HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-03-03, Page 111
Everything at Cost
and Below.
Business must be wound up by
.April ist, until which time we shall
oder unheard of bargains.
Everything goes—Dry Goods, r-
-dared Clething, Ready-made Cloth -
rot"44,100.4,lbec*Ibli,1000,410,11 MSS WANTED -4,3101 V4130 MO aecusterred TELLORAPII Penne WANTED. -10 and 30 ItI4tAllE4333LkI BETE
• tO hush work rill) k•Verir0 employ reent by feet long ; for price , apply to McLean Ottoteloo, of Nueva ""2. 4
it you axe a coug 1
the best remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Bron-
chitis, etc.
When you are recovering from n
cold and need a tonic, use IRON
'TONIC PILLS. For sale at
tlietAhAtAt.ibr iteqtAb"eitVeli,/41,
applying to McLean & Son. tt Son. give hie life experien
BIHONDS' CCIETALT. The T A Simonds' To Coangsvoneane
$Novelty and Gilt Car iyal gave entertain. I bear from our tiorre
melds in the Town 11 tit on Friday end 'lady. We have a fe
Saturday evenings lea They presented a send in their bug
unique and varied pi .granoe, . There wonld.alse like to se
$1 wee a fair uttoulanee at each perform. correspondent+, in 01
; ance, Write this *face for
$Fon ME WEST.. -M 3..; X Welker, of FUNSUAL SERVIOR.
Walker & Cleats, left n Thureday lest on nf the late Charles
$hie regular • begone rip tbr001h to the Prickle. last in tho Me
coma Ur Walker ret mots the different large number of frien
` furniture factories of t e town and it will mumbled to pay thei
I not he long before larg
' in froni the different
along his mate,
11-1011EY TO T:404N,.. -T
limited amount of tno
1 ohms security at a !Ow
4 lie.
Bustitese AND Pito
Anthony Nichel has
emithing business o
and has also perch
'present occupied by
.--We would Illte to thrilling interest, in
ponent0 more raga. through the suppose
who seldom fail toi at the 8 A barracks
te every week. We treat.
ure a numberof .new 0. 0. r. ludd 0dd
represented districts- of the ottoodbo ut„
agl7f01:08r'03 9erviceB speiseseitoi:gastbrililara4attfoogr
otiiyoaddsits treweesiripmeeroch:seltdo t ohle drcieootliertg: itatiturosan rao:ndx.oefes
and acquaintances Heil are in attelida
Boots and Shoes, Rouse Furnish-
ings, Millinery, Gents' II urnishings, See Halsey Park's advertisement. .
Oroeeries, &e. In fact the wholo of Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the Has Lure Tow. -It is reported &roiled President, A. Sebastiar-; Vtce Prest A. J
, tom) that Air A •Bri -bole, whio has resided Irwin ; Manager, D Z-Imall ; Captain, 0
our immense stock. • . Queen's Hotel, Wingbaro, on the first
lin town -for many years, and has been Skeates ; Trees, P Pesos; Seo'y, A J
Our necessity is your opportunity. Wednesday of each month from 11.80 a.m.
till 3 'o'elock p, m., for consultation 1,13 • lineman for the G W Telegraph CO, has Alderson ; Man Oen), ) Small, 0 Skeetrs,
Enough said. Terms Spot Oash.
diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. I lab to% rt for parte nisnown 10the ganeral .7 Lookridge, 7 Ammo.
tem -There were no public. If such be t o case, many creditors
auto. A. new man
take his place with
°Mere arepouring departed. The Beev
Mots he will vita preseive, were enodttot
Rigsby, of Blyth, atu
o undersigned hes a Burwesh. After th
ey to loan on first- were conveyed to the
r6StVencl.fitinotnenr:at.- Wm Button. 'Wm Fetteit, John Cooper,
The pall. bea rem were MeBars
been the talk during the past week.
nee CIIANHES Ir. Robt Alendo and Thu. Gregory. Cenveseers for stock have been ,through
e, which is full of
uding his conversion
murder of a friend,
on Sunday afternoon
T.-Tba High Court
r of Fotesters tra ia
this week. These
the upwards of 400
erent parts ot the
4 D Gordon and T
Oe LB delegates from
is town.
es, whicb were Int.
d bo tba Bev Por tret-elaas tailoring and cheap gents'
enroiehings try Webster & Co. Remember
sted Dy Rev N the place, in Queen's block.
service the tamales
21PAV MILL ANL Ennvaatoth,Wing
inghant cemetery.
