HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-01-20, Page 2tfotku i,, Lrke
- You ill"uld mimeo t*r eve tiler
tilti tihilah'w t'+fi .,1 ,er eel
,Curse in Met- reepart 1f eerie)•• ' •frena
avt' ttithel to relieve sour ectls'e!. •tel,
that 'i!P ail the mere reuvnn .. inti
gilsdtil.i try Shibth A:lwatt r•• .r,ar
at pasitivte„;uarantee. 1f it 4.e- ..., eel()
you. Tile druggist fleet gave. It .,.ear
atones. .fi rep., %Ori• ae•d 1.1' • ' !t,.
T)'•+i'tiet;.,*,111e you, can it: k'` soft,
:pillows of feathers from < no d's
--1,,, ......„-,,vi,,. .rraIt.
The well ()feet for the current
year, namely t—Wtri.lauiater, reeve;
Messrs. Code. Cardiff, Jackson and,.
Shaw met aeuortding to statute liu
Jan. 9th, 181111, and subscribe the
necessary decitt,)ttions of office
and qualification The reeve occu-
pied t be ch;lir Minutes of last meet
ing fur 189; Wei 'u :'rad and passu.
Cardiff -w•- Jackson--- Win,. Clark
was reappointed clerk at a salary of
I Code—Shaw—That R. Johnston
i and 11, Blatt. •were appointed audit-
ors at II salary of $8.
Ci de- -.John \Vatson was
appointed assessor at a salary .of w7U.
Jackson—Card iter-Thv's. Lniahlw
111E W
A Wal Known Druggist
Gives ttis xperi ei ue.
A soccer Ertl end tvoll known Canadian
drl:frgittt said reoeotly t "I 'know froll:,
expellent:et miser it lumina to sell ayes
that, itavee en stlriedinct, or established
reeleseion, Over 8.. year ago, 1eett in rt
mutt stucte' of ' .IJ; es. 1 htlffi
:,eel' asked by three or four parsons for
these sleep w'hic'h they ettw advertised,
and 1 wits under the impression the de
allied would iut'•rense, in a yotlt•'s time
1 sold prebtttily from twenty to twenty -
eve pushers, !incl had sotitany cou.plalfits!
. from dienppointed woaten who had spoil- i
ed good materials and garments with
.these new dyes that. 1 vanished every,
WAS reappointed nlernber df the
oue of them to my hauls storehouse,!
Board of Health.' ; where they now are. 1 find the Diamond
b vy' e " , ' -0) 0a Oro Perfect satisfaction to all my
tea 4atrdiff--watlti.w••--tl, grant of 810 '
meg � g � ouatotnere, noel will sell no other taste
sit i'es is was given the Hospital for • Sick w.hlle i a`ae in business. What u tale
Children at College, Street, Tornn'o. , could oe told by *n}en abort spoiled.
find the treieaurer was instructed to seeds from using cheap and trashy d>es?"
--- This stetetatrut fru an old establised
forward lilt, seine at once, This
'druggist kilts iter ut�tas of weenier, His
i:f---•lrick:uli—'I'tle clerk teas long and extended)erleerience isirt laver
� k l instruertd to utt4ify tile parties inter- of the Diamond 1 e es, There nye tyo,
Do tkrexy cared Fay tlecso
Little PiIEe.
They alto :relieve e Dts fres, -
cm Dr:
Irdieestica a:td Too hearty Eating, A. per-
i feet remedy fur Dizziness, riat:sca, Drowsi.
} mess, Pad 1'astcin the Mouth, Coated Tongue
el ti.+C Eel; TORPID LIVER, They
lteg..:ate the Dowels. Purdy 'Vegetable.
I xs iEti c 1. 9111a?g 11:40800
Small Prloc
i.). Carter..
insist and demand •
kCarte='s Little Liver Fills.
x.11 PA S
e LGait arta Dues are Often Affected
Puff Cease Prpstration of the
t:l.;tire System.
A Kingst:en. Lary %es;if!es to Her Ex-
:ice i l t m Use of Milburtl's
Ee.lrt read. Nerve Pills.
