HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-02-03, Page 2' •%! , • , .1.111111111RWROPPITOrrr'-' •Ok •"` ....•••1.1111X ••••••••••140.....14...1••••••••••••••••••• Mitis Louie White, of Clinton. hats 1,aterary Notes, . Let for Red Deer, Alh rat, to 111 the Annoilito .t ot tech r the bele Industrial School at that point at. .gotxl Glad health is worth mere: than any- thing &,tri to ?, on, anti trk ery bottle of o nat.ficis &owl health • The Peburary number of the Del WINCIHAM: TIMES, FEBRUARY a,. 1899. UNFADING COTTON OYES. I • 14A/1"IDeViC)14BN „,1Take.the Help that South Amerlean ••.ii44PIEL TIT.TRIT ineator is called, the Midwinter Num- 'Special East Diamond Dyes tor Dot. Nervine Offers and berWell, Strong her, and presents a variety of Mils I ton That WM Not IllfitSb. Qat and 4isppY• trations and descriptions of present in. Soapsuds. Miss Lucinda Downer, of Teesivater, and prospeotive styles in every de- Ont., had a very severe attack of mei - pertinent of dress, a number of liter. arial fever. It lett her very week. It ia ebsalutely impossible to get a at nuidelind threatened with nervous pro- fe 'tree tl it notite the toegazine ti str tion South American Norma was Eisex tilvicea growers rata et to - . , . anii etinstactory eolor ou eottou from lei a . • a ry AM ti one or tne west tesdanle atm() ill011Lfl, anille ti; Pe as are used for woolen goods ' Niumeeci to her and she tried it, sell ito V onnti per pound. , i e Ther tvgether wait diseussion of great mid. for that, reason Diamond Dyee bevel 4.tter taking a few doses she reit greet think tlei it will be ii, ralee of seine 2 houseimid interest, in noteele! a speoialle prepared line of fast eolore benefit. She emanated taking it until women In English society (second !von. is au want to color cotton aud - - -- ---- ----. p iper) Mrs. Fenwick Miller otoupletes mixed geode t)e gore to get the feat 1)ia- a --es......., gran/hie, attractive sketch ul' the ; mond Dyes for cotton, as they will give colors that wIll not fade even by wash- ,,peronalities of prominent eharacters mg in strong soapsuds or exposure to --. iEngland to day, Tae Commander • C t t will 'ivo erfeot satisfao- six.bottles were used, when, to use her ow ri worde, ',I was completely•restorad to health. can recommend it as a great reuoedy." Sold by A., L, Hamilton, What Expansion Costs, or 3 cent, • ' PP. r * Cif the Gnat, CA the satue dft tiny (ruler tries to Sell you„v, ortug wool, -do not sta.,. Riddle Davis, IS a storyeliarmy tlarrit”I .are unrelieble trdePt torsLie color cotton as he woo., irria ot the recent wee. '"g r(1mance sell youuch dyes _ Alice Illey.! it, es s ultrteri tIblaeh another zeooll the mujo e sttokl tu'ld hsitaglY in the series, on the tel onwhriot?; (d.eaoes will ruin innateirn- &"3 2, ma= es s oevalaemen,.. no me buy I . Thera are ser are used, different •kioda of . b ,” work Dien:mud Dyegte nr4Y (!?A n the now color that you so that you can °IA' Be usiug The United States is having a chance to figure up what glory costs. It is a. glorioushoast fur an American that the sun never sets on the Stars and Stripes but like other European ornaments such as coronets, enr1- en play . , . ' different streugths any desirect shade them U1 dOMS, ete., it Itket3 a pie ef dollars to buy it, The New York World, Kindergarten series, by Sarah Miller 'ocoaniorobearneitriod%rd nil the fashionable Kirby, outlines', constructive leesous Yrigottnlitivieatiese dyes. one of the journals that was hungry' based on the conirneitiorative days uf To get a 44, war with all its accompaniments, pee of the Diamond Di ea Fest .13l;oks.u7'h°enree ihbals' been doing some tiguring arid it the month. It. the serics on tire three different kinds, for wool, for Cultivation of the Voice by Eleatier , makes the price of the new empire dull feathers. They uolor a rich, full values of the conbotaints. The Meek that ottonot im distinguished from For the Phillipines $ 20,000.000 papers on inflamer photography, by s Nicaragua canal 150,006,000 new goods. tub concluded Diamond DyeS, are preoareal specially Hecker -Alger Ouban Itiilwa3., 20,000,000 by She. lot M. Hall, for home use,. With war; simple direo- Porto Rican railway in this number hy another article on none, so that it fie but little trouble or Cuban, Porto Rican telegraph 3,000,0110 essential formulas. A group of sug- work to use th in. A. dir otio ' book 2.000.000 geStionS tbr church fairS, a Rememb. will be sent free o any address.en Wells Heti:nail:in Phil) pin' &„Itichardson Cu, Mootreal, Que. Telegraphs'andl- 'Inset': in.