The Wingham Times, 1899-01-27, Page 5A thin oily fibre -food fluid, which
A:, sinks into the pores leaving a
velvety burnishing film outside.
Rub this friction coat a
little, and lo 1--- a brilliant,
lasting, lustre dawns
through it.
ar �
Neither varnish, turpentine,
nor wax, to parch leather or seal up its pores,in—
MORRIS.. W. 3, 11 ty has returned; to Lista-
, , , , wet from Winnipeg. whore he ha:3
rs, Luther l eppr r la sufferin;"" beo,a :engaged in the insurance buoi- . . PI&tv;iI�i
withMAn abess. on fret' arm. Misss Rabieon ad Nicholson, of
`>'tlrnberi"Y were visiting or, the'20.Miss Lillie flay of Stratford is in, A SEV R G9I,1 DRIi�' S A UVfkia
last week. town this wi,ek, staging �vl',ll Airs,. lt. AND MDTel.ER I.OW.
Little Stanley Rutledge-. has been li,, tlayt I.lnaa street. — �.
seduced to his lied for nearly Wm. Klemm of the lisrnner office PARTIAI, PARALYSIS ACCOMPANIED
Menai with :t sure beak, The D9, U. left on Monday for Galt where he l; GArNTING PITS FOLLOWED-,
saysit must have started from .a hurt, has secured a situation to the Galt MOTORS stat, TO rittING TtE•
Mr. Agar 01' the l:;t flits is ill will! Twefernier, LIEF—DR, WIL.LIAAi'3 PINK
.inflama.ion and his daughter is down . At the annual meeting of the Elam l'IL ,s ursrons ifEAirxtr.
district L. O. IJ, held in the orange -
with drops!. .
11Irs, Alex 13ryan is suffering just
now with a felon ort her finger, We
hope she will soon be herself again,
Donald l'ope's sale last Friday was
a decided suceess. Everything went
elseili@6s"eSe teiF✓sY✓F3,C`iCVOrustesseeeVerSsOsee✓:1t FdsteeledZse VIle:ver}' high.
FMrs. S. Shine is able to be about
�� Sale Only by HOMUTH BOWLE again after a long andpainful illness,
- - -_ Dr. and Mrs. Brawn, of Wroxeter,
visited Mr. and Dies. Joh'. Strachan
The administratrix of the estate of
Alexander Dawson, deceased,, offers for
tale the
,Two Stores in Winghani
now occupied by Messrs ;i A Farquhar -
soh and Miss Boyd. Offers for the same
should be addressed to.
J A MORTON, Wingham,
Solicitor, for the Estate.
Order your „--:--_e,
hall the following officers were elect- Broolehofn a suburb . of Owen '
ed, and installed; 1', M., J. Johns Sound, is fairly vigr'ating with
ton; Diaster, W. Willoughby; D."lli,, interest in the wonderful cures . •
G. R. Wilson„ Chap., b, S, Rothwell; effected in by the use of'
R, Seo,, W. Welsh; Fire.See„ J. Allen; Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,. A news:
D, of 0„ T. J. Sproule; See., Hugh paper roan of Toronto, spending
R' hardson; J. Queens, some time in the vieinity, was direct:
.1/V tn. Goldol,'s barn on the - 12th ed tea house on a hill overlooking
con., Groy, was burned on Saturday Owen Sound's beautiful. bay, and
night. The tire was' caused by the was told that there he would learn
explosion of a lanterp while Mr. somethieg'ahout a cure effected by
Gordon was feeding his stock in the Dr, Williams' Pink Pills; The hill
evening, The, building was net e was climbed and ° it is to Mr. J. F.