1 People wily eerier from any disease pr
disorder of tele heart nervous systcfn, `
such es F:,it:it::tion,Sikip Beats, Smother-
ing or Sinking Sensatiope, S1eeple::s:Iess,
" . -Weakness, i'zin hi the; ead. etc., can-
, ewe afford to yr tste Gale trying various
.remedies, wit:e e hu.vc nothing more to
back up t:i - cinii s rhosr, the bald asser-
• tions of t:,.•id .eroprietors
These diecuseo are too Serious taper-
:nlit of your aepe.rimenting with untried
i remedies. When you buy Miibe ••n's
j heart anti Nerve o Pills, you halwee you
have be: -ted theta the testimony of Woos -
+.ands rt' C.:midianswho have been cared
by their :ev (Ate of these ie Mrs. A.
e 1'W. Iris's, .j2 Q-*t.:cn Street, Kingston,
• ee) writes as follows :
a "1 hael suffered for some year with
• Kt snothee:ng sensation caused by heart
',disease. The severity of the pains in
snly heart c...n.^,ed me• much suffering. I
1 -was also very nervous, and my whole
!:system was run down' and debilitated.
" Hearing .of Milburn's Heart and
•r Nerve Pills being a. specific for these
troubles,. I thought I would try them, and
therefore got a box at McL.eod's Drug
!Store. --
t "They afforded me great relief, having
toned up my system and removed the
I distressing symptoms from which I suf-
i fered. I can.heartily recommend these
t wonderful pills to alt sufferers from
heart trouble."
Lata -Liver . Pills cure Biliousness ilys-
pspsitraad Conetipr tion. every piltperfect.-
t ...
The De 8di► L.
ested iu the txarnian drain, w appear hundreds ot ether itr' (lists and dealers
e u u w i l
f xu r e s f nae wlo
• { o t l d n
let the council meeting, til. he held on uuuldegive chem Hint eonviri(ing teat,i-
t the 13th rub. next, when the, engine• j roomy tht,t liiumund Dyes are far ahead
er's report on said dram will be taken ; of ut1. other (lyes in purity, strength,
intocoesic'eratiun. 1 fastness of colo', .brilliancy and beauty.
Cardilf--Shaw—The clerk was in- A° lun,'< tea thttre arse imitation and tld
ulterated dyes cold. it is well that ell
strutted to .prepare a sketch of .print: ehonie thee', upon getting tbe'Diarnond'
ing ieeltlired for the curren•tear; when- buying depsfor home dyeiug. See
and ask fur tenders for the !� ie i teat the nuts is ()Ili the package,
Ilam, Brussels. and lllyth 'pub.lishters.
Code Jltcks(,n-The taxes' of the; Hlzrna Nature.
following parties were remitted, they l -•
being ill straitened circum, tanct:M, I When a mail leis troubles, he in..
namely : -Jae. Bailey 69e, :jtrs. Me. • creases them by ;being cross.
I immons 76e S. J. Fleming 76c and i Some glen. :when they become
Wm, Wiley $1.3c9. , prosperous, become impudent. •
Jackson -Shaw -The reeve was 1• In addition td , being fickle the
authorized to meet a representative; average man is a liar and denies it.
of the \\Tawanosh commit, re settle -1 An "unsatisfied, longing" is usually
went of boundary expenditure and nothing:Moore than a desire to get
the clerk was instructed to ask said 1 something for nothing,
council to appoint time and place of . There is a cert: in kind of a boy
meeting, I who always looks fer a rock when he
• Taekson-bode-The clerk was gets mad, bat he never throws it.
instructed to have a number of copies Druggists say .'that it is never
of by-law Nd. 12 printed for use of ;difficult to sell a remedy for heart
pathlnasters,•Une to be given to each : disease. Everyone imagines. that
pathn,aster along with his road list. !his heart is effected.
