HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-01-20, Page 5•
Aoiain Sweeping Oyer Canada
With Unusual Virulence.
The most Violent AttaA,Sjnce 1890, Leaving Be-
bind a Host of After Effects tbat Make Life
Miserable.—Prompt and Effective means should
be Taken to Strength,eu the System,
La. grippe now sweeping over this
country in one of its periodic epidem
acs, is one of the most treacherous
mead difficult diseases with which
medical science has to cope. It is in
its after effects that is particularly
,iisasterous, and these assume many
worms, prominent among which may
be mentioned heart weakness,bronciall•
and lung troubles, nervous prostrat-
ion, alternate chills and fever, a feel-
ing of constant lassitude and an in •
,disposition lo either mental or physi-
calexertion. Often the sufferer does
`not recover from the after effects of
la grippe for months, and incase of
previously enfeebled constitutions
and among those of advanced are,
tate number of cases terminating
fatally is a„r.palling.
Even after a ' mild atteek of la
grippe I t is imperative that the system
should be thorougely toned up, the
xierves strengthened and the blood '
s•nrk:bed. Dr. Williams. Pink Pills
as the only medicine tbat can be de-
pended upon for promptness and
thoroughness in ti is etttergeney.
These pills are a true blood feeder;
bringing to the vital fluid the con-
stituents that give it richness, red..'
mess and strength, thus driving out
disease and acting as a tonic and
brneer to the whole system.
A1r. Harry Dagg; a well known
farmer living near Ninga, hears te,ti-
enony to the great value of Dr: Wil -
Barns' Pink Pills in removing the
after effects .of le gr pee, The dis-
ease left him a vietitu to cold ehills,
vioient headaches, dizziness• and
,severe palpitations of the heart. 141r,
Dagg says;— "I' finally went to
I3oissevain and consulted a doctor,
Who stated that the trouble was
Ilkley to develope into consumption.
I was under his care for about three
months, but was gradually growing
weaker and unable to do any work.
At this stage one rf my neighbors
advised me tot -give Dr. Williams' I •i
Pink Pills a trial, and as my ease
was critical I' determined to, give l i
them a fair trial, and purchased a
dozen boxes. Before the third was
used there was good evidence they,
were helping . tae, and before the
dozen boxes were used I was as
strung and vigorous as I bad. ever
been and I can heartily recommend
Dr. 'William's Pink Pills for the
manifold troubles that fellow an I
attack of la grippe.
if you have suffered from an attack
of la grippe proeure a supply of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills at once, and
they will put you right. Insist upon
getting the genuine, as imitations
never cared anyone, If your dealer
does nee keep them, send direct to
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Breekville, Ont., and they will be
mailed postpaid, at 50e. a box or six
boxes for �2;i;0.
%'tN0x!It�M r�' .�` SI JANUARY 20, tS»9,
TURN13I•aRRY. A� 11I I5 JAM1. $TOWN,
t is,aur sad ditty to ehronicto the The entertainment under the .au.' Mr. Donald Scott has rented his i'
death of ll� halt ii. /Inmate, ,s.eun . spices of the Sunday School and I',1p- farm to his son -in law, C. Stokes,
est e(n) hop", and lira. Chris. Bari . worth League of Ebenezer, will be Mr. Scott Is going to Molesworth, ` r: YOU
utl, t> Mite B. Linc*, wiio passed 'held to Monday evening,`Jan, gird, Reeve Turnbull's borne is visited
peace ' ilty� away htbt >.i rida�• evening, I All are welcome. Admission 15 by a seige of la. grippe. Nearly
lie 'lad been in pear health for the } cents, • everyone there Is a victim of it,
pasta& e,u', but it wits not untii lute! Mr, frank Bell's sale on last Fri. Elder John Strachan tailed pn the
that his blends, fully realized.. that! day was, quite a success. Mr. Bell members of Melville church rind pre -
he could twt t 4•cuver. I)eee3ased, - intends moving West in the spring, seated thein with their .communion •
who wee in hia nineteenth year with miss Jane Fraser was presented cards.
a .general favorite, and Might ca;:l with a jewel case by her Sunday D. Breckenridge is busy taking
teemed by all who knew hitt rho school class, as a mark of esteem, out timber for his new barn.
bereaved Attlee and mother, loth. Miss Maud Bryans was visiting her Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Ecknnier spent
ers and little sister have our deepest sister, Mrs. Joe Antes, of Grey, Last Friday with Mr. O. and Mrs. Will
sympathy. The funeral on Monday week, gall, Grey,
1 was largely attended. Another Wedding in Jamestown.
