HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-03, Page 2to•non.l.nr,o1 • 0,0owinvon.no.ontormonin. • 1 ILE \VJNGIJAM TIMES, MARCH 3, 189.94 Iltrrise e Dot -lumen Co We, Sneers and Swine j 2,1n, ye , Breode' Aseoeiation. ItOrollto. ert.111. 1)1' Ithvitcuatt, ▪ it • • . boa ettnelt t f Rlieneenisn. hoe mei lisp I, ie.; for • 11 . i 1 1..411 ) ink ell ;ARM! A eloSe btroietit (.f toittire netVer k it utty to lit:, niena-4, ern%on... • • q tiee. O;k1 UYTL V,ifek).kg.PL FPC-.111-11).gpri res."..i:".•eeb7er cured. by Vize:so ItAttle 311.1Zs. Tas7 relirssl Distresa front D7spepsia„ Ind.:zes“..:anna Too IL!:-.rty Eating. A per- fect ree.le.1:iiDir.r.ine.z.s, Nattzca, Drewsl. mess, Ba.C. the Mouth, Coated Tongue %co -weir, LIVER. They 13.egulate • l'-er217 Vegetable. Small Eima DOSes 1.Q51000 StlbStittli.i011 Ces. !rasa of the day. See y get Carter', Ask Carter's, insist an.d demand. Carter's Little Liver Pills. faakIts Rich The Best • Remedy for tied • Very successful meetings of the ! .Dominion Cattle, Sheep and Swine; Breeder& Assoeiations were twin in ' Toronto from Febrile re 7te to 10th incinsive. The neitubersnies of the , Assume:inns H 0 tit leest, twenty-five per cent. ifl*N,..f't than at any pre I violet pereal. The efforts ef the Assoeiatiooe daring the past year have been along the Elie o eheaper : transportation. At present between points in Cuomo, thoroughbred stock in less than car 104 lots is shipped at ono -half the regular moil( rate'. Between Ontario and Mt101. tt,ba and tiritieh Columbia the rates are nuw to Winnipeg, $72, and to New Westminster, $196, where for. new ly they were Le Winelpeg, $130, and to New I'Vestmster, $251. The privilege has been granted of allow- ing thoroughbred calves, sheep or swine, in less than car load lute of of th'eu to be peened off in one end t he ear Without being crated. Fel. a 1( ug time this has been a. standing, se ievancene the live stook men throughout Ontario. Interprovietonal trade in pare bred stuck from Oetartowestward to Menitoba and the N'orthweet and British Columbia, and eastward to the maritime provinces and New- foundimid has been very large TIIb trade has been greatly assisted 'hy the ARSOEitt GLOM, both by reduced rates and also by making. up car loads of shipments already sold, thus obtaining for the mein shipper a ear load rate. It is estimated by those who are in a position to speak ad visedly that the- interpro vincial trade in pure bred stock has increased flee fuld during the past year. For the past two years the Associations have been advertising in the Ontario Agri. cultural Gazette the names of the members of the Live Stock Associa- tions giving a list of the stock eech has -for sale. These lists have been placed in the hands of breeders throughout all Canada and it has been to a great extent owing to these span .Wether lists of stock for sale that the inter. Weakness. ' provincial trade has beer! so large. The D:cod is the very essence of life. As it courses through the system it -carries with it, if pth...; and rich, nutrition to every in the body. If impure, it spreads alisease. If thin c-nd watery-, it fails .:to •noUtish, hence We liaVe weakness, debil- ity and decay. . It is wonderful power B.D.B. has in purif.yins ituperc, blood, making thin, - 'watery loci rich and red, that is at the. 'bottom of its -marvellous success in curing disease. Those ‘V13.0 c.re pale, thin, weak, 'troubled with b!etches, pimples or erup- eons of :my kind should talcs B.B.B. . mat.= the pale cheek rosy, the skin • clear anti smoctit, and infuses new energy into weak, worn, tun down, shattered Constitutions. Skin "I beg to state I have used rtirdock Blood .Bitters for lin- cure blood, pimple' on the fa.ce, ...23cc., and derived great benefit from it. . My shin k now very clear and fate from .all eruptions. I only used four bottles of- -the 13.13.13. and can strongly recommend • it to any person suffering from impurities .'