HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-02-24, Page 4••.,. , • 4,7 L•" '-'10030,4101.111ri Don't take the 1 Grippe 111.11TAKE. symp OF TAB HO and prevent it. WILD CHERRY Versate only at it71. ' OLIN A. CAMPBELL S . Drug StOrQ. r'' • ilolnies on his victory. Mr, Ilolmes being made by the Canadian breed- a toes of 27 (flees eiwts, Rad ee th th it4 ri One of the nwst sliring Pantleal Camida se pplied 001y 64321,775. BatDer...., ..,.., .„. .... 0 14 to 0 in Pi was closed on Tuesday to West will show an encouraging' improve -11_14y twr tet,,...wi.... 4 60 to 0 00 5 Alr. R. Holmes, of Clinton, is elected 0 3 to 0 4 business handled by Cana,da is Stlit '1411uw,pur lh TUE, WINO 1,1AM '1'01144'61 FE MU TAILY 24 16$)9. . Prom our owe can etneadsat. ••••••••••.....r, Vorteete s P Deana. taroduee Dealer. THE FRONT BOL OUR OTTAWA LEITER. MAIlaw1F474011141:t.r),17, S2.3, ism ROA. Uolmos Defeats Robt. Igoe AStumm ots efuessas PROMISE, My2 00 er Lean ou Tuesday. No illsalleh of trade with th "'a - e old Ra hest ..... ti 1 85 to oi Iyu$, sluulse mon6 Lir 6001) G0V ,1C)orkin11111:111461!Ahaint moo 1Piorgunlip8ighleut:: liStr414111' ff:v. .... ''' 148 11'38 135 itlreat Britain's imports of bat0i) Peas Y*4 • ''''' 0 04 to 0 04 lhallis, pork' and lard in 1897 amount: ' 4 ".". 0 07 to 0 0 y ear ggs- dozen.- .... 0 15 to 0 lb' 'ed M value to $72,010,853 of %Wash (i;froeot's pepair • Contests ever heta in the Ow:Pinion and while the figures of last ****-- ?It> ttg 8 05 Wood per cord-, .... i L0 to 1 7o 1 ' 1411'011, and the Liberal candidate, merit over this, the proportion of potatoes, per ... 0 49 to 0 00 [ by a handr.ume majority. Mr, altogether tau small, The most ha- ti\trie,it APples, per lb.... '''' 0 it. to 0 4 Holmes hati a majority in every portant step perhaps., tp securing ati,)rT:it(ed 5 50 to 50 ITA sbip. Meetings were held in Gude. r Irian •, p titer, TlisitiQh flnnsrinip.) -a 6,1,4,4 is.?•. .a.A4 • 14 Ilea and Otintun on TnesellY even" last appears to realize that Canada tahsn out or an neweeted mine TA lug after the result was known and ean produce the artioe that he re, which a veto. before was filled with llt munieipality save tioderieli `1,'0wii. legitimate „Attire has been sireadyiohwiwn,, • „ 0 24 to 0 20 'rri speeches were delivered by leading quires, The Birmingham, Eng. water, in anntle,, instal= ; two Reformers, eougratulating counnenting upon the efforts teen orate into Halifax, the one with W rsn a 0 e t S a 1 i P sn o ng: 1 t• ers to secure the naarket recently re. tbe other with a Ivick weighing -4 .se,' ..s.. ,s..ss. ' - s....._. ss, .s ----.-s----. most neartily thanked all his support. narked: -'4t the present tune Can , onuses 10 dwts ; they also had 5 ors for their grand work in I TO ADVERVI:SERS. the adieu bacon 1101dS the highest placelnunees 0 diets. et small nuggets, and ..,_ eamPoign. We give below the vote . . . in the imported bacon market, and I sold the lot for $320, the keveral municipalities as The gold was gotice of ehanges must be left at this in ' wherever it is sold as Canadian Itoken out of surface tailings and was ofdee not later than Saturday znalplete as we are able to obtain up bacon, little or DO fault can be found. ' niortarkl by hand. The men had noon. The copy for changes to the hour of going to press:- Notwithstanding all this, the produo- been malting only six weeks. ers oat there aro not satisfied the mast be left not later than Tues. day evening,. Casual advertise- 02 intents accepted up to noon A.obtield- Thursday of each week. No. at div, ••,•••• • • 1 • 53 tkto. kit at art 4: Imes 2 69 ...... 