HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-12-30, Page 2• ii It let+®i - that the Beit}. • • iea 1 tiesen 1{ is ,, t ' tt .l .• . t:., .,,1.4 gnarl los ii, $.i b• 1 • the others. T' -le r.v•v i`ethoili .£ , • at I T hom:tea. a o:tiu: 't ' I;' , " d d . elates, kit• lt••, : e. `t a e• 1' Mr. A'e stn der '.. ;''t I tr.t • tile, flied f: rill '1t: i. rebs e . ' l rel. 2 11.10•00.01V•511.••• —.__- ..wwYA".•tx.a,,.c, ,,-:a.won lop e' •a: iy tired i,,'T 1I:1 \♦.: a - Luso , �[•, ,oaf` (� u•"..*'; .vo L•4�1r4t•.:�>a-�:ii - .--T"�r:J1Q• Ile:: ty Et:.A per- fect rein,: -di 1...r i izz:res?, ltiiat:5.a, Drowsi- ness, 11 c1" ,•.. :n the iv: nth: Coat_d Tongue Pain in the >, TORPID LIVE . The- Res..,att1 t v �.ewels. i'urelx Alli it :=pi n ei,3? er:4 !' d1''s Cris reeentelfg . ees :,tt;t Of ;.ho •iav- Sc t t.i `t ct; C.;.r to s, ns • and demand Liver Fills. eige ', �� IP ' WOE soled Wo2asstoss; - through IPSO use eft' ME -sweat's rat's reseal Nemo P:tYs. It's s2.!! io think that se many i::'omen , suffer from pain,, Weak Spells, Heart P it&4L,^^. Sinking Sensations, ,' �ICrV: t:::"• ' W eleld3 :^E S "tV!t0 cculd -be- est gyred to the fall enjoyment of per- ' feet h,:.it': by a :"tv boxes of , ilitnrti s Heart and Nei ct: Pi:Lt. There ;. :•t I::: no question 'boat the `efficacy i ttiii ; corned y. T:'. -'i Grills of Nvoine - .,P• :.;tlitd.,ali.tb-ua: 'mrd for it:= : it is the testimony of 'Mina. Ofu� sty"s:'.•,'• street, Itiiot:ct':n, •• i r t.,::in>,' Biilt nr:: I It•art. and rf t' ; t" i' •' 1 • -rd W ;aa:i'r t n tall a zron- t irree..l'u•at'tion egg' test i together with paths or spasms .. is parts or my body. 'iSur..... ' telt ao tve.:.: !hat I was unable b' .. ,' .rs' xie}b Iso: • r . t•rteoduratl'. :trortvaad 2 lata..:,; n+ s:lteth.e ages: ta.•ti 1 failed t. ; :+.::ne relief.. until happily I Itear,i"f .::.u'rn's Heart aihdNerve. Pills. 11 had .'n1 j ire^.tl talsiny them a short time. 'when 1 spit p-•e•ntly bentefted. This en- ! -*enraged me to continue their use until = a complete care was effected. "I have not been troubled with a head - I ache: since taking these' pills. They in- creased my appetite, invigorated my en - : tire system, and gave me back my old time strrngtll nod vigor." i T'ako a is tc.t-tver Pitt beicre retiring 'Twill slur.: .4- lir,: you sleep without a grip _i -ear gripe, a.•,l tr...' you reel better in the =Deas:n,;. P:'.:. 2;..:, acid by MI druggists. CUrt'. SAL YOUR PAINS WITH a A m PS1 -Miler. 1A Medicine Chest In Itself. Slrpla, rase an'Qu Coro for jC?I1l.?G'`r, MAR fttipEA, CQUG:IS, COLDS, C?i°2I UMATISM, fiEUP.AlLG1A. c0 me 50 cent Bottles. eaweee OF iIIITATIONS• W BUY ONLY THE GENUINE.; PERRY 17AVIS' 1101 PLASIS ire guarantee that these .Plasters will relieve pain quicker than any other. Put up only in 25c. tin bows and $1.00 yard rolfa. The latter poise* you to cut the Flatter any Rf:.e. Every family Sii4Cttlid have one ready for an enter■ gencq. ' d .t 111a WINUHAM TIMES, S, DECEMBER 80„ isa8, Al‘tLLDDL IIromOUS1ii. THIE PLAN WAS `(YL' 1:\:11'•'rI,Y 1tii.1Pr BLIT NEAR 1:NO1,7l:11. "When we m t t•tt 10. our present home, said the mite whn was telling the story "we found no place to keep the few hens that we have. As fresh 3,Z£. are setts .•'u.• that the entire houbehoid i'•a:.ts upon. I resolved to build a :-stat,, chicken h• use that would he a ut4tb 1 of its kind. Poultry and t to :Farmer. The ben is the best help on the farm, and yet few farmers seem to realize that fact. 