The Wingham Times, 1898-12-23, Page 3111E WINGRAM TIMES,. DECEMBER 23, tb9s, ; ! T11111 OII•A:I'it urE `i IN 1r'11I MING, 111 nounre, l.) V 1 Ct,aUslan Ir4 COMPETITION, UI1!kITsittl,; 6y, Paige's Celery Compound as Used..01. *its Wondrous Work Cclnr ai. ,is the Ad.- r.r ratiolx of Ali. It only requires the fair and honest use of une bottle ot 1`utun't± Utlery Compound ;<o c.nnaln:0 t1 buffering wau or woman abet there is virtue, power and lila ni t ail) drat) td the Woudruus wediuiue. 1.1.1u8lasrrttun is supported by the taut that thimatiacia of well and woven in. 'Canada Wbuuan v.eliaatford to call in the hest nu:die/it aid et duos of stukuesi, are vow tieing 1'nine's Celery Cotupuut,d in anatomic:0 to all other medical preserip- atone,. $owe people, who have never tested t he health paving virtues of Paine's Cel - try Compound, wrongly Muss it with the 000111100 pitttlnt medicates, sarsaparillas, nervit.ea and purifiers so estan111Vbiy ad- vertiaed. Paint's Celery Compound is far removed tram any of these prepare- tions ; it is 611111111111 superior to all other medicines ea the diamond ie superior to cheap glass, iC Painu's Celery Compound is the a"ar• velluus preseriptiou or.oue ut the great,- . eat ph)tatiane ti•)at ever lived, and has aeon the hearty endorsatiou of the nob- lest medical weu of the age. Its merits and its coutinued vtotortoe over diseaee drive carried it to end'urtng lave. It has given now life to those almost dying from liver and kidney troubles; it has rawer) up the rheumatic, neuralgic and dyspeptic!, aid purified the booed of those tortured by blood diseases. if you are sick, ailing and cannot en- joy lite, try one bottle of 1'aine'a Celery Compound. An Attractive Family Paper. The Dominion Presbyterian has arcade its appearance. The new amp?' is • publir)hed by Mr. C. BIack- cett Rubinson, the founder and core lduetc•r for over twenty-six years of The Canada Pres'by'terian. It is the aannounced intention of the publisher to nuke The Dominion Pres- byterian second to none as the repre sentative religious newspaper of the J'reebytetian (perch in Canada. 'The rust issue gives prominence to .vvl:olesornc and interesting reading, for old and ),out. : presents the ac- livitiks of tl•ie church in an attraccive•i mummer ; gives a proper piace to the' important work being dune by the; 'Young People's Societies and furn•• t ashes an up-to-date pap( r ir) all de-. Jlartnlents. During 1899 The Do ; a Iarinion Presbyterian wit' publish a' umber t f •q u ially valuable papers, twitter) by proutine.nt ministers and 3•1t ruin, In order that she widest" cuts don may be had at once, the ublisher has decided to offer Tho aDunhiaaion Presbyterian from now 1 aunnt let .January, 1900, for one tdollar. Address, 32 St James St.,1 itluntieel, or 5 Jordan St , Toronto.' Uir KNOWI T.:tic 44 IJI("HOVEL) NEt:Ess1Tr!?fi, 4 One of the (muses of/.� progress is the world wide ctalr,peitition created by the general tlilfusion of know. ledge, the enortnous extension of rail way and shipping facilities, the building of telegraphs and the circulation of newspape••s. Thoeo have made the New Zealand farmer a next deer neighbor, in market competition, to the Canadian, and • have brought the coolie ot India with its wheat into direct competi tion with the settler in the vast and • fertile plains of Manitcba and the Northwest Territories. The Cana- dia.n farmer is therefore compelled by the stress of competition to turn his attention ' to these classes of (products which he es,n exchange' to the best advantage. He can do that successfully by selling those rs' iich call for shill iu their .produce tion ' and manufacture, as he is thereby lifted above competition with the low order of labor which prevails in southern countries as India and Russia. The