HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-02-03, Page 5;r•
ra M4 NV 1.,NLCO .r.oS, FEBRUARY 3, ibM,
A thin oily fibre -food which
sinks into the pores leaving a
velvety burnishing film outside.
Rub this friction coat a
little, and to I— a brilliant,
lasting, lustre dawns
• •
through it.
Neither varnish, turpentine,
nor wax, to parch leather or seal up its pores, in—
For Sala Goly HOMUTH & BOWLES.
The administrstrix the estatP of
Alexander DOWS0a, deceased. offers for
sale tbA
Two Stores In Winghani
mow occupied by Messrs N A Farquhar -
oh and Miss Boyd. Offers for theeatne
shoulti be addressed to
• J A MORTON. Wingham. •
Solicitor for the Estate. 1
Order yo u
X IT.-sEK.
• c i& -e Pis. Reit
'Highest cash prices p lid for all
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard. •
done at lowest prices and satisfaction
guaranteed. Gall and get prices be -
tore disposing of your timber.
We have a choice stock of
Gold and Silver Watches, Rings in
Gold and Diam.ond.
. Examine our stock before making your Purchases.
Opposite Post Office, Bays:
wit,OxEiEtt. 1 iiowteK,
BEL.510Ri•;, much benefit to ttly dnup.:tot r
Mr, Andrew Miller is yeaill atl One of those pleasa,ntevents which i Wedding liells,VA. very pretty ,8h" 14 i"1"111`41 "r6 °Id' 144
the Goftun house, • ! bring joy to the community occuyred lwedding took place at '•Orellarti i suffered a great deal frau; i alas i ;. .
Mr, and Mrs. John Glenn, of Lis.; on l8th January at the residence of Faraftbe home of inrs. Nineroy, on itne hack and sick headache, hut the • '',.
tewel, were visiting with their Mr. John Elder' of .Cheeley whet-111'11es ay last, when her daughter ! pills have made bar .feel all tight ssn'
daughter,. Mrs, Geo, Spottoe, last . their daughter 'Pena was united in I Beasie, was united in. rnarrlitacre te as•s• i again " • I •
marriage- to Mr, Rieh, Bowes of 1 Mr. MeCallough, of Souls, Maar I .never fail to recennneed• Dtc
ny of a
Our bnteher, Mr. Pomery and Mr; 1 Howick Tp,, Jlev. E, A, Mackenzie: Upwards of forty couples respOided Williams' Milk Pills whet)
C W Andrews bar 0 purchased new .I B. A., D. 13 olleiating. Misi. Mary i to the invitations, Miss Ida 3-aques, 111Y friends Aro ill,"haid Mrs Roberts.,
at r F
driving horses. I Elder'acted as, bridesmaid for hr of Balsam Lane, played O`While viiting aRadnoorgers,
Oa De '
A parlor owlet wns held at the sister and the groom was assisted hylMolav Wedding March, and the I urged a young lady friendswhO
Methodist parsonage here an Wed alta W. J. Spotter) of Gordo. After ,i bridal party entered the parlor and has long been a sufferer frnat env vat-
• • '
nesclity evening.
Miss Minnie Bowes, of Barriston,
was visiting with, friends here last
Tlynt Throbbing Bendaehe
Would quickly leave. you, if you used
Dr. King's New Lire Pills. .Thousands
of sufferers has proved their matchless
roarit for Sick and Nervous Headaches,
They make pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. Eney to take.
Try them. Only 25 cents Money back
if not cured. Sold by Colin as Campbell.
At the bridts,'s residence, Belgrave,
Mr, Ed. Miller, of Manitoba, was
quietly married to Miss Annie Me•
Urea last Wednesday evening
Mr. A, Brooks, of Exeter, spent
Sunday with his family here.
Miss Mary A. Black and IVIiss
Maud Code; of Blyth, spent Sunday
in our midst.
The concert given by Miss C.
Halliday's pupils in the .5th line
aohool house, proved a success in
every way. A good programme be
ing presented.
