HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-02-24, Page 3'. r�
I WaS a Buff
The Only O illa That Giros
True Strength and Keeps
the flatly Nourished,
Litter that Tells of; etnnd, and not Some deep Or solemn
Triage and Sufferings. stlbjec:t over which he will puzzle
hie *mai! bruin.
A mother says : ",beep the child -
It New and Joyous EztietencoExperi- ren happy and out of the .sun, and
aimed After Use of elm Wonder, give, them plenty o: pure fresh milk
fug Medicine. to drink, and a little ripe fruit .to
eat, good bread and butter and
Mrs. M, r. Litnptuan, of ondstonk
!some tish or chieken and you will
' tr1 The Nursery. I THE ';;".ABIC4It'S LOT,.
Do not aiwltvs trnt't the advice of
the woman who ' has had nine
I)rtring the flet year of life the
birth of infants should he at 95 dc.
not el ways feeds a child the
moment it elle& There may be
other cause tat grief than hanger.
From early years parente ought
to test their children's. oyes by • find
ing whet distant uhjjects they can or
eagnot see.
Hang on the wells of the nursery
plotured that the child will uncler-
flint., writeei tiefoliowe regarding tier res-
cue from sullwiug arm agony :
"After serious cont;idtrsatton I think it
my duty to neknowled;;e the great good
'Out .l have derived from Puiue's Celery
Compound. No living mortal cau im.
*,gine the euti'eriogs I endured for tout
months, That demon 'La tori iippe' got a
fast hold of me ; t became nee voiis, and
leas so prostrated that 1 ouuld not sleep
ht ur day.
"I was reduced toe mere skeleton, and
life became a burden. My appetite was
rattily need to resort to drugs,"
Tile doleful neighbor has trighten-
ed more inothors,bueled more trebles,
and e:tgsed more tears than alt
the plagues combined. She Should
be suppressed, and with her, the
long faced gloomy doctor and minis-
Mothers should be careful about
children's fears and instead of !angle
ing at theta, allow to theniselves
very poor, and I wits so extremely ner- 1 that the fears are real to the child,
1 e could
nottbbeaarn to have trey land • cannot exactly be explained
"One Sabbath afternoon I read one of , away till experience shows the
your baohs, end found • that Paine's groundlessness of them.
Celery Compound nae cured matey pet-, Few parents treat their children
dale. I thought 1, would try a buttle, and' with the courtesy they deserve and
bought one they afternoon, and caul ! would like. Children are ordered
silenced to take it at:eo rdi nit to directions.
'The relief was telwost instant. 1 con,' instead of asked to do things for
the result that I eau new sleep well all , thanked for their errands or re -
Untied the use of the Compound, with their parents, and are seldom
might and feel misted when morning
Conies. tiny appettt,e is grad, I am gate- warded by a kindly smile of ap•
ing in flesh, and fuel like a new person.: preciation..
cannot find words to express my
gratitude for your great Pane's Celery
Compound, and for the wonderful sure
it bas brought about. 1 aw 73 }ears of
;age, and can now Ntalk Live 'milee with-
out tee)tug very tired, 1 am telling sty
frle'ndii and netgnboras wt.o are sleopleas
and nervous and suffering as I was. I
'wieb you unbouudtd success, and hope
this may be read by sotne one who is
afflicted and anxious fur relief,"
Saleable Stamps.
Stamp eollectors will be -interested
to :read the following elippeed. from
lid I'rk i li rt err* s'Aelee t ti ege,batt t.
iougt weeps age Mr. Ottewel 1, of
Callingwnod, called at this (Ate to
snake sone enquiries about old
iost;:ge stamps, 'knowing that we
were interested in such things, Ire
informed us that he hada lot of. old
eorrespondenee 'and we gave hien
information as to the values of old
Canadian stamps; ete., describing
particularly and shaving hint a
sieture of the most valuable. After
`returning home he discovered that
-be had two of the old 12d Canada
�iack. For these two stamps Mr.
Ottewell received the other day
10,70 eneh—a total of f5540. This
liras indeed a nice little discovery.
Disappear, and Beauty Fades Under
the Shadow- of Tormenting Skin
Troubles, But Dr. Agnew's Oint-
ment is a Quick and Safe Healer.