Ikiolt►boll the Grana
""We have lost a asel and loved enc.
what gluten is of coarse
_..-it is the very life blood
of the wbeat berry. It
furnishes phosphates for
the brain. iron for the
blood, lime for the. bones
and carbon in sufeient
quantities to wiirm the
body without burning the
And our henries are tillers Svith,won; A startling incident, of which Mr John BELGRAVT. •
God has willed one.fruin annul us3; Oliver of Phtlauelpfta. was the subject, of
is narrated byhist as f ,!lows : s•I was Mr, Wm Clegg, Wingham, ship -
Ono we nits where tri svt> resP
in a most dreadful condition. My skin ped.it ear of wheat to Tilsonbarg
Death iv better --^but there is a was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue : this week,
surectiun hope. �i gale as froth ttoaLe �.
heaven bas own a the :w iteeaps;. 61 et% no appetite—Kraduktlly rTvoYtt r +
oft a b'1 , ' lveaker day by dav, , 'Phree 6 ioians Sunday wiih her sister here, Mrs, •
blown P off
h h d d, Pain continually in back and Miss Mary Black of Blyth spent
, t,
h billows r i sorrow, rind we look. p y4
„ beef given me up. Fortunately, a reread Jas. 1'Pfghtman,
t Chi i,t fur consolation. Weeping advised trying •l;leutric Bitters ;'and to Mr. M. H. Harrison -•son shipped a car .
'may ender. a
5 e for night, and the my great Joy and surprise, the first boa : of cordwood to London hist week.
Lamb which is in tae midst of the tie made a decided irnprovement. I ° Bliss MaryVannoriutin, is visiting
throne shrill. -lead them to livieg a°ar now n ell man,f or know they saaved friends in ingham this week, n
fountains of water—and God Shall ray life, robbed thef •
are e• =
grave o soother Large quantities of grata b
wipe' away all tears+front their eyes," victim.' No one should fail to try them• ing delivered at the depot storehouse.
There vt:as One whose everlasting Only 50 ots. a bottle, every bottle guar-
arm guided him as he passed over
ordan ; leat;•ing on Him, .All was
joy and perfect rest for the redeemed
n Christ. One in whose presence he
is now rejoicing, for the work given
hint to do here was completed, and
God called hien try Himself.
""Gone before pis 1 Our son and brother.
And this world seews cold and dark ;
Still we know that m that other
e sha,l meet no more to• part,"
anteed, at any Drug Store. Mr. Aurtbur Brooks has secured a
' ,job on the railroad at Exeter.
TEESWATER. The annual meeting of the mem •
OnSaturday afternoon while Mr, hers 0: the East Wawenosh Agrieu1-
M. Pennell and his son John were tural Society was'beld here Wednes-
driving to Teeswater, a gun. which day afternoon, 11 inst,
the young man had loaded and plat. The president, Mr. Chas. Proctor,
ed in the cutter was accidentally •die- being indisposed, the Vice President,_
charged. The charge entered ''pis Mr. Wal et' Scott took the chair.
lett thigh, making a terrible Round. The annual report was read, which '
His father drove as quickly as pos• showedg the sncie to be in goo
r Robert Lane of Bedsore, •has. sib.le to the doctor's and the young standing financiall The following
land oncon.(�9, s>fe`l Turnberry, from ly hush roan is now lying in a procarious Walter Scott ; istwere teVice President,
Mrs, Tart • of Lindon for the sum C• ondition at Campbell's hotel here, Jas, Owens 2nd Vice, R. Murray ,
of $2 800 • i'. LaneLinden,
a gangof+ Mr.John Thacker appeared before Directors, Messrs. P. Scott, Geo.
men Li the I the village council with a proposal rPaylor; R. Prootor; R. Currie, R,
number •dowing los to4stockalso
the to. the following effect : He asks" -the ScottoJnhn Cole,:J. Coultes, Wawa-
'; municipality to deed hun the re nc"h; -J. Coulter and John Ellis,
Bolmore mill, minder of the west side of Edmundn
Square and the Iota. at the rear, give Morris; Auditors, John S. Scott and
That =webbing Illeatis,cleo. bite a loan „f e5000 • for t wenty W. Geddes ; Treasurer, C. Mc.ClelI-
Girntilrl quirk•ly leave yon, if you used
Dr. I�in,,�'rr New Yrl{rr. 'T'bousands of
offerers have woeful their matchless
merit for Sick ktud Nervous Headaches.
bey 'nuke pure blood and strong nerves
rad build ut,vnur health. Easy to tufts.