• 1 '50 91°°° ranee party, a Calico Carnival and, a Mother Goose Fatr and an entertaita SICA RelEABRI4J1lee rositivoly cured -fog 1•7740.9 4.1ttIea '• They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia. Tx:digestion god Too Hearty Eating, A per- feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, :Crowd- s:less, Ball Taste in the Mooth, Coated Tongue :rain in flan Side, TORPID LIVER. The!, Reg...ate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. $trati Pm. Om an Der70.: ,41 Small PrEcoo. . loci Vo.e.i'lmod. of the ...lay. Sec you cct Carter's, Ask.for Carter's, •. insist and demand • Philippines ' 10,000,000 Subsidies for steamships to Cuba 10,000,000 • Poor at a Bargain. Subsidies for Pacific: lines 10,000,000 . ixtent for St. Valentine's Day, provide . Subsidies under Presiderit's plan SUCCESS. ' for general revi al of men chant marine • 25,000,000. The old saying, "His head will Revenue ouster ser ice • 2,500,000 simple entertainithrhavo a particular never save his halide" has many material fur lively social eneuyment; and the household subjects, 'frozen puddings, a ; ehapter on soup and value in the domeitie economy. Inillustrations, and in this story it has addition there are the usual depart- a* most forcible application. ments that hive emu ibated to este- "Well, Caleb," said Capt.' W., of blish the magazine, as the leadrr of Massachusetts, years ago, "what its class. Club Women and Club will you ask a day to saw wood for Life, by Helen M. SVinsluw, Plets, me? I've got several cords that I Interests and Occupations by -Late. want sawed in two for the tire Carter's Little Liver vette MeLews, nod College News, by place." iCarolya Ha Istettd, covering. a wide "I should charge you. about half tHEALTHY NAPPY WOMEN, range of titnely times; fancy stitches a dollar a day if I had a' saw," re - and embroidories, by Euuna Hay pl:ed Caleb, "But I ain't got none, wood Social Observances th;s. Dsess• captain, so I don't see how I cad • ' pain and Weakness Banished ' ' , = Heart and Nerve Pins. ting, Crocheting, Tatting, the New "If that's all that's lacking, 1 , guess we can manage it," said the the Spanish fleet. In their joy they this am& Thousan s write t a .y ' It's sad to think that so many women est Books, est. have been completely cured of rheum - 'I suffer from pain, Weak Spells, Heart' Order from the.-lenal agent for c tptain. • . "rye got a prime nevi demanded that the trophies of these il letit togreat vietories should be decora.ted atistn by Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 Palpitation, Sinking Sensations, Butterick Patterns, on a ress t e oue, l brier.and 1' teen as a . through the use of Milburn's maker, Killinery,Lace Mincing, Keit. accomodate 011. Expansion of navV (next five - years • 45,000,000 Expansion of army (Alger plan) 350,000,000 Sanitation,etc., in tropioal cities 25;000,000 Fortifications, dry docks, bar- racks, arsenals ere., Pearl Harbor, Page Page, Mardia, . Subig Bay, Havana, Sand- ° imo, San Juan 125,000,000 Total WAS:1,000,000 • That the people of the Union are Wht lq° G4 kod tut 4 j'1,;s;Ak 16... 6.".. L... 6 , Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a. harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is- thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish.. ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and. Wind Colic. Castoria. relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates • the Stomach and Dowels of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the C/kildren's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria. "Castoria is an excellent medicine for • " Castorin Is so well adopted to children children. Mothers have repeatedly told. me that I reconuueud it es superior to any pro- of its good effect upon their children." scription known to me." DR. