HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-12-16, Page 10SRL QPPCRTJ ITY SATURDAY 1t •17::4 tti,lay we tuve ee lee l ietl.,ti Gtt�i 'the alydvi:.ability of buying, by .r•ru.- ling a pr,"tr level on strictly atp.to, "Atte PROPER GOODS, that will ane t 'iteral to the modest as well as the �tcell filled' pocket book. A goat Sale Saturday 11111.14; 1Anr1��1Y4 tf►�. LD ER 16. i 898. JEW tBONAMS. Plaanclt Mrs ) We seen. bat•t:lad, i o hare contributions to Chir{ were vNiiting at ewell teem any et el u• reauees. It ren less 1%9I• 1 d,1y,---(sliu.rd l tort} Or p'trpose Poles away your erre dr(:p in a•ed,{ tell us, travnd u?„k rex ft, to that efl.cr• I.atn„han<llin, -�- I west of Teront( Mime Marion' lei :is, formerly of Wing- , for, lea'vieR yo ham, has been * .,,oin' ad. teacher in •e 11ttutis� C`rntietiRie.901ttmtw<Y!.• 1 Mr Iidlse,vis i s m Tisronto for a oonple Mr Jeinet. teats,. Of Brussels, was eali.nraof.dayo an burin ess, cin WiuKhaul 14e111. :IS On Wednesday. ,Mr Geo Irelal d was in Goderich ' this Fresh oysters ear riving daily at MoKel- I week) whene be had been- acting ons t e vie`e Peer rocr,ire, Int. We serve them loll• jfry. see ' - _e --,Ates SI olCere •;ss: t` - 1.'itttViRl£e T. Mr and Mrs Eli Elliott, - were visitinge Sheet :rxusirs, mi with Exeter Mend s this week. 1 jewshere or a V Mr J E Sweets was in ,:.Ellin during t::o>i. mo11111' ,rf*s,ra. weekl. Mr .I elle Arad( 111r .Tas X Cline , is in the vicinity ,ef,gvrisitint,°at the b \Vi:crest this week., buyir Humber for t:ise ,A.nciercan, TLWn ITninn furniturefasctory. Mise `Asia But nivel:leg steak of orgara,and pianos et, lY of the 1)111'14' in X^;ail Goods. This week is b} T Ii. ?doss' music store. which must leo 11as•bec''31 r74n1 Get o'ae for ster.ee.days. far the best time to buy Flue Dres suld•1x#uro Xmas. Lengths for Xmas. . ler Geo Mason was in Lcwdon t1:=a4 Iter \V >?t3eoel :and wife, of IIarilflten, weer , ! are eisiting vr.:th friends and relatives(' ti',tor •24:30 Dress Robes in all the llere•this week. NI_ Benj Willson, of, Wimy.„ipev, 1• am• cry newest novelties from $2.50 to' •arl'ttied in town and is \•ieiting with 1. e' If1r,T181Cleli, ire.)::$1.0.00.old friends, yeas calling en Silks in high class and complete Mr 11.1 Martin, operetor at ;the G T :',F..7- :week.. irange of , nades from 25e to 5 -?,00. is relieving the station a ;lnt.at BruceEelii, Dreiliteedariti ththis-week.at' hone andtI o.qte l flange in t C urs. --Fur first-class tapering and chaaa:JehiS.l kiPQi2A. • ;sero furnishings try Webster dc Gael Mr C4eo,Awde, of &w•manville,lies taken Remember the place, in.geeven's block.. a-sittrmtions i+sa Su lith &-P thick's hardware. Fur Coats at all prices from store. Iuwteoene, of \Vinghe rn,. \i r 0 11 \1'illit'u on 'L't ew•• :xprees: I the beet make of cutters. Call, atul ,tet prices{ be- ar order elsewhere. Tr Il, H. loss' music store. talc books, etc. A. 2 send 00 piano. See the midget lomething new, a beauty. mon, of'= the N W To . is• orae ofehis father, Mr Wm erry,_• _et -s, of Lucknow, formers •tehocittteaching staff here, d to lrortbed with sickneae. •mer1;, photographer here, old Liiende in town thie ld is alnw permanently can be, consulted by 0 to {50.00, ut' :::,pee from $7 to $45. • airs Ladies' and Gents' New Uri Ots from $4.50 to $9.00. 