HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-01-20, Page 6•
,,ij m iN...a,rgm-"ill'
• I1
;" • aria) are le gely interested, because
�; , xr.1ttpa}k4 '+".i. Imes it lyra always. bent reali4ed that
trit1DAY, JANUARY ARY 29, 1890. Eastern trade."
W estorn developments must help `
1 -e^'- +_ _.... _�_-.w..., TUE' neieways IIID BUSINESS. 1
l A
Interesting and sigeificant are the I tunlnary statement of the vote
figures published,by the igreet1•aii- i on the prohibition plebiscite is
1'eetircur o,ruCcrro;7aondcnt. way cotnpanies showing the business. 1 of'Iielelly published in the Olitlidian
r Ottawa, ,January 14th, trlsnsiteted by them during 1898. i Gazette. The figures tiro a
'What better• New Year annannee- The 'term gross earnings of theMajority.event mild, lin.sibly have been made Canadian Nemo were te25,7oestDU, j Affirm- Nega. Arthur, New
to the people of Canada; than that. as against $23,522,000 in 18c07 an 1 rive. ties. rive, rive,
, ,tC , � m c-, ' , 1 Ontario ,...104,5:,'1 i15,'S7:i 89,t'"4 •
w£ the it1inistei• of i _Rance last week increase of $t,9 f 3,000 ; while tht. t Qushrl: .... a8,3h2 13'.3,1114
in Montreal, when he stated that not 94 03:3
. agW.,..Mn.,I
,taR PLE BI:SCITEi.r RANTEE1 I>.A F31',."s'i' i IsIT.f%."tTl C1:`a.
»TAT1 MI::NT- O.(' TUE
Grand Trunk earned $24,112,050 !sieve Scotia 34,640. 5,491, 29,244
.)tlly was the surplus of the last in 1898, and $23•530,013$• in 18)7,1111 N. Brunswick' 26,911 9.576 17,335 ..., •.
#fiscal year, $1,722,712. but theft for i„ „f ..:03 2 111-> toe.; ne• Y•c1 Op 1' E.Iola•nd 9.451 1,14! 8131:1 . • . , ..
t half of the c trent year the• , t.''' ltt • • 1'1,111 ,97� .) t': . • .. •
't#ic tllh li y protracted rate war whlt,h covered R, Columnia 5.731 4,7511 .075
clad still•.
growing in eapidly increasing rates.
it is .further announced that the
financial statement for the same
eeeriod sbows an improvement in the
revenue. an consolidated fund ae-
.eouut of 84179,000, the figures
'being $'•122,,1111,378 as against $17,-
'953,975 for the corresponding period
in 1897. With the single exception
,(1'f the Post Office every revenue -
earning dcpartlnent shows a sub-
stantial increase both for the six When will would-be leaders of
Months period and for the mclith of public opinion realize that the
December. The Customs Depart- electorate is about sick of the ,per-
sistent efforts to stir up racial and
religious animosity in the country,
and set section . against section on
account of differences in origin or
creed. Periodically, like epedemics
of measels and la grippe, the dis-
temper break out, and just now the.
Opposition reverses in the Federal
bye -elections in Quebec, afford an
excuse for an outbarst. In Quebec
and in ,Manitoba the attempt is once
more being made to arouse the
worst poaaessions of human nature ;
our French -Catholic country-lnen
are declaredto be opportunists of
the most despicable kind, truckling
to the party that it is power. for the
sake of the loaves and .fishes that
may bb thrown to them.
Alberta . 1
nearly tee t ;nonths of .hey year, bow -,7(18 1,831 377
ever, the net earnines of the roads .essiniboia .: 3,919 1,46 2,753
are not as large as t iey would other. baskat'ewan 64 13x7 331:
wise have been. Complete returns Totais....278,487 264,67:1107,94S 94,032
on this point arenot yet announced, After deducting the majority an -
but if the companies experienced the were luau 'n Quebec 3l O3� the
loos therefrom, the travelling public,. s g 1 ' '
total wrljnrity of affirmative answers
to the q
undoubtedly ane' to
iuunensely by the conflict." ion is 13,916. Total number of
voterson the election fiats, 1,233,819,
THEIR POWER FOR HARM IS GOleE. as reported by the returning officers.