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. II. A. Aatuna, M. D. Brook/rn, 2V .Y THE FAC—SIM1LE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. TMC CCNTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STRACT. NPIA• vonn CITY. .n9trj•rvit7oF.rr'.P3r5,!rg•VsiksoQo'o,to.e•A''ia,FF'a'r:7747YrO_4.11O7•Z'?'W(gKVtciarXfft°ga •. . How it Hurts! made happy by the prospect of this 'judicious" expenditure would only Rheumatism. with its sharp. twinges, be reasonable to suppose. They shouted for war, barreled, for Dewey, cause ? Acid. in the blood has accumu- lated in port. joints,. The cure, is found • acnes and pains. Do you know the and went wild when Sampson sunk in flood'. Sarsaparilla whioh oeutralizes 41T, Delineator Publishing Co.,of Toronto, you reasonable. • How would nine- with Old Glory for all thee. HOOD'S PILLS aural natation, sick • Linaited, 83 Riehinend street 'West, pence a cord du for the use of it.' in gntbc illiantgidcooitttettipert, li:eacdozottz: lel usness, iod igestion. ?rice Toronto, Ontario. "1 reckon that's a fair price, is iBiolltLeipilisdteamt ieP Subscription price of the Delineatori and, be over in the conquerors.. Wm. J. , Bryan always • f I 1* .6 • k • Bright and early the next July public feeling, is 'out against. "ex- Coal tar placed in the drinking! 01.00 per year, single copies lo et enorning." . quick td detect the turn in the.tide of • ti water .iseetecif the hest remedies for morning Uttleb was at work, and he P • will be, undoubtedly, the great nevet upon which Count Tolstoy has been kept at it so faithfully that he finish- reluctantly, took the obscure seat to . , runniegnoetril. Avoiding the drafts , 1 h to Winch ex -presidents are relegated, • will prevent it. , h a y or , t I anti Impetielist and in his new role' promises to once more become a fie - were to have half.a dollar a day ; t • d e P'lls Russian Quakers. It'• is generally ed befote suriset, w ien e went laboring hi order tbat he might de• has emerged from his seclusion as • 0 ' . e...; f k Nese:ea-neve Sieeplessness--who 'Could VOLe the proceeds to the transoortateithe house tossettle. ELTON'S UMPS Will stand wear and. tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fad that some of these pumps .put ••_in wells.. 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUIVIFS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St, opposite Beatties Livery. I* d 1. • JOHN PELTON, g, 'be restored to the full enjoyment of per- ' ' ion to Canada of three thousand feet nealto by a few boxes of Milburn's • Let s see, BAH the captain, you There can be no question. about the believed by his friends that this •"0 L'" Y. e And you were to me good in that the silver question vvill • . • t- tor in American politie,s. The fight promises to be, bitter and naay do efficacy ef this remedy. Thousands of sundown yet. , That's 50 cents for: P will probableamark the conclusion for it. here is the testimony of Mrs. of Collnt Tolstoys Literary career. .Gilleo,I.7.:sley Street, Moncton, N.D. Not merely on this account, hut be; nine.penee geed for the lase be crowded opt of the place it prmnise • "33 Milburn's Heart and 4.3 cents due me. Sumehow,Caleb, the hArt, too -ether with pains or world over: It is S. profound study women, ;a ;found it do all that is cis.; med 011. pay • • CAT' .R If errs ate desired for hatchm use 2 year old hens,, of the. saw. There were three cords be .•• ed to hold as the enaine issue in t • cause of the subpet treatea; it will 't :Nerve Plias I use2 to suffer untold agony and a half in the pile ; that makes itteVittles-Ctinaft&s"ilii;NAKIEN coming presidental election. t Tf rom violent headaches, irregular action attract the widest attention the •spaerne io various -parts of my body. of the'life of man and woman, and yea don't have 'very tench coming • A DRUGGIST'S FAITH. to vou . „ 6.1(4e:ones I felt so weak that I was treats of the three phases of love— ere tinut'it• to look after my domestic duties. no fortnit,'' said Caleb Best Remedy. • 7 lit•We'r,"‘. 