HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-12-16, Page 5GLEN ANNAN.
Mr. John Scott is under the
wcttt.er ttr, p'esent with lumbago.
We hope he will soon be around
again -
Miss Wallace, of West Wawanosi,
is visiting friends in this vicinity at
Miss Cameron, of Bayfield was the
guest of Miss Hutton for a few days
last week:
Miss Jennie Iiutton is laid up'
with an attack ofquinsey. We hope
She will soon recover.
Owing to the stormy weather of
last week our school was closed for a
few days.
A couple of loads of our young
people took in the social last `week,
and on their return home one of the
sleighs upset, No person received
any brui ees,
.quisit. •• •
THE WIN( 'HAM TIMES, D CLMfl1EJ 16, 1898,
The annual tneeting of the White-
! church Cheese and Butter Menefee
Luring Co, will be held in the Forest-
! ers' hall here, on Saturday, December
117th, at 1.30 p, tn. All shareholders
and patrons are requested to attend
A large ice house has been erected
at the creamery here. It is the in•
terttian of the company to put in
]urge supply of ice this season. •
A most beautiful executed card, in
variegated colors and gilt, prepared
by the pastor, was presented to the
families in connection with the
Methodist church. It contains
Cl rietmae and New Year greetings,
motto text and a church cut,. with
best wishes of the pastor, etc its
design and general .get up le ex
sat`y t'ea.a��t,,l� ..� Ietlic
.'t� ' fa
n 7.
�t;lin 27�t d. ,•' + "+�' ` il'` ='•
have secured the services
of three first-class coat LONDESBORO.
Story of a Slave.
1 To be bound hand and foot for years
lb) the chains of disease is the worst form
of slavery. George D. Williams, of Man•
I cheater, Mich., tells bow such a slave
1 was made free. He says : "My wife has
been so helpless for live years that she
!could not turn over in bed alone. After
using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she
is wonderfully improved and able to do
1 her own work." 'This supreme remedy
for female diseases quickly aures veru•
ousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, head•
ache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells.
This tviracle working tuedicine is a god•
send to weak, sickly, run down people
Every bottle guaranteed, Only 50 cents.
Sold by all Druggists.
makers, and are in a posi-
tion to execute orders in
workmanlike manner on
the shortest notice.
Style and fit goes for a
good deal these days—
both are combined in the
clothes we make.
Our good are all new
and the prices are low.
Webster & Co.,
Queen's Block-.
Carefully washed, properly ironed,
correctly finished and fairly priced—
that's the history of your linen when
brought here. Not a thing in our
washing preparations to injure the
fibre of the goods and not a thing
unhealthy about our work rooms.
Leave Orders atQarr'sl+eed Store,
Sunday School Entertainment.—
On Monday evening the Methodist
Sunday School held their entertain
merit, which considering. the weather
and the state of the roads, was a
success in every way. Owing to the
roads being so bad, the orchestra.
I Isom Clinton did not conte out, but
the programme given by the home
talent was well rendered. Speeches
were given by Rev. 11ir. Fair, of
Arva, Rev. Mr. Andrews and others,
Proceeds amounted to over twenty
Rev. Mr. Fair preaehed morning
and evening on Sunday last. Those
who were 'able to get otlt through
the snow, listened to splendid ser-
Examinations.=Mr. H. E. Fair
has fixed the date of the examination
for S. S. No. 8, Ilul lett, for December
Illness.—We are sorry to hear of
the illness of Mies Rachel Young,
who was taken with appendicitis last
Sunday. We hope to hear of her
speedy recc.very. •
Mr. James Brown is also on the
sick- list this week.
Visitors. — Mrs. Hagyard and
daughter, of Pilot Mound, Man, are
C)n Monday evening last, Mr. Bert
Taylor had a few of his chosen friends
to spend the evening with him and
See him safely over his twrnty•first
bhthday into manhood's great arenia,
.:•,One of those very happy and
pleasant events occurred at the fine
residence of Mr. Charles Thom, of
Turnberry, on Wednetday, Dee. 7th.
The occassion being the marriage of
his eldest daughter, lvliss Jessie, to
Mr. Edward Jones, of West Wawa.n•
osh,eia, handsome and prosperous
young fanner. Exactly at 5 o'clock
p. m. the wedding march was play
ed by Miss Jobb, of Wingham,.