The unceasing tui'ment of an itching
skin, which is the natural consequence
and outcome of suoh skin diseases as
tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, eczema,
ulcers, blotches and other satin eruptions
is allayed in an instant w th one appli-
cation of Dr. Agnew's Ointment, and is
a very few days the most stubborn oases,
give way to its mages beating power and
leave the skin wbole, perfect, elem. and
as soft as a baby's. It will cure piles in
from three to five nights.
Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills ere the cheap-
est mule. 20 mite fo, forty doses,..Sold
by A. L. Hamilton.
Botnbayr is well supplied with
water, the quantity available for
each person being 40 to 50 gallons a
All forms of serefuln; sores. boils,
pranples and eruptions; are quickly and
permanently ourad by Hood's Sarsapar-
`Half the ships in; the world are
British, The best of them can be
converted into ships of war in 48
4 IN
No matter what your experi-
ence has been with so-called
catarrh ' remedies, " your utti.
mate, complete recovery can
surely and positively be effected,
Don't suffer any longer, Don't
trifle with a distressing and dan-
gerous disease when a sure cure is
Within your grasp, 'Thousands of
sufferers whose condition was
worsethaat yours have been cured
and are now in perfect health.
Their enthusiastic and unsolicited
testimonies show beyond the
shadow of a doubt that
DP. Agnew's ,
Catarrhal Power
is the most wonderfully 'effective
remedy ever Compounded. It re -
heves the most severe case in front -,
so to 6o minutes ; it effects a full.
curein a short time. The most
eminent nose and .throat speciat-
istsin the world have given it their
unqualified endorsement. In all
gases of catarrh, colds, sore
throat, asthma, hay fever and infiuenz.t it acts like magic, It is easy and pleasant
to use, It never fails to do precisely whttt.is claimed for it.. In less than an hour
it will prove its worth if you will but 'give it a chance. A prominent evangelist
gives testimony
Rev. Warren ntle ,writes:••" White in Newark;`Il.J,conductinq religious ser-
vices I was troubled withi catarrh and used Dr, Agncw's Catarrhal Powder. It }che ave t
Wardle( and t haws recommended it to many among whom 1 have labored.' icon,
David hills, Minister of Justice of Canada, bra used this remedy and highly rocom-
mendsIt over his own signature, Mali druggists, .
Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart cures all cases of organic and eynipathetic
disease of the heart. Relieves in ee minutes. Dr. Agnew's' Liver fills are at
nice a mild cathartic and an invigorator, system renovator and blood maker and
purifier. toe, for 4o doses. ler. Aimees Ointment relieves in a day and cures
eczeataa, tetter and all skin diseases. Cures piles itt e to S nights. s;c. 4
sow) int A. D. 1 AMII,q't3a�i� WtNG1tAI .
IN 'ZiXE 1rtAIN IT IS A Pttasi'lallQij AND
IBecause the farmer does not re
ceive every year for hits crops and
stock a high price, he should not
' permithimself to grow indifferent
and think farming a nonpaying
busitttess, Like any other vocation
farming has its ups and downs.
• Settle farmers, however, • seem to
think that "hard tinges" are going to
he with us always. Not so. The,
i ambitious, prugressivr, scientifdo
farmer is prospering today and has
no time to complain, Those who
take a glodmy view of everything,
land see failure were there is success,
!can never hope to iruprove their con-
' ditions by will -o' -the wisp methods.
( Above all, the farmer should be
hopeful and not easily discouraged,
whieh is in most cases unwarranted.
Your own efforts will do more to -
word satisfying the mot'tgtge on
your farm than the political party
with which y.,ou may be allied.
Practical, scientific, well directed,
carefully studied work are the farm-
mer's weapons with 'which to com-
bat adversity and Win the abundant
prizes hattire offers. Al disgruntled,
apathetic farmer, who thinks those
of his calling absolately lost and
eau never get out,of debt, is a curse.
to any community.
