HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-02-03, Page 14 VOL XXVII. ---NU. 1398. CLOSING OUT SALE Everything at. Cost and Below. Business must be wound up by April 1st, until which time we shall offer unheard of bargains. Everything goes -Dry Goods, Or- •-'dered Clothing, Ready-made Cloth- • ing, Boots rand Shoes, house I+ urnish- • rings, Millinery, • Gents' Furnishings, "Groceries, &c. In fact the whole of our immense stock, .Our necessity is your opportunity. Enough said. 'Perms Spot Cash. Owing to the continued illness of Mr. Bowles, we have decided to wind In order business, d •u.p our presentsloess, to facilitate the winding up and da :it as quickly as possibler we shall • offer the whole of our stock AT •COST OR BELOW, as everything must be sold. All outstanding accounts must be uot later than FebruaryZ 25th. Accounts not paid by that date BUST he placed for collection, Kindly note that trade: cannot; be -Accepted on past due accounts, cconn is ,but wilt be taken the. same as cash on • geode low purchased. V e wonl d ask as .a favor that 'all due bills against• the firm bo presented at •+once. Thanking you f5r past favors, We remain, yours respee.tfully, • 116M111111 & BOLES • IT PAYS TO ATTEND, y, IN HA 11 WING�AM, 0NTA R.IO. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1809. A YEAR IN ADVANCE, rwaseiaaasellsrattsatalsevaenelhasai Teas:o;iare lataa WAseen •-15 and •30 A LEADER Hamilton's 5c Heliotrope Soap, the best in town at HAMILTON'S -DRUG STORE WIDICIIAM. fe-t long ; fur price &o,, apply to 1MeLeau ik Son. I,TUOvnee—The ma 'y friends of Mr. T. E. Blwler, who has ten seriously ill at the horse of his pare.=ts in Orahgeville, will be pleas .d 1 o Teat: that he is on the , mend, and is improving beyond expecta. tion. Fane ALAuMs.—Thin ,day of last week was a day for chimney fres in Wirighitm. Two alarms cf fire wen given during the afternoon. The first . was caused by a burning chimney at tilt Advapce oflice,and _ later one of the chimney -it of the town hall was the cause of anothe, alarm. Meares; To LOAN. —The undersigned has a limited amount of money to loan on first- class security at a, low rate of interest, 4 in, \,\i'nI. ROBERTSON. LOCAL NEWS. Send In 'your nai For the TI1, One dollar— me year. Read a live local paper and get the news. See Halsey Park's advertisement. Dr. Butler, of London, will be at the Queen's hotel, Wingham, .on the first Wednesday of each month from 11.30 a.m, till 3 o•eiock p. m., for consultation in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. THE Geii'.—There i considerable sick- ness in town from tliFf la grippe which has struck the province it an epidemic form. Among those who ha es been afflicted are Rev W Lowe, Wm A ooro, i) M Gordon, Jas A Cline and E C Clarke. WANTED. --Choice turkeys undrawn 10o. Butter 10c to 17o, also dried aNP lei;. Rew. Furs.—Best fox 51.75, beet wtuk..51.75, hest eootail0o. G.tE: Mato.. EFFECTS OF Anvin zsi\o — On Friday last a number of small bills were printed at this office, and soatterea around toilet, stating that a lady's gold watch and chain had been loss. On Saturday morning the article was returned ,.o its owner. It al- ways pays to advertise. KEYS Lose.—Lost in town on Tuesday, a large hunch of keys ,with long chain at- taobed to ring. Pinder will be suitably rewarded by lean ing, them at Sweats' hotel. CENTRAL BUSINESS . COLLEGE STRATFORD. - ONT.. DON'T WAIT for something to turn 'etl.•p--get a business education and turn .isomething .up. Aotive, educated and wall -trained young men and women are 'wanted everywhere. We admit students r at any time. Write for airoulars. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal. • lliarrtage Ltoellsea , issued by FRANti PATEttsorl, No 23, Vie- . .tor•ia•atreet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. CHEAP READING ! Our Clubbing List. In order to nuc -oar snbsoribers the trouble of snaking t,vo or more remittances we have made 1 t t a , which arrangements with the 1 h ,11 ho y special sial I p • r li^ we are enabled to offer the following rte � p ih .. ations in oenneotion with the WIIf611AM TIME'S at special IOW rates from now. until Deo. aid, 1600. 31 26 'Times aMoho, nd Weekly oho, 'Times and Western Advertiser, • i 40 "Tiueea and t�anilIy llerald and Weekly Star 1 76 and Picture • Thew and Ir arntere' Advnosto, • 1 00 "Times and Farming, weekly, • Times and Montreal weekly Witness, • "Timed and Farmots' Sun, ''Times mrd Daily Glebe "Tihles afld may World - • 1 75 1 00 1 0 4 25 n THE NEW HAnnWAB' got h;s stock of goner tinware, paints, oils, out in the old post o ready for business Mr S E Kent has l hardware, stoves, etc, nicely pponel s store and is now He invites the trade of the public Oro gh the advertising columns of the TIMES Waxman.—A good c •iving horse, immed- iately, in exchange fo farm implements, piano er organ. Appl to T I1 Boss. To Save TIME.—Thifollowing from the Stratford Beacon she ws how the G T R wants to increase its a oalth. "The G T R management have ported notices on the roundhouses and car shops on the system, that hereafter employees will get their monthly pay on Sundays. This ie''to he lossof tin e involved bya in obviate tci p Y d On week days." e MEN WA*t•rEn.—Men who ere accustomed to bush work ran secure employment by applying to McLean & Son. HOLIDAYS or 1899. L Shrove Tuesday will fall on February lath, Ash ' W ednes• day on February 1lit1✓ Good Friday on March 31st, and . Eus er, April 2nd. May Day will come on a i onday, the Queen's Birthday comes on Saturday. Dominion Day on Saturday, and Labor 1 ay on Monday. September tember th. Christmas Day •ae. her w n o Tbere er 1h•bits +f ,pigeons, s ss e i c .zt o t•tea on •fonds . i g cot A Y MORE IMIO 0VEMENT5, a tr. Colin A Campbell, the local agen of the Bell Tele- phone Co, is bound to k p the office up to the•standard, as regard all the latest im- provements. This w k a dandy private cabinet has been placed in tb nice and other repairs have bee madeso as• to keep the office in Wing am in line with the best offices of the c mpany. For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings try Webster & Co.Itemeinba;r- the place, in Queen's block. HIRAnr LEMMEx's Fu: EnAL —The fnreral of the late Hiram Ler wex took place at 2,30 o'clock Friday e.eruoon last, from his late residence, earner Victoria and Shiner streets to the .Vingliam cemetery. Services were conduct d at the hoose and grave by Rev Dr Pasco a. The pall -bearers were : Messrs .7 J 23 imutb. T .A. Mills, John Helm, Halsey Pieek, Wm Holmes and and ''.'hos Holleran. "i11r E Lemmex, of Harricton, brother of he deceased, attend- ed the funeral. Cutters went good. I have ordered a oar, load of buggies from the same firm. Don't buy until you see Inc. 21. H. toss HURON'S POULTRY Snow. — The third annual exhibition of •the Hurcn Poultry and Pet Stock Assoc. ation held at Clinton on Tuesday, Wednea'ay and Thursday of last week, was the most successful yet held by the Association. Considering it as a country affair, the er4ry list of -675 birds must be regarded as r n exceptionally large entry. At Goderic • last year the entries were 418. Mr Barbi as' judge, and it is sat satisfaction to all th entries of Langshans largest, especially in tle whites, and com- petition was very kee horns which was also followed by the breed order :— Game, Han Brabams, Cochlea Mande and Hantbt birds, and were speci ladies. The caner Green wood wanted .n 'au g. PEL'roN's •Psoas, r J ehn Patton prep.irlug fur to 'are - business in the line the coining El n- on. He wi fact+u•e a lane num er o° p Ueathfeld's rap' Balsam n • and will he able to e, -i1 them t frnm ' •.