HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-02-24, Page 8SPRING OPENING
'[ sw Prints, iisUIns,
Zmbroided es* Laces,
ibbanu, Silks and, Dross
Goods, Lace Curtains
a;d Carpets.
Asa matter of t;our,e ono gets
TOW for their money where there's
UR* to choose from, These things
Ire new, ttatuing and going every
day, where designs etre better ane
patterns newer, and prices the least
for standard imality.
Catnpbeld'e Ul:eadeclae Wafers. 0 a
teed ao cure headache,
March let is in eight,
.-81rs Cody has been suite ill this week.
—riateeball xtteeting et, the Ll ne'ey glans'
ne:atTueeticy f;1n eine!.
Green wood v'n=fired. G. I, Itxxu.
--Mr P Dt elle has been egnfined to the
house fur taeveral hays.
—Al Peers! Burobills lloberteon shipped
a ear of hogs to Toronto on Monday,
--Prof Soott, the wonder, at the opera,
honst«,.Friday and Saturday evening
--Court ltlditland, 0 0 1<,will tioid its I HOOROZ ATAT'TE138,
J'E• .1 A Y 24, 1899.
___ - £it. --Listowel i3annor,-
reguler, meeting ths (Fti;day) evening. t., 1 mho Wdngham hockey team, acoompan• from lesToronto,Stewart whereliar had been fishme, ---Ten--l' PARat3 Lt, h'lel�go,uodlau.
I or first•claes tailoring and cheap gen a ied by about 100 admirers, took a jaunt to S
furinehin�rs try Webster c'ti Co, Remember with friouds for some time.
Luoknow on Friday evening tart by special
liar place, in flaeen's block, I ltlr voila Lennex of lletroit, was visit..
train to try luck with the club of the (. '
--Illustrated songs by Haddon is the i place, On arriving At Lucknaw about 8. 0 1...4 with relatives and friends in Wingham
opera lienee, Friday and Saturday even• ' the first kick was that the wrong referee and vioinity for It few days during the
' I week.
tog' :was present and Wingham boys refused to '
—Mrs—Mrs Thos Abrabarn had a paralydfo I play with referee chosen and tate manager MrGeo Crisp has again fatten charge
'grotto on Tuesday last and is at present , of the Goderich 'matey club was called in as operator at the 0 I' It station, .13u w
very ill, i to take this duty. flay was commenced' had been in Toxoato for soma Lima
---Old Time Jubilee tit the S A barracks i et about 9.10; after the patience of the past
• TIM T. A. $mSmOrAs
bity 34 uih Cz
consisting of animate Pictures.
illust •algid no,
1'lt t 1Y, seir , ga e D ern Wender, and
( Obae.rion Shale ti11rtenner.
3111171 eu ttaPDON, 3an;ja, . sittndeltlt and Guitar
Valuable Presents Given Away.
A Genuine Diamond Ring the
• Leading Present.
F of Mr. Wm, Mair asou,�..
orsANr,-1n Morris, on Feb. 12t1
=Met of Mr, Peter Moffatt ; a son. ,
on Monday next, else OOnim actioning of large dumber of potato had been well I 1Ul Davis, M P for Saskatohewan, N t'nSCot.--Sn Wd I na,n, on PPoruary
local officers. tried. The game was one of the fastest W T' and Mrs Davis, were the guests of hie , r'a
Dr and litre luaedcnald dnrii, Hester 5�,. a of Eley. Dr. l?trsioe
--Mr . W„Campbell, Proviuuial Road ,t we have ever seen and it was nip and took' , a the past d 09 years.
Commissioner, will speak in Teeswuter far vvhteh was the better team et the two. week' LQxn.—In , Winfihnm, on February
This month for Carpets and Lace this (Friday) afternoon. The Wingham bo s bad to. ace an agg'e• M dames and Mire Annie Scott, of 22ad, Obarles 'LIT/aged 05 years, 1
Curtains. Some of the choicest, pro Fresh oysters arriving daily at Meliel• g i /Tinto, were visiting with their uncle and month and 2 days
duetions ailed unequalled for variety, vie's at les taurant, ?e serve them iii gatior, composed of players from Goderich, aunt, Mr and Mrs.4 good of Nil, ham,ou Service will ha h01t1 ut the Methodist
duality and value. We want you to any tyle. -des. Alci{> xvtn
ti London and Luoknoty. which The scte ore
' g church tea; (friday) ttftErauon at 2
, therefrom ginning the game. The score Sunday last, o'cl k, after which the funeral will
seep these 'goods choice, �e core they a$` geld at Mr �. 'W Webster's residence on at the finish G to Sin favor of Look- ,r � pr ee o to Wingham cesi,e Etry.
