HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-02-24, Page 6'• TUE ; WT t1TA11..t , &TIMES ` �43RtA ki Iaaspeotor Babb'a Report. 1, iii^ 'i ' Q All. Does 1�oultry•Xeeping 'ay. l MWIYQNtS GUARANTEE. TO the Warden and Council of the ' s to. of Huron :-•-1 report e o . oa • Diamond Dyes �+ acct rL�l1, asked regarding poultry leave to submit thea neat 1 pot l i ithe state of the schools at East ];Huron, -~�— ' There is to questtan so repeatedly sic d rearaxd€u > )units as Ells -•-- P w estufs, "Does It pay to keep thein?'' '1 he Other. �� nswl.l cannot be sten off band. 'C' to and '1 Th1''3 1a, '' g'. sac ors pupils.—There ora are .: ; 'tibllcs sehooldt3 departments, in charge The truth is, that poultry•keepiug is P r g EAST To SOAP AND L IQRT. just ruled by the stupe laws ti$ any ut 123 teachers, is this inspectorate.1 Of these 49 are nut€u3.and 63 females,' These World teamed Dyes Are Homethe hands of tE diligent, intelligent Favorites.. I Juan or wotnan, who brings to bear ,course, [ i a cnrres ) other commercial undertaking In an increase of 11 females, and ef; ending decrease in the number cf [little teaeher's, Two • We have tried to use other dyes, but i treatment and assiduous Dare, they hold tat class c .rr.t ietttes, 59 2nd- 1 they did net give us • satisfaction, invariably leave t} good profit ; hut '1 Diamond! r increase end ii `l • •c� :ars an In I li t your lam i. 1 d t i es of o U)'unskilful • and •+sit ss, and # ) Bought eight pack! t, y - • in the hands c t the I • upon their breeding eutnmon sense 15 3rd classes over 1897. There hast Dyes to dye our Woollen lams ; the, careless they are a suer[ ca of ciisap. been a decrease in the average. annual }w`For dXe'in1 iCarpets and Cotton Goods I pu ntinent and lugs. When we use salary of teachers of $10. Titer j Dilunon,l Dyes are nnequalti'd. !the- word skilful, we do not mean average salary in 1890 was 835E ; • MRS. FRED. PECK, that a person must be able to des. in 1806, $;352 ; in 1897, $334.50 ;1 Windsor, Out, call[ learnedly ,,n tt>e histories and lin 1895, . 324.53. The average ( peculiarities of the ever inereat lug salaries for 1S97 and 1898 were as i A. Shining Mark, , different breeds ; to be able to pre. follows: ; seribo for every known and ur.- ••• 1897 1895 I A lady, grievously tormented known ailment ; to be learned in the liTale'teaohere, rural sect's 835S 8340 12 wash a corn on ber toe, was advised mysteries of mating for the produe , Female : •' 259 243 '03 tion of certain colours and markings 31Lale " in *towns 800 78.3 34 by sue of her friends to anoint It 8 Female " 300 312 00, with phosphorus, which in a weak of features, &e. No ; but we simply . 1tale " in villages 557 487 Oo' moinent she did, bat forgot to tell .mean by skilful that the person tvho, Temale '. 243 : 5 00lher husband before retiring at takes care, in the first place, that the Tire township of Tatskersmfth pays 001 ni fa rht, It had just turned 12 when fowls receive the sante ettrefut and its male teachers the highest average the husband awoke, anti was start- regular treatment as is given to any salary of any township in Eastt led to see something sparkling at the other class of live stock ; that they Huron, viz.