stern necessity which con- tinuously confronts the farmer of giving full value for all he gets, has compelled some unprovement of the quality of his products. A. business man or speculator may acquire a good deal—we carelessly and bacon: rectly say, may make a great deal —of wealth by a happy or unhappy streak of luck. It is the law of the farmer's business to get Wealth only for fall value given. To thein as a class it is ct•mmitted in a peculiar manner and measure to preserve the moral integrity of humanity by re: speeting the rights of others, ' since willingly or unwillingly they have TH N 131J1i`,RY. Minutes of council herd 1nMaguire's hall, Btuevale, Dee. 15th, kali. :tktnhers of council till pr•eseut, the reeve in the (.'hair. The ut1nurt's of' last meeting were read, approved and big -tied. The treasurer laid the annual statement of rt cents and expendi• tares for the filltant!ia1 year, Dee. 1.5 h, 1897, to Die. 115!h, 1898, bt1'utc the council for c'xan)i)I110.11. Cruiekslranke--- 1iosgrove — That the financial statement he adopted and that the elerk get' '200 copies printed. --Carried. Cr'uleksheeks—Coup'and — '1';aat By-law No. 13/1898 be parsed for tate huldiug of a publie meeting in the Foresters' hall, Bluovale, on iilonday Dee. 26th, 1898, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. m. for the noa)fnation of' canoidatcs for the otlb ers of reeve dlour councillors f an or tl re manici- paa.lity of Trai•tlberry, fur the year part. 1899, and should a poll ba required for the els `t' f bo d Mortuary B.eturns. Ninety per cent of the total popu- lation etre included ill the enonthly repine tient out by the rruv'incial Petard of Health for October. Out of 272 deaths from oontogeous dis- eases reported in that month 14 re,' milted feed) seturlatinc, 69 from diph•' theria, 4 from measles, 5 from whoop- ing cough, ;) bun typhoid :and 153 from con'untptinn. The l,r•ge per eentt)ge from the latter disease is', steadily maintained front month to'. mouth. Consumption though for sometime known to medical science as a contagions disease, has not been looked upon as snob by the general public. The prevalence of this terrible scourge and the certainty of its contagious diameter should lead to much more rigid precautions be - ,in; taken to prevent its spread than has been generally adopted in the e Coit 0 13. VC Hoare 0 ees, Such pull shall he opened on Monday, Jan. 2nd, 1899 at the hour of 9 o'clock a. tn. itnd kept, open un- til 5 o'clock p. in. and no lunger, in tee following places Polling Div, No. 1, in the School' House W. T. Plot 'Phos. lNTetterfield D. IL 0.. Polling• Div. No. 2, �in the Forest - ere' hall, Bluevale, John Burgess, R. o Polling Div.., No. 3, in the school hotise S. S. No. 9, T. R. Powell D.J.O. Polling Div. 4, in the school house S. 8, No, 3, G. B. Scott .1,11.. 0. Carried. Coupland— Mosgrove — That A. Dalgleish be paid $1 error in dog tax. Carried. The report of the local board of health was laid before the council and read by the clerk. Coupland—Mosgrove— That the known no other experience. report of the 1oeal board of health' be Where shall the farmer look for adopted. Carried. liIitche{i — Cruieksbanks — That guidance irl fitting himself for the Mr Lankness be paid ail error in future changes which progress im: dug tax Carried. pliesThe following accounts were passed 1. To the " illusti'atio .societies, and cheques on the Bank of Hamilton exhibitions and illustration stations, issued :—C. A. Toole $4, services ars which Tarnish object lessons and stimulations provoking hint unto better works. 