HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-12-16, Page 9RAiLRILID FORGE.: A)ID THE DEI'EOTIVES et ItIJAN meta:re)Y. 'MOS tereegrear one or moro • of fhiree • •evorite woalld follow; she would in all probability send a telegraphic reply; she would also be likely to mail a letter to :her sister—and she relight, either imme- "i:ateiy "e within a day or two, proceed in person to Boston. This last course would, to us, have Veen tho most accept - 'able of all; as it must have led our shadows direct, and with tho least loss sof time, to the forger's hiding place. 'Precisely what did happen will now sp- inier. In Pittsburg it wtis about half -past ten •o'olook when .Mr. Gabe saw tho tele - .graph luessengor entering Dunstable's This ,store, `vas ono of the coutingellcies -Tor which he had been prepared—in fact 1 be already knew what the telegram Was •and for whom intended. But nothing • now could be loft to mere hap-hazard— •ovory step and oirotunstanoo roast be .assured anti verified. In the space of about half a minute the -detective pa^ed slowly by the door and -with a,sweeping glance inward observed ..at a rear counter Miss Greenleaf reading rthe despatch, and the boy standing by as 'if waiting for tho answer. Turning on ,ills heel immediately, Gabe went into the ►store, and engaged ono of the assistants :rear the front with some aimless in- quiries, just long enough to perceive that •Lizzie was writing a message at the ;book -keeper's desk, and the telegraph boy seated evidently waiting to take charge of it. ttwihoutlosinganotlher moment tho •,detectlbo was again in the street, and "watching at a little distance for the lad to '•come forth: In duo time the messenger stepped out, "with the freshly* written paper folded into his despatch hook. Now, indeed,. had come the crowning 'emergency—to the detective, to Bangs, to myself, to all of tis—for in that des- patch •.of Miss Greenleaf must; bo the orgor's address!, Tho boy at onco took the direction of 'the telegraph station—which was dis- tant about four blocks—but with that listless indifference to haste which is ohar- art•:ri::tic of youths of his profession. 'When about two blocks of the way he was entartnken by a staid, clorky-looking -.man, without any slat, and with a pen etoijectIng over hie ear, who tapped hint •on the shoulder, and somewhat breath- - lessly demanded:— " Say, emanded:"Say, huh, it's you that's just been to Dunstable's? ' "Yee, Sir, thnt's 111e." "Iain so glad I overtook you. Miss 13reenleaf left; out a wer:1 in thatlnessnge ashe•ha ; just glom you, and she slurried enc after you to stick it in. Lady eoul;in't run out of the store herself, you know." "I3ui" looked. and listened, and Ihesi- • toted—and with at dint (QI1SC1ettSnaSr, el' his exaot duty setened inclined to g ) Maes: to the hitiy herself. "store—you knew .i'in the book-keeper at Dunstable's—site grave 111e this qu<at•ter dollar for yon, v.) that you shouldn't 'delay; take this pencil and writ:' tho -word in ynursl;lf—I'ii show you where- -It will answer jute. t':: sante." • a'hus rag •.ted t : the . boy 310 longer reei:ated, unci et enett sq;.cad the paper out on the cover of Ilia book, so that 'Mr. Gabe for Iei wee the pr:tendcd !look-iteepor, could point out where. the •woaY wee •:.Esti:'••. Th'ro'being already �• to et "Is in the an :..,arae the only one }}? e)"!:e.o woks :••.1gg'tit was -the word. •"fxrooni •af" wiar;l he caused the lad to -wrr a after` the "I-i:•zie," with winch the t4es•)r:tait was stoma. "rue. see," 110 0)1i(1, complacently, ns he left the boy to pr o eo.i, "they mightn't think who it was from unless Miss • (4keenleaf 1+•rot' lir full name." Brief as this opporeunity was, the • deteotivchl:d time.enough to (levnmit to • memory the; addrees and contents of the :'telegram, which wacky ns follows:— ' • "MRS. E. H. P.URCEL,L, u Bhston, Mess. ' "Ctlean :t poeeibl,1 go. Mar'e1ila sick. s9.1o1') in country with Granctlnnm)nat. r "LIZZIE." ( " nag the sift hat which he now . Of his po(ikot, Mr. Gabs- hest- another/telegraph station, and 1nittinn Lizzie's telegrams to -retuned at onco to hit post tunsta,1)10's. At noon Alise Green- ft the store as' usual, and lilt:•riedly .'