20 Ladies' Ruffs in Sable and mbfrom $3.00 to $20.00. dos. Ildkfs from 3e to 50e each. 15 doz. Ladies' Rid Gloves from. QeLtn $1.50 a pair. t 200 pairs fine Shoes, reg. $2.G0, Saturday $1.25. 10 pieces Shaker Flannel, regular '7 a for 3',c. a20 Men's Fine Suits, regular $it �9. 15 Mea', Overcoats, regular $7, t2aturday ~4.75.10 doz, :.lents' Linen Collars, reg. 0e, Saturday 2 for 25e. s.,.20 doz Cents' Braces, reg 20e, 2 for 25e. As an inducement to shop early Saturday morning we will sell 5 doz Ilid Gloves, reg price $1 00, for 50 cents, at . !Via �NiciliD005819 $Iu O S Hyman, of Louden, propri.•,tae of the Wingham tanuerye spent e.few (lays in - town this week. Mr, Wm Doubledee, of Clinton, is at his home here at present, nursing a eel* haul. Nr John Ritchie wassn,Clinton a ccnple of days this -week on bueiness. ii3ave you tried Boston .Laundry steer.? —William J. Kennedy, .Corner Gr')cery. Mason block. tf+ Mrs Thos Hessian"visytad with her .{tater in Chilton, a few days last week. L Tracey hos returned home from Manitoba, where he hied spent the last few months. Largest stock of vio}ires-in town a.ieT: B. i 4 Ross' music store. See the one ae6.32.75. It's a wonder. 0, Mr Wm Robertson &slivered thee town 7 I1Et1;iloeke.aii,te land' 9 daughter, of Bel,y. Ci'y,-.N{cite wen ' visiting with old friends, teed :eatiuieee•lin • ,his vinnnity during the weeks. Tele, se v'nteen years since •lin.. LooLineidgn hts.t,,isited rWi ngham. ,'$Cu•i1 )0L BOARD. `Me- Selma! oard held their re;'n?Ete me z,:hly; -eneetin g one. Tuesday oveeirag.. Pr,teentt—Fdleesrr , trimer,, Chairman,•, rn;, -Atxiaharro, Moor e, Balton and Barb PAU iCIPAI::ev 1tEPolrr. :iifepti Boys Girls:. Total Agg 1) 22 90 ; 48 840 L 22 27 7 49 939 1i 23 24 4 47 895 15 31:' 46 ' 8,13 52 959 , 878 a007 ' 1248' '76313,1 ballot boxes to Goderich on Saturday, lir D E McDonald will furnish sag. pipe 7t music ata Siotch concert in Dur am on,y January 20th. Note -residents 4... Pees $'J. Mr Wm Findiaterr leas quantity oal On motion the Peincipal'e turnips for sale at Sao it per bushel b;,',adokeised and filed. the load, delivered. dere left•at eithon• R G Gordon's or n Hanna's stores • S • 2,t 2T' 32 1814 49 15 35+u 53 44 31 75 199 22ft;' 418 .9,vg; 48. 45 4'3 41; 46 42 48• 59 3041 1'l'11OXKT. CCti,. Miss Jennie: Miller, who has green visitingg under the parental at "Cat: moss" for the past coul,'.& of months, returned to Toronto. on Saturday Mr. .John Snell, , who has been visiting friends in towel:, for the past couple of weeks has,- returned to Wingham. Mr, Munro of Jahtelsbown, New York, is visiting his'- norther, Mrs. George Gofton. Mr, and Mrs, Davfti ed Barnard and child '.r ti it higan aro - sisiting at the f rmer's parents, MAI and Mrs. Geo. Barnard t f town. Mr .James Fox of•• :hIuhsels was in town nn :Ninthly. Mr Wm. Knox Ntrtetreled the Fat