Opposite Post Office, Says;
Fresh Beef and Pork.
Lamb Bologna
Pickled Pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacon Sieneage
Smoked Ham Pressed Beef
Side Pork Tripe '
Corn Beef Pressed Tongue
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c.,
always on band.
Our prices are right.. Orders
called foe and meat delivered to any
part of the town.
Your patronage 'solicited.
As I have an immense spring
stuck arriving, I must have roinn to
put it, hence for 16 days, shall seli
...Ann ()Id shelfevern stock), but up -to
elate new goods at cost. Remember
thia is no wind, but actual facts. Yon"
imin save money by attending this
role at once. Pair dealing. Extra
t es.
Repairing promptly attended to.
te 1 :cares
the Order in Brantford this week. . Scott—Jarvis—That Chas Button road, 50 cts ; A. Caslick, salary as Society. The groom, wtei is a strong-
collector, efio ; John McRae, services er here, hteile a responsible position
as auditor, $9 ; John Sproals, thong In the wholesale house <-1' Sears,
pitch holes on gravel road, 50 ets. ; Reebuck & Co., in Chieago. Mise
Robe Watson, services as auditor, genie 'Wilson, the youngeet sister •of
60 ; Robt. Watson, D. R. 0. Polling the bride, was bridesmaid. ..
Sub -Division No, 2, $8 ; Peter Clerk, Monday Morning, Feb, 20th, John
service., as Treasurer, $90 ; Clerk, McDougall, one of the pioilects of
balance of salary and registration Grey townehip, died at hie ieeidenee„
: fee, $42.60. Albert street, Brussels, after e. More
Scoti—Jarvis--That the finance illness of eleut 10 days, in his 80th.
report be adopted and cheques issued year. Deeeteed was born in the
for payment—Carried, W514d of Mull, Argyleshire, Semiand,
MeKague -- Meyer — That this and came to 0.nad t e ito fontives
Council do pow adjourn to meet in the year 1851.. After taro ding a.
again nn March- 20th in the Town year at Whitby he moved mit) Grey,
Hall, Teeswater, at 10 -o'clock a. me township taking up a le() pere farm
or at the call of the Reeve—Carried. on the 8th eon., upon wheel heeeort- •
°gas. Burrow, Clerk. tinned to live until 1.895. ellen he
• sold to Richard S. Arinstrorg, of
and accounts be accepted and that Bobbed the thirave. Meals township, and moved into
tbe printing committee get two A startling ineuleet, ot.which Mr. John Brussels, where a, comfortable home,
hundred•copies panted for distribu- Oliver, of Philadelphia, WAR the subject, ,
was purehesed. In 1854 Mr. •Me=:
tion, and that the auditors be pail is narrated by him as follows"
6- 1 s
Dougall was united in inatriege to
in a must dreadful condition. My skin 1
as -per by-law. Carried. was almost yellotv, eyes sunken. tongue
Stott — Mackay — That as theMiss Catharine, daughter ot the late
coated, pain continually in back and Allan Lamont, who survives him.
auditors maintain that their pay is stdes no appetite-,grudually growing till Skin Eruptions. Best P.le cure on Their children are—John, of Bow.
(teeth. Only 25 eta, a box. Curo gua- unsufficient for the work and time weaker day by day. Three physicians
=teed. Sold at Colin A. Campbell's occupied in auditing the treasurers had given tne up. Fortunately, a friend itinanville; Peter and Albin, of
- • Angus, of Sault Ste.
advieed trying `Electrix Bitters ;' and to rai.don, Man ,
books, and that they be allowed one .my groat, joy and iturprise, the diet bot- Marie ; Mrs. H. Hill, of Algotne : apd
LONDESBORO. dollar ex.ra, each. Carried- tie made a decided nnprovemeet. 1 ega Misses Mary and Moggie, at home
Sccitt—Maekay—That by law No. Untied their use for three weeks. al Catharine died in Oct„ 1885, and
Miss Palmer, of Hensall, is the e, being a by-law for the appoint am 117 avc°1°11oLaaead t hie =0 tobfeLsol lie r Sarah on Sept. 4th, 1898. Nies, L4,
guest of her brother, T. W. Palmer, ment of the different paid officers be . lvli?crti " a oneshould fait to try them. Black and MN. S, Barr, 4th line or.'
this week, given the usual readings and passed. Only 50 me. a bottle. every bottle eua Morris, are sisters to Mr. McDougall.