„in the blood or eruptions of the skin." • Mas. G. B. HELMORE, Spence's Bridge, B.C. Every "I have taken B.B.B. every :Spring. spring now fbr some years, to purify my blood and keep ray :system in good order, and can. honestly • say that I do not know of its equal :anywhere." Mus. AGGIB BARNES, Lunenburg, N.S. otieWsiwwWW/h/11.411, f..V;AYS KEEP 011 HAND iller THERE N3 KIND OF PAIN OR AWE, INTERNAL OR EXTCRNAL, THAT PAIN -KILLER WILL NOT RE- LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SOIL ,11.111W406,0W.AVieeteVeCA 00000 06,...~1.0.••••17 • A QUICIC CURE FOR COUGHS and COLDS PynyPectorai .r_. The Catia.clao Remedy for alf THROAT AND LUND AFFECTIONS' j i Lute Bottles, 28 cents. -.A••••-• -, I ....”-1.--- ,-.4 ,* -mites4. X .r. . , - • • " • 1/11111.... If possible durine the coming year 'these lists will be so extended that they will be published in the mari. time provinces and throughout Mani- toba and the Northwest The Asso eiations have already done gqiti work along the lims- of 'the trans- portation and by ,advertising the Ontario stock throughout Canada, it is fell that considerably more work along this line can yet be done which will result in the ultimate benefit to this Province. The Provincial Winter show held - in Brantford in 1898 was the most successful yet held. In 1891 there were 81 entries, in 1898 7130 entries. The Provitecial • Winter Show is not held for the purpose of paving money to prize stock. It is the in- tention that this show shall be edu- cational in its nature, from begin. ning to end. In ,a1.1 departments this object .is being catered to. Ex- hibits is ail aepartments are judged from the customers' standpoint. Two years ago' in the swine department prizes were offered for export bacon bogs, judges being representatives from the pork packing establish- ments. Last year In addition to this a bloek test was inaugurated, the above named gentlemen doing the jadging. This was the first block test in Canada. At the show to be held in 1899 prizes will also be • offered in the sheep department for dressed carcasses, the judges of which will be practical men of ex- perience in this line of work. A special lecture hall Will be provided at the show where dressed carcasses • of both sbeep ancl swine will be on exhibition, and lectures will be de- livered by the judges, pointing out the merits and demerits of the varions carcasses. In all depart- ments of the show an additional prize will be given to exhibitors supplying data, giving full informa- tion as to how the stock exhibited by them was bred, what they were fed and the method of caring for them. This data will be published. During the summer of 1899 co. operative experiments in swine feed. ing will be carried on with farmers throughout the Provinee. The pork Packers and railway companies will mist the plan. • ,The Associations itt their work slibuld receive the hearty co-opera- titn of all who have at heart the w, Vara of agriculture and the live (ttock industry in Ontario. P. W. Ilonsog, Secretary, CheosemenMoet. There was a good response to the call benG to the factorytnen. to. send delegates to a meeting held at Listowel Wednesday of last week to. di semis the whole question of market. log cheese. Among those present were the followlose representing the factories named ; Bleevale—Wm Messer J.R.Mil . . . , J. Elliott,. R. Maxwell, Elinbank—it Cleland, Etrna and !tiornington—Jas, Grey, , meeting. This ended the meeting Win. Barnett, John Sproule. Carthago—Jas. liolmes,S.Burnett, and there was a decided feeling in 'favor of the value ofeueti gethei.ings, 1 D. 13. Grieve. not necessarily of salesmen but of N.itt tail—John Cowan. Milverton—G, Goodhand. factory directors and factory owners, the men believing that if these Willow Grove—John Stacey, W. Squires. factories were properly organized Silver Corners --M' MoLaugh. they could often ant it harmony fur F. their mutual benefit, After the. Wyandotte — F. Wetzel', Hugh adjournment of the meeting all the' owners to discuss questions of ma ter. lal interest, at which all the faetorjes in the distriet would be represented by authorized delegates, either owners, direetors or salesmen, was moven by Messrs. Tavlor and Darns Alla 1411a9i11101181Y resolved that the Dairymen's Board of Trade bo asked to call annually It meeting rt-WitrOIT.01F,...7..........z7,.