The groom at once entered the room
fel lowed by the bride, !caning, on her
father's arm. She was very prettily
attired in cream cashmere, •as was
ileo the bridesmaid, b11ss Janes, of
West Wawanoatf;'sister.o4 th'e groom,.
The groom =w sl. ably :u p6tttgi/vii
tag iti,'V` Hila Yt 'ilh'cr fAt r • b:
-britioor4Tiiat, mybterrbt '*l'h • •oi'
joining two into one was scteptifihaiI3
•ncrformed liy tlieft i*, WW,+1 5ch,i
of Wh'tech arc h• C'efiVatutat! r-«ri`•iwtrre'
heartly bestowed on the ne5'►•ly' Weil •
ded couple, after which all repaired
to the dining roots, where over one -
hundred guests partook of a most
sumptuous repast, and while all were
in the dining room, we took a look
at the presents to the bride, which
were numerous in number and were
magnificient and beautiful, including
a handsome bedroom suite from her
father. After supper the guests re-
tired from the dining room and en-
joyed themselvesimmensly at games,
dancing, ect. All having thoroughly
enjoyed themselves, the guests began
to make their departure at an early
hour in the morning., all wishing
the groom • and bride a long and
happy journey through life, not for-
getting the kind host and hostess,
who bad put themselves to so much
trouble to entertain the guests.
the guests of Ars. Longman.
Operations.—On Friday last Mr.
H. Hunking had an operation per
formed on his hand, by which a
growth was removed from his thumb.
Operation was performed by Dr.
;Infester Willie Hoggarthw who got
his fingers in the cutting box last
week, had one of his fingers so bad
ly srnashed that it was found ecess-
ary to amputate one el' thenirwhich
was done by Dr. Agnew on Saturday,
During- the month.. of Dece .2ber we l�.ave resolved to hold a Great
Sale,.. and with_ this end in view we have made out. tb:e red}iced
price:4:8p I)el ' ' `%,1 ' m a gei.Zrme Nide and we give ott�� 'word'of
thatct ie..pride` iSt as, *-04 i,40 ie . ,•;r>t '1 e and.
' i I.„. ' dn-
`. Lei -M.• _.r , ,1 r ',4- ,3,,5 .;,. s �' :r .` } .►t, jr;M '-r . 'ai;:.' Iv, 1 °; f ,3 1- 't`4 3�it
r't ak $G.,.i�t i� -fi L _ K.ra �'w .;
!:J;'A lr. r::r .,�,i-n �;-. ... ...fix :r }':j, 'r' :•� ,•
•}I .,,- ;u =:.. , .r= • >~ , .t • ..,
4%• • .
` ive Atocx Marmots.
Toronto, Dec. 13.—The receipts at
the cattle market to day were but 44
loads, consisting of 300 sheep and
950 hogs. The demand for good
butchers' •cattle was brisk at improv-
mproved prices. A few calves in the mar•
ket:brought from $6 to $10 each
Lambs were scarce, and sold at from
4e to 4111.e per pound. The demand
for hogs was rather slow at Friday's
prices. Export cattle—Choice, $4 to
$4.25; light $3.75 to $4; 1 nits, medium
export, $3 to $3 75; heavy export,
good quality, $3,75 to $4; very choice
good butchers', $3 to. $4.75; stockers
and medium to good, $3 to $3,25;
feeders, heavy, $3 25 to $3,50;
butchers' cattle—Picked lots, $4 to
44.75; good, $3.G0 to $4; medium, 62.-
75 to $3.40; common, $3 to $3.10;
inferior $2.75 to • $3. Milch cows,
each, $25 to $40. Calves, each, $3
to $6. Sheep, per cwt,. $3 to $3.50; 1
pucks,' per cwt., $2,50 to $2,75,
Bogs -160 to 220 pounds. each, $4 to
to $4.25, light fat, $3.90'to$4; bea,vy
fats, $4.25 to $4.371•; sows, $3 to $3.•
26: stags. $2.