Code—Shaw--The following, ac-! After a rnarf prays, "Lead us -not
counts were ordered to be paid, into temptation," hys'',;he otit looking
namely :--Win. Ferguson, ditch and Ifor one to see if ht 'ie strong enough
culvert, tai ; 1z. Richmond; repairing r to resist it,
culvert, 61.50; J. D. Miller, repairing; Always remember that if a man
culvert on north boundary, 50e ; G.!knows where you can make a`. dollar
Davidson, damage through hauling : he will not tell you about- it. He
gravel, 50e ; •. Thos. Miller, 1). '1 U will go after it himself.
fees, web ; R. Bewley, do., $6 ; C. Me- • .Some people are a good: deal like
Cres, do., $6 ,; Wen. Elston, .do., :i6 ; i the relay horses need in the pony
J. Robb, do:, $6 ;• A. Laidlaw, do., express days. They dont actually
$6 ; sehool sections Igo. L 9, 5; 7 and ;carry a' piece of gossip to :its final
10 use of' sehool sections at elections, ; destination, but they carry it to some
each $t3 ; W. H. Kerr, printing post- ':" one who does,
ers for cast boundary jobs,, 75e;-;
Municipal World, blank farms, ;1508; ' sift.: Gustav , H. Bobertz
W: Clark, election expert'ses, and
posting financial , statements, 611 , hash' his groat success proved himself to ha ' ,
• IIospital for Sick Children-A.m.:per n atr9,rzira rnraas-area
282 Woodward M.o., Detroit, Mich.
motion, 810; Jno. Mooney, collentor's ' ,
salary, 685 ; Jep. Mooney, order for' for chronic, cod norvOUP diseases.' Fensiblo men,
who do not desire something* for nothing and t"ho
remission of ;axes as per- motion:; condemn the rocic,ess atalins and{;laring advertise•
$3.160; Corporantion of BruSseh, hall menta put forth by so man' medical concerns,
should write to Dr. BoberttC, who iswidoiy and fav
rent for division court, $6; . corpor- - otabiyknown throughout rho Dominion note whose
at101i of Blyth, p7.a0 • b ]a.., ; treatment isoonceded both scientitto and auccessful•
y tdo., e y' Lasrxucnvs soon tans. A ldress as above. secrecy
No. 1, 1899., was duly read and pass ; "med. • . 1
ed. •
Cardiff—Shaw—The council then Items That *ill Interest.
adjourned to meet again on Feb.
Married couples in Norway are.'
13th next. W. CLAM, Clerk.
privileged to travelbon railways at a
fare and a half.
BLISTERED BY DOCTORS 1 In the public sehbols of Japan the
For heart Disease Without Help -1 English language is required to be
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart • taught by law.
Relieves in Fifteen Minutes.
There is a (sleek lel Brussels 011416
tray never been wound upby'' firm an
hands. It is kept going by the I
Franco has set up about 800 mtm-
unlents to more or less distinguished i
(Frenchmen during the last twven.ty-
five y'ear's.
Since 1857 hamburg hasadded
to its population twice as many
persons as Boston. and Leipsie has
overta,kerl. St. Louis, 1.
Endless leather belts, "acting ns.'
moving staircases, Convey the patrons
of a large Paris/Ail store from one'
tient to another.
In Austria, the public executioner
wears a Muir of new' white gloves
every -time he is ealled upon to carry
out a capital sentence.
Out .of the enormous number' of
women in Constantinople—the .popu-
lation is nearly ti; million—not more
than 5,000 can read or write.
It is estimated that the amount of
water precipitated on the globe an-
nually in the form of rain,snow, etc.,
is 29,000 miles, ,
Making the flies that are used as
fishing bait is work thtlt is done for
the most part by women. Men's
timers do not tie iso neatly, -
Indigestion and Dyspepsia are the
Arch Destroyers, BatSouth Ameri•,
• can Neawine Proves the Nevem-
:Fulling Health builder.