,vivo otocar Marmots , ,
wicked over ti.s1 uh e , now and their ringers, This acne oin Eastry oa3Ns2oiv,-lo lurnUerry, oa 1't9Uu
Wednesday evening. g g Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 1:--» cry 16th, ETsaatl, cehct of th late
_—14essrs Yuang&P.iulin, hardware and as at did•willthrow• Wingbani out of the : Cattle --The offerings were about 4 Andrew Johneton.aged 68 yearly:
memo � � 'ei �: tinware merchants, will have am advertise• finals and Ieave it between Ripley and loads ;, there was about the usual Lnsnie,—In Listowel, 00 F+�brutary
Iiineardine. Luclenow were bound to win lath, Mary Wilson, wife of Mr Phomas
nt in our next issue. ' Tuesday peddling trade, with no lin-
the game at all odds ar,d this'was the onlyLeslie; formerly of Wingham, aged 75
—111r Taylor iute:ids' erecting a Band- 7 portant change in quoted figures , years and 6 months.
one they on in rho series. The Wingham' ,
some dwelling on tL4vacaa. lett-hi the rear from yesterday. Sheep' and Iambs a`7ta4u--in Poet EIg'u, on February
. boys are, confident that they can beat the
of the Congregational elinrch. —The offerings were light --16 loads; 20th, Constance, c.1”ghter of Mr John
—We are pleased to see :Messrs. w , H Goderich London Lnoknoty aggregation,• the trade was rather strong,with 5e Nighol, eltryrly t:x 1. R agent, at Wleg.
d able and have attsued the followaug challenge,
iiagt, aged 9 years..
-A eery pteaeant it ,day party was
b f I fit tl LV 1 t
Neve SpringSuits and Furnishings.
for men, Use of the pleasures of
spring is the opportunity to wear
everything new from at to shoes.
Oar stock is now most complete.
You can sane money by buying your
Green and 1J M Gordon a e to be about
which appeared' m Teesdaves Globe and the quotable price ; choice .to
again after their recent illness, ,
•.-We are indebted to Mr Geo Ireland, ail.Ltnpi•re.--•- extra lambs were guotsllle at $4.90 ASSESSMENT SYSTEM.
suit from td. li. Sleindeo. Sporting Maser Globe: — Sir, — The to $5 ; good to choice, $4.75 to $4.90; ,.
who is at present in Dallas, Texas, for it, Wingham Uookey Club hereby challenge sheep, choice to extra, $4.25 to $4.40;
copy of the. Dallas eforning New. the Lucknow Hockey Club to play a. game good to ehoiee, $4.10 to $4.25 ; there
DRESS GOODS AT 25c. Cutters went good, 1 have ordered a of Hookey on neutral lee forthe sum of
oar load of buggies from the same firm; e100,a side, or any part of it. Both teams was only a moderate clearance at
Don't buy until you see me. to be composed of same men as played in the price, and barely steady at rte
�, aw for I,,
argans. Carnival to T. H. Ross Lucknow on February 17, .1820. Referee Close. Hogs-- Offerings, 33 loads,
.dress. Goods. Every yard worthy —The regular meeting of the sv C T U and umpires to be disinterested parties, and market generally slow on the
and reliable.. Twenty-five cents for will be held at the home of Mrs Helm This challenge is open for one week from
Dress Goods worth as high Rs C,Oe, nest Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'olaok. nate of issue, Match to' come off one week itlds, bat in very bad shape
from acceptance. for pigs, which were in too liberal.
H. CneanBcns, • ' supply for the demand during the
Manager Wingham Hockey Club. best hours of the day, and not want•
Wingham, Feb, 20. ed at all on the close; heavy were
£noknow boys would have a good gate. quotable at $3.85 to $390 ; medium,
The rink was crowded: $3.86; Yorkers, $3,70 to $3.75 ; pigs,
The Lugknow Sentinel of last.week has e3.50 ; roughs, $8.20 to $8.30 ; stags,
a great write.up.of "a hot time in Wing- 932;50. td $'2,75.
l Dr. Macdonald is now permanently' kal:'' , hot time wontd have taketr
o : C at home and can be consulted' by 1 Toronto, reb, 2S. --Receipts at the
s �°' ° his patrons. place had the Luoknow" boys acted on the Toronto • Cattle market to -day were
------ - -- —Mr ,T U Drainage, of the Brunswick square.
