The Wingham Times, 1899-02-24, Page 5I , Wth( /IA
,ct turd Boot Trees?'
The wear and shape retention of :i e»1 .0 21 1y
be doubled if, when taken off t;:+: ft•c:t, it b.
IIortonatree ;tett c rlu.M•,
leather thus regains it.l t;l:tttictc fu.ti ,+tl,dr
tension aid the shoe, its form, V:J.1t..1)1a to
wearers witla a,tenuer:cy t•) run c,vt r t.a Loeb.
A good idea is to have two I,air:t c f :too)
lterr,ately "treed" and }yor,:, i'arlt pair
will thus give double service i :t1'rta 'd at
re; between a sear-dayr. 'trees to lit
the. various shape of Slater ,does, at 31.00 per
cn•rat.acut SGThe 'later Shoo Aker$."
F,r YE..
! 1 , p" t k::i ^d�+i. S "
:uus';W' •,....-, y,.,' ii--'-.-'-•V,;u,ssi'ti?r:.7+•:.Z.^.
For Sala Only by frIOMIJTII & BOWL,ES.
Having moved to town to the rest-
teenye lately occupied by Geo P Wells,
corner Centre and Alfred streets, near
-the GTR, 1 am prepared to pay the
hit/ hest cash prices for all kinds of Rage,
'rubber/4, Copper, Horse Hair. Wool
Ticking. Iron and Metal of all kinds,
tiolir•ered at my residence, or if word be
left, I will call for same,
Order your_ ..
Pa KeelEK
4C,Et '�P&W1
FR011 TH + —
Highest cash prices paid for all
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.' ,
done at lowest prices and satisfaction
guaranteed. Call and get prices be-
fore disposing of your timber.
1WieLE...�TeT 8ti SON
We have a choice stock of
Gold. and. Silver Watches, Rings in
Geld. and. Diamond. '
Examine, our, stock before making your Purchases.
Carefully washed, properly ironed,
correctly finished and fairly, priced—
y hut's the history of your linen when
`Itepnght here. Not a thing in our
Tis'nyhina• preparations to injure the
#dire of the goods and not a thing
:Lnhelilthy about our work rooms.
j. D. LONG
Leads Orders at Carr's Feed Store,
As 1 have an, immense spring
stock arriving, 1: roust have room to
pmt it, hence for 15 days, 1 shall Seli
Trot old shelf -worn stook), but•
-date new goods art coat. Reulemher
this ie no wind, but at;tunl facts. You
ten salve money by attending this
Serle at ogee. Fait dealing. Extra
A rtt: e5.
Repairing promptly attended to,
.110•414.131.13.11111110 t
Opposite Post Ozee, Says:
Fresh Beef and Pork.
Pickled. Pork
Breakfast Bacon
Smoked Ham
Side Pork
Corti Beef
Spice Roll, Lard,
Sausage ,
Pressed Beef
Pressed Tongue
Fowl., &o.,
always on hand.
Oar prices are right.
called for and meat delivered
part of'the town,
Your patronage solicited.
1 TIMES F R UAR tc 24, tan.
BELaiolzl'a, MORRIS.
Mr, Ai.erklev has rented laic farm
to one of lriS sans for a term. of five
7 tae Tlowick Union Sabbath School
convention which was held here on
Tuesday ot last week, was a decided The engineer's report re Garniss.
parties given an oppoa canny to with
dr tw trate or tsar. names to the p
The council met according to ad.
