HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-03, Page 3•
„ea, 771 ININFIrrarNs
L;1. ,,i{, W :. ( ILA* 't' '4� , MARCJJ iia. 181)9,
Banking In !Schools. An, American Veteran.. 1 4111
The Galt Public School Board la
the first to Inaugurate in Canada tt
ss stem of banking in the publie
WW1 l worked itt
1 ; L lel b lUS w I
�? :ikf 01141,1,,B,zereveg7e,:;‘:$, uier s'e+I►ntiel3ank Ulan h
is the leading trustee in the move.
: Ment: and he has obtained tae en -
if They Are .Delicate and Sickly,
Paine's 'Celery Compound
Will I”/lakeT•her tranL
and Robust.
l3oys and girls v.bo are felling, weak
and nieltly are sulfer.ag frau, u weakened
Eouditiun of the nervous eystena. The
]Herres, tlasues and mueulee of our buys.
and girls are extremely deliente and
taeneieive; and quickly dibtur•bed by ill
Wbeo you find your dear ones nervone,'
ctoee,•trritable and w,erilt ; when they do
noteleep well; when they have heatlet:he,
variable appetite, sallow skin, sunken
is) ea and skin troubles, be assured the
ibioud is foul and thin. and uervoua force
its tie a low ebb. Children with weak
stornachta and weak organs of assimil-
ation cannot thrive un their ordinary
tinily diet. They are iu need of a special
serve medicine, tonic and blood cleanser
like.Paine's Celery Oompound, noted
stor its wendert;ul fteieb building and
nerve brnuing qualities. Paine's Celery
Compound is the great and only true
medicine fur weak and frail hodtes,,nd
+unstrung nerves ; it has no equal as a
medicine for the young.
In the past, grateful parents iu every 1
part of our Dominion have gladly testi- I
lied to the great work that Paine's Celery
Compound. hes done for their children..
We strongly counsel mothers and
fathers to have their boys and girls use
Paine's Celery Compound at once if they
are not showing signs of healthy and
1natUral growth. Paine's. Celery Com-
pound is pleasant to the taste, free from
ail dangerous narcutica, and cannot harm
-the most delicate child..
Found Elim Out in Time.
There is at deist one resident' of
Arthur .village who is not so pleased'
'with penny postage as he was et
Amt. Ile is a young man whose
sweetheart resides at Mount Futest.
A few days ago he wrote her as
flews : '`And now, my darling,
▪ hitt the Postmaster -General has re
duced the postage to two cents, we
can afford to exchange letters more
frequently." She replied : Sir,
*qu.r atfelting ata Cent ip;t lie ps®;t,.
anokes it evident to me that you are
altogether too close -luted to treat a
wife properly in money matters. I
shall ever be grateful to the Lion.
111r. Muliock for having shown you
in your true colors. before it was to
slate. I. shall ever regard hien as Inv
saviour, my deliverer. Adieu, and
horde your miserable coppers for
tone who will appreciate a one cent
inian." And thus it comes about ,
that the Postmaster Goueral won the
,gratitude of a woman and lost the
Fete, of a man.
Von don't know when Diarrhoea or
Iraysentery rorty attack you, so always be
eproparetl to cheek thein at once by hav-.
erre on h:.nd Dr. Fowlerla Extract of
� Wfld Strawberry.
dtlrtation of the scheme by the
Minister of Education. On March 1
the: backing will begin. The scholars
bring all the money saved dating the
week to the tet.cher, who enters the
tftnuunt'3 in .it book, The total is
taken to the principal, who deposits
in the b't,tic, at i{Merest. 'Nero are
thi ee batiks in Gait hod a school for
each haul:.
The London News is not p.irtieu-
fat ly favurablo to the scheme of
school savings hooks lately adopted
by the Galt public:±ehoots, ani there
is a good deal of sound. sense in the
arguments it advances, Tni•t is a
new movetnent in this country and
tho result of the innovation will be
watched with a consiocrnble degree•
of interest. The News says:—
` Children should not be prodigal,
but they cannot bo soil their part nts
din not provide the eop;►ers. The
result of this new scheme will pro.
bably be the denr1vsttion of some of
scholars of a relished lollypop, and
the creation of a feeling of envy on
the part of some of the poorer child-
ren that they cannot boast' of a bank
account. Let children be children,
and have the pleasures of childhood.