---$42:?.1.5 ; and McRillopi foot of the bed. are of a young and vigorous age ; the lowest, at $2121.25. During the i He had never heard of a firefly in that their sleeping place is dry, year there were 13 schools that the locality, nor did he ever `rerem- sweet, and fres from draughts ;.that changed teachers, and 21 changes at ber of seeing such a terrible looking they receive their first meal as early the end of the year, or 34 changes in object as the toe presented, Reaching In the morning as possible, and All. The attendance in 1898 was as carefully out of bed until he found whilst that tneal is not heavy, it is of follows:---, one of his slippers he raised it high the best, and composed of the most Pupils Average in the air and brought it down with suitable matt rials according to the enrolled attendance , great force upon the mysterious season of the year and the pupae Rural schools 4 758 2,708 57 p 1 'Village " 660 447 08 light. . the" particular. fowls are intended Town 1,530 1,039 68 5 A shriek and an avalanche of bed- for. If for fattening, plenty of EXPENDITURE ha. clothes, and all was over. When at Indian corn, thirds milk, and scraps Total Teach's Av'g Pupils, Av'fi Per imst he released himself from the bed Expend'[ Salar.s Sal•y lv)ro1'd Att. Ct. 7400 $3S $00 843,011 3357 8,901 4,752 53 51 clothes, he discovered his wife groan 1597 37.015 40 331 834 5 T.528 4.915 5$ 5 ; ing in the corner of the bedroom, asss 5),581 30 081 321 5 0,998 4,104 Oo s f but she had no got that hos horat- The enrolled attendance has fallen' t' p p off 2:"I.%, since 1890; the average at.' ed corn. t cndance has, however, risen 7%. 'The number of pupils in the various SIX 'WEEKS IN PAIN DUN GEON classes are as follows :-1st class, jr,A Confirmed Invalid From ,Acute section, 1,089; sr. section, 896 ; 2nd I Rheumatism — South American [class, 1,2(13 ; 3rd class, 1,594 ; 4th Rbuematic Cure Gives Him His class, 1,54 ; 5th class, 542. Liberty. Two uniform promotion and le- Geo: England, of Chathatn, N. B., is a -view examinations were held during, carpenter and ship builder by trade. the year in March and October. All Through exposure to all kinds of weather rural schools now take these exami• I he contracted a most acute form of Rations, since it is most convenient rheumatism. His joints swelled and stiffened, and he was ]aid up* to his bed for graded schools to promote at the for six weeks. After doctors had failed re opening of school in September, to relieve bim be tried South American these schools set their own examina- Rheumatic Cure, and to use bis own tion papers. Following is the report sten ed taking 1 tbeuro it be pain all of Entrance and Public School lett me, the swelling subsided.. mid to - Leaving examinations:— day 1 am a cured mt.n." So1dby A. L. ENTRANCE. P. a I•E,(VING, Hamilton. WROTE 5A8S'D WROTE PASSED E. ST'S , Minton 92 66 45 23 it Prussia's expenditure for public 'CViugham 55 43 40 23 • 7 schools increased by.per cent. Blyth 29 16 19 6 2 5963 Beaforth 55 38 10 3 3 from 1886 to 1896. In 1886 it Was about $29.000,000 ; and in 1896 it of fat are given. If tor egg pro- duction, very little Indian corn in any form is'given, but a mixture of oats, barley and wheat; the latter preponderating. Possibly. the best plan of all is to feed eaetl grain by itself alternate days, and • prices being relatively equal, wheat being fed as often as the other 'two put tagether, and in the winter time care btt taken that their ,first Wheal is of a soft nature given warm composed of third boiled potatoes, kiteben seraps, and, if to be had, milk heated and sufficient.added to . form the whole 1 into a thick paste. We know that i some farmers say, "We canna be fashed wi' they fowls in that way ; they ought to get their air .livin' ,apoot a .farm yatrd, or they .are•just a :nuisance ;" and at the same time 1 these very men are most assiduous in their attention to their cows and Etrottlt' Anmertiolars its to .Twat 'What tits 1teratelicx will I)o, StIunyea Guarantee} that hie nheuntatiten (Acro will Sure nearly alt rases et dimwi- t -km in n few hours; that