1'ry them. Only •?.> r•..nra, Money baetc
• if not city#1 't,t .k ,,, . li i3rulrglats.
A talkative tag'.
talAT T1il�
MADE: 0i,
i Setseseseak
•r .
Thetas oaeverypairof "SlaterChocs'r
tells the leather, its wear, s::cvice
a adapted to, how :Um shoe i.r =ads:,
toc^.refor it and the ,actorynambcr,by
which any faults may be traced to the It
�?!•Cpe.ative. This tars is ccod for.i:ve j ��� �t
. cents on a bottle cf Slater CI:oc Pc'_ieu.
Goodyear Welted and &tamped on
1 ii •Puesday ,krreri,n+ r • of l.i4t we k I3 W Json -of
t / Tlie . "U•rev i,t, r, the h,c of of oflicera G. S. Fowler ; Tretis,—tiro- R. N, Ater:len. Manitoba, are visiting
Il it • for the: eyrt-atilt;; vn.tr :—W D. rlf.•-•= '.l•hnrtell; Chaplain—Bi'o, C. Dona..friends In' this vicinity.
i •!i it Bro. t.rt'ter•, Oaritk : 1D. 1J. kit—Tiro, trite ; Auditors—Bros.. 3• II, Field Miss Nicholson, of Parkhill, is visit -
II 0, 1'a''}I•.":r (7r,k,!••e emit - O Chap..-- 'roll I' Almon Trustee- P s. ing lief uticl
N%\Ct Caul obeli, I3 1 d Th 11 � i'
f3, --tire, l., i,kt'otm, Lattelet; D.F.S. - tease C McD0D,,h1 • 7 1 --Btu D hit Johu Gilmortr left 1st' Mon'
How Wit.
years without interest and ' exempt and ; Secretary F. Ander: on.
him -from taxes for ten veavK. He' On motion, Lv k. Chas,' Proctor, ex -
promises to erect a large waggon president was made Hanary Director
and carriage factory with a frontage of ttie society.
of 9^v -feet on Clicton etroet rand 128 The officers and directors were un -
fret .on Uniein Street, and to give animous-in. expressinp,'regretatMr.
rf�ge)ar employment to not less than . Proctors absence, through sickness,
25 hands as by hie unttrine• efforts and energy,
The following• are the officers of he 'has made the society in good"
Tho >annnel meeting of the D. Court Victoria, C. O. F. for•the cur- standing finalnciaily•
a Or:trti •,� i,•'kl �," s'f
tt ils.wiek, was rent term :—C. R.--elaro. S. R. Brill: '
i'" ' nu1d in this eat 13eiinore, on V O. Il:—Br•o, R. McDonald; P. Se's, GI'�"� b SAY
Tuesday "h .' a t'o.. . Howson ; R. See.—Bro. M. and Mrs. Thomas Siam
,.,e.the cc?e by t'lie zna.:crs. • rs.co,
and $5.00 per pair.
s e Stater Shoe. a
I3rc, .f.t t;,rt•rt, ke :t n'~ hridgn • D R
--- ,co e, Mr.'lla mas Jetties, at
a ' aBush a h erre • ,, presea t, .
--tit',,. ,7', 1leepee „ion ; -D. 'i'reas.-- i3r'►llitt ter ; S. W,—I3ro- U. Brindley; day ,horning for Toronto to.attend
the Normal Sebool.
Robert Weir, who had his barn
destroyed same tftue ago with fire,
has purchased material for a new
(Inc, wriieh he intends to errei-t in
the sprits;;.
11r. it:c,hert UnStillgS is away to
11,i Bro. 1';illt,.Nt'wttt hist,; 1). P. of 1 —Bio C Leihl • C+,nrr Depu
r).--irn. ,Jn.'..'in1vey, l &;lore; D. { Tiro, G. Il. Baker; Cliturt Physician
Lens:-- Brfp I)','ksoa and Push, —Dt•s. Gillies and Stewart ; High
Lal:elrr,, 1 ir,• tt•txt rttrrunl niee.ting Uo.u!•t Delegate—l3ro. S. R. Brill,
• will be lieu: k: r. N,eset 'irige.
The mein,, ilio •ttr:,tr, to the How- sea Fi.'if'h'tftei a'' nentler
iCk Agidenitui'o't 4' itel.a' was held in; 'tviil after
• I r �.
crsuca u ,nu -,1 > H JUf-U-
Fordwic�r, 'rat Wednesday of last - +,+;tltt, Out or Bid
res. 'Muskoka on, basins;.