2. To voluntary associations, farmers' conventions, meetings of clubs and Farmers' lustitutes, which nake the information of' the leading 'antlers the ceminon property of ill. 3. To the departments of agrieul: tare of the pro vineiai governments and the department of agriculture of the Dominion, through the various agencies which they provide,—Prof. Robertson. Every household shook( have on hand a box of Dr. Chase's Olnta)ent. The it ; d 'erslty of uses to which it can be put and the many doctor's bills it saves war - NV hen you are nervous and sleepless,; rant it in taking first ohm in the family sake Hood's 7•+ratiparitin. it nhnkets the; medicine chest. All dealers sell and re- aierv,res strong and gives r,srreahtng siiep. commend it. t a,a•.a a.aa,..a,arra.umae>mw.a Faaa ,�aaaa .sae. a. `• a.:..aa You'd Never I)iitt If your iwart never stopped beating. .You would never be. sick if your heart wa:i alit; ya able to carry r,eh, healthy blood in sufficient quantity to every organ �v131 and IL al! of your body. nyy, \V:u •1 your hc.trt, through weakness or theatrti:t clue to worry and overwork, is unul+l • t4, ;apply the ncc(•..4:n;: amount of rich, hcaithyblood, every part of your burly 1'i'tins to show sifa)is of w•ealaiess and disease, ort., AG1 ItliV'SS !Flour CURE Su•r•:1•;tb"'n•: the heart and purities thd blood. It positively gives relief in thirty nitwit" ten 1 effects a a x!rdv, n.•rmancnt cur-, It cares nervousness, slcepioss- ne's, lean d ;%a, headache, tfca:nndency, female disc':, as, and all other ailments that aa:•iiia won 1'i ra'i's of the ham. anti blood. If you suffix from palpitation, awe eL .,r a r4••;ul u' polar, shc,rtn. ;'.,f breath, fainting i,peU! or o lack. of normal •ttn,e,e,!1r .n.,l vii„.,r iia ary part of the hotly, yam ik.n,1d secure 1)r. AGN1:w's Ilea., r' aa. t );, 1, 'r:w'ti t •-a•r.tittii.tt. 1`i 1J t:isonan) eat. c r+n.id is ;r: atcltntini aa•ra • nrct t.1: •. `1: ut. it. I 1': -;i tv's sire ran:. r •ashu., ,,. t r in etre of skin „ t;'aA 41,1y. ttSCts, asN1hd ;ri.,lt 111.. 17o.et7 4 M. II. D. ; John Dimwit $2, services as Sanitary Inspector; James Elliot $4, services as M. B. of EL; William McPherson 84, services as M.B.of H. Geo. Fortune $4, services as M. B. of H. ; Wm. Deyeli $5, services as M. B. of H.; John Burgess $6. secretary of L B. of II. ; John Burgess $50, part salary ; Wm. McPherson $60, salary and tees as road commissioner; Wm. McPherson, e4, making finan- cial statement ; 'Wm. Cruickshanks $45, salary and fees as road com- missioner ; Wm. Cruickshank $3, work on bridges ; John Mosgrove $40, salary and fees as road com- missioner, John Mosgrove $2, work on bridges ; John Coupland $40, salary and fees as road cummrssioner; Wm. Mitchell $38, salary and fees as road commissioner ; Wm, Mitohell $3, work on bridges; Peter McLaren $40, part salary ; Peter McLaren $7, making financial statement ; Paul Powell $25, balance of salary; Paul Powell $5, postage and statior.et•y; Duff & Stewart $3,75, lumber for culverts, Morris boundary ; McLean & Son $32 56, lumber ; Geo. Pocoek $1, gravel ; A. Dalgleish $1; error in dog tax ; Robt. Harkness $1, error in dog' tax ; Wm, Maguire $1, rent. A eommunit;ation was read from Mrs. Burley, W. T, Plot. asking for it refund of statute labor tax. Filed. ,Jells lBunoass, Clerk. For Oz'or alit/ > ears. An Old and Well- fried lietuettJ—Mia w's Sootluug 1:13,rup has been used for over itty yt•arn by millions of •uotlii!rs for their 1.1; Iclreu while tenth. ttith perfect sootiest; It boothee the •Jhild. sof tons ta,o ltutw. allays nit pain, tura- wind polio. tool ie Ilse beat rt'tue'Jy Far diarrha'a. It is pleasant to the bate, 4ol.c by druggists to every part 4,t' the wor Id, '1'ivs'r,ty•1'ito clots a bottle. Its value le in() tluallc. Be sure you ask For airs. 