Total number of voters who voted
on this question, 543,058, and whose
votes were:accepted.
/mantis 88,286,000 better and the ex -
'else $1,4.45,000 better ; Public
Works $360,003 and Miscellaneous
3217,000. The expenditure in the
Blame period $14,811,937 • as against
*1+3,485,170 for the same period, of
" 1837, ton increase of $1,323,000, On
'capital account there has been paid
out for 'publie works, railways and
ilttnals $2,680,216 as against $1,634,
• :?l'), and hi the railway subsidies
$2,181,716; as against $566,219 in
1.897, In 'spite of nesessary increas-
es incurred in the'aetive prosecution
X11 permanent public works reeogniz
sed as 'necessary and desirable by all
>;tections in the community, the
-public debt was reduced during the
enontb of December alone by $771,-
•644. Opposition payers and speakers
A GOOD 3'PART. sbduld be the . best judges of the
The new year opens very bright -style of argument which is most,
Iv for the business world of Canada. lately •to be effective with their
White the Christmas holiday trade is readers and bearers, but it is, hard
enerally expected to produce a re- to believe that any considerable pro
.fetlon towards comparative stagna-
portion, of ap intelligent people can
pion iir the ifnmediately succeeding be influenced by such nonsense. It
weeks, such does not 2ippear to. be has been tried time and time. again.
the ease this season, for the leading in the past, and bas always'ignomite
fonsiy failed, an
e:oi nnerciai agencies report extra• t', so far the indica
frdtaary activity in every direction. tions fir., that the present attempt
One report states :—' The wholesale will meet a like fate. For the credit
trade is fndin„ money more .easy of our common ,country, and the
now, the tare trade' this .season •future of the Canadian nation, it is
slaving greatly increased the eircala to be sincerely hoped that such will
lcton. Country remittances are very be the case, .
good. There appears to be a genet. OUR CLIMATE IS ALL RIGHT.
ati desire among retailers to wipe out After a comparatively. mild and
a,ld scores and get in a good position unusually late opening the winter is
lea start thespring trade. Tbo con- with us in earnest, and during the
titian of .the retail trade continues last couple of weeks the meteorogical
,181 improve all the time, and it is an records report some pretty low
e : eeption now• to find. retailers temperatures, but a few cold days
'lyreiy in arrears to the wholesale will not bother Canadians. No
:firma. The proportion o: those who country in the world produces. a
are buying for cash is increasing, better all-round climate, and if our
and now that the sales have been awn. people are only eardful to make
larger, and the fat lire promises even • as much of the warm, growing
better things for the business' men weather, and of the enjoyable
then h).ve yet been experieneed, it features of a Canadian winter, as
is beleived that the number of those they have been in the habit of mirk-
1'i, teebasing for cash on short erediit ing of the more severe character-
wt:1 h:; naturally increased. isties of the cold season, our kinsmen
"Every one acquainted with the across•the sea, and others who may
trend anti of bzsiness, and all who have look towards Canada is a possible
xxatched the progress made in the future home, will get very different
east year in new fields fl.enter.prise, ideas of our climate, and come much
:,gree that the eotnutg year will be,nearer .to the truth`, which, if they
r,de of great importance in the way were only placea in possdssion of,
of development of new districts, and they would find Canada lacking in
!. consequent increase in the demands little that goes to make up a country
3ilr all leading staples. The prose- worth living in.
zs•u ion of large ecterprises in British Vie SAME. OLD GAME. .
