HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-02-03, Page 8H. MCLNOO
Prints and Lace Curtains.
,.m,meaanwaa 1.11111111fa1
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'11 .P;1 W J HA , .TIMES„ FEBRUARY 3. 1899.
The Al. O. a. Supper cud Quuaert, liah Arms,' and -"Didn't we kill the
Bear.' Even Seittthroan will adtntt,
Campbell** Eleadaalie SYafera easel- "Etaah man be Claimed hia motto, however, that an. Englishman is sot
teed tO cure heedaohe, g John Bud, he taled, the the rose, to
While Sandy Glaituod thistle, a bad companion to have in a bear
---Zein weather f.r the butt week. As well ),Ole may suppose; hunt,
i. --February. Witter is getting a move Iiti,t Pat, be bolsi* the she e* ,aWe love t hone far off ocean isles,
With three leave,* on every branob, Where Britain's monarch reigns ;
WREN THE and Spring's almy d tyfs l�ri
your season,
s hones e[ ening, the
T thrifty housewife has many needs A.
which we can satisfy at prices that
will save the buyer money. These: eft
ou, n Saying • ':tt W a 'et °O. ae wall , out We'll 'liar forget tap good old flood t ^
I --Tetra and Ines fly Sur; $1,25 per I helped to tight the FlagellaThat throughveins.t° tiyt'ful hems will make the avorl� Oto
year. 41d ,4s`4ng,
Proud courses
auoldt.Erie'sname, easy. H(re' s let of what you'll need
j --Beau' ir east! g Of town Coattail on lilt' Jodi* Ross iloblertsod, of Tor- And haughty Albiola's powers
Monday L.cgtnH.
elate,having made urgent appeals Reflect their watohleseluatre on r Step L'"aders, Window I3rushee, S,rnb lirusl•ei �'
This Canada of flute:' Feather leueters, Window Oteunors, Pain6 Brushers, Howe Patina i
Sea load of • o s visa ahfpf;edfrom through the press for money to aid Fr
,`7tUt1TTi8IiA, C AA DI lv Wo t h ill and every ether tecessit•y at. our store. Best
Wtnf;hatu on 4yedn day, in paying off the mortgage on
Remember WS seleutod silo k of 13nr«1,vure in this section of he country, ¢'
par or social in the I 0 0 SIGN Children's Hospital 0f that pity, A. Narrow'`isettpe
Thankful words Written by Mrs. Ada.
F gait en Tuesday ev ming, the matter was brought before the
--The cold storm x weather during the Sons of Scotland 0t this town. i Liam, of Groton, S. P. a'Was•teken ""'"'
I a Hiner Tan Soviet , each Trish- h heti said welch settled on m .
Mr Gee Nissen spelt a few days with man present would have subscribed lungs; sough sat in and tinnily termia x;oLa>t,
• � a aid of the cause • *ted in Consumption, Four. Doctor®� _
—Camp Caledonia, 30 te, will hold ha the Soyas of England would nave :bort times Iagate myself up to my 23rd the wife o , ir. McGlynn , a
week has been hard en busitteea• n y with a y
his mother in Lorsdoe this week, pertion lly angood+ ] !d 1v but a • Aiifi INT :11:2:1:1„:" t e ,, on Jur,'y
regular meeting next Aouday evening. voted money from the funds Qf their Saviour, determined if I could not stay een,i/
We have just opened oar first societir ; but Scotty is canny and with my friends on earth, I would meet •
tikes to get "two saspelaces for a my absent ones above. .illy husband $owns -•-ET see --At the residence of
shillin" ievery, transaction of life, was a be the bride's esteem, Chesley, on Jany
Bever far Consumption, Coughs d lith, by Elev. hl, A.'Jrinckenzie, B. A.,13.
shipment of New Spring Goods, our
stock of which is unequalled for
values. .Same of the ehnicest pro.