*ourntlaezlt, taIt I}'ebruat•y 13th, 1899. �o� nr'ttixrzuz AT Sr,st BROUGHT
t th sl l°
-Os AN Alri'Aca. cal, $GIA'ICA >vFliGki week to abrtaxaielsv the dime
Members all present, the reeve In c.aust,ta rai> Soar ia,�t L).'rz�ct lilies, sr., who died et the It
Qiaair Minutes of bast zneeting i'f�""d aon-in-laws Mr. Jaw. ee
Tuesday, the 14th inst. De
liar been in failing health the
Circe past. The remains ware
retired in the T,ondeeb•,ro cemetery en
Thursday at 2.311 p.m. sereico leviaQ�
conducted by Rev. Mr. Audtewte
A large number tit reitt.ives 1Rz
and eontiraiied>
success, A large "tuber of Bele M Geo, W. Slaaw, of Sandford
gates from all over the district were drain .was r4ud and the interested N, ;„ follows the occupation of a;
present, On account of sfekness a fisherman, and like all who pursue
number of the speakers were unable this aidlous calling is eatherd fregti
to be present. A spr�eial feature of Code--Jackson--That said report eptly to incletneriG weath.or> Some
the prof�raul was an address by Rev,. be adapted and that the Claris be in- Sears ago, as a result of exposure
A. 1' Sin tlr, a fca tact' pastor Isis streeted to have by-law in reference
address wee on "What the church therottl prepared for next council
owes to the Sunday Sohoul," J. D, naeetitim Currie
Campbell's paper was also excellent ;'1'lte ars report was then something agonizing, and he was
he spoke on "flow to succeed as a presentedcid aton.i examined by the not able to da any wank for come
Sunti>«y S011oo1 teacher." Rev, J, eoalncil allontGs, His hip was drawn out of
Mr, Shaw was att.d:ked by sciatic,
and fur months suffered. intensely, 1
He says thepain he •endured was
whet, Uafn nd fur spoke what." +GD * N ' 14 to Code --Jackson --That said report. whf attended hint said thee it had
be adopted and that the Clem be in- r d After i i
read a paper
wont+Sabbatn by h structed to have the abstract Pub"( and rf hes ared sofa,docto doctor
Selaool literature, its arta, character i Shaw—Cardiff—ThatM'. a �montltQ without getting relief, e
and selections." Rev. J, P. Kennedy A,Tagdlre be allowed to put four days Shaw discorltiouecl medical treatment
spoke on the "Object of the Sabbath statute labour on old survey opposite and restored to the use of piasters
seh.00i. The president, Env, A U. and liniments, but with no better re.
lots 9 and 10, con 2, said work to be Stewart Baro an address of welcome under the supervision of the path. - suits, s' was advised to try Dr,.
and made an c::cellent chairman, p p Williams Pink fills and finally de -
Rev, Mr, Andersch geld a mass p°aoter. Carried. sided to do so,' After uslta ; thous
Jackson—Code—That the Clerle
meeting of children which was very be instructed to order six copies of fora couief, of weekelie found a de -
much enjoyed. Great interest is the blunicipat World for use of this etded relief, and in about two months'
taken in these conventions and ex- time every trace of the trouble had
ehaucouncil! and the treasurer, Carried,
help g a Sabbath ideas cl Scht>ollatre is oiice great Shaw—Jackson—That the applf• heet� troubled width any he allness, s• not illite
cation of Mr. Bird re broken plow be
The next convention will be held in laid over for further consideration. Shaw says be oceassionally take's a
Gorrie ort the first week in February Carried. box of pills to ward off any possible
1900. Rev. A, ]3, Forney, president; Shaw—Cardiff—That the tender recurrence of the trouble.
W. M. B. Smale, M. D.,,see.•treas. of the Brussels Herald for the print • Those attacked with sciatic, rhea•"
ing• outlined, for the sum of $27, be mat sm, and kindred •troubles, will
'rile Appetite of a Goat accepted, it being thelowest. Carried, avoid h suffering and saved money
IS envied Stomach and byall
are 000r dyspeptics
t of orrder h x21 Cardiff—Code—The following aceby taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
such should know that Dr. dog's New co'ints were ordered to be, paid, vis : at the Outset of the trouble, Sold
Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and —A, E, Brad win, printing, X14,°u0; by all dealers or Befit postpaid at 50e
Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, M. Black, auditors salary, �8 ; E. a box or six boxes for $L 50, by
sound digestion and a regular bodily J addi easing the Dr. Williams•Medic}ne
great energy. Only 25 cents at Colin A. Brussels, repairing bridge, $1 ; John Co., Brockville Ont
Campbell's Drug Store. Walker, chair for hall, X1.75; T. S. .
Brandon, expenses and . going • to • WROXETER.
HO W1CK. - Goderich with county rate, $4. ; T.
Mr. Carruthers,, of 1'-Towick, who S. Brandon, treasurer's salary, $100, hli. D. 4, Pope, of Jamestown, has
has lately purehased Mr. Hooey's By -Jaw No.3, 1899, was duly read maxed to the village.
farm, had a bee on Thursday last. and passed. 'The council then ad-. A Load of Sundae School wokers
15 teams were hauling lugs to the journed. to meet again on the 20th 1 from here attended the Union Sun-
mill to be sawn into lumber, of March next. day School convention at Beimore
which will be used in building a Wm. Cearee, Clerk, last week.
on his property Miss Sarah Bray has returned
barn Tuesday newevpropeg of last week, , Ate .Cooled the :Surgeons. , home from her visit with friends in
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of Huntingfleld.