Mr, J. D. Melville sports a new Carriedranteed, at Colin. A. Campl•ell's. The suhject of this notice was a
cutter this week. John takes the elackay—Scott—That the Salaries straight•ft ,t• ward, honorable man,
cake for -a fine turn Ont. eommittee take into consideration the wrtoxETER. who enjoyed the good opinion of the
Mrs. and Miss Haggard, who have remuneration to be paid for the • The local hockey clab defeated community. ere seas a preshNterlao
been the guests of Mrs Langman for zerviees of road commissioners, Mem- Brussels team on Thursday evening in teligion ar.d a Liberal it polities.
some time, returned to their home herq of the Board of Health, fence. ,of last week by . a score of 6 to 1. _ The cause of death was le oriehitiee
in Pilot Mottud last week..- viewers, councillors, poundkeepere This more than makes un for their and heart failure.
Owing to the very disagreeable lees and animals keep when impound. -defeat at Brussels.
state of the weather, the services oil ed; also clerk's remuneration, for ' Mr. Richard Miller is home from . BELGRAVE.
Sunday were poorly attended.,
Mr. and Mrs. A, Welsh and
family, Mr, and Mrs. Anson Spotton,
and Messrs. • Samuol and Robert.
Greer and Robert Perkins, all of
Toronto, were in town last week at.
tending the funeral of the late Saus'l
Miss Maud Montgomery, of Brant -
fora 15 visiting With friends in the
Word reached here of the death of
Mr. Croskery, who died at Gladwin
Mich. on Feb. 15th, Deceased -wet
a resident of this place for many
years, and his friends were pained to
hear of his death. He leaves a widow,
ono daughter ancetWo sons, who will
bave the sympathy of the community
in their affliction.
A. Frightful Blunder
Will otten cause a horrible Burn. Scald,
Cut or Bruise, Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the best in the world, will kill the pain
ancl,promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores,
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Pelona, CJrns,
be clerk; Peter Clark, treasurer;
Bernard Beingessner, as3essor; Al.
fred Caslick, eolleetor, at the salaries
fixed at last council meeting and on
the terms then stated and that a by -
la vs he prepared accordingly, Carried,
Scott— McKague— That E. G.
Kuntz be paid the sum of four dol-
lars for keep of indigent before the
House of Refuge was opened. Carried,
Mackay — Scott — That Jarvis,
Meyer and MeKague be a special
committee to finally audit the treas-
urer's books and accounts also to
inquire into the sufficiency of the
security given by the treasurer and
report thereon.' Carried.
Scott—Maceay —That the audit.
or's report on the treasurer's books
eervices under the Ditches and Water- 'Tarento for his holidays.
:.• payees Act at -raison eouseciL, Hezeisvoect has return Mrs P. MeCassy, of Cincinnati,
That Thr Gibing Headache. Can ied. ed.: front Harriston High Seheol, Ohioa former resident of BelgraVe,
Jarvis—Meyer--That the surveY- owing to ill health.
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. Kintee New Life Pills. Teousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Siuk and Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and etrong
nerves and build up your health. Easy
to take. Try them. Ouly 25 cents.
died on the 22nd ult ,• at the fermer
er's maps and plans of the Culross The boys have place. See. was 76 years ti, age.
of Fermosa, be signed by the • reeve has received two new elassey•Harris tive.sous. viz : D. J.. M. C. aril T. r, E.
husband still six) vives her, sled
portion of the unincorporated village talk about bicycles. Mr A. Pauliu . 1.181'
and clerk and the coeporaie seal wheels.. . G ; of I in, innati, Ohio.; Dr. T. C.„
attached, and that they be sent to. • A !amber of horses changed Id Commit dia, Kansas, and Dr. ,T. IL,'
A. Cain pbel I's. , the registrar, one copy to be retained prices viere paid. . - died Mas , 1897. The sit ceased was a
One son, J. P.,
Money back if not cured. Sold at Colin the registry office to be -endorsed by hands here at the horse fair. Good - IA lltiyLOTI, 01110,
in the registry office and the other Mr. el...Sanders is booming blase 001151518111 011,1511"n "n4 V't" grtatly
CULROSS. . to be returned into tbe custody of, ness in the .harness line. He has devoted to her prespereua ftimily,
rr the 15th of February, Mrn. Jas. the township treasurer and that the added two new um to his staff.