TOW10 COUNCIL. house, bad aparalytic stroke .on 'Wednes- - The Wingham team heads the list with heavy, • The listtle h of' heavy . an -
porters was a little heavier titan an -
So it will pay you to buy an extra —P Fisher, our obliging postmaster, was
Dress or two, at such a small outlay. able to be out this week after being cora-
Only 80 Oc'ess Ends and about 90 fined to the house for several weeks).
-Mr. John Hanna is erecting a stairwey
up the side of hie store. Mr. Hanna will
have his carpet show room on the second
First Choice :tt.
Phe Town Council met on Monday day afternoon of thie week, and is at goals scored. They have scored 25 in the ticiisated. o The offerings of butchers'
.,evening as per adjournment; to deal with present very ill. We trust he may soon series of games ; Luoknow 22', Ripley 20 choice and comThe ort cattle were also
-tax exemptions. Members of council all recover and be able to be around as usual. sand Kincardine 19.. Ripley ern3 Kincar; a little heavier than usual but the
',present. The Wingham Farmers' Flax Co. Lem- dine have one game yet to play. ' ,
Commutaication was read from Messrs 'ted has decided to lease a quantity a Ripley defeated Kincardine at the'for-
demand 'was fairly good.at times;
-T $ell B: Son, withdrawing thein claim for land for next season s crop of flax, T4ie mer place on Thursday evening of last a,'d the pens were 'pretty well
g land. y wilt pay a good prior for good cleaned 'out ,at noon. Choice fetch
kemptions, lila Wm Button, of Button land. Parties having land suitable for week. The score blood 2 all when time
fit Fessant, was. present and also withdrew growing flax, and wilting to leese the' same, was Bailed, Ten minutes time was given $4 to $4,13, and $4.25 per cwt. for
/their claim. Communication. was read should notify Mr Drummond,• foreman, atmto break the tie and Ripley scored t goal, choice selection Common were
-.from Messrs _,,.__ .-.,,___ withdrawing .1 E Swarts hotel, Wingham, or gee th_ ,7fr. Joe Hodgson, of vYingbana. was slow. of sale at $3 to $3.75 per cwt,
President, Mr A Tipling, or way other of
,:their requet t for a loan of 43008 and ten the Directors before the 3rd of March Heavy stock bulls were in moderate
'yearsezemptions. next for information ane parti'vulars, 2t The Kincardine Review is again off supply at steady priets, or $3.50 to
.h'kr Batton was heard with reference to T A Simonds' zenomettascope and when they say Wingham played! two $3per ewt. There was an except-
isieav' proposal be It'd to bring before the Novelty Company are ,giving entertain. "ringers'; from London at Lucknow. They ional heavy supply of milch cows,
'council. He said they would erect a three' ments to crowded houses here this week, worst hardly far enough in saying that which brought steady prices -880 to
story brick building, 40x00, two stories to Lucia:ow had two Goderich players. The
iba uccupied by Messrs Walker & Clegg and .P.uelshow team was made up of a conmbin-
moue by Button & Eessaat,on condition that ation-from Goderich,London and Lucknow:
Council grant them exemptions for ten
,years on ail their property. Walker &
^.Clegg to employ the same number'- of
"lands under a rental, as if loan bad been
etcanted, -
(Considerable discussion was,indulged iu,
•slfter:Which the following motion was in•
• trodaced and nnanimonsly tarried :
iMdoved by L W Hanson, seconded by
Toe,e oilev, that the Ccaneil grant Messrs
Button .& l'ess'en exemption • on their
plant,and new building occupied by Messrs
Walker,& Clegg saw mill and foundry not
Included, for a term of five years. •
A conxmunication was read from the
Mayor of Port Arthur, advising the Coun-
eit that a Now Ontario depdtation would
the engagement ending tonight when they
go to Shakespeear for Friday and Saturday
evenings. The moving pictures are the
$45 each. Canadian stockers for
Buffalo were in moderate supply,
and the prices remained unchanged,
best we have yet seen, and contain several • The Wingham team does not figure very heavy smelters fetching $3.50 to
thrilling scenes, of the Spanish•Araericate badly in the finals. The different teams $3.75. per cwt. Feeders were in
war. Excellent music is furnished; by a standing thus : ample supply at $3.50 to $4 per cwt.