-50 ,:n. Any 1 person needing anyt ting in Mr. Pelton's eat '9.f.eld's line shoal l site hint call at his chop, near Beattie ,Rios' li ery. Balsam T,HE Ezso.—W:nt m is posseased w•th , a champion heavywe ght prize -light. r. On - Tuesday afrerr'oon in a quiet spot in our town this heavy wci t knocked out two of our beat mr n in th For Coughs and 0044 Bronchitis, Asthma.. r, of Toronto, acted. 1 that he gave good exhibitors, The nd Rocks were the , then came Leg - well filled, closely s in the followin '' burgs, Wyandott •,, nd I o]auds. 1e rgs were handsome JIYby admired the es consisted of six guinea pigs- twopent- by Colin Campbell, , Men's and boys' overcoats, and )adies' of tiudench ; a ltanlsome pale of pea fowls, by S Appleby, of Loiidesboro, be- sides ataxy others. At a meeting held during the show, it -vas decided to hold the next allow at Seaforth, and that it be open to all cowers. The following new officers were electeda—President, J Ward, Seaforth ; Ist Vice, W Carter, Clinton ; Sud Vice, W Taylor, Wingham ; Srd Vice, L Kennedy, Clintor ; Secretary. J Wil- son, Seaforth ; Dc eetors, Goderich, E Munro, W Ross andIO Campbell ; Cliutun, G Swallow,A. J Gii ;g and Thos A Walker : Mullett, Wm Wallace, Thos McMichael and S Appleby ; Lleknow, J Bryan, A. McCorvie and J C: ,Lyons; Seaforth, Dr Scott, H Johnson end J Tyrewan, Wing - ham, Jas Aendesaon, and Jos Gray; Wroxeter, John B=nard ; Varna, Wilson Cook ; Brucefield, iVesley Boyce; Exeter, J Jewell and W 'jading. The largest number of prizes c'ere won by W Carter, of Clinton, olosely,followed by .A. J Grigg, Clinton ; I Q Lygns, Lucknow, and W The Wingham exbib- howing, from the list of notice that W Taylor , two seconds and two 3*arson, five firsts and eph Gray, four firsts, marc ;les will be sold here at ebout half price for the next thirty clays. First choice always the best. D M Gordon. 'PAnaon SocxAL.—011vette Lodge. No. 34, Daughters of Rebecca, will bold a parlor • eocial in the I 0 C I' hall, on Tuesday evening, February 7tI , at 8 o'clock. ' A goc.d programme of instrumental and vocal music, readings recitations, etc., is being l.repared, after .which refreshments will be served. • All are cordially invited. GRAND WELCOME —The Canadian Fores- Silver collection at tl e door. ter for January, co ,tains a notice of the FIturria Owens. — Fruit growers and public reception tendered by: Court Glen, flower lovers should s'aid a post card to the Canadian Corder of=Foresters, of Brant- Canadian Horticultu' ist, Grimsby, for a ford, to the High Treasurer, Mr John free sample of the beentiful January num Neelands, who m eyed from Wingham ber of that journal, 41ieh begins a naw some time ago to th .t city. WINomAM MARBLE WORKS purchased the marble and formerly owned by al this town, we wish Wingham and s series, enlarged and i reproved. It contains — Having articles from the bes . authorities on fruit anite business and flower growing, -vith numerous half - r Vanstone, of tone illustrations. This is its 22nd year, o form the people of and its circulation i; now 5,000 copies per r• nding country that month. It has beoot e the leading author. we are prepared • do all kinds of marble ity on fruit growing or the Province. and 'granite work. We would like very IDEAL FOUNTAIN I NB.