7 ! . last week, large one, and ryas partly covered 'Goodfellow, the genial owner and os:
It is rumored that trams are i by insurance, he reflection was eupantof that pleasant liome that he
hLOGSarbouring in the school houses in this I visible in this town. r" .;indebted far the following frets
vicinity. Miss Minnie Hay is spending alt , 'My wife owes her good measure of
health today to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills," said Mr.. Goodfellow. "On
the 12th of July, 1595, Mrs. Goodtel:
low went on an excursion to Coiling:
wood by boat and came hotile . with a
severe cold, .which developed into a
partial or slight attack of paralysis in
brain and body. Only '?5o at aoy Drug by the chains of disease is the worst the left side and limb. In addition
Store. • form of slavery. George D. Williams, of at times she would be seized with a
Manchester, Mlob. tells how such a slave dizziness wbich often res
week in Toronto in eonneetioileesith
Highest cash prices paid for all
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.
done at lowest prices and satisfaction
guaranteed. Call and get prices be-
fore disposing of your timber.
liolis ifts!
We have a choice stock of
Gold. and Silver Watches, Rings in
Gold and Diamond.
Examine our stock before making your Purchases..
Carefully washed;properly ironed,
correctly finished and fairly priced --
that's the history of your linen when
brought here. Not a thing in our
washing preparations to injure the
fibre of the goods and not a thing
unhealthy. about our work rooms.
Leave Orders at Carr's Feed Store.
lits 1 We an immense spring
stock arriving, I must have room to
glut it, hence for 1:3 days, I shall sell
slot old shelf -worn stock), •but up-to-
date new goods et cost. Remember
Oils is no wind, but actual facts. Yoe
can save looney by attending this
dile at once. Fair dealing. Extra
Repairing promptly attended 'to.
icar 68
Opposite Post Office, Says
Fresh- Beef and Pork:'
Lamb Bologna
Pickled Pork Headcheese
Breakfast Bacon Sausage
Smoked Ham Pressed Beef
Side Pork Tripe .
Corn Beef ' - Pressed Tongue
Spice Roll, Lard, 'howl, &c.,
always on hand.
Our prices. are right. 'Orders
called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town.
Your patronage solicited.
The Globe
The Leading Newspaper of
the J)ominien.
—tins oyer 12000 more regular circulation
—every daytime It had id1897, and nearly
—4,000 'mph! than one year ago.
W (motes rtSOAvas it tt,ftssx .
Evir►iY DAY.
The Saturday Illustrated
with Ito 24 or 28 penes every Saturday, its Mus.
t ated -supplement, its many special features--
Short Stories pu.9 Sketchy Articles—besides having
the currant news of the day, has become a strong
rind to the best monthly tmgatines.
volt rail have THE GLOBE every day -foul tiee
Sitnrday lllustrattd for about the sante price ea
you have to pay for Many of the smaller doilies
tins hail noreral new features added, has all the
news of the creek In concise torus, nod keeps its
• readeraln,dose tonth with evtrt' dart of the world,
toil more especially our own county,
Sti,lcription rains and full 0tirticulars ern bo had
at the ',dice or this paper, Ally newsdealer or post•
moonier son.tdirect to
T1110 Geom.:,
Ilisnnaralc's Iron Nerve her musical studies. -
Was the result of his splendid health. Miss Sharp bf St. Marys is the
Indomitable will and tre}ueadoua energy guest of' Mrs. A. J. Collins "Rose -
aro not found. where Stomach, Liver;
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. heath, Listowel.
11! you want these qualities and the sua- $tory of a'la,ve:
was they bring, use Dr, Ring's 1aw Life
Pills They develop every power of To be bound hand and foot for years •
There passed away at his late
home, Anburn, Andrew T. Mc-
Donald, after tin :illness of six or
seven weeks, with heart trouble, at
the age of 40 years and 5 months,
on Tuesday ' last, January 17th.