.0d to her sirter's house in Alh'gl1- ty. Iiera she spent the greater part tour, and era tier return dropper. a •tto a street po;,tal-box. and next to a telegraph station and for- tnother despatch. either of these contained, of he had no lne:ills of knowing, ding to his instructions ho ;replied the filets. Once noire ills wattelt untii evening rtaw enlcaaf to the ('t,ulhtrland \`alloy .d, and into the train that was chrr'y ,ler to her country home; and en'irenlained at the Begot ttntil spelt late hour that he knew 5110 could not _heiget to Pittsburg; before morning. nhis return to the hotel Gabe found biting hint a despatch from Mr. ung3s, cautioning him that Lizzie had Id in hes' second despatch that . silo ight yet go Hast. UP was therefore to minute- cin his shadow duty until fev- er orders- ebeing ready at all =entente jump on the same train): with her it 0 left the city. rs. Pelham.. had IV't'n notified to con - as if nothing happened, but bo on the alert it Lizzie should again Willingness to go to Boston; rig to accompany her if it coasts 0 Without exciting; suspicion. last move rejoiu Dir. Thomas at t We would secs what had been is'ettertlittg telegram of the 'll'<,: r liliA ;�M 'JIM I.z, 1)Ed.(.:E<:tiMB> '�.1t pe.:� a+.�. .. ,a.-yr,.+•,w.....,- . .w..-,s-r,esw✓nw.,nu"•1✓M•T..n.�ufwrM.+•4rnw.Wl•nnu.H..wr.M1lMpn4M.: naming;. About an Ener after 'loon be lets:l a despatch frons Mr. Linden, Fling trim that Lizzie had sent a r.i•le- •'n tresatil to Mrs. 1'1. H. 1'toeell, and that was to , be pl'oeured at the telegraph' •+',ice under that name. This ho found it • a c {v to do by means of t1 written order • :everting to bo frons that lady, and all '.•i easier that he was 1lints:1f known i- the person evhn,tolagraphed in 11)0 i)orni:tg to Miss Greenleaf of Pitt+burg. Sr,• etvro three n nloc•k ho had another • 'ler informing a degram afar. ling him. that Lizzie had •'nt a second despatoh, which ho !vas to .:)fain in like manner, and telegraph a my bank to the Now York Agency, .:tarn its Contents were 1LS yet unknown. `!:is also he was su0ceseful, tate ••::patch so obtained. and re -transmitted eiug as follows:— "MRS. E. H. PU'RCELL, Boston, Massachusetts. "May come later, but would not kuow :here to go. Seo to -day's letter. "LIZZIE." This latter, it will be seen, was the defer= which Lizzie forwarded on her ,•to the c ay 1 store from Allegheny tlity, out tho letter referred to in it, tiro letter •u had then mailed. It was also the nspiration of the Agency telegram wliieh fr. Gabe receivedlato at night, directing to stand lav his post on the chance of Lizzie taking train for the East. Now, if anything was oleate front these two telegrams of Lizzie, it was that Dudley was using the value of 3Irs.1S. FI. Purcell as a cover for his correspondence, and that this address—incomplete as it was—had already sufficed to bring his sister-nl-law's letters to him. It she were possessed of a more detailed one, she would certainly use it for her telegrams in this hour of calamity; and indeed the second despatch proved beyond • doubt that she did not know of any, and that' Dudley had never confided to her his exact where- abouts in Boson. After all tiro girl had told Mri Pelham the truth; and except- ing the "protective naino of Purcell, we really knew as much a mouth before as by stratagem we had now learned.. But this name was everything.. .Thomas did not need to •watt.for instruc- tions to betake himself at once to the General Delivery -room at the post -office, and there watch—with Loomis in the near neighborhood—for the person who 'night °ali for a letter for Mrs. E. H. Purcell. Whether rarely or frequently, it was evi- dent that this VMS the only place at which the forger contci obtain letters so intiefibitely addressed. CHAPTER TXXVI. Mr. Bangs now denided to make a trip tel Boston. Ho felt that tho conclusion of the operation was now at hand and that fitting arrangements should .bo made on the field of battle. llveything had been staked for an early triumph; and the smallle:.t 1)11011 or misconstruction alight r,hatter all Car plana Neither to tho mail or the telegraph, therefore, would he in- trust those final instructions on which the, victorious issue depended. Stetting from New York iu the after - Leen he toand Mr.. Thomas shortly before Ieticinh ht in the Sherman House, in Roston. Tho (lit rotiva 15)15 better plowed to tee hint than a dozen lettere, for he was not a little oppressed with the re- sponsibility of itis mission, and naturally felt relieved when under tho guidance