a' large and representative party by W eat Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18 Miss 0. James of Gorrie is
special invitation, assembled at,the months from Rectal Fistula. he would visiting with friends in the village
home of Mr. William Gemmill, cone ate unless a costly operation was per- •
merative of lir. and Mrs. Getniit's formed ; but be cared himself witU Yve Mr. Gavin acid Miss Jean Davidson
birthda and also a boxes of Bucklen s Arnica Salve, the were visiting with friends at Rothsay,
y.. a preliminary surest Pile, cure on Earth, and the beet Rev. Mr. Hodgins, of Seaforth,
farewell meeting of many of his Salve in `the World.- 25 cents ti ,box, t; '
friends and acquaintances. Mr. Gena- Sold by Colin A. C;aurpbell. t toolk charge of the services in the
mill having sold his ;arm and shortly
leaving the -neighborhood for his new GLL'.N,9NNAN.
home in Manitoba. -After partaking . A number of our young people vGloaricaaar� News
of a bountiful repast, of which nearly had .a social hop at Air. James 1'lem. Comes from D. 1i, Cargile, of Washita,
100 partook, the proceedings of the ming's last Thursday evening, and I.T. Be writes: "Four battles of Elet,trie
evening were agreeably diversified as a result the prayer meeting in Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of �a`irro-
j fulwhich bad d 6 great ff
shape by the trouble, and the doctor
' D. l she
e, Mr.
that insures perfect health and Johnston, do., $8 ; .corporation- faf
Episcopal church on Sunday last.
fiends were present to Noy their
ast respects to ti:e dadytiil,
Wedding—Toe happy cent tool'
place at the home of fir, John
T.enthlyn, when Mr, Harvey Jaek.-
snn and Miss. ;.c,retto 1.fa�tncoek werer
united in the holy betide of matri-
mony, Tho bride was elegantly
attired in cream brocade, and wear.
rng a wreath of white flowers while
in her hand she held, a bouquet of
yellow roses and lilies, The cere-
mony was performed at ti..80 by Rev.
3, ifair of Arva, after which all
p.crtook of a very tempting and
neatly arranged wedding dinner
which was served ie four course,..
About eighty guests were present and
a very enjoyable evening was spent
in {flaying of games and like.arnuse.
Foresters• --Mr. AleE line, organ-
icer for the 0, O. F is in our village
this week, A special meetingof the
Foresters was held on Wednesday
evening. when several i.ew members
were taken .i.•ito the Order.
uuuncil1ieeting--The eouneillora
met in the council ehtttnber o.n Wed-
nesday., when several 'natters of im-
portance were laid before the 7oun-
Ttrese matters, after being dis-
cussed, were laid over till the itexe
At Hoole—The Epworth Leaguers.
were "at house" to their friends o
Monday evening. Quite a number
of leaguers from Myth send the
Christian Endeavor, of thin placee
were present. Pape+$i were .read by
Mr. Jeffrey, Mies Seutt a,rd Mir;s •%'`*ib-
, son, which were both interesting and
•instructive. The •'Topics was "The•
First Missionary Churrb." .A choice•
programme was rendered. Refresh-
ments in the form of cake and coffee
was 'set ved and an thoroughly en-
joyed the evening.
Notes—Mr, and Mrs Redden of
Auburn visited friends. in the 'village
Miss Minnie And rews spent. Sun -
day and Monday in the vi111, •e.
Air. Geo. Acton was . in .town on
Monday in the interests • of the
grocery' trade..
11.r. Caisp .hard tee misfortune to
lose a flne hog last week.
h • a togram of music ;and singing, the Church was very small. •d'. a Cause ersu er- E ,
b '� h h, ing for years. Terrible sores would EAST WAWANOSH.,
a variety of games and speeches, ex- Miss Jennie llastinga, who has break out on her head and face, and the At., anti 11.r,. Newer field of D+tk-
preseiveofthe appreciation and esteein been visiting her brother, John, at 1 best doutore couldaive no help; but her
Iota were visi ip, friend's on the 9th
this week.
Miss Mary Porterfield is visiting
hersister • Mrs. -James Fer'gu sun of •
racial intercoiirse with each other, Fortune intends to go to Manitoba in. rheum, ulcera, boils and running doreQ.1 Baavtiold. .