Deceased was a native of this town-
ship and has lived in it all his life ;
of Scotch decent, his parents coming
from New Brunswick years ago and
settling where the homestead new
stands. Here was where the home
was formed, and where the happy
family, two daughters and a son;
besides a brother .and sister, who all.
was made free, lie says: "My wife has in sudden and severe
been so helpless for five years that she r1, h e at al sIs ma
could not turn over in bed alone. After p 3
using two betties of Eleotrin Bitters, she unable to lift any weig
is wonderfully improved and able to do left haul. She call
her own work." Ilia supreme remedy aid and for soman
nese, sleeplessness, melancholy, head- advice and too
ache, baakaohe,fainting and dizzy spells.
This miracle working medicine is agod-
send to weak, sickly, run down people.
Every bottle guarnteed. Only 50 cents.
Sold by all Druggists. •
for female diseases quickiy cures nervous-
with her
in medical
the follwed the
to medicines pre-
scribed. But it was only money
wasted as she did not get any better.
As Mrs. Goodfellow has three child
ren and her hu:•btnd to cine fur it
was a deep trouble to the family for
,her to be so at11icted. l+ur eight
Me Gomer Green has disposed of months theme dizzy spells and the
his pump business to Mr. William paralysis continued. Then su►ne
friend asked bet' to try a bux of .Dr.
circle has been broken by the death Wilton. Williams' Pink Pills.. To please the
of the youngest, Andrew T. He The annual meeting of the Dfs- friend she conseense to purchase e few
leaves a loving wife and three of a trier L. O. L. was held hers recent- boxes: Then nesse• had been taken
ly. The following officers were she felt decfen t better. The faint-
ing spells came less frequent, her
remain .on the. homestead. Do•. D. its , W. Smith ; ' D. C , RF:. Barr ; strength .returned to qe► side.;an¢ arts
ceased was an honored member of Ill,''. S., M, M,'Cari iii ; 1) `S. , C. , , .l� , _,
• several lodges :—the A. F. and .A, Case ; 1), T., T. Oakley) D, D, C,.. and she was delightful watt the ii sCtlt.
M. 1:1, Moore ; D..L., H. ilamilton After•taking about six boxes, aid
M. the Morning Star Lodge, Carlowfeeling' quite well again, she diseon
0 0. F., and Maitland Lodge I. 0. and J. Kernaghan.
G. T. the latter of which be was` The annual meeting of the. Grey tinned the use of .the pills fur a time
chief councillor and worked hard Branch Aguuilturat Satiety was but laterefelt°some of the old syinpc-
held in the town hall on Wednesday olds returning: She again procured
a supply and •reconlniended .their
use, and was overjoyed to find that
these valuable little pellets again
gave relief, She • continued taking
them nntil,sbe felt.thatshe certainly
must he over .the effects of the trouhle
when she again ceased to take the
pills. That is over a year end a half
ago, acid only once or twice since
has she had any slight Symptoms of
the old trouble, and then a few doses
of the pills would give tier full re-
lief. Mrs. Goodfellow is decidedly
of the opinion that she .owes her
present health to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and is most enthusiastic in her
recommendation of thenuo her friends
and acquaintance;
for the cause of temperance. He
has held'the honor as reeve of Hal-
lett tor,some years, and for many
years was in the Couneil, Had he
been well he would have aecepted
the nomination for county com-
missioner and, no doubt, would have
been a most valued representative
had lie been able to run and be
elected. He was a pronounced Lib-
eral in every sense of the world and
was a staunch member of the Pres
byteria:n church in Auburn. His
wife, children, brother and sister lose
a most loving and estimable husband,
father and brother ; he will be sorely
missed by all of his acquaintances.
Our hockeyists'are not feeling so
jubilent as they did' at the opening
of the seasen, Stratford administer-
ed •a rather severe rebuke, bat oar
team is not to be ignored all the same.
W. W. Nichol of the High School
staff spent a couple of days at his
home in Stratford Last week. fife
has been slightly under the weather
A number of Conservatives attened
the annual meeting of the North Irid-
in; Association at Milverton.
Ask your doctor how
many preparations of cod-
liver oil there are.