—The great factor much if anyone regaining anything in this in economizing time as the pen—the foun- line would see us before purchasing, as we t yip pen. Water non's Ideal Fountain make a specialty of grange work. Pen will save you b• th time and money. Coo an un & Jonmao o, No business man si ould be without it. Ingham and Brussels. This pen is not like :he average fountain pen ; it is always ready ; is more easily managed than any cAter, and never fails to come to the "aerate ." In short, it is the beet pen in the worl . From the Wall Street Reporter, Dee 19611,1807. Piton mus WEsx MiGeo S Andereon,of Hamiota, Man, has be •n spending a few days with old friends n this vioinity. Mr Anderson was at one time head sawyer for his uncle, Mr .1 J ,nderson, in his saw Mill in Wingham. It fid ten years since he left here and has been engaged in the con- tractieg and but ing tine in the West, and has done well. He notes, with pleasure, the many improvem� town since he left he keep himself posted parte as he renewed 'Tiaras for another y Fon SALE On TO tt4c.lots on Minnie by me. Immediate further particulars actin our prosperous e. He intends to n matters in these is eubsoription to the • r. etme and MAT.--Resid t, formerly occupied possession given(, For aply to '1'Iloe, Lesaza, Box 83, Listowel. USE. - The award re between the G T Wallace, Hullett. itors made a good prize winners, we received eight firs) specials ; Jas Her nine seconds ; Jo four seconds and dee Veda). VERY Low.—Fro the Listowel Banter Wo obtain the fol wing, which will be received with regre by Mr and Mrs Thos Leslie's many old fends in Wingham "Mr John Leslie, preiniinent merchant of Winnipeg, Man, i in town this week being called to the bedei lying very low at i reMMoD Flom M 75 yearly of age an entertained of her ier TIte Pear same ring. One stayed just one round .nd the other w,.s knouked out in the ee.ond, by a stiff upper cut in the jaw. It 1= said that this fel- low is going out after- bigger game. 'We were not of the opinion that our tc wn possessed such 6w -rioters and should the same thing occur again, and we hear of it, we will be ,hlrged to put a re porter on the scene Lnd thus bo enabled to give our readers detailed zeport of the affair, A FAREWELL st night the hock ey team end their net ds to the number of fifty met et Joh restaurant to say fue,t•eil to one of their number, Mr. Hubert Chisholm, ho is leaving town to take a position at iagara Falls After partaking of t e best supper of the season, hl r. R. van- etone took the c air, and speech making and songs wer indulged in. The speeches were . ny and varied, but all had a good wor for Mr. Chisholm, and all regret to los such a genial friend, also one of the est hockey players who they con ill aft• d to lose. The harpers being ip town ere pressed into service. and gave some eautiful selections while the supper w in progress. After singing God L. ve the Queen, and hand -shaking a 1 around, and wishing Mr. Chtehnun adspeed, the party v broke up. To: much praise cannot be given Mr. Johns 'or the way he handled the large crowd, and for the excellent repast furnished.. Pnpssenous, McANY. - The Guelph ` Dairyt Mercury Y at he s s : "We learn h Gore District Mi tual Fire insuranc• om• parry of Galt i returning its, • embers twenty per cent of thepremio.paid in 1898. That is is them • veer, con- secutively, in w Mob r • +s have been made is surely pro • efficient of ` the economy exereieed a' r the excellent gen• eral managemel t of the Company, as well as that it does rpt insure everybody and t its charter permits it to 0 in cash, after making warned premiums is the nal divide wade amongst A DRUG STORE as everybody knows is a place where Drugs and chetnicals are sold. . Patent Medicines are also a leading feature. But in addition to these lines, there are a great many articles of daily household use which may also everything. Tli hold only 4100,0 allowances for r secret of the ane For Delicate Chas;,, Throat, Limes, Perfectly harmless. Heathed9s Balsam can be taken by all, Por Children, Adults., and bell4fdte People. He athfield's Balsa: t. For Foggy >,yeatbtr, Assists Expectoration dteliei•es the Chest. Rest Ramedy known, Per sale at MORROW'S Drug Store. Fresh oystera arriving daily at MoKel- vie's Star restaurant, Wa, serve them is, any style.