The Wingham Times, 1898-12-16, Page 7rr^tl a til.
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V 1' I? ( 1 i A ,A
m'1i ifr"e ie et ' ✓net7i eeitee eel t r teet'iel v^eyst eeves ee✓civevev' • ie
d Or
ell a 'We want to sat hat our stock
$ �' ;- .0 ompletr . We have some of the
'° M best arid must sey,i ;h goods ase,
t SU.tT . SS, 0V COATINS, n '
Wintei tire lerweerr, Lititz.; (laps avid all lila& of Gents';,Furnishingg, Q
i Weteveiroot Coatis, T .ady neade' Pants and tO.v rails. n
in It•is,tto yt au• listen:et •teerespeet our�•stock beielle purchasing Clothing w
0,,,,ji. • ti n's Hotel, Wtipgham.
to ireneet our customers witn.a full and up-to-Idate
stack of 'NEW GOODS, and all new stycles
patterns and NEW .PiEiICES.
:,,?oft, fleld lie.
Made in 'w:a4cr-resisting "
.iduck," all ",Sja.ter Shoe" shapes
;;cud sizes. , oodyear welted -
`rade mark :gad price stamped �\
reale the sole. 6.00.
A .11Fea er-Red Sh ?
It as ':'feathersr—warm za a
feathelr Ib_ea,-- uo rub t;er or leader
nndert ie±oct; only strong, toul,'h,
soft, warm, wild felt sdiees, that girip
ice, .and prevent slippi g.
Lined with best .gala laty pica o felt.
handsome shoe.
eShocs by ma9I1.
r•Caialogue free.
For Salo tilnly by HOMUTH & BOWLES.
Christ Gifts!
We $'lave a choice stock of
"ftioid and Sit' er -Watches, Rings in
Gold and Diamond.
I;uliil�� our. stock before making Christmas Purchases.
T. A.
The Caatadian, )rder of Foresters
has a larger•SRlrpuus per head, and
still larger for each 8t,000 of. risk
carried, thatl.any as\titer Society of the
kind in Canada. •:t; r 1us per member
$21.82; per $a lcmxa c;1nt °$f Insurance $20.96
, All the triumerev,Ceived from the
monthly Insurance": eyes is placed into
the Insurance I+u:id,,tatlxl no portion of
this fund or 3, accruing there-
from call be aasred..fon•avy purpose what-
ever other thane the 1kliciation of death
claim certificates. tot a fraction can
be used for rtumagiclga tcirposes.
All risks caimeftilly set cteci. Being
�llurely Canadlxu,. we•etxritract no risks
is foreign countsies,ttlins ensuring a
'slow death rate. Miura deaLE.h rate of 5.44
ripf last year, and. ;the•:avr;rage rate of
sd✓?17 for the past siinetenny,years, speak
•1 'For further partieu tri . euietttirttrif any of the
,Offieers or Members of,the,grder„or address
1 g R. Ingersoll, r2Cigt:Sec:tnBra utford
KST GARTUIl1ta, ..:;$10t.,.Pratitford.
:,Ir.. Wellington Kerr, Of Wing -
ham, $epent the paaie .wetea: with
friendee ere.
rtlr And Mrs. Jelin Nett•eefield and
family,ear.f Grand in, Na,.rt:-, ihkikota.
are theeguests of Mr. xacl t\i.s. A.
It is .rrgF1r oscl dnty t., +nfieordi the
death (if'tl<ie infanta.utt of.'Ir A,. Wit.
Kague ant':. also the ii.f tit .cI Lvirter
of Mr. NV.. 1 big. ..;.'I he bereac)raed
families 'iniac the sy lupathy el tithe%
entire commas ni ty
A box •tistAilI will he held iirria
6, l b.f t+,
The young people of fie S. t> 1e
Rand W. Wawanush, are Beaeaing
•I tnt'w'a i c wr ht,i.,t;t'll! alntiel1. ;artltarl •tu, or, epre:tet ed in the luor mug atisd.
the school concert and public Rev.w., 1Vebt 11t .1 per:,tar of
iq i
i • :he .,anniversary eery 1.066 of the1
Mlethediet eilureli the •t: no. td oil call I
with last Rev. 1). ).ir•L(ere . Gt. past- i'.