=, r:".';=`4.vjaCierZntl=11010= :. .--,..7^-_,...... ....-,--' ' iwaharahessousonsosassessoassessanas;;,. r -.- : t Cr% z e .-7To —4I i s ..0‘,...... ki IP, ,,,,,,. , . of delegatee representinm rate tOr 7 TlitkIr THE owners stint the ISEBVIOLISIY named eionntitttee be requested draft rules governing the represent. and org•aniz of such Cunningbant, • members of the committee who were Paramonc—Jas 'Nylon present held a • meeting and Mr. Trowbridge— W. McCormick, J, Robt. Cleland was -appointed chair - Adams; G. Hutchinson, man of the committee and'the next Marion Beevere—D, J. Marion. meeting of tbe committee was fixed for Friday afternoon, the arcl of Ripley—H. H. 'Purnell. Briissels—W. W. Harris, March,•at 1.80 p. Ford wie.h--M...Thiune, M. Mr. Robt, Cleland, of. Elmn, Was PAINS IN fr:r.1 BACK. voted into the chair. Mr, J. R: Mil. ler, of Bluevale, stated the object of ARE USUALLY triiE RESULT OF MUER ',MOT WORKING OF THE EIONEyS the meeting. It had resulted front --mtios4 CAN ONLY BE RESTOR- an action taken at the Bluevale an- oual meeting and was for the • DITION BY A FAIR USE • Tac Simile Signature cf 'purpose of adopting some scheme by OF DR. WfLLIAMS' xe To THEIR NORMAL 00.N• „ v,A,7 .WegetobJePreparationiorAs- similating therooci andllegula- ' tilt the Stomachs ardBowels of fianBiltilinDai Promotes Digestion,Cheerful- ness anclRest.Contains neither , plorutiLMorphine nor Mineral. War NARC OTIC., 1, • -7berpe f Oki DAV 7.14=PrIralg Pumpkin Ser1- 41.mSenner • Adman Sub - Ade Sine • ApPernint Catbanultai.v, IgnnSectl •filf•Or. • Ilinmyran i'mren Aparect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convulsions.Feeerish- , rises cnd Loss or SLEEP. 1 which cheese could be put np on the . PINK PILLS „ NEW YORK. market on a more satisfactory basis . than under present conditions. Some Mr. Albert Mintie, of Woodsteck, factorytuen had done very well by Ont., now engaged in the insaranee consigning, end a letter was read business, is well known in [bat city from Mr. Kirkconnel, of Tiverton, and surreunding conntry. Some three 1 'Ftating that on the \stole he was years ago Mr. Mintie was living at ., 71--;:evAvAgili; IS ON TI -11701 WRAPPE • OF EVERY BOTTLE OF Castota is put up in one-sizo bottles only. It s not so a in bulk. Don't alloy anyone .;o soli , yon any bb elso on tho !ilea or promise that it is "jug^ as good" and "will answer every per - pow." Air Coo that you got C -1, -B -T -O -B -I -A. The lac- ' f gigastareartiriall,e,IT 0707 EXACT COPY OF \MA FP I: n . . Motto SS oa of worn. oz. very well satisfied with his year's South RiverParr 7. Sound Distriet gad/ experience in consigning cheese to 'a and while there was attacked with cOinmission man on the other ..side. 0..P.SAMMEEMEME.M.Wer,M=kriLen=lie.-7L71.'Szet.'SreiV.M.1 severe psins in the back. Atfirst he There were serious obj ctions. of paid but • little attention to . tbein. course to consigning cheese, , but thinking that the trouble would pass when a sale is made here it ought to -away, but as it did not be consulted be absolate, if possible, so that sales. a local physician and was told that men would know just, where. they his kidneyswere affected. Medicine are. A discussion tollowed in which was prescribed but beyond a trifling alleviation of the pain it had no effect In addition to the pain in the back Mr Mintie was troubled with headaches and lassitude. He was forced to quit work, and while in this condition, weak and despondent, Mr. Goodhand, of Milverton, Mr. Messer, of Bluevale, Mr. Taylor, of Paramont, Mr. Elliott, of .Bluevale, and Mr. Squires, of Willow -Grove, and a number of others took part. Mr. Elliott stated that the Bluevale factorymen were not' unanimous 08 he decided to' try Dr. Williams' Pink the question