He will answer, �4 Hrtn-
of last week. The annual report
showed a balance on hard of 8791,-
13. The following officers were
elected : -- President, Jas. Speir
Directors, John Brown, P, Scott, W.
'H. McCracken, R. Nichol, John Mc-
Kinnon, John McGaviu, A. Smith,
W. B. Wilkinson and Th'oma's Doc-
Laughlin ; Auditors, F. 8, Scott and
A. Strachan.
Camp Ben Lomond, Sons of Scot-
land, has installed the following
officers for the •ensuing • term :—
Chief, W. Martin ; Past Chief, D.
Stewart ; Chieftain, W. Innis ;
Chaplain, Rev. John Ross; Physician;
J. A. ,vlcNaug•hton ; Rec.-Seq., A.
Strachan ; Pitt. Seely-Treas.. D, C.
Ross ; Marsh:til,Win, Telfer; Stand-
ard Bearer, Angus Lantuud ; Senior
Guard, Robt. N
ichol ; Junior Guard,
Jas. Speir, Pipers, Bro. Wm. Ballan-
tyne and Sm. Stewart ; Representa-
tive to Grand Camp. Bro. D. Stew-
The annual meeting of East Huron
Agricultural Soefety was held in the
Council Chatnber, Brussels, on Wed-
nesday afternoon of last week,
President h erguson occupied the
chair. falinutes'of last meeting. were
read and passed and Auditcrs' re-
port was presented showing the re-
ceipts to be $779.08 a,nd the iexpend-
yet on
• Iii °'ills
flute ; 970, with �3-. ,�
prizes., On motion of Alex Gardiner,
seconded by John Shortreed the
following Board ,was returned for
1899 :—President, Jas. Ferguson ;
dreds of theme" Ask him 1st Vice -Pres., Thos. DYeLauchiin evening was spent and a goodprog-
A large company, representing the
9th' cocseession Congregational and
the Turnberry churches, together
with a numerous tennient of tiorrie•
citizens, met at the house of Rev. J.
W. Gatlin to spend a pleasant even
ing and to bid Mr. Goffrn and his
family Godspeed in. their new sphere
of work to which be is about remov-
ing to Wingham. The Rev. Mr.
Garbutt, as the representative of the
Gerrie people, spoke in feeling terms
of the high .appreciation in which
Mr. Collin and his family are held in
This town and of sorrow of the change
to take place, but at the same time
wishing Mr. Coffin great success in
the new sphere of Work to Which he
he has been called. A very present
which is the best. He Wiii Directors, 1L Ctlrley,John Shortreed, music given. Miss Flora Janes
reply , "Scott's Enlulsrott. Jas. Cardiff,. Jas. McCallum, George presided atthe piano. Proceeds $11.
• 2nd Vice -Pres„ John - R. Smith ; ramnie of instrumental and vocal
Thep see that 1a this is the Johnson, Alex Stewart, Alex Gard- During the year 1898, 101 births,
bile; you obtain. It contains
the, purest cod-liver oil, free
from unpleasant odor and
taste. You also get the; hy-•
pophosphites and glycerine.
All three are blended into
one grand healing and 'louts
ishing remedy.
sec. and Shoo, a)l.trw;tists,
SSC.O T & t1Uw\t;, Ciitlttl]ts, 'Perottot . ' I
Ines., Alex McLauchlin, and W. H. 20 marriages and 49 deaths were re -
Kerr .err Auditors; Alex Hunter and . gistered in the township of Howiek.
Alex Strachan.. Derr --Gardiner— Cne night last week, Mt. James
that the offer of $-)50 from the Grey, Beswitherick's tailor shop leas broke
Branch Agricultural Society be ac.Into and a pair of pants and a suit of
eepted and the East Riding a Pall clothes stolen,
Fair be held. in Brussels next , Mr, win. Gibsonr of Winnipeg`, is
Carried. A joityt meeting of Dire,:•
tors o' both societies will be he d at friends and acetiraiutanees ill this
spending a few days with his Old
the call of the President, vicinity.
