The Wingham Times, 1898-12-23, Page 4r
ill t,tticy bottles.
I'ini7h, ?u)v. r >l emted.
Myth and Adi ee o.v.iti;ted iii ease %
Purses of all Kinds
make suitable "Navas Presents
and we have the only stock in
town that is worth choosing from
at the lowest prices.
Colin h. Campbell,
nations were held in Wroxeter, and
the cat.did:ues in the field are Robt.
;\lillet, '1'urnberry; Wtu, Weir,
Howlett.; Ben S. Cook, Fordwieb and
John ,)aetlues, Howiek,.
'::t'1)Msy Bank Perm," the home of
Mr. Thos. .Jenkins, Bluevale road,
was the scene of a happy event on
Wednesday of this weds, the oeca-
I sion being the Marriage of his nice°,
I Miss Alice McLeod to Mr. John
Anderson of Moosomin, N. W. T.,
sun of Mr. in. Anderson, of this
township.a„ The ceremony was per-
formed by the Rev. D. Rogers, of
Bluevale, in the presence of a large
number of invited guests, Miss
Jennie Jenkins, cousin ot the
bride, acted as bridesmaid, and
the groom was ably assisted by his
brother, Mr..Frank Anderson. The
bride and bridesmaid were attired
in beautiful costumes. The bride
was the recipient of a large nutnoer
of beautiful and useful presents. Mr.
and Mrs. Anderson will leave en
Thursday next for Toronto and
Orillia, where there they will spend
a few days and from there will go
to their home in the West. May
long life and happiness be their lot is
the wish of their host of friends.
'Notice ofchanges must be left at thi
oliiee not later than Saturda
noon. The copy for change
must be left not later than Tues
day evening. Casual advertise
ments accepted up to noo
,Thursday of each week.
IIEzxanslu.CttTfi, 1 A branch of the lberenants' ank
Wingham,. Doc. 22, 1808. 1 of Canada has been opened. at Wat-
uorreotcd by P. Deans, Produce Dealtor.f_ n d .
Flour per 100 lbs 1 75 to 2 00' The Exeter ec'uncil has granted
I`aN11eat ,.,.., 0 hu to 0 64 � ex4 n)1 Ohm I'1 ut:l Nevi #'.0 ten years .
Spring Wheat 0 05 to 0 tis
0 20 to 0 271 to the �+Uttler.anti Innis I unlpanv, i
0 30 to 0 35. • who Intend ct}tei a ilig an t xtensivc i
Peas 0 02 to 0 0.31 stave mill in that place,
Turkey, drawn..
Clew 0 0047, " 0 04: to 00 08 0a Mr, Flo th, of Diayton, license in:I
Dudes, par pear 0 4u la 50 Speetur for Nurth Wellington, is
Rutter... .......... 0 14 to o lc dead. Iie was hitten by a mad dug 1
Eggs. per dozen..... , .. .. , 0 15 to 0 la ,
Wood per cord,... . , 1 50 to 1 7ollSOtne intro tts ego, bun whether t,alts
I3ay per ton 4 50 to 5 00I had ani thug 1u to with his depth or
Potatuea, per bushel, .. ,. 0 40 to 0 50 I nut i:, nnc•el'tatin.
Oats, now
Mr. Richard Scott, who )las been
attending the Detroit Dental College
is home to spend the holidays with
his many friends.
Mr. John Gilmour, who has been
teaching school in Leamington, is
home for the holidays.
Mr. Gilbert Stevens has rented
Ton Liberals of West Elgin have his farm to Mr. Casemore for a term
re nominated Mr, Donald McNish, of five years. Gilbert is going to
for the Legislature. . Wingham to enjoy a few years from
hard labor,
A cross petition has been filed Mr. Charlie Mitchell, whn has been
.against Mr. Charles Calder, the
defeated Conservative candidate in
the recent bye -election in South On:
The annual meeting of the Cana-
dian Press Association will be held
in Toronto on the first Thursday and
Friday in February. R. Holmes, of
Minton New Era, is president, and
John A. Cooper, of the Canadian
Magazine; Toronto, is secretary -trea-
The oath of office was administered
to Hon. J. T. Garrow, M. P. P., the
view member of the Ontario Cabinet
'vi.ttl t .,portfolio, Friday moreirg.
ie ceremony\ took place at Govern -
anent House in the presence of his
Honor the Lieutenant -Governor,
Premier Hardy, Hon. Richard Har-
4anrt. Hon. Win. IIarty, Lion. Geo.
