The Wingham Times, 1898-12-23, Page 711111: air 1Mo I1AM TIA1.ES, 1)EO. L%I13EI L 23, 0b9t5.
Imleeti'6x43,'tYtee.''ru '®� i 'b�'0/d' et @►�Q✓'1�4i P�"o •
A. Narrow 'i'i;ii't!]?L'.
rd Thunkful words written by Mra. Ada
-We want to say•that our stock $ E. Bart. of Groton. S, 0: "Was taken
with a bad (Iola which settled on my
red , of Woollens for and winter is
Image : cough ;:at ;n and finally terueln-
( c.,nrjiltac. We ,cave, some of the at el in
beet 'del most etylit:h goods in
® e. market in
(s M
r t
yunlption. b
t uur doctor
gave mu up, tluyrug I could live but a
short tiu.e. 1 cave myself up to my
Saviour, cleten:lilted if l could not stay
with my fraencin fro earth, I wuu!tl n.eet
my aabhentunen above. My husband was
advised to Prat Dr. King's Now Discovery.
for Cuusnuil,tu,n, Coughs arid Colds. 1
gave It a teal, took in an eight betties.
It hes cured rie, and thank God, I am
saved unci now a no13 and healthy wo
wan." Sold by all drugglets. 50 eta.
and $1.00. (ivarautacd or pri::e refunded
'White' Underwear. Hate, Caps and all kinds of Gents' Furnishings,
le Waterproof Coats, Ready-made Pants rind Overalls.
It is to your interest to iespect our stock before purchasing' Clothing. a�
Opp. Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
ciirist its',
We have a choice stock of
Gold and Silver Watches, Rings in
Gold and Diamond.-
Examine our stock before making Christmas Purchases.
rhe last meeting c f council for
1898 was held in the Council room,
Dec, 15th, 1898, Members all pre-
sent. eeinutes of Nov. wcetir,g read
and paseed.
Annual report of Dr. Mensh, Bel-
grave, M. 11, 0., received, which
showed that as m former years, the
township was in a healthy condition,
no reports to tbts contrary having
been received by hire iu the course
of the year. Filed.
Under false colours.
Soine Mackay .stitched shoes are made
to imitate Goodyear Welts.
They have a " dummy welt " pn the
outer edge of the sole, and a false insole
covering the stitches under the fool.
But no matter how skillful the deception
to the eye,. the effect upon Me feet soon
shows it up.
Any shoe stitched under the
foot must form hard and callous
spots on it, as soon as the leather i
wears away and the stitches form 1 ••
elevations under pressure.
The sole of the Goody earWeltcd
"Slater Shoe" is sewn to a strip ;
of leather outside the shoe -not a
stitch or peg being under the foot.
Each pair remains six days on Cinches x„_
the last to take the stretch out of the der Will.
leather, moulding it to keel) ° the did it.
niceties which constitute fit and comfort.
You'll know that it's genuine Goodyear
Welt if stamped on the sole With the
"Slater Shoe" natne and price, Se, $a., or $ 5.
A tag on each pair tells the leather -it is
made of -the :c'ear it will give.
For Sale Oniy by HOMUTH & BOWLAS.
.f"or bargains during the Xmas holidays in up-to-date Dress Goods, Mantes,
Fur Goods, Boots and Shoes, etc- My Dress Goods Department is complete
511 every line from cheapest to finest, in Black and Colored Goods in plain
end figured. Braid Stripes and Cheeks, and every line required to com-
plete an up to•date Dress Goods Department.
In Mantles we have a large range bought from the manufaeturors at
jobbers prices, now being sold for less money than the merchant could
purchase them for in the earlier part of the season. Latest Now York
styles in Carl Boukle with Braid or Kersey Strap. Beaver and fine Broad-
cloth and !frieze in colors. Call and see these goods before they are picked
, Also range of hisses' and Ch.ildrens' Reefers in fine cloths, nicely
trimmed with braids, perfect fits, selling from 82 and up.
See our stock of Fur Goods. Jackets, Fur Capes, Muffs, Ruffs and
3liittrr. Beautiful Astrachan Jackets selling at$25 and up. Fur Capes in
many different kinds at prices to suit the purchaser, Ask to see our $0
Fur Cape. All Fur Goods guaranteed to glee satisfaction.
Boots and Shoes
We handle the celebrated Jetties McCready Boots, made to wear, in
ahobby styles comfortably fitting and will please in every particular. Try a
pair. 0 • •
We. have snnhrrhing tt, eliew you in Smyrna l: tics which will not only
ynelie at lteeintil'fl Nniaa present lett will beautify, the home and wear for
rs. 1\_e will be pleased toslim thele to you.