• For Sal9 BOW
Only by 'METH ' ?� BOA LE .
The aclministratrix of the estate of
,u1lexander Dawson, deceased, offers for
kilo the ...
Two stores en Wxngharn
:now occupied by ;Messrs N A Farquhnr-
esoh and Mis.•i 1k,y d. Oilers for the satno
should be addressed to -
J A MORTON; ;vinghnrn.
Solicitor for the Estuto.
0 refer your
--ANI)—El-e.t� rel
•%'t'e.. •1'he'. :e a in t,*,.a:il fihane d:i t Saha,. the best in the world. will klii.titY+ •
standing- lop lits twt e,t' :,?1Ut) nn band: t: trrr trttr9 protlt►rr13' herd it. E;rtt'H3 O #lies Mattel `1'kil;liel`, of Det1i ;'
g i' ;ya"it a fe'v clay last week with her
ek 1. f: Ge,t,<,. t;el n Ern tio'tn },:)Fret P't ''
— p r,v nitre an ;�l,ie�i',• Mrs. Win. Robinson of this
•I rrnitlrtrr, J. II. ,Tk'hnstun ; vief . o•,rth. Onlv.115 ata. It 0(321. Cure guar- lace.
waved. .aid t,�•al! Dru„ gistki. t
p1'h,idt:nt--I:kI. Harding ; rCt:.-t.re;sa;,
—P. II.'nrlrrns!ni: ; directors, W..
QEvrtn4, Jn„ •;•)'t to:it•t, Semite! Jelins• I3I��I.:4IORE.
p ton,. ,las. Boli, i�-1. C,,ueine, Jas. Per-.
, ,ret', LI
tcers. o lea, elorte, Ci">rar?. lift •d
--,—._ '.Pitf• ftrltorr°tt"• tt ; • t , � ..
highest eash prices paid for all
kinds of•goocl Saw Logs, Telegraph
P -plea, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
;delivered in our yard.
done at lowest prices and satisfaction
guaranteed. Call end get prices be-
fore dist csing of your timber.
Mc'LA" e SON
a ifts
We hav a choice 'stock of
kinks, Aloe Be:r,ttkx':le sr., J, Iireth- Mrs, 'Walter Davidson has ;one to
The Fordwieb hockey team de-
feated the luc.ii team here on Thurs-
suer and le',ln-E'l,;ar ; as:,irit, stretch,- Jamestown to visit her parents. dav e'eniug cast by a score of (i to 4.
ors•--•.I"t•n Malawi,. a. a. Conk, bier. Mies May Davidson,. of Wroxeter, The officers installed by Montana
• Soarlitta', WW, {i t„vi), a u Lainti 11 visiting her brother here. Lodge, No, 177, I. U. 0 1?., for the
kin, Wile Woir, Mrs. J 13i- t,l uer I1iss itlaggie Hooey, of Toronto, is ensuing veer:—N. U. --George Bar-
. and Mrs lel S ee•lin - The follow• visiting. under the parental roof hard ; V. G. ----John I3arnrlyd • Ree.
z, , o
jug tarnc rrttttr ' ay appointed to e Miss Enema Mulvey is
visiting Ste. --Geo. Spotton ; Treas.-George
vine Om pi tr.. Itrt.: - .1, i3rethitrter, friends inMildniay. Lackie ; War, ---Andrew Brown ; U.
led, swirling. purl .J ettelend, The The annnal meeting of the Belmore (;,—John Douglas; I. G.— Hugh
net shoe- krill rte held in ugh ie, Butter Manufacturing Go. was held - Thomson; L S. +'. Thom -
1 in the Public hall on Saturday last. son.
"' ' Although the meeting was • not as Mrs, •I+'rench, of Unionville, was
Ch i l dren 'sl3 out d 'always ! well attended as in former years,' visiting with her neice, Miss Tena
oecause 01 the wcaishery still it was Rae.
tete ase in weight. Not to ' most unanimous. Thechange from Mr. Jahn Snell and family of
row, IlOt to 1:IC:reasc' In flesh* 1 cheese to butter, which was wade Prince Albert, N. W. T., Who have
,;:ioi,�'c's to old age. s last season, has proved very satis been visiting trends In town, left for
factory to the, patrons. The old Gotlerieh, where they intend visiting
Present and future health 1 officers were re-elected by aculama- for a &rurt period
demands that this increase'
next season on the list of ,'iiay. The week for 1.3oaton.