Columbia, and the flow of settlers, ri'he. mail and Empire, continues
wvlTiefs is expected, greatly enlarge its old game of originating •political
the demand, and of course al. tips Yarns, and then ereditine thele
wholesale people here (Eastern Can• E elsewhere. A •few weeks ago, it had
l Lieutenant -Governor Patterson ra-
--- tiring from office to make way for
it• i Minister inister of the Interior who was
Ito be forced out of the Cabinet ; and
' : after a few weeks protested against
this invention of tae enemy ! Then
It reported an interview With Lord
i ferscllell in which that statesman
Laninan'scomplains c f the Charges made
aleriare Calladifttr adverts against
unfair'n eritieism which appeared
Tee 1,,WESTIi;7' only in its owtle columns and those
IQtO3r :..:�tt•t ::, .ni)Ji•lt lZlilflt."relitV(i I of itt'Cctntf•nrpar(tries of like $alit eel
A� i) l k:UlltliNt3 oil ALL stripe. Now it suggests ten cents a
PL�:"Lr.9lii~�U)~v , f pOuftl tact on tea to cover the deficit
it hopes to sets in the Iola Office
ifisfiNt►KERC?#1t.P,, TQiLEI' 0R BATil. • Deportment, and the next Clay says
"' Sere is a threw to tat tea;'
liguigisTs, pEftnnosAND Quiw lkn eaterprising journal ifi• the
,,,,,, Mall and Isrli.i c
against him of being willing to
r.rrrll Cramps anal• CCCU°
Aro' alwei•eE promptly relieved by
f`a•wter'n Estreat of tt 111 Strawberry -
the beset letarrhed':i remedy ire e:dietonoe.
Dr. Low's Worm Syrup
Is the nicest and moat effective remedy
for expelling all kinds of Worms. No
need of giving any Cathartic whenit is
used. Price 25c.
litrranp- .A,ssertionn as to Japt 1,Vbrs* i 1'3li)IIl -:'! 1.rV• l)t'.1i•i•,:oa, 1.4:10
*Ire Remedies Wilt po.
Dlunyon guarantees i
that his Itheutuatisnl
Cure will cure nearly
all rases of rheuma-
tism Lisa 1 t few Mans;
: n f
that bin Dyspepsia Cur
will cure indigestion and
all stomach troub,rn;
that h1a Kidney Cure ;
w111 cure 00 per emit,
of all cases of kidney
his a•
to h Cure
will aura
catarrh no matter how
long standing;; that his
Headache Erne will cure
au), hind of headache fa
a fele tnlautea; that
hie Cord Ciuo will
Quickly built 11p any
for'1l o: cold mt! 50 on through the enure Ust of
rr-• .. ' • ,.� d.•... copra a vial
lt' you men r:,en*ai auril'e wrho shot. 1uunyou,
t PU iu s absolutely ei 1 ee
tees Ares a ., i. It 1 iso t y r .
The Aitithodist4 of `i'I,r,mte are en-
deavoring to raise $25,000 ns a ecu
I.ereneo fund;
` TR Inxke honey oat nl fr printing
contract .nl)waf1R1'S re'quit'es a know-
1 ledge that is not gait ett in a print
ing office.
Children Cry for
Great Britain, with a population
of 38,000,000, exported, in 1897, $1,
470,000,000 worth of merchandise.
or $38.68 worth per head of her
population. The United States
with a population of 70,000,000, ex-
ported, $1,090.000,.000 werth of
merchandise, or $15.57 worth per
bead of her population. Of the
United States exports the greater
part were agriculture and animal
products, raised on an area of 121,
115 square miles, cannot supply her
own food, let alone export any. Yet
in view of these figures, there are
those who argue that Great Britain
should abandon free trade and adopt
protection ! it stands to reason that
the British cannot continue to maii-
ufacture i,n fair competition twice or
three times its much in proportion to
their numbers as the people of other
countries, although they have had a
big lead for a long time. With cheap
food and free trade .among seventy
millions of people over half•a Contin•
ent, United States artisans are nat.
orally coming nearer to the front in
competition for foreign markets.
German artisans are also gaining
ground, as their greater industry and
better training entitle them to do,
hilt they have much ground to re
cover. With a pepuiation of 58,000,
000 worth, or somewhat less than $18
worth per head of her population.
Don't Let it Run on Until Your Con-
dition Causes You to be Ostracised
as if You Were a Leper.
Before it is too lute stop that sueoea-
sion of colds that means nothing more
nor less than . catarrh', Stop the suffer-
ing. Stop the disagreeable discharges
that are so humiliating to you and of-
fensive to your friends. Don't let it run
on until your• condition entries you to be
astracised as if you were a leper. Don't
neglect youreelf until soneumption
makes ita fatal appearance. Yon can be
cured. Not merely relieved; but abso-
lutely and perfectly, cured. Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder will restore you to
complete, perfect health. It givee relief
at,once. It cures in n incredibly abort
time. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
We hold a vaster Empire than has bean,
The British flag's afloat on every Sea;
Her heroes every day fresh laurels win,
And crown anew the Island of the Free.