of consigning and le ppis. He purchased a half dozen was not quite itt favr of it himselfboxes and was not disappointed with, To test ,the meeting he moved, the result. Before [hcy were all seconded by Mr. S: Burnett, of the used Mr. Mintie was feeling almost Elam and Morningtou factory, that as well as ever he hitd clone. The this meeting is in favor of making 'pain in bis back had almost disap• arrangeinents to ship cheese direct peered, the headaehes weee gone, to the British markets on consign -anti he felt greatly improved in ment. This Motian was lost,. five :strength. TWo more boxes complet- Voting. in its favor and the balance 'ed the cure, and he returned to work of the meeting generally in the hale and hearty as ever ler • Mintie negative. A discussion then arose asserts that his return to health is on the question of weights, 'due entirely to Dr, Williams' Pink some delegates maintaining that the' pills and he sill oacassionallv uses present system docked the factory considerably more than the half pound per box and stating that it a box if he feels in any way "out of sorts." Th kidneysh • f would be more satisfactory that the the body are dependent upon rich, cheese should be paid for according red blood and strong nerves for to the weightshown even if they did healthy action, and it is because Dr. not get quite so high a price per Ib. Williams' Pink Pine, supply these As it was it made the average of tbe conditions tbat they cure kidney quanity of milk required to a pound ; troubles, as well as other ills which of cheese higher and was not just to I have their origin in ' watery blood. the maker, who was not paid for all I 'or a shattered nervous system. Sold by all dealers- or sent postpaid at 50e, a box or six bokes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medi eine Coo Brockville, Ont. If you value your health do not take a sub - the cheese he made. It was moved by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Squires and carried unanimously, tbat this meeting is of the opinion that all salesmen should sign an agreement binding themselves not adult°, to give a half lb. up beam, but only • the full lb, up beans, as actually The Medical Profession.Recom- b S mend A V/ Ch 'a Oin me own. On motion t e eeretar5 Dr. A. . ase nt was instructed to correspond with Dr. C. M. Elarian, writing in the Ant- t the other fairs asking their co -opera- erioan Journal of Health, February 10th, b a e n b it ta w re ht se. so bt a , tet There is no earthly love so true isT and inexpensive as mother's love. I ob in For over Fifty Years West Huron Election. this collection of mummies in his "Don" in Toronto Saturday Nigh t, has the following to say in reference to the West Huron election A Cusate, so the story goes, meet- ing a little poy on Sunday morning asked him bow he was. The little fellow .touched his hat and .replied "Not too rotten." After West Huron the Liberal party can very, well afford to touch its hat to the passerbyi and declare' that it is "not too rotten." : When with some thirty-flve or six by.elections it has, carried nearly all of them, and; while it, is no great evidence of strengththat a riding like West Huron should he retained even though it is naturally a very close constituency, yet it indicates that people have not yet been convinced that the change from Conservative :Government to the present Admisis- .tration was unwise or .that the Liberals are "too rotten." The Conservatives in their candidate had ,a stronger personality , in many re spects than was possessed by the frontispiece of the Liberals. . Mr. Holmes, however, the Liberal candi- date, could make a speech and talk so as not to be a death -blow to those who heard him. Mr. McLean, who seemed to be • an exceedingly good fellow, sbould have been suppressed, as a platform speaker early in the game, for he did not seem to know where he lived. The tpost instructive feature of the: campaign, however, is to be found in the unexpected jtuctaposii tion of Sir Charles