filiation takin;,; place here t. to Je•.c,. „the Pee'sbyteriatiP1 ehu .zli, preached
.i, "rid, The examination will ibe,,:il+ In lige t v>ridr,g;, Tae is 'uu- hal pro-
t.),t one e'elt,ek in the afternoon , 4).41•tt? ,nares' epk,.uis 1 ireee', lei. elle eee..Asi•.,rt. i t1
'It v• , llntain fie+ ! 141n-
.will he;.prt'setlt to exaaninc. tl'e grtnitta1s ,Ment of the Iiluevaile lrreeelyteari,tn
tin. their .atedles. In the eveni• lg. be S:ibhsttai Setwol wilt be �F;•ivelr 111 the ,
.g ialniog n t • 7'3° o'eloek, a c 5"'''T l `6+resiel's' ,ha -1 on f'radk l e`/enillg, I
•.will ,ibe held, inkthu schueal. :1 1,.0 '.d I'tst res?)eial year.; `”
.Lles;t.mber,,L:o� .
.f:;ru•mule rtf "alai and. ir1Btl• , ai t thcrN eL1t et tinnl jite tillave aeon t
iniiisic; ru ttatiunb, dialogue;, etc,. Who very slecessf,ti'. and jvdg ,g, by the l e
,he rendered• hyeelie schot# children way the pertieipante ere worle;Dgg,
mall the young. people of the sec•tiora.i Chas one will no only eclat' but .;x:
fliixare .�\u'.Il .also• be splendid talent eell elle Serener eeffurts.
ifren i�Tltiteclturch, Auburn,, Donny-
:'L'tle.ilebsttu • '; :aolve<i ,thea a ince:
break :,and other points, All are �aa•ehy .ia.a ettt reform of gout metal
%Weenie ti:) cowue:.and spend. a p:ea- thee ,a repulhlie,"e d not euine utf on 1
sant,and.ecijoyabiecveniug. eldutis• aeeetin�t of the ver r stormy V41,;.her,
.siont,t(eonevrt only 10 cents. No more ,Alettinga of the clue zting'
society will be held.uutil tlleememirlg
KINCARDINE. of January 5th, when a debaras .will
The elesitt;ericu art' Mrs. seem lee be given, the •eubjecr tui which ,will 1
iHTtll'fr,rton, Pr incest; street, was be annoulaced An time.
WVedneedayie;lorn'lneeehe scene e .' an Mr. Themes West, of Woodstock, i p
visited his brother, Rev, Y?. J. Wee, 1
M. A., at the manse a•1rew days re.: �i�
cently. Mr. West also visited re: ,I
latives at Gerrie.
Mr, John Patland, of tae village t•#
felony was pevftormed t�ly the Iiea".i hotel, has moved his family to Brue:
Chi. Mikis, rector of liar church of .sels and Mr. and ;lie's, M1eteteire, of
the Atessish here, and the ,Rev Mark Listowel, have rnuved into the hotel l
Turnbull, ,rector of -St.. Georges, °u eared by Mr. Patland.
Godenieh,, ;;Miss I+'vc Pemberton was Miss i\Jabel Coultes has returned
bridsritaid, stthile lIsr. Trernaiine assis: f'471. a visit to her brother, Mr.
ted the grown. fide preseiets were Edgar Coultes, principal of Ripley
numereus, and :sewed to show the
public school.
esteem in welch the bride ds held, Mars, Clrristopher'l'hornton, Will
A reception ,was held after Citesere: Gardeer and Walter Huge ns have
mony, when .t number of Wends
returned dome from Manitoba.
were entertained at liencheon. Mr. The annual meeting of the mission:
t„ t,.fl e)rfl tilt, burrog .1,wt au rltr. ti Cnra'tr,M e. a tw,, tal•in. 1 t
late resf;ing evt:n t, ,w hot MissGertntlde
ekilee. se„augh,ter of the late Cholates
Baetnbertun,>,ar�d Mt•. i{.. W. Chunch,
barrister, of t'.1'Qronto, were united tin
the -bonus of matrimony. The cert:
and Mrs. Chuneh left by the after:
noon train, with the best wishes of a
Targe number of friends., who had
assembled at the station to wish
there bon voyage.
