HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-12-30, Page 1t!:
NO. 1393,
We have still a pod selection of'
Winter Woolens in Tweeds and Over-
-oatiugs and for the balance of the
season w.; will make a great redue-
lion in prices. If you are la ne.d of
a Suit or Overcoat it will pity' you
to give us a call as we will make it
so evident to you that we are giving
: bargains, you are sure to give us an
-order. In Overcoats we wi11 soil you
^a $2(1 garment for $17, a $18 for $15,
a $17 for $14 and in Tweed Suits,
we will make just as great a redue-
:Iion. Don't zniss this chance. We
mean what we say.
We aro bound to run oil;'- the
ebalanee of our Winter Boots" and
Shoes and will still adhere to the re-
duction as advertised before. Tbis
las no fake. We do not mark up the
goods ' to a fancy price and then
-claim- to give a big cut. These re-,
•ductions . are froth bonatide prices.
We repeat a few of the prices as a
Ladies' FIne Dung. Buttons and lists,
reg. price $2.00, reduced to at,r5,
Ladies' Fine Dong. Buttons and Bats,
reg. price $1.50, reduced to $1.15
.Ladies..' Fine Box Calf. and Bats.
price $1.50, reduced to $I.20.
.Ladies' Exti a Fine Dung. Hand -turn ,
Buttons, $3.50, reduced to $2:65.
Ladies' Extr;t Fine Doug. Band turn
Buttons, $3.00, reduced to $2.65.
Ladies' Extra :Fine.lLongr,.rialld turn
Buttons, $2.50, reduced to 11.85.-
Misses Fine Dung, Button .reg, price
$1.50 reduced to $1.10.
..plisses Fide Duty'. Button, price
) c
�,.,,.5, reduced to .350,
Misses 13ux Calf, Nitton, price $$1.25,
reduced to ,I.03.
misses (:xlove G,.^sin, -oat ton, price
$x61:15, reduced to 85e,
'VIM 1 e rn OEs J ,§ . 3r 99
Nothing less than
should satisfy you, especially when it
Coate n0 more.
Molds first place among the best corGi-
t tnereiai schools in the country;it will pay
you to eocne here for your education ;
• board cheap ; write for beautiful eata-
1 logtle.
W. J. ELLIOTT, PrineipaL
Marriage Menses
!tainted by Flame Pe'rausotw, No 23, Vic-
e-iortastreet,Wioghatn,Ont. ] owitnesses
consisting. of a large as-
sortment by the best
French and American
makers, \Tie also have
a full stock of perfume
atomizers from ;hoc up.
During the week before
Xmas we will give a roc
bottle of perfume to every
purchaser of $ r worth of
goods at
tlieltetleeerSb/b^a► 41. 't
Oddfellows' Con r ; January 6t11.
A Happy a d Pr:lsperou
New Year to a 1 readers and
friends of the IA ES.
Dmv ea BercEa'z
father of Mae, (De.)
died et BruceileJd
week and wee boric
P. min J. R. and Mr
the funeral. We r
obituary notice for t
the 'Union Furnitur^
each of the employes
turkey on Saturday
will make stronger
between the mangem
employ, and is a sure
o'zl Mr. Neil Ross,
acdonald, of town,
n I hnrsday q$ last
on Set urday tiDr's.
. Maodoeald attended
ere enable to get an
his issue,
was a merry one.
seen on the streets
who had returned t
their friends, 1 am
principal sources
eider folks, while
attended the rink
evening, took a dri
home with their pe
weather was boauti
full of the risttn
of Detroit, and ?tis
ter of Mr. and Mr
quietly Marrigd at
Diagonal tar ‘, on
Dr. Pascoe:;,' be r
thy' afternoo in
imbiediate relatives
Mrs, Gifford left by
day for their borne 1
Was popular auto
friends in town,. a
wisbee of all her ac
'Vir, Jas. A. Cline, of
Company, presel.ted
'tit a fine Christmae
everting. Such gilts
the happy relations
nt and those in their
forerunner of hotter
A9—The Christmas
any were the races
of old Wintilamitesr
spend the a day with
ly reunions were tl.e
f enjoyment for the
he younger element
n the afternoon and
or spent the day at
.ents and friends. The
til, and the air seemed
If Iltaria
C. 0. O rzrrc
lar meetin ..,.t the *
Friends. Council N
following officers w
Past Councillor, 'D
Councillor, J B ie1
A J Cook ; Retorde
Alex Ross ; Prelate,
Marshall, H T Pear
Galley ; Guard, Rob
H Boderus ; Board
Irwin, llugh 7nmilt
Medical Lxanuner,
;t -Yr. A. - K. Gifford,
Alice Amelia, though-
, J. el. Horn ath, were
the family residence,
Monday, by the ilev.