'elle old rule was to. keep a lot of hens, all sizes, ages • and conditions, running together. The nests 'MVO here, there and every- where, and it took an lour to tbor ' oughly se'.ent about for the eggs, whieh seiduul amounted to more than la d.tzen Tee eggs, scarce as they tv'ere, were taken to the country store Out 1 fie .11 it no easy matter to ; and traded off for goods, The -eggs • plan to house that not take up lunch I were bought by the merchant at the room and at the same time be un -1 wholesale glluttttioik and the goods 1 objectionable w the neighbors given in pay were charged at the '•I puzzled over the situation for "eountry store retail price." It 81 tale time, asset the day Lny wilt' 1 was a one sided game, and no wond: Irfr fir ti'h•el•t fust to her eistt'r, I I er the "pesky hen never paid." was chew ?ft give it up when I 'But when tee farmer has given the entuwed 'u see a wrap of paper that 1 poultry culture thought and study, 1 my wife 11:;d let's lying an the dining ' and has buxte••eotntortable houses and room table. big rues, and divided up his stock ".fib-entiv ,ticking it up to draw a into small. families, he- has had a few trine eines n ten it 1-i;ntice'd it revelation. The hens not only goon i wee ailed; c eta -erect with sitnle sort proved that they were profitable, nut e f deeigu Looking it over, 1 MS demonstrated the. fact that when ihunclei'r•irUt.•k to see that my wife given a chalice they were veritable had bol vt'it the problem that Head "lnortgege lifters:" More than one worked eo lug neon. enterpt•ibing farmer has bad a bur - 1 "Never for a moment had I suspect- den taken off his shoulders by the lied that my wife possessed any talent aid of a harem of well kept hens. in that,diit•e'tiun, but there it was "0- Many a fanner used to ba, and (fore Inc in black and white; with the many still two sorely pressed during i runway:, and laying bores, its roosts the winter for money to buy grocer: and dusting pans a perfect model of les and such things as they are un: lite kind. able •to raise on the farm, as they "I hired a carpenter and we went really have nothing to sell. It was 1 to work to construct the house along either a question of debt or- going the line, that my wife had drawn into debt or going without it. It otlt whit so .much care. We were will not tnanv be years before every !puzzled a little over the meaning of well regulated farm will have a sub: some, of the lines, but we stantial hennry attached to it.— Poultry Farmer.. tttanag&d to follow the plans fairly I and when it was finished I wus hot Iesitly prones cit' it. 1 "When illy wife returned home i tool; her out .and showed it to her, end congratulated her upon her susses. t';l•e• asked are what 1 tneant an•1 1 shower, her the plans that we had use.,. I " 'i;o rll:ecs I' she gasped, 'that isn't a p11111 of a henhouse: it s the `plan of my new gown. Dr. Gustav 11. Bohertz 252 Woodward Ave., Detroit• Mich. has by his great success proved himself to be 1 for chromic mid nervous disease -s, Ren:•iblo men, who do not theirs something for nothing r and who condemn the rr..+k.ess etain..i a:ni ii1•irlui .dve,ti,;e- mt.nts port forth by so inn, medics, cnuoerul, shunld a rit a to Di. Bcbertz who is widely and fuv- igash, tief.wn thing:hoot the nuniinian and 'whose trrattne.u• is co..coded both scientific ands .c••ewtul, s lionnrC:l.l: atop sans. Address -.s above. Secrecy a,su:ed. High 1.4ghts. Voice is not an index of character so nlmlh as an index of climate. Ise who hesitates is lost. Ile who never heeittlies hasn't been found either. We e.;uld acquire all foreign lall&ui'ges in the time given to go'iiping i'1 our own. At this titae no great man feels that ids fame is complete until s •me person has named a chrysanthemum after him. The woman with a chaotic top bureau drawer alievays has a. delus: loll that 811e 11 ,t,ning to straighten it up tomorrow. A pessimist is one who forsees the future meals_ of warmed over turkey before the Thanksgiving dinner has been eaten. A UN DOCyO No disease can resit -t the powerful Medical properties of Burdock Blood Bitters, as is proved by the fact that thousands of the moat obstinate cases have been cured and permanently cured by the use of this best of till remedies. Ironical Ifs. • If you find that you are being driven to despair, get out and walk. If yon are a gentleman you will not have to advertise the fact. If you are a victim to sleep let the baby eat crackers in bed. If a pun is the lowest form of wit it must be the