Bi ittodi laain's new flouring n ill and elevator boa
the wintry during t vveek in the inter.
nrobased the black- Basenara, Megento.-"rhe first move in eats of the concern Neat week more
Mr. Robb. Dreaver, the way of a baseball a Eta in town for the
sed the building at coming season was ma .:e at a meeting held
a Geo. White. We at the Dinsley house oit Tuesday evening.
understand that Mr John Campbell has The meeting was fairleswell attended and
urchated the AIX yinont building and b i t f the
' coming season is brig() I. The club was re.
the outlook for a geed ctu a own or
will use e same as -an implement show.
roOrnp orgtaized, with the f4llowing officers :-
Owing to the continued illness of
Mr. Bowles, we have decided to wind
tip our present business. In order
tc4 faeilitate the winding up and (19
it as quickly, as possible, we shall
.offer the whole of onr stock Al
COST OR BELOW; as everything
.must be 564
All outstanding,',accounts must be
•paid not later 4* February 25th.
Accounts not. Paid. by that date
MUST be placed for collection. •
..Kindly note that trade cannot b.e
atecebted on past due email* brit
w1.11be taken the same. -as eash on;
4%4h' ifo'W horshased, –We—wbUld
ask as a favor that 01 due bills
.against the firm be presented at
nee. ' Thanking you for past favors,
We remain, yours respectfully,
• feathers, dried app es an . . that the Deekno - oe ey u W I n
G. E. Kim March Oth.t
• the Inglit previous of Alf rs ne
.1 Pereses ALE Scaegie. -Pennies are be Fon Sane.- het tell, ewe, e proper, ,
a enters' Institute h ald two meetings in the! of businese, so Budd ea wee the eall. 'Up to Lumley.
v Patrick streets. • For particulars apply at Town Hall on Thum ley of last week. The 1 a quartet: toll oast° on Monday night Mr team againsNttl'
i. ecnning remarkably 3earee. There was e tv eitnated on the nether of Francis and
time some years ago when if you received the residence or at the salt oface. afternoon and eve ni, 4g seseame were not Nicol was in' his usu 'health, %side from a, now on the lIth
•change for five oei ts and dide't get a I F G SPAMAN'°• largely attended, ceming. no doubt, to the slight ailment with hien he bad been abuse received b
• troubled for a coupl of weeks, and at bands of the Wi
the hour stated abov went down cellar to Da the 13th then
renew the fire in th furnace. alliwatm, plays goal for us
Theneteallea--watt-it .„„the„,sittinges,caeo their parents tc play any gable against
v++ -rialiage...wb..quty_eth . etyleyaeatilietedateagtta Wiugham in thea'uture. This would take
armee Wems• Sc
oysters in Winglut
recent severe etottin
the harvesting of the
forwarded to the dee,
Cents to a Chic
recipe to whiten a
Sho received this re
three times a dayr
while your mother r
last week. The will mourn bis dep
n the coast prevented hes been sent here
the Telegraph Co.
, and none could be
re here.
young lady sent
go advertiser for
soften the hauds,
y ; "Soak them well
ularly in dish water
sts "
Zeno SHS, -To hand, twenty pane
good 'wool bluakets, full she, wide pale
blue and pink borders. Regular $3.25
to $3,30 -to clear $2.4.0. Wok, if you
want t11003. M. Gelation.
Live Ineunanoe Re
tee dent of Insurance
abstract of life incur
year 1898.. The to
year in Canadian co
$7,116,089, incre
policies, 44,108. i
taunter, of Ecbolic 3
31st was l88,610, i
Bietieh compeenest
canvassers will be pct oat and. it is ex
petted that almost eery farmer within a
reasonable distance elf the town will etas-
sorthe some stook. Che Meek hooka call
for $50 sheees. Th. re should be at tenet
$50,000 dock subseribed, which would
put the besioesa a souud basica but
we understand the business will be pro-
ceeded with should more than $25.000
stook be subscribed. An industry of this
kind would not only- benefit the town,but
?meld benefit ever farmer for miles
,i,ronad the tow, no doubt the /co-
olers will see the .advantage of such an
industry in their anidst and subscribe
liberally to the *mak. The railway
companies are granting a siding and
1/11artann.-At very tempting prices, a :cr.-The Superia.
other priviIegee. -Interested parties can
Carload tif bright dried apples : tons of hes just issued the
good roll butter ; any quantity of treat) obtain all necessa, y information front
eggs, nod 100 cords good stove wood. ce in Canada for the
Mr Alex Young. of Young te Paulin% or
D. X. Unarms. al premiums for the
, _ from Mr Tames Peseell, of Tornberry.