Sfoek Shuw are Brarttiordt. The skating rink., w'lls opened up on Saturday nigh9t•t'ar.' the first this season. Miss Hastings of..1 Tftrrberry is at present visiting hotr•sii ter, Mrs. R. J, .Ra Iin, Mr. Robert Millett', attended the Ccunty Council meeting at Uoderieb last week. The boys of town,l:dwe formed it hockey club and will' hove the use of the rick on Tti(ssdltay and Thurs: day evening. The ;Vlethodist,ehuneele are having ink le}1;1neeting artdoel`,Lertainineht on Mm,ciae eveninn,•nex.te., Mr. Will Ardell,+Iot',Gorrie, was in town last week. Files I3tive,, of Harrison, has been i'en-gages to teach•the, ln'ier depart - 1 sheet of the F'oi•dwiela eciaoob for the :ensiling year for.$2ef?ii R. E. VanlItlbrne,.1tsGs. T. R.,brake man, was fatally,, etmeheeb between two freighE cars •. at London last week. 17t:TANTED-19aVeltAL TiaUd4199011.'PR`i PER. YV eow in thin bltotO tO, ariattage, sur kat ari.•Fs itt their own and nairby,con.awies, Win usaral_a•or3oo r-ork ,•onductea3 st hon o. Solara' Mtras,rt $1100 a year 14nd exJe„,e i--aleflnat'',F.iroua tio, no:mere, no E le•M Clary, 11.o.thly; $11s Netenetaet•a Enclose Isalt -addressed )gunned gmvo;opei. 19bnbertln. B'sa, Prcat.. Dept. M. Chicago ,. PUOUIC, W 1. '` �ttlSFl repot teas Public Motioe-•;a• hereby given •t Samuel Sutton, ,ofe Blyth, solo . Nile Joseph 'E.:lylor.. o Hat'loak l office,. and to Mr,, \V. 1.19 Wbison, + Auburt•.t post' Ace), O1.16vt3f •r- w ono to easily= for vrhinh'they ewe, he notes respects-. {yell In our favor ar..4' upon our note. blanks. Said Se has never turned, thein over•to us. Icor intr to contra¢`,, and we hereby pebhe'3y forbid the prey - me -it ot. the amid+ notes to anyone brut ou reel zea.. T'ne 21,11meeeViealliker Wagon Works Curzla,peany,-off' atalkerviIle, . (Lim{ ,ed)., 'TENDERS FOQTR'. II,5PEj ; std. EEPO$T, will receive prompt•. attention. 2t rd The following is or:t was receiredt fiue,m the inspector Gentlemen—I beg leave .to revert. that 1 visited your schook on Nov. 9 .9,andi 10, and that I found everythil,g in, cor.neo- tion with the school pdrfeo+sly satisfactory, rt) It would indeed. be diffrvult c to, fiord a 11i better staff oidteeebers tb an the one you have. R4 Mt6, 4-17-P i;d', = as44--A K � ir-alaLl. i=` 0• iu' t'^ar..J.�l_1,70TgrPl.'i c3.% 111 31, 11050,lio lr PnbScheel'thss1•ctor. (�� (�"� g °°� �'i�� ( The Boa:td? Depressed plectrtwno• at the T O THE D i, j report, and,om rrlotion it wen, adnl Aed. The folleeein:g accounts weer.- pleased .... ; }t R Mclsay„ $1.00 ; A reapplies, pplies, Lrr• i $1.50 ; N :\1If"arquharson, soppli,eo, $1.05; ONLISPIIIP AMMISIMMOOONIIMMMOIMINIP LE'S GREAT SALE OF DRY ' Fi i T Bell, coal, freight and dntrye 3109.3,5e; T Davidson,. teaming coa1,.3110,50. : The teachers' se taries fbr 1'>:ovembe r t • I ! were ordeeed to be paid,. and{ en certi'1• ,�, cate of ee,incipal at close,. o5. term the se GOODSg . for Deccsaaber also. Board+ adjourned. HAS CAUGHT THE TOWN. EVERYONE IS DELIGHTED WITH' GETTING NEW, FRESH DRY GOODS AT HALF REGULAR PRICES. We are too busy to make you out a list of prices