W. Ross and lion. E. J. Davis. The
/oath of allegiance to the (ween and
to the Executive Council of the Pro
mince of Ontario were administered
by lir. John Cartwright, Deputy
.Attorney-t)encral and Clerk of the
Executive Council. The ceremony
took place at Government House,
cawing to Sir Oliver's physicians ad-
vising his Honor not to attempt a•
,journey to the Parliament buildings
in his present state of health.
.County Council IN ominations.
N iminations for County Commiss-
ioners in the different districts of the
County took place nn Monday last.
Vi give below a list of the nominat-
ions as far as we have been able to
Division No-. 7, comprising Wing-
hauteBlyth, East and West Wawan-
ash "nominations took place at Bel -
grave. Alex Stuart, of West Wawan-
ea 1; Donald Patterson, of East Waw
su osh; Matthew Lockhart, of East
''awanosh and N. II. Young, of
i3fyth,. were nominated. Messrs.
Lockhart and Young retired.Messrs.
iiteart and Patterson re-elected by-
' acclamation,
No. G, comprising Grey, Morris,
abs1 Brussels. Nominations took
at Brussels, W. H. Kerr,
Is; ,L Bowman, Morris; E.
93ry , Grey and Andrew Sloan,
itor , were nominated.
Iv, No 1—Philip Halt, Goderich;
Hugh (xisring, Ashfield; T. C. Durnin,
1,ktngannon; A. Young, Colborne,
and Jotrip Alford were nominated.
No.2,----The nominations in this
district were James Connolly, Jamet
.8.0011. 5. S. Cooper, Joitn 13ritton.
4 ----Thi nominations for this
+triet are J. A. I;o'lits, At. D
r;.Donald Mcinnis, C"sborne;
Telbriige, Cshorne, and Wm.
i --Comprising Turnberry,
and Wroxeter, The no4ni
in Manitoba for a number of years,
is borne on a visit.
Mr. Wm, and Miss Janet Glenden-
ing, ot Wingham, spent Sunday last
at Mr David Eadies.
There would be a pretty good
opening here for a doctor as there
are a lot of sick Conservatives over
the bye -elections. but perhaps with
good Grit Government they will re •
gain their appetite.
Tallow ,per 1b 0 3 to 0 4
Dried Apples, per ib 0 2 to 0 4
Wool 19 to 21
Dressed hoses 5 00 to 0 00
Chickens 0 25 to 0 95
bridge. The bridge to have seven
stringers, a new railing to be put on
the same as the old one with one
additional board, to have stays from
12 feet to 5 feet, to be above the
present water mark 7 feet 6 inches,
the old etvering to be used. As we
cannot inspect the bridge just now
on account of the snow, we recoln-
mend that the contractor be piid
$50 as part payment, the contraet
being for $68. Signed, W. II. Jar-
vis and 1'I. Mackay.
Scott—Johnston--That the report
of Jarvis & Mackay re bridge at lot
8. con. 2, be accepted and Mr. Jarvis
be appointed to inspect the bridge
and approaches at first opportunity.
The report of the chairman of the
Board of Health was read, and on
motion of Johnson and Jarvis, was
accepted by the council, and the
Clerk instructed to forward copy
to the proper Provincial Authorities
as per statute. Johnson—Jarvis—
What the collector's time for • collect-
ing taxes be extended to the 31st
day of December, and after that
date the roll to be returned so that it
will be in the bands of the Auditors
at the proper time.
Johnson—Jarvis--That after full
consideration of the views expressed
by John D. Kuntz and others re
1 Seperate Schools, we find that the
council has no jurisdiction in • the
matter. See Separate'School Act.
A number of accounts were pre-
sented and ordered to be paid.
Midnight marauders entered A. B.