Ift.e>inarkabie Rescue.
Mrs. Micheal Curtain, Plainfield, 111.,
,unites the statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs ; she
wile treated for a month by her fancily
physician. but grew worse. He told het
she was a hupleless victim of consump-
tion and that no maclicine could cure
I her. 1 -ler druggist suggested Dr. King's
school house, , S S. 1 n, h, uac 1'4 e t l ,
view• Discovery for Coosunlption ; elle
nesday ev:erilies. Dee, 2l • t, A rlpieu,l-1 ,b„u,ht a bottle and to her delight found
did progra all is being prepafed, .herself benefited from first dose, Sbe
consisting of ,isceitatr„ns, tlia.loguest a:ontins, uedffounitsd useherself and aftersound talaingand well six;
visiting atyllr. George Hudson's.
and voce,l and all t..rultrentttl music. 1 bottle; .WW does her own houseworx, and is as Miss Tillie _Meeker is in vele/ poor
A -good time is•eurpecte 1 ,Admission
ten cents, lb ace fifteen cents.
;Ladles with it,uaee AO witted tree.
(Doors open at 7 re. in. Eve! ybody
rmay. Mw.•a.oc.z .crAmmro rwar eras•
lila: 16,)11er1 t)ates may yet
fail to satisfy your c1 •te.
Half the pleasure ,of cat
ing feud lies in the tate
of it, litter ltolls ei Occas
do not tickle your palate,
neither do they help di
gL,rion. There is no need
+f eating,” Metter Rolled
QT 1 ii
are sweet. They have that I
delicate. rich nutty flavor
that only Pan-Dryingcan
yiald, You do not base to
acquire, a li'ting for them.
The til. -it dish yo,l eat will
convert ^ou, if you haw,
ueen using ordinary Rolled
Letts. Your fr,"ouer sells them
—by the pound
ohs Tillsan Cc.';, Litaited,
Ti:soabu_f,-, Ont
Dominion D. a B. As3ociation,
ary society in connection with the l The annual meeting of the Domin:
Presbyterian church, was held in (( ion Draft Horse Breeders' Associa:
that church on Thursday afternoon tion was held at the Rattenhur•y-
of last week, when the following offh; yesterday when, notwithstanding the
cers were elected :—Miss Mary CO_ severe weather, there 'evas the at:
lie,re-elected, president : lee-presi: tendance of the old:tuners, among
dent, Mrs. kt. N. Duff ; .correspond: .those present being :•—James Mitchel,
Lng secretary, Miss Mary Scott ; •re: Goderieh; John McMillan, M. P.,
cording secretary, Mrs. William D. M; Cole, Lakeside; James Mender:
Messer• , treasurer, Mrs. George Mac: son Belton; John • Busch, Sobtingyille;
Donal, John McDerritid,•- Lucknow; John
• Johnnie Thrn•ton, son of Mr. Chris: Watt Ilarluck• Alex. Innes. Stanley;
to her 'Thornton, had the ends of his McIntosh, ,
C. L 11a D • �
Mason, 1 . I . Me:
fingers badly bruised, by coining in Gregor, John Kitcheu,and S. Stliliei
contact with the seutching knives in _John Avery from the south, The
the flax. hill, one day recently. followingofiicers were elected for nett
Miss Ada Dining, of Cranbrook, is year: President..•Tohn Me1ii11iau,M.P ,
Vitre, Dr. McIntosh; Secretary:Treas:
urei•, T::nes Mitchell:Directors, Alex.,
Innes' .:""obn Busch, George Stanbury,. .
Dit lililitall, W. Sinclair, D. M. Cole,
Jai: 'il�^ iJeison, Thos. Green, C. E.
Mason. •;Toh`ri' Watt, John Av3ry,
;Tulin McDormid, John Kitchen. The
delegates chosen to go to the Can:
adiarr horse 13reeders' Association,
,lames Henderson and AIGx Innes ;
to Industrial Fair, John McMillan
and 1)r. McIntosh ; Western Fair, J.
Henderson and Mason. It was de:
eided to give a $10 prize at the West
Huron, South Baron and North
Perth Fairs for best filly two years
old, • or under, registered 'in the
Dominion stud Book.