in weight should be steady } company have decided ;.o add cit the , annual meeting of the
tion. The factory will begin work Mr.'Jlause Kr.utsen left here last
and never ailing, 'i another cream weggon, which will Methodist Sunday School,, the follow -
make two dou.Ule tripe per week as ing Cheers w io elected:• --John I3ro'
To delicate children, � follows :�--N'ilst_ .. s Atone the rad of thaut,t•, .. J11Isiite�l
Gold and Silver Watches, Rings in
Scott's Emulsion bring's Turnberry to the Morris boundary, assn, bupt.; Tonin IiNmphiil, see,;
east to the gravel road ,and then l., Rawl, tress; Bilii_ states teacher
rltwller blood and 'firmer north to Delmore. Second -13y :1'lrs. J, I1t'a), No. '3 class ‘lits S.'
Gold and Diamond, flesh. Better color conies 'Wroxett r and Garde north to Car Bray, teacher•; No. 3 claret, ;11t33 Mary
t tl h k d t riek boundary. Third—ByI''o,,d- staurions, teacher; ti J. 4 Blass, airs.
o he
I;xaniine our stock before making your Purchases.g *ioh and Orange 11111. Each Kenneth T teacher.
muscles to the limb'. The- patrtn'a crentn wilt be hauled twice
gain in weight is substantial; a week.
it comes to'%1tay-.- . The township of Binbrook has ear 'tont roar'lnoted tit ho • e. 'Sow +te,Velit e.:00
' their swtt and' nestle tatIfItiot. ildy rigid*
1 S6e. sad all deafest..
prehibitton under %be local op Ilya esttr). Mundily alts„ itatAtimic.44. Nor1ludo
I? est De t tlittuage
contain a ve,ly large pro-
portion of gluten and as
prepared for the brute.fast porridge, it > tel
that ideal nourishmel
that is often promised,-,
but, seldom given: in
cereal foods:
. grocers sell Till -
son's Wheatlets by the
Tho Tillson Co,'y, Limited;
Tttsonbnrg, oat ,
The directora of the Cheese and. ' --
meeting in the Foresterts hell here
en Saturday, January 21st .at a..
o'clock, for the purpose of letting tbe
contracts of iexpelying the factory
with wood and ice for the corning -
season and thedrawing of the cream,
and disposing a the buttermilk.
Could nol exprel3s the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st.. Phila-
delphia. Pa., when she found that Dr.
Iting's New Discovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of hacking
couub that for many years had roads lite
.1i burden. All other remedies and doc-
tors could give bPr no helP, but she says
of thifl lywal Oure--"i: soon removed the
pain In my chest nod 1 eon now eleop,
'soundly, Fowething 1 earl scarcely re -
So will every one who tries Dr. Iting's
New Discovery f.or any h•oubie 'Of the
Throat, ()hest or Lung.. Price :teats.
tie guaranteed.
Hirara Walker Dead.
Onte Jen. 121h.
Flags are -Ayala-, at lei lanittet herea
out or reqppet for IT, ire in Walk er, .t•he•
founder of the tnwn. %who da -d At
residenee Detroit teis Teeming,
Mr. Walker retieeti frees active teases
ness several tnotitlot are, 'Ind heti
been felting griWirr"rv. lit' etas an-
mornieg. Mr. Wall; ee was horn on
itidepi•ndeilee DAV . 1816,,
killed a' re • y alert mo:ele
Traveled Extensively Throughout the
f3rovi noes —Interest:rig Statements
Concerning His lExperienee.
a Well knotvit violinist, of this place, who
has traveled extensively throughout the
Provinces, makes this statement:
"I was running down in health and ity
weight fell oft from 175 to ISO pounds.
Prescriptions did me but little good. My
trouble was called nervous dyspepsia. I
resorted to Hood's Sarsaparilla and atter
taking five bottles lima greatly benefited.
T feel as well nOW as over in my life, and
have increased in flesh so that now
weigh 177 pounds. I am well knowri
this part of the countryl having followed
my profession. that of a violin maintain
for the last 26 years. I gladly telt mar
Mends what itotsi's Sarsaparilla has done
for ute. teams 1 begirt taking the Medi-
cine/air/1*ot have any ambition, but now
tills changed end eyseeptle teener*
111, /t you eteclee to take Heed% Sukt-,
0010111a, do not be indu twat etleat
subetante. Ins tare to get leoteeelte:
Hood's PillsZtagg