Mr, Manly Masters, of Washing-
ton State, who has been renewing
old acquaintances for the last two
nviireoenktb. s, returned to his home last
the coreolon)., a weddipgsappor was' took their position under a hone ere et the spar, am o • e 1... .. s
served at whieh all the guests did shoe of myrtle. Bev.. 0 Stewart ..stipatien to try them, and t toe; „haaes
justice to the delicacies provided for i conducted theeeremnny, The bride
ci`mle bet a '1 Lt imni)Unt a 4r*Igl't•.'
The reporter confesses that Mrs.
the happy occaeion. The large uum• bokecl eharmine in a dress of gold '
Roberts' etery is a 'wet-ale:Ifni one..
bey of handsome presents . reeeivett and pale blue flowered silk! °labor..
That she is new thoroughly well is
were evidence of the hissli esteem in lattely trimined witb pale blue chiffon, -
whieli the yjaug couple are held by . She wore pale blue agriettee in her clear from.her fare, her unioner end
their many friends. Mr. and Mes.lbair• and had on a bridal veil. Miss her happy spirit. Mr. and Mi v. Rob -
Bowes will take up theV resideno Janet. MeCollough graced the pose .erts rue intelligeet ard. it Inside peos
in this township. tion of bridesmaid, while Mr. Robert . pie. Mr. Roberts i$ head engineer in
I Pomeroy performed the corresp5m., . the biscuit 'works of Viau a Frere,
E‘aST WAWANOSIL • ling duty for t:•e groom. Misses Ev
.a . the wealthiest firm in thia -line in the
iPomeroy and Bessie Halliday, little . Dominion., and he fully - ends:: aes the
The following ts the corr. ct i nieces of the bride, aeted as flower good words his wife bas- to say in
standing of tbe pupils of S. S. No, 8, I girls, They looked very pr .
east in
• _ favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
In fact 114says the speedy ewe they
for the month of Jaeuary, .
s • i their Greases of Organdie Muslin. -
1 tibiae School Leaving Class-- After -the ceremony was • over the wrought m his wifo'a case hots saved -
total 400 marks -Maude Campbell I company sat down to a temptinoiv. him ma" d"1131.8'
234, Maggie McCallum 223, Allan prepared repast. After tea the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills liav no.
Wheeler 210. ' guests were entertained by a pro-. purgative action. and so do not sv als-
, gramme of vocal and instrumental en the hody, They build' up the
Entrance 0111m -total' 400 marks
-A. McBurney 204, A. Taylor '260, mane recitations and 'addresses, blood by supplying it with the elem.
J, E. Coombes 240, E • Walsh 206. Later in the evening the .programme encs whieh enrich it, and sti engthem
*Roy Wheeler 181; J. Anderson 170, consisted of games and diming. The the nerves. In this way •• they mare
J. McCallum 157, M. Robertson 155, presents to the bride Were numerous all diseases having their ortgin iri ,
re -
*W. Scott 115, *Ida Bone 79. evening being well spent the party '
poor and watery blood. Al wtlyS fnse the Pink colored in:mations
.. .
J. Campbell 145, *C. Johnson 119. and exceedingly well chosen. The
Jr. IV Class -total 400 marks- dispersed. leaving behind them their which some dealers offer. See that
M. Henry 234, F. Scandritt 231, nest wishes for tbe future of the the Lull name Dr, Williams'. Pitik s „
Lena Paren 198, W. McLean 195. newly married couple, who will take Pills for Pale People is on every •
Jr. III Class -total 483 marks-.- their departure for their home in package you. buy. If in doubt, send . ,.
M. Anderson 342, *al, Grigg 219, Manitoba in a couple of weeks. direct to the Dr, Williams', Medicine
H. Whitman 47, *Jane Bone 43. Co:, Brockville, Ont.., and they will •
S. McBurney 249, A. Campbell 249, ' Mtn
' Sr. II Class --total 400 marks- A , ,, • I be mailed post paid at ..50e. a box or ,
A Frightful Blunder V. Pearen 246 P. McLean 219 *R ildWiliiii VW
, , R.
1 ltimi./alp six boxes for $2.50.