Gordon avenged at one decisive blow,
The Russian bear in China held at bay ;
The haughty Gaul in Afrin forced to bow
Seblaissive to the Saxon's powerful
Peace hag her victories. mere renowned
than war,.
No hateful memnries of strife do they
beget ;
Ire conquests leave us stronger than before,
And bind the tie of Empire closer yet..
We hail the latest victory of peace, ,
And o'er the Atlantic wave we atfetch
the band
As pl:'11ge, that Tonle wl:at pity, shall
never 04se
Our love and fealty to the ?iotilerland.
- -IL II.
'1Vingi,sm, .ien'y 9th.
The largest check ever drawn was
drawn on the Batik of England • It
was for $e21L(193,250, and in pay-
ment of the Kimberley,, diamond
mines. •
The best, wily to avoid sle.kness is to
keep yourself healthy by tukine Hood's
Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier.
The present population of the
world is given as 1,500,000.000. Of
this number the males constitute but
49 percent.
Qurak Cure of solstice.
Mr. A. Taylor. 74 Afton Ave., Toronto,
writes : 0'9; was greatly afflicted with
Soiatk,'1, but after using one box of Mil -
burn's Rheumatic Pills I was able to go
to worm in three days and have not been
troubled since."
The .wheels of the watch in your
pocket, it' you kept it going, trarell
cd 3,5584 miles during the year 1898.
No mail matter has reached Daw-
son City since Anast.
Dn. A. W. Celesta Lite•i'cnnao AT AVS
Amnon, 511012.
Recommend.; Dr. A. W. C1iuse'S
Dr. C. M. Harlan, writing in the Am-
erican Journal of Health, of Ireburary
19, says :-
' Among. the proprietary medicines
'deserving recognition is ' Dr. Chase's
Ointment, ,compounded by TIii1 Mt.
A. W. CHASE 1I1:47ICINE • CO., Ent -
'irate, N. 'Y., and Ed,manson, Dates Go:,
Toronto, Ont., as a remedy ' for
sores, eruptions; and skin dis-
eases of ell kinds• for which it
hes been used with marked success,
and has effected remarkable cures In
many obstinate eases wihlc•'.i seemed to
bailie the skilful medical ,sittenclealt.
The results Were moot favourable,
proving the value of ' Dr. Chase's
Ointment' as a curative agent in the
diseases named. The manufacturers
of the remedy are wolf -known as ex-
perienced pharmacists, careful and
reliable, In ,addition to which we have
made full examination, and find ithe
antiele to be all that. Is claimed for it.
" It is not the practice .of the
Medical '1lrote'sellon to indorse 'inctl,s-
erimtnately the dee of proprietary
medieinee, but while we condemn the
had and rvorthle:es, we are 15'tf•11 more
ready to indorse and recommend the
reinody deserving the recognition.
"Neither the 'physician nor the re-
sponsible Journal of health now re-
fuses to acknowledgo •thC claims of
such proprietary remedies as ' i)r.
Ohese'o Ointment,' which prove their
virtues by curling 'vIiere other 'agen-
cies 'have failed.
" We know that ' Dr. Chase's Oint-
ment ' meet:;l ell requisitions of th.,
•highest wtamltitril of worth, that it Will
be held in .hl_•:lt a ltil In iv1lrrer'er it IN
bred, end tom tiuentl eve tndclae it to
every rc :,ler."
C".:tit. H ATtL x.:1f. D.
�.t':r"1t..glevl,ItlL n'EIustWofTUY full.
way i t this statoto mon•tre our buM1u , lu
th:'ir olt n and Wrathy Ctnlntles 1t in intim), naive
work I•or1111C11 l at borne, Salary straight, #.lad a 1
year ittil e:.t'lrnAve-defluite, LnnsBde no more no
wet sitars. Monthly *75, References, Enclewe 1
relr-addresw'd stamped e.tletopr, Herbert l .lugs,
Prost., Dept, St, Chiesio,
Cook's Cotton nook Com:pound
is suoct'sstully used monthly by over
10.000 Ladies. Safe. eSectital. Ladles ask
our druggist for Cook's Cettou Root Corm
pound. 'Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and
lmitatimis are dangerous. Priecl, ilii. 1, $111 ter I
Bormo, e, l0 degrees strnnxor, $8 peWof. e1,.o
'I'Irn Conk Company Windsor, Ont.
