HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-01-20, Page 7•
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Ottea$V0,7 roan
you ii Ase, ansa 1 tilit'ea ted 1•teseenl
A"�a fit her glove, "Atrc1 Elul get �.r, elletried y—Ars
.._asH fin`" hiw -' n'u "" ti
";t 1K'rlrni,s, bat beery Derrell is veer u £lt• over `i t�yu t ylrnp htAa beet!
* tieulur gleed oases gartanelits, so Is i•A= { ti • r l i,td y ilissha C
oman vy. •"IYu�nt Yw._. ... answered Chu.. Y?��c iu¢. w(lq aer[eei uaeexe�ILWmxieFeµiAa
`"IYuutk 'rru," untsvorod Yho grau'pl; alta. e s far
BY MRS. MARY E. I-1014114ES-
"A 'i�om:to a Low:," "The lWWife's Secrete' "A Mettle=
�v oman,"- "Tier I►ata1 Sin," "A Wife's Per'iie°'. '
"A Das?, Woman,"
. 4i' :v8ticIl rhe epulU. flour out the ovez'tloty-
i, '1..�1e1.,.f:�a 4^p. 7,ti !.°�.,y.,r t,n;a^nc�5.„,c"r'.cej :yet,,, ,,,c�''..,s,),v,,sseA oega....,,,sasssaf.e,ese sea flit; llltterlteso of her heart; illlt. now ttnUthet` it's t'.•Ye.t'V �tilll'(lpe}l(1� ill`
� ' � .��i+'N.e 4f r'�/"t • '��4 ✓`+'1.,.� 1Y.� •r Jr N''' " a r . • .\� she slot' 1)e.fove-her .a wunutn, 'its lasa'tbtii^ ,ki,Stlttiti lttij ,iJ, }LI,,e 11111 �,n�, f1 i14P,r1'}.I,.tur
lelr o r ren w t .e let 1
4 ( rate t siuietly• "I have tag 110. tit11 ice, with perfeet euooess. It s x thee t,4e
r: ' a ()itil(1, alllCtann tttp acuwe, alt(}yN oats 1a11a,
Erases; elle w111 toilet 111c. I could as,,,,! ; t
think i,t 11v1ug you et) melt trouble os1: 1 ut:11,et magi eulta, and is aha boot e. remedy
tits' beholt." f rise dirlrrbot3A. it ie 1,lenssat'to the taste.
Bolsi by druggists in every pert oI. the
Valerie's hruws meet ugnin. It vats 1 world, Twentytive CO ate a bottle. Its
the first time Alien had shown her spirit .[ star. is ilasaluable. !aa rdtlr4( you nett tc;r
(•t' (1etermine:lion, and Miss Itoss resent- l A4rs. LV]aslitw's liootlripQ ia)rt>p, and
t(1 it now meet bitterly. I take no other kind.
I1-itherto Kite hail looked ou Alice as
u plaything, as 11 nlTlaettle'llt, nu object tlss A provPtb found In one fL�
• hand—this is henceroi'tli Soil' nal(t;tltel, ;she observed atter a znonten't'K f`ilenee, fns es herself, and 01:17 St hit as proud.a id my Wife, Margaret Darrell:" • "No," answered. Alice.. "As y uta like," she ob.+ste•ved indif-
She did not add that she bald' t ro•wn : tet•ently; "I thought I plight have been
In a large solitary room, sitting by a
window that took in the magnilie'•nt
Sista of park, grounds, and wood, eon►-
prising Darrell Collo estate, was a
Taunt; girl. ,
. She mote (t ogres of soft gr vs male
very •siiuplo, fitting her )mut;,. body to
perfeeilon with its elingfug holds; Iter
hair of pule gold was gathered in at lat•ge
knot at the back of her email well -
shaped head.
Iter skin was pure white, like the
• Ally ou the narcissus in its+ waxen pante;
• her eyes, framed With heavy long dat.ic
leashes, shone like great luetrous grey
t their tt' ,r
used to Valerie's striate() erratic• visits
during the last two mouths, and large
emitted to wonder art them.
"Have you heard from thaw worthy
people your aunt and uncle since they
lett. the village':" next queried itI!Ks netts
tens lightly.