Will often cause a horrible Burn, Wheeler 207. • i
Huron County Council. •
a.'• ,
Salve, the best in the world, vvill kill the -- •
McLean, 243. Stuart meBurney 193, MRS. ROBERTS OF iY1ONTREAL TELLS
pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old A WONDERFUL STORY. The eounty council met in the •
Sores, Fever Soreb, Ulcers,Boils, Felons, E. Taylor 55. •court house on Tuesday aftei noom
Corns, all Skin Eruption®, Beet Pile —
cure on earth. Only 25 eta. a box. oars Part II Class ---Lily Pearen, J. ble- sHE WAS A P.UFFERER FOR SOmE SEVEN last week.
Callum and Elgin Anderson.
Scald, Cut or Bruise. Buoklen's Arnica Jr. IICIass-total 400 marks -L.
' guaran'...eed. Sold by Colin A. Campbell. ... YEARS, AND MEDICAL TREATMENT The first order of business was the
Part I Class -Bella Robertson and . "FAILED To EavE TIEN MORE THAN election of a wardmi for 1899 Dr ,
Henry Skian. • TEMPORARY RELIEF -A HERALD RE. Rollins, of Exeter, and B. S. Cook, of
Note.-Puptis marked with a star PORTER IEvESTIGATES THE CAsE. Howiek, were nOminated, li nd. a
From the Herald, Montreal.• ballot remitted in the electioo of the
missed part of the' examination.
ght it was something won• latter. Mr. Cook obtained nine votes
, J. E. COOMIsES; Teacher.. ..1 ifion - • •
been visiting friends on the 10th out helots sa " said Mrs. Annie Rob-. and Dr. Soiling seven.
The standing committees for .1899
Mrs. and Miss Woods .
who have - derful when I went three days with-
si-nce Xmas tire visiting friends in- t• .;•, '• ' were struck .ie. fel losysi., .. .. . ,
., . . .
eroges'aarepresentative of the Mont- -
Wroxeter this week. - • - - real Herald, referring to her remark- 1-EXectitive-s-Holis'. Mellwano,
The Misses McConnel of, Eden able recovery from an illness ofover Kerr, Hays, Torrance.
Mills have returned to their home 2-Spelial-Holt, MeEwan, 13:err, „
seven Jongyears. Mr and Mrs.Roberts
after an extended visit with friendsHays, Torrance.
reside at 34 Wolfe street, Montreal,
on the 9th and 10th.: and the reporter was cordially wel- 3--Finance-Rollins,. Miller, Mee.
Mr. John Beeeroft sen., is serious- Lean, Stuart, McInnes.
comed when he went to enquire as to
ly ill at present..4-Ed ucation-Rollies, Miller, Me- •
the truth of the report that Mrs. Rob -
Mr. James Taylor who bas mov- eras had been restored to health - Lean, Stuart, McInnes.
ed his saw mill to Marnoch is receiv- 5 -Roachr and I4ridgess-Snell Pat- •
through the Use of Dr. Williams'
Ingo large patronage of the farmers 'Pink Pills. Mr, and Mrs. Roberts . ..
tenon, Bowman, C.,tinolly,dhain hers.
of the vicinity, and is doing good came to Canadafrom England a httle- 6,-Cnuntv Property -Snell, Pat- ,
word at reasonable prices. . ' terson. Bowman, Connolly,Ohambers.
• more than five years ago, and Mrs. 7_Equalizati„a_Tite whnie.eenn_
Mrs, Peter King is making an ex- Roberts' illness began while still ina a.
tended visit with friends in Mienigan.
The following,- is the report for S. the Old Country. "I was really the .
victim of a combinatioe of troubles," 8 -Warden's -Stuart, Holt, ICerr,
- Connolly.
S. No. 9, for the month of January. •
says Mrs. Roberts, "For seven years,
The names are arranged in order ofexeruciating . ranee, stole
9 -House o: Refuge -Miller, Ten
merit ascertained by a .system of neuralgia, .with all its .
pains, has been my alai ist constant '.
.daily: .markings, deductions being attendnnt. Added to this I was at -
made for bad -conduct, lateness, etc. Archbishop ' Gauthier eon firmed
Sr. IV, --Maggie McDougall, Jennie tacked with rheumatism and pulpit- :
ation of the heart, and for the lest forty convicts at the Kingston pent-
Rintoul, Alberta Rintoul, Jennie . . . ,.
five veat•s, was not able to get out of ' tentiary.