edding took place in
he presence of the
and Mends. lctr. and
be 3:30 train on Mon-
t Decroit. The bride
iter large circle of
d will have the beat
s et -'116 the last regu•
l" Ord Ch
tar len l' er }✓,•`"en
. 222, Wingham, 'the
e elected for iSlM
A. J Irwin ; Chief
uson; Vice Councillor,
, W D Pringle ; Trees,
Mrs J 13 Ferguson ;
n ; Warden, Mrs J
rt Mason ; Sentry, F
Trustees. De A. J
r and Robb Mason);
r J P Kennedy, . ,'
no insurance societie
There aro perhaps
more prompt in the
payment of just clot ,s than the Royal
p Tempters of Ttfrnpsra lee, An example of
1hfl OIUUUlit ��' this ie shown in the pi merit of $1000 en
oleo' to tete our Btluceribers the trouble of the life of the late Mr.
ni two o , o rotor a.,ces til
41 artaneement,+ wrty the publishers ay which Was a member of Ente
enabledon ! o offer nw nT pct ca on81 n 111 of this town front
h wTTrCi1i'recw
r 1 tat 'tt e lave made
} attht, tl i hfl ti 1
-eslt w'.th the . 3 TOMS nt Biwa al
t;e fFom now until hoe. 3IL 18;1.7,
Janet Weekly Glebe, $1 26
Western Advertiser, 146
Ind 1 amity keroid and Weekly ':r'
pl 30r0 176
"r1t n 3 Farmers' Advocate, r 6
. 41urod antenna, weekly,
'rebid tlenteee weekly arttness,
s -
"'ri I,lre
stun m'4he1 T•atr
`Thurso trails (4tah1 Y •
'Time;p Daily World - '
`'rtrnettel ovary Oercfarnan,
"flmeeid We'klybit and 3 333t13(0 1 q2
Wittiest batty Irl.'htreai Herald,
S e l i t In;C rate's with all newspapers
James Carr, who peered to be in Iter met
prise f;ounoil t3unda uorning,~ wbil.
It+ Ol'l at8lzation in i able . le fe11 Oyer and
t v
W'nrtrr:n,-•-Choice tulle, s t wawa Iota
Butter Ilio to l7e, elan dr c apples, fietw
h'urs.--Best fr,x $1.15, , at uu'lk
best corm talo. (Flrl IiINr<
Tons Count:e..--ri. periel meeting of
tbe Town Cottuoil W 1 field on Friday
evening last. Seven by-laws in canne0•
tion with the local »Ip1ovanients weft
rend alto passed.
PULPIT Excitexur• On Sunday next,
Rev A 0 Stewart, of elttlore, will preach
in the Presbyterian c urch, morning and
evening. Rev IT It rrie will preach in
Behaiore, lzt which p ace ro•apeningg eez'-
vices will be held.
WINTER '1'z,T11i.---'.rhwinter term at the,
Central Business Coll ge, Stratford, opens
on T,ueeday,January, 'rd. This popular
institution has a stall" f•nine teachers and
enjoys :alarm) patrcn=.'e, It is one of the
most progressive 80130 le in Canada.'
CnmerMAs STcr.Viee ---A. special Xmee
service was held in c nnection with the
Methodist Sunday School on Sunday
afternoon. 'There tv e a lerge ettendan0e
and the church wee v y nicely deeorated
for the occasion.
Timm Menem.. A. meeting of the
Wingham Heekey kiln 1 will be neld in the
Club Demme, Meyer wit, thio (Friday)
evening. Ali partihaving tioke and
money belonging to th • club are r . nested
to be o0 hand, Mat ere in •.anection
with the league will al: n he di ussed,
—Art yon aping to 11, dfellows con-
cert to hear Mrs laastrsd
Cnoxsetree 1\1u&'s,— eters Diamond Sr
Page, the popular but ,lets of Wingham,
had a fine display of risttnas meats of
all (and. their, she i darine the past
week. The shop was so nicely decorated.