If,they have the natural instincts of
a miser they will be developed soon
WI0u h."
Wi.hout Hearing—Catarrh Induces
Deafness—Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal
Powder Gives Quick Relief.
W. Ernest Louie, of VC cat, Flamboro,
as so bad with Chronic Catarrh that
hits hearing seen) Cu pep utanently Impair-
ed. Doctors tiertted, epeeialists tortured
for ti+0 Mon the. but his Leering grew
worse. Ele was reuuotmended'te try Dr.
Ai new's Catarrhal Poe der. One appli
cation gave him greet relief and a couple
of bottles cured hitn permanently. Sold
by A, L. Hamilton, .
—St. Thomas Times: On Sunday
morning the wire of the 0, P. R.
agent at In„
ersoil presented c
et has.
band with twins; the wife --of the 1
agent at Pudville gave birth to a
child; Mrs. John Campbell, wife
of the agent at I•Iarriettsvil le, . gave
birth to a child, and Sunday night
Mr's.- W. 0. Forsythe, wife of the
agent at Belmont. made he" husband
happy by presenting him with twins.
Hagyard's Yellow Oil can be- applied
externally 'or taken internally. A medi-
cine oheet in itself. Cares Cuts, Burns.
Sprains, Gatheriogs, Li n p, Sore
Throat, Croup, Quinsy, Kidney Com
plaint. etc. Price •_'nc, all Beaters:
Somehow the sante people who
are willing to believe that the ninety-
ninth ear of a century completes
the century would never consent to.
receive 0i) in full payment for a
WO rietit.
George Young, widely known as
"Goldie the Hatter" who made Dray.
ton his htadquartcrs for the early
winter months is in to all this week.
(.eordie is an Amef'iean soldier and
i3 entltled to ii pension Witt! back
pay which amounts now into tt con-
siderable tido, in his lite on the
road, free from all care, lie has :;
never bothered his head about pen- ..
sins, though there ate thousands on
the American pension rolls whose 7-
7 -
claims are not nearly ,o valid as his.
Mr. II. 13 Murphy, of Murphy & '
Carthew, is laying his case before
the authorities and has all the neees- 1
nary papers about completed, 1-Iis i .
chances of getting three or four 1 ,
thousand dollars arrear and a pension
for the balance of his life are said to i '-
be good
Geordie is an unique character in ;
his way: God natured and intelli- 1
gent, well informed, he knows every
town and village in Ontario and a
good part of the States intimately,
lie must have a constitution of steel,
for he has apparently thriven under
circumstances of exposure that would
kill a dozen ordinary men. He
roaded it up from Drayton last•week
and arrived here the same day look-
ing as fresh as when he started. On
one occasion he was making a stay
for a time at a. town wbere some
charitable ladies raised a subscription
to send him to thegold cure. Geordie
was so greatful for their good inten-
tions, his only fear was that they
might succeed in their benevolent
object. He excused himselt that be
had no decent clothes but they had
provided for that. He then begged
off for half an hour till be would
•wind up his private affairs 'and as
soon as ho got out of their sight he
made a bee line direct out of that
town as fast as he could go. It was,
he says, ono of the narrowest escapes
he ever had in an eventful life,—
Listowel Banner.
11 44 71
Before it is too late, stop that succession of colds that means nothing more
nor less than catarrh. Stop the suffering. Stopthe disagreeable catarrhal dis-
charges that are so humiliating to you and offensive to your friends. Don't let
it run on until your condition causes you to be ostracised as if you were a leper.
Don't neglect yourself until consumption 'flakes its fatal appearance. You can
be cured -not merely relieved, but absolutely and perfectly cured. •
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder
will restore you to complete, perfect health, It gives relief at once. It cures
in an incredibly short time. hundreds of cases of from 5 to so years' standing
have been cured -cases that.physicians had pronounced incurable. The catarrhal
powder acts like magic, not only in catarrh, but in colds, sore throrat, tonsilitis,
hay fever, loss of smell, deafness and alt similar diseases.
Mr. C. G. Archer, of Brewer, Maine, writes es follows :--" I have had catarrh for
several years. Water would run from my eyes and nose for days at a time. About four
months ago I was induced to try Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, and slate uslni;•.tho
wonderful remedy I have not had an attack. I would not be without it." At druggists.