—Jas, MOKELVIE. - tf' Pat.OMT0r.ol7 • ?.CAi*xIN.A.TIOIV'S- The following, is esaminattons held of the public schoc January. The history and arithn+l 404 marks. ,Thl ixa resale of the .writtto n the first department. during the month o subjects, were gremme, etie. Possible to Obtain star iudieates absence, from an examinat on. Seniors. -G ey 305, Ed McGuire tl 1 "380, J Roariing3G_, G Johziatoti 320e (}•. Moore i117 J `•ter -aft z88, kl M.cGillivary 273; 1 Forster 246 ?t Welsh .222, **T Mc- Gillivary 102, **k I3'isher 85. 0 .iv , ' 11 mors L Mus r014 a72, � Greco . 38', Y E Kerr 3'213, Edna : etton ,'.; 1. T kiting 387,,, fe Beni Sutton 282, I S e a t er f z4 1T 9 l i ert4"n 2i5, 1 Lee • 33, T lbung 3fW; Walsh 2..8, It Gerrit u 228, L Barber 225* D Graeey 221, F ark '222, E Gregory 215. R Wilson 180, 11zNauglzton 178, •H Walsh 1C3,*H Et efer 160,'R Carr 152,, L Gilchrist L ',' neley 143, '""L Daw- son 100,. *"'M PyiWd' d, **N1 loss 87, **M lay 40. the members. 1. is now the oldest Mutual Fire Company it the Dominion, and has done faithful sera ce in the western part of Ontario. Avai able assets of 5385;000, is ample security fo the business carried, and the Company's claim for consideration is based on a pas , euccessful experience of sixty years, not lips in the future, which with Fire Insure a Companies is very un• certain, and the'i seal seldom realized. lair. Robert Cunningh =m, of this place, has been identified wi it the "Gore" for twenty - d r resents Guel h and North-Western Orritario." five years, an ep p Smith 51, **J McEli HOOKEY • ATT RS., Lucknow and Kin ardine had a _lively game on Thursday e 'ening of last week - A newspaper reify Ilei Worms us that he saw the snatch a d that,,Lucinow teatrt had the best of.the play throughout the ' game, and if fair p) y had been granted would have won wit hands down, He" also infertile us th Lucknow not only ste had to play the Ki ardine team, but 'el . - 4 had to play against the spectators, Th score was 6 to 5 in avor of Rineardine: Mr. Chas Skeet s, 'of town, went to Ripley on Tuesday eyening to referee e game between Ain reline and. Rip . Ripley. tie was informed upon his arrival that the* gams had peen po:_ posed until the 8th: Inst. Dr. Macdonald is now permanently IWingham boys at home and can be consulted by his patrons. 1 puck with Ripley Bunxs' ANNIVEBSAn -The supper and l(Friday) evening. concert given by Ca p Caledonia, Sons of win the game. Scotland, in aid of There were a r Hospital, of Toront people in Winghai Thursday evening o when it was 1 ceded •auecess in ever matter of attendanc was good consideriu Supper was served i ber from 6 to 8 o' McKel vie, the cater to -date, and almost, e of his mother, who is be bought to advantage in such well pleased. TI and when bought at nin avis plea a store he Home of her daughter, , present. The sp� ng. Mrs Leslie is oversubjects=:rade ma very small hopes aro 1 Clegg, speaking on Dols,i d v 1 Iial1 lli Ian recover "Ireland"; , Y grove, , g he Sick Children's in the town hall, on last week, was a de - way, except in the_ would not be on b and the attendance here. Walkerton 'the:very rough night. the Council Cham• lock, and Mr James r, had everything up• everyone present wae e concert :n the audi- ng to all who were Ikers on their different • good points. Mayor . 'Canada", A. II. Mos- ; rries. -• People who you know you have GOOD think postal clerks ever paid should heed HOODS, well bought. The tot the following hinte suggested by an ex. loavin -ie tk-t*ettei.Ii of what fel change : No letter s will be delivered until we have in stock, and may sus made by the arbftra they are received, If you don t get a letter 500 MEN GET A see ' It and their telegra hers makes it much 'Times and Country oentiemen, • 2 70 better for everyone. Many agents, who d weekly 1fa'i artd kel rite 1 26 S.,ecial clubbing rates with all howapepors and the lombs, eta., wi 1 be relieved of this "Tinter an , , •'Times and 11a11Y Montreal Ilona d, 2 00 formerly had to at ,nd to the lighting o£ .... .'