• doors duriog the -winter months. '' Patti has settled $15 000 a y ear un
Shiell. .
Jr. IV -Frank Mills, Leslie Dea-
con, Roy Deacon, Emerald Anderson,Sometimes I felt as though. those ' Baron Cederstrone her liusbalid: '
Willie Elliett, Alex. McDougall. terrible pains in my head ;would •
The North ,, American Chair Co's
drive'me mad; my nerves were all' •
Sr."III.-Frank Shoebottom. ' factory at Owen Sound was totally
unstrung and a knock at the door
Jr. 111 -David Johnston, °Robby. would send me nearly crazy. 1 was . destroyed by lire on Tuesday morn*
285. hands are thrown out of
Sr., 111. -Bella McDougall, treated at different times by four a ing•
employment and th.e loss is fttimatecl
• mond .Elliett, Herbert SIAM!, Ro
Ray. doctors since corning to l'ilentreali but ..
Y without any lasting -good, and I had.: it osier $75;000.
Anderson, Alex. Rintoul. given up hope of ever being better .r. Winnipeg's phpnlation IS estimapecl
. Jr. II., -Willie Shoebottoni, How. on this side of the grave. A friend ! by the directory publishers at 49,000s
Sr, II. Part -Stanley Elliott. of -Mine whose father had been help-;
ard Shiell, Berlina Johnston.
Lows B. DUFF, teacher. by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, urged. Acute .Rheumatis'm
less for two years, but was restored ' ii
me to try them. My husband asked;
For the last couple of weeks the.
weather and On roads have been
very much mit of repair.
Mr. John Crowe, jr., is home from
:Stokes Bay and says, trait there is no -
snow tip on the peninsula.
Miss Annie McKay, left this week
for New York. She goes with the
Rev. Charles Rutherford and family,
formerly ofSt, Helens. •
Mr. Alex McRae and Angus Mc.
Kenzie are at the present on an ex•
t ended visit to friends and relations
on .the second concession. They are
artists in surae lines of considerable
Mrs. McDonald and son John from
Manitoba are at present visiting, at
Mr. John MeRae's, who is Mrs. Mc.
Donald's son-in-law.
Mr. Geo. Caslick has purchased
from Mr John Holmes, Whitechurch
a Cream Separator for use in his
dairy. He has also purchased a fine
young bull, which will. be quite an
acquisition to the vicinity.
Last Wednesday, Mr.Gett.Faleoner
bad a wood. bee, delivering' wood to
Wingham. It was a success and in
the evening he treated the young
folks to a social hop, which was still
• mere of a succeas.
Why is there not more of such
social gatherings where the young
folks can meat and tedulge in in•
nocent enjoyment •for a few hours in
the long winter evenings Why,
we asOwhy ?
Dr. Rollins., of Exeter, polled the
largest vote in the county for County
Councillor, his vote being 1522.
• Carefully washed, properly ironed,
orreetly finished and fairly priced -
that's the history of your linen when
hrouglit bere. Not a thing in our
'washing preparations to injure the
fibre of the goods and not dtbing
=healthy about our work rooms.
Leave Orders at Carr's Feed Store,
As I have an immense spring
tock arriving: I must have room to
put it, hence for 15 days, I shall seli
. -not old shelf stock), but up -to
(late nesi goods at cost. Remember
' this Is no wind, but actual faets. You
e.tn save money hy attending this
'le at onee. Fair dealing. Extra
4pairing promptly attended to.
1 iesh Beef andPork.
La , Bologna
Pickled Pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacon 'Sausage
Smoked Ham Pressed Beef
Side Pork Tripe •
Cern Beef Pressed Tongue
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c.,
always on hand.
Our prices aro .right, Orders
called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town.
Yourpatronage solicited
P g
Tortowro, CANADA.
Leading Newspaper of
the Dominion.
*HAS' 12000 more regular cirtmlation
-every day tilad* it had in 1897, and nearly
-4,000 mo. kJ than one year ago.