This firer know how t• use their castomers
and are adding new cn touters to their list
every day.
CAN VOTE IN 1ACu W RD.—In answer to
enquiries as to the rtgb to vote more than
once for eounuillors wh re the election is
to be by general vote+as n Winghaitn, the
Attorney -General bee as: ed a memorand-
um to the effect that a p operly qualified
person has a vote in a cit ward where
rated, Returning ofii.:rs will so have to
instruct their deputies,
Onnrrrsnws' CONCERT.
of town will hold their 03
evening of next weep.
Canada's greatest mando
M Bennett, Toronto's
vocalist and entertain
and Dorsey Chapman, A
to will furnish a first•<
The Oddfellows' should
large attendance.
The Oddfellows'
toert on Friday
r Geo Smedley,'
in player ; Harry
Mined humorist,
r ; Mrs Bastedo
T C M, of Toren -
ass progratnrne.
a greeted with a
PROHIBITION MEETI\0. By order of the
Executive Committee of the West Huron
Plebiscite Union, a publ . meeting of those
interested in the proh bitten movement
wilt be held in the Tem, eraneo Pall, God-
arich, on Saturday, Jt teary 7th, 'at 1
o'clo' pato. Alt prob bitioniets in West
Hur who pan make it •onvenient to at.
teed e asked to turn a. matters of vit
impoi5,xnoe to the cause will be di
--Dorsey Chapman, A T s ,, Toronto
will appear at the Oddfelle ' ouoert. He
will entertain you.
SnoTs Puma TSE S. t
meetings have been co
expected they vai11 be
through the winter.
service will be conduct
commencing at 11 p. m1
Sunday School will be h
Sunday next at 3 p w Cl
Lend will conduct a
Sorgt I'3 Plant has bee
Sergt Major. Mies I
Xmas ia'Listowel.
A Serene e (CALL tea
1. Pone.• --Cottage
tnenced and it is
continued weekly
tl Watch Night
3 in the barracks
In the future the
aId at 11 a. m. On
pt and Mrs Me.
covenant service,
promoted to 3 S
Bond epent Iter
residents of town
were shocked on Christmas morning, when
it was. announced that Miss Maggie A ,
youngest daughter of "hotu and Eliza.
Holmes had died snarl y. 1)eoeased ape
l good health, but
standing near a
passed peacefully
is warning. Heat
the twee of death.
1883, Mr Carr died in the 10th Instant. away wititout.ei, room
The necessary papers ere obtained, filled 1 disease is attributed a
out and sent to the 1 iedical Referee at The deceased young 1 hay was well known
Toronto on the 13th, On tbe 23rd the , by our reader( and was held in high esteem
obeque for 111000 was
25 '`cpautinion teen in 13
received from the by all, The re roams
milton,and the same early train on 'Tues
a o Carrtx1. Carr secure t her money. Mia. 1 ionto, where intertne
Couneie;im is the 1i ird one paid by tine + family 1)101. Mx. ant Mrs. IItImes an,
were conveyed by
I rimming to 0-
a i r
t 8104 made in the
U C;r al ,8 ers and
meatal quoted on application. The helmrceor
this yhh'lltl be sttven free to now subscribers at
the hnr r
d an
tietkyar. FhoTimes rtroa will bo sent Id USW
until January rBr, 1ti41i1, • Cash niu+t
should renew'
Subscribers Bh
'their t'an all orders.
'tl,blrmtb+Nps;anB all nal•y as 3)0338111133 18 1313' 101
'poetrinn to, postage Alter January 1st, will likely
•ottlm;rut Its 13 make an trdvttnee in the ttbove.eaters.
Address shooters to or call
on the late two for
late IL i,owtid?rrt
Council held on t.
adopted, ospreeein
of Mr. Carr, who
and esteemed mem
taloa one of eympatl
=envious of the fed
ter 0110s been . 2000
fi $
will have the vmpat s theentire
re and $1000 on the t
At a meeting of this community ir. their oro OGl;ettou.