't inalIW'a Soothing Syrup, and take no °LIer kind, 'l'hr 1ittnt1pf1rithiil ban hall of the Interior Doper Fluent will shortly is:+UO a leo page arida, which will he tina'uted It' the p1('15ellttition : f the t. eu{„1'tit lik'al mid r•a p'tarrap -leaf firth tun's a well a, the elitnettie cotuiit: 11.11 of 1;a nada. A (Irv, 't11IciT.)14s 5 4sei(l)i ureter •'ita'ea 4:1.. tin • 1711• alit, tit 1(4 1',nhpplbtn byIblorat 11 41,1 •Len,,nd+io,.rv. 11.t1;,441Muni”. M1„0,11-• 1,1 A ," 110.1 1111111. 't`rt,'.b'mk 411 t'+',:1 t', i•: 4,4111 ,•.1111.1. Iti 1.11 haat.. ,. (11111' aerate 44 0 1• n••.ei 0 Mt, 1., 1111, 11.110111.15 .It tit,• nu1,114t- i„ n• •t: ht.t;;. 1 i Ito• 1 11 111^.a, tlrl.rhr.y,tt 41I(14114 it rbc• rostella rvnnl'1 With Axniu,tt,lu, nn ,rt ,11',•) ,1111., 11,• :,-,i:, vi Ili 1I' iY :.11.1 ft, 1110 1" r ' Y t 4.11 ,41 )hr Pelt ,.r 514.11, 1;.110.4 t'r 4ger11- 11 ,•' 1 1 "• .rlai:1;11 ',acme" Gild., 1•3 lab%-• 4111 Ir.r ±,ladr• rat+ler••• 44111,1 .411.E 1,(4((' 1rtink, t.'•1t t •. �1e11 1 rflt•i 10 t,Itb'txdi. ('1(11.1 41+1 11" t ,nlM,I'5 ,.1„1Mfit alH.u'h+l•,k4, 131118 ire 't 41 ,. t ala tar. 4ert'.t. :1.9t5 11•n..x1 v=.J1.e'Y Dr. Von tan's Pineapple Tablets --A gentle Limo that iuuruttseti the gas- tric juices, reitulates the bowls, nssints vituro in digesting the food, which gives the nutriment that makes good rich blood and nerve force, builds up the broken wails that disease has bombard- ed, foi•c'es the ene(nlns o! bi-nith to capitu. late anti gue for a truce, 35 cents, Sold t'yA.L.Hamilton, A Use For Waste Ptaees. Business man—I don't see why you farmers are forever complaining. What is the matter with the place where you live? ' Mr, hayseed—Waal in th' fust place, the. land ain t no good— nothin' but stone—can't hardly get grass to grow. "Then let the land go aid use the ]umber." "No lumber there. Trees all cut down years ago.', "How about fruit ?" "No fruit, either; alt killed by grubs " "You might tarn the stream into'a pond and raise carp for the market." "Can't make a pond. Got no stream. Can't hardly get well water even." "How is the well water ?" "Rad as kin he." "Humph ! No soil, no fruit, no trees, no streams, no water but bad water, • Well, my friend, the only way out that I can see is for you to quit farming and turn the place into a summer resort." Stop It! Stop lt! Don't imagine for a minute that a co4.4gh amoun,s to nothing. Thousands of people are in their graves to day who let a cough take its course. Stop that coueh at once with Shiloh's Consump- tion (lure, which all druggists sell at 25 ctts., 50 ets and S1.00a bottle. If it fails tobelpyou, your money will be refunded. A Friend an Need. This friend was a tame stag who belonged to a lady living near Man: iia in the Philippine Islands. Iie was a great pet and allowed to roam around at his wiIQ. The ponies did not have the same freedom. When they wore taken out, they must betethered. One day the man who fed the ponies tied one of thein with a very short rope. and then carelessly •put its bunch of fray beyond its reach • The poor little beast strained at his rope to reach his meal in vain. Hie owner, watching from the win: duw, was about. to go to his help, when Ole saw the stag standing by taking in the situation. She waited to see what would happen. The stag soon found a way out of the tlitlieulty. IIe bent his proud head, lifted part of the hay 'on his antlers, and put it down under the pony's,. nose. Then fie went back for more; in a few minutes the grate: ful little pony had his full meal be: fore him, and was making a hearty breakfast.