.--Renewal* still ore to into the 'T.nnts
office, Have you retatved your s tbsclip-
tion for 1509
—Mr A Burkholder shipped this week
wet done £
ductio�is from the world's leading,
tete cars of oats, one tt wheat and 0
peas, for export,
manefacturers are represented in --A. itew stook of n ernoriatn earc's at
Our magnificent stock, and taking the Trues office. W 1 have all the latest
advantage of every cash discount, and print them cheap. .
reduces the cost of goods and enables •--The Tinas has re eiyeti another large
US to quote prices that know no corn.
petition. That's the Fad.
Specials for February
Here is pad of the programme:
20 pieces of Dresa Goods, reg. 50e
for 36c.
6 Ladies' Astrachan Fur Coats,
reg. $35.00 for $27.00.
10 Sable Ruffs, reg. $5,00 for
$3.50.. .
1.0 Men's Ulster Overcoats, reg.
46.00 for $3.85.
20 Men's Fine Suits, black and
olored,reg. $10.00 for 87.50. .
20 Boys' &piece' Suits,' reg. $5..00
for 86.50.
15 Ladies' &Iantles, very new,
reg. 8900 for 56.00.
50 pairs - Men's Fine Shoes, reg.
x,2.00 for $1.45.
Men's. Suits to order this month, at
speeial prices.
Heap* of styles and novelties in
•• our new Prin..s. First choice at
Ma Rs AICIND0053a
i'E.KS N A.L2.
Mr BuzzRussetl h01r returned home from
Atwood, •
Miss Houghton ha 1 returned home often
a fey¢ weeks sojourn n Toronto.
Miss S Aikens, of "Vrndsor, is visiting
and Airs R Aikens of
n, of Wingharn, has
aye with relatives in
g •c
In ef.oll has as, ar-
, r
s taken a situation
ossant's factory.
with her parents, Mr
,Airs Sas"l,ioLeughl
been spending a few
town.—Brussels her
:rlr Thos Wilson,
rived in town and b
at Messrs B tion &
shipment of envetopes. We can srcpply
the same at very close p ices.
—The annual Tneeti g of the Noith
Huron County Orange edge wilt be held
in this town. on Teesday f next week,
Orr Tr:citick, of Wingbam, whose for
*mer home was Beet r, called on Ifensall
friends Oil Friday. He is known as a
lightening workmaia—Hensail Observer.
3i'rank McGuire, of Wingham, spent
:Sunday at Geo. RRop•:ra. It. Roche is train-
Ang Jas. O'Leary's :ring of fast horses in
Wingham. Wesley Walker, of Wingham,
was in town for a few days this week.
Wee. has a warm
'this locality, but ii
The London. Cont
,diet church will nee
The Lea Orth Les
.church are making
•enjoyable evening o
particulars will be
Highest prices. paid for butter, eggs,
dried apples and guod maple and beach
stove wood. 1) Al C ordon.,
—A. number of you g people spent a
very enjoyable evening at the borne of Mr
and Mrs Julie Fyfe, T rrnberry, on Fel 'ay
—Mr. J. H. 'Sparlit 1. of Brussels, - lies
been re-engaged as b 'tier maker at the
Whitechurch creams for the corning
Hiram Walker, th distiller, has died
worth nine millions: Though he is gone-,
his spirit is still with u—Wetaskiwin .Free
• advised to get Dr.King's New Dis-
v t i t oU s ani
and Quids, I gave it a trial, took in, all
mired m ane!
1 a
1 o m save nodnow.,a we
and healthy woman." 'Sold by Colin 4.
Campbeeta. and• name.
teed or price refunded.
Our Winghman Seotchmen there- 1) Mia Richard Lower, of 1iawicti•, to
. Mise lanilrritiu titer ot Mr. anti
er s nb u
• t u le i d
ld a e ► ht tt h ,
t h i it s e tt I t
C e o t1 b
ol'e do add R
f g' P
and A concert In aid of the hospital than t is d, I a d 11 John Elder, of this village.
fund, thus perforning lin act of Il 50 ll uU G Fnaonso v — PouTf:iu'LaT.n. -- At the
Inert and advertisingthe S. 0. S. at manse, MuncLestsr. on 'l'nescThy,Jan'y,
y nir:t, by the llev. Hubert Heod.•rson.Mr.