"No," said Aliso again. this tune with
at erialsntt flush on her cheeks.
.Chore wes a something' in Valerie's
tones that always made her wretclleli..-
lirought her low origin in glaring pain"
fulness• before her eyes.
1"They tire not rnusltlerute for their
mice's welfare," observed Mi Rae:,
IIPr gloves; were btrttnnetl; Ate let her
hands drop, and 'gazed at he. }'onug
..scattering their shrivelled brown. leaves a burden,• anti----"
„at every soft gust. And' was glad to see you -happily and
It was Margaret, Lady Darrell, • well married," finished the other; "of
A sigh escaped her lips as site sat course that svae natural; was it not?
silent, but eke did not move. The room -`•line's. face was white now; her hands
-seemed to strike the beholder ass we -my clasped together, were cold with tate
and lonely; even the firelight faded to humiliation she was enduti1ig.
-light up its solitude. She knew how cruel was the woman
The furniture and hangings were rich opposite; and how •pow.erless • she was
!buttheir tone was sombre, and spoke tai to fight het. The simile which some -
.a.. bygone fashion. The girl alone was times overcame her fell on her heart
.a•oung and fresh; she looked strangely now like a heavy weight. _ .
beautiful fir[ her dark setting. She saw herself es Valerie thought
The door opened aztd a maid entered Iter—a vulgar, common girl, .the relative
bearing n lamp. of people who were bought out of the
` "What is the • time, .Dn.vis?" asked village, out of the aioute they had lived
.I. o(ly• I)nlrrell,wakl'ng from het' thoughts, in for years, so that their preseli 1e
"Nigh halt'past live, my lady," answer- should,not shoek the eyes of the C tase
'ed the mated. nor recall bow low its master had sunk
;'stow dark; it is almost night" in stating with one of their 'number. '
The yotutg-figure left the window. • None knew—none could ever know—
"Will you rangy my lady, when you what an calmly of pain and shame lived
want me?" in the young heart of Roy Darrell's
"Yee." 4 i [e:
The maid went slowly from the reran, She was utterly -completely -alone! •
and her young Mist—mei walked towards . The man for whose Sake she bartered
the fire; her face was subdued and iter her freedom left his home- two days
eyes gazed into the glowing coats quietly, • after the funeral of his murderedfaiotid.
almost sadly. His another still inhabited her rooms
"Two months," she murmured; "it • in the Castle ,
able.hut there was a elz:•tsm,
seems lite two years! Am 1 the sante bcttwec s steer :and her son's wife.
flesh and bland as the girl who, two c'
treat•e(1 the girl with ceremony
mouth, aro. was ;u slags(: and worked on and courtesy, her wishes was consulted
the farm like the ploughboys? It :R'etna fn ev('rw 0-av, bat tits older women:—
like a dream! Perhaps I • shall svelte the proud descendant of rn•ancient race „• le was tearing her young heart.
' some day and find my:sc if burl: in the n eta ,,.
' farm--itud all this gloomy splenalor m'it---reLttst^.d to' eat or be fumiliar with a "1 will to.' I most be prase, better her
0(1 it.tn mist., and hear Aunt Martha's • Oa who,,a, fear days before, hacl con- stinging words ten her contempt. If
.......V01ee s:o!uins; me as she uses. to do. sorted with farm -help ain't laborers. • she thinks 1110 ct+ri:icl, she will tate„'tme
Sho proved front the fire,. land walked : cic:.tsrnnttlly-the two Lady Darreils for ever With it. :and that would loin
alp a,d ti:.wn the :corm swiftly. met, and the clean. woman would always ate. , No; 1 will—I nlu.•t (10 this,\vliat-
"1 :tinwicr it' -I eleenl,1 be happier if I dl\;•p, a deep courtesy to the shrinking, ever immense!
, woke to find it oil a dream—to he back timid form of the yeungea•,:bat they ex- She rang the bell (pticldy, and Davis
once sure 111 -the aid lire? No,- no: 1 chautged no word. apnonr(d.-
coal ,' do it. And yet"—shu stopec'1 ! Valerie Iloss alone apitearell to notice "Li,z'ht the ern:dies in ins; ro
ltl.room,. Davis;
au tam: ovary se , aug• troubled face-betsore her i1111it gently.