his 1)yspepsln Cairo will euro indigestion nail all etonlnch trouble}; that his Kidney Cure will cure 90 per cent. ; of nit eases of kidney trouble: that his. Ca- tarrh Coro wilt cure catarrh no [natter bow Ioug standing; :Altera' Ilendneho C,ere will euro. any kind of headache in a few minutes; that his Cold Cure will quickly break: up any roma of ectd and so on through the entire list o; remedies, .At all druggists, _5 cents a vial. If you need medical advice write Prof. ilfunyon, 1505 Are1 st„ Phlta, It Is absolutely tree, )4)'1 Ike', we e4. ru't flown, tier. vn"F. unai,ti, to wurk nr think Si. Al u ,+tight, treks, a flag nr two of ''.i)iuur,"s Heart nail Nerve Villa, They'll hieiid u}a )our health anal Inv.' you strength and energy. Price 50e , all dru;;;tiet•s. F. A,]313.kiar'i SE RATIO E S. 1 a y �l tl '1t1IODIST--Rev, Dr, Iras000, pas ' ?!3 • t) 4.` E �l J 4t ' i 1 i �' or Serviut'a, ut 11 ll III anti 7 . 1 v —ts et:et.thlti,l� •[liter. Services itt 11 a in end? p iu. EVERY 11ZI1?11"Y h];O.Tt1�,IPi(a ) li.S13Y'1Tk11'IAN--Itev, 1). Perris FP,[$CO3'AIs, tat. Paul's--Rer. Wui.I Lowe, vector, 6otVWee at. 11 a to and 7 —4'1' pm, V• t3APT1 T -•Pew. W, Freed, pite:tur.. TIM! S OFFIC , J;;re 'Pt•7t?tu %TREE' E3ervices. at' 11 a in and 7 p m. • • 1 WINQlii181, ON'I;aaaiO. How to Keep Apples. The proper temperature. for keep • ing tipples is tis nearly 35 degrees F' as it is possible to keep it, says the Fat w Journal, and 1n order 10 maintain this it will often be nem - sexy in this cliutaro to provide a separate place for storing the fruit, as the average cellar under the dwelling Wiese ie wholly unfit for this pnrlmso. , If the cellar consists ut' several eomparttnents so that one eon be shot off completely front the othere,. and the temperature in this kept below 40 i.ic-grees, it will answer the purpose veru well. If this cannot be done, a cheap storage house inay be built in winlieetion with the ice house, 'by -handing a room underneath, having i; -sur- rounded with ice on the sides and overhead, with facilities for drainage underneath, keeping the i it dry 1)}: meats itt' chloride of calcium placed on the tioor'in it open w iter tight vessel, suet) as a largo Milk 1.1' OCA or pan. In this way the tett1t)et'at'i'e !nay be keit very near the freezing point the eardround, end apples may be kept shun,[ indefiuittt:ly. horses when the profit • arising' from keeping them has gone down to the vanishing 'point. Regarding the question of youth and vigour, what I� fir would be -thought o: a cow keeper or • was over $46,000,050. farmer who persisted in keeping all bis cows frons ten to fifteen years of ago, if they would live with him as long as that ? Well, plain people would think him an idiot, and note.w. M1Is �Vnlour ow Noitv4t;, oa• pxrER1- What is Shiloh? 0hiIdrei3''Cry f©r A grand old remedy for Cotigh, Colds ,,., ,tl and Consumption ; used throughout the 1' ie, : T s „ 1 r world for bait a century,. has innumer- r• .able cases of incipient consumption and ;relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money. Price 2� cts.. t±' cts, and 81.00. • • a Miners in Alaska are advertising for wives. They do not, however, ' offer to pay the fares of willing eastern women. OE -- Receipts and Expenditures For the For the year Township of Turnberry ending December 31st, 1898. RECEIPTS. - `i'o Balance since last Audit Resident Taxes Arrears of Taxes .. Dog Taxes $drool Purposes l..icense T3iili pity :Jiscell.aneous lily Salaries and Allowances..." Stationery and Printing .. it, ads and Bridgea Charity 0, nnty Rate .. School Purposes $Merest Debertarea .. . ... Coupons Loans and Notes ,• Drainage Bard of health illistteilaneons Balance on hand EXPENDIT1:iIlE S. 81028 07 6304 59 271 00 289 00 16 36 800 00 71 65 i i pleat results, for elle is nos complete - 1i9388 54 farmers fowls being the most pro. ly cured,. There is but one scar on one lifie layers, and the most profittableA of her feet, a nv anento of tier fearful fowls itt the country, they . are the i suffering conelttion. tiny nersan ae- 675 GO airing further testimony in this case . 