the same time. James Ferguson, of • i3aytield, to Miss
'yet has nae cu lr to spam hist."li lint 1iR--McOR EA.--- Oft C''ednesc ray,
"A roan may talc' a neebor's part, -- ggie Porterfield, of Marone/1.Marone/1.Ball---Mr, Tilos. III l leld h'
annual ballon Friday evening of last
week. Owing to the inclemency of
the weather the attendance was
rather small. All who were there
reported having' a. very enjoyable
Mr. Alex Witt, of the 13th coil.,
gave a farewell party to his many
friends on Thursday evening of last.
week. There were upwards of two
hundred guests. Mr, Watt was
presented with a gold -beaded cane
and Mrs. Watt with a gold watch
and chain, showing the esteem in
which they were held. After all
had partaken .of a goodly supper
provided by the `hostess. • They
tripped the light fantastic till the
"wee sma' hours" of the morning.
After wishing Mr. and I'frs. Watt
every happiness in their new home,
all Left for their homes.
Mr. W. Shepherd, of the base line,
is moving this week t., his farm
which be purchased from Mr. A.
Mr. Alex Watt is moving to the
Murphy place, near. - Clinton, which
he liar' purchased.
Mr, A. Wilton moved to Clinton
last week where he will carry on
the shoe trade formerly owned by
world, and the writer is proud of the Thos. Quigley. Mr. Jas. Woodman
Scotch blood in his own veins. has moved into the house vacated by
. If an Englishman is asked what Mr, Wilken.
country roan he is, he probably scarce- •
fy contieeeends to give a, civil answer:. , &A
Al, E. Surbrigg makes the newest
things in the photo line, Just go
and see the collection he has in talc
Crayon and Water Color, Enlarg—
ing and Copying receives special
attention. A buy wanted to Warta--
H. 1 ' ..Z 1g A lll'y DI G D,
Opposite Presby torten Church.
The ,supper, bytl]e way, was a an'y :r t1l, at the residence of t.,e
pp , y y bride's father, 'Wm. Menrea, Belgrave, ,,ay+
great success, in spite of the stormy by the Rev. F. J. Eaton, Ph, 13 , l.dwin
night, and the feet that the "great Miller, of Herniate, Mit , to Kiev Anuict
chidden o' the puddle' race" was McCrea, of B.lgrave.
absent from the bill of fare. A - Princess Ferdinand of Bulgaria is
Scotch supper without .a haggis, is i dead of pneumonia.
like an election in West Huron would Sir Frarteis Clare Ford, recently
be, with charges of corrupt practises British lEinbsssador at Rotnc,is dead.
left out, •
Our friends, the Scotch are a peen- aa.
liar people, zealous in good works,
who, all over the British Empire,
are to be found filling the best posi-
tions. Modesty, no doubt, prevented
the speakers last Thursday evening
from saying many things they might
have saki. ,
A certain Scotehlnan used to pray
frequently that be might have 'eon-
.—Wingham Tent, X 0 T M, are sending reit in bitnsel',' but this man •inlet
out invitations for a gi-nd ball acid -sepptr have been born south of the Grant•
to be 'held in the coun 11 chamber on Fri•
day'ever,iugnext. plans, for •reo Llirh'lan.der woutdhave
—The Listowel Stanard has moved in- need tb pray sucb a prayer. He
to new 514 improved premises, and M' r. probably was a border roan, where
3awkins promisee to live his army tf it was ennsidered"no sica vers great
readers an improved raper.
crime GO steal a sheep,"but, where
it was an awfu'thing to whustle on
—The Palmerston. Reporter iu its the Sawbath."
anxiety to print the dews on time, an- ,
nounces the birth of son to a citizen of Despite Scotty s little peculiarities,
that place on "Nov. 1 ,1899. however, his great strong nature,
—Mrs Jas Orawf.rd, mother of Mr and love of freedom have made lain
Walter Crawford, fort ,erly trail 'clerk on pow e) fel force for good in the
the L. H. it 13., died 1s her home iu Lon -
on Sunday morning, eged 00 years.
—That beautiful pi ture,;The Thin Bed
Line, can be scoured res of cuat•ge by sub-
scribing for the Win -hacu Tuxes and the
Montreal Family Htld and Weekly Star.