East Buffalo, N.Y., Dec, 13.—Cat
tle—A few loads were sold to -day in
small bunches at about yesterday's
price on the good kind ; medium
cattle were a shade lower. Sheep
and Iambs—Total offerings were 4Q
loads, including five loads of Canadi-
an lambs ; the demand was very
light—only about half of the offerings
selling, and the bulk of those were
the best of the lot ; the basis of lamb
prices was $5.25 to $5.35 ; .with any-
thing like a liberal run of sales from
now to the first of -the year prices are
liable to break ; lambs, choice to ex
tra, were quotable at $5.25 to a5.35 ;
good to choice. $5 to $5.25 ; sheep,
1 choice, $4, 25 to $ 4 40 ; good to choice,
84 to $4.25. Hogs—Offerings were
about 50'loads ; there was an active
demand for good weigats and heavy
hogs at a little stronger prices, but
pigs and light weights were difficult
to sell ; heavy were quotable at $3.40
to 83,50; medium, 83.40 to $3.45 ;
good weight Yorkers. 83.35 to 83.40;
pigs, $3.25 to $3.30; roughs, $2.90 to
$3.10 ; stags, $2.50 to $2.75.
Napoleon said : Give me a corrupt legislature; give the a
venal clergy, give me a licentious thronc---then give me the
newspapers and I will overthrow them all.
The same power of the press will build up your business,
if you use it to reach the public.
The best newspaper in a town is the greatest advertising
medium in the world.
No merchant can ever hope td he rich and prosperous in
these d tys who dogs not ask permission of the newspapers,
'7'he power and influence of a paper are behind every ad.
it carries.
. .t $•• 1.1
11= 7 raj' 3a r 41&$Ifilt.,42110,
” .ity:44,,-;
But remember this its a Cash Sale and the goods will only be sold at t
prices for the ready money. Come soon and get first choice. See
Dress Goods List.
Black Figured Dress Goods, new, reg. price, 85c,
sale price 65e
Black Figured Dress Goode, new, reg. price 75c,
sale price -
Black Figured Dress Goods, new, reg. price 50e,
sale price . - 371c
Black Figured Dress Goods, new, reg. price 50c,
sale price -
Black Figured Dress Goods, new, reg. price 30c,
sale price - -
Plain Black and Colored Goods,new, reg. price,75c
sale price • -
Plain Bik and Col'd Goods, new, reg. price, 65c,
sale price -
Plain 131k and Col'd Goods, new, reg. price, 50c,
sale price -
Fine Figured Cel'd Good;, new, reg, price, $1:00,
sale price
Fine Figured Coi'd Goods, new, reg. price, 85e,
sale price -
Fine Figured Col'd Goods, new, reg. ° price, 60e,
sale price - • : 45c
Fine Figured Col'd Goods, new, reg. price,- 50e,
sale price- - 40e
Fine Figured Col'd Goods, new, reg. price, 50e,
' sale price - - ' 371c
Newest things in all wool Plaid, reg, 60c, sale price 45c
11 0 ,1 " 35c, .. - " . 26c
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, hu', Skin Eruptions rob
life of joy. Bucklen.'e arnica Salve,
cures them ; also Old, Running Aral Fev-
er Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns,
Warts, Cuts, Bruise, Burns, Snide,
Chapped Heath, Chilblains. Best Pill.
oure on earth. brines out (.'airs and
Anhas, Only 25 cis: a box. Cute gua-
ranteed, Sold by all Druggists.
The St. Thomas ratepayers will be
caller( upon to vete nn a municipal
street lighting bylaw.
is a ;:it'e and pri.lt;lbae advertising medium. It is bought to
Ingersoll Pet Stock and Poultry
read, It is read by precisely the peo )le the advertiser wants Assoetatiota will hold �q nn
their altal
rpn h. It covets the field 'Q'C� a e !.o n _ t,l, ' 8_,1! '71!
Table Linen, reg. price 60e, reduced to
11 „ 45e
40e, 11
/1 11 • 25c,
Towelling, regular price 121c,
11 1
IS 1,
5c . "
Ladies' Vests, reg price 60e, reduced to
,/ ,1 ,1 35c, 1:
11 1/ 11 25e, i,
,1 (1
" 20e "
a special line of Ladies' Hose reduced from 35e to
We are bound to clear out Lur.,
Mens' Fine White Shirts, reg. $1,50, reduce
,1 1/ 1. 125 ''
it 11 tl /1 1.00 /1
1 11 1111 11
Mens' Fine Linen Coilafis, 2
Ii'ine Silk Ties it't all Shades
1/ a •a/ .11
1. St. CO 11
Mens' Fine Leather Gloves,
at the following prices.