(which with sowe.of the friends who the. near future.. It stimulates Iiver, kidneys and bowels, •
�, Mr.•.Jtahn 1L. R. Bone, of Tor onto
arrived from' a distance had been Mr, Joseph Getty, of M'oosejaw, LhA' oltrs ni th poisons, Onlys 500cenits.'' Sold' up
University polled, his vote on the 5tlz;
long interrupted) was freely and con- N. W. T., spent a few days last week Colin A. Campbell, every bottle guar- c,onces.i J.
c ' the _tat.
-tiuuously indulged in and a very en- with Mr. Thos, ,Gilmour, en the 8t11 anteed,
Mrs lic,rte, nf 1Vinet.s is rte-
joyable gathering was terminated by • line. ne ming Old acquatintancea' on the
the couzpany joining in singing• the Mr. Jas. and Misses Maggie and 9th.
well know hymn, "God be with Annie Gilmour were in 13rueefield ter, WfllGen. ar is visiting her
s ou till we meat again," and prayer this week attending the wedding of The council met according to ad- sister, ili�rs. Gen. lt't►iker.
Dr, 1.loznns Agnew of Londesboro
formerly of the 9th 4s,gone to the
Old Sod, wheae he i,itende taking a
special coulee in the medical science.
in which' Mr. Gemmill was held and Orangeville, returned hoinelast week. cure is complete and her health is ex -
the loss the community would sustain Mr. Jno. E. Fortune has sold his ex-
cellent.", 'Phis shows what thousands
in his departure, were made by Rev. farm to Dir. Aleintoch, who will take Ube be roved -that Electric Bitters' is
J W.Goffin and others Whilst possession about March the lsa Mr purifier known. ,It's the • -
p r preme remedy for eczema, totter, salt
Orders offered by Rev. ,J, W Gofirn. We their cousin, Mlss Janet Grlmouz. jonrnment, on February 14th, 1899..
to any !night add that Mr. Gernmill, with Miss Bella Robinson is visiting her ,Members all present except' Reeve
his wife and family will start in dieter, Fannie, in Toronto, at present. Gibson. Minutea of last meeting
about a month's time for Pilot Alound,'• read and approved.
Maniwba, where•he bought half a m il ia0ll,E1 The Manchester drain award was
i section of land last summer. Me. Aic Mr..Geo P. Nash attended the read and considered and by-latw
�d viintill , hii�P4 Iaauchlin, of Gerrie has bought his grand lodge Meeting of the A. 0. U. drawn up is . connection with the
farm; his skill and experience in farin• W. in Toronto Fast week.. same•
I, ng and his 'genie), and social drapo3• Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of Moles• The auditor's report was read and
ition will prove a worthy successc,r to >
worth, preaclzed in the Presbyterian adopted, after one change. being
Mr.e Gemmill and adesirable aquiskun church en Sunday Last.
made. to the neighbonc�od.
The anniversary services. of the A petition' was presented asking
-- ---e- -- e --------- Methodist church were conducted on to have roadway opened between
.leading Newspaper of 'Doctors now agree that' Sunday last. Rev. Jasper Wilson,. lots • 15 and 16, con 5, Left for
the .iDultai>seion. Cpz]Sui11 tion •is CCiratlle. B. A., of Goderieh, preaching the consideration.
p sermons. On Monday evening it Anthony and Jae. Pollard asked to
THE T7AIL'i' Three things, if taken. to- platform meetingwas held, when be transferred from separate seilool
, .--Iran over12bbt}more reete tlrnatation ether will cure nearly every addresses were delivered by pronzi• to school section No. 8. request
every daythnc it had ,i,, lktt;, mid awl" to stient clergymen . and a musical pro granted.
• d,WU,morethtzrroneyonraI^o' 411 the first stages; the
Case L gramme rendered. , John H. Taylor was appointed
rr esotys st;o,tvatc rm rtvasrs, EVEMY
11 RAS ALL xIIIi NEWS majority of cases more ad- Mr. II. W. Carter, of Tees.water, j calJector• for 1899,
The Saturday Illustrated vanced; and a few of those has purchased ,tile stock and trade at'I We. Robinson Was granted 510
the Glasgow ouse from Messrs. 'le , charity.
With its 24 orad pages evert, accuracy, its 111ns• far caval. sed
t aced supplement,its many special toxones-. 'Whitehead & Son. iMLi'. Carter will 1 The following -cheeks were issued
Short Stories and Sketchy Arttetrs—besides hivtna L $e, remove his family to the village. —A. nfe�fillail, gravel, 51.89;
the currant news of the Clay, has become a atroot The first is, fresh air; thew
r ' • • v . 1 John lt.