Ta Q Saturday Illustrated
wail its 24 II. 22 pages every Saturday, its
t ated supplement, its many epeels1 totems -
Short 9tories and Sketchy Atheles-besides having
the enrrout news of the day, has become a strong
rival to the limit monthly magazines.
You can have TILE GLOBE every day and tho
Saturday Illustrated 161 about the same price as
you Imre to pay ter many of the smaller denies •
If ss had several new festures added, )inn alt the
sows of the week concise form, arid kt eps Ito
solders ill•OlOPT much with every part of tht. %old,
end more especially o'ir ewe county,
Sub:caption retell and foil 'particulate den he bad
cis ties race f•tr hi4 paper, any newsdealer or post.
master, or send IRMA to
Toronto, oda,
Keep in mind that Scott's
Emulsion contains.the hypo -
These alone make it of
great value for all affections
of the nervous system.
It also contains glycerine,
a most valuable, soothing
and healing agent. Then
there is the cod-liver oil, ac-
knowledged by all physicians
as the best remedy for poor
blood and loss in weight
refused to abolish the Statute Labor
These three great remedial , bum bug. dOne:reto.e than give me tettiporary Wit.taam RASirleT11, yartinsan, Grand,
relief, and their treatmeht was inu_a P
.1 i TkunkRailroadae ot 13rautford °Maio.
agents blended into a creamy !wane-sum/It, TRUSTWORTHY MM. more expensive. The past slimmer Hood's Sarsaparilla
the doctor who was attending me Pains in the '.Feet and Llinb-A
Mrs, Geo. Barber, Is in Elora, vis- what he thought of them, and the Complete cure Acconv
iting with her aunt, who is very lished by
doctor replied that he believed them Hood's Sarsaparilla.
ill. • to be a good medicine. This per
"For a number of years 1 was :.„.tiapted
Mr. David Lusk, who has been the suaded me to begin their use. No
with acute rheumaticmi m
guest of his mother at the, Methodist one who sees nte now can form any and ill the way down mylith
'ne to Meaford to idea of my. condition when I began foot. I live five blocks froM m • l .rand
parsonage has gotaking Dr, Williams'Willis' Pink Pills, and had to atop and rest severalthe- n•going
visit with his daughter, previous to
leaving for his home in Saskatoon, g. I had only taken three boxes when and coming. I could get u0 relief fl'ona
W. T. • I began to re,cover. But seven my trouble and Was Ori the point ot Or -
Miss Bessie Wilson was in Galt, years of pain had nearly shatt
ered: Ing up my job when 1 happened to hear of
attending the wedding of her cousin. tny constitution and I did not look nocd's Sarsaparilla, Ipumhased a bottle
of this medicine and a vial ot Hood's Pills
Mr. J. A. Snell, was visiting with for a speedy recovery, and I was
and began taking them. Before 1 had
Molesworth friends last week. more than gratified to find 'that after
half finished them I was relieved and it
Miss 14.1vel3n Evans Is visiting re. I had used I think about a clomp was not long before I was completely
Tp. p
By a vote of 558 to 147 Minto ,
and a balf boxes, I was fully restor•
cured. 1 newer lose an opportunity to
ed to healthIt seemed ail tile raise model sarsaparilla, Or my owe
latives in Harriston. both hi England and here miter Ity eud must always 'be et my post."
more wonderful beeause the doctors i meant a great deal to me tie 1 gain a tam.
• Safig In this state te Manage Mir business in •
Emulsion, make a remark-. I
foigr nun end risarby eoulities It is mainly tillice was the first in years that I really is tho best -in fatt the One True Moottlerriter.
life, and I Wail able to go on ' sold by All artigoso. st; fOr $6,
work cominettni home. Salary straight S900 9 eRjOyed.
able tissue builder. et.r.m1 expo...Aro-definite, betintitle no more. no
less sal it‘ Monthly tl75. References Enclose a visit to Radnor Forges. Dr. Wil.
sac. end St.co, ati druggists. ' sel, -addles:al Stemped'envelopp, lIetheit E. Hess, rale 1.111VIDiiII figro.
storr tc,,ROV:X7'..t.henti Sor61140. I Pi est., Dept H. Ohica90. Hams' Pink Pills have also been of 11001:I'S Pills it'll -moll -wed,. IS *ask