responsible Druggists t'i�Canse*, ended by all
'en 1 Hud No. f,r sato b,. Patin A. Cralphl:ll,
Se,rvle1'kl 111' 11 it 111 and 7 1, u,;
NitleSBY'I'1!iiil.:tN Rev. D. I'errie
la tar Sete 'mei at 11 h 10 Dna 7 p
I::t1IRCU•1' Al... its. 1'lull'a•- • tier.
preeler., • l
• 1 •' 1
3 1t ale a 1
,a r �.I t 11 s
1• in.
j t t f
•'1' til�d;i'4wiJ,iie^
, y)
--IS i'UrLth1Il;1,-•-
r ii it 1'lt tl AY MORNIN
1'`I'ft•;1' .,It•r. W. ]:'reed, •tr•ittnr.'Ft i,:rrl ct~,eos; titt$ii 1aeRel"
ti, a'E• all 11 ., le 11
w1111i 7 p t1,
GIi)�(.1IYI:At C.'�•1'f(J'iti `i f.-•-Itte ', 11'. 1i.' ��,•, ���
tt,, esu, pastor. 8t'rrils0e at, 11 li m mill nu.I'',rIA,tlenpriac,$ipes'rear,inadvertire•
i r cal .•
:1'11 uli 9:, uNTAltIti,
e 1'tlta i 1AN tVpPtilaltd -•- ;l1i~faos'
1;:11,111, auli 1,......,12;151 cc. nia ao,.I, Hof ridea
11' :1 p 151 a1:d 1; 1., :tt.
.1Lfa`rr, 1'10; AIiMY--('.ul,t. Ulela.,,d
sore 111 Cuinmeull. Services et 11 11.
,. e o .n .,",, .,. „ ,11,•
or > ,
l'1 ens , :move ,mad churches
.e i the t n a
tie retail) liebeoi is hetet at 1.30 p ,n. •
l7sfbrc. /1f'fer. Word's Phospbot'llle,
The Great Engl4rls Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists Ill Canada. OntS reli-
able med:elno discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to euro all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To -
Waco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of pride„ one paoitage $1, six, 55. One will .lease,
'treewig cure. Pamphlets free to any, address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Sold in Wingham by Cohn a Campbell,
Capital, 911.260,000.
R•e5t, $775,000
Preoldvnt•-JouN STUART.
Vk:e•PreskI et -A. G. liansAT.
roue PRam,a. 051. ilOAOII, Wu Glsso5, 3I P, A. T.
WOOD, A. B. Lus (Toronto).
Cashier -J. TURNBULL.
Snwedvirlgs Bank -Boum, 10 to 8• Saturdays. 10 to
Deposita of ,51 and upwards received and interest
upeoial 3:repoerts also received at uu'rrent
rates of rr..:rsa.
Drafts oh oreat Britain and the United States
bought and bold.
E. L. y10ILINSON, Solicitor.
Honey l;0 Loan on Notes.
/Totes Discounted
Money wire:Atd on Mortgages at 5 per oentwith
privileee of payInv, at'the end of any year. Note
and accounts collaeted.
Beaver Block tvin,rharn,'Ont
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
London end South
DEPART An1111%
6 41) it. m..305p.m
• 85511m 306pm
653 am1110am
3sepm 800pm
11 10 to 6 49a m
3 30 p m 5 3O p in
10 29 p in 8 30 a m
••,:/... I lye. .1 d into. 1 a etc. 1 img.
On a ,'ultnna , '010 110 $40.00 010 OL') l,R8 Off
11.01 •' .1 40 au ,'n 1e 00 4 0e
t,1,�lurt.r •' 1 •1.0 On 12 00 01
7 2
' e'I n {
/•he rt t g 1 t
. .n� 'I,n ,n
�. .r t1O
Lcaat nun ,.thee eaam 1 uurotlsement, tin airline
ha• r &a
fat t, I ,
f wta..ml� per 8 line o
1 sntu uqUey aunt
in ntt• M. )Iu dwarf by nonparai scaly.