Inks decided to give his customers and the people in general the greatest
hance of their life to save money by purchasing their fall and winter
goods from him, His stock is complete in all up-to-date Dress Goods, cowl-
wisingBouckle, Figured, Braided, Stripes. Cheeks and•Plain, from cheapest
to' finest New York Myles in Tailor-made Mantles in Beaver, Fine Broad
(.loth, IH'eavy Curled Bouekle and Frieze in all colors ranging from $3.00 up
Ito $1.0.00.
r Ladies' FUR CAPES and JACKETS. TS. •These Jackets are of the best
welts (no glider shins) and are guaranteed to wear. Every person who in-
tethds purchasing a jacket, should see these goods and get prices.
See bur special lines of Ladies', Vests in Lamb Wool, Marino, Natural
Wool and Union from 15c up. ll7:en's, Boys' and Children's Underwear in
'i.Tnions and All -Wools ; also Heavy Lined American. makes from 22.!..e each
garment to the finest Scotch wear, Men's largest sizes always kept in
A full line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and overcoats to clear
*Alt at special low prices. •
Men's Tweed Rainproof Coats, Mandleberg's Sewed Seams. No giv-
ing way at the seam in these goods. Special from $5:00 up.
Ladies' rpweed Circulars with 1, 2, y Capes in different colors, also
;Altndleberg's sawn seams; just the thing for this season at special price.
1 am the iNtly merchant in Wingham who keeps it full range of ear
trill. Brussels, Tapestry, All Wool, unions and lfernps, Also Linoleum
�3is»s• er3s'� 'ifeeson Nerve
+;,Vas the result of :haat dplen.atd health.
Indomitable will and ,t.reaterduus energy
are not found H 1 -ri, Stomach, Liver,
Kieneys, and Bowels ane out of order.
If p.m want these qualliu-sand thesue-
cess they br`.ug, use Dr. K:irrg's New Life
Pills. They de\ eIt p c•,,ery power of
brai;Lt and body. Only 'tet ,saints at any
Drug Store.
• There was quire al, st.r in Belgrave
last Saturday on account i f'the tax
collector. Mr. Munuey, of Merris,
being there to receive taxes.
Mr. and Airs.+shton G. C.
Mason and daughter, Myrtle were
storm stayed at Mr. Gee. Juhnston's
last week.
The roads are in :1 bad condi`ion
Since the recent snrnv brorw. Some
are prophesvnnf :i thaw.
The Congregation of Knox church,
Walkerton, have extended a call to
Rev. J. S (: mile;;, at) tied mitt.
Well Made
Makes Well
Hood's Sarsaparilla fa prepared by ex-
perienced pharmacists of today, who have
brought to the production of this great
medicine the best results of medical re-
search. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a modern
medicine, containing just thooe vegetable
ingredients whish Were seemingly in-
tended by Nature herself for the allevia-
tion of human ills. It purifies and en-
riches the blood, tones the stomach and
digestive organs and creates an appetite;
it absolutely cures all scrofula eruptions
boils, pimples, sores, salt rheum, and
every form of akin disease; cures liver
complaint, kidney troubles, strengthens
and bullda up the nervous system. It en-
tirely overcomes that tired feeling, giving
strength and energy in place of weakness
and languor. It wards off malaria, ty-
phoid fever, and by purifying the blood it
keeps the whole system healthy,
ass4.1 as she ever was. Sold by all Drug- health at present.
,cut, large bottles 50 coats and 51.00 , Mr. Robert Currie, of East Wawa:
nosh, visited at Mr. R. N. Dail's, on
LISTOW]L. Saturday last.
Mrs. James Anderson, of Turn:
Milo Hess, of Palmerston has been berry, is seriously ill.
visiting her cousin Mrs. FI. B.
1lorpliy, Mi.s, Richardson, of Berlin, is visit:
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. 1<lorloek are ing her mother, Mrs.. James Ander:
visiting with the lady's parents, Mr. S0 I,he snow never fell to a greater
and Mrs. B. B. Sarvis, over the
holidays. depth so early in the season, in this
Miss May Stanley has accompanied neighborhood, perhaps, than it did
her visitor, Miss Olive (,?ualtce, to lit`st week. The load from the villa
Exeter, where she will attend the titre toward the station was drifted
full as if it were midwinter and on
Monday, the first really settled day,
had to be plowed out. And 'yet the
ditional live per cent. It is under- weather prophets have been predict:
stood that Mr. Tauberner is getting ing, by tile November thunder and
the taxes in fairly well. may other things, an open winter.
