HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-12-16, Page 44 THE wriNu HAM TIMES, DECEMBER 16, 1898. '°mwsm"amv1 YEST HURON IN LICE, PERFUMES in fancy bottles. HAIR BRUSHES in Ebony and Rosewood Fiui: h, S liver Mounted. Plait, and fii1Ner mounted incases. Purses of all Kinds make suitable Xmas Presents and we have the only stock in town that is worth choosing from at the lowest prices. Colin A. Campbell, DRUGGIST, TO ADVEEVISERS. lI Hon. J.. T. Garrow Elected on sl Thursday last. r Notice of changes must be left at this ? fiinp nCt latc2u the:lf Saturday iAvvlt. `fust; i:o,py fou &badges must t be left not h tai' than !t' °- day evening. Casual advertise- Inents accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. eaIiug%airl times r'RIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1898. EDITORIAL NOTES. Joax B. • BARBER, the Liberel Candidate in Halton was elected by over'' 150 majority on Thursday last. �• l tiY sT Iigrop slid Ilalton have ' 'ii'u.' ecI iYiore cold shoulder for Mr.' Whit ey's banquet. -London Adver- tiser, W'lo said the Ontario Govern. \CINGIIAM PACK TO ITS OLD cONSER• VATIVE MAJORITY. The bye -election in West Iluron. on Thursday of last week resulted of in the return of Iron. J. T. Garrow. Tl.e ' contest was a short one and bc,th parties put up a'strong fight. Oil aec..ulct of the severe snow storm it was thought the township vote would not be got out, but contrary to all expectations, a large vote was polled in the coun- try districts. Goderich, Clinton and Blyth,gave substantial majorities for Mr; Garrovl'. Ile also gained con- fiiderable in the rural disttiet5. We were not surprised at the re. sult in Wingham. A circular. was issued by the Conservatives on Wed- nesday, bearing the signature of Mr. E. L. Dickenson, stating that "open. and shameless bribery" had been committed in the interest of the lie. form candidate, on the streets and in the hotels of Wingham, by two Government employees, assisted by a few of the less reputable of Wing - ham Liberals." This charge was promptly denied in a circular issued by the Reform Association of town, in which the Association most empha- tically denied all knowledge of any bribery having been practiced or atttllnpted 9n behalf of their Candi- date, or that there had been any Government Officials in town, and that it was firmly believed that the whole charge was a roor-bath and without a 'shadow of foundation The circular also stated that the Association was willing and anxious to assist in bringing any one who had been guilty of corrupt practices on either side to justice. It is no use in us adding further to what has been said in the circular issued by the Reform Association. The Reformers of town are of one opinion in the matter and cannot believe tbat any such wrong was committed. If such a thing was dune we can firmly say that it did not have the consent of the Hon. J. . T. Garrow, the Reform Association of West Iiuron, or the Reform Asso• dation of Wingham. Our Censer- vative friends have made the charge, and they should now investigate the affair and show it up in its true light. Should they fail to do their duty in the matter, we are certain that the Reformers of Wingham will not let the matter drop until it is thoroughly in.estigated. We do not 1 wish to pass any opinion on this matter until it has been investigated end trust such will be done, and should be clone by the party which made the charge. Below we give the offizial figures for each poll. ing sub -division in the riding t---- GODERlllx TOWN. BECK. UARROW. 