The Wingham Times, 1899-01-27, Page 6THE TiMEI gjain times 1QURQTTerm...ent A►ALEITER, Prom our e s'+eee.',1:t.E1.It• 27, letaa Ottawa, Juan, 21. t ..._ .._. ,., �... ,- R.... 13V fact' the most int or. int o ntri . p to a Two, CENT Rt3.ueeelY loans. button in many (menthe to the vital. ;question of transportation, was a A. two emit railway rate is now be-, speeeh delivered by Sir William Vim jog' praact!wtllly demanded by the Elorne the other +ler .irt Quebec, As wabllc, Travelling is no longer One the press despatehes briefly sum. up o the luxuries, aT+a '3 the SG. Tlinru is his opinion.t.lifi Presideli.t of the Ctenadian . t .leitie Railway deelaros that the title of traffic toward Montreal and Quebec is greater than the outlet for it, and the Canadian ocean service is not, nor has it been for years, adeenate for the Canadian. trade alone. It is therefore useless, if not absurd, to ho on spending- money upon interval eolniennica tions, upon railways, canals and rivers. To use his own simile, "The country has kept building up its tarrif hopper until it :las become unwieldy, but has'clone nothing to the spout," The result.is, the treflie is overflowing and we do not know what to do. Sir William's i . dea of' a remedy is to create a fast Atlantic passenger service superior to any- thing now aiioae ; this will bring in its train a fast and improved• freight the demised half way by furnishing 'service and the problem will be a daily edition at a, little more than solved. the weekly was once sold fi)r, So. it HOW WE LOS81 TRADE, has been with other articles coaling into general use. The demand has net with encouragement that result- ed in mutual benefit. Modern in- vention too, has lent a band, by reduc- ing the cost of production. Bat the one thing that has success- fully resisted the tendency of the times and the price cutting power of invention is the railway passenger rate. It was three eeuts years ago, and it is three cents yet. The rail ways are not slow to take advantage of improvements and the cost of carrying must have been re• diced. Consequently if travel has not been increased in a measure to justify lower rates the lack of en- :oura teement pffered to the public snllst beat some of the blame. The rate war of last summer, at Iease elbowed that the inducement of lower rates caused greatly increased travel and it would appear to be almost time for some road to break away from the numerous combinations, with winch all transportation lines care surrounded, and try what a rea- aettehle rare will do with a reas )n - able people. RHEUMATIC STING. (South American Rheumatic Cure Sways the Wand and Suffering Ceases in a Trice. Mr. A. S. Kennedy, 41 Silsges Ave., T-.)rooto, says: "I had been attacked. very frequently with acute muscular xthiutn:itisen, affecting my shooidArs and arms. I used South American Rheum- atic Cure and found immediate relief atter a dose or two. My family have +used this remedy with the most satisfac- tory results. I think it truly a very efii- worthy of more than a passing con- eacious 'remedy for this very, prevalent sideratin. ailment. :Sold by A, L. Hamilton. ' LOOJS LIKE POETIC easaroE. Journal. the nee faster men It has come to be ono oe series of life. We are a etaplo than those of the last ation and things that were then ght to be ouiv withili the resole the rich aro nolo looked upon aa pert of the "daily bread" of every day life. Takee tna dtily rwws falfo ex ample. A few years ago it was a high priced Article and he who in- dulged in it was either of extravag- ant taste or wealthy. Now the man who does not take and read a daily paper is considered either lacking in intcllige 'e or a good borrower. a., r l. And. h w.,e thesnoe es have met A dt s i Some of the