An account•et $1,50 was received
from A. E. Brad win, Standard oiiice,
Blytb, charging the township with
this amount being its share or rent
for use of industry hall, Blyth, and
other expenses iucurred at a Good
Roads meeting held there on 26th of
May last. . The council after empha-
tically declaring against eountens
aiming such anonymous accounts as
this ordered that the item be paid.
By-law No. 11, 1898, fixing the
amount to be paid to each member
ot the council for attendance at coun-
cil meetings and other business dur-
ing the year, read and passed.
Orders on treasurer were passed
for payment of the fullowing ac-
counts :-John Craig, St: Augustine,
196 feet •.•of rock elm plank for
bridge on creek, cons 6 and 8, near
Dupuy brook, $2.15 ; '1', Hall, Ad
tante office, Wingham, advertising
bolding of court revising voters' lists
at Belgrave, Oat. 14, 1898, el ; A.
E.Brad win, East Wawunosh, share
or expenses, ere., for tent of Industry
hall, Blyth, goud roads meeting 26th
May, 1898, $1.50; Tp. of \Vest Wa-, Share ot expenditure uu
divisiou line East and Weec Wawa
cosh, 1898, 610.36 ; Tp. of Hallett,
share of expenditure oa southern
boundary line, 1898, $18.50 ; Tp. of
Morris, share of expenditure on east-
ern gravel road, 1898, w8; Owen
Donnelly, cutting, grading and grav-
elling hill on siueluhe at, tot 31, con
13, 8 ; clo, do, gi evening at lots 84,
cons 12 and 13, as ; Tp. of 'Unitise,
tile drain ori northern boundary, 25c;
Joshua • Walsh, deepening drain on
gravel read, and daawing one load
of grayer, $1 25 ; do, do, caretaker of
gravel pit, lot 42, eon 6, $2; Jacob
Miller, Lueknow, cutting hill, lox 36,
eons 4 and 5, $20; George Saunby,
Belgrave, ditching on gravel road,.
con 7, ;$8 ; du, do, settlement in full
cutting hill, lot 38, cons 8 and 9,
86.50; Watson & eieddee, repairing
bridge. at 13elgrave, cons .8 and 9,
75e; John ()oultee, jr., repairing
crossway, sideline 89 and 4Q, eons 5
and 6, $6 ; \Vin. McLarty, cleaning
stones off hill, sideline 33 and 34,
con 6, and gravelling at lot 39, cons
4 and 5, $2 ; do. do., fixing culvert,
let 42, cons 2 and 3, raid plank for
bridge, lot 37, cons 2 and 8, 84;
Thos. Taylor, •building culvert, side-
line 39 and 40, con 11, 61.00 ; G. Pat-
on, gravelling un eon 10, 810; Chas.
Wighttnau, plank for eulverc, side-
line 33 and 34, con 7, $2 ; Robt.
Johnston, jr., 6 yards gravel for road
div. Nn. 10, 30c; Win. Johnston,
building and fixing culvert at lot 34,
cons 2 and 3, $1.45 ; Robt. Hoover,
Is the baby too thin?
Does he increase too slow-
lowly in weight?
Are you in constant fear
he will be i11?
Then give him more flesh.
Give him more power to
resist disease. He certainly
needs a fat -forming food.
Scott's Emulsion is just
that food. It will make the
baby plump; increase the
weight; bring color to the
creeks, and prosperity to the
whole bods.. Thin children
take to it as naturally as they
do to their milk.
5l.:. and*, all druggist!.
BOW'Nii, Chemists. Eprnnl
inspecting j ,b on road, lots 30 an
31, con 4, 50e ; 1'. Porterfield, pay
ment for polling booths itt parlia
tt.entaryelections, Dee, 8, 1898, $12
do. do., use of house for commit molt
and selecting jurere, Oat. 10, 1898
$15 ; J. McAsh, 111. D., Belgravc
services as medical health (Meer
1898, $2 ; R. J. Tufts, Belgrave, us
of house for holding voters' list court
Oct. 14, 1898, 82 ; D. Robertson
reeve, attendance at council meetings
selecting jurors, letting and inspect
ing jobs and other business, 1898
852 ; Walter Scott, attendance a
council rneatings, letting and inspect
ing jobs, etc., 1898, 842 ; Alfred 13
Carr, do. do,, 834 ; Wrn, Sutherland
do, do., 845 ; Wm. Bone, do. do„ 830
John Ii, McClinton, part salary a
collector of taxes, 1898, $40.