Mrs. Ellen 'Butler, 07 Coliahie St., Tor-
onto, suffered frurn Indigestion in -a•sev-
ere form for ee.verat years, was unable to
eat meat or vegetab)es, was threatened
with nervous prostration as a result of
chronic dyspepsia: After many remedies
had been tried and failed, she began us-
ing the South Atueripan Nervine. Wnen
sne bad taken .three_ boeties,'to nee her
own words, "1 oan eat anything: set• be-
fore me, and enjoy et without any bad
after effects. 1 think it a wonderful
remedy for dyspepsia and nervous pro-
stration. "'Solo by A: L. Hamilton.
.°1..;« .+.al4eawr»rwacCti�..
Qt i
Vastorla is for Infante and Children. Citstorit, is a
harmless substitute for Castor pill, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
' Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria, destroys Worms and allays Feverish.
cess. Castoria cures Diarrltr'ea and. Wind Colic. Castoria:,
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, reg•ulate:4
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, t;•ivillg
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is tato Children's
Panacea -The Mother's. Friend.
"Castoria is an excellent medicine for
children. Mothers have repeatedly told tae
of its good effect upon their children."
Ds. G. C. os000e, Lowell, Noes.
Ca atoms ia. .
"Castoria Is so well adnlaed to children
that I recommend it 1s superior to any pre.
SCription known to ane,"
II, A. ARCHER, M. D. Brooklyn", N .Y
` r
'lits enteral improves in color on
exposure.to the light Pearls kept ,'
in the dark.lose•their lustre, but re- i
gain it tel exposure to the sun.. !
The latest thing in the hotel bill of '�-,
-fare is stated to be an edible mean • .----e
card. It is generally niade of i ;+
biscuit, which the iguest eats with his
cheese. - ./•
T>� �
According to official figures, Great
Britain expends $10,000,000 a year
on the suppert,of,ethe poor, and Ger-
many. 825,000,00?. This does not
.inelnde•private (hasities.
• 1Iouse reeking and burglary aree
not the salted thing. Breaking into ee
a house with a view to robbery in tth
Will stand wear and tear for
e ears.. lie better proof chit
be given pf their durability:'
than is shown by the fact
that some of these pumps. pup
in wells 25 years age aro
-still working.
Spain haslost about 600 war
Mrs. 0. Ward; of Magog, Q'le., was a vessel* by.war and wreek since the
great, sufferer !for years from heart we., sixteenth century.
ease. Ph) sicians blistered her and gavel Medical statistics go to show that
leer other treatments without relief. She. :a blue-eyed person is rarely found' to
read in thepapers of the wonderful curie; be color blind.
made by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart.
She procured a bottle of it. Fifteen { In the deeade 1881 to 1891, four -
Minute* after the first dose she had re -1 fifths of the incl ease of population itt
EMULSION , lief, Btstore taking this remedy She had 1 France was in Paris:
come aut spells ofstiffocat.lon and.fiutter-1 Thirteen millions sterlin;,r is the
The. D. & L. i:14IiJI.SItl1V ing. and severe pains about the. hoar:.
s the b -stand most palatable preearaticn of. • yearly value of the potatoes • grown
elees�Otl,a;rc 1,g,tviththetntsld„lic to and w rt 'ao scall; that the act orsweep.'
the floor oaesed her to faint. She tin the United IKingdom. -
i tsar U to t o rtl a 1n" •l Ile?c
cont nu i si g, h in dy t ti s It has been estimated byCbm•
o 'I�.e D. L. •1StetiJLSI(5tY ,
had taken six bottles., and to day she is,
Is daihed by the lcadtng physician, of A.Lt.
. petent authorities that 400 stags zee
F. s Canaanada,tiN well as ever she %vac Sold b
y annually killed. in Scotland.
The D. St L. EMULSIONllarnilton. i One hundredand twenty firemen
.1 e zn .•rreiloes flesh prodursr and will give
you ana:prate. Sec. et Si per Bottle. ! are required to feed the furnaces of
Denurcecu get DAt'tS et LAVRENC1'. - The telephone service in Quebec, • a first-class Atlantic steamer.
rho e.utinc I CO. Limited, Montreal
which was demoralized by last weeks: (;creat Britain bas one fourth of the
foRl Il-_,�14NTHo
'i se
r �
Carefully wast d,. properly ironed, Supplied to Order.,
rreer•ly f nisbcci and fairly priced— • Repairing p prom promptly attended •tiSe-r
daylight is house -breaking; at night, 'brought here. Not a thingin our Suer -Diagonal St, opposite Beattie
at s the history
of your linen when
it is robbery. washing preparations to injure the l Livery.