statistics quoted by Sir William are decidedly startling, for few Canadians have realized what a tremendous amount, of busi- ness is being lost by the Canadian ports, because of the better facilities offered to ship from American ports, He declared that on Manitoba grain exported via Buffalo as compared with the St Lawrence rout,ethe pro portion in 1893, was two to one ; in 1894, three to one ; in 1895, eight to one ; in 1896, three to one ; and in 1897, five to one. The rates too, were abnormally high, and as an illustration, he quoted the rates in - force from May to October of 1897 on the two staple Hues of cheese and butter. These were as follows : • Cheese. Butter. From Montreal 21s.9d. 26s.9d.° From Boston 13s.3d. 136.3d WHAT SIR WILLIAM WOULD ))O. Deelaring that for over sixteen years he had been agitating for an improved service,. and the present one was• almost intolerable and that .it was altogether inadequate for thu. country,_and a .disgrace. to Cana'la, Sir William announced that if he had anything to do 'with the Atian tic steamship service be w )old con- sider it a ferry service and not an ocean service ; upon which he would have as 'fine boats as there are crossing the ocean, running at from 22 to 24 knots an hour. This, from the President of the Company which has in a very short time captured a big proportion of rte Pacific Grade from San Frailciseo, is an utterance Women's Ways. There world appear to be .a iV�tiyer eontradfet a woman. Give certain eine nt of poetic justice in ler time and she'll contradict herr the experience of the Klondike tf Mining, Trading and Transportation Leery woman has a vague idea Corporation of which Sir Charles that all her husband does every day Tupper is President, which has just to open his office, read, smoke and held its first annual meeting in old count his money_ London. The experiences , of the A writer on dancing estimates first year have been anything but 12 waltzes are equal to about 14 encouraging, but the blame for their miles of heel and toe work. And troubles was laid principally upon •a'et many a. girl is too frail to walk the failures of their attempt to work down into the kitcheh wilt coverup a business over the Stickeen about la miles ot ballroom force per River and Teslin Lake route, where evening. owing to the absence of a railway, or good wagon -road, an exceptional season upset all :the Company's cal- culations and immense loss was the result, Of course the weather is held responsible, but it is noticeable that the English financial f papees are soniewhat skeptical in accepting the worthy Baronet's explanation The. Bu;lionist remarks that, "Verbosity IS the chief characteristic of the 9 report," and that "none of the , S grandiloquent promises of the pro- spectcotus having been realized, it is ` , �• not surprisrg that the Directors �ESi W' should have rlonsidered it necessary t) indulge in. long-winded explana Cons of this disappo'nt'ng result," oneltiding wtth the rernark "the Company's operations have :been eonducnnd very esteleesIy and on - p ofrtably up to the present, 'i t e Financial Times, concludes a brief notice with the remark, "The bulk 'Of the lots has arisen, in connection with the Stickeen (liver expedition, F.,which tuned .out ;disasterouslyr but . � w 1 � d 0 we doubt Whether the shareholders. -'" will reger,f this sts. it valid excuse for the tiayeo which the Colnpany. has proved.