Miss Minnie 'Williams visited with
The tows of Seaforth wants .plower Ethel and Mitche 1 f'lends.
to "bonus it Wellen mill by giving 610,•
(3i)O.• 'leer sister Mrs. Jas. >Spenee nee.
sofa,^.thing more sustain- '
ing and with more sate
stance to it than the same
old breakfast cerealevery
morning --it is Nature's
cry for help, There ie, a
cereal food that will sat
isfy your craving---•
It is a true strength
builder. and contains the
essence of all that's good
in wheat— the gluten.'
With a little salt, i.t is
delicious-- -and, too, ie`is
the true food for brawn
and brain,
Hest grocers sell it by
the pound.
The Tiilson oo,'y, Limited,
Tiiscnburg, Ont.
Newbridge. -
Mr.'Alex. J. raise of Big Fork,
Rainy River Distriet, is spending a.
few days leader the parental roof.
Volcanic JhretptiouS
Are grand, butSkin Eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, cures
thea,; also Old, Running and Fever
Sores. Ulcers, Boils, Fe'ons, Corns,
Warta, Outs, Bruises, Burns, scalds.
Chapped f:iauds, Chilblains, 1ie,t Pile
eure on earth. Driven out"'Pt,ius and
Aches Only 25 cents st box. ,Jure
guaranteed, Sold by all Druggists.
CREAMERY'Iii .ETIXG•,—The annual
meeting of the Lonsesboro Batter
and Cheese Go. was held in Hil's
hall, on the 111th inst., for the • pur-
pose of electing officers for the earn-
ing season:—Mt: J, Watt way .re-
elected pre.idenr, and Mr, W. L.
Oat tnette, ;,ecretarytruasurer, Mr.'
J. le. Ross was re-engaged as i:utter
makerThe hutterinilk was sold to
S Me\'ettie for $3.M for every= ton
butter made. Proceeds of butter-
milk to he kept by the competes-,
Concert.—London's sweet singer-,.
H, R. McDonald ;ave It concert in' t
the interests f the; Epworth League:
on Wednesday evettfr g. The! 4 was
a .good attendance arid all greatly
enjoyed the evening*'s program
Notes.—Messrs. Appelby, i'4 f 1kee
and Melville are exhibing fancy
_poultry at the Hume Poultry and
Pet Stock Show, heal in Clinton this
Owingto, Miss ilirk has
been unable to teach this week. Iler i
work is being taken by Mr, air.
Mr. and M rs. Foster, of Ta ra, are
the guests of Mr. W.\Riddell,' this
Mr. S. Woodman sp is ' a new
driver this week.
Perfectly Cured
Weak and Low Spirited- Nervous
Prostration - Appetite Poor and
Could Not Rest.
.s I take great pleasure in recommending
good's Sarsaparilla to others. It has been,
the meant of restoring my wife to good
bken down with an
attack of ner'v'ous prostration. She tuf-
farad with headaches and her nerves were
under severe strain. She bacant° very
low spirited and so weak, She could only
do a little work without resting. Her
1 appetite was poor, and being So weak
she could not get the proper rest at night.
She decided to try Rood's. Sarsaparilla, as
highly praised, . and 1 am
ibad heard it h r
wes yp r
glitd'to state that flood's Sarsaparilla has
I;perfectly cured ail het ailments." G.
Bunt AMY, 321 Hanban St., West, 11M1111•••
•Ontario. Vetitent1 *
00 .m,fil
Is the hest -ht fact the One "True Mad 1'ttri-
Her. All &tiggfst3 C. tiix ter Se, Get Moid%tr
Miss Francis Evens is the guest t of,are stet ! rend,e
flood'i •Pills tiTLy aildrtrtu>li.