foundation of it. If advice could be made an active pricipie, it might accomplish more gond If told to go and soak your head the pawnbroker probably . wouldn't give you much on it. Every druggist and dealer If you enquire after some people's medicines has a supply of B,Fs.B. health they proceed to enlighten you 11399 Almanat:s -the best almanac at great length, fait --and you may have one free for If there's nothing in a name its the asking. queer what becoms of the things a We desire that this valuable book man sometimes puts in his wife's shall be in every Canadian home, Lame. , and it your druggist is out of theta us a WANTED- DEVEBAie TRL'ST1VoWt1ZY I Rand wont get one for ou, se - post card, writing r i e and tions is this state to manage our business in +'•`•'" warn and nears,] cduntioi i. It le mainly oilier. •address dist�• 1Ctly 'will 11e di•rtcd at irna.u, Salary atrai*ht *000 a mailed one sole. • . r: •.urs. --dein e,. beneit1e, no more, no :,•,. ?in:ably Itetrr'nora• unclose 1 'T. Milburn ier-..rel stamped vt'Ipe, Herbert E. Hes, oopt. 1l. Mow '- eat, Toront An Engineer's Rheumatism. Mr. David Weeks, of Owen Sound, Ont., Ene;ioer+r of the Owen Sound Branch of the C. P. R., writes : "Three boxes of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills cur- ed me of Rheumatic pains in my Shoul- der, from winch 1 suffered for some years. They also cured my wife of Rheu- matism of 17 years' stand:ng." Price 500.1 all dealeis. Question Versus Question, A worthy Yorkshire canon, echo had been greatly displeased by an act of disobedience perpetrated by one of his gardeners, soaght 'an interview with the offender in order to reprimand him. Knowing that if he were able to avoid the interview until his master's wrath had aoated he would - come oft with only a few mild words of censure, the man got out of - the way. A few days afterward, however, when the ' storm was quite over, master and man came face to face in one of the houses, and the canon asked : "Why Lave you avoided me in so pointed a manner of late, Johnson ?" To which the gardner very wit- tily replied : "Now, I'I1 put it eo you as a man, sir. Would you, if you could help it, stand in front of -a canon to be blown up ?" Earache Cured. "1 was troubled with Earache for a long time and could get no ease until I tried Hagyard's Yellow Oil, which made a complete cure." , Miss Anna Chapman, South River, Ont. Burdock Blood Bitters Al%aanac for 1899 --gg;; •a� �itl �ts�la` your Druggist's. • s borne Dr. Chase Cures Catarrh slips' Operattone Far'. Toronto, March Uhl), 1897. My boy, aged fourteen, has h,'en a sufferer Froin Catarrh, and lately we I submitted 1)101 to en operation at the l,enerut 4lospltut• Since then we have 1 res:l'•tetI to 1)r, !lhni:e'a Catarrh Clure, atilt one box of this medicine bas made a prompt mid complete cure. 11. a,, Fon% Fineman, Cowan Ave. Fire Finll. Why The Farmer Should Keep I owls. Because you ought by their means to convert a great deal of the waelto on the farm into money, In the shape Of chickens and eggs for the market, Because, with intelligent manage- ment, they ought to be all veer re venue producers, expecting, perhaps, during the molting season. Because the manure from the poultry -house will- snake a valuable compost for use In either vegetable garden or orchard. Tne birds themselves, if allowed to run in the orehard, will destroy many injurious insee:ts. Because, white cereals and fruits can only be succesbfuly et own in certain section, poultry can be raised for table use or to lay eggs in all partsrof the country. Because poultry -raising is an em- ployment in which the farmer's wife and daughter can engage., and leave him free to other departments, Because it will. bring the best re- turns—in the shape of new laid eggs —during the winter season. when the farmer has .the most Mee 00 his hands. Because to start poultry raising on the farm requires little or no man"gement. Poultry can be made with little'cost, a valuable adjunct to the farm. Warmth is a condition of nature favorable to the production of eggs and meat, an to neglect providi w comfortable quaetel s is to invite ae: feat. • When keeping fowls in yards there is nothing more essentially to learn then when tot to feed. To l stye courage to withhold is an im- portant requisite in management. Fed too often, they become idle- and profieless. A TO f l For Infante ani Children. The fac- simile Cigna:n:s iC 1a Ov.11y �w :?