The Listowel hockey club has An entertainment• 'under the au:
leased the skating rink here for the spices of the Methodist Sabbath
season and are getting things tichool and EpworthLeague will be
given in the Methodist church, on
Teursday evening, ,December 22nd,
to take the place of the usual Sala:
bath School Christmas entertainment.
'Miss Maggie Hyslop, -formerly of'
13luevale, but now of Kansas, is visit:
ing relatives and friends herr;.
One day, early in .,,last week, two
men started to drive, from Lucknow
to Orangeville in a -buggy. There
'Was no suow in Lucknow and when
they .came to Bluevale and beheld
the great drifts of -snow, they longed
for the wings of an eagle.
Rev. Mr. Cooper's farewell sermon The debating society have post -
The reverend gentleman's departure ironed their meeting until the 9th of
is generally regretted. January.
Mr. John Anderson of the boundary
Sinee• the erection -of the Iluren Is home from Manitoba..
House of refuge 7,000 paople have • Miss Bertha Jatnieson of No e York
visited the institution. City is spending a few days with her
The township clerks of Perth sister Miss Jamison of Post Office
county held a -meeting at the enurt : store.
house in Stratford, Saturday, at the ` Miss Tillie. Pinker is en the sick
close of Which an association was list.
wedding of her uncle.
Wednesday, Dec. 14, is the last
day for paying taxes without an ad -
in shape for practice.
Prof. J. Norman is 'Lusying hire:
self organizing vocal classes.
An epidemic of moustache growing
has struck Listowel and a number of
young men around town are wearing
football touch:downs on their upper
Thee skating rink has been opened
for the season -and the young folks
and some old heads, too, are enjoy:
ing the early ice.
There was a crowded auditorium
at Knox church on the occassion of
Dr. Gustav H. Bobertz
252 Woodward Ave.. Detroit, Mieb,
has by his great success proved himself ro be .
for ein•onic and net%oils diseases. Sensible sten,
who do not desire something' tor nothing and who
sonde an the reck,ess claims and ;d Cling ad' ertise-
nrents put forth by so m:u,;t mvdteat concerns,
should write to 1).. Bobertz, who is widely and fav-
orahiv known throe hour the Dominion and whose
treatment is conceded hot -h +erentitie and suceesfur,
1\CTaiterIVa HOOK vaen. Address .+s above. Secrecy
,-The Departtnent of itiarine and
Fisheries has been notified. that'
American companies are taking large
quantities • of fish off tbo coast of
British Columbia.
If you are ill you need a
doctor in whom you have
con fidence.
If you need a• remedy you
want one that has been tested
for years; not an obscure, un-
tried thing that is urged upon
you, or on which you save a
few cents—that is no consid-
formed to be known as the Muniei. The children of the Presbyterian g eration as aeraill t health.
pal Clerks' Association of Perth ; are preparing a treat in the to
County. Mr. A. M. Fisher, of North ,way of a Christmas Entertainment. i For toasting in children
1';:tsthope, is president, Mr. J. H.Mr. Win. Sanderson is suffering -cit' adults, Scott's Emulsion.
Jamieson, of Blanshard, vice presi from a severe. cold, I
Prince: I
Hypo -
dent, and Mr. W, J, I3innin5, of lasm Cotrve}', the -,',,:;',d O f Cod-liver Oil with I_Hypo..
t wcl, seeretarytreasurer• ton farmer, who killed. (teorg;e Frost 1 phosphites has been the
ri�l'AA 'A\.s.n nos t farm •tbtllt two miles east of
1 If sr tw'en-�
pa �� aua• Ln thio rt
T\FUDT1fl 1'}:tl• en t a t e • rt�(.`o n17.Ct ri IYl4�i. ' i
oto to mew. Our bueiub5a en , l)1`inet.den fon March ',eii, 1ld)7, has
by caunttoa It i• rna+sly utt9ce .