of leis mentions chief. ".1I101 Miss Greenleaf's letter arrived?" team the first queetion of the • General' !e'er •'t"n'1^nt 1i; sem as they Were ••leott'd safe from in110510:). "it has,sit it's now in tile post -office, " replied the deteetive. . • ''How'—I11 tho General Delivery otfln ?" "Yes; it is 150erted with tiro other lot 1(•114 nutter the initi.11 P." "'too have you ]earned this?" "Well, thls horning 1 prepared a writ- ten order in a wolllau'a •• hantlwriting—• signed, of course, for Mrs. E. H. Purcell —.tr.'s presented myself at the delivery window, asking for that lady's lettere. The clerk took down all the mail platter in the box P., and rtulning over 111e let- tere handed 1110 0110 so addressed. 1 saw that itbad the • Pittsburg postmark on, and was Mailed yesterday," .'Then I walked a few steps away Prom the window, and returned again with the letter to the clerk, saying: "Thi: is a mistake, sir; there 1n11st be another Mrs. E. H. Purcell—My sister has no correspondent in Pittsburg.' lit• took back the letter from n10, and. I saw 11in1 replace it in the MOM box." "Good; we apo 11017 entirely certain that Lizzie bus used that address before, and that Dntf1ty either conies or vends for the letters -df his wife. Can you see this box P from; the hail outside?" "O11, quite wen—them is a glass partition through which all the alpha- betloal hoses aro plainly visible." 'tit; there anything externally striking ,il)(1t1 Miss Greelileaf's letter'?" i'No, sir; it has a common buff eave- lol•e, like hundreds• of others." "How near can you stand to t11e c:elivery window without being in the *ay • of traffic, Anil at the vanity time without appearing to watch it?" "I ;ehou1d say from four to eight yards." ••So that if n boy or asaranae woman," pursued Air. IBangs', "wer,' to call fpr 1Ire. Purcell's letter, you mild scarcely tell when it was handed out?" "Not very well, sir—or not at all, oerhllpe, without going eloe' to tho rall- ies, and heaving the person nl:plyierit." "It will never do to rely on that" ;zeal Mr. Lange, seriously; "we mut know beyond peradventure the, very eminent thlpt letter is called for. if . it g;tc• out without our knowledge, all is lost; for Dudley will take immediate flight on learning that snares are tieing laid in 'Boston for him. After a brief interval of retieetion he next inquired of 'i'hnlnns if any regri';tered lettere wcrth delivered at than window, end what 1711., the process? "11) would Anna" replied the rb'teetive, :•that teary few registered letters ate .)d- ''reeeed to the General Delivery at all; •111(1 when 'tT1 .re are any', they are not kept there. I .stead of tient, I iftld that a ret. card 'Wit the Hate0 addro'*s 15 put into the props boa, alit' kala its Oleo. 16, 1898, with tho letters under the s:uml initial. Ilya when the ownee appears, this card is given to kiln, and he takes it to the Registered Letter department where ho iv expected to prove his identity, and sign tie receipt for itis letter," ••.1 presume you Mayo seen some of those red cards handed out?" "Only one dur111g the entire day," was Mho reply of Thomas. "nor did I ob- serve another in any of the boxes." "If there were any of thew, I suppose you could discern r1 them from the out- side?" 1 "All tho time, sir; the card could be distinguished twenty yards away." This was pWeisely what was wanted. The Superintendent now direeted Air. .tuunuls to register aua mtaii rho first thing in the morning, a decoy envelope addressed to Mrs. E. 13. Purcell, as for tho General Delivery. This would have the effect of placing in the bas P :1 ma carni with the stone name upon it; and as long as there was anything with thnt tddress, so conspicuous that it could not 13 passed out without Thomas seeing it, t(i must infallibly know when the Pitt't- nlro letter 11115 applied for --bath being ortain to he handed down to the a;ppll- :ant. As a further precaution, however, 10 eves also to maul for her a gory large, Mad envelope, which ho would be on - .bled to see in the bon at all thnese and :o Weiss on the moment of its rens vol. I11 the morning Mr. 13aug.i visited tho )ostraster of Boston, and informing elm that we were in pursuit of a noted law breaker, who would call at the laen- 'rn1 Delivery office for lettere, requested =mission for our detective;► to remain ground tete buildings so long as their yntch