Dr. Agnew's Cure or the heart cures all cases of organic or sympathetic disease of
the heart -relieves in so minutet. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills are at once a mild cathartic,
invigorator and system renovator. CCC, for 40 doses. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves
in a day and cures eczema, salt rheum and ail diseases of the skin. Cures pales in 2 to
3 nights. 550.
'm mamma . •IMIIYYII 11
Old England's Flag vs. Dr. A. W.
The Virtues of Dr..Cbass's remedies
aro known the world over and like old
England's flag the sun on theirs never
•Dr. Chase's Ointment, Kidney -Liver
Pills, Catarrh Cure, Syrup of L• insects
and' 'Turpentine nod Liver Cure enjiiy
the eon ti+leuceof everybody. They have
won their way into the public favor on
merit. Their sterling qualities and high
standing and purity leave made them
the houaehold word all round the world.
All dealers sell and recommend them.
Uplift Your Tow• n.
More towns die . for the want of
confidence on the part of business
men, and leek of public spirit, than
from the i•ivalry of neighboring
towns or adversesurroundings.Wl'en
a man in search of a home or atbusi•
ness location goes to a,town and finds
everybody brimful of hope and en-
thusiasm over 'the prospects of the
place, and earnestly at work to .build
up the town, he soon becomes imbued
with the spirit, and as a result he
drives down his stake and goes to
work with the saine interest. When,
however, he goes to town arid every
one expresses doubt and apprehen••
sion in the future prosperity of the
• place, moping, about and indulging
moving'complaints about imaginary
evils which are likely to befall the
town, be naturally feels 'it is no
place for him,. and at once shakes
- the dust fromthis feet, while he pulls
with all possible speed for some other
town. Consequently, •try and make
a live enterprising, progressive,town
out of the one in !bleb you live.
W hen you are working ;or.or saying
it good thing for your town yen are
acu.mplishirg all the more for your-
Young Mothers.
Croup is the terror of thousands of
young mothers beettuse its outhreek is
so agonizii g cud frequently fetal.. Shi-
,• h's Cough, and Ouusutntition Cure ants
ire magic in rages tit (roup. •i0 has
ever been known to fell. i'he worst
twee relieved rmmedietety. Price 25
is , 5O 3is. and a1.00
Chicago talks of annexing more
territory, and the Iowa and Wis-
consin people 'Me naturally .feeling
kin,l of nervous.
Children Cry tor
T ft
Pt'bbaby the most ex'perrh a set
or futon teeth evet known is that of
Hyderabad, for t'Vhfeb tie paid
' $1,750 to a Madras den:ist.
1TtmHood's Sarsaparilla nevbr dirappotnts
nvbe taken forim ureand iln Over•
, p p
' Weed blend with perfect conilt:enco that
it will euro.
The popular use pf a spring Medicine is founded on experience.
With the coming of the spring season comes languor, debility, a 4' dragged -
out" condition irc1 a general lassitude summed up in the familiar phrase
"that tired fcclir-- .'
from the gross effects. of the fatty foods of winter, there is .no medicine
equal to Dr. A ycr's Sarsaparilla. It not only cleanses the blood; but re-
vitalizes it. It puts a spring into the step and a•sparlcic into the rye that.
betoken health. it re c ores th.e lost appetite, induces refreshing sleep, and
reduces tic li :bilitito disease by neutralizing the conditions essential to
the development of disease germs.
As a spring' medicine., daring the months of Mach, April, unci May, I knew o no other
preparation that can be„in to coni taro with Ayet's Sarsaparilla. It is the leader of leaders."
W. A. \ti E1SEIt, M. D., L•ourbon, Ind.
"I cannot speak too Meetly in Braise of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prom experience. I can
recommend it as the best spring medicine," ISAAC S. SPARKS, Patsey, 1 y.
"I have used Ayer;; Sarsaparilla is my family Per -years and highly recommend it. As
a spring medicine, -it alas no usual." A. Il. NICHOLS, Lilery SL, Cambridge, Mass.