this week. But come and see the goods yourself and compare prices,' and we have no fear but your VERDICT will be greatly in our favor. Special Cut in New Dress Goods. Special Cut in Plaid Silks, Special Cut in Velvets. Special Cut in Ribbons, Special Cut in Cloakings. Special Cut in Tweeds. Special Cut in Men's Shirts and Drawers, Top Sliirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Mitts, Blankets, Flan- nels, Shirtings, Moleskins and all kinds of HOUSE FURNISHINGS. 50 doz. New Corsets selling at a great reduction WHILE THEY LAST. N o w is your time to buy good useful Xmas Presents. Mantles,Millinery, Men's, Youth's and Boys' Ready - Made Clothing and Overcoats selling at less than half egular prices. Ir"S CHEAP CASH STOR ice,+'. in all lines of goods in this store from, • now until I Day, ,1S99, Our stock1ds' farc too, • large• fear- the t disposal, and must • be -reduced. ;at,. least, thrlte. thou: during) the •next•an on+tli• +and. man lwajr•.of, doing it is t' So that the go':des will actually go. ut•i; .. Men's ctnd'Bey s•-Suits,-.(tivercoc tts,'..Reefeil`.r and ets at,iprices tl:at+wil'1 Idave competitnors'outtin: the o and be convinced. that.. this is • not a' puff Ladies' M•antl.aR46 Fur "(Lists, • :apes itu:f s, I' Mitts,.Glaves and a1li.1Fur Cloods•• ,ill ally be sok prices We. hay e•nolold.outrof date, stock,. Every new and the :'Prey+.la.ttest styles; whish;. Eel! D,7<lliS ary bargains in•eweryartiele,.. Bbots, Samema•sd stabil r Goods of ,every des have: to join, t>3athissgreat.outrgoing.:pi'ooes eia. Groceries -,.--stook never wan. mover• named shb�:'ed'bettel-.lvalUttt E\ieliyrhing..ptlre, arldi fresh best quality., �p,/•�pa a• A.l e„ Va.R. V •}^O'+9t • • Met iew, Near oollrtktt O.l' aura ;dollars ') Prat:prices 1 Prat:}Jack- )1d. Come yI k;• Caps, 1 at clearing thi tg:brand v,, aordin— crit Z.ion will ve never ar- kof the it fraporter at hand an awetvttant torcell youtiyourr Mantas Goo df!.,,. We are delter,rninecL thatt c ur prifies shalr.ibe a:fr, low as if ' y Tltu went to tile*' cities:, We,, slow yvau the. goods -no :pre ,s charges or cutis- to choose :fres;;){, buts, he ori1 'nal .ger f io har id: ',fc r your-. serves:.. P- fewvILeaders 4: STARVING CRellte7eBEN. ,r• Theesends of welt -fed ah&hltren are stare-. Ling, sannply because their food is nor. of the - I right: kind. They are then, pale, and deli, c Date,. Scott's Emulsou vrill Chan ge ei,I1 te} , thin, It gives vile aaad vigor, a,.sh teed ' form. CHUItU.a 17 UTEt3. There was a large congregation ;iresept at tbo Presbyteaien church on Sunday evening last to hear Rev D Perrie's, special sermon to young; then. The sermon was 'one of the best we have over listened to and should have much weight with the large number of young men present. Last Sunday was anniversary day in the Wingham Methodist chnrche Rev Dr Daniels, of Sarnia, a formerpastor, preached two eloquent sermons to large congregations. the pastor, Roy, Dr. Pascoe, preached missionary sermons in Sarnia, Rey W Pocock, B A, is delivering a series •'f lectures in the Orange hall, on the topic "The Lord is Coming." He will speak this (Friday) evening on the above subject. Capt McLeod and tvife, of Dresden, aro 1 now in oommand of the local corps of the Salvation Army. Evangilist T J Enefor continues his addresses (D V) next Sunday evening at 17p ni in +'•4 Temperance hall. Subject, heat d . 