She had a book open, on her Imre, yet ;dice roused herself, she tried to snide.
It diel not omen to attract her mads; hair s' Mutt Martha is olrly et(sa ]tad to got
. gore'was bent out Qt the wilulu,. a..,. . rid or ntc. She always looked on me ;u
the country scene, at tate mesial, treees
able to give yon sonic flints. The diu-
i ner-hoar is (sight, it is. usually hale -post
- schen, bat Lady I)nr ell has it later to-
• night, on eneullnt' of "the earl's ars+ivul.
I tolgot what • train he is to eume by,
but of coarse he wrote to tell -your."
Alice's right hnud. grasped a chair
for support; tt, mist clouded her eyes.
Cine thought was alone ill Ler, hind—
the earl wgs coming --the earl, her hus-
band. All else was fo i gotten; 1'ale:ie,
her sting=s, the long lonely months—ell
but the 011e thotigllt, 411e should ere owe Adnflrttl Lord Charles. $eretlfotd,who
more that handsome face, bear than left forJa
risen, manly voice,. clash. that •strong Ipan. 4
is "Ftlrntliarity breeds contempt."
Its earliest forms is bcleived to bo the
Joseph Moreau, grocer, of Lewis,
h.ts consented to r(t.sign at the
request of Louis Moreau, engineer,
who is it creditor for $11.60. Mr, A.
t(ilnicllx, accountant,. has been
appointed .gaatrcl Ian.
The Municipal Council, the Cham•
ber of Commerce and the America
and (China Associations of Shanghi,
gave a farewell banquet, to Rear
e iM
I We;
i , Therm are litany people who
1 catch cold easily—whose lungs
V- seem to need special caro and
strengthening, Such should take
It so heals and invigorates the
WLungs and, Bronchial Tubes as to
render them capable of resisting
"1 was troubled forY ears with
weak lungs,” says E. J. Furling,
Lower Woodstock, N. B., and
could not get any relief, but on
trying Dr. Wood's Norway Pine 1Syrup, it acted splendidly, heals
ing and strengthening my lungs,"
A joy seemed to come to her so swift is
11114. sudden that it illulninttteil her
countenance as with glorious sunehinc:, '
Valerie saw the transient gleam pass
oyM her pale face, end her heart grow
still more bitter towatrds this girl, --bit-
ter, uud then •triumpbnnt, for in teed
glance she had rend Alice's secret, the
secret that Alice helsi+l'C,as yet did not
ecnprohenttl,t;l(tt Roy Datlrell's lbw -born
wife loved him.
"He has not written t0 yon?" Daae
broke in. "AL, that watt relmitiss! I
tlltetight he would have fixed to dine
with you instead of his -mother. Brut 1
expect he forgot all about that ---at least,.
he said nothing touching it in the letter
I received from hien this morning."
Aliee's ,joy (le(1 sc suddenly as it had
been bona. - She Mutated as thnngh .a
blew had been struck her, but )41e. said
nothing, and Valerie noes walked grace-
fully from the r,xsnt, feeling that She
had triumphed easily.
Left alone, Alice hang- herself clown
by the chair, anti hurled her face in her
"Frit g t ale!" she twlrisnered. "Yes,
that is'nhat site says; anal she is riIhst
lie can do nothing but hate me. An(1 I—
o11. what shame fs onint'; I cannot
help him. I must rctnn:;l for ever :t.
burden and a tie."•
Site rose 'and' paced the roost.
"Ii(Iw dries ('She is! What -.stall i •cls?