The council then adjourned.
Those who attended the concert in
school No. 8 last Friday night, must
surely have felt amply repaid for the
effort scme of them bad to make to
get there on account of the very bad
state of the roads, but as the weather
was all that could be desired, a large
crowd was present to listen with
fond admiration to the excellent pro-
gramme which was delivered by the
scholars and some others who were
kind enough to give asssstanee. The
first number on the programme was
a chorus by the scholars which was
heartily applauded, following it was
a dialogue, 'the frog hollow lysceuin,'
in which a dozen of the scholars took
pert and which seemed to give en-
tire satisfaction to all present. Three
other dialogues were given which
were also well received. Recitations
were given by Misses Josephine
Campbell and Carrie McGee, Mr.
Joseph Gibson and Mrs. Geo. Ireland,
of Wingham. A Scotch reading by
Mrs. Coombes was very interesting,
Instrumental music by Messrs. R.
Coultes, J. Robertson, C. Jobnston
and W. Rintoul made the boys feel
their position rather uncomfortable.
A song given by Master Maitland
Henry was not only well received
but well rendered. But perhaps the
most taking feature of the evening
was four kindergarten sorgs by six
little girls under the tuition of Miss
Porterfield, naively :-Josie Camp
bell, Maud Robertson, Mary Porter-
field, Ella 'Taylor and Vinnie and
Lena Pearen. Tne programme came
to a close by the singing of the Na-
tional Anthem by the scholars.
Mr. Dan Henry, of Michigan, is
visiting his cousin, Miss Eddie llenry,
of Marnoch.
Mr. and Mrs. John McBurney, of
Michigan, are spending the' holidays
at the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Morton.
Miss Lizzie McGee is again ill.
This time with pleurisy.
Mr. Coombes and family are going
to move into the house lately vacated
by Mr. J. Cunningham.
Miss Martha Coultas was visiting
her brother, Mr. J. Coultes, of Morris.
Mr. John Campbell, of White-
church, has sold his house and lot to
Mr. L. Phillips, village blacksmith,
for twelve hundred dollars. Mr.
(Campbell and family are going to
reside in Wingham.
A happy event took place at the
residence of Mr. George Powell.
Blyth, on Wednesday afternoon of
last • week, when his sister, Miss
Hannah Jane, became the wife of
Mr. John Cochrane, a successful
young farmer of this township. Rev.
A, McLean, of St Andrew's church,
Blyth, tied the nuptial knot in the
presence of the immediate friends of
the contracting parties. The TIIIF.
joins with the many friends of the
newly wedded wapitiin wishing
them much joy and happiness. •
The race for the Reeveship is going
to be between Wm. Isbister and Geo.
Kirby. This leaves an opening for
some Councillors, and the names ot
Geo. Taylor, Win. Jackson, W -Wray,
with the present Councillors. Messrs.
Coad and Cardiff, are mentioned.
Nomination day will tell the story.
On Wednesoay, Dec, 14th Mra,
Frank Bell, 3rd lino, died quite sud-
denly, aged 40 years and 21 days.
The funeral took place frons het'
late residence, north Half lot 21, 3rd
line, on Saturday forenoon, at 10
o'clock. The interment was made
at Bluevale cemetery. Mrs, 13e11's
demise was a sad surprise to the
community and the family is deeply
sytnpatblzed with.
`( 7ANTIM--::I eI11ALTat:STWOItTIIY Arlt.
VA/14 in thin btate to manage our hn.inesw 3n I
their awn and aearh, counties. It la mainly silica
Wnek ver.dnekd at hen.a, Salary etraixht km a
ac rr and r , VIM( ,,de@:ite, l,nnalsle, nn mare, no
le -4 %su . Monthly els, Itet.,renees. Envies's
,self •td.lre+-e 1 sr:wand et.%Cope, 1le,h.t't as, 14 .,
Mrs Duncan Stewart, of Ii.osen--
feldt, 111anitol,a, formerly of Blue
vale, is visiting her sister, Mrs,
Fraser, of Morris, and many other
old time friends,
Rev. W. West, M. A., went to
Toronto this week to officiate at tl:e
wedding of a cousin.
MIss Fannie Thompson, of 13rue:
seas, vieited over Sunday with Miss
Aggie Herbert.
Mr, Walter Huggin had his wrist
broken by a . tree falling on it one
day last week while at work in Mr.