It's a gem, Boit at he 'Prates office.
—Mr F Pattersc•e received an invita-
tion to attend the ►moat celebration of 'and T'ni not • ashamed of it," but
Barns' anniversary at Longton, North Sandy 'straightens - himself up and
Dakota,, on the 2fiti•_of January. Owing says, "I'm a Scotch/nen, and nil
to previous engagements Mr Patterson did proud of it."
n attend. • The following story, though old, is
Peddie mo- ed his stock of dry one of the best to illustrate the blunt -
goods to Seaforth t1 is week. lie sold.l-s ness of John Bull, the shrewdness of
large safe to the B,q,k of Hamilton, and Sandy and the wit of Pat : •
the same will be use
c branch ffice of.
—The Penny
which is the lowes
America, (20 cents
owned by lion Chr
place in his heart for eminent American orator, wants a repre•
Ia all right. —Brussels sentativa in this vi:inity: It is a good take Sandy," asked the gentleman.
opportunity for .ne of our ambitious "What'll ye gie me?" was the 'ma -
tions reply. "And now Pat, what
would you take, to stand up there ail
night." "Yer honor," replied Pat,
"I would be ether taking A bad
cowld." •
Perhaps the most striking etharaet-
eristie of an Englishman is ills assur-
ance. Everything within the British
_ Empire is ]English, and .everything
outside of the Empire should be tak•
or simply growls, "I'm an English. .`i XE+�•'UT®LbiZ & LE
man." An Irishman asked the same
question, replies, - "I'm an Irishman, Valuable Farm Property in the
Township of East Wawauosh
in the County of Iluron.
at Palmerston,where .An Englishman, a Seotehna1.n and
the bank has been an Irishman were one day in London,
• .standing looking up at the dome on
agazine, New York, St. Pauls. A gentleman asked - the
priced magazine in Englisbman What he would,: take to
year), and which is stand up on the dome all night.
"Five pounds," promptly replied
John Bull. ."And what would you
nncey M Depow, the
[ NOTES. young men .or oomena Applications
should be.addresset ,to the Subscription
erence of the Metho- Department, The enny Magazine, Tem.
t at Windsor' in June 1 pie Court, New Yo t City.
glie of the Methodist i OLUBLit NG itATE$. •
preparations ler an 1 Our subscribers in renewing their
February 14th. Full - papers are asked to bear in mind
iven to our next reene. - that they can get almost any com-
Miesionary sermr.ns werepreached in the bination of papers or magazines they
'Methodist church _•ere kat Sabbath- by desire at reduced rates on applica•
'Bev Learoyd,of Lu.ltnow. Bev Dr Pascoe tion at this office.. We are selling
the pastor, preaohe°t similar sermons at the nuns and the Western Advertiser
.Lttcknow. for $1.40; the TiMrs and Weekly
The Palmerson porter in rating the - Globe for $1.25; the TIMES, and
stnairereary service of the Baptist church Weekly Mail -Empire for '$1:25, the
t1f,81rat place; ref re thus of a former TIKES and Montreal Weekly Witness
Winghatn pastor ; "Hey Mr Hamilton, for $1;60• the TIMES and Montreal
-the now pastor of tie church, is getting
Aiong•welt and is b coming popular among Weekly Family Herald and Star for
our eitfzetae." $1,75 rind. the TIMES and London
:RevJ'W Coffin, the new pastor of the Daily Advertiser for $2.00; in fact
`Wingham and T nberry Congregational we will Club the nun with any
•ohrrehep, took
:afternoon. 8s ht
in the morning, e
the' i'urnberry a -
Into a farm hone
menet. Web
,of ilia illness.
Cyn Sunday, l•"
talgbam ]res
lalelri. Pair i)
se -se at i'..• snort,
fhr eta'
y •'A+k ,,
Or Sho
.. s.r
ddenly ill on Sunday pubireation, outside the local papers,
d conducted service here at reduced rates. These figures are •
d while oh his way to for a whole year of each paper and
tkointment, had to drive the terms are neeessarily cash in
and have a doctor Sam- advance. Call at- or address,.
ve not learned the nature TIMES OFFICE,
bruaty 12th, the Anal. _ Winghalii,
Pursuant to the directions contained in the last
will and tustlotont of FIenry,Grain, deceased, ill be offered for sale by rublie auction. bythere
. Peer
Dea•,,•, auctioneer, at swans' dote!, in tho Town of
wi e:hate, in the County of Huron, on •
Friday, the 24th day. of Loeb
4. D., 184,9, •
at two o'clock in the afternoon, t oSowing vain.
able farm property, viz.
