The Wingham Times, 1899-01-27, Page 3DEITO NAKOW,'S NV later C'earnins. In winter"we chit et cream at 08 'degrees. The awn and room ought to be the same temperature. In six gallons of oream I put one 111 4 r. 1 00 • • gallthi (X Water Of ties CA/DO dblILpers ar, LI,i1 t. ii ere, the biz of large shot, Mare, •Stop eharning when the 0 lj 141111 Q,1 DatliLong,d for az a lap- 1eaz3 from Suftbring, , pat. ta Iwkafal (.4 twit, frP1Wri I of Lr Ada 'several times. NOW draw off but- termilk, put in .a pail of wateeelturn back anti fotthseveral times, draw off water and pour in enotLer pail. of ,wacr and draw. Salt in .the demi lone and a, half to the pound. Now shake briater to (me side of tburn, pot le e, little ettlt at a time, take ladle tiedwork salted butter oft the top, Keep en salting- ant), wonting - to one side autil all is salted ; then work back and forth several° tines •, thea form in roils. 1 hey° a sniad table leneve up to the ehurn, to set the Beatles on. 1 have a double • beam settles one beam gives 'the .vveight of the butter howl and the other the weight of the batter. - • I have moulded ten two pound rolls in no minutes (I use.. the ladle to shape the rolls), .You See, in having everything convenient it is not hard work • to make butter,. and it is so mute; easier to make the good artiele than the fioor stuff that some :farmers call butter. it is a great • source of enjoyment to realize frone 10 to 15 cents a pound more fur the buttethat is • always-, in demand and will make its own market.' • Are You Iiiateried? Are you tnarried to the old-titne belief ooesutoption is incureble? if so you that are we ided to a mistaken 110t100. Shi- loh's Cough .and Consumptiort Cure hes over come reany 5 serious came, -and it never fails when taken in the early stages. One bottle will prove more to you than a whole Z.boltainnor argument. Try it. Every bnt tle guaranteed. 25 ots.,.50 ots. and t1.19. Pal's Celery Compound Rosettes the Ilietim and Builds Ilor Up . Physleally arts Mentally. likr.orAA BrortArtnetox Co., C ti ' .1 t • that 1 have completely reoovered *toy health through the VIVA Paine'sOelery Compound, Per some years post xy lierve4 and system were almost wroolted by nareotios used to alleviate pain. The elpetm weld not help me, and I thought I would forever have to remai n a slave to deadly cirugs. I often longed fur death ,tis arelease from my sufferings. After 3uring pains. and agonies that were terrible, I cittterm tried to try Pie's Celery Compound, wit hoet any full hope tostever, that it would outs me. When I bud used a pat t or the second bottle 1 thought it wee dying me good ; 1 could sleep well and did not faint so often: and 1 deuided to continue the nse or the tnedieint.. After the use of fifteen bot- tles 1 ani cow -,letely cured. 1 feel eo Strong and welinnw, and have soch pot feet health that I sometimes think it is too good to be true. For the benefit of 'thousands of poor souls suffering from the effete or deadly narcotics I give my statement, as an eucouregement to them —est he:wanes that ?tune's Celery Coll}.• 3potaid SN ill cure them. Sincerely and gratefully, • MRS. IU ISA W ARNER, Montgomery, N. W. T, The World's Population. 'German geographers are usaally credited with the closest computations Of • the •world's popnlation. Their latest figures are 1,500,000,000, an addition of 20,009.000 in the past seven eers. An inereese is found in needy every pert of theworld. it is most rigid in civilized countries, especially those that lead' in the use et libov saving machieery. Green land 's requiem population is growing, but the rietives of the Pacific Islande are .dyeing out. Euro.pe's popula- lioe within the Christian area nab advaneed from 54,000,000 to 385, 4300,000 and, in spite of pessimists Tho A man hetes to hie another man who owes hint shots him itionev. A man has to tonne; a girl to find out her honest opinion of her girl friends. It .'wonld be easier to - forgive a fo .1 if he were original, but all are fools in the same old ways, - How easy it is to let the other fel- low do the work of reflecting that the eaercise is' good for him. It is an evidenee of greatness to listea to the advice and experience of others. • A fool is always bull headed. ' • Ji gained steadily iu comfort and • iA woman'sidea of beitig cultured