Carson, an old ,resident of Culross assessor be allowed the use of the Mrs. Thos. Filmore is visiting isi eves' .ei °I e.o.
townsliip, died at the age of 74 years. small map for assessment parposes. with old friends in Thamesford. - Mr. Robert Scott. a member of the
Her last illness was a protracted one. Carried. . Mr. Geo. Sehultice has returned to Wellingion Couety Council has been
She was a generous, warm hearted Maelray—Scott—That Jas. Mar- town and taken, a situation in the appointed License Impector ter West.
and hospitable old lady and her•Welliegton.
shall be appointed engineer for this woollen mill. 4 4
many friends and neighbors will re township and that a bylaw be 41r. A. McMichael will ei kb pos Mr. Andrew Laidlaw, late pro-
g,ret that another of the pioneers of prepared confirming the. appoint- session of the farm he recently ptir- ;meteor of is e Galt 1it fot iners,openec1=1
MeKague — Meyer — That ,the let. a mining belcer's effi •e in 9' • kane '
ment. Carried. • , 'chased from Mes. A. Gibson on April
the township has gone. tier remains I ,....,..) , , .
were interred in the Teeswater ceni Wash., a it w days after he left Galt.
etery. • ' petition of Mathias Willie and others Rev. J. B. Kennedy was visitant)
be talten•00 at next council meeting with old Mende in, London durin-o • Robert W Kites, of Paielev, Wile -• . ...,
Mr. Alex. Moir, of Tackersmith, - is wanted in lowa, en a eharee. f pass,
was home ttending the funetal of anti the '‘.Ierk .notify the trustees t•f tbe week.
Union School Section, Belmtre and me forged drfie Wit for that state.
his late cousin, Miss Kate itleKintion. A Thousand Tongues
Nu. 1, Culross: Saturday in ettere;e . f the i ffieerse
Kinlosa, returned on Wednesday. Cottle not expreee tee rapture if Annie Kite" has funirtit against extt tiditiOn
The Council met pursuant to heport of salaries committee, that B. Springer. of 1125 lloward at , Phita for two mouths. . 4
. 4
adjournment of last meeting M the the following be the remuneration dolphin. Pit.. stem she found that Dr.
town hall, Teeswater, Fa). 20th, for road commissioners, $2 per day, King.'3N" D'sr°%417f°1* C"°s"rOPti°°
1899. Meinbers. all present The metnbers of Board of Health, same cough that fur "navy years had made
as couticil; feneeviewers, at the rate
ininutes of lett meeting were read life a ntirdeti. All other remedies and
and confirmed. of $2 per day, councillor:4, $2 per doctors tmind kheiter no help, but she
Mackay-- J'arvis— That Messrs. day and mileage: for council meedng, allivelIf Una Hu,yal Cure--Nt soon remor.
t d
John G. Ballard has Fold his farm,' -
Into zolapisten, cured her of a hacking on the first concession of Elm, iteljo.
'Ming the Ln,towel corporation; •sri _ 7
Henry Karge, at the price Of $60'
per acre. The farm contains about,
100 acres and is in capital sfutpe,
with excellent buildings.
L 111111 fVIt 1 • . I e pain in my Iles ft_n I 011u now
Scott, Meyer and MeKague be the poupdkeepers fees, 25e for keep or eep soul:fib, eclair, ling I can scarcely
horses and cattle, when impounded, rompa,
• salariee cominitcce tor the year •18 99, hes doicia before. feel like
rs Mackay— Jarvis— That bylaw clerks fees under the Ditches, sliel Universe " So will eveiyone who tries
. Jarvis—Scott--That by-lawn). 6, every bottle guaranteed. eery to Perfect Health.
Carried. 25c per day, •sheep and hogs ifi4e. soma -11,1g its praises throughout the
Watercourses Act, $2 for each appli r, tog a ew 1 coVery for any trouble
TORONTO, CANADA. — cation. . , :At itl.thseaTtilwat15(Ftirtstyi!.41z.tga. inpplz,50; it IS Ea to of Keepthe cWoenldl
litfl oWn se NKe ceeesve-
No. 4, being a by•law repealing' all
Lost flesh lately? 1 being a by-law appointing a 'own. The importance of maintaining good
The neading Newspaper of
the Dominion.
over 12000 more regular eircalatInn
_eoeiy day magi it had in 1801, and nearly
-4,000 mars than one year ago.