1 bad to endured -11s worry and that, of the youth, that of the young -"OW ' after scratching his bead dubiously A druggist's testimony of the popular- troable. because all the remedies I tried man, that of the man of mature age. Iailed to give me relief, haitil happily 1 The Cosmopolitan Magazine annouh- for halfkai minu.tte. and then looking' - ity of a remedy is the strongest kind of I•heardal.lilbura's Heart and Nerve Pills. tat up clu'e y, as i a new light lied a proof that it will di5 what it promises. es that it has secured the sole rig ellow Paul Livingood, druggist, of Allentown', : I had only been taking them a short time of , * broken in upon his mind. . , ,when I felt greatly benefited. This en- puolication. ‘'• - • What's Most Called For Must -Be the I Pa., soya . , r. Agnew'a remedies have . unfortnit that you didn't have half a sold away beyond my expectations, You ccouragecl me to continue their use until • a complete cure was effected. • cord more, for then ,we'd 'a' come can quote me for saying that, Dr. Ag - "1 have not been troubled with a head- out jest square !" new's Catarrhal Powder is the best sell - ache riace taking there .pills. They in- 4 CA.RD. (creased any appetite,Invigorated my en- tire system', and gave me back my old time ss vrigth and vigor." I. Take toixttrLiver Pill before- retiring. , 'Twill work whit., you steep without a trip or tribe. 11151 17.1111,C yeti feel better In tho • Anorrting. P1 -co 28c. Sold by all druggists. • 1 A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS and COLDS The Canadian Remedy for alt THROAT AND LUND AFFECTISHS Large Bottles, 25 cents. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lintited, 8 Prop's, Petry Davis' Pain Killer, 0 ...444~4.40400000§ Near York Montreal EMELSION COMArifeTION Md an Satire; DertlEASES. rRPITTIN or 8.O0�, POEM, L�514 .015' APPETIT*, losseurrio the bendier et' this article are snort manifest. By the aid of Theta. & 1..itinulsion, 1 brae (• • gotten rid of:thanking cove:v*111th bad troubled area* over a rev, and have gained consider- ably in 'freight. 'r, if. VINCIIIAO C.Z., Manurial. • fee. • of Oc "" 't 1, . er for catarrh 'I have in the store. Many lifr. Ed. HeIntzumn, 208 Monroe Ave., Hoboken, my.customers praise it highly." It is N. J. li mon %rho are weak and. who dedre a Good e housekeeping teeserves a great remedy and has a continental re- ' speedy and perfect cure to write to• Romanbe. potation. Sold by A. L. Hamiltou. Dr. Gustav H. Bobertz, • 35'2 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. "1 think one reasorl why the marri-1 . Conundrums Answered. ed life so often teo little romance in I 'What river is without a beginning it is because the engaged life has had'l and ending ? 8 ever -n. • There's Millions in it. nothing else," writes Helen Wetter- Wey are two t'is like hops ? son Moody in the • Feburary Ladies' • The pine timber that grevvein the Greenock swamp has been sufficient to make one man alraost a milliota aire but if Sandy Symons has diag- nosed the swamp correctly, the pine is the least of all the Holies which. the swamp contains.. 'First there is the peat. Mr. Symons has figared is out that there are MilliOOS upon millions of tons of peat in that swamp, and says that machinery will soon be put in to manufacture it. Then there is salt. Away down some. wnere under that peat bed, there is stilt enough to pickle everything on this earth that is in danger of Spoil- ing, but as salt is a plentiful cora• modity it isnot worth bothering with at present. But Mr. Symons is not done yet. Some time ag ered a rocky formation a depth of r discov. about eight feet, that I oked like marble and this marble is going to turn out the greatest gold. mine of all. Capitalists have been looking info it, and it nowsbems certain that i. otoaot on a 'laic scale will soon Imo greht. institution is u.ov000k swamp, Because they make beer better. Home Journal. "I know of no pre. What is that whieh lives in ;inter servation of romance in 'married life dies in summer and grows with its so sure as good housekeeping. and II roots upward ? An ieicle. know of rio profession so serious so Wh',t'8 the difference bebween the absorbing, so demanding preparation . earth and the sea ? One is dirty, and skill as