telligence. s to look a terrapin as indifferently in • when invited out as she looks at. • • • fried bacon at home. •10yspepsiti's Clutch. — Dr. Von If a man is defrauded by another tan Pineapple Pineapple' Tthlets are nature's man, his. wife roars 90 years after- imost wonderful remedy for all disorders ward if the wife of t'in dishonest iof the stomach. Tee digestive powers pineapple and be and agitating at a 'nen wears a new ribbon. • tetoperloore of MO' Fahrenheit, when Idles -neat will be eo rarely digested. Pine- • To bet entirely relieved orthe aches ;apple '.124.)Iete reliem in one day. .33 . u cents. S A. . . and pns 4if rheumatism means a great deal, and Hood's Sarsaparilla does it, DEADLY CATARRH ins fastened its relentless grip, upon some member of nearly every faniily in the ltpid. Competent authorities estimate that from eighty to ninety per cent. of the entire population of 2 this continent suffer from some formof , this repulsive and dangerous malady. = If you or any cf your family suffer either from recognized catarrh, pr ' from the lingering colds which mark itscitrly Stageg—don't trifle with it: It is the precursor of consumption and death. Dr. Agnew's' Catarrhal Powder.. 4.3t • -2; '41 never fails. It is the remedy of all emedies, endorsed by the most ex- perienced and eminent nose and throat specialists of the day, and having a retard of a multitude of radical, pere =tient cures of chronic cases which had been declared incurable. It also eures.eold 'tithe head,'Influense, hay fevet, loss of smell, deafness, sore throat, tonsilitis, asthma and all simi- lar diseases. It is delightful to use. "I have had chronic catarrh ever since the war," save J. C. Tuyhtr, of 2I0 N. Clinton Ave., Trenton, N. J. "1 bad despaired of ever being cured. I used three battles of Dr. Agnew's' Catarrhal Powdoe and my catarrh his entirely left , ine." Rev. V. E. WhItcombe, rector of St. Matthew's Episcopal Chigoe, Hamilton, Ont., was a great sufferer. lie lewd Dr. A gneWACatarrhal Powder, and now pro- - cieites it a elf°, simple and certain cure. The Lord Bishop of Toronto, Can, re- commends the remedy Over his Own signature. Sold by druggists. 1)r. Agnew's Cure for the Ikea 'relieves heart disease in so minutes. Dr. Agnew's Liver Pills—toe. for 4o doses—are the best. Dr. Ate:sees Ointment relieves in a day torches, otter and all skin diseases. Cured piles in a to 5 nights. 5s. 2 . ,•,, , g`. SOLD BY A. L. IIAMILTON, ' 1111E WINGLIASI TIMES, JANUAR:Y. 27, WeBgtng3R aPinia,4rt. In France ;Ind Italy beggars must obtain a license before plying their i vocation, and travellers passing through - those countries Malin be struck by the large. number of beg. ' gars met with at or near the doors of the churches, openly importuning all Whoenter for • olins, 1t aging - 1*Ft axle° is a titie st.d the bea and most effectual means of touching Ithe hearts of !he Charitably digrsed is studied as a eeispee by a vat lumber of persons. Institutions ex • ist in France and Italy were bog. t, gars. natty learn how to produce :nearly all the b9dfly infirmities "which afflict humanity. Some of tee professional beggars amass consider; able Simsof money. The Parisian beggars have the.eenefit of a direet• - • ory and a newspaper. The "Direct. pry of Benefaeters" gives the names of persons known to benevolent, also their religion, thole political faith, and the boars when they can be found at home. The Journal des Mendicants, amongst other things, announces the best localities in which to solieit alms, KIDNEY BURDENS Vanish Under tles,Treatreetit of That Greatest of Kidney Specific, South American Kidney Care. Mrs. W. S. Bissett, 62 Camerdni St., Torouto, was troubled with semi a pains in the small of her back which doctors said was caused by kidney tremble. and which produced intense suffering at times. She used many remedies without any fasting benefit until she tried the 7 m th American Kidney Cure. A few sees ' proved a wonderful benefit, and Ild . iter taking three bottles all traces or - the trouble were gone. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Pointed Paragraphs. It's a poor farm that can't acquire . a tuortgage. A man's best' friend is sufficiency of the almighty dollar. ' te It's a cold day when you can see _ the paper frieze on the wail. Brevity may be the soul of wit but, - there's no fun in being short. ; Ep Many a man has risked acquiring - a wife in order td acquire a sister. . Love makes a man think of dia. mends and marriage makes" hint think of clubs. ' In the matrimonial game the man who weds an heiress expects to be , e. cheek -mated. • . Oise touch of the poor relation is apt to make the rich man think the s, world kin. . "Mine is. a blasted' life," remarked the man as he -went sailing through boundless space after kicking a can .at of dynamite. ' Soon Left Her. "I was taken witb is ewolliug in my feet and limbs. I was not able to walk for four months., 1 read about Hocd's Sarsaparilla and procured a bottle. Be. fore 1 had taken it all the swelling left me. I took three bottles of Hood's and have not been troubled with swelling since." Ram:cos. Snavaits, Chatham, Ont. HOOD'S PILLS cure all livor ills. Easy to tae, easy to operate; reliable. sure. 25O. ' linsounct Horses. There is a saying that out of 103 ':— horses examined for soundness only 95 percent will prove perfectly free from some defect and the remaining ' five wilI be found the worst animals in the whole lot. The view imartime ,s appear pessimistic. At the same a perfectly sound hnrse at all- points is singularly rare, espeeiallv if we • include vice and pernicious ebits Dr. Chate'e Kidney -Liver Palls are the as rendering' a horse unsound. The tally combhied Kidney -Liver Pill made ordinary definition of unsoundness and will positively cure all Kidney -Liver is "the txistence of disease or alter- troubles. nation of structure which doe. -4 or will impair the horse's 'eatural• use • Nobody's Mother. fulness.". There are many eght de feets and alterations of Arnett" There is a story told on one of the which do not interfere with a hiirse's ctitswhich may or may nor reefulness for the practical week 1., aecee seen the light of print already, is required to perform. If the ,h‘. AS of how not long ago a young bar- ' is workably sound, there is DO reakm Hata rose to examtne one Of his why he should be condemned by tte,,. witnesses wilt an ttnaceountable hazy notion of her identity. "I intending purehaser, for few hem.. are more than this, according ta think that you are the prisoner's general experience, If now we add tigithee," he began. to perfect soundness an almost fault "Certainly not, sir, wes the unex- less conformation, freedom 'and fst-li Pe("1 answer. i 11 ti th difficult f ir Turning Itheriedly to his brief, ho • 10.4*.ft ire A is C oiliest Coy 11 ftli Cure , and it's a cure that's not often possible and not always sum. There's a better idea about coughs and cures Why not a the hangs to the climate -instead of fitting the climate to ,tife lungs? It is the power to do this that makes A THE ZiST C in the land. It is a sure cure for colds and coughs; a specific for Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough; it prevents Pneumonia, cures La Grippe; and it so strengthens the lungs and heals the torn tissues that . many cases of disease marked by all the signs of Incipient Consumption have ,been absolutely cured by its use. it We tried almost everything for asthma without success. At 1st we used your Cherry Pectoral and the relief was immediate." S. A. ELLIS, Keene, N. H. When I had almost despaired of ever finding a cure for chronic bronchitis, I derived mast excellent results from Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I can testify as to its efficacy." • R. G. PROCTOR, M. D., .0akland City, Ind. • ",There were sixteen children in my father's family and there are seven in my own. We . have never, since I can remember, been without Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and have never had a case of cold or a cough that this remedy did not cure." HON. WM. E. vfAso,N, Chicago, Ill. "'My wife was sick in bed for ten months and was attended by six different doctors. All of them said that she had consumption, and some of thein said she could notlive a month. I bought one bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It seemed to help her, so I secured one dozen bottles. Before these were all used, she was completely cured and to -day is strong and well." J. W. EWING, Camden Point, Mo. 