might bo ne• a wary. The official readily consented, and gave the needful •orders to tho chief janitor, that Mr. Thomas and hie associate should he spared all notice or interference. Ho further graciously suggested—on learn- ing that the criminal was associated with mail robbers—that the office of the Special Agent, within the briding lnigllt be used as a rendezvous should occasion require it. Before leaving Roston that night the General Snperiutendont gave further and fuller instructions to Thomas about the arrest of Dudley. At lily suggestion ho also telegraphed to Lizzie Greenleaf in the following words:— "Husband better. Shall write soon. "ET:l'.A." (TO DC Ce\Tt\r1Gn.) Something_ About V o:son. Woman i3 the Sunday of man.— !es Miehelet. slave a uselnl and good wife in • 110040, or di) not marry at ail. '1pides. :Woman has a smile for every joy •1 a tear fur every sorroW.— u;ala if roneuis Puullein do St. ix. The women w'0 lova n1(lst -is atm, .• one to whom we express it tem -•-i':tune I'Ierru Cl: ;nvot de ' •'ir•ha.'.nt'.- `l. i'. 1'1I t. be Wives and mothers fulfil the ciao ',sold lluli(;..t cf on;an's being --Frances Anne 11)151e Baelz r. .l;] t.:,e evil that women slave done us comes.eom us, and alt the '((1 1 hey have done to 011 comes from them.—:1imi Martin. Women always show more taste .1 adorning others than theroid \;.0, nd the reason is that their persons like their hearts, they .read another's better than they can their ;wit.—Jean Paul Richter. • Women and clergymen have been long in the habit of using pretty words without troubling themselves understand then that they now evult from the effort, as if it were n pinta•.—,i oh n Ruskin. = e STOR IA For Infante ane, Children. :he fee- •tteilo ammo ')3 9r��welprya te ores Heal Nothing like B.B.B. for healing sores and ulcers, no matter how large or how chronic they may be,' B. B. B. applied externally and taken internally according -to direc- tions will soon effect a cure. It sends rich, pure blood to the part, so that healthy flesh soon takes the place of the decaying tissue. "I had been troubled With sore fingers and sore toes around the nails,. The salve I was using did not help me and I was getting worse. I was advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and after using nearly two bottles any sores were all healed up. I" urptioc61.. consider I3.B.13. :a: l�1 wonderful blood 12100d purifier." ENOCII Nag G. IIORST, flloom- ret lifter Laundry Lanes. Clothes carefully folded and sprinkled 11i•e half ironed. Black cotton Hose should be dried and ironed on the wrong side to prevent fading. Pillow blips should be ironed lengthwise instead of crosswise if one wishes to [ ileCt ironwrinkles vrink les o t ' u Instead of in. Clothes when brought in should be separated and folded at once. It allowed to lie together, many Wtiukies aeuuutulate, Sheets folded across, bringing the wide and narrow hems together, thee Added again, then ironed across both rides, are finished quickly and look as well as if more time were spent on them. It is not needful to boil white elothes, unless very dirty, and have the house filled with steam every week. If the clothes are folded and laiti ill a largo rinsing tub and b' iling water Loured on generously, it answers the purpose. 114:t4h silk handkerchiefs by lay-. ing t hem on a smooth board and rubbing with the Palin of the hand. Use either borax or white Castile soap to make the suds. Rinse in clear water, shake till neatly dry, fold evenly, lay between boards, put a weight on them. No ironing is required. Silk ribbons. may be treated in the same manner::. Children Cry fo ST TOWNSHIP COUNCIL ELECTIONS. DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL DECIDES; THAT COUNCILLOIte Int: ELECTED EY GENERAL VOTE AND NOT Bl WARDS. The late Mr. Caven, M. P. P. fur Prince Edward County, carried through a bill during last winter's session repealing the old law and providing that the council of every township shall consist of a Reeve, who shalt be the head thereof, and four Councillors, who shall be elected liy general vote. The bill passed the IIouse without opposition. The Deputy Attorney General is in receipt of a number of lett.rs asking whether this seetior, applies to town ships heretofore divided itito wards and requires that all the Councillors Shall now be elected by general vote of the entire township. FIe has given the f.