HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-12-30, Page 87 AL 4 11 1 C y `l No Right to ;;ltiatacvwi�s. The woman, who i i lovely in art+:t' toren .and temper will alww i bate frir tale, but one who would he ,air ,t�t,vl t ttt•t keep her health. If tine ao ',i t,'a, >bit`l:l,} and all run down, she will ht, new uu, and irri• table. 1t she has a.ol,staratiou or kitlt:ey trouble, her impure b4iod will cause Aypimples, bintrhtts, st;tn eruptions and a wretone(1 uuinpiraa�un. tilt>etn•Bitters t,rfi•rr we pre i».e to tiitistrete the the anuli.;ri ati' of bovine:, lel' strik. '7t .0. in VI` tout t,ir t,t! tt;tu, up -to -1 dame 1'/:I-IPER 00(.)P1-1, that will ap peal t., 1 he,, tuocit-t as well as the i well falls « pocket huc:k. g 1 id Mra it Saye S stili' ay► in Xmas flood, Phis week is by far til, ti'iinc t.i htry Vino ]::tics Lengths f'tr Xinn,. ever 2,0 1)'ei:, Robes in all the vera• liti Ale:3 noveltie- from *2.:10 to CO (;1,1 Si. hi 113h (Tiles and eomltiete • range ;+f hades from 25c to $2.00. , Choice Things in Furs. . 15 Fur Coats at all prices from $111.00 to $50.00. 2() Fur ` f $7 $-- is the best ear,li+•+fie in the world to re- gulate stems= laver and kidneys and to purify the It gives strong nerves, bright ryes, smooth, velvety skin, met, complex -am. 1t will make a good look- ing. charming woman of a run-down in- valid. Only 80 cents; at an- Drug Store. k` ,sefr(? s't'ilt w' to y,• J, JA ESTOWN. Mr, D. Breekenridge's barn was burned last Fralay ti°ght by the ex- plosion of a lantern. Some calves and pigs were burned, insurance was ~1100. Wedding :•--Una; of those happy and pleasing events oecured at "Sunny Brae," the fatuity residence of Mr. Jelin St;aeha;n, On Wednesday Dee. 21st. The ce.easiou being the tnarriage of his eldest daughter, Miss Mary, to ?lir. Alex. D. llfcCosh, a clever and prosperous ! oung man of Brace Huron township, on the. shore of Co..,`�ke Haran. Exactly at 4 dcloek the w eddiieg march was played by Miss Annie:, sister of tile, bride, and at once .the groom enter- ed followed by the bride, leaning on 1:5 ]lairs f.a.die:; and Gents' Newher father's arta. She was prettily '1 It.F WINUI. AM TIMES, DECEMBER 30, 1898, n(ling a weak here with their fr`i';`I(ls, Mr. and Mrs. lileCesh left on thea rain for Kincardine on Tuesday attt' noon, where they will settle do on Mr, dfcCnsh's farm on the lak i'shore, May the happiest future attend them is the wish of the entire corm itlnity, where the bride has been so highly respected. The pre• - setlts -were handsome and costly, anion `•, theist were a beautiful bed- room\suite and sideboard given by 'her fcthQr and a gold wateli and ehain presented by her brothers. Gauntlets from $150 to 6'9.00. ; attired in white, silk trammecl. with -kidiea' ]stalls in Sable and i cbil%n, /see and pearls and also Lamb fek:iii., ,:.00 to 890.00,, • wore a white veil Fastened with 1p0 doz. l.ldkfs from 8c to 50e each. (Lilies of the galley. The bride was 15 ch-tz. 1',adi«' :rid Gloves from i attended by her .sister, Miss L. T+,., 40e ty '";t.50 , pdil+, ,{who wore Swiss muslin over pink 200 Nit's line shoes, reg..8'2.00,.and bad pink carnatioosin her hair. tui rl.is ..i •?5. i The groom was ably supported by 1t) ute�:t'3 Shltk r Flannel, regular ibis brother, IYir. John Mo0osh, The °r ,n rt,,bgi" a xsssn their t f„t.;; ,e ?ceremony was perinrtsled by the2 a .lieu's Moo Stilts, regular .$.1`2j�]ev`� ailelaean, a L�lytli, UTle1e Qfl,dctuhthaexecatcirav,latoceedtodi.Grrrnttt,ghe ns ,it - :the bride, assisted by Rev. Johneyeth,t=tldpp, : , ,,,. n i , .OSs B. A. of Brussels. Afterwards, t t f i regard i tothe claims of which • i 1 `,„ t _r.