'The condition of the farming class
o> to -day is,.in the main, prosperous,
An oeeassional "howler"' is found in
every section, but bo would be pass•
nnistiu in the Celestial eity.-Agri
cultural Epitonnst.,
Bright's Disease Pronounced Past
Hope by ?hysieians—South Am-
erican Kidney Cure is the Life
A. traveller for a well-known western
manufacturing firm was so hale and
hearty that the passibility of his con-
tracting kidney trouble was farthest
from his mind. but through constant
exposure Bright's Dieease, that insidious
of ailments, laid hold on bins. He doc-
tored for months—physicians gave hun
but a short time to live. A friend wbo
had derived great benefit front South
American Kidney Cure recommended it
to him. When he had taken seven
bottles all signsof the disease bad left
him, and today he ie as well as ever.
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
A. Peculiar Wedding.
Archduke Heinrich,. .of Austria,
wishing to marry ,Leopoidine Hof-
mann against the *ill of the emper-
or, secured the "passive assistance"
of a priest, who dared not celebrate
a marriage under pain of the,enDper-
or's anger.
The archduke gave a banquet, to
which he invited the, priest. After
the soup had been served he rose in
his place, on which that guests ex-
pected a toast, ,.But the archduke,
pointing to Miss Hofmann, pronouns
ed slowly and solemnly the •words,
"Most reverend, this is my wife."
Miss Hofmann inneedlietely after-
ward rose in her turn and said,
"This is my husband."
• According to the theory of "pas-
sive assistance" fin Germany and
Austria, these words spoken before a
priest rendored'the marriage of the
pair valid and sacramentally con -
eluded. The emperor, it issaid, was'
extremely astonished, hut could do
nothing.—Woman's Journal.
is the beginning of
Protracted hunger means starvation, and starvation means death. When
the scalp is starved tho hair dies at the roots.. What's the x;iatter with
your hair? It gets dry; harsh, brittle, dull of color, the end. split. You
wash it and brush it, but it still coines out. It's hungry! If washing and:
brushing would stop starvation, then all the expense of a horse's keep
would be a sponge and a currycomb. Hunger needs bread, not a bath.
That is why
• Irish seinen.
Linen is the Irish- industry which
has.never suffered from toy kind of
impression. 'Let thein have their •
linen,' was the *newer, in reply to
renonstl'aneee wirer regard to other. .
'taxation. Although mentioned in
the. reign of Henry ` i1,I., to the
ill-fated Ldrd Stafford the credit is
due of firefly establishing it as a
national product. At the Restoration
wise measures were taken by the
Duke of Ormotrtie, width infused
fresh life into the indastry'.
The Eevnceidon el` the Edict of
Nat tes incde malty le»nt'lese; some'
of these took refuge in rrel,tnd, them
their knowledge of vslr'iuue littndi
crafts made them nsc'fnl citizens, and
their' infl'uenc'e upon 'the linen trode
was beneficial f'urty•five- years
later, in the Dublin S. eie ty tables,
already quoted, tine total hnpnrtation
of linen, valued at •ib. an (-II fieured
only at £(;.18, whet ell+ £17,o33- was
paid for rnnitiigo, o •:, c• frig. This
was it striking ronttvtst, for whieh a
remedy was promm ly 'found. Some
warkere wore lwereelt1" t ''10 Menders,
rand snon 1,50fl lnt'nte wr'i't working
in luster, The tineet fabrics are
vow a 4l306111v t.1' the country.
i'reepieity diel tna conte without
''tt✓v i s Ra'* a . a. F .1 ess0
It supplies the requisite nourishment for the hair, and the hair grows,
It restores the tone of the scalp and so induces the secret ons of the fol-
licles ,that the coloring,', matter is renewed and fading hair regains its
natural color, dandruff disappcars, and the hair becomes thick and glossy. .
Men and women whose abundant hair is the envy and admiration of
friends,.ad it that they ovrc it to .Ayer's Hair Vigor.
" Last winter I discovered aba;d spot on my head as largo as a silver dollar. .A few ap-
plications of Ayer's Irak Vigor started a healthy growth of hair, and in a short time the
disappearance of the bald spot was a subject of wonderment to my friends and pleasure to
myself." A. M. ALLEN, No. 3116 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.
" I have used your Ilair Vigor for a great many years and know of nothing equal to it
as a hair dressing and restorer. It has given satisfaction atnosig my customers who speak
I.iahly in its praise." A. E. FIELDS, Barber, No. qi Princess St., Kingston, 0.
"I am sixty-nine years old and have used Ayer's Flair Vigor for fifteen years to prevent
my hair from turning gray. It is aa excellent preparation for that purpose and I shall
always use it." JOHN HECHTMAN, Osseo, Minn.