Ii' I 'remain away she Neill triumph, and.
if I go-- But I must. go." She stnea
silent, bor. arrascrossed ()vele-tier brert,se
tt,1• 1prieh!y Ioiuiy here. A11 is so
,gears:-. ', 1 (.row tepl•('ssc(1 with it. 11:
only ::..• 0...41710 r twnu:el speak to isle kind-
ly • '..• :ie, ; s •;u cult and coni:
tet u i1.11 1 t ,erne .she ,scorns me in her
hetet: sl,(. loves 1'11('1,10 Toss. She
'.81101.f.! a,,,' t, t,e•'.t 11111- wife loot a farm-
girl. 11.e it i,'::11, like- ale. Aliec,—my
•ra, il:.' name (nnsl mum) ale; it
• will (:..,. to arc' foe* ever. And !te, 1
who;. '11- ,t be 1hhd: •oL mo new? All
den; -"l ;,1 ;11(4', and he only remembers
• 1u• Asole t to me for ever—tied to a low -
bore +'"l. v Le:.o very presence drives
stint fin1,1 !1:, hrsiue."-
SI,e tensed ase instant, her lips corn -
press -feet ee if with pain, :then, with a
sigh, see drew up a chair to the table
and t a;t Pp a book.
tiI•( n a.•: pondering over -the words
• +thotteie1elle, when. a tap came 10 the
eft(' ...aid absently.
'1'b,. .1'.'a' o....11....1, :adds a woman a.(1
sethee f :oto t11,, room. n Sall elegant
,. figus•'• in • relies of trailing black motile
cut 1.'r: round tile. beautiful 1noewy
shin:1(114 s. ('1' 11•i. nowise,: of rr(1-brteen
hair :rht,'eed (t::,e. 1! rnhi(4 and tlfa-
ntcfi,l .; a .h nd+ r 11t:.:its sate"hatters :t
glntY.U;a 'ci;4r 'IC the 8811110 j:'0('iti Malta
ibe •,. gels Ul.<• thr'•:tt.
It 't s.4S r,11'; • 7;. py Pilo tante 4n
.. drawl!./ 61n her 1 r°1:Y arts rd' -:e; 81011.1,•.
Fier lar,' . 0:14, hitt bet :•yer fhitetle(•1
Ci'tl`?. e!1 `'•i -N ,:11)11 111(11'
she, • 1::'!':e•^,!(•attr:esse .5?2 s10 (dt ne2
4:.1) i. alt .\ tire," she obeerve(1 play-
, -faille. "self buried in y'•nr bo:.ks? What
it el • 1 e 1!•art'is'e• wilt bt' itt user itstty
gores n i r::sl t•'1••", year bast, t(2 i18!"
sees. Si elite; el'elely. •
el ,> '1:'1 .$in,!'•'roe. T way rending,
for ;'W mem." Nair' a es...a-1.1'11.
•ttt'll.rd '. , the w•ia''.•w withher',-' its greee •l'l eel Once, '' 1,4 elr-
e• t1.•'Y- :xe;s• sill! Whirawtl. and .111 '12 the
t slat: ,;,ss the tiles se-tne(i • like .moving
101(1(12(11 S'nI •r:e with
:,ht;c`,i••r. •'litrlt•el ' 101! strut
11011,'•:: a T wnttilfr yet art. Iter 'gond of
s' run 'i ''rid rte I:m'11.iliat already!"
e "1 sal mute 0s•t.tel!t," said elle slow-
ly; .1"i1-ldde111y reln(niltet leg her
mailed "Pitt will yarn 0 t Al by the
lire. Mess? This ('blur is most ,
('0(1 ('l18ble"
Y r.;,.1•„' trailed ludarerfntly toward the
fire. ; ho did i8 t take the cirri, hitt
. t't(s•,i bnttotthui her glove:, with dile
stiettder foot nn the fender.
"Y.,u don't seem snrurlscd to 50' Me.”
the girl thrown so suddenly into this and ltit,xtck thaw (1?eases that value ithe
strange life, bet tlx;ttgh to the world ni'her clay from London. I dine with
her ovt:rttres of friendship seemed the the earl and itis mother to -night, and I
eseen0e of kindooso anis good nature./ mast look 'well." • .
Alice know -to the contrary and alwati•s - The amid bowed. and left the room
suffcired torture during the visits she rem
wired from the beautiful -mitten.
About at month after Roy's del rtr-
tnr0; hews reached the, Castle that the
Ewa • of Darrel, his 'elder- brother, it
00111 who had been a wanderer from
les house for many years; was deers,
leaving no heir, and Roy Darrell sue -
misled to the' title and the estates.