the profession of the the other tidy, • housewife. When a young woman Why is geology considered a deep marries she as really enters upon the science? Because it penetrates deep practice of a life profession as does a . linto the earth. young man when he is itclnaittea to the bar or puts out a little sign with M. D. upon it after three or four years spent. in preparation. The man, yott see, is willing to equip once in a thousand years ? The himself fully for his part of the part- letter M. nership. Does it seem businesslike Why is A like 12 o'clock? Toil and in good faith for a woman to know, middle of day. take the place of the second partner, You like to pay a good price and with a more indifferent training, or have the finest work, of course, but vett none at all? I would have the what is that of which the eon tnon young girl who hag committed her- sort is best ? Sense. self to an engagement undertake at What could you all a barrel with once a, -course in practical housefteep. and make It lighter than it was big." . when empty ? Holes. What is most like a hen stealing? Why a cock robin ta be sure. What is that oeears twice in a moment, once in a minute and not Children Ory for CASTO R I A Nothing so effective for olleolOng sev. ere Coughs and Colds as Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Pries 25o., all dealers. • 10, A acpok for Young and 0/d. RK..0.‘ORD. k j -z51418713 14 ( 250,00o' !irx 'ii DISUSED ' 1 1 7ME 5, pERvous., so00 • pmVATE DiscASES 'htf AA . „ • •• 2502000 CURED when ignorant of t e terrible crime you ',St YOUNG EIA?t r ir xns n ALT Wet° oonottitting. Didyettonlyconsider thelasoinating allurements of this evil e habit? When too into to avoid tho tor- 4, rihloresults, were your eyes opened to e your peril.? Did vouolater on in man- hood contract anyPRWATIlor13LOOD dise.s.o? Woreyoueured? Doyennes( and then see sotto alarming syreptems1 Dare yoil marry in Year anosent son- ditinn? You know, "IIIKE FATHER, LIED SON." If married. are you con- stantlyllvingin dread? Is inarringe a failuretvithyoszonacooCfltof any weak. zoo caused by early abuse or later ex- r. cones? Have you been dragged with inerculy? This bookletwillpointoutto ; youth() results of these erknes endpoint out how our NEW METHOD TREAT, MEET Will positively mirerm., Sholys howthousandshaveboen saved bY - our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO CURE : ANY CURABLE CABE OR NO PAY. ° Wo treat and onto--ElVfISSIONS, VAR:ION/EDE, SYPHILISo GLEE'f KritTOTURA,_IMPOTENCY. S. ORE'f DRAINS,__UNNATURAL CHARGES, KIDNEY and BLADDER , diseases. r CURES GUARANTEED "Tho 'Orem' of Sin" sent free br • °Wooing So stamp. CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to call, writ() for NK QUESTION BLAfor DOME TREA.TMEN T. renege KENNEDYA KERGAN Cor. Michigan Avei.and Shelby St, ; fi DETROIT, MICH, K K&K K&K K 'iringham. On caveats and Trade-Marirs obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE PEES. Afr office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office. and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed, Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, witib description and statement as to advantages claimed. Aiil•Wo eh a rgo i5a made for an.opinion as tr. vuenntabilignf, and any fee for prosecuting rho applicatien soul me be calla for until lila pliant * allowed. "Inverrross', Genoa," car> tattling fuil information sent free. All COMMlinba cuticula Considered as Strictly Eonfldentlair FRANKI.IN H. HOUGH two r ss,cwatta .. • So YEARS" ' EXPERIEN9e• • TRADE MARKS DCSIGNS. COPYRIGHTS 840. Anyone sending a sltetch and description MO cutokly ascertnIn our opinion flea 'whether en, invention is probably natertahle. cominunkre, tions strietlyeontidentinl. Handbook on Patent" sent free. Oldest agency for seeming Patents. Patents taken'through Munn " CO. l'oceivet apecialnotice, without chance, in tho . $CittitifIC - & A handsomely illuntrated eokly, tarot ciliation of any selonttfic Jon_rnal, ,,,,rerres,L.$3 ifitiiirintsdths, II. Sold bY Mil Wyk 0 36 1 Broadway, New or Stanch ordco. 420 P St,. 'Washington. 13. V. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISR IN THE TIMES A a