novel instrument called"orchestra regina''' Team Won Lost -To play Sheep and lambs—The run was
and also by a graphophone.' The carman), Ifincaataine
.. ' " 3 2 1 • Ii ht and the demand moderate,
nit performers is an excellent one embrsea Ripley 4 1 1
3 3 a 7, he prices remained ttnehanged from
ing slack wire and trapeze work of s, high 3ajoknow '" 1 5 0 Friday. Sheep for export and
order, fine banjo and mandolin' playing, - butcher's use fetched $3 to $3.25
pantomime and comedy, singing, etc.. The .PEESON'ALS•
members are very gentlemanly anti are per ewt. Lambs were in moderate
making many friends here.—`Ctavfetoek Mies Jessie Geay is visiting friends in supply, at $4,25 to $4.50 per t<ewt,
Gazette, 'Jan 28t 'a9. • Opera. litonse,l T,ohd". Burks were quiet, at $2.50 to $2.75
Wingham,' Friday- and Saturday, Tebb'y ° Mr A Hriaboieivm in ¶oroiito for a few per cwt.' Choice veal calti es were in
24th, and 26th. days this week. • ample supply, and brought steady
eletuma t no,rzs. Me A Goodbew was visiting friends in prices of $3 to $7 per head. Bogs
Goderich this week. ' —The rutt in the annex was excep,
Bev T Hall, of town, conducted the Mr.Chas. Malady is renewing old se. tionally heavy,and the demand was
Vieit i Ingham. during the moth, of services in the Kincardine Methodist q;uaintances in town« good ; the market for choice remain -
Match. atctr to advertise the western country church on Sunday last, Hereporbs that 11ffrSEdwardHaines visited with friends ed firm, while light were a little
el the Council wished them to do so— Bev A Ounning"nam,. of Kincardine, ,as in a in Teoswater this Week. easier on account of the moderate
•Ordered to be filed. vera weak condition and no hope rs held M,ss tiT Retrain, of Canton, is visiting supply. Choice fetched $4 50 per
A communication was read front Mr Mc- out for his recovery.
with Wingham friends. cwt. Light brought $4 to $4.30 per
Whinnie, of Owen Sound, offering articles : Mr John Kerr took the service in the Itiiss L Hodgson, of Toronto, is visiting. eWt. Thick fat were in ample
for sale in connection with road machinery Methodist church on Sundaymorsing and with' her parents in toWn. sdppiy, at $8.874 per cwt, ' Sows
Referred to the `Street Committee. • i. Rev D Rogers, of .tiluevale, preached in Miss Pattison, of Iiineardane, was visit•
were quiet, at $3. per cwt.
Cottenhe". 3. eDu. meConohgh ph, that the pastor, rievr Dr peewee, anisb itn anelratJewett Deffiparents
eld is isitinthis
with her TlritNBERR
] g pleasedn
The Rei" ' ' 'playing nicely. daughter. Mrs in H Heath, at London. Y`
•B., of .Dresden, has been tailed to -. S. S. No. 6. Turnberr nct� boasts
'Crntbrie Church, liarriston, ,laiise*ve ed by a. Women. Mica Mamie Sample wee. visiting in y ''�j'
gt,am this week, --Brussels Herald. three new mltps, the Iiri ah isles
on. Richard filarcotirt spoke at Another Rreat discovery bis bean �n. r Fed Rnbinsan, of Winnipeg, wit nited States and Europe. ,Also
made, anal ileal tea, by tt lady iu th'a.
Mitchell, in South Perth, Monday, country. "Disease fxetened its- otutohes flI guest 'at 1tr Thos C4•relgoryes this week pertnattS of the Queen and Prince ttf
In favor of Valentina •Stork, the upon her and for seven 'years elm with. i. Mr John Stuart, of tsstowel, was visit- Wales, both nieeIy framed together
,i#x+oral candidate,
stood its severest tests, but her vital ing with has brother, Mr W 0 Stuart, this with a few new ehatrs. These have
,�..4 M �,• . were undermined and death week, been put'ehnsed fol+, the school with
.. orgA;nli
ertvesottNNTdzsWAStTkDl:Yt;ItYWarltitt; seeiriea f>:ntiln3c1t For three months «Miss Reynolds, of St "Thomas, was
stir•"The story of the Yhinprines. bymorat, Sha canal:lea in4'ess1thtly, and Could itot ilio ti'(ier'eds of life bSx-soottt! brill
Ha , snnoiscionud by the Orwarsrncnt as Otti= sleep. Sbe neatly dieccvered a way to vigil g with her parents in town this 8ho V before Christmas.