"I find Ayer's Hair Vigor to be indispensable. My hair fell out for five years, but a few
applications of the Vigor stopped it. it gave the hair a beautiful glossy appearance, and I
also found that it did not affect curling or crimping;" M.. E. SNYDER, Brantford, Ont.
fostering care, , From accounts laid
before Parliament, it appears that
between the years 1700 and 1777
£847,504 were paid for the use of
the linen mantlfacttirers of Ireland
—see Com. Jour., vol. lir„ p. 3911
—but the value of the linen exported
from Ireland in six years 1771 7
reached £1,615,654, while in 1895 it
exceeded six million.
Dyspepsia Groans for what Nature
alone provides for this stomach curse.
Dr. Yon Stan's Pineapple Tablets are
nature a panacea for all stomach ills.
Pleasant and positive ours for Sour
Stonianb, Distress after Eating, Loss of
Appetite, W"nd of the Stomach, Dint -
nese, Nausea, Catarrh of the Stoinaoh,
Sick Headache, and all disorders direct•
ly traceable to sluggish digestive Organs.
36 bents. Said by A. L. Hamilton.
X oniestie 'Hee of Beef.
The retail buteher in cutting up
meat as ordered generally weighs it
before trimming, tau king the eus.
tomer pay full price for portions
which go into the scrap and are sold
at half price for soap -making. 'The
market man thus gets paid for, this
not ineonsidorable part of his wares
twiece over, the first time aerially
getting A- high valuation therefore,
The economical housewife will insist
upon getting elf that she pays for
and makes the trimmings valuabie
for eouresteelt.
Meat when "delivered by the
butcher should be at once removed 1 Pointed. Praagraphs.
from the paper and put in a cool
place until needed. Care should be
taken that it does not tame into di-
rect, conduct with the ice. If the
refrigerator ie large enough, it i,•
better to hang the piece up so that
the air surrounds it.
No good housewife will order
meat unless 'selecting it herself, The
dealer is almost sure to take advent -
age of her in some way or other it
only in sending a cut not quite so.
choice as is desired. 11f isundersta n d•
ings as to weight Wright be obviated
if the, purchaser saw her order on the
scales, and, then noted the quantity
•of bone and ,fat `trimmed otF .and
thrown into the scrap pile,
A Good Spring Medicine.
The sort in-law ii often the child
of *wow,The auger of destiny is undoubted..
!ly on the hand of fate.
The man who forgets a favor sel-
dom forgives an injury.
It's a wi,e pedagogue that pours
whale oil on the troubled waters.
A close student of human nature
never 'elide tnc•ney to his Mends.
F it ever 40 years~ Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild "Strswrtsrry bee been the great
renietly fiat nut rrhtba, Dysentery, Orarnpa
and Colic Alvit s get the .genuine.
Imitations ate dangerous.
There le net earthly love so truss
end iiw'p' nsive'as mother's love.
Ti*t. w r r of the transgressor is oft-
fttime-t the ; arrest route to Canada.
Yott ought to take something this
scaring to purify your blood marl give
,yeti strength and energy. Nothing will
do you so much gond ne llur,l,mlt !lined
bitters, it will aleanss anti itirh.,r•>ttt'
yen entire system and bani4h ttredns'ee -
and weatcneee.,
Dandy, theta capital of Ceylon,
and Singapore, are to -'have the
electric lights.
WANTR,,D-131,Wkaat. TatlataNaa'rtll . ,.,.
1 seas is this stun to tnanarrs our bn,h,es.9
their awn and noariaa mantles. 'it 14 nae°sl• 4. ,e
work tondneted at home. ,iatary i triti3ht WOO a
;rent and eksoreses--clettnite, bnnathte, tin marc, ne
a try. oat t y t n, a nranrne. ,+ •+w.
legs s.t it With e,7 r t h i
>iclr.addrbs„nd stmaaoil em•e'ape, lletbert t:. 141s , of cent..
Prot., Dept. M. Chlo:t o
Headache, Biliousness,
indlig`estipn, Dizziness,
Indicate that your liver
is at et order. The
hest teediatne to roped
the liver and cute all
th'ie nee is fount] in
Sold by all Medicine draper.