The largest parish in . London in fib
of` the goods and not a thing 1
point of area is .Lewishafn, Whiell utlheriithy about our Work rooms.JOHN
bas 5,778 acres, and the largest In it
population is Islington, which has
now 330,000 inhabitants. ,
D. t
A Quebecer's Conliaenee . in Dr.
Cnase's Caterrei uure — Gives
B,,ebef at.onee, .He says.
Danville, P. Q., April 9th, 1898.:
EunfA;vsos, BATES & t;o., Toronto.
Dear Sirs,--Eaolosed find 51 for 14
dozen boxes • Dr. Chase's Catarrh. Cure'.
I'loasosend there at once. Every patient e
usiug it says "It is au excellent cure,
gives ,.relief at once."
JAS. MASSo.r, Gent Merchant, 1
• Danville, P. Q.
bongo Orders at Carr's Feed Store,
:Vet et €ike it�wxi...�. ttre �.' ..� Sei;ii,'i ..`�:n
47' °tai
An English guide book makes ,the
curious assertion that a large .pro,
partiou of those who have made -the
ascent of Mount 13lune have been
persons of unsound mind, F
A little over seventy years have f
elapsed since the first railway in the
world was finished. During that
comparatively brief period .400,000
miles have been eonstrueted.
The game of .golf is said to have
been invented in ancient times by 'a
lonely shepherd, who. had nothing,
betterto dothan tokneek round!
. .
estorories into a rabit ; hole with his
lire, is now partly resumed. 'The , wealth of Europe, with but one -ninth
B311 Telephone Company nave in , of the population.
stalled their offices in the new build. r In Hungary there are thousands of
ing which they bare constructed at! villages and hundreds of small towns
the corner of St.John and St.A.ngeles ` without a doctor within ten miles.
streets. _
Lillie* ad. the Starr
.b the cio:" by ,t rn
About Catarrh. .s
It is unused by a cold• Or succession of
colds, Combined with impure blood, lte
symptoms are pain in the heed, dieoharne
tram The stin In noises i the,esa •s.'
f mnosea 1
r. ii' R
It is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which 1
purities and enrichss the blood, soothes .
and rebuilds the tissues and relieves all
the disagreeable sensations,
It001)'S PILLS core all liver ills.
Mailed for 25o. by C. 1. Hood Ss Co.,
L+ , e far "Tho 3tery of the Philippine " by of t Lowell. Mass,
cr 4C A
�,�(� !ior r ,t'ANit-Ri11:UMAi IG � t� f � t i "� 1"� i� � i .Y for, bmei l Historian rt n to the w r Department,
'6r'r�t _pin �'' a s.o a , a par ment, The
- r, !" a -41 f gook was written in army temps at San Franstsce,
F TE IN NCC CD' ,,, !r (y t*p�� {/�'�► iAn.tk's Pacific with General Merritt, in the host:hats
i a;lryi • f el N ray a iJA a 4.�..1. ��o® �C GT rl n : at Honolulu, in Iien Irene, in the American trench ; 11N 8or Pelt 25a41.an e v rte f it
C3 at Manlike le the Henri
csinps with AKulnat-
do, on the deck of the Olympia with' betray, grid in
the roar of battle at +he fall of Manila , '
, for agents.. brimful of original pictures taken by
4 --
Mr. Lionel H C. Carden has been
gazetted British Consul -General for
the island of Cuba. Mr. Carat -II'
the city of Mexico. About fifteen'•
years ago he was British consul
Havana, where he married anll
American lady.
Wats Until recently•British metal at
1 1''n:tr sisters were married to four onaeza
" e 1.•,.1trt.•q in Ohio the other day, etovernn,ent photographers oil rho spot. 'Carpe,
book 1�tV pricr:s BiK profits N'reiKht paid
t'i't•i i { it family compact with a credit given, Drop all trashy unofficial war books.