V Brett ttc But In undertakers.
Walker I3 I .
7th, a reanlution was T tins breach of the bus(tt to We pay attivt
a„ ^egret at the death' attention to, Leteet :rt of entbaltniug,
.,.. n# Mayor Mot --
of of `1s a faith41 • Residenceone doer
ty t0 11ht� oder, and;ton's, or calls et tea r, on blot* will tae
reeve jir'ompt &tient Pitst•eleai h^aras
n opn>te�oytlon. *try z
"'!ttt1 Walk*r ]iron at . * a tailgate/tars
.4 MA. w ,atelu,), 5.
A l andly »unllter
present et the 001111
the town hail on Al,
noting otdieat..1 1
that he had receive
tions for the respect
Candidate 1'r
1)r Ctli"bollu J ,
Of re tei'ayera u ere
1300 meeting held in
Tray evetentl. Noon-
l�eiguson, announced
the following nominee
ve licentious :
1) 3031.
Win Clegg le l:3 et
eon con mums
M Robinson .1 He nta
Dr Cbl..holm ,lupi Kerr
Thee Gregory due Cline
It Meltable 3 8 . °some
J Henna 111'1 memA. 3 Irwin' it•x 'ening
G blel%e, `.E A enzililts
C J Ibeads„^ =A Poo'ineon
Jos Go11ey A no him
Leintnee' �'
L Flansou,
W Nicholson
ltobt Beattie
8C/1008, £t
• Ward 1.--73 G Lee,
and Thos Auld.
Wart s --J J Routti
and 33 GJenkins.
• Ward 3—'t't10s Bell,
Jas IYWin.
Warn 4 ---Win 133utto
and J J MM'CDoOOgtr.
There being only au
ward •fer school teeter
officer deelared the
elected by aeotanati
teterra.It ARE expected by tetany that epet'ohes
would be made at the close of thenomina-
tions, but there wee Ito tetwe Ittad0 in that
direction and the meetingn adjourued4
Singe :Monday evening 1)r Oh Moire has
resienedasa /teed for mayor and also
as a candidate forc0uneillor, tome, anteing
Mr Wal Cleve e,e..t,1 Inay4.r Of lin- torr 11
for 18(19 by avnlaruatten. • Messrs A 'MRowel:1 ni tan,: 1i bt. r eary''io have resigned
tee candidates for u.nninitiors. :Etta,
leave tett candides in the field for
councillors, six of wI 4113 will be elected,
Five of the can<tider a vim in this year's
council and the net 1 y of th•1 retraining
five candulates have teed large experience
in municipal tztatte Pv!ling Will take
place on Monday ne t sad the ratepayers •
will say who are VI a the sts sun ucitiore
of R'iughnln for 133i 1.
1. Liu
A let
W Ih
Seconeer Young
J Lanus
Win Clegg
David 33e11
wnt Peasant
Wm Dore
J S Jerotne
Wm Dore
A Youug
A J Irwin
G 13 Careen
`T A Milis
A Itohiuson
G A Newton
Image 11 Tenuant
James Johnston
'ty .1 a Jerome
y Geo Hughes and
by C N Gri1'in
nomination in each
e, tate nonlinatiug
uve four gentlemen
for the Bustling
—The storm tills week has again block -
matey of the reads i the country.
—Bear Gto Star toy, 'at the Odd 1#el-
Iows' concert. T c (=eat mandolin
player in Canada,.
—News itenis m he somewhat/icarco
this week. We 1 l,ve been kept betty this
week in our job de < rtment.
L'-Ldttlo Nora, t e infant daughter of
M • and Mrs 3.i I3 k nderson, of the Blue -
ale road, died at ,e home of its grand'
parents, D2r and Mrs Thos Henderson,
towel, on Tuesday '111r and 13trs Anderson
have the sympath, of the community in
their affliction.
Thousands of we.lt-fed f hildren are starv-
ing, simply because tbeir food is not of the
right kind. '1 hey are thin, pale, and deli.
tate. Scott's Etuilson will change all
this. It gives vile and vigor, flesh and
—Harry M Item 1, Toronto's relined
humorist, Vocalist nd entertainer will be
at the Oddfellows' concert. You should
hear lieu.