4., 81 100. 69 77 PRIDA.T, FEBRUARY 24, 1890. 0..1 75 30 - • EDIT0RIAL NOTES. Goderieli Township stood legally by Mr McLean. Nast Wawanosh was the banner township for Holtnes. Relit. Holmes, M. P., Clinton, has our hearty congratulations. • West Huron wilt now have a re- presents tire of which they may feel proud, Tux Conservatives in West Huron were not led astray by Sir Charles Tupper. Clinton and Goderich knew which would value thebetter representative -of the two men. East Wawanosh was never known lave given as large a Liberal smajerity as it did on Tuesday. Parliament has been formerly prorogued until April 3 next. This does not mean that the session may not be held earlier than that date. Hon, G. E. Foster and Sir Charles Topper have 'not been very good prophets. See the result in New Brunswick and West Huron. . The contest in South Perth for the Local Legislature is now ori in earnest. Me. Valentine Stook, of tvistoek, is the Liberal standard- bearer and Mr Nelson Monteith will run iii the Conservative interests. Election will tgke place on Tuesday next. The general election in New Branswick on Saturday last has re, artited in an overwhelming defeat.for Hon. Geo. E. Foster and the Conser- vatives who were misled by him. The Government will have 42 mem bers pitted against 4 in the next bouse. It was the worst sweep that evthr took place in a New Brunswick provincial eleetion„ re$,41.4".4wrveAvi.l.e) 0A SILENT WATCH • sa is not a desirable companion, 414 though if you forget to wind 'it yen cannot blame the watch, 0 Ir your's' has contracted the habit of silence bring it here and see what we will do for yoa. It you have 110 WATCH now is the titne to visit tta. We have and ean introduce you t seleet eomnaty of merry little 40 tickers with guaranteed Atneri 4 can inovetnenta, nicety eased, # ranging from 84.50 up. 40 All are elisely timed, fully 10 warranted, and there is not at 4P unworthy one among them. Everything 3ewelry and Silverware at close prices. Majority for liolines, 12. Colborne - 1 105 52 2 37 49 3 , 77 87 4 58 30 Majority for Holmes, 59. Clinton Town - 1 , , 32 35 2 41 24 3 52 34 4 „ 51. 37 5 , 40 23 0 37 40 24 7 32 8 , 22 28 Majority for Holoaes, 73. Goderich Township - 1 2 3 r. Majoritii for Mclaean, 190. Goderich Town - 1 52 77 65 3 72 40 4 • • • • 65 47 • 59- 7 . .. o4 33 Majority for Holmes, 42. Wawatiosh West - 57 70' 2 54 65 3 36 64 4 83 50 5 . 64 °al ATajority• . for•Holmes, 12. Wawanosh East - 1 . 80 42 38 2 84 70 14 3 72 38 34 4 65 31. 34. Majority for Holmes, 120, Total majority for Holmes, 128. 8 7; • • `..78 47 ; Y A NATIOXAI., US$. desire still further to improve thele • • A national loss has been.sustained bacon in quality, flavor and, size and hy the pretnature death of lin% Arch d 6.1 12.f ) • Te Imported. German Coach The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 0RATRAM, ONT. STILL LEADS Frrr;r111,1,,!"14Mir.±.7PmIsrm.irr,.TINq!7.1rlorrIrrol.mr.,19!!!przigtn Spring Dry Goods arriving almost daily, and in a very abort time our stock of Sprh g Simmer Goods will .colit piete. Now Goods, Low Prices, THE PEIP# OWLAQ 8T(111 Igo E Tuums• 1,4.107 Olt TICt1)11. Beady -Made Olothine• Sebool Suppllea, °heal?, t!illit 14 Suits, robby, w1l til' weft trimmed,. portect lilting, trim tam() to 815 00 Hen them. Young Alei.'s Suits, youths, Suits, Boys' 3 -piece Suite, Bo st2 Pies° Sults, Oh i id1'431:1.14 Moose Mon's Overalls from 500 op. A1.011'0 •rWt L'Antli for r•il O. See on r Handsome 'Pri 01 oghsinel MIlt,line, Dress G.nals and Fancy 000(1,. Fancy flair Pine, Hair 'gets, Combs, Hair Om Jere, Waving rine, .0Iuves, Ha:taker- chiefs, &a, sro nfforing rains. in 0.1• s.ts, Latlioe' end Aliases. We tsranitowaro, Lamp .0,;•rosis. A GUN and Saucers, 60u to 83 00 4021, Plates, 3SO to .l:100 doz. Toilet Sets 81.00 to 81.0,00. Tea and Dinner Sots at i.ery • low pilaus, Good hard Seed pima. Brook's " " Good Sulphur. 