•llowing opinion :— "Section 73 of the municipal act, Revised Statues, chap. 223, which prickles for the election of township Councillors required; one Councillor to be elected fur each ward where the township was divided into wards. This section was, however, amended ••• , by 61 Viet., chap. 23, see. 4, and ,iL now reads as follows :—''The Councilsg k" of' every towhship shall consist of a Reeve, who shall behead thereof,and four Councillors, whoshall be elected — — — by a general vote." "The result of this amendment ClC744%. MOT, e kilzez)heb weak ijk, �• lungs � r f'k;.:,. i * pry 1r I�y.. mat'eu lehThere are o catch cold easily—whose lungs Wt seem to need special care and 0. strengthening. Such should take 6R,11700bS 'c(L HoRvi,ji 1r iii! ;) f 1+:471'.. It so heals and invigorates the Lungs end Bronchial Tubes as to render them capable of resisting colds. "I was troubled for years with weak lungs," says E.J. Furling, Lower Woodstock, N. B., "and could not get any relief, but on A trying Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Fj Syrup, it acted splendidly, „ heal- ing lungs." 1 a g . Pricee ee an�dd eoc. at all dealers, aaiorev11 rcevomL 7 HARD TO STOO Gacknche and Kidney trouble mica; • a tt..lifax lady's lite miserable. DOA.N'S KIDNEY PILLS CURLED JIM' It would be well if every lady in Canada1 understood that pain in the back and ,• backache werrn a ,lesst au more northan a cry of the disordered kidneys for help. Hundreds of ladies have found Doen's Kidney I'ills a blessing, giving them relief front all their suffering and sickness. Among those who prize them highly i, • " ' :t •i:,en taelnlet-, et Cornwallis St.,, Halifax, 14.S, She says that she was troubled with a weakness and pain across the sura ll of1)(0' bates:, which was so intense, at times that she could hardly stoop% Hearing- of Doan's Kidney -Pills she got' a box, and is thankful to say that they completely re coved the pains from her back and gave tone and 1igor to her entire system. Mrs. Stanley also added that her t;usband lead suffered from kidney • derangement, hut one box of Doan's Kidney Pills completely cured him, No MID Of:Meted withBackache. Lame Rack, Rhenn,ati-i,n, Bright, s Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, Gravel. or any kidney or urinary../� trouble need , elpair. Doan's Kidney Pills cure every tian+• cure when every other reseed y fails. Price 500. a box. or 3 for $t 25, et all dru+n;ists. The Doan Kidney Pili Co., rorolto, Ont. ) "''b S5� , "'4r:vi4'fa�1 dart,, IS A WIS WHO DOES THE RIGHT THING A. .fi- THE EIGHT TIME appears to he that in electing Councillors of townships the election is to be made without regard to any ward division, and the sections of the municipal act which in any way conflict, it would seem, must be deemed to bo repealed by implica- tion." Write to DR. BOBEU.TZ, he is THE DOCTOR "li® CURES weakness of men. Expert scientific treatment. In. struetive hook recta Address G. Ii. B013ERTZ, 3i. D. 252 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich. Miss I4elen Power, a nurse, was killed; • Miss Kate Barker, a dress. maker, was fataily injured, and Mrs. C. Stedman.Fieroe was seriously in- jured In a fire at 631 King street West Toronto. So mu".b depends upon the purity of the blood that by taking Hood's Sarsa• parilla many different diseases are cured. SAW MILL Bic1G31'lAltti'i twv, 3P°nops. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber, Lath, Shingles, . Apple Barrels, Hard & Soft Slabs Also a large quantity of dry hard wood for sale, delivered. Telephone orders ten ed t(i. gti o The 'right time to do the right thing is. NOW, and ad vertisii.g space in F arena%%I tea. —Lin. 11.2 3 p"yr; uaLL will help to keep your business [11oVi11. With the good crops money will circtiktee freely this Fall and 4 s' ill to 1', and no advertiser should :ail to It egin now and attract the attention of pros- pective buyers to his store and what it: contains. 1' T MES 011E OWES RELOEP. c for o 0 mine until you have tried You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons Ten Tabu:es for Five Cents.. thin wart is put up oheaply to orange the unlrerral present demand fcr a low prti*. If you don't find this sort of • Ripans Tabules At the Drtiggt's Send Five Cents to Tss RIPAN8 COILM'SI e tleetrA 'Spruce St., New 'York, end they.w TRC. • ' •