��t���C tort woe You Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the email price of 25 uts.. 50 ets. and $1..00, does not cure take the bottle b:tc•r'tlnd ive will refund your money. Sold for over fifty yPnrx on this guarantee. 'Price 25 tits, and 50 cls. The Convict Treadmill. In the Central goal of Rangoon the British officials have intredaced a method of making the convicts work, which is very. effective mode of punishment. It is a treadmill on a large scale. ,Big wooden cylinders about seven feet in diameter, are provided with keen edged plank steps all around. Above the cylin- ders, at a convenient height, there is a heavy iron pole, stretched •across the room, upon whieh the chains of the convicts working in the tread- mill are fastened. When they are in theit plates, the bolt bolding the cylinders in one position is removed, and the convicts must tread, tread without a stop for two hours and a, half. If one of them stops treading he slips down as far as the chain permits, but the . plank steps beat against 1111 shin bones 80 vigorously that the skin is bruised end scraped. This is exceedingly painful, and the convict hurriedly catches up the next step and tries to tread along with the others. The barbarous punishment is a necesssity however, for the natives ore extrelnely tanati- cal, and death has no terrors for then, imprisonment would be for then a favorite method of Iiving a . life of seclusion and meditation,with, no care for food or lodging, were it • not for the compulsory work. The large shed containing the six tread mill cylinder is situated next to shops where the power is used in wool working machinery, About seventy convicts are at' work there at one tune. WYANTnn--SEVERAL T1aUSTWOa7'IIY I'M - sone in this *tato to manage our business in heir own and uraeby counties It is mainly ,Ince ywork conducted M home. Salary stratgh1 811 w a 168 rsalary. Meiuihy n$75: bRelcdreboe 00m1t los• self-addressed atom earelope, iierhel't $. stair, i'rest., Dept. M. Chi (t, nemon.ammon.n.1190rnhAnn•••••W On. in �'�''--''vi� iri&. o,:(lti dict,~,"!c'%'^-.i� •r^'� �wrt; �ti�.•ptY.•�A .Pfi �77'�.rnr-�M'G'"'S'•�' •x �.�i ratk',"p.yir...d,t1.t',.. lass:.. :'. , w. ....r,'a+,4t:F.•.M6`_ .,raC.aw,;,YSIu.. ....�.st..»...--�•.-.----,:� nu�ra�wryinlnw,n,umr9nwr,o•,:n„...• 7. +�' • " AVegetabiePrcparat'oaforAs- similatin air:ToodandRegula- /lug the Stomach:, andBowels of Promotes Diges tion,Cheerful- ness andllest.Contains neither Opiulai,Morpbinc 11or Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. drysetad.7lraAT.:JEZE!% 3 rasp7frsa Sestz- :rflr.e:Scsae Rctflc&A, Sola - 411 1e Sews + 'tree cg al :re v . 71i'vm Seed - Itv.;ry',r'.O /ahem: 4` �?? THAT THE FAC,-STIVIt'.'Ll it _ANATUR G OF EVERY BOTT. - . O Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,D►arrhoea, Worms ,Corcvu!sions,Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tt::Simile Signature cf NEW YORK. CXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. enraNalteimisavaammi Castoria is put up in ono-oize bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Net allow anyone co sell yon anything else on tho plea or promise that it is "just as good £' ma `swill answer every gnr- pone." See that you get O-A.