52 64 08 66 51 ' i3 356 432 latent;, was in a shaky condition ? The 'Government will, no doubt, 3.a.ve! a majority of from 14 to 16, when the House meets. FRESHER HARDY has another sup-' sorter in Mr. Douglas, who was f selected in East Nortbumberland, I aver Dr. Willoughby, on Wednesday' by a majority of nearly 600. BYE ELECTIONS have been held in East • Wellington, South Ontario, Lennox, Halton and West Huron. M1 have fallen in line for good (,government. The Opposition will, mo doubt, think it id "time fur a o: tiange. ' On Dec. 27 two more bye eleetiona for the Ontario Legislature will be held-Nipissing and North Hastings. Mr. Loughrin (Liberal) had 61 mal jority .in Nipissing at the genera- elcction. North Hastings returned Mr. Allan (Conservative) by 257 majority. RIGHT }lox. Sir William Vernon .Harcourt, M. P. for West Monmouth: bile, and since the .resignation of the late Mr. Gladstone, the official leader of the Liberal, party in the Reuse of Commons, has adressed a letter to Mr. John Morley, Liberal leader for Lfontrose Borough, an: *wincing his resignation of the lead: ,ersh i p. East Huron Liberals will meet in annual Convention this (Friday) after - moon, at the Town Hall, Brussels. A new Constitution and set of By- laws for the Aseceiation will be sub- mitted, offices elected slid other business transacted. Addresses are expected frotrt John McMillian, M. IP., of South intron ; Dr. Macdonald, K. P.. East [furor. ; A. Hislop, II, P. E"., tut Huron, and others. Con- vention open.{ at 1 p. m. •f`itvi', bye -elections for the house of Coi inotl3 were held on Wedues. idly, Ila 'Pres;t Lambton, Dr. Jokns- tlk(:rn„ the Liberal candidate was teileeted over Mr. Verret, ConSeriative ',writ nearly 1300 majority. h North i ttncoe, Mr. McCarthy, Independent, was elected over lir. Martin, Liberal fay a tnaj(,rtty of 218. In blast refute, P. J. J., the indications aro chat Mr. hell, ) •i►)eral i3 elected. aver Mi r. Lefeurt;y, C'onservati7e by a analarits o.; t:':). In Montmagny, Attache, Mr. 1'. 1(, Martineau, Liberal Sleeted by n majority of at least In Iiagat, Quebec, Mr. Ma.reil, 1 is elected over tfr. ltrcdcnr. Mita. by f:1 lndjerity. No.1 72 No.2 .... 58 No. 3 55 No. 4 .... 43 No. 5 .... 40 No. 6 50 No. 7 32 Majority fur Garrow 66. GOXER1(.II TOWNSIIti'. No. 1 v4 No. 2...... 70 No.; 68 232 Majority for Beck 110. 33 24 .•102 No.1 'i9 49 • No 2. 104 61 No.3 65 59 ' No.4 .... 03 31 No 5 .... ..... 28 :et NJ, 6 , 23 82 ' No.7 ....:323 83 :.'. 161 Majority for (;arrow 71. w2ST w.ely :Toch. No, 1 .. 71 6(.) No. 2.,., 03 43 No.::... , -• . .. ..... (13 20 No, 4 .... 42 75 110, r, 20. 03 • 207 '27tt itl'ajcrity for (farrow 3. tKI w LtvANOslt. No.1.. .13 001 No. i. 41 7(1 frt. t.... ........ 31 19 P".1. • 2'x2 1.Iry4..r.t'.r(,r (;a; ..., 54, VOL BORN ls. No, 1. No. 2 No. 3. No. 4. . MARKET REPORTS. 09 81 tt-IN(I W . 58 30 Wingham, Dee. 15, 1898. Utl 65 Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dee?•:r. 40 47 Flour per 100 lbs 1 76 to 2 00. Fall Wheat 0 6i to 0 65 265. 220 Spring Wheat 0 64 to 0 65 Majority for Bock :39. Oats, new 0 26 to 0 27 \CfNC:fIA:17, • Barley 0 30 to 0 35 No 1,... 59 43 Peas 0 60 to 0 01 No. . 50 47 Turkey, drawn 0 07 to 0 08 No. 3 79 43 • Geese, " 0 04 to 0 05 No 4 93 - 76 Decks, per pair 0 40 to 0 50 Majority for heck 72. 