>.,frts,. regular 7, 1 'Lht ' 'hall then have rlef,etJ o _ ,.attlrti --- w.l 7r. I'I,:vr:;tiic;at -- Iu winghatn, on Doc. G3ih, tbt-) tv ice or Mr. J•irnes Flauni • a daugh\er MA1MI,3r?. tltrroau—TIonto•ra—At the resit] f that utride's parents, Diagonal str Wingliannt on December 25th, by Rs Dr.Patron, Mr. A. K. t:xilrord, or Petroit. to. Mins Mice tuella, daughter of Alt. 3.'1iotnnth, Garxess'--•IesrsTrr—At the residence of the bride% parsecs. Morris, on Decent - tier 28th, by Rev, D. Petrie, Mr. Charles (largess, of Bluavtile, to Miss Mary E. daughter 'of Wm. Isbister, Esq. • • aD1.Pam HOLMES—In wingharu, on December 25th,,Maggie ,A . youngest daughter of Cfiomas and 'Eliza Holmes, aged 30 • 'Arnitiiesox--Ir, Wingham, on Decom icer 27th, Little Nora, infantthiughter of Mr: and Mrs. p. B. Andersen, of the I3luevale Road.% fEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY We are now READY FON BUSINESS in our studio in the itifeKensie's Meek, 'Winglna ux It you want anything in the Photo Line, Crayon Work, Copying and En- tar(;ing. give us a call in the down door r'tuttio, 1'latinostaspeuuddty. ZURUIt J3. X1i' ✓ 1 in all liner of goods in this store from now until New Year's Day, x899. Our stock is far too large for the room at our disposal, and must be reduced at least three thousand dollars during the next month, and our way of doing it is to cut prices so that the goods will actually go out. Men's•and Boy's Suits, Overcoats, Reefers nnl Pea Jack- ets-at, ack— ets' at prices that %Ill leave competitors out in the cow, Copse nd be convinced that this is not a puff. Ladies' Mantles, Fur Coats, Capes, Ruffs, Muffs, Caps, ' ytil;ts, Gloves and all Fur Goods . will all be sold at clearing` prices. We helve no old out of date stock. Everything brand new and the very latest styles, which means extraordin- ary bargains in. every article, Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods of every description will have to join in'this great out -going procession. Groceries ---stock never was more attractive -- -- never showed better value. Everything pure and fresh and of the best quality, EXECUTORS .. NOTICE 'TO CB ITURS. ('TICE Is hereby given pursuant to R. •, O..1807, nhuptcr 1341, Section S, that ail p aonsi'ia,•iu„ claims against tae estate. of John Car late of the. Tawe or ti•ingha,n in the Co ity of apron, Willer, deceased, who died an (It a out a 20th day of tiuy,.mhtr A, 0,, 1a03, aro equ' ed to send by post pre pout or aelis er to ii, I one of the said Town tti' h , licit r for tieatecutors, no t.r ttefr,re the 30th day of January e , , ,e r nantes,at - dreses n•,d descriptions, sad a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of sce,rrity then, dale emitted and,n assets o' the deceasedmow a parties entitled 3,000 cords t ]ere n, r,4 ,t s o— only 1 ., !congratulations were sincerely be- '' ti Wingharn Sal liatud this 27th da,• of Demmer A. D., WS. r •2.t3 tl .r ,+, ..ti. Liege coli EN DORS FO WOOD Tenders ersigned rl ID be . rece' ed by the un - 0 . :. Jan. .1899 for120 cords of t. hard wood, and 8 cords of 22 i i wo - green). To be delivered '-• or before . 1st of .Feb., :899, at e • Pre yterian Church, ' gleam. S. GRACI+}Y, Sec.' s. 000 CORD stowed upon the nearly wedded V4NST„Nt..1 wingham, price gra, isg. ! boticitar for the 1txecutors, ':20e :: ,., , r.-, , 'ale !couple and when this was over the 2:', .' , <+ '```'' raacee. l's,. reg 20c, 2:company, over eine hundred in num- ! ber, repaired to the ri,lnningroom, ,ar:t: rel:tl,•'it to shop early where all partook of a sumptuous ' we will sell u, repwhich heeoa ng toastst prepared by ,e hostess, after weregivenby.• '.::t't-,4 .: g price i,...410.),tier 1 both clergymen Atter this was (iVer the guests amused themseli-ea 1 tt v`7 :s:'ii 9y 3"a in games of their own ebolee till an ` n early hour in the morning. After 11101. CIL DISTR- .'T 1'., 0. 6. • TO THE E - CTOR3 •' , ; ------ .. .-..�....� - 1 am in the field as a candidate fur L,.. L..:..t,, .. "a'r"f- t<",.€4, L;;:f,„ . �'•"+i_'^"•'i., �L, t.'?'-' L ,, i, this Dirrt.ritt and solicit your vote and. t� ' ' `r"4e� �r L` '-� at�4= 1''. ' • ! influence. If elected my purpose will be to serve the District and the County to the best of my ability., , trri Wishing you a31 ,a happy Now Year. VI' Yours truly, ' z.0 ill \ mi El; litril illli '...