•' Eiegyar?dee Ye1Low ,Oil cures all Palin and takes out Swelling and Inde- ntation nde-;tit tion quicker than any other remedy. Price 25c. tea vastest MOST 'FRAGRANT' • MOST RE'F#pt4 LSH AND EINDDRINd Op ALL . PERFUMES. FOR THIS HANDKERCHIEF.. r eoaer. na ,/"' ..,,,110,114.,„„7, MM EEL DEALERS. JANUARY 27, t 9. FROM JEST TO ,ERNEST. The suggeetion which ono cr two humorous, Opposition i.:tperas teach), in a vetn of flue sareasin, when the attainment of Imperial fenny _Post- age was first announeed, viz t• -that ttie I oiamnstereGeneral's portrait should appear on the new stamp, has been duplicated in alt seriousness in Louden, En;;, The Pall Mali Gazette. 00 Christtn:.s Eve, remarked in the course of an appreciative .article, "We ought to have an lin • penial Penny Postage Stamp with Mr, Henniker Heaton's portrait on it. • Canada has riser, to the vent• sion by issuing a epeciat two•ceut stamp with a amp of tine world on it on whieh the 'British possessions are printed red. We have seen u copy o( this neat little label which does credit to the Dominion's Post• master -General's patine spiritness," THE D1il!'ICIT THAT WON'T MATER- IALIZE. The terrible deficit in the Post. office Department, which is so ener, getioally predieted by Opposition papers, and apparently and'earnest, ly desired,as the result of the sweep• ing reductions in postal', rates, will not be a matter of very serious moment after all, if the unbroken experience of the past is to be any guide far the future. SImilar re- ductions in Great Britain,the United States, and the Dominion, have in the past resulted in an immediate IosS of revenue but within. two or three years at the most, the balance has been recovered„ and the revenue once more been equal to the cost. There is therefore no necessity for the solicitude . so patriotieally dis- played in •this,regard, and the'ingen• uity of the pessimists is being wasted• in devising new methods of taxation to supply the lack of funds which exists principally in their own imagination. Sunday. • • At all drug3Ista, 25n. snit Ttr•?Mal ndvirr frre A cold is dangers aus, Don't let it get the start Of You., 4. few doses of my. Cold Cure wilt break up any form of cold in a few hours and prevent grippe, diphtheria, and pneumonia. It should be in even* home and everyvest pocket. It is etter than a life lnsure once policy, MUNYON a vial. Guide to Health ifi05 Aroh at.. Phfln. teseeseteaseesseaseeeaseess eteareaseassea Enedist farthings are no larger likely to he mistaken for half crowns, foe now they aro malted not only of ;a. different eieee and desitln, but even of a. different ,eolor, being a dull maize 1 An Old and Well -Tried fiemed y --Mrs • Winsieeee fi,pothiu; Syrup has been used for over'ifty years by millions of mothers for their, children while teeth- ing, arras pei•fert success. It soothes the child, softtaus the guuisc, :iliuye till pain, cures wind collo, and is Hie Uost rented;• for diarrhoea. itis plenunnt to the taste. Solt( by rlruguisis in eessry pal t. world. Twenty-five eentri Ft but,ti'. Its valet+ is inuttlu:ttalo. 131 sur' .eiu silk for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other ltin•t^ The anneal spring meet of the Sa'iiGare]. Titer Aeseetatt+'i will 1)e held vn Juno 23, 2J, 30 and July ' 1a*„ . Children Ory for For Over FIfte Years. The Otta wa. Electric Rel wax/ Com - pally will ask the D)u'inivti Parlia- ment for power to operate its ears on A MINING RUSH PREDICTED. The United Settee Coverninent's A British •Columbia "old timer" I claim against .John end James Liv - has been telling an English news-' ingstone, of Baden, for "118,000 due paper that the great mining rushes as customs duties has beet' settled of the past have occurred each de- fur 31,000. cede in the year ending with a "9,1' and instances the historic years of 49, 59, 69, 79 and 89, all of which were markets by extensive and un- usually wide spread gold- mini( g exciternent. From this and from the ae experiences of last' year and 'tte immediate indications of the earning reason he predicts that this year's rush