The north hall of lot
4 in t . 4 concession of the
said Township of E W *nosh, coate,ining 100
acres of land, more o e . `
This farm is eitna on the gravel road loading
front Luoknow to 1Vinghan, and is about 2 miles
from Whitechurch and et miles from Wingham,
The soil is a first class clay, about 92 -.crop are clear-
ed and in a good state ot cultivation and thebalance
is well timbered with hardwood timber, There is
no waste land The property is wen fenced prinoi•
pally with straight rail fences, well undordratbtd
and well watered.
There are Upon the property a good frame house
with kitchen attached and stone foundation and
cellar, a,rame barn 60 x 04 with atone foundation.
and stables underneath, about 11 acres of orchard
and 42 rods of high fence. Tnero is also abbot 1•k
acres of tall wheat in tin, ground and 20 Garel of
Tall plowin,r.
TELMS 01' BALE. — Ten per cent. of the pup
chase money on the day of sale and the .belittle*
within 30 days thereafter, Further particulars and
conditions will be made known b0 the day of sale
or limy be had on application to the undersigned.
Dated at %Ingham this 2nd day of February A. D.
it VAMOOSE, Wingham, flit' DAYtS,
Solicitor for Etecutora. 1' A MILLS.
en possession of as soon as "possible ' ITEM 0 INTER STa
We are sure you do not.
Nobody wants it. But it comes
to many thousands ever year.
Itcomes to those who have had
coughs and colds until the
throat is raw, and . the lining
membranes of the lungs are
inflamed. Stop your cough
when it first appears, and you
remove the great anger of
fctture trouble..
stops coughs of all kinds. It
doe's so because it is a sooth-
ing and healing remedy ef. great
power. This makes itthe great-
est preventive to consumption.
Put one of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Plasters over your lungs
A wta• M.dlcat
Tor fens bents In stamp* tO pay goat.
age we will median sixteen medical
Maddest hrifvlc. Faro.
Wo have the exclusive services of
setae el the most eminent physicians
a the metet States, 'Unusual oppor.
Wake* and long experience end.
nbritly St them for giving you medical
advice. Write !reel.. all the psrtic•
plata p+t your case. You will receive a
nred►rtt ten 7. Nlthotlt_Cott.
Lowell, ]Iden.
and evade English.
•why pay 5 and 6 per cent. 'A'UQTION •SALE
We hear of English law, English
interest on your loans when money only
literature add the English language, be bad at 6 per cent: Payments wade Va uaw.e' operty in the Town of
England's army, Engltict'>i nary, to suit' borrower. Charges low. • W zngkam.
England's flag and England's queen; At office Friday afternoon and all day tinder anti by virtue of a pmvur of,nlooentained lyra
'and ever til n that Seotehmen or Saturday. certain ntort;a ru, whieh will Int pro noted et the
y a t;" �,,� 4+ � time dealer trot ill fl' p
p ' , etc ben offered for sale by pub -
is appropriated _ ABN r3 ESS* do stiction by Peter leans, Auetiooenr, at the
Meedonald /nook, Wingbam. Brunswick io1el in the Tow„ et Wiuxhan, in the
by d'Ohli Ball .and put down to the County Of 1 nruu, on
credit of "Old England." Ct'nt01 iluru 1�th' Day of February,
Scotetlrnan may continue ging%ng A., D., 1899
"Scots who has and "mild hog at 1 o'clock in the afternoon the following property,
Syne,"'and Irishman may wear out
their lives under burning mils in de-
fence of the Empire; but still it is—
"England, home and beauty.',
`The meteor flag of England)*
t'EEagland with all thy faults, MVO
tbee still."
t'> ngi>rnd ex
poets every Will to do his
fn Conneotron with the The population of OntArio ,• „ '
• one ,rtrong gee tion of EngJatatle
Ware," etc, eto.