1 s rriptuts teach no to the ' by f 40s g of Victoria, . alk' , •( by law selbmitted dears by t (e Town e y„b • WOOD Teodces. will' be received by The eine d rsigne,i u•p,to, J. . 1St, 189%3 fer'•2.Q,cords of 4 ft. hard weed,lao,di8 oards of.2sinab wood (green). To • be, delivered.on,or before the let of Flob.:,, $99+.at the PrestVletrian, Church, '4irttngtatr , S GRACEY, See.-Tteae., A A Beauttiful Silver Pieklf Disr 'fat- ,•1.00o. Sld;ver Set , (irnpson, Mali & 2,1111er) bem'pleteeffor $1?.G v. - Knive>s.. aridl Fork/ t'.orn fi 2.00 per d(+�, up:., A\very''l rge stoc'it t, est from See our Id angio(;,. Banquet anal. Tabie•Lfunps, .the finest:Fever shown in ,Viinghenn at. v eryt.l . prises. • fronatl50c up. Be sure,you buv:the•Hockey E tka�es,. toad by aliliF1.ockeyvClu,be. ; Onr''oabblea's' Sets consisting o1 3 sets,. 3 alf Soles a' ad about 80 pieces dor X':.0 of Saws from 30e., to 75e per Hoot, war 'mated:. Cow Ties{ 15e,•Stcel i0Urt' t Combs Sir. We have a lb itea lot o1: 1411r4ow Blinds. that; cost from 55a:taat $1.50 that we arerselling,at' 311 v. Ylinilwill ifntai it to year adva:stage to (*tit and inspect arse gette1s before buyingv ' COUNCIL ILECTI Cb,.NTY OF HUJtON Pubasar {rte: is reby given t.. a ineoti3,sOott the E$rotors. oft Cotu, • ouneil D inion No. Si cpm.. posestrohtho• ittuni heal • . o lewioI T-trAberrm, and Wroxatos;, will be het haTown Hall Wraxe cter„on Monday, the 19th ' at. D% at tit. houn•otm,e o'cloe p. tit;, 'r t no,nlnating; candidate. to repos Ctuntyc Cousieil of to Counsy of reae 1B09. and 19 :, and that; in cue ananded, lung a ' wed in the, manner svieedeetell 11 will be opented on the `}p diy,uary., PrS in each or the yolling suh,r'.i14si tete timers place fixed by b.,elaw of the.Atunioi Aka in. m said County Div;s,on, Oat tat Wroxeter, this 1s4 day of De e,.15 8 1T t - L'•; AVER ULOCK, . W INGHA.M. S'; i1 AY ST ER.� S4raiyed,onathe prem:aes of the trnder- eil;aed,.lott.lTh. con. 1, Morris (Bu$evale road),) on, an. about `ov. let, or steer mostly. re,dl. with btu ,t white :;trot on lett: side- asd some • white ono belly ; spreading; horns ter ling downward. Pa>;ties-owomng steer and please•sall and Tr+r'J'•ex'pe sae uhd taJ-away theeetame. W W. Ji, IIENDx"Vii,SON. AN ITEM OF •N ITEST. I.1'itrmers, why pay ,i3..aodt 6, per cent. . uttenest on ]tour loats;,wnen, money ntay . be head at 5. per cents. Pigments made „ tosatiit borrower. G°aaro es.low. At office 1+riday alternocu and all day',' S-tt urday. AB E'ER. COSE1V's, Misedotrald Bloclr. Wiugh atr.,t- y PUBLIC „ NOTICE. SihOOO CORDS I! Having moved to'• toorn, to the rest_ aience lately occureed'bee Geo P W '1 'WOOD ANTED corner Centre mead Alfred streets, nese- el the' GTR, I am ,prepared to pay ties. highest Dash pricse-feur,n3lltkinds of Rags„. 