'Fer more than a year my wife suffered with lung trouble. She had a severe cough, great soreness or the chest, and experienced difficulty in breathing. A three months' treat- ment tui Ayer's Cherry Pectoral effected a complete cure. We regarded it as remarkable, as the other remedies she had tried had failed to even give relief." C. H. BURRIS, Marine Mills, Minn. Best Medical Advice, all diseases. Free. • Address, Medical Dept., J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. Y ,dp •0e ^,^ Dr Chase's Preparations Rave Merit For Piles, Eczetna, Salt Rheum, Pin Worms.aud all akin diseases Dr. Chase's Oidtment is a positive cure. It is re- commended by Dr. C. 'M. Harlan of the American journal of Health. Dr. Chase% Catarrh (lure with blower included will owe insipient Catarrh in few hours; Chronic Catarrh in one mon tit's treatment. one e ac o , e y o stet ie an ideal horse la inurealsed ten. thought that be had round the fold. No wonder that good littrede rensoe for her evident annoyance notwith3tanding slightimperfectione. Y'es, I gee :0611 are the Proseeet• realize high pilees.—London Live MO tbether?" he continued. Stock Journal, "Certainly not," (Atm her reply, still more emphatically, 17(e'orre0--IEVIMAL. TitusTwonrkty Pal "Then Whose Mother Iyo;?" y T tonna in this state to nilt)aten nite .1 J AIM.' I ," espal, t, henun andir tirarbyeetteties It 1 ,4 .11.01.1y ,41h,. I inflATIU ell I 41111061, ll (I 1 wrt: metorl at hems. Salar,t• stmiclit """ o e tr and omilises-iletinite, boutttlide ne 1. se fairly boiled over.with indigna leas saliva alentblv %'fit Deforsmatia. 14:11.11141 tion as she retorted t "NobOdy's ir stueped 8.1.milope,lt.olattt Irks, r striott wolunti 'Prost o taticatsta. • .et • . .7 Y PLASTER PARIS PIE. Perma,nent Cures Of such diseases as Salt Rhearn,Saro- fula, Sores, Ulcers, Dyspepsia and Con- stipation ar u ade by B.B.B. The daily papers are full of statements of those, wbo haveben eertnantly oared by 13.B.B. In Caine the detection of false coins is a t:leilled, prosperous pales. sion, known as shroffing," and is in special sel is.,z5i1,1C176i1 try for HOW A GUELPH SMOOT.? MARM PRAC- TICEi DOMESTIC SCIENC:3, Since Mrs. Rorer, of Philadelphia, delivered her much discussed address At the Ontario Agrieultiral College, 1.118t Deeeraiper 'the question of pie - eating has been a -common topic. Here's the latest in piedom. A pub- lic school teacher, who expects some day to be the bride of some forthre ate or unfortunate young Man, re- gularly employs her Saturday morn. ings in the cooking of what Mrs. Rorer would term a fatal diet, Last 'Saturday morning, instead of putting the regular ingredients in her pie, She mistook a parcel of plaster of Paris for a parcel ef flour, The re, suit was obiviotts. Instead of a teneeltig desert, a statue, represent. her -ale fatal dish," was produted. And still there are some people who argue that tits teaching of domestic science is nnty a fad of long tongued womeil.-01.10 ph Ilerald, eel vefif)LICITOUS W a srret,urnay vitzttg La. ter 'The St,ity 01 the Philippines" fiy Milrett 1181st oolimibviinnimi by the 13roverm 'milt gm 1111. 461 CiAtqriatt to tho WAY Deo:tamed' Thu hook wiitten is my arcantos assn Wan:Alen; 011 tile nasiiie with imuirel Merritt, 1,, the nu:Timis at Hos inlulil *long Kona, in the Am ,rd'art trenehe$10. inthu insurcent, cantos With atntlatal,io, on ;am ile.d;otfho Ohlopit, wit:111)03Q. ntit, Thu 'Mt t,f futtio At thi 1-111 of Manila, 18,1181188 for tiords. Wield of pictures taby elon cov- . Totowa phOto..ttriplioNA en VI! ROM101.03 . book, tow par. 5. big profits, Fro Lint rani. 1.1- et alt traqhe uneeirisl war hen% nett t trimA,l,t-ew, eas, e. ta,ber,, $.00,y.„ trettrame nie, Otiose. 4.1 f.7114,t,tflyita thAV IA. The OntarloGovernreent will save 01.200 a year by the reduction of postage float 3 to 2 cents. Nothing so erfeotive for oheoltio,r save ere Coughs and Colds na Dr. Woods Norway Pine Syrup. Price 25ts, all dealers. A writer says speech was given man to coneeal his thoughts. It WAS needless preeetttir'n itt MATIV _Z._ 1. One Zi;;;I MS the story. When your head stomach MAD* end no appetite, itist buy a package of aeltes, and you feel tosteti- Dated, and out of tuns, with your Hood's Pill* And take a doss., from 1 to 4 111118. You will/. be surprised et how eistilso they will do tiler work, ours jrti headache and bllknu liver ittltl rlittlte 'i'u' 2,5 cents. Sold by lit/44,111,