New and fashionable Mantles reduced from $12. to $7,50
11 ,/ 1, 11 " 10 to 6.50
11 it ,. i• /t 8 to 5.50
4t• ,1 1t " • " $7.50 to 5.00
A. line of last year's mantles at much less than cost.
Ladies' Fur Capes reduced from 830 to . 822
,{ 11 ,t 825 to . $18
is i, ,1 ' $18 to
li it li is
11 t
t It
reg. 50e., redueed to
reg. $2.00 redne'd
75 ss
60 ss
Fleece Lined Underwear, reduced 90c. per s
Mens' All Wool Cardigan Jackets, regular $1.
Mens' All Wool Cardigan Jackets, regular $1,
Ladies' Fine Doug. Buttons and Bats., reg. pri
Ladies' Fine Dong. Buttons and Bals,, reg. pri
$1.50, reduced to -
Ladies' Fine Box Calf and Bals. reg. pie
Ladies' Extra Fine Dong. Hand -turn Buttons r
Ladies' Extra Fine Deng. Hand -turn Buttons re
price $3.00, reduced to -
Ladies' Extra Fine Deng. Hand -turn Buttons re
price 82.50, reduced to -
Misses Fine Dong. Batton reg, price $1.50 reduced
Also a f'ew Capes in Astrachan and Coon at very
low pleas,
All our Ladies' Far Goode, in Meffs, 13oas, Collars,
Gauntlets, &c., we will sell at greatly reduced prices,
All oer Millinery will be sulaject to a special e-
chrition daring this month,
Blick and Mixed Tea, regular 10e. reduced to
Baking Powder in china PitCher reg. 25e. "
Baking Powder, Dunnle, reg. 10e, redueed to
Corn Starch regular peice 10 cents, reduced to
Pare Gold Jellies, regular' 121. " • ..
3 Cans of Corn Peas or Tomatok for
'4 lbs of New Raieins for
Pare Mustard, xeg. price 30c, valued to
Toilet Soap, regular 10e, hox for
Caltile or °entice!, worth 5e for
si is 1.15 ft
Childs' Fine Doug. Hand tarn Button reg. priee
$1.35, reduced to
Childs' Fine Dong Hand -turn Button reg. pri
$1.00, reduced to
Childs' Button, Size 3 to 7 reg. price 75, reduo
Mens' Fine Dong., Congo and Bois. reg. pri
$2.50, reduced to
Hens' Fine Dong., Congo and Bals. reg. prio
$2.25, reduced to
Hens' Fine Dotig,, Congo and Bals. reg. price
S2.00' reduced to
Mens' Fine Doug., Congo and Bals. reg. price
$1,76, reduced to
Mens' Long Boots, Grain Leather reg. price
$3.75, reduced to
Mens' Long Boots, Grain Leather reg. price ;
Mens' Long Boots, Extra Quality reg. price
$3.25, reduced to
Mens' Long Boots, Extra Quality reg. price
$2,75, reduced to
Meng' Long Boots, Extra, Quality reg. price
82.50, reduced to
Mens' Heavy Boots, extra value, at $1.75 re-
duced to
\rens' Heavy Boots, extra value at $1.35, redud-
Boys' School Boots, first class, regular $1.35, re-
duced to
Boys' School Beets, regular $1.10 mewed to
Boys' Sohool Boots, regular We.
Boys' Fine Boots, extra value, regular $1.65, re-
duced to
20 Boys' Fine Boots, extra value, regular $1,50, re.
7 Mons, Long and Four Buekle Felt Boobs, grain,
8 regular $2.25, reduced to
9 Mens' Long and Four Buckle Felt Beets, split,
25 Mens' Overshoes in odd sizes. per pair • :
20e speent Fine Line of Slater Ilcots to fit all kind
do A very tint line of Mons' Xmas Slippers, Vic. tl