0 Ills for Good 8030, 10 tbs. for 250, 10.3 bottle Castor Olt for n Sweet Oil, loa .4 Spirits Turile,D tine So. Machine Oil, 53, Household Ammonia, Bakers' A ro mon ia. 0 imice Mixed Maki es- lOo bottle, French Kustard 10° handle special line in largo PiZei4r E429 for 50. Remember that all W triter Goods must go at any price. dana, Wingham, Out, Macdonald Block, , „ ..... with this object In view new classes bald Lanipmsn, the poet, who die are being developed for bacon bogs here last week at, the early age 0 intended for export." It has been a thirty seven. Like many anothe IT PAYS TO 4111,s Mn• 01, 1: 11 rPtr,Tm!!!!ITI!7971n1141Tut OR SALE 15 hard. battle to Atha first place in the his real worth will only be appreelat 20 British market, but now that it is ed in ' 29the fulness of time, but eve • • oars, it remains With the Canadian 48 today few will question the estimate 45, ; ; farmers to profit by the advantage .. , gained, . of the writer. who declared that he was "0 le of the handful to those 03 THEY WANT OgIt HONZY T.011, genius ,Canada owes, it that her ii! Honey appears to be the latest literature has risen to real dignity, 10 Canadian product to take possession and, to he esteeined ef weight in the ...24 - • of the British market. • Early last world of letters, summer the Minister of Agriculture 3 authorized a triai. shipmnet to be 17 sent to Great Britain that the market A CARD Might be 'tested. . This consignment D. 16 14 3'2 was rated as of very superior quality. We, the Undereigned, do hereby agree 13 A Western Ontario firm also sent to refund the. aidnev on a twenty-tive 8 several ,car -loads which were dispos.., !Tett bottle of Dr. With.' English Pills, •il ed of at satisfactory prices. This tot 1-140itetiiel..s,tihilytItl(i)eenottourerthesveof coonotteints week Prof. Robertson. of the Govern- tion and Headache. We oleo warrant 64 ment Experimental Farm, received that tour ion ties will permanently cure 35 a report showing that honey in one. khet:rntosi, otietiunte cases of Constipation. '35 pound bottles was selling wholesale 11,,,ac:144,„thamee'ersnelpay when Willes Ung- ... 91 ,. 16 fur over 17 4 • cents a.' bottle, Some A, A. Morrow,. Chemist and Druggist, Wingliarn. Ont.. , hooey in five pound pails and 46 Drug - pound tins also fetched fair prie . Colin A. Campbell, Ohemist and es, •.. W" h• 0 t 1 s_ about nine cents a pound whOlesale. A. L Utonin.on. Chemist and Drug u. Bee men who will, have h surplue of gists Winalinse. Ont 32 • beneir. to shipwould do wellto cone Munk:ate with the Minister ef Agri- Miss . Marge ret Munroe- died i 8 21 FEINT PULPS IN DEMAND ALSO and 2 months. Of kindred interest is the special' se bulletin just issed from the Provincial n Department of Agriculture, giving 28 the results of 'inquiries made in Great Britain with reference to the 31 demand for fruit pulps and the possibility of opening up a. market • there for Canadian fruits. From ▪ this it appears, that a very desirable • and profitable market can be secutted if looked