Joseph Ereckenridge's bush.
Mrs, I"i'ed. McCracken and child
ren of,Brussels, have corne to spend
the Christmas holida; s with her par:
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gardiner.
Mr. John Edwards, a resident of
this village many years ago, drop:
ped in on his old acquaintances last
.;aturday and remained with them e.
day or two to talk over old times.
Mr. Edwards settled in the Dauphin
district. several years age before it
was known as it is now, His place
is now just three miles from Daup-
The late Mrs. Francis Bell, of
Morris, *as buried in the Bluevale
cemetery on Saturday last.
Mr. Jesse Hudson, of Drayton, is
visiting his brother, Mr. Geo. Ilud-
Mr. W. Rogers, son of Rev. D.
Rogers, is home from Goderioh
Model School. Mr. Roger said not
secure a school and will ntinae
his studies at Clinton Collegia is In-
stitute after the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. John Raby, of the
Bluevale road, have moved into one
of Mr. Wm. Roes' houses in the vil-
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pilis. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches
They made pure blood and strong nerves
and build up your health. Easy to take.
'1'ry them. Only 25 cents. 111,aney back
if not cured. Sold by all Druggists.
Mr. D. Martin has returned from
the Agriculture College at Guelph
from white institution he has grad-
Messrs Button & Fessant, of
Wingham have secured. gangs of
men in this vicinity cutting logs and
Mr. J. Campbell has sold .his house
and lot to our popular blacksmith
Mr. l'hiliips.
The annual meeting of the White-
church (:Deese and Butter Manufae-
turirig Co -,held in the Foresters' hall,
on Saturday afternoon last was large-
ly attended. Mt'. Robert Currie was
voted to the . chair and while the
meeting was waiting for the secretary
to arrive, a very profitable discussion
was indulged in .with regards to the
use of create seperators. The old
board of directors -Messrs Henry,
Martin, Gillespie, Wilson, and Petty -
piece, were re-elected for The ensu-
ing year. The auditors report
showed that this company had had
a very successful season .and all
present were of the opinion that the
affairs of the Cumpaoey had been
well managed.
Mr. Alfred Wiesen tend Jas. Ag.
new, of the Dental College, Philadel-
phia,, Penn., are hotne for the Christ-
mas holidays.
Mr Wan Glegg, of Wingham, ship-
ped two cars of peas this week to
Mr W K Waley attended the fun-
eral of, Miss Ethel Emlay at Ethel on
Mot,day of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ireland, of San -
dee county, Mich., are visiting at
Mr. Vannorman's this week.
Christina's trees are the order of
the day.
Quito a number of the yotrh;r
people of this place spent a very'
pleasant evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. \Pith. Ferguson, 8th line,!
Morris, on hetday evening hist.
1lr. Chas. \leCrea attendcat the
county court ret t iOderieh last week
as jurymen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay, of Guelph. I
anti Mr. and Mrs. Vander end their
two cuss, of Itadaxe, A'licli., ate tthe'
guess of Mr. Robert Scott.
Mr. 1'. Gibbons sports an tri ettt.l
ter, We understand he pnrel;asst d
it it `•linin,
a " ;in. Cunningham and 11
(lin '0 ex' peel ed. 11Unim i'a urn
Chath iltt=inem t'rdlc',�it nn Ft May
Co spend the lurlidays. .
The following is a copy of a Dip-
loma awarded to U. S. S. No, 8, of
which Miss M. R. hindlater is the
teacher and Messrs. R. J. Hogg, W.
J. Henderson and Ain is Tipling are
trustees:- •
"Diploma awarded to U. S. S. No.
8, in the Township of Turnberry, by
the Educational Department, for the
excellent condition of the school
grounds, school house, furniture and
equipments, as .required by the reg-
ulations of the said department.
Dated June 30th, 1898.
D. Rose, Inspector."
This is the only diploma awarded
to .a school in the east riaiite of
Huron county, and shows that
teacher and trustees are diligent int.
the discharge of their duties-.
.A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Burn.
Scald, Ont or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the wool, wall kill the
pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old
Sorsa. Fever Sores. Ulcers, Boils, Felons,
Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile
euro on earth. Only 2:5 ets. a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold bv all Druggists.
Mayor Andrews was re:elected 'in'
Winnipeg Tuesday by a majority
of over 500.