' DON'T MISS IT.--. here was not a, dull parries amounted to
i moil:lent from the ti e Ansbach appeared se of. 0518,077 ; new
crease 7,651. The
It's so fatally eaey to let that (lough
fasten itself firmly 1
But it's easy also, to final a good.
remedy here,or'to have us fill a preseripe
time, and so find relief from the dietreane
tog raalkdies.
Try ileatlifield's Balsam
our own favorite remedy.
Drug Store.
. a
The Lacknow Se
taine a "beep" of
with the Lacknow.
tine! of last week cone
matter 14 eonuectioet
ingheln gamet
Geo Windsor, the Laudon playee eelt%
played with Lucke w, was seriously bu
whileplaying in a etch at Londe rate
night recently.
An interesting eine of hookey: ws
played at the rin en Monday event
between a club of t o Dinsley house -and's,
club of the town. The game was a viery .
fast one and very interesting. The tovio •
• , .y on the stage till he waved i mss o a boys were too ranee for their oppone»tri;
Maumen in 111mani D force on Decetnber
the conclusion, witl a splendid sile flag
nedy, daughter of aft t Robert Kenuedy, of
Lower Winghatn, aa married at the produced, apparentl , from nowhere. The tobreettsyeeaVs„Ip2r4;raitut _. . scoring 4 goal,/ to 2.. 9
• . The I.illowing ..i% il.,y. .1.e. Ab,e V14410
performance was a nest iotereeting .ne,
tette; e peered
Maiiii-,, rat liOntreel Ve. February ' 8E , ta add 'another Urge Ito 'se will no delubC take .c.wwITI/tert. to '51'1'72' 45'''' .dedre86 - a; Ul. ':"iFert-Ine,i;R'E"enareclas. Thum .rom the
's Globe -" Lucknow,
.. residence taf her 7ister, Mrs yeavtott ehallenge to the.La know ...;-
advantage of the op ortunity of witnessing 781; while the panel, s in force numbered -,-,
Alr John Cooper, of fa'shawa, Ont. ' The „ adecrease o 3 4. The premiums aeoissevain Globe e take the followiug In eionds,s,
for themsel es this wonderful entertain- 17 504 f 2 • account of the dealof Mr Erskine Nicol,
lotig lifeand prot perry. • ' paid to Ametican emu antes totalled $3 - In reply to the oll ' lenge,' villa arpearitd
inas joins in ,wishi )g the yoong couple
who •• was ar well.lenvn Mimosa man in in your paper at t 21st front the Wink
wenn-Daily Chro a, Quebec
559,313, au increase of $110,239. The Winghane 20 yeare agc:-Thr announce ham. Ileekey Club o play the Lucknovir
1808. Benefit Hoc ey Cleb, in the Opera
IN'aite en. - Iln ter 10-17c,evening. uumber of pollees ienforce was 110,179, .11
meat Cu Muting th e death on Hockey Club for 3.01)- a tido, 'tvi°h to attSt,
1 d raw furs
a .`" .°1 House,. Wingbarn, Thareday
inerease ef 1.04L 1I k CI •
Faexame' Lcserreee-The West Ilmoil for 0. time stagnate the r:ulakri rot:tic:t profeeeionalizeth yeselves by playing fon
DON'T WAIT for something to turn
elittarget a bustnese education and turn
•eoniething up. Active, educated apd
leeli.trained young men and women are
Wanted everywhere. We ad telt students
.at any time. Write for airculars.
W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal..
Marriage Zit:eases
Segued by Foam Paannsott. No 2.% Vie-
-noria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
Our 'Clubbing List •
penny with the copp rz eau would be much ! o
. action Ex.esallaT
surprised. 'Now t is diffetenta Y" the result of the exa
seldom see a penn: under any circum. the month of Februl
stances these days. + ment of the public soheol. The subjects ing is held is not lufacient to ensure a
THE CHOSEN' Fumes. -At the meeting were arithmetic, -composition, • algebra, large attendance of arreers. The after-
s. -The following is .very sparing way in , which the meetings
inatione held during were advertised. A few dodgers scattered
ry in the first depart. around a town a fev days before a toed -
of Wingham Coen'
Chosen Friends, he
ten new members
Will make 54 ne
joined during Mr
An adjourned ateeti
held last (Thursday
expected a stagier,
make the total me
over 100.