Scotehmen and Irishmen may bear!
the brunt of the battle at a falacltava
or an Inkernlan, and English papers f
Will report " .n'otber'Vietory :for Eng -
ytarian church will be
Pier rlo , the aster, Wilt'
P Mr. iolm it. Blake, barrister, bait•
boot, ,lr I fefed Pollee fttagi:fcrate of
a.ti. ., i . U••t•1•
rir. ,. , v.l • ;salt,
(d Aft. { s ?, Turnbull, tlly•,:
....,.. 5 '.....,,a, lie'' i t,'r,eti:
We, the Undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the money on a twpnty.tive
cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English P,,ille,
it, after tieing three fourths of eontente
of bottle, they do bot relieve Catalpa -
tion and Headache. We also warrant
that tour bottles will permanently cure
the most obstinate ease of Constipation,
Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng-
lish Pilin are used.
A. A. lylorrow, Chemist and Druggist,
Winghem, Ont.
Colfn A. Campbell, Chemlet and 1Drug-
gist, Wingham, Ont.
A. It.Iletnilted, Cdeuu t and Drug.
.Wfagltanl, Ont.
at I to pa •
The north Wept came- of laf, number one oh the
south aide el John Street in itd Poley's first surf ey
in the said Toe h of tt h,ghnu,, whieh said parte! is
particularly deserib,d Inthe, above mentioned mom
Upon title prrpperty 18,ltUslnd a comfortable s
story frame dwelling 20 a 28, with kitchen attached.
10 a 18, xitd a Monti foundation and Cellar tinder
bath hoose s,d 1 itc•ho",
The promof•y is sell situated, being +•ifthin a' few
yards within the hmli,, 88 coolie of the tbwu.
TEEMS (l1' 4.tf.14,.-Tan per cent, on the day et
sale and the balance within 20 days thereafter Ar.
rentrentents can to made, however, to allow aportiot
at tho pttrcha•t Haney to remain on mortgage at
reaechat,t interest. Punnet partfcnl:tre iittrl eon
ditions will boll ode known at the tree of sale ON
ntsy be had oh nppileatlen to the gm:tiontet or the
ten o
• dWithin*. �
Gated at Winght•h Ufa 21'h iltt nr>tait0arjl,18Q3,
PSTEltifl:A,rr.•, It. VA./STJNis, %b high to, •
Ano l0utt,t,, 1'endbr'MSolicitor.
_ 1111111 i�.>en"��-�"�'�_ _
Having purchased the butcher bust.
nese next the l;runswic.t, I am prepared
to supply' the public with all kinds ot?
1?'resh audSalt Meats, Sausage, Bologna,
&c. Orders taken and meat,deliveredll
tc any part of town. • •
A call solicited. 'P,,rrh��one No, 9.�y
P1. .6.'•111v Ki`e Q�c'.LLIY;rM
100 ORDS
oft 77T o .
We will pay the highest oesh price for
100 cordo of good soft wood, delivered) -
at our Ilphoisterint•, Factory in Whig.
barn. Enquire ut the faetory office for
WALKER'& •>< IE 7FGs,
13aving moved to town to the resin
dencelately occupied by Geo .P 1Vens,
corner Centre nad AIfr.d ntreets, near
tbo GTR, I am preps el to pity the
highest cash prices forali kinds of Ras
Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair. Wool
Pickings, Iron and Metal at till kinds;
delivered at my residence, or if word be‘
ieft,1 will oall for same.
General Banking Business trans—
acted. Money advanced to farmers and
business men on endorsed notes .and.
collateral. r .
Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed,
Moneysremitted by draft to all part*
of Canada and the united litotes.
Notes and accounts collected on real+
onable terms,
have secured the services,
of three first-class coat
makers, arid are in a posi-
tion to execute 'orders it
workmanlike manner on,
the shortest notice. - '
Style and fit goes for a.
good deal these days
both ai'e combined in th+~.
clothes we make.
Our goods are alt neve
and the prices are low.
Webster 8G Co.,
�ltteeb' Bleek.