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been a household companion in our family for years. I take it
every spring, beginning m April. It tones up my system, gives me an excellent appetite,
and makes me sleep like a top. As a blood medicine, it has no superior in my opinion."
e H. R. \VILDEY, Philadelphia, Pa.
"Ayer's Sarsaparilla is without an equal as a blood purifier .and spring medicine, and
cannot have praise enough. I have watched its effects in chronic cases, where other
treatment was of no avail, and have•been astonished at the results. No other blood
medicine that I have ever used, and I have tried them all, is so thorough in its action, and
effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla"
Da. H. F. MERRILL, Augusta, Maine.
Do You Know
Consumption is preventable ? Science
has proven that, and also that neglect is
suicidal. The worst sold or cough can
be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con-
sumption'Cure, S01d on positive gua-
rantee for over fifty years.
Household Hints.
Before cutting a cork always
dampen it slightly, then use a sharp
knife, and there will be no ragged
Do not forget that an invalid
should not touch pork and should be
given veal or lamb only in the form
of soup.
To prevent the saucepan burning
when boiling milk rinse well with
cold water before. putting the milk
in and heat over a slow fire.
To grind old scissors saw the
blade on the neck of a glass bottle,
as if yofl were trying to saw that
piece .off. In a short time the scissors
will become quire sharp.
Clean gold and silver jewelry
with ammonia and water in the prop
ortion of a teaspoonful of ammonia
to a teacupful of water. ,lath. the
jewelry with a piece of Soft old silk
, or rag.
" [1rANTED-SCv1iltAL TnvS VORTTIY Prat•
y r sons in this state to manage our bustm•sa
their own and Heath;, centres, It la mehtly once
work aon,hlet al at hoqa,. Salary straight 5300 a
year amset.rentes-definite, bnnnila°. no more. no
les salary. Monthly $76. References. unclose
sole-addreeeet stamped enve'ope, iiobett a, U is ,
t'rest., Dept. 6t. Chicago
Where age is Looked Up To.
"The parent's word is always law
in. Japan, and perhaps this accounts
for the sweetness and gentleness of
the Japanese character," writes
Onoto Watanra in the iFebruary
Ladies Home Journal. "The Japan-
ese are inherently an obedient.
people. The old always take
precedence of the young in all
things. An eager, impetuous young
man, be he ever so brilliant and
clever, is not expected in Japan to
have the reason, the wisdom and the
foresight of an old man. Therefore
the old man comes first always. As
a result, there is, perhaps,. more
general happiness in Japan than
anywhere else in the world. One
inight imagine that where duty i
earried to the extent it is in Japan
the natural love is not so much in
evidence, I mean the actual effection,
rather than the mere duty, of a child
to its parent. On the contrary, the
natural bond of affection between
parents and children is nowhere so
wotrderfnl as in Japan. No matter
how unkind, unjust Or even wicked
the parent may be, or how depraved
the and invariably clings to that
parent, even though, as is often the
case, its own nature be finer.
W. B. Moshier, of Manilla, Ont.,
aged eighteen years, copnlitted sui•
tide by taking Paris green.
Foods Ferment and Indigestion
follows assure as uight follows. Nature
hss supplied in the pineapple a wonder-
ful supply of vegetablb pepsin. Dr. Von
Stan's Pineapple Tablets contra u all the
elements in a puts, harmless vegetable
compound that heal all forms of stomach
disorders in quick time. Make you well
end keep you well. Pleasant mei posi-
tive, 33 rents. Sold:by.A. L. Hamilton.
When a man gets into trouble the
world is so pleased to see Miro there
that it rarely takes the pains to ask
how it all happened.
No trouble getting the, childeen to
take Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup.
It always does its work effectual.), with-
out any cathurtio to be given afterwards.
Price 25u.
The Ottawa license commi,sio'iers
have decided to reduce the howl
iieen•t"R r" in 77 to 70 :'rel the
burn t•:.,1' -'..,pa until 33
Is often a warning that the liver is
torpid or inactive, More serious
troubles may Joliet?. For a prompt,
efficient etre of I•Ieadeche and all
liver troubles, take
Hood's Pins
While they rouse the liver, restore
fall, regular action of the bone's,
they do hot gripe or pain, do not
lrrltate or inflame the Internal organs,
but have a positive tonic effect. 23c.
at Mi druggists or by mail of
C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell,'Afass