Finlayson's, at Lochalsh, on Mohday
night, 5th inst. When they had
made a careful selection of what
dry goods and groceries they thought
they might require, they went into
the postal compartment and stole
$20 worth of stamps and small
change. It is impossible for Mr.
Finlayson to form any idea who the
daring visitors were, but they seem
to have adopted burglar Pare's plan
to effect an entrance and turned the
lock of the front door with a key.
Out of consideration for the man
they were robbng, they locked the
door when leaving, presumably to
prevent any oche: person getting a
part of the plunder who might not
be lucky enough to have the combi-
nation. '
Council met in town ball, Tees -
water, en December 15th, as per
statute. Members all present, the
Reeve in the chair. The minutes of
last meeting of council was read and
The accounts of Peter Kubry and
John B. Geotz, of Formosa, for
assisting engineer in surveying the
Culross portion of the village of For-
mosa, was laid on the table.
Johnston—Reid -- That the ac-
counts of the engineer's assistants re'
the survey of the Culross portion of
the village of Formosa be laid over
fol• consideration, and information
from engineer. Carried.
Jarvis—Scott—That Mrs. llutchi.
son be granted the sum of $10.00,
she being in destitute circumstances.
Reicl----Scott-•-That 'a cheque be
issued in payment of rent of hall for
the year 1898, amounting to $10.00.
Scott•---Johnston---That the usual.
allowance of $2.00 be made to the
caretaker of hall. Carried.
Bylaw for nomination was given
the usual readings and passed.
Report of Jarvis and Mackay re
bridge on 2nd eon, As authorized,
we let the ,job of erecting a bridge
on :and eon at lot 8 to Thos. O'Maley
to he built of good sound cedar,
eight feet of the abutment to be 111! -
ed with stone above high water 1
mark, the approaches to be filled
with gravel '6 inches higher than
I •,
One of the best Christmas num-
be,<s issued comes from the office of
the Goderich Star. It contain 24
pages and is profusely illustrated.
NORMAN T7 In East Wawanosh, on Dec.
8th, the elfe of Mr. John Norman ; a
' CocnrcANE--PowELL—In Blyth, at the
residence of Mr. George Powell, the
bride's brother, December 14th, by the
Rev. A. McLean. Mr. John Cochrane to
Miss .Hannah J. Powell, both of East
HODGHINSON—•CARTER. —At the manse,
Wingham, on Decomber 21st, by the
Rev. D. Perrle, Mr. Ezkel Hodgkinson,
of Huron township, to Mise Bodila
Carter, of Kinloss township.
ETEnTI-I—SM1Tn—O0 the 14th inst., by
the Rev, N. S. Barwaeh, at the resideuee
of the pride's parents, Mr• Thos. Heath
of the township of Markham to Miss
Rebecca Ann Smith, eldest daughter of
Mr. Robert Smith. of the township of
'ANDEnsoN—McLEon— At the resid-
ence of Mr. Thos. Jenkins, Bluevale
road, uncle of the bride, by Rev. D.
Rogers, Bluevale, Mr. John Anderson,
of Moosomin, N. W. T.,:to Miss Alice
McLeod, of Turn berry.
Sums—In Culross, on Dec. 10, Eliza
bath, wife of Mr. Geo. Smith, aged 21
STGART—In Listowel, on Decemher ll,
Jane Stuart, relict of the late Charles
Stuart, and mother of Mr. W. 0. Stuart,
of this town, aged 83 years, 7 months
appd�' 22 day's.
�7iMCNDELL,—In Turnberry, on Dec. 17,
Bessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
undell, aged 31 years and 20 days.
^•.I.L—In Morris, on Dec. 14th. Mrs
Francis Bell, aged 1(1 years and 21 days:
1n 1fIs' Back?
Then probably the kidneys.
/es the Ghost?
Then.probably the lunge. t
rtfirn a to affeing n ?
Then probably rheumatism.
No matter where it is, nor what
kind; you need have it no longer.
It may be an hour, a day, or a
year old; it must yield to -
•Immediately after applying it you
feel its soothing, warming, strength-
ening power.
It quiets congestion; draws out •
It is a new plater.
A new combination of now
remedies. Made after new
methods. Entirely unlike any
other plaster.