281 209 Butter... ....... Eggs per dozen Wood per cord.... We ca r That our regular prices are lower -than the cur prices quoted by other dealers. If you want to prove the truth of this statemcnt,coine and inspect our stock.You will find a well assorted stock of NEW and UP-TO-DATE goods, all . •. 0 14 to 0 15 marked in plain figures, and every day is bargain day at this 0 15 to 0 15 1 50 to 1 7o store. Ray por ton, 4 60 toto 5 (10 IIl'I.L::1T. a, hel, 0 40 0 :;U No. 5 38 32 PotTallowtoes,peporr' lbbus 0 :t to 0 4 No, (i.... ?'' 61 Dried Apples, per lb 0 2 to 0 4 tio. 7 b 57 Wool 19 to 21 - Dressed hoes 5 60 to G 00 9G 150 Chickens 0 25 to 0 25 Majority fur Garrow 51. IIF '1'H. 40 No, °,,,, 50 • 96 Majority for Garrow 1G. ' CLINTON. No 1 3v No 2.,.. 28 36 No 3,... 33 57 No 4 .. , 44 42 No 5 32 39 Nu 6.,,.,....,..,31 31 No 7 28 23 No 8,,,. 41 31 273 295 Majority for Garrow 22. Total vote for Garrow 2502 " Beck 2457 Gu- �HM,TINGs--In Wingham, on December 47 Ilth, the wife of Mr Wm Ha5tinge; .a daughter 112 Lrifnlfixe.44n-.»t' ll; tar.. ,D ce, },lar ••11=1 .(VS it A - t e eellessiinex; a son. 33 /% • Majority for 'Garrow 45 . The following are the majorities in the several municipalities in March last : Garrow. Beck. GudVich .... 17 Clinton 9 .. Blyth Wingham.... 12 Ashfield Colborne .. 36 W Wawanosh 3 E Wawanosh .... 61 Goderich Township.... . 125 flullett 44 191 ioa 16 61 Majority gar Beck 2. DOB.il. MAINrRIcE.-In Brussels, on Nov. 30th the wife of Mr. Robert Mainprice of a son (still born.) BRADWIN.-At 874 Horner street Van- couver, B. 0, on Tuesday, November 29th, the wife of Charles H. Bradwin, representative of Robinson, Little and & Co.. London,of a daughter. Nzcrrol.-In Lucknow, on Friday last Dec. 2ud, the wire of Mr. J. D, Nichol, ,baniter, of a son. °Eso-In Morris, on Dece rber 2nd the wife of Smith Eno, of a son. LEMr4us .--In Wingham, on Dec, 11th, the wife of Mr. George Lemmex of a Soo.:;% kr 1 go eV, F see SROs Sior��. W' e✓'S. S"t ;i -.r ti 1.5 7v e P? We never did; but we have seen the clothing at this time of the year so covered with dandruff that it looked as if it had been out in a regular snow- storm. No need of this snowstorm. As the summer sun would melt the failing snow so will ers hair vigor melt these flakes of dandruff in the scalp. It goes further than this : it prevents their formation. It has still other properties: it will restore color to gory Harr in just ten tithes out of every ten cases. And it does even mora: it feeds and nourishes the roots of the hair. Thin hair becomes thick hair; and short hair be- comes long hair. We have a book on the Hair and Scalp. It is yours, for the asking it yea d.) n.it nbta.in 4;l lite beae8tr von rxpct.ted From theory of Moo VI write t e clatter ahoy ft. Probably there le sae tiblIce Rly trim yom,ten. oral system w 3eh may be ovally re. utnvati. Addx DR. J. e. a'> alit, Lowell, ]Mass. MIaRItIED. IcJoxrs-- THoar-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 7th inst„ by the Rev. W. W. Leech, of Whiecburch, Mr. Edward Jones, of West Wawanosh to Miss Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thom, of Zetland, Turnberry. i::N ^' EADE$-••WEBSTER-At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. A. W. Webster, on Decen-ber 14th, by the Rev. D. Perri°, Mr. Thos. H. Endes, of Brussels to Miss Susian M. Webster, of Wing - ham.. !• DIED • Mireirrnt.L-In Winghann, on Decem- ber 14th, Sarah, wife,of Mr. Alex. Mitchell, aged 85 years.