The tidings -were \co•mnrunieated to
Alice in tiie meet ceremtmi0t,s mummer,
but the fact that now the was a mete -
toss and moreover, entire mistress of
the Castle, did not :appear to touch her.
She was growing day- by day stare
wretched ne she saw haw great a mis-
take it had allbeen, and how wrecked
her life must be, henceforth passed tin
the gloomy solitude that •appeared to be
her lot.
ya1eie Ross, standing by the, fire,
snitched her farce Mauch with pain, and
the smile on her lips deepened.
It was almost a pleasere to lior to
make this young. heart eeffer. She hues
gone through such terinres harselr When
her farithiesss lover died, that it seemed
to have killed all the tenderness and
-womanliness in her.
Alice roused herself at last. •
"Ilaive yon anythingpartie:tilar to. "tell
leer site asked ltnrrietiiv, tnlniiig to
open her book with fat foleing hands:
"I bring an int•itatt!nn tem the Dews'
tiger Leidy Darrell, to Mersatrot, Conn -
toe of Darrell•—on Invibillfun to din in
the 'Blue Chamber. You will • refuse, aL
wrist my T.sttly .till1!'a. \h l;ssrlti0s litre
you never• dine aft,. y.41 Ir t'oW."
:.live rant the tllvr.•il,•;s•' glance of
tho:'e gulden -brown cy
"1 a1eel.t with pleasure:" atm replied,
quietly. "fray c(11)1''1 1l1y thanks to
Lady Ihti'rell. At what boor "does 1411e
Vittorio drew herself. +,1, and frowned.
She had eul(le to tor10.9e. •nil and trouble
low-bea•n ;111,- :n"t r,'•1r found her-
self treated with leltu.8l at- much hatt-
i(`lir and , ittd:]foreitve ;1•• she Herself
e1'.'ld 1543011(1:. -
\t hem did this g114 a(: '1V1 mance-re-
rind ways of speech? 11,1 .rites 1 nierie 1111=
gaily, She was no ,,1•,'i1!:!2",' 001001 :1
(TOMTIT. but true e „•t •"1' with a gra;:e
and ease that might ,.•.41 Have become 0
• '":There will be geese." sato obverred
with a resat 1'1111•=1f wonder and aQ-
ul.irntinat: :2e1('r 1121(1 she seen the
young ('(nlutes8 Inuk so btatlitifnl; yet
she was changea. n
'i'hrro was eotnethieg different, some-
tling that told elle had patssed front a
gill into a woman, that -life had begun
with all its storlus stud jays, its taiials
and Winnow.
a a e # >x
In the I1ow.tger Lally D•nrrell's note -
Meet, the waxen lights glimmered in
profusion from their silver stands, • and
11etl a soft rnaeate flue from beneath
their silken shades. •
Valerie IRoss was alone. she was
walking tn. and fro• the 'Whole length
or the room, her long train trailing on
the carpet, her rubies and (lianinnds
g1;a1•nl'.:4g on her neck told hair hike
fireflies in their brilliancy'.
She had a frown ou ]ler brow, and
her beautiful luouth was set and hard.
She was thinking of .spice, and tihe-
t1h:mlgsitt brotl;;ht vexation, -
"Bnt for Vela," she muttered. "slow
Changed it w•otil(i he. Ho* b1i101 I w•'ae.
But EtNtitee wore the veil 2101ti1d my
eyes. Feel that I was to believe him
anti lase my eitauee with •Iloy. 'sloe
slid love • 01e. but dee:, 1u' still? Two.
mouths are not n li,"etanc. 1Ve shall
see. Anil that puny creature shall yet
learn the cxti'nt of ley power.
'Nle dnwsge• ealue in slowly while
She W1l't rill musing. Valerie smoothed
the frott•n from iter face as shv ad -
Vermeil -to meet the Alder woman.
"I have. not heard- the wheels un the
grave]." said Roy's nu,tlier ars elle sank
into her chair; "it is.getting late—•n('r10y
eight, and he has not conte." •
"You are Over'-a,txi0tts, (1ea1'," replied
`1 ttlrt'ie. "Does Roy briflg a11yn11e with
1111112 I fan(;; I hefted you mention
scmothing about guests."