: outfit free. Address, F. T, ,Barber, Secy,, Star
to t,,. e�tet il,:t.. Inaure:noe leldy., Ohtoage.
The Lading Speolatists fst,Atn3rica:
20 ¥ears iii Uotre(t. In
250,000 Cacti.
Thousands of young lard eliddlo-ugcd
Igen are troubled witltthis disease -main'
unconsciously. They nisy have a smart-
int; sensation, small, twisting stream,
sharp netting pains at times, slight dis-
charge, difficulty in oommcneing, weak
organs, emission', toad all the symptoms
of nervous debilityy-�they have ti1:ILIC-
TUIQL Don't lot che:toraexperiment on
you, by eutbin€, stretching, or tearing
toil. 'leis will net onto you,asitwill re-
turn. Our NEW Miil''HI0l) TREAT-
MENT abeerba 'the stricture tissue;
Itoouperm. return. iopain, nosutler
ing no detention from business by our
sued ' The norves are invigorated, and "
the bliss of =whom' returns.
Wingh.anl, Onto
Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained. and all patent
business conducted for MODERATE, FEES, Myr
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office.
and myfacilitics torsecuring patents are unsurpassed
Send model. sketch or photogra_ph of invertion1 wit
description and statement as to advantages claimed -
Are -No charge in made for atm opinion d;f to
Zsatentnbtlieifand rfee for prosecuting lbw.
application win w mop, Bo eraIer1 for astatit114.
patent 't allowed. "1ttetheroes' Cutna ' con-
taining full information seat free. All Cerement.
cations, Considered as titrtctly Confidential.
PI' Aifl�'11iK-UN l - flCeUGIL
Pee,a' . atoto WASi':A Id1',t Gree L. ft.
,m' SO' YEARS"'
Thousands of young and micldle.agcrl
Men. are having their sexual vigor and
vstality.continually sapped I_y this dis- ti'
.testi. Thou are frapientiy uneonseioas i
ofthe.oanseo.tleso �n
ams. General
Weakness, Unnatura Discharger, Fail-
Manhood Nervousacta', Poor hoot- i
cry, Irritabeldy at times Smarting Sen. It
Attlee, Suukon•Eyes, with dark elides,
Weak Baolt, General Depression. Leek
of Ambition , Vnrtcocelt, Shrunken ?'n
Parts, etc. CLEE3 and STRICTURE
maybe tha Cannel. Don't Commit family , e
doctors, as they heve no osx,erioiiee in tit1
those special diseases -don't allow
Quacks to experiment on you. Consult
rpecialists wiehavemalealifostudyof
Disoascsot'MenandWornon,• OurNIiW ;'V
tively cure yen. One thousand dollars '
for a ease've° accept for treatment and
&tenet cure. Tcrmsmtodoiatefor ocure. .
Wo treat and euro EMISSIONS,
E IiIDNEYand73LAI►nl'RDiseases.
FREE. If unitble to pall, write for
Ia>f t; tis
Corte Michigan Ave. and Shelby St,
K K&K K&K •
' 12t
x7 V
Anyone Sending a A1:ntrh end dheac to:ton mess
quickly esrerten otm opulent free whether DA
htvm,tini, i9 p, ohnhlyp, tcrtaaln. (;nmmuna„.t•
trots ee rtetly cone dome. etendbnoit on Patents.
sent free. Oldest cuseney for to eaten, patents.
Patents taken through Bldmt e, Co. recolt
sptciaa notice, without char, ,, iu the
A handsomelyitlnnt nerd vekl' , Largest rl
culation of ayselontitu entrant. Terme, 4
your: four months, $1. SOI I l y;dll ne wedpeeter'e.
MUN & eg.35ittruadwty, Now &rink
Branch Office. css Ir to . Weal;l,gton. D. 0.
.101161046110609•1111162;4•14.11.1. .
TO ADD ir,1 1:SX
IN .