Ammon SALE. -
Stock, Implements,
etc, also a steam th
olass working owlet,
oon 11, Oulross, 00
commencing at 12 0
Chisholm, proprie
r can we play . the tarots
glann as played in Luck -
as owing to- the
one of our players at MO
gham team in their tome
he and his brother, who
' will not be allowed -
1, Canadian Orderer geonietry, grammar -and physes. Possible noon meeting opener at 1.30. Mr Wm .antWeeteneeatmajeut,
1 On Monday evening, to obtain, seniors, 5 5. jartiore, 500. Ate Bailhe,the president was enable to be tares: ejecrellCend in a mi
re admitted. This eence is not indioat
members who have -G Ansley 443, J
thee' stay In town. ston 330, It Foster 49, 3 Reading 207, 0 Wawanoeln spoke on "How to Grow
g of the Council was Moore 190. M.cabeire 163, T McGillivray Turnips or Mangold ;." Mr D 0 Anderson,
evening, when it was 140, 111 MOGillive4 110, M Welsh 40. eillagby, "Fields, Isamu and Buildings"
number. would join to Juniors -Ethel Mn -grove 467, M Weleb Mr T H Mason, o Staffordville, "Hog
bersbip of the Commit 401, J Lee 397, gene Button 388, Ern Raising," and Mr A W Campbell, Provin.
1 Button 860, AI Bos 857, H Walsh 354, M eial Road Inspector, gave a capital ad.
racey 294, B Enefer dress on "Road. Coteatrnetion." At the
.1 McKinley 272, L evening meetiog, M fCrrie, of East
er 261,H Carr 260, D Wawanosh was voted. to the chair. MD
Gregory zigi:F Park 0 Anderson gave al address on "Farm
Ida 200, Et Coed 104,. Life," and Mr T H Mason on "Our
on 173. T. Young 180, National Heritage." Ve would liked to have
sr 68 given toots space to • the meetings bot we
d as formerly : Sc iors ent, and Mr amines 1 illiott,of Bluevale, was going down cellar
Stewart 865, G 3 Int- voted to the chair. Air A. Currte, of East heard. His son
his father lying pr
floor breathing but
slight Cut upon the fo
striking against the
Medical aid was a.t
all the assistance ren
practiotioners could Kuggest, but all with- enthusiasts will c
oat avail, and in hal: an bout thereafter wish to stake, prot
the spirit had taken Re flight. The cause team themselves a
of his sudden taking +ff was apoplexy. money. Thank
yours very truly,
CATIlItaw le °TES. Luchnow Hockey
large sale of Parra Rootarteop 348, E
Household Furniture, 273, D eey 272,
shin outfit in first. ' Gilchrist enie L Be
will be held at lot 6,.
uesday, Mara 7113, Stewart 240, Emily
look sharp. Hugh 230, Bing 229, M
r, John Purvis, W Ansley 184. It (ot
R. Wilson 124, E K
in ardor t4 sixn our subscribers the trouble of
oohing two or SIM remittances we have inane
special arrangements with the publishers ,ly which
We are enabled to otter the following publications in
connection with the %INGHAM Tuns at spesat
• low rates from now until Dec, lilst, 1806,
' Times and Weekly Globe, • • • ei 26
noes tine Western Advertiser . . 1 46
Times at ui Family Ileraid t4 'Weekly Kat
and Picture . • 1 '75
"Times and Fanners' Advocate„ • I no
-Times ;tett nateeng, weetee, . . ,
• Tinies and Montreal Weekly Witness, .
Thites and Permute Sun. • •
'Times and Daily Globe
'Times and mats, World . . 3 00
'Times and Country Gentleman, .
WeekMali an
1 IM
$2.00 Resume-.
the above reward t
large ring of keys, wit ) long chain at- •
tached, which were loot on the streetsof
NVingharn sotue time ago.
i . . ,
,..7 B swarta will pay were unable to be p esent and could 1)01
an one returning hie obtain a more Ieugt14,report.
@tearer setenatatatteentatmatinatateatatatinearte
4. Wmoneit Weerato.frt . prettywedding
was selemnized on Tuesday evening, at
the residence of hire Cody, Minnie street'
the contracting parties being Mr John A
I)ey and Miss Bertha Cody, both popular en
with and favorably It sown to most of our 631,141.
readers. The ceremony being performed 3
by Rev 1)e Pascoe, in t resenee of some
fifty invited guests. The bride was
beautifully attired in white mull, and car-
ried a bouquet of w ite flotvers. The
ideemaid, Mites Carr ti Cody, sister of the
ride, wore a hecona ng gown of white
swiss muslin and e ried a bouquet. of
white flowere. T1 groom was ably •
assisted by his broth° , Mr %lento Dey,and
little Mamie Flood m de a beautiful maid
of honor an o carried sayer tray or white
flowers. 'The wed ng march was played
by Miss Mand C rr, ecatten •tif the
bride. After the eremony the Write
partook of the w ing dittnet. The
esteem in which th + bride ie held watt
shown by the nuttier me presents moil/ed.