—Outlook. Pain in the Back. ileinri troubled off and ou wtth pains sit '••v back. Caused by unnatipat•ion, f Irt al ,everai Muds of pills I had seen atttta,tised, nod to out the truth in a nut shell, Dr. Chose' Itielntiv Liver Palls are the only pulp that hew, proved effectual in my tial+e. f can heartily recommend them. Jao, l)iiwr.TN, Uniouvi{le, Ont. The Prinee of Wales has been in- vited to formatliy open the new Vic: tuna brttlge next-sntnnaer. The gold rivet he drove into the old in'klf;e in1860in now in the tlraitd Trunk offices at Ms'iuteal, the last of they old tube having been removed, Lingering Cough 8thataeon, to stick to *cored in 1115110 of aril sytill do, are )roto tly cored h'v fir. Wood's Nurw aQy r- , 'frit, A Group of Little Patients at The Jfospltat for Pick C'ldttlren. To LIFI THE MORTGME A GREAT CHARITY'S APPEAL The Gra, ad Work of Ontario's Sweetest Charity. The Hospital for Sick Children — Ham- pered by a Mortgage of $ O,000. To love ahundanily is to I've abun- dantly. Tie 13 bLcal st n•y of the G sod Samaritan is a delineation of the gr"atest thing in the Neo:1d—foie. Toe Ifo .p:tal Pr S'c'r Children was built by those who were large in enter- prise far the alleviation of the pain and suffering of helpless 1 We chil- dren. Tae hulling is one of the best equipped boas this in the world. It is capable o'' acro nmonating 173 sick children. '17o -day there +tis over 10) l't- tIds patinnt•s in the leo p t 1. : It being nursed and trecit•ed. by skilful phy- iic'ans and trained nurses. Teas work has been carried on ('wring he past year without at nt. Over a 0)0 ••hildren were helped bile'( to health. OF three 0:;3 naltients were care.' for iii the cots. One-th rd of the patients (aunt; f:om places outaile of T)ronto. Toe Ifo;pital is a pro:int:ail in:atiiu- t'on. Its serv'ces are free to the chit- c'ren of p,rents cello cannot afford to y the: smolt fees charged. aortia of the wort cliff cult aorta -seal o err -tions known have been ski:fit it ant soceess- tul ly 1•a',•f )rn.e 1 at the Ito pit: I M.,ny :a parer - 111s had cauae to b,eas the groat charity not only for s:;ving their child's life bu'- for • making happy tt h it had other a s be 11 s0r- 111115ul life. t`lh i;lren .who haat been cri p.os for 1.fe but fur the inin:atra- I ions of the hospital will ;grow up slaving and straight, :i-ncl in the years ;as (awns they tat, wilt 1;13..13 1114 work rJ the hospital and return thinks in -,cane tangible manner, In twenty-two years the Hospital for :3'0k Children las been th , cleans ut 11 doing ; 0.00) sick chi a•n. Th a is a grand i11It:tuth,sn — one worthy u: the synizal.ny mad help o; everyone. .though for 22 years t.h: tlosll tai has • aeon (h..ng th s Work, to war .. is , n Van Fust tut,un have • at,aays ,e at h r• a s•s:i. uy debt—mad li:tjn4ior ad foe .. n t 1 u. tunas. 'rh s year the rn..rt !;age. o: a,'t1.0 JJ Sal a du•3, and half to • a i'•e 1ft. •1 ih.4 IThey oakthn aid of everyone who can slam a single dollar. Tiley have asked th s eel"tor of this ; raper to tell the story of iii) hospital to its res l: rs, to toil tho story sonata", to stat:' the urgency of th need, and , to a�)psal to thein for f:nancial aid_ ; They used mon ,y—not •11Jile for the, mortga ps induhtedn •ss, but to meet as debt dui 1113 bank for znon-y advanced. i to meet expsna- s incurred for meth- , cine an•1 fool, ! I,atst year the scholars of Ontario's PGolo side:)., contrtbatoii :'.ns to- wards the permanent Itt40-vmmt or 11 cot. They w 11 t"niz, .I't • t,ti 'Ir t-"'.ner- : 01144 gig ih's year. 'J'oro.ito sela,a.: hila drat', gath!'r.d=,)7, as 1 th •y say the will do more 1h s y. ar. t 111 :Sn curb school tihildreo gal.: u,;ar.y an equal. amount Th -y are dean; th Mfr hat to reliever the pa.n of their cu::iraa ms Ln distrnts. And t is u) )n ah s • Sta 1 11111 tit l:.s friends of th:, :vitro that the Liosp.tad relies for ma rit'ariae Thais are 40.3 p..per.; r ublish•1 e • the province. If thcs re::ci-'r:J paper could contribute :'1)+) :1tt1:4r,get them, that aau:n would nuaint.aici a 00E' for a y-t:ar—and 1 4)311px save the life of soutebuty's darEngs You will find as you Ioo'.t smolt on life that the moments of j,s; . tho mo- ments that you royal eat ori nu. tk:s utonts when you have really lived, are those moments alien you have done things in 1. spirit: of 1ov• and`dfi:ilaiy.