05 OG worst layers and the most.unprofit,' is at liberty to communicate with Mrs. 604: 66 able of all, from the simple fact that right at her address, Norval P. O. 1667 04 in Many cases the laws governing I six QssKnight Says after such a grand is it any [wonder we re - 3531 99 robustness of physical constitution coin:mend Dr. Ohase''s 'Ointment ? 23 00 are entirely ignored ; old age is I W H ile Long Civil Engineer, ex - 100 60 winked at, and almost looked upon Warden, and County Counclilor, I' ei e 4 02 as a Merit ; the fowls are almost •Geiineny, LunemburS• Co., N, S., Oct. 1035 00 expected to live on da ll ht •and g 1 28th' 1897, says :---" i •had itching piles 0' S0 p y g getfor thirty years, and have tried various • . • • . , . • . • . • . , . •4.461100“.• 20 00 . fat on it--- in 'other words, to make • kinds of pile cures, but none gave me 38 85 flesh and eggs without food. Fowls permanent relief until T used Dr, 1498 37 maws Ointment. I •heave recommend- *7388 G4 under the latter conditions never ,'lo ed it to others with the sante result. CUN.flRl''.(a•APIONAI4—•Rev. 11. Y;.' r.---- eelibet)rlpWMpriec.$1l. crIm::o•,9ssadv,•we@ Jaw p.1(13800 11 A'I E'? • yFt.•t_-i.-i'yr. i-0sr,. 1 3iuo,-i'I..To Ma'am, pastor, Services at it a nt sad 7pm. CHRISTIAN 'WORKERS' -- Misses Cowie) tied Lock In ui.mtuulul, Servings eta R tri and d p in. SALV`e,T.ICN ARMY—(:apt. M Letul lino attain command,. cervices ut 11u, at, 3pru and 8pin, In weal or the above named cihuruhes tiubl,nth School is held at 9.30 p ni. Wore. • After. tWoora's 1?31ocpatodi .®, Tile Great English Raney, Sold and recommended by all druggists iu Canada. Only reli- able med3eitie discovered. Six packages guaranteef4 to cure all forms of Sexual Weakness, Mi effects of abase or excess, Mental Worry, Exoeesive use of To - bane Opium or stimulants. Mailed on ' eeipt 05 price, ono paolrage nl, six, 35. One wtli 7eas8, sir ioilicure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, Out. Sold in Wingham by Cohn e, Campbell, pruggist. Colau.n S(01°05 iQ 01) f0 0ii" 9'!0 AU�"-g8 p0 1lu)t ' 40 00 ah i,1 00 4 Od [:utter" 20 00 1:d re 7 00 2 00>. n tl :•,n re ,a I nuc I u . ict 300 ilocal and t ther hasp •, ed, eiBeemei,t, Sc rs Iine 50, 50a3 insertion .ami 0, iter 1t,,. far eachsubs4quenit • in•erti•m, Me cured b, hoop/unit seats, L,YY(l notices 10c. pit (Me ter and insertion, 5.. 1er lino for oaoh vibe 'yue,,t .u-rrtici , Advertisements of Lost, Pound, strayed, Sitar+Ione 1 and Rosiness Chan' es [['anted, not exceeding g Unci nonpareil, 661 for Bret mouth, nuc/ 50e, for each, 911% e.ineltt,u•,ut.lt. tl ,8 ),I Hurl Faenia foe Sale, not exceeding 8 lino. ' p1 for asst mouth, :me, per s)lbsequent Month t.ar.rer advertisements Iii p.