Victoria County will vote on the
question of a House of Refuge at the
municipal electi-ms,
- The sad news renehed towel • on, vee
Tuesday that Mrs. Ira Lewis, who
was sojourning with friends in
Guelph, owing ei illabealth, hod
suffered a paralytic stroke. • • The
crown attorney, new n.panied by
Miss Lewis, at once took the after;
noon train, but unfortunately .were
delayed on the road nearly two
hours, and when they reached the
city the end had come.-Goderich
Star. N
Left Prostrate
Weak and Run Down, With Heart
and Kidneys in Sad Condition -
Restored by Hoods Sarsaparilla.
"1 was very much run down, having
been sick for several months. I had bay
trying different remedies which .di ma 4/
no good. I would have severe spel s of
coughing that would leave me prostrate.
I was told that my lungs wore affected,
and my heart and kidneys were in a bad
condition. In fact, it seemed as though
every organ was out of order. 1 felt that
something must be done and ivy' brother
advised nae to try flood's i arsaparilla. I
procured a bottle and began taking it.
Before it was half gone 1 felt that it wars
helping she. I continued 111 rase and 'it
J:us made me a new w,,tnau. 1 cannot
praise it too highly." Mks. Seanerest,
vint v, 217 Ossingtun Avcnua, Toronto,
Ontario. Get only Ilood'n, because
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I,1 he beat -in (fa•t thee < tro-1 run Woad
Slid by all druggist's. $1. +:+c ter 401.
Hood's Pills us,ha `t «n a ° "acs.
like Rolled (?ate- may het
!'ail to satiety your tare.
Half the plea5tire of elft
I ing food lies in the taste .
of it, Bitter Roiled Oars
do not tickle your palate,
neither do they help di
gestion. There is no need'
of' eating Bitter Rolled
are sweet. They have that
delicate, rich nutty llavt:r
that unty Pan -Drying can
yield. You ' do not have to '
acquire a liking for them.
The first disk you eat wit;
you, if you huvq
Wert using ordinary Rolled
'oats. Your grocer sells thet
-by the pound
The Titian Co; y, Z,amited,
Titsonburr;, Ont
The following is a copy of a Dip-
loma awarded to U. S. S. No, 8, of
which Miss M. R. hindlater is the
teacher and Messrs. R. J. Hogg, W.
J. Henderson and Ain is Tipling are
trustees:- •
"Diploma awarded to U. S. S. No.
8, in the Township of Turnberry, by
the Educational Department, for the
excellent condition of the school
grounds, school house, furniture and
equipments, as .required by the reg-
ulations of the said department.
Dated June 30th, 1898.
D. Rose, Inspector."
This is the only diploma awarded
to .a school in the east riaiite of
Huron county, and shows that
teacher and trustees are diligent int.
the discharge of their duties-.
.A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Burn.
Scald, Ont or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the wool, wall kill the
pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old
Sorsa. Fever Sores. Ulcers, Boils, Felons,
Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best Pile
euro on earth. Only 2:5 ets. a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold bv all Druggists.
Mayor Andrews was re:elected 'in'
Winnipeg Tuesday by a majority
of over 500.
Victoria County will vote on the
question of a House of Refuge at the
municipal electi-ms,
- The sad news renehed towel • on, vee
Tuesday that Mrs. Ira Lewis, who
was sojourning with friends in
Guelph, owing ei illabealth, hod
suffered a paralytic stroke. • • The
crown attorney, new n.panied by
Miss Lewis, at once took the after;
noon train, but unfortunately .were
delayed on the road nearly two
hours, and when they reached the
city the end had come.-Goderich
Star. N
Left Prostrate
Weak and Run Down, With Heart
and Kidneys in Sad Condition -
Restored by Hoods Sarsaparilla.
"1 was very much run down, having
been sick for several months. I had bay
trying different remedies which .di ma 4/
no good. I would have severe spel s of
coughing that would leave me prostrate.
I was told that my lungs wore affected,
and my heart and kidneys were in a bad
condition. In fact, it seemed as though
every organ was out of order. 1 felt that
something must be done and ivy' brother
advised nae to try flood's i arsaparilla. I
procured a bottle and began taking it.
Before it was half gone 1 felt that it wars
helping she. I continued 111 rase and 'it
J:us made me a new w,,tnau. 1 cannot
praise it too highly." Mks. Seanerest,
vint v, 217 Ossingtun Avcnua, Toronto,
Ontario. Get only Ilood'n, because
Hood's Sarsaparilla
I,1 he beat -in (fa•t thee < tro-1 run Woad
Slid by all druggist's. $1. +:+c ter 401.
Hood's Pills us,ha `t «n a ° "acs.