to the gold fields will place last year's experiencesentirely in the shade; all of which is e.atisfactory as far as it goes, but it only emphasized the unfortune existence that exists in regard to transportation The defeat of the Stickeen Railway scheme by the irrisponsible Senate, while in itself an old story now, is ever new in its disasterous effects upon the develcpnent of the country. A Ridiculous and False Claim. As a rule. modern newspaper advertis- ers endeavor to make their statements clear and truthful ; they know that an intelligent public—especially the wo. men portion—quickly cundem untruths. and..deeeption. Some advertisers, intending to soar high, saddetniy fall from the sublime to the ridiculous in their statements. Such errors' are promptly detected by the classes of people the advertisers would influence. imagine an advertiser of dyes for home dyeing, after giving a long list ot the virtues possessed by his products, re- marking, "They cleanse and dye aI. the same time." This statement made to tens ofthousands of intelligent `women is so contrary to truth and common sense, that the advertiser is, without loss of time condemned as a simpleton or de- ceiver. Dtatnond Dyes, the standard home dyes of .the world dare not make any such claim. To their valuable, book of home Dyeing (sent free to all who send for it) they specially mention that 68.11 goods should be Cleaned before they ate dyed." A Solon, however, arises in the land and formulates a new doctrine by asserting that Dyes "cleanse and dye at the same time." Soon wo will hear of souse new starch tnanntac- turer making a clttitn that lilts stakeh will cleanse and stiffen at the acme time ! No wonder that many of our woinen' show temper and disappointment whet they make use of dyes that aretead tv takeoat dirt andre•color at'cheone oper- ation, No wonder that deceived woolen complain ot muddy and dismal delete Price 26 cents; w..otnnlettx with blower.after nsingradtilterated cl:estui s. Let it be distinst!y un ieretotid that _ _• the iflventtve genius of plan has not yet. devised it dye that will take out grease eL spots, eating and dirt, and at the same time give a decent dolor. The Diamond (lyes -the world's popular home' dyes— give the fullest and richest colors on elf materialswhet the gond are clean. they are the only warranted dyes on the market and always do what is claimed. for thein, Do net allow the false claims' of an' manufacturer of neitirllion Ayes to lead you tato trouble and iinaaeial loss, • DIt. A. W. magi; ILXPERTMENTING ON HIS .REMtdDAGs. HAtF 1110110 THE \!IflRLD Distance 'no Barrier lin Gutting the Glad News of His De- light to His Friends. DR. CHASE'S CATARRH CUR •A UNIVERSAL REMEDY. Gentlemen :—Please find enclosed 51, for which send four boxes of Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure. We have used It, and find tt an excellent re- medy, se We recommend it to others. Mr. J. 1L2. Poeriivan, of Woodburn, Marion Co., Ore., got some and is de- lighted with its effects. l:'le se .send three boxes to itlrs. 1'. 3. Edmti.nds, No. 401. West Part street, Portland, Ore., and one box 'to Ilev, 1✓. F, 1^:drnunds, Sedro, Skagit Co., Wash. 13e sure and . send the blowers; they are so handy. Send at once. F. Z. EDr1:tJNDS. itt7 Dr. ('hada'. Catarrh (Imo Contains up Cocaine. DR, CHASE'S CATARRH CURE Ni V a .FAILS TO OGRE Cold' in the head, 13ay Fever Rose Cold, Catarrhal Deafness, Foul Breath, loss .of taste and smell, and Catarrh In all its forma. Coalmine no cocaine. • °ODIC'S Cotton Moot Compound IB stioeessfully used monthly by over i0.000Ladles, Snfe,rnlPotual, Ladies ask _,yourdrnggistfor Cook's Cabo (loot odangerous. Com T8k6otlier,ns Itllxtues, pills andimibt 8 gero s. ' e, No. 1, 51 per box, No. 200 degrees atrnnger.t8 per box. NO. 1'01'2, mailed on receipt of price Arid twO tl•eent Satints4 rho Cook Compe+t+y Windsor Ont. "Nos.11siblo end said neo recommended by 811 re Druggists to Canada, 11 1lnn 4l Ll'd."L'1d. SERVICES. 