"Yes; lie tvili be ncenutpanieit by two
geu1amvii--one, Lord Rndine. 1 think
yell know sum. The other is' 'a tuan
he snot its Italy, a Conut :Cara --rant,
Ian! .letters, a most delightful coat:
1a(.i'itt0. I (•1n g1a(l, y aierie, ht' has
brought gaedts, etilertvise the life hL\.'e
at first might prove too tearing."
1'a10:a10 ttfrael at the last words.
The doors had opened, Mid a sett
Another outbreak of hog cholera:
For Infant, and Children.
The he -
erg stare
The Montreal Street Railway
Company is consentrating its works
at Hochelaga, and, it is understood,
will build the cars for the London,
Toronto, Winnipeg and St. John
lines. at that point. '
J. P, Gardner, •wh" for the past
year and a half has had charge of
the Kingston 13e11' Telephone ex-
change under Superintent Sluith,
.has been promoted to the ranage•
meat of the Ssratfurd exchange.
lacicache and Kidney ts•oubic make
a Halifax lady's life miserable.
It would be well if every lady in Canada
understood that pain xis the back and
backache were nothing more norless than
a cry of the disordered kidneys for help.
Hundred's of ladies have found Doan's
Kidney Pills a blessing, givini; thein sr-eiiefr
from all their suffering and sickness. - - •
• Among those who •prize them highly
is Mrs. Stephen Stanley, 8 Cornwallis St.,
Halifax, N.S. She says that she was, •
troubled with a weakness and pain across
the small of her back, which was so intense .
at times that she could hardly stoop.
Hearing of Doan's Kidney'Pills she got
a box, and is thankful to say that they
completely removed the pains from her
back and gave tone and vigor to her..
entire system. 'Mrs. Stnnleyalso added
that her husband bad suffered from kidney
derangement, but one box of Doan's
Kidney Pills completely cured him.
• No one afflicted with 13ackache, Lame Back,
Rheumatism, Bright's Disease, Diabetes,
Dropsy, Gravel, or any kidney or urinary
trouble need despair. Doan's Sidney Pills
cure every time --cure when every other
remedy fails. Price sec. a box, or 3 for $I 23,
at all druggists. The Doan Kidney PiliCe.,
• Toronto, ord.
WEBS & 00.
have secured the services
of three first-class coal'
makers, and are in a posi-
tion to execute orders in
workmanlike. manner 00
the shortest notice.
Style and tit goes for a
good • deal these clays—
both aro combined ire the
clothes we mals..
Our goods . tars ah new!
and the prices are low.
Webster '& Co.,
Qt2eeen's Block.
Nothing liko ila.a.A frig
sores and ulcers, t,l
largo) or how chroizlt;: they Isktv
13. B. B. applied extornatt1
taken, internally according to '•
tions will soon effect a otters. Iik:
sends rich, pure blood to the pe,014-
so that healthy flesh soon takes '
place of the decaying tisie.
41 I had been troubled whit sere.
fingers and sore toes around the nails.
The salve I was using did not help me
and I wag_'etting worso. I was advised
to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and after
using nearly two bottles my sore were
awcolol nnshdideeearfrlueld1' 3.u3b8. ooda
r.titt' ���d�
purifier." ENOCH �
G. IIORST, Bloom- fit" s
ingdale, Ont. z Aw�u►w �tl
itAtr'Ct OLAI.1• '®0,411,B'•b'14Y W4.46/7311 "44.1•
MAN t.1.4 frf
The right time to do the
right thing is NOW, and act
vertising space in
vc.1 G„ ,Lam, a
q�y�ii Zl,
will help to keep your business
moving. .
With the good crops money
will circulate freely this Pall
and Winter, and no nO advertiser
should rail to cegin now and •.
attract the " atteni,Ion, of pros-
pective .buyers to his store and
what it contains.
end Dollar
you have tried
You can buy thein in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Certs.
nu tors is put up ohm* to emery aha a:Overeat preetek6 dlmaod Axe. los pkat► ,
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