,,,,,-.1,1 notices 100. per lino for first Insertion, and:
8:. per linefor (mob +gb50quie)lt insortirr.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,$ituatlons+
and 11nat:,ur,1 Chancy Wanted, not exceedieg 0 line
nonpatoil, 8t far first mouth, and 60o, for each*
subseigner,t month,
14ause4 and harms for BRIO, not exceeding 8 line..
cl for fhc, month, 50o. per subsequent month,
Larger ndVertis,nuents in l'mportlan.
Giese hone wiit ho etrictly adhered to
apodal rate;, for larger advertisements, or or•
longer periods.Averi-
direstlonlH) will ire blooded till tforbid .agdn ollargg.ed3,
e000rdtn,;lr. Transitory advertioen,eutd ieust bo
paid in advance
Changes for contraot advnrtisomente must he fn..
noodle,' by Wednesday noon, in order to appear,
that week
Paoralnroa AND I.Osluwra'
For tno treatment of DISEEASES Orn WOMEN Ansi
SLIRGIC 11. OASES of all hinds. For particulars,
trodiral Stiperintondcnt, %1•ingham, 055..
Private An5Company funds to loan at (OM eat rate'
interest. Nuoonrmlasien charged. Mortgages, town
and farm property bought and sold
OFFICE -Heaver Dlocic IVrtvogas.
J. A. 110.I2TUN
Winghan,, Ons,
Otflce-llei•or Monk. Winellam
Aira 0. CAMERON,
Oosite Corner I3orflton and St. Andrgw iiroets .
opposite Colborne lintel.
Arrant .1. IRWIN, 1) D S, L D S,
Dental o° llegeand7 centime ry of theRRoyf tho alCQllega.
of Dental Surgeons of Ontario.. Office over Pest -
Office, a•nlgham. ..
ENTI$Ttt'1-J.8.'JLROIfl;, L. D. S., Winona*.
xts-"�,,s1s .unnuhtctur flrat•clasa seta of -
ret a teeth as cheap as they can be mad
in the Dominion. Tooth extracts
absolutely without pain, by his now
process, guaranteed perteetiy sate.
OFFICE: In tho Beaver Block, opportte the•• ._
Brunawiok House. _
C1 e
sQ __C1mp d, m
U. , the Itretaalo111,1 toniahirNo.d ito40ndnpeet in
every month. In -hc frdd F.'eloivs Flab. VIsitire
brethren Weida" J. 511urray, Ohne. n 13
Elliott, item -See
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel Showers, I and now
prepared to supply the public with
•rl 'nod and ltroar &wee and
Lift rumps, shams and
Iran Cylinders, Qrraivan1'Z•
(td Iron 'tufting. Cisterns,
Water r rotIgltm, .64111ks,
lltatt1u4. Pipe Pitting, Weil
Digging and everything in con-
nection with water supplies.
Gnivanized Steel Wiedluilis for power
niirl 1)11111pin:7 hater.
1)cscill well pumps a sneefaiity.
Ttepairin;l 1.roo.t tly attended to.
Parties wntllie for inforntatinn or
ordering hr ,Haul t:huuld •nlwaya state
depth. of well,
All wurlt guaranteed ur no s.tle•
of xvnmN, .
35111,5 attended In any part of the Co. Charge
ti OEN 01JR1tIL, 1VINaI1AX, ONT.,
S.dee of Farm Stock and Feria Implcntoate•
11.11 owlets left at the Tzszss office promptly atteni• •
ed to. Tarr,, reasonable.
O ,
A fascinating study of The Inter-
national Sunday School Lessons.,for
1893, now ready. No• Christian,
especially Clergyman or Teaches
Should be without it. Beautifully'
bonnd in Cloth of two colors, vitt'
stiff boards, • Price only 35 cents
Strongly recommended by leifdine
Clergymen, On sale by all boob
sellers, or fent postpaid on receipt o
the price by,
Tel'; 1112.1 ;I.3:1-GAItIi.T':TSON Co.
• -{tatieris'n) •
Publishers, Toronto, Cat
NCLUDING Rooke'CPemplllete, Pesters, •5
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