-S-T-O-li-I-A.. Tho fao- elmile tlgaatttro of l��ii `CcSliGis gERIN NED1 ON TIME.: , Carefully washed, properly ironed.; correctly finished and fairly priced— that's the history of your linen when / J--P:l.LG• ee.4..e ovtry eleg alt! iirat a•• 1 'i1 ELTON'S LIMPS Will stand wear and tear for e ears. No better proof e'ua be given of their durability than is shown by the famet that some of these pumps put in wells .25 years ago are still working. IRON anct FORCE PUi:YIPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended tar• brought here. Not a thing in our SHOP—Diagonal washing preparations to injure the . Livery. fibre of the goodsand not a thing unhealthy about our work rooms. JOHN D. LONG Leave Orders at Carr's Feed Store, lr� 91 reds kFee,: 'yet `••• ▪ i3 es a' 1111 14e, •lee i.ealiillg Specialists of illi flil`'a log„ 20 Years ill Mraito 250,000 Cured. W.Er,UPE STRICTURE 4 , 4t - ^f rntn a:•e having tater re::unl •vi,;cr and 41004 vitality cunt,, naily'Apprd 1:17 thio slit• l c. caro. TI t:7 at •o trot uently uuaonecit sal nfthncansoriitho;'ym;.mint. Ctericral ;: Wc.l sesa, tI ',,turct 11ietiin'•geti. 1•'aii- ittg Jtlanboo•1, Miers' in:Ito'.. Pear Metn- orr, Irri1411,i1ity, rt t V tIrlinitNen- tatlou, f>tt;e:!:%h 1:yew, vest!i dorlt Ci.'ies, lYcnit 1:act. C:r, sera., 1)epzcainn, I:ac•F: rf Ambition,, 'Gencaeele, Min - Akan . Parte, ole. Cu;.EE'L' and STRICTURE tpci 1raybetho eau e• Don't co�isthltfaraily '•a.i doctors, as they have 110 experia.ice in these• special diseases—don't allow quacks to experiment on you.' Consult ,t" beocialists wi,1 lava n:ado ti life study off Diseases nt'31e:tn^et W,,twn. One-N1Yiy -Alb:THOU eatAT.M:VINT will post. ��jj,t tirely curs yon. One thonranti dollars ,tt• for a ease ore necapt for treatment and cilnnoteure. Te:rmerloderatofora mire. t. cJRES G'UA`1 Y�c3I Ian QED Wo treat and care: ' :01'4'il0ES. VAIttCnCDL39 SYPHILIS, G;EE ItP. NTIiICTtII61e:,1..ltl'n'1.'F'PCa'y.SECRET DRAINS. ti:.N.1T1111:A1,Til:-:t'1fAlih' KIM)ltiXYnndISLAltl)E:11,DIsmog tONS:lrltATI',N FRTl1•;, .''for I'ItE1+;. If unable to till. 'MOUE tj) QUESTION, ELAN. ie for ppTR1,1A IIE1IT. .� 1 L � yea dials oflaiuy 5t. Cort 1111 "I.O1T, tYlllt^:l. Thousands: of young and m.iddlo•aged menage troubled with this disease—many unconsciously. They may havo a smart- ing. aonsation, smell, twisting stream, sharp cutting pains at timos, slight (lis charge, difrtca1tty in commencing, weak o: xaxis, cmissiona and all the symptomsof nervous debility -they havo STIt1C- TUlai:. Don't lot doctors experiment on you, by outting, stretching, or tearing turn. This zinw lUur)1IIOb it will SIW T absorbs rho stricture tissue; horocroncov esthostriwturepoiwanontly It can haver return. 1\ro pain, no suffer - 1n1(, no detention from business by our method. Theaoxualorgttnsarestrength- enod. The nates are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. ' Thor.scraio of young and ,meld,: -need • • • St. opposite Beattie& •FELTIQN, Winx'ham, 01st Caveats and Tri do -Marks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Mit office is intim immediate vicinity of the Patent Of$e and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed, model, sketch or photograph of invertticn, wits• description and statement as to advantages clrimed. AM -No charge is made for en opinion autos patetata'5lieg and nv fee for prosecuting the application vefeL not3c called for unfit tha potent allowed. "i.t:in^xoas' Guinn," con- taining full information sent free. All fe assns il. cntlons 0on3lderod as Strictly Confidential. FRAY !KU,.61%1 ROUGH ser: T S• roots WB.asitetl3' inrmlli. 1.4 50 Y1"Al•3S'' E:SP r 12IE1 CE cF t3lP=S'Ttr u y.. Viacom $; t^•A t.u' e i tt i ` j'IJd 'ri r.\ 3 w + Tr tV �'.'C!M'h:tCH'r'., Iltc. Anyone sandlot; a s':cteh anti deafriwtionmfra quickly entertain our or ileo Free whether rang tnvc*ttion to prninrlp p•.tc^h,l:lc. ('ammuntr,:,^ Mons strictly 01110:1:oa,.;:(1. i11: t.il.nn:tenl'ate:4st ' sent free. uldrtt sttien:y for r"ee;ruts natants, f Patents t titon tbrnuilt Tltt ^tt Cc. roc.:vra e9lpeclbfapt,oLdAco,Llhstar cRLJhton, r' 0rcl`ylt A handsomely :rend 'k10':ta7rr.ll AIlWllnis+n�Thlotrin�crptr�biRrimd{�e�1ea@a,t 1iu ri : rotation of (MY st�9nrilh year; four month,1l$ Oagl�kLBranch 0',4' . , 1� PAYS !� TO ADVERT.1 • IN TIIE TIMES