IT GROWS nso.wsa w 1.1,n.VIIIS.
• IT 1.1,18 AU. tI1E ICEWS
Ti esSaturday Illustrated
wit!) its 24 er 28 pages every EatnrdaY,ita
atoll supplemen,t, its many special features -
Short tltories anti cicetehy armies -besides having
,tho currant news of the day, has become a strong
r ‘a, to the best monthly magnzines,
you '-an have THE HUMID every day and the
Satnulav Illustrated for about the same price as
you have to pay for many of t110 stnallue dailies
IN, had several new features Wert, be' all the
news of the week in concise form, awl hops ES
readers III 00110 01101 with every part 01 th,.
and 11101V especially our own enmity,
81,11,.eriptlen rates anti hill ivaticniars con be had
at th.. (Alice 0, this paper, any noWsdealer or peat,'
master, or send dire,lt to
THE 01,0BE,
Toronto, Canada,
readings, passed and signed. Mr. James Shnrrie is in Brantfoid really a simple matter if we take cor-
health is easily understood,, and it is
ship engineer be given the usual BRUSSELS.
Does your brain tire?
nerves? communicate with the Treasurer of meeting of' the Canadian Order of refit view of the conditions required.
Losing control over your y — That the Clerk ,this week attending the High Court
uarvui — Scott
In perfect health the stomach promptly
Kinloss with respect to refund or Voresters. digests food, and thus prepares nom4sh.
Are your muscles becom-
rnoney on work done on boundary— Mr. D. and Miss Stewart took pert ment. The blood is employed to carry .
ing exhausted? Carried. • in a Sons of Scotland Concert at At- this notrishment to the organs, nerves,
muscles and tissues which need it. The
You certainly know the
retnedy. It is nothing new;
just the same remedy that
it could be arranged to have the aS fdlows : —Reeve, Geo, /Seeker;
has been curing these cases It's e y
Mackay—Scott—That the Clerk wood on Friday evening last. first great essential for good health, there-
reply to the Post Office Department Brussels has now its outfit of fore, is pure, rich blood. X011* it is cer-
that the railway trains have lately officers for 1899, excepting the ap- tainly a fact that no medicine has such
been more on schedule time, but if pointment of Tax Collector, and it is a record of cures as Hood's Sarsaparilla.
• th h ndrede
ine earlier in the day it Clerk, F. S. Seott ; Treasurer A. 1 well today who would =
would,,be a great convenience to the Strachan; Assessor, A. Cousley. dh '
, Chair ot people alive and
have been in their graves had they not. ,„
of thinness and paleness for MRS C°
Report of Special Committee. We, Paul. •
man of Boat d. of Health, Rey. 13„1
upon as a family medicine and general.
taken itood'S Sarsaparilla, It is depended 1
twbflty-fiste years. Scott's public-LCarried.•
Emulsion. The cod-liver the undersigned Special Committe , One of the celebrated Ronald Stearn l regulator of the system byten et
oil in it is thefoodthat
'beg leave to report that we have Fire Erurines was shipped to Windsor, Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure. This..
i Banda of people. This is because Hoodet;
4 thou.
makes the flesh, and the h» -
is the secret of its great success. Xeeltt
a id ae
finally aUdited the Treasurer's books Nova Scotia this Week.
counts and compared the The ntiMber of entertainments in your system in good health by keeping
pop os vouchers With the expenditure and connection with the C tiv.uns' Enter. whieh abso ittely eures•When other wadi,
scoiT ScEOWNE. cliertillis.ltor011t0. ; . 1 allail. kll, L. Martin Met er, Jelin Mc. there 14 a, bala nee uf 'Zit t.71 ' - ' li-iiiii-Art;
h phites give tone to
your blood pure with Hood's Straaparillap
iltitt that, thee both agree, and INC tainnient Colit'ac haVe beet( eottipTet. sines fail to,,_1,5.„it2Q
d Whatever,
tile nerves,
inc. rind ?Ira* tit druggistt. that the b td given, ample and ed, and after paying aii ..:::1X111808, cr Ir. are tile 011 p
11100 g 1r1115 withifood'sSarsapef111%.1