4"+rY .A..v'. +k.7. 4 �q l} {• {r� 4j y �• qy 11X. THODIt;T--.Roy, Dr, Pewee, pas t- ' 11 +t t'` •i i u,! I l 6t o'. Serviees at 11a m and 7 p ]u.• 1'1thhSf Y't'ELI,I A.i' —llev, f). Perris taitor. t,er'vices at 11 at lIt WO :7 p EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's --.Rev. W4 ni. I Lowe, rector. Sery oes at 11 u to nod 7 -Ax Tel:--• t 7.1mk:.a OFFICE, R.;34roi•i N ,*tar WING IL Iu, ON'1'«Alt1O / --IS l'UbtISIlE0-•-- X VIUtY FRIDAY ItfOItNINte. m BAPTIST —Ilea W. Vessel, pastor. Services at ll a in and 7 p m CONGREGATION L--11ov. If. E. Mason, pastor. Services at 11 II m aucl 7 p ru. CURISTI:1N WORKEllf.4 -.. 11114ses t GratUl and Lock ln 04ittutttatl, 54I7It.e6 at ala ns and 8 pen. • S:9,iaV«TION AR al i—(`ni't, Mt:te0d nna %ito in colnlnttud, gorvices at 11 a. to, 3pin itndftpnl, In ohah .ol' the above oatretci ehnrelies Sabbath School is held at :' 30 p in. A.17°1% Wood's Phosloboaine, The Great 'ngtislt Remedy. Sold ttnd recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only roll. able medlclue discovered. ,Six ekages guaranteed to cureall fortes of Sexual Weakness, all eHeots of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or stimulants. mailed on•iroeipt of price, oneaokare 51, six. 55, One wilt lease, six Witt Cure, Pamphlets fres to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor., Ont. Sold in Wingham by 'Colin a Campbell, Druggist. - -BANK of HAFfilLigoi 'a71NGIIAM. Capital, 01,250,000. Best, 0775,000 President -4011N STUART, Vico-hrohadent—A. Gt. RAnsAT. nereacerone aelet Paeoroa, Ono. ROAM, tv,t Gtr•BoN, bt P, A. T. Wooly, A. E. Lae (Toronro). Cashier --J. TURNBUL1,, Savings Bank—It ours, 10 to l; Saturdays, 1.0 to Deposits of $1and upwards received and interest :Mowed. )p'iolial. Deposits also received at current rated Of it. treat. Drafts on Groat Britain and the United Stater bought and ,old. W. COI'tFOULD, AeENT E. L. iJ1(;SINSON, Solicitor. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASON A.BLE YATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 poi cent with ,privilege of p.cying' of the end .?f any roar. Not, and accounts collected. • E1,OI3T. MCINTI)OO. Soaver Block Windham, Ont GRAND 'UIUNIC I:A21,WAY . DEPART AnatIVD , Toronto and East 6 49 a. m. 3 05 p. ni 330pm1029pm Palmerston 'nixed 8 55 w in 3 05,p m Londonand South 0 63 a m 11 10 a m a se m 8 00 pm . Kincardine 11 10 a rn 0 49 a m 3 30' p u) 3 SO p m 1029pm 830am i9QCIETY MEETINGS. r,• ubacrir)tie:uprice. giPer year, in Pclvauee Auvl:ialsla 1,1115;3 '`'' Since- -if .-I.'Sgio,'I 9 nut, j'_1 mo i elle Culun.c sae 00 i'1ia 10 Piiccs W q0 . Pau '• 40 Oil 80 12 0W 4 eo 1 00 4„,,rtcr " 00 OJ 1' 00 7 Q 2 Oa u ch I i,. 1 '6 ..Ot } 0 1 Le,;at and ottor 001,01 uaet, thorn sot, • itirriries Pm ileo Insertion and Oa Per line forc:tehe,O_lrsequent: • in action. 3lc•bined ay aenpiraf sc,tle. .0 1 Loral notions 10.'. pit• lino for Orst insertion, ands 1 Oa, paoa r line for mob anbdegneut mottle,.' 1 .1')•; erttsementd of Lost, ,t<ouad, Stria od,$lttuetione• and Business tlheneu, (Wanted, not oxt,0edlnrr B ling uonPnroll, 81 Par Inst month, and 00o.. for each, subsequent moo th, • lioness desardlarnaP r Stile. nob uoa0c in 8 line. for But niceti,, Too. per subsnquru month' i Larger adtn vort,enuntsin p.oportiau., 'Cheap terns will lie atrletly adhered to ' Special rates for larger advortiscuionts, or oft- { longer periods. . 