T� V our Eyes
ilyr in thdtr`'1 and ir ,ao r :a'blt•.
1 Fan .',a, Direos'
Are You Troubled
Headaches `r'
V� is most
If e ..test of vision. w s
T sat some d
likely',, the cause. \Vhy not eall at
Davisii Drug :;tore and have your
eyes s teetiftt11iy tested and correct -
l�r titto , , dust
in its pro' )
No t3 cry and 'st.l';g.
l ted ,>:
.e •
y other fi
Campbell's Ile;tdaohe Wafers guart,n-
'eed to cure 1teetfacllr.. '
—Plan* tate hall f r the Orldfeilowa'
couccrt will be open t Campbell's dreg
store on Monday loot iug at ten o'clock.
— The 7lsrre earri r boy extends his
greeting this week,
---Postage on no papers comes into
force ou January let.
—The merchants r ort that Iast meek
was a good one for bet nese.
Gond new cutter for sale ohetap, Al.ply
to Walker Bros c4; Button.
—Ate you going to the Oddfellows'
concert to hear Mrs Bas do t
--Tins week we have en again visited
with rough and cold wee ter.
—We are adding new ct mea to our list
daily. Are you a subscri r to the Twins t
—Have you renewed yo r subscription. ?
Our clubbing list is a good one this
—Hear Geo Smedley at the Odd Fel.
lows' concert. The gr test mandolin
player to Canada.
-t rs 'ill Beckwith had the misfortune
tofallone day thin week •ud badly dislo-
cate her shoulder '11
Fresh oysters arriving daily at McEel•
vie's Star restaurant. WA serve them in
any style.—Jas. aleKiertyta. tf'
Dorsey Chapman, A. T 111, of Toronto,
will appear at the Oddfel w8' concert. He
will entertain you.
—Messrs T Beit tte S and Batton ta
Fessant have had their faotories olcsed
during the holiday week.
—Harry 111 Bennett. oronf, s refined
humorist, vocalist and etertainer will be
at the Oddfellows' eon rt. You should
hear him.
—The Trues appreci tee the kindness of
Mr II Davis in Ieavin at this o0ire a
handsome calendar, ised by the Royal
Insurance Co.
De,1'daedoaaaid is now permanet;tly
at horns and can be eonstllted by
1118 patrons.
—Miss Houghton is 'felting in Toronto
at present, and whil there will (body
Vogt. She will
music withwithMr Vat,k.tesunle
giving lessons on .Tauu xy 16116.
—Court Maltland,C ,:,'',will hold its let
regular meeting for th year this (.Friday)
evening. Election 1 efiicore and other
important business wilt be trane-
acted. A large &rte dance of members is
For first) -class tailoring and cheap cents'
furtnehiugs try 'We11ater k Go. Bea. ember
the place, its Queen's block..
—A friendly contest '8 being arranged
between the Odd Fella Degree Teams of
Brussels and Wtngha ( for the prerenta-
tion of Initiatory and agree. work. Both
lodges have good teat • and preeertt the
vitreous parts in first • ass style.—Brussels
E'L`Ii8 t NAL13.
Wo shalt be glad to
0010mn from any of our
tors or purpose seine; a
tell us, or send us a note
alto Contributions to this
odors. rt vo3 1183',' Ytai•
effect. drop in and
Mr A Cosens was n Seaforth en Satur-
Mr 0 A Campb 11 was in Galt for
Mr Allan Diosie' has returned to his
Mr Geo Sadler It. returned home from
Miss Boyti was siting in. London for a
few days..
Mr Geo Stuart, 1 Woodstock, is home
for the holidays.
Mrs Jas Dalton is holiclaying at her
home in £leafs rte,.
Mr and 13lra 11 egg were in Ingersoll to
spend the Imlioay
Messrs ft Day a d 0 Si;eates spent a
few days in Ingers'11.
Mr and 111rsP ' Sperling was in Sege
forth for the Italia ys.
Mr Thos Bades, of Brussels, wasfn town
a low days this w elt.
Mr Geo Fowler L D S, of Tceswater,
was in town on 5 .nday.
llir and Mrs 11 t;riefman, of ltinc'.8rdine,
were in town ove Xmas.