Tupper, Bart to tion in carrying out such•a rule, On aleas:deseArTionnggretebo:nr= iisetirr.Yeirinaceet motion of Mr. Messer, seconded bYlOintment as a remedy for Piles, Eczena- Mr. Farnell, it was resolved to ap.,atio skin eruptions et all kinds, for point a committee to draw up rules which it has neon used dwith inttrite with penalties to govern the sales, rurer in many cases weighing, inspection, shipment and seem to baffle tessobstinateiclfulmew e ttilti4. ce payment of cbeese, and to submit ant." the same for consideration at the annual meeting of the Listoviel Dairymen's Board of Trade; the committee.' composed • of Messrs. Cleland, Male, ' Messer, Harris, Ballantyne, Mae,Laren, Cook, Good. hand, Burnett, MeAllister, Taylor and a draft of report to be printed and circulated among the factory owners before the annual meeting. This motion was Unanimously adopt. ed. and strictly enforced ander a penalty for an infraction shereof. By this means the decisions of the Midland is to have a brinch of the Canadian Bank Of Commerce. Children Cry for • CASTOR IA little mausoleura, where, as the century winds up its elottk, fie wilt have the glorious and undisputed privilege oftellingsurvivors that 'twas he created the earth and would have had the running °fit if he had. not gone away visiting in the Old. Country for a spell. • 4A61,10t. • HOYE:UT /TeFINE•S, IT TALKS PLAYSIr GAM SE. HEAND 60rf t, PRICe. • A CH ILI) CAN BOXED.W1111 43P.,5t1'TE"•• IT OM R,EGORD. 3241-19 ,;• . AGPM4 IPIANTED t1) .1!:: N "PA/ a -MY TOWN AND VILLAGE.. -- ADDRESS CARTALIONfi MACHINE. CO. LONDON. ONT. .. 4i1001 ALK1M T AMOLUTE • Caveats and Trade -Maria obtained. and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. My. office is in the immediate vicinity of the PatentOfficc. and ray facilities for sycuring patents are unsurpassed Send model, skstch or photograph of invention, via description and statement as to advantages claimed.. .0Sr.117o char f is made for an opinion as patentabilit4, and my fee for prosecuting the application toUl sloe fie called fot• until the parent 'to atlowed. "invinvross' Goma!! Con- • taining full information sent free. "Ali .Cornmunts cations Considered as NtrIctly ConlIdontlal. FRANKR.IN H. HOUGH. 92f:. sr,oess WASIffix/WATON. D. C. 50 YEARS' EXPERiENCE' MADE MARKS DCSiGNS ' COPYRIGHTS' &C. nyOne sending a sketch and description mar °My ascertain our opinion free waether ors coition is probably pi.tentable. ns strictly confidential. handbook On Patontil nt free. Oldest ageney for securing -Indents. latents taken through Munn it Co. receive dal notice, without charge, in tho A.n Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs ee Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over 'My years by millions of 1 mothers for their children while teeth- w arbitration eitinnittee of the Board ing, with perfect sucoes6. It soothes thel or • • would darry weight, as any member . Oftens the gums, allays el pain , �U ds wind °olio, and is the, best reined; I ha be not complying therewith Would inrrhCeS. It is pleasant to the taste, i Co de Board. Mr, miller expressed the world. Twenty-tive cents a bottle. Its o1 Mvat!.11U0ealuableers. Winalow's Soothing Syrup, add In clatific Yinttricatt. andsornely illnotrated weekly. Largest oh% ation of any scientific Journal. Terme. $3 r; four Umonth:, 51. Sold bran tunrodorders. NN & CO36fOrradway, Newyork Branch Office, 025 St,. Washington. D. C. T PAYS barred from the privileges of' the Sold by druggistsin every part of the ni ts in. B opinion that it woulda be good idea' to have an annual meeting of factory take no other kind. ap TO ADVERTISE IN THE M • • • • 701 if The • Pahi Hoye and bit; 00bdIti 3:10YVOS, and gi toonsiti% kettit 11. Wbr, owes, .1 mot ole, e) e8 81 bleed i Ses at e atoms( ;Mica serve like . I /or it Alert° Com p1 =ad tunstri medic in past 0 lled tt Comp We lathe: Palnt are r inatui /mum all da the n • T1 Artt •with first swet .Aft 51155 duet can frec inal *PA ilt awl ah at SU 1101 ton 311 gr •