1 Advopt,toments and local notices )vithoutapeo36a directions will ho insetted till forbid and charged, accordingly, TrA:•attuty advertisemelnts Inummbe paid i n ad,•a n u 1 u Changes for contract advertisements snot be in- . . y Wednesday neon, in order to appear that week Ii, n. ELLIOTT, PROPRONOR Aim Pastramis.. • WINGHIAII'I address HQSPTTAL.- For rho treatment 0f DISEASES ON WOMENand'. SURGICAL OA5E8 of alt- ktnda, For parnotiway. DR. J. P. KENNEDY, 8tedleat Supartutendunt, N h,ghnm, Ontt.. Tj. YANSTGI,iE, • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.; Private snd Company funds to loan et lowest rate - interest. No commission charged, Mortgagee, towel. and faun property bought and sold OFFICE Bearer Block ly!NoZ4ai. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, d,a.,, •• Wmghan.. Ont• E. L. DICKHISON, BA1IIIISTER, ETC. BOLIOITO$ TO BANE. OF Ii4MILTON. MONET TO, LOAN, Office—Moyer Block. Winahani 'Ng G. CAMERON, .rr•++aa • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &e., 011ice—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrewstreets opposite Colborne Hotel. GnDisnawi, OntA=/0. A- hruUR J. 1RWIN, DDS, L D 5, ipactor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylranialt. Dental Oolletfu and Licenti'to of the Royal College - of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Pest (Mice, N' ngham, TDENTISTRY.—J. 8.JEROME,L. D. S.,WING11A'tl. ��11/''•., 10 .nanuractur first-class sots or teeth as cheap as they can be made - in the Dominion. Teeth extracte3 absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed pdrfectly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the - Brunswick Ronne. JOAN RITCHIE. .4.44 ' GENE3LAL INSTJIIANCE AGt,'Nil+.. %INQRAM, .0 S • _Camp Caledonia, No. 4i1, meet ■ . the first and third Monday in r!x every month, in .he Old Fellows Ball. Visitinv DEANS JR., wiNo,tAii, brethren wciccn. • J. Murray, Chief. 1i E � , Elliot , Ron, -Sec WI.L.'tll GA .7.17-{1. STEAM PUMP %'VORKS Having purchased the entire business from ilr. Daniel Showers•, 1: am now prepared to supply the public with Wood and Iron Pewee and Lift Pumps, Brass and Iron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed Iron Tubing. Cisterns, Water rJ on Its, Sinks, IEsat.its, Pipe - Eittiarg,,'id'ell Digging and everything in con- nection With water supplies, Galvanized Steel Windmills tor power and pumping water. 'Deep well pumps a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for iotormatfon or ordering by mail should always state detail of well. All workguaranteed' or no hale. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOE ,dE COUNT OF HURON.. Sales attended in any part of the Co,•ilCharge Moderate. p► JUAN f"ITRIa.Ttt nr, S • LICENSED AUCTIONEER Sales of Farm Stock and Faris imptiente. specialty. Alt orders lett at the Ttltns office promptly attend ad 10. Terris reasonable. 66 F•7 IFTy TWQ . WEEKS WITH GOD .A fascinating .study of The' Inter• • national Sundae' School Lessons' for. 1899, now ready. No Ciif,istian, espeeially Clergyman or '/'eflcher, should be without it. Bealbfifully bound in cloth of two eolo•ajr with stiff' boards. Price. only 8Vadents. Stronp,ly recommended by leading' Clergymen. On sale by all book sellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of the peke by, p THE BRADLEY-GARREmSOI Co., (LIMIT.Fm) Publishers, Toronto; Can.. J00 �R� 4+ ° • Y style of rho art, at moderate priests, atI NCLUDING Stoke PanChide La i , d Hoods, Circulars, 4;n., Ica., executtd' notice. Apply or eddroes 0, B. of 1101;'(', .. iota Oillae;•yham BOOKBINDING ;y habeas r theta , (1� IV&O.�1,1Y r IOkT ,�a,! ,I j7 A �'1 w0 818 plAksttt to annOtitte that any No. 1 end No, 2 far *tate iv Coati A. Cr.npboli, a 4 t tw .r. C� r a I Miieazanee Tuft with us ter Btndin alit D,•uspt t ilex 140 Wingham. Ont, tail b sive i oisot aUpicat attic n the tint '