Mrs Walker, 1 Ingersoll, is lieiting
With her son, Mr 0 T'. Walker.
Mr C1 Jerome i esenr.inw a few (lase
with his brother at 'lilxottbltrg.
Mr and 01ra 11 W'etc'en spent Nmae With
the Idtter's peril is a Stlgrave.
Mr b Vanier i s s tins
with hie parents
Miss 1+' 1dc,gaq, of
Xmas 1teWlare wi
The best odors rn fancy WA
glass bottles and itnn bulk.
Toilet Articles
Hair Iirushea, Cloth
Brushes, Military Brushes,
• Etc.
Gold Mounted, Sterling
Silver Mounted and Ctlat•-
binationSets, all tilled with
best Amber .Mouthpieces,
White Metal -.•
Goods including Manieurot
Sets, ,Jewel Cases, etc., eta
Ceti uloid goods including
Toilet Cases. Faney Boxes,
etc., also at c081 8t ..,setae
Drug Store.
'Mr Fraaik- Walter -Of —I.xeter,',wasa
visiting at hie &mole's, Ir Eli Elliott.
Mayor and Mrs No ten were i» To
wed Brampton for the . utas holidays.
Mr John J ttoDono 1, of Aylmer, 'pent.
the Xmas holidays at is home in to4n,*
Yesst's D kleKay at H Haittea, • the k,
B1y tit tit audard, were n town over d llr18
Mr Wm Sadler, of . arnia, was cadlin
au llis old Wingham friends during t1
Mr Geo ti Irwin, o
in_ with friends a
li'Ir8 Jas Fox, of
witu Ler parents,
:ldetars 13 Chatnb
the Tarts, spent 33.
In a of
Mr and Mrs R p
the holidaye with f
mitts Maggie S
where she. wilt spen
with friends.
air W Irwin, of
Iuspector,spent a f
141r Thos Irwin.
Dr Tilos King
i3onthorn Ohio; i
brother, Mr G 13 K
331r A 1 13radwin
artl, and Mr Lorne
were dome for the
ills and 131re '1.' is
are spending the 31
mer's parents in Or
Mils Maggie Stec
eight years in bort
turned to her home
331r Jetties Dewso
Mrs If Dawson and
Toronto. spent Xm
Mrs Henry Cita
Portage la Prairie,
sister-in—law, :Vers
last week..
i11an1t01ta, tetteti
d acquaintances'
russet's, is viei#irlt
r tend Ilr> NV-• 1
rs and H P ?311it;"
as at their homes .•
cinder) are speuditt
lends in Totvttto• ut
wart is in Toratiti•
a few weeks eleitiw
tratford ` ntiie Soli
v day ith his fat'i
West Mat,efil
/ad:eying with
• of the liiyth Statsd•, '
'adwin, of l3tt'atford,,.,-'
31wies and daughter'
lid,3ys With the f.
ugevtlle. •
art, rafter a aojou'
'e la Prairie, has
a Blyth,
, of C'liifford, Mr .1
188 .va 1)awsonl
s at their home h
and son Jimm
veru the guests
rank„ Hogg. a £ate
'a lan.S.30 AN'
• On Theaselay e
1-trge number of
2'el'byterien oh
m•tt1AA and presen
Petrie, With a rye
dress. 1'he ad
presentAticn m.13
son.f'% F13e addres
To inn alt•.c. 1).
1,1Y.: -.t, 1 t:.
of soil Bible oke
eve of auot'.°er
and to lira, 1't•ir
1 £rigs.
year our reiatioi
main unbroken,
bible class, feel n
for the spcci8i n
on our behalf,
to accept from
Our alipre4latien
course of lessons;
during the Haat 3-
totst that t our he
and elate inay lei
Mt is.'rria mud
.s take
nen of last 'week, to
be Bible 'Clans of the
h, assembled at the
ed the teacher, Bev. I),
filled pnree and an ad- -
ess was read and titre
by Mr N A Fargubar•
vas as follows
X1(, -•-"We, the Members
aro assembled on the
istmas, to extend to you
Dur most happy greet -
at the end of anot3ier
as pastor and people tro-
d to you, Sir we, ae s►
der a double obligation
tc sou have undertaken
Ve beg of you theref tre
his purse as n, tokee 0i
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