• l Le. IIYYAf F THE YEA l+ 1..g near, and now As your til secure Bargains at °D. G . eat Bele of Rc'a4 ,4l ^rnadL Youths and. Boys at Half Regtda-r Prices, Ovrcoats at Half Price. n., s at Ona -third regular prices. }, c'}'ry at Third prices. ;, ,7i111s, ].'lathed{, ']weeds, Blankets, Cut` ri r97 I t,elettes, rg'Ickitigs, Denims, Cottonadcs, liirts; l)r..twers, xlosiery, (Gloves, Handkcr- 11. f:tc., etc., at (5RI:ATI.Y REDUCED -rp sal ES. e W. H. KURR BRUSSELS. NOTICE. The annual meeting of j,i a __ ,1f11uovale Cheese and 33ter Co: ,y, Having moved to taws to the rest - i ° Limited ,� •1 donee lately occupied by Geo P Wells, t nd fi firwill be ]laid in the T+corner Centro and Alfred streets, near ` raters' Hall, .tho GTR, 1 aprepared to pay the vale, the highest cash prices for all kinds of Rage, r Cta Day o3 January, 1899 Rubbers, Copper, horse Hair, Wool wanted at the Highest cash or same on livery, F. G. SP.. House For Sale or to Read, The undersigned offers for sale or to rent a good two storey frame, hoose, con- taining seven rooms, pantry aud fruit closet; summer kitchen and woodshed; good stable, hard and soft water, together with half an acre, or twenty scree of land if required. For particulars apply to GEO. Mc1'ENZ E, \1•iugham. STORES FFtp SALE adniinisteatrix of the estate of Alexander Dawson, deceased, offers for sale the Two Stores in Warigham now occupied by Messrs N A. Ftirquhar- soh and Miss Boyd. Offers for the same should be addressed to J A. MOR`CON,14'iogham, Solicitor for the Estate. PALM 149TICE. D. M. G RDON, Disco imparter .1 ill your own ahterests by buying Four tv` ter supplies at DD1E'S CHEAP 'ftSII TUR :laid I3lock,'ilex;t TInW Past (Mick:, \Viti�gliam. 13104:next 1.30 o'cloc'.; p. m., for the elefition of Directors and the transaction of any other business that may corse before the meeting. By order JOHN BURGESS, Seo'y. Eluevale, Dec. 24, 1808. Ti hold Bel ill ANNUAL MEETING Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at my residence, or if word be left, I will call for same. C. GOODMAN. e sonar • Meeting of the 6bai•i rs and Putrtils of the ore Cheese and Butter Maritt- taetu, ing Co. 6' eld in the Public Mil, Delmore SA i u rda y, . !eu. 7th, 99 at 130 o'clock li, w. All Into, serest are requested to attend. AMES CLARK, President: A9 [TIE a Partners, w interest on yo be heti at is p� . cent. Payments made to Snit bgrrn5VP'rt Olio:tree Iow. At cakes 1 silt, . attcrnoon and all day Saturday. At•+TE'R,CC SBNS, Maedonn Block, Wiugbam. PUBLIC INC i1 OF INTEREST. y pay 5f:, and 6 per Bent. loan when money may Pubh: notice is hereby Samuel tion, (+f Blyth, Joseph '1:'a, r, of fl:arl„alk and to Mr. » 14 i 1 host allies, on • (,f our for which they ively ;n one !alio dunks. Said Si hem over tir u nd we h lilt rrf t 1 honking our many Customers for .the liberal patronage,;ind wisbin*tr, -on :t Happy and I'ro ierou:i Nev that o Mr. office, uburu' • 0 etu'h, septet- a:$ very reason - ble prices. Orders our note salts] for and 'meat delivered to any ed tract, part of on town, Your Pair- i patronage ioliottucd. Order your___, --AN 17.—•. UOL.611E .DAIRY, TO THE FROit BUTCHER SHOP Opposite Pont Ofiicc . • COME Iii AND SEE OUR CF.2CiCe\• ,, It is all here now, opened out for your inspection, and is beautiful goods. CANDIES BY THE BARREL, AND NUTS BY THE BUSHEL Groceries all fresh and 'fully assorted. rquharson The China House,” Winghain. w We have been making extensive alterations in our shoo, which has considerably enlarged the shine. Wo - Will now be prepared to supply the public with all ,kinds of FIRST- LASS eat THE ORDER OF TDAY Gol lug Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Opal, Garnet, Pearl.' and Combination ttings. We carry the largest and most varied stock of solid Gold ings ever offered in W in ghani. Also a full line of atehes Silver Novelties, Fancy Clocks, Silverware and jewelry. Speetac' es in Gold, Gold Filled, Alumino and Steel., Our lines are too large to enumerate. OUR MUMS ARE RIGAT We wish you all a Merry Christmas, HAL EY P