after; raspberries, apricots, . currants, greengages and whole fruit strawberries being the principal BLYTI-I. • verities. The home supply is always short of the demand in most of these Mrs. L. Shane returned to her and hitherto the bulk of the imports home Thursday night after spending have been from Australia, but large a timber of months in Michigandealers are becoming interested in A load of our young people at Canadian goods, and will gladly tended an "At Home" in the Metho- give them a trial; at revelling dist church in 'Unhurt and report prices there is money in it for the having a pleasant tirae. Canadian fruit -grower. The Bulletin Mrs. Thomas IlleBridn and Miss referred to above is replete. with • Lizzie have returned to their .home valuable information and technical in Ripley, date upon the subject and will he Mr. D. Cunningham wasin Toronto sent grails to anyone sufficiently in last wtek. terested to write . to the Minister of I Division Court was held on Saint.- 'AgrienItare, Toronto, for a copy. ' culture on the subject. The holt can tur,y rnark has been reach.. ed by the number of our pupils who have secured good positrons since Sept, lst. Among those who have, secured places recently a re ; -Sarah 1>nneati. Steno. Lyon an Heiasall Barristers, Owosso, Mich. ; Alex. Blatt. Molsous Bang'. Trenton.Oot. ; A rther Merchants Bank, Chatham. Ont. ; Vtta Clark, Bkpr, Brown's Woollen mitts, Ont ; Mary 'T. Cain, Steno. Pardee & Shauuessy, .Barristers, Sarnia, Ont. ; Florence bten. Money Dealt Co„ Grand ItHoidg, Mich, Eva Payne. Steno. D. ct- L. E: By. Office, Chatham, Ont. 'Tbsse with torty.foar others have been place since Sept. 1st. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Write for catalogn. '.f either Short- hand or Business denartmsn t to D. MeloSCFILAN 8: CO. , Olietborn, Ont. Horse WILDEMAR goieht 16 bands, Weight 1500 Ilass Color crow bleak, A Cloaoli horse of the, highest type with good knee action. For full partictilare apply to Satnuot Irwin, Belgrave P. 0.; C. Brus- sels. or Thos. Innes, °rental -0°k. • tal:e .•" ringle LEADING wroHEll Having purchased the butcher busi- ness next the 13runswiait, 1 am preppreci to supply the public with all masts of I Fresh and Salt Meats, Sansone, Bologna,. 4L -c.. Orders taken and meat delivereelt to any part of town. A call solicited. 'Phone No.0. 1).-PRInGLE... n CLEARING SALE Woodstr‘ek at the age of 103 year day. GOLD I1NOVA SCOTIA. We have hhard so ranch hs the B.RtfSSSILS. last two year the great gold out - Last Friday evening Mrs Robert Put in British Columbia and the Darby, eldest seristof Charles How. Yak", and to a leaser degree in 1 lett, Queen street, Brussels, departed Northern Ontario, that we are apt to this life at the advanced age ef 79 lose sight of the fact that Eastern I years., The home of deceased was Cangda, is more than holding hod near Guelnh. She had been failing own in this respeet. The year just • for some time and for the past 4 (dosed will mark the greatest output j years was quite blind. Mr,. Darby of gold from the mines of Nova! died about ten years ago. Three Scotia in the history of the rrovince.1 sons and lour daughters survive. it is estimated that the yield will be i The funeral took place on Monday, 30,000 ounces, several thousand more! Mr. Howlett did not attend as he than ever before. Thin represents a feared contracting cold, owing to cash value of about. 