.fines Toted on application. The balance of dlsa reed ethic 'oar l,vtll he Oren tree to note subscribers of K ble duty. While the -award does ,the sleeve woeklicy, except the Family Herald and not place the me +Weekly Star. The Times alone will be sunt to now oeit{on as the et -subscribers until January 1st, 1800. Cosh must p se(entpsey all orders, Subscribers should renew the concessions gr possible r theklni: a. eat a r Da9l 0 a r Ong S ul sc i tl y 1 ,#iteits i p rtttto alcor January 1st, will likely those secured by et r� above otos 'n ce n the bb t a adi n t . other make n e with the YiOrrt an �: t earnest lei to atrugill w p y � Aft Address alt orders to or call at the about 500 men ill reo* VA , aft it1¢rease • TIMES OP'b'WC O'uAu 10 salary. s good a in ire a d quite it iployees of the 0 L' 16, anted are for ahead of he 0 P It in their first or paper on the da; postmaster look tlr: down cellar also. somewhere and he to please you. I abuse the postmasl he tells you there 1 on a grieved expre, ought to be some." your mail for the ca11• for it two or him to look agedtk ' ,. gest some g you expect, have the 'laugh all the boxes and It ought tie be there `kes to hunt for it just your friend don't write r. He is to blame. If no mail for you, put sion, and say "there tl:e la probably hiding leasers of having you tea times a day. Ask Soaps, Combs and Brushes, Toilet Preparations, Perfatnes, Dyes, Mir rots, Pipes, Optical Goods, Whisks, Sponges, Chatuois, Syringes, Atom - i fiber Goods,Trusses, all l u iters,, Plauoring i bcteaets and Spices. Our goods are nil the hest we can oily, and every article le guaranteed. J. E. DAVIS, Phm. 8e Druggist' and 'Optician. Rev D. Petrie, "Sea -eland" and Dr Mao, donald, on "Burns ' Mr Geo Cline sang 1 two solos which w- ea really grand. We • hever beard Mr 0 e do better. The cauartettas by Ali, es Ada Olitio, Eva Ottertail and Meseta Geo Cline and ,los kdodgeon werewell rendered. .Mise Carrie Fisher presided mit .the piano. The ;\Jisses Pringle, of town, alai Ake Marie ltinrtthy, • of Aft Forest, lighted the andtenre 1 with several piec of Highland rialii:irig, and Mr b McDot Id did well with the bagpipes. The ciety will nicely clear themselves and ive n smith soot to n' ' t'1 n Hospital. i i.i t dee s remit'o the Sc t I t Had the weather een favorable, at least $40 would have b n sent to Toronto. will again chase. the Lt tite latter place this The local boys should umber of disappointed r on Monday morning, yarned that Walkerton .nd to play the neaten people claim they on'uld npt face the atoru which was raging. The warmest match of the Reason will be played on the ink here next Monday evening, Ktncard neva. Whtghatn. The local boys are gent; to try their beet to trim the northern lads this trip. Our ejitirenet should teen ont 60 see this match. Admission 15 cen s, ladies 10c. Kincardine ane} Winghatn at the rink. Here on Monday vening. 1 A. hot game o hockey' tryst ivIon a'y evening at the W ngham rink. llockey on. lin'%day evening;, The following s the inert -ding of h,t different teatne it the lergue Tee,nt • Von Lost To Kira:ardfne...... 3 0 1 W ieettain, . .... 1 1 IItipley .... 1 1 Lucknow...... . '0 ;i Sr.CLitV13TG' CHILDREN. r well-fed cliildren are an '1"h +tan davf Ing, simply beoanee their f oce .is no*' tight kind. They 'are -thin, pale, and 1 nate. Scott's Lrritllson will obs sge alt this. It gives vial and vigor, ll#snh ttroi fore*. 1 •. J 114