3;,€JttO cords ex vrood wrn,nted at tile Rubbers, Copps' e- Hbree Hair, W8# . Pickings, Iron r.di••ilvlstal of all kinds. W�?ila tiitam Salt Stock. Ji4 hest cash I delivered at my,resldsatee, or if word be' Rake paid for elute on delivery. left, I will call foa.same. • F. G. SP,E LINirx.I G GOOD1i+1�LIri Order yours•, Nouse Far Sale ei to Reny.'VIOL ILA The under-�igmed offe?,s for sale.or to —AND - 10 p r .1 a :17;etet a ood t*c a store dame house. con - hu pu�,se o!fI g Ytheta, in the ' ing seven. rooms, pantry ansa fruit rou,ivr the• t ; sutumar kitchen. and. w,�shed; tl it.de•.h good etable,,,liea-d and eat water„together b. awIPA'' aye ee with half an, aero, or twenty eves of land ata, if required., For partiAmlars apple. to GEO. lldcK.ENIZIE, W'inghara. J. COSI-N, Notnin,itih►t ofiines. TY COUNCIL EIEi ' c NTY OF HU1ZOz.t. ealy gi•en that a Mon No..; and W ill Public notice is Ereetors of County the GwMn uni O irg cipa'1 h ltiesamofr h i a ' held in Belgrave os).Monda at the hour of 1• o'clock nominating candai2ates o re Council of the Gaunt of Hayes ata 1900 and that, 1 on a• oEn oiling sutr'livision By -Law ot 'the Muniolp (neaten. P. 'OIITERI'IELD, Nominating °Meer for County Counnil DIV. ated this Gtlt day of Dec,, 1898, Rtlea ot the W,�ano hed fthi oft' Blyth, will be Iseoamber lath, 1898. for the purpose of dont them in the or tho veal% 11,00 demanded, peals of January. he time and lett in the will be opened r d ()ate the d 1899, In eon' place fixed e said Count/ A. E. SMITH B..A.1\TgMy 1'VINoi1AM General Banking Business trans. noted. Money advanced to farmers and business mon on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmor .' Bale Notes (lashed. Moneyer remitted by draft to all parted of Oan la and the Uai , • States, N• and. _ . ' ' Ileo don mart STORES FOR SALE The, administavttrix of the estate of Alexander Dawson, deceased, offers for sale the Two Stares In Wingham • now occupied by Messrs N A Farquhar - sole and yam/ Boyd. Offers for the same should b'a,ntldressed to J A. MORTON, Wingham, Solicitor for the Estate. Property For Sale In the a own klot of Wm t .am. kei net cora . • :: d of Lots 23 290, 293, 204, 295, situate,. on Helen • :treat, coif - tabling 2J2 pores, on w h there is a comfortable dwell{. .use with stone cellar ; also n tram stable and good bearing orchard, 'o• •scion given im- mediately. For rthe articulare ap- ply to Robert Connedy, owe/' Wind- ham ; or !tor . Sheill, For • ce P. 0.; or the propr Jr at Marnoch '. 0. All nocounte against me to be 1• tat W. Kenne 'a grocery, Jusephin • street, Win : • am, on or before tho 1st • Jan. ural ` next. - )Ln RrB xl, 407':►Arr —MAI THr— HOLa Pt (D1.,41I TO riiE FRONT rt t Al a^ BUT HE SHOP Oppoia Post Offt'iee. Wo bave been malting extensiv alterations in our shsn, which had considerably enlarged the same. We wilt now be prepared' to supply th pu(b,io with all kinins oS FIRST -GLASS at very reasonable prices. (Irderd, called for and meat delivered to an part of the town. TOUT patronage solicited, MAIN111 G. PAA