8000,000, and his health not being any too Vigorbits. indications arc that the output will continue to inerease in the future. The following instance may be given London mantittieturers sold1,850,• of the productiveness of some of the 000 cigars log Month, compared Nova Soda Mines. A brick was, with 1,815,000 in Ilanutir3r last y(ar. lately brought to IIttlifaX which' W. W. Moore, a science student at Weighed 280 (modes and *as valued at 84,500. To get it the eompanv Queen's TrIlivSi sitY. Toronto. has fallen heir to125CI,000 by the death elcilended $1,600 during tile -Previous ! o his Els iss, at 1(.'amloops, r p P . ' faunt, 13; month leaving a, net rat 01%12 9' 0 HALSEY PARK a' The return of the eleven months showed an average output of over Blear% cribs are running 1 TO• 200 ounces a month ; In other words, itoonArlAiiviirlievii4.,1A,%44.0 mato, • about $44,000 woi th of gold won • ••,„, t 's • t • 15 YOU ll I NIN 4 34, • r • •*A' r•I • • Whet does your mirror say? Does it tell you of some little streaks of ,gray? Aro you pleased? to your friends of the sat= age show this loss of power also? Just rementber that gray hair' never becomes darker without helP, while dark hair rapidly becomes gray when once 'the change begins. . .1 ! ^o4 ers IP 04, „ • ar • 1, • •'• Will bring' back to your hair the color of youth. It never fail. It is just as sure as that heat melts snow, or that Water, quenches fire, It cleanses the Scalp also and prevents the formation of dandruff. It feeds and nour- ishes the bulbs of the hair making them produce a luxu- riant growth. It stops the hair from falling out and gives a fine soft finish to the hair as well. "Wo have, a nook ea tht /her lout SeitIp which yon tnny 'Obtain tree upon toquost, 1 t you do not obtain all the benefits Otneeted front tho tom of tho ere the Poetor uhout it, AddreSs,DIZ. 4. e, AYETt, 1,0sro11, Nast. ts" ' • s • sularms.m.46.41.1 T. A. Mills. will oiler for the next 30 days, at special low prices his. entire stock of Fall and Winter Goods consisting of Far Goods, Mantles, Overcoats, Hats and Caps, tInderwear,. Flannels, 'Wool Sheetings • and Blankets. In Ladies' Far J»cket cttr stock is complete in all the different.sizess. •priess ranging at $26,00 and upwards. Extra large sizes always' kept in stock. All Fur Goods guaranteed. Special prices in Ladies' Mantles it1 Curl Bouekle Broad Cloths, Fr• eize. and Be»ver. These goods have all been bought from the mannfacturers at jobbers prices, and are now being sold for less money that the titerehant could buy them in the earlier part of the season. See our Overcoats -Men's Youths' and Boye, in Tweeds, Freize and Beaver, at $3.00 and upwards. . - • A large stock of Unclervvear 'in Union, American, Fleece tided and All wool from and upwards. Our Wool Slieetings and Blankets are the best made by Maher, of "Paisley, and LleKelvie, of .Wroseter. No shoddy or Flying in thes6 goods. Guaranteed to wear. .11 100 CORD$ NE HARDWARE m 0 0 RES Soft 7701)C1 ERIOR UNE WANTED.. Wie will pay the highest eashoprice for. 100 cor de of good soft, wood, delivereci at our Upholstering Fantory in Wing - ham, 'Enquire at the factory, office for - particulars. WA.LIKER & CLEGG. A complete stock of deneral I Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Paints, Ols, etc. Give us a call.- Get prices ,at -id we are sure you will buy. E. KENT Stand ----Old Post Office More 14ALKING ANA" AN ABSOLUTE" !• • NOVELTY /7°051/N63 Pr TALKS 17 PLAYS CAN 1111tARO 4OPT A CHILD CAN 01PW.V:ktE. Aktos WAKTED Pl6t f.CORD ;' tlEcOOD. 1 N 11V11FrY TOWN ANtl;vfg.LAGIX. ADDRESSDAN.TAIRIN6 MACtlifir. co ,