The Triumph of Modern biedicai
The Perfected Product of years o°
Patient Toil.
Placed over the chest it is a
powerful aid to Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral in the treatment of all throat
and lung affections.
Placed over the stomach, it stops
nausea and vomiting; over the
bowels, it controls cramps and colic.
Placed over tho small of the back,
it removes all congestion from tlie
kidneys and greatly strengthens
For sale by all•Druggists.
J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Mass.
__,0??:// -90
Oli ATl1AM. ONT.
The hair century mark has been reach-
ed by the number of our pupils who
have stem red ;food posit ons since Sept.
let. amuw those who have secured
places recently are: —Sarah Duncan,
•Steno. Lyon & liensail. Barristers,
Owosso, Mich.: Ait•x. Biott, i1olsons
Bans. '1'renrnn,0nt. ; A rther Oldershaw,
Merchants Bane, Chatham. Ont. ; Sita
Clark, ftkur, Brown's Woollen Mills,
Kinicsviile.Otit; Mary T. Cain, Steno.
Pardee & Shannesty, Barristers, Sarnia,
Opt. ; li'mrenee Sibley, Sten. Macey
T.YesK Cu.. Grand Molds, Mich. ; Eva
Payne. Steno. f). & L. E. Ry. Office,
Chathem, Ont. ']'hese with forty-four
others hew% i,een piste since Sept. 1st.
Write for rataloaub of either Short-
hand or L'usin"ss department to
Chatham, Ont.
Wears �
to meet our customer.: with a lull and ill)-to•datc
stock of NEW ('OOI)S, and all
and patterns and N 1'I.i('ES'.
now styles
a last word before Christmas.
Don't forget that we have an
immense stock of Fruit, Con-
fectionery, Fancy I)ry Goods,
Smallwares, Fancy China,
Toys, Dolls; Picture Books,
&c., at low prices.
Good Valencia Oranges only 15c doz.
Fancy " 46 20c "
Panay Mexican " sweet, 40c "
New Messina Lemons, fancy, 20o "
Cape Cod Cranberries, Apples, &c.
New Pigs, 5c a lb.
Dark Mixed Candy, 4 lbs. for
Light " " 4 4:
Mixed Cream Candy, 2 "
Peppermint Lozenges, 2 "
Conversation Lozenges,. "
Guts Drops, 3 lbs. for
We wish you a HAPPY
0. err
Macdonald ]clock, Wingham.
Goo s
DRESSING ,OASES, Cuff and Collar Boxes,
Manicure Sets, Work Boxes, Gloves and Handkerchief
'Boxes, Neck -Tie Boxes. Bargains.
LEATHER GOODS, best selected in town.
Glove and Handkerchief Cases, Writing Sets, Dressing
Cases, Satchels, Purses, &c.
OUR CHINA is admired by everybody. Japanese
Bon -Bon Bowls, $1.25 each. Cups and Saucers from 5c
to $1 each. Tea Pots, 5 O'clock Tea Sets, Vases, Orna-
ments. Very dainty gifts can be selected from our stock.
BOOKS for old and ycung. Our lines for bdys,
such as Chums at $1.5o, Young Canada $I.00. Chatter-
box $I.00, Sunday $i.00, _Back Beauty 25c, Arabian
Nights 25c, Swiss Fainily Robinson 25c, Boys' Own,
Girls' Own, Sunday at Home, Leisure Hour, (Szc
\Ve will call special attention to our stock of Bibles.
We bought an assorted stock which we are able to sell at
25 per cent. below ,regular price, ranging from 25c to
$8.00. English Church Prayer Books and Hymnals,
Catholic Prayer Books, Presbyterian Hymnals, Metho-
dist Hymnals.
'.Toys of all kinds, Horses, Rabbits, Pigs, Waggons,
Sleigns, Dolls, Carriages, \Vheelbarrow, Rocking I3orses
Iron Shovels, Whistles, Parrots, Drawing Slates, Pencils
and Paint Boxes combined. Santa Claus left a complete
Call and see them at
ALEX, ROSS, Popular Book Store.
Call and get a January Fashion Sheet
• e