Stewart,' • a e 0
Terence,' gravel. o Lt.rontc
1?r, Stephenson,f�' 1 ,
cit• t n,
a t the [test rn v
r monthly magazines, ,
- the
Cb17Cj, ro ..rdid5d,er of the Students Alissionaz Catzz• Thvlor Wary riscoltector,fSGS ; John
IT is CANADA18 p �y , , 3'
Volt ran have frit GLOJII; every day rod the
Saturday ritostrated for about the nem.* pricy as
yen cavo to pay for many ot the «tttaller dniltca
rt'I-IE tid E vX1:I r GLu$1"1
Das lead several nets lectures added, h•la an tiro.
nukes of the week In concise 1,tnt, and kcrpsits
readers le clow tench with every out 01 tine corld,
9hd more especlaily our own cranty,
t c w' ,
S, a, Ho rote. not r ti s r t
b t o y i fust action. r onto ,nit
1 t
at the oflee or this paper, t,u' newsdealer or post.
toaster, or send direct is
`rus GltoilIC,
lbronfo, Canada.
Scott's , rillisioll of cod-liver paign is expected to deliver addresses,' IL Taylor, extra work and postage,
h h r in the interest ofthe or vv
` ]tC.t4 ; ' h t1 "1'' ' • 'd . j : 1ivah i4 cMatb refund of statute
it with
�l red, asp Movement for Missions,"
To be cured, you must tibiw lwsthodi't chua•ih
o a } 1.`0 ,Alexander 2'da e
i t ie � tai aoa ,, a C ti
n , , r
morning nd'ltiindifng g»p 50c' Thos Mel obe"i•'
lose in Weigh
y ' M it D , t . , . �t, 2nr1, 1f thin, evening, Fab. 25th.
.repines to hall, 50e.; A:i's, Robinson','
•• � ,• _ _ . .;..,�..�„ Chai'itl' X10. 1;.,i', Cralvford, sirvidli=,.
BStt •- & i n n u s /IS Iytrdltar, 7; Wilt, aleArthur,
yr , lona en this ntato to indwell Our tstialun'd:, to , ,
ti Dt'11�i(J!# to khotr oat, and nF.arbr- counties [t is ma my dike Sii'vtees ia$ auditor ��
you. trust gain. Nothing A • o s •vn$tL " t nw tatty VCR. 1 ' , ,
vv t is the best -ht Mettle Otte �'ruenlooctl''tiriser.
Salary straight a
work t.ondu tt d at home. w
C Connell , o
iv;six for SOW been druggists. 1st
.ell $1,
ad burnf,d to meet on Fri. ;3 Y 1;1r
r ortiw and a ponces-dutinttn, bonaft,tu tro mnro no.. ,l dl, r
Scott's s
The 0. P r;' wilt erect a neve
sta,tiul' at ;'a"+eat �t ot. which will. cost
in the nei„hhurn. ,•d •,f tete 000.
Left Prostrate
Weak and Run Darien, With Heart
and Kidneys In Bad Ccinditien -
Restored by, Hood's Sarsaparllta.
+' T was very much run down, having
been'slek ler several months. X bed been
trying different 'remedies which 414 me
no good: I would have severe spells of ,
coughing that would leave me prostrate. 1
r was told that my lungs were affected,
and my heart and kidneys were. in a bad
candition. In fact, it seemed as though .
every organ was out of order. ' I felt that
something mast be done and my brother
advised me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I
procured a bottle and began taking it.
Before it was half gone/ felt that it was
helping nie. 1 continued its use and it
had made ate a lien" woman. 1 cannot
praise it too highly s' ng. StlMMER-' -
'tttr,t,ti, 21` `Ossington Avenue, Toroslto,
Ontario. Oct only Hood'd, beeatee
Hood's Sarsaparilla
t �stao
t_ ,3
Kt,�p you in good �d tiesh
s tees salary, Monthly .2,1o, tteterenrev r ocioee db r 41a1'ch 0dt11, At • A-'eldett. T yy rr�.yr are 7puroly ve totnUin, r'r
5.4. gad �t Aro, alt dru;�isrf. self-ntldressed ttanlilud eoveiopa, lIotlrert 11. 'Reis, ' r $- ijCit7 e. .A'"l11 thtble'. 3lo.
t• :t :3,Yitr y ' AA.u:t t ,)t>nfa 4 ' r't,:st,. lfept. M. 01.1,. t,u, W. 5, McClaos'rll,, Tp. Clerk