•oroctiott. These Orme will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or or• longer periods. Advertaements and tonal notices without epeol5o• directions will ho iu,,,rted 1111 forbid and charged- . aoeerdhtgly. Transitory adrertisc.ntents must bo i paid in ad mace Changes for contract a:ivertistmortr must he fit the other, by Wednesday coon, ul cider to appear that u'unk be far off the Mark' either. Let it =ORS IVTENSII S1'1,7?h1 RI5a PROM be remembered that the profitable li:e.em ,A esr Elsa Kam age of a henis not more than' ene•.1 - third to one-fifth of a mileh cow, and i �6 'tben ask yourselves the questio,i as ' q to what class the person is to be, placedntilt in are keeps or her hens Toes V � D ��� until the aro anyage from three to ten years. We see nothing for it but to put them into the class with the keeper' of twelve or fifteen. year- Dr Chase Make ft 14ollidi;-i'tn1 Cure. old cows. It is st.ange ' how little careful Mrs. Knight, 17 Hanover place, To - thought is given to the feeding of re'n'ts, makes the following state - menu :— fowls about stfai'tnyard. A farm My mottles, Mra. Rrright, tabs steading is an ideal place for the lives art Norval, near noncaster, keeping of fowls, and yet for the Suffered a sutmaner and winter ' with, Eczema in her feet. She want of a little careful, thought as to , could not walk, ana very seldom got the kind of food most suitable,varled any sleep: It became so bad that she was perfectly rata° from the toes to the according to'the season of the ear i lenses. Auer trying every available and the giving of it in the most 1 remedy without receiving any bene - suitable manner, many .of the! fit, and almost hopeless Ot relief, she natural advantages are thrown was advised to try Dr. Chase's Oint- g i men•[. She 'has altogether used 8 boxes away. It is a fact that instead of since commencing, but with the hap - F r BANK of triAraTON II. R. ELLIOTT, Paor,at5,ioa AND PUNLtaHBa. WINGIIAR'1 HOSPITAL... — t For rho treatment of DI8 W J S OF WOMEN and SURGICAL CASES of all kh,ds, For purticulai address ,t DR. J. P. KENNEDY,WING 1-I . Medical Superintendent, %Ingham, Ont[. Capital, 51,2 50,000. ' F,ett, 8775,000 ['resident --Joss STua'r. t'ieo•Proeidost—A. 0. HANNA'S. DIRF,v'•It OUS JOHN PROCTOR. GRO. ROAM, We Certios, M V, A, T. Wools, A, B. LUIS (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. o Saaiage 73anit—Hours, Toto 3; Saturdays, 10 to Deposits of 81 and upwarQs received and Interest allowed. Deposits also received at current rates of ir..oast. Drafts on ,treat Britain and the United Stater bought and Sold W. CORBOULD, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. Money . to. Loan on Notes, Notes Discounted ASSETS AND LIADII4IT3ES. and never pay, but fowls managed Assns, r.1Antr,ITIms. as at first too briefly indicated t'.sh in hank $1408 37 County Rate *1222 50 hlways pay• 1 St+ad Citadel. .. 200 00 twoOffice Deets .. .,20 00 '1 *1718 37 . - Globe Joan & Savings Co., cos. Cf 01222 60 Victoria and Lombard Sts ,'i'oronto We hereby certify that the foregoing abstract of the lieceipte and Expenditures of E, W. Day, Manager Globe Lean '& tE'e Township of Turnberry for the year ending December 318t, 1898, is correct. Savings Co, says : "T consider 1)r.D. A.ocatae /VI chase Viagra.) Auditoria' bosueand inof testimonials invaluable," we prnnie- pentbusiness menhlt over the Dominion.' "Tatnb rry, lath February, 1809. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Is suecessfully used monthly b over 10.000Ladiee. Safe, eft ectual. Ladles ask your druggist for Cooke Cotton Root tom. pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pilla and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, Si per box No. St, 10'degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. t or 2, mailed on receipt nt price and two 8.eent St�a�m_�ns The Cook (:orhpittly Windsor, Ont.' rc pe ible Draggling end Ca nada�onded y all No, t and No, t Lir aide bi (;ul/s ,t. 1 r,upboll, Deuagl.t AT REASONABLE RATES Honey advanced en Mortgages at 5 pot eentwith Privilege of paying ut tho end of any year. Note and accounts collected. nUBT. Mol± Xaoo. Beaver