±J The Ifospit.tl for ,,^ick Children. " the sweet •sr of :t'1 ch••"riti ts," ap- peals to you on behalf of the little ones who languish un beds or sickness: They tisk only fur the dollars you can etlsily spare. As memory Sea 115 t115 past. beyond all the tram:1.01'y pt' +a1urls of lila, there st and forward ! 11^ boleti when you h -vds don., s nal : et of laminas.; to 1 boils rounI€fad :shout you perir,p; little acts 1o) >ri"li'ig to spall( 0: yet action:t which have bro.lden4,l this joy in your Proal 111E nl •4454 t a)t•-f•4' !,f Toronto tics+ II- (le pltie:lts canal to the II'o•pital Chia ye Ir. t1.,r11 to : i , 1:1 •y tie your n;:t'gtat our'; chili •• h.) :sill need roe mo: her arm of tau : 11144114311 0n this y:r 1'hs 'u:.cru of the 11.1. 7,-.111011:1 is in the, h•ins offit•'^'is • i5 tip+h is :+' . 'i• 1 t. 01)044. Tot give a):uu1: naly i:, to Oat abtrnd- intly. a1:a.rtgage moat be i aid of ,'i).. :s- Pe okra of !!); • 1.:1' s , y foetal:'d cr-. ass t,t lati;ents rdi'g I r 111a 1. yea learn' u ion • o•sPoi-roma z4 -44l ldid+r[ a IS ! as 'rt -e 'a•~ vivaria /1 or '.%1 •' 4!' 11..../11.1. o- ri -ogle dollar towaris the oaasct. The ronin Thai- .!IIIii! b t'r• r: ):ly ti•n.St34 S .. tri - aaa .,1. .0-. t'1• +. •c. os• l•",!' 1 '{ i'r" . •t r ')L' t emerge n.:y mai: .t at i' "+ r 1n• 0•'1 b., U"• '"• ! r, t +p 1 1 „ •••••1-.. • Eggs As Food. eggs by adding'' p.> epee and salt, Al --- little sweet butter fs the belt •die,s: Would it not be wise to substitute more eggs for meat, in our daily diet? About one:third of an egg is solid nutriment. This is snore than can be :said <W ine:It. There are no bones no tough pieces that have to he laid aside. A good egg is Halide up of 10 'parts shell, 60 parts white and 30 parts yoke. The white of an egg contains Citi per cent water and the yoke 52 per cent, Practicalty, an egg is animal food, and yet there is none. of the disagreeable work of the butcher to obtain it. The vegetari: ans of England use eggs freely, and tnntty of these men are 80 and 90 years uid,and have been retuar'kablt• free from sieltness. Eggs are best when cooked four minutes. This takes away the animal taste, w lleh is offensive to some, boo does not her'ien the white or yoke so as to make it difficult to digest. An egg, if cooked very hard, is difficult of digestion, except by those persons possessed of stout at,m,lchs. Such eggs should be eaten with bread and masticattetl very finely. Fried eggs are much more wholesome than . boiled ones. An egg dropped into hot water is not only a elean and hantts'?nie but a delicious .tnorr:el. �" dealt people spoil the resat orf 1 ing. Eggs contain trltrt,e• J)ir-.nhnrtas which is supposed lo lie hit:etilttal to 'o,. those who use their hretri 1 nateh. It 'Vttiil 01' lr V. 't. Shtloh'sCoosurnr;tl.,e t1'1!,''t;11 either 'curs yorrr cungh, or . . •t -.:1't. tints r'r the t,Li14'l'• Bur'-. Tao ti n'i'l Sita. .lt'tr 00 ret, the drug 'at k4:e'; ' tii•a ,U✓t'e•y y'I,u pav fur it. If it don't ea •, ! he t ruggirt gives barb the r ole r int• ly bottle Carries a guarani. 0. :-'') ct-. .:it etc. tool fi..00 a borne. Goial ft•r Coav )u ption, Cuuetths, golds. Croup, l3rone•httls, and 1'hro,it •1.'rootsi.1. ,..gn++>`aitr. %Villiain General, a well -to -di Indian farmer, was killed nen Brantford by the discharge of hn•.gtl:) tbit reit from its p'lsitiot leatnin• Irrtlil ,.t the :thus, asY to Tai e asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Rood's Pills, email is size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. M one man said: a, X ounevcr know you liters taken& tan mit -ts an avert'' Ste. et, flood at Co,, Proprietors, TAM ail, Ni,ss, the only pfltd to teal awtn1 VI