Mr and Mrs Dey ba • e taken up their resi-
dence on Edward Arent, and they will
have the best wither of beat*ot Ariegris foe
their future happiness.
' Unsalted Daily :Montreal era 2 00
Special <dubbing rates with all newspapers and
snag:Mines quoted on application. the balance ot
*his year will be given tree to now subscribers ot
*he above weekneg, exdtpt the mutely Henna and
Weekly Star. The Times Alone wilt he sent to new
Atubsertbevit until Jtmettry lst, 1800. (lash must
aocempany all orders. Subscribers should renew
*heir subscriptions as etl'y as possible AK the init
'position of postage, After January nee will
ecompel ma to make an whence it; the above rates.
atddrtles ttli•Ortiorirta or cell tithe
laa..4111.0-reltimalYeob• from us our beat loalkeeper and one of our
ute " w
beet forwards, bu , if .the Miele= team
ertvyested oalterf thte
was are anxious to pleas us a game on neutral.
eat down and found ice we will eubsti ate for therm two, Tee --
o upon the cellar leaven, on the for aael line, who played irr
noonscions, with a SVingham on the 1193111, and Williams,
ebead caused by hiseple,xsAettrirr out ractice games, and play
urnae-e when he fellOexhibition mat lain the Listowel rink,
nee summoned alit and if Wingham people have any Money
tired that the skilled they wish to t row away,. Lucknovr
rer any amount they
ding that the Wtnglinen
e net playing for the
g you for your spate,
B Lavitrenee, Mange
Rev W Rigsby, of Blyth, has been In-
vited by the Kineardine Methodists to
become their pastor
We understand Hatt Rev Dr Fasciae, of
Wingham ; Rev Dr Williams, of Listowel ;
Rov W W Leech, af Whitechurein and
Bev 3 Keener, of T mwbreige, are likely to
ask for Jul erannuLtion a1 the next Lon.
don ContE.renee,
- Me John eIands, formerly of
Winghatna was me/elected High Treasurer
of the Canadian resters at Brantford
1 on Wednesday. he Society evidently
The Wingham eye say they will mit
play any team hut the one they played
against at Luokno v. The Corrigan boyit
need not be in ape way frightened. of the
Wingham bovs, Its they world 1.0 treated
like gentlemen. As we have said before,
the vow on the rin here would not have ,
occurred had the L mknow bops. kept their
tongues to dismissive. Luoknow has too
meth fixing about Moir ansvrer.
The Wingham vockey toys went to
Seaford' last (Thur ay) evening to play
the LEM of that phe. Waterloo wan to
p d ' S rth and were unabla
t, go Wingham is
filling the breach. Ve do not eec,pect our
boys will make as go d. a showirt 'as 'thin
Wateeloo team. • le
the nuroa andi
e was playegkatz
sday eveninin be
at place ad.the
awe was very las
INTER GREAm t 1 appreciates the ger ices of a good officer.
to fill the engageme
Sale Rentater,
Mortgage sale of -farm in West WSW
, note'. being lot number 25, in ti
! eeneession of West Wawealesh
1 100 aorta, will be off ed
smitten on Sattrds, i‘lareh 25th, at 2 ea Kineerdine on e n
• 41;4
cures all roughness
of the slon.
Price 25c a Bottle
1AIiVL rat
ontaitlibg fine last gantia in
side at paw, Drue,e 'lackey Leag
whighatea tweet* the team of t
trt. at the Brunswick bowie,
For tonditions and pertieulars aptly to J BAP aY team.
t tontested of th
Alorton, hartieter, Wingbarn. 4t and he moshotly
whole eeriest. ?ley welt commenced 11,
STARVING, CHILDMIIN. 8 o'etock and was not over until 11.304
• 1Thouteauls of welared children are etatv. , There were theee ttes Suring the game
, ,f•
big, simply -Women their food is hot of the 4 to 4 atethe end of ot.A hour's playing;
right kind. Iltey are thin, pale, and deli then 5 to 4; then 6 in 6. The game
. ego. Scott's trnatett will change ell ended 7 to 11 rn aver of :Ripley.
frsrr POST °mot. this. Xt iv55 vita ‘0,aa vigor, Aesli 46a This places .1tipley at the head ti the •
1.0.K.06.091440001.4AID11011006 f('"6` • list and all the games ;ilayed.