Block Winrham, Ont . GRAN D TRUNK RAIL 4FA k . D1:PAF,T Ar.IUV E 6 49 a. m. 13 05 p. m 3 30 p m 10 20 p m 855am S05pm 653 a in 1110am 33Cpm 8UOpm 11 10a in 0 49a m 3 30 p u1 3 30 p m 10 29• p m 8 30 a m Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and -South Kincardine T) V ANSTO11 E, tu. BARRISTER, SOLIC.I'TOR, Etc,, Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rater Interest. No commirsmn charged. Mortgages, town and farm propertl bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block tviConA)t, • t J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Stu., W Ingham. Ont, •4'•43 L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BAN1i OP HAMILTON. 85ONSY TG - LOAN. Ot/ee—Meyer Blank- Wingham G. CAi1IIRO\, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o;. Oilire—Corner num')ten and St. Andrew }tracts op8osite Colborne Hotel. GODISRIUH, ONTARIO. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D D S, L D S; Dental College of Dental nd Linin i1r e'of the Royaly of the s College - of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 011ice over Post. Ottloe, Wmgham DENTIDENTISTRY.—J. S. JE803115, L. D. S., Wineries.. STRY.—J. i'a a)auufactur first-class sots 05 tenth as cheap as thoy oar bo made, in the Dominion. Teeth ex1raotei: absolutely without pain, by hie new process, guaranteed perfe.•tly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the -- Brunswick House. JOHN RITCIIIE • • GENERAL INSURANCE AOLNT°sa SOCIETY MEiETINGS.wiNoaax, • Camp Caledonia, No. 48, meet ONTARIO: S. S�. •— the first and ti ,i nt Monday In evory month. is .he cald Fellows lla1. Vi'dtiryDEANS, J brethren weIeere J. Murray, .Ch1^.f, H B �� a., wixe.eAn , Elliott, Iten..Sao . VT;r;cIIen¢ STUM PUMP VORKS Having purchased the entire business from'. 11•Ir• Duniel Showers, 1 am now prepared to supply the public with AL$EEL °111.1 /431Lis w ... *, a ..;}Esta P1Y•w Ii ac,i 'afiPTati iILLIS Wood and Iron 'Force and Lift Plump[+. harass and Iron C3'1itm(iea* Galvaniz- ed Carom Ttthin r.. *Cisterns, 'Water 'Prong1as, Sinks, Raths,jl'ipe fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water euppaies, Galvanized Steel Windmills for power ai±d pumping water. Deep well pumps a sneoiality. Repairieg promptly attended to. Parties writing for information er ordo'rine by mail should atwaye state depth at well, All w iris guaranteed or no sale, C. MORN'I NGST•A. liot 140 Wingbam, Ont. LICENSED ATJCTIONEER FOh• ,HE COUNT OF HURON. Moderate.Salesttended In any• part of the Co,, Charge JOHN CURRIE, tj'INGHAu, ONT.. "' LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Fnrin Stock and Farr} Implements epoo. Alt otialtyders left at the Timis mace promptly attend' ed to. Term reasonable. cc FIFTY-TWO.. ,. WEEKS I. WITH GOD,' A fascinating study of The Inter— national Sunday School Lessens for - 1899, now ready. No • Christian, especially Clergyman or Teacher., should be without it. Beautifully bonnd in cloth of two colors, with stiff boards. Price only 85 cents.. Strongly recommended by leading - Clergymen. On sale by all book seller's, or sent postpaid on reeeipt,ot" the price by, THE B1.ADLEk•GARIRETSON Co.,, (multi)) Publishers, Toronto, Carl. ,l• JOB PRINTING., TNULUDtNG Books, pamphlets, rioters, 11 ii Made, Circulars, so„ kn., executed ..q'ithe bees style of the art, at moderato prions, and' on 111014 notice, Apply or address 5. ' ft, B: ELLIOTT. T ass OtNco,,1i'inaliam . BOOKBINDING,' ., We aro passed to onnonneo that an :hooks of Magazines left with us for Binding, w/11 haws out - prompt attention. Prices for Bitidin' in arty atyl+- will be given On application O the Tons, tike e