,tiatLa .tori,tn to $he War Dopartrent« The boek reoovf6y, pnrehtisiogof ns a bottle of
'# vLehirt arnai maps146"16‘411 thi Franettae,Off a Dr. Ting.'New Discovery for Gonsurip. r,fohn alsh was in E.oderich On ItORx,
.raulnd , ik Haupt tang, Ira.the emeriatin trrnrTtleitaeat troll, and was ito Mileh relieved on taking 1 tiday Itis t�ending the funeral 0f his '.0 >T,,1.—in Bltevale, on Feh''y 23r
7Mtaaiart, tutee Insurgent canal with Afttilnaido, on that dose, that she slept all night; and mother, th wife of De Toole ; a daughter. .
tl,ri ,leek t' h et h lir n t + ewel, rnz t with two bottles, lith been abetilittely+ Misis ditlt llitsthew, of Simcoe, has rr.o.==-Iii V�'inghatb, on Feb'y i h,t
`»`rt t, , , 1 ,, 1,, . ,,f tsks.tr Lr ..., . r.,i+'Pd. larrXVI. a Id flint. Luther Ltit2. t h wife of Mr Wm 11111 ;� a son. o ,
"` f,t,ta tq.ir been the guest of the Meets Carhould,
,, ,,..k, i` utx 'Gil, C. f#r,tilnitik Co., est . r 0Xtarr.•--•Six Morris .'p, on Feb, ,
i gttr;�Il;; �,, L. Sold by"ilollo A. f7tittnp. this week. 16th, the wif. of Mr Win d'ack;dn ; a'
,. ..r.,•..,.;,.;., b'li :,i 110 gents and $1.O0. Egery bottle Mise Boyd, of Wingharn, is in town d htor.
'it,,, ... „;s„ . 11,u,,rai,teed,• this week .staying with Mrs foster, Dodd mart• Wroxeter, un Fab. 14th, the
is one day less of life left for you.
There may be thousands of days
to conte. but there may be only one
�tirs,t is the point. Are you
taming chances end carrying your
own risk ?
If so, are you wise? .Would it
not be better to join your life with
30,000 others in the
Pauac an
oA eters
and protect those you love and
those that love you from the suffer-
ing caused by the untimely or tin-
expected death of their bread-
wyinner? i
Pull particulars of the cheapest, P d best Insurance seizt free
safest an •
on ,application to , '
H.. C. R., Ingerrnll. p Higli Sec'y, 13raittfora.
ERNS SART�M S. 0.r Flrantford.
Sonne people can, but the'
• tact that we I:er:p the ehett n
est hardware establishment
in 1'Vingirtna 1$ a secret no '.
longer, We knew it len;;
ago, awl now the general F.
public have round.us Qui.
If yea are a skater You
like to talk :about therm ;
it' you ain't an enthusiast
the prices we're quoting' on
the balance of this season's
goods should make you one
We will not carry over a
single parr, They're yet.rs at
any- price, ,Rust, 47 pairs •
of them so.buy quickly.
I J. E G C.
D�I, E, Suttbrigg makes the newest
things in the photo line, Just ga
and see the collection he has in his.
Crayon and Water Colas, Enlarg-
ing and Copying reserves special
attention, A boy wanted, to learn
lr . ,it;. ZERRIMIGG,
" Opposite Pros byter tan Ohurch
Pu iu -�
Yfi . BIIIC E,
551 William St., -• • London, Ont.'
Farmers, why pay 5g and 6 per sen
taxterest on your loans ween 'money mat .
be had at 5 per cent. Payments 'tzadex •
to Buit borrower. Charges. ltw'.. 'w'•: • •�•
At office Friday- atternoon null Itil:da -
Macdonald Bloch, W i ngb tibia
A. :. ..a-� t, SMITH
General lankfng Business trans-
acted, Money advanced to farmers
business men pm endorsed notes and
Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed. `,
Moneys resiiitted by draft to all parte*
of Canada and the United States.
• Notes'tind ncaonnts- collected Oa resit±:
have secured the services
of three first-class coat
makers, and are itt a posi
• tioti to execute orders in
workmanlike manner on
the .shortest notice
Style and fit goes for a
good deal these days—
both are combined in tbq -
clothes We make.
Our goods are all new
and the rices are Row.
Webster 84 Co
Queen's Bleck.
SIS used in the kiln
drying of Gold Dust
Corn Meal to pre-
vent its turning sour
even after you have
kept it for a long
time. • Economical
house -keepers will
appreciate Its sweet-
ness under the most
trying conditions of
the weather.
has ether virtues ;
`cleanliness, freedom
from bran,evenly cut
Its keeping
ties alone should in-
cline all careful wo-
men to buy it. Best.
grocers sell it.
Vhe Willson 00; 34 4dadsited,
Tileonbutx, Ont.