\ MooRE.-In Teeawate r, on Sunday Dec. 4th, 1898, Mr. George Moore, aged 39 years, 6 months. • Cann. -In Lower Wingbam, on Deo. 11th, James Carr, aged 71 years and 5 months. The Government inspector reports that Montreal Civic Hospital is unin- habitable. NEW PHOTOCRAPH GALLERY. Wo aro now READY FOR BUSINESS CROGERIES Dark Sugar, 30 lbs. for - $1.00 Yellow Sugar, 25 lbs. for 1.00 New Currants, good, 4 lbs for 25 Good Raisins, 5 lbs tor - 25 No. 1 Raisins; cleaned, 3 lbs for 25 Seeded Valenctas, 3 lbs for 25 Mixed Peel, only - 20e ib CHINAARE Japanese China, Cups and Saucers. Cream Pitchers, Mustard Pots, Tea Sets. Table Sets, Chocolate Sets, Coffee Pots, Sugars and Creams, Bread and Butter Plates. A. D. Coffee Cups, Ink Stands, Shaving Caps, Cheese Plates. All new goods and prices are very low. CONFECTIONERY Mixed Candy, 4 lbs fur - 25e Gum Drops, 3 lbs for - - 25e - Conversation Lozenges, 2 las for 25e Peppermint " 2 lbs for 25e Mixed Creams, 2 lbs for - 25e illixed Nuts, 20e a lb, Icing Sugar, Pink and White. DRY COODS Handkerchiefs with border, 1-i Pins, Needles, Hooks and Eyes, Hair Pins, - ' 1e Hdkfs, Linen and Silk for men. " Muslin and Silk for Ladies. Embroidered and Linen for Ladies. All kinds for boys and girls. Neck.Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, &c. 11 t{ An immense stock of Dolls, Toys, Picture Books, Carts and Sleds. e .Jr in our studio in the BleR.enzle's Block, Winghaan . If you want anything in the Photo �.... ._... Line, Crayon Work, Copying and En- larging, give us a call in the down floor,�,®,O �,,,, vek b- ®,®,0 �,t,,�,the�, studio. Plati nos a specialty. " " " RI. J . ZURBII£IGG, Next door Ross' Musics Store. a 11 i '3 Macdonald Block, Wingham. IT PAYS TO The CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ONT. STILL LEADS The halt century mark has been reach- ed by the number of our pupils who have secured good positions since Sept. let. Among those who have secured places recently are: -Sarah Duncan, Steno. Lyon & Hensail. Barristers, Owosso, Mich. ; Alen. Blott, Molsoos Bank, Trenton,Ont. ; Arther Oldershaw, iVIerohants Bank, Chatham, Ont. ; Vita Clark, Bkpr, Brown's Woollen Mills, lklingsville. Ont ; Mary T. Cain, Steno. Pardee & Shounesey, Barristers, Sarnia, Ont. ; Florence Sibley, Sten. Macey Desk Co., Grand Rapids. Mich. ; Eva Payne. Steno. D. & L. E. Ry. Office, Chatham, Ont. These with forty-foar othera have been place eince Sept. 1st. IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Write for catalogue of either Short- hand or Business department to D. McLACHLAN & CO. Chatham, Ont: • OUR STOCK IS LARGE WELL ASSORTED PRICES REASONABLE Variety unsurpassed. Large stock to choose from. • It pays to buy here. Come with the creel'/ to 25 PER CENT. OFF DRESSING CASES, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Manicure 'Sets, Work Boxes, Gloves and Handkerchief Boxes, Neck -Tie Boxes. Bargains. LEATHER GOODS, best selected in tatty n. Glove and Handkerchief Cases, Writing Sets, Dressing Cases, Satchels, Purses, &c. OUR CHINA is admired by everybody. Japanese Bon -Bon Bowls, $1.25 each. Cups and Saucers from .5c to $)1 each. Tea Pots, 5 O'clock Tea Sets, Vases, Orna- ments. Very dainty gifts' can be selected from our stock. BOOKS for old and young. Our lines for- boys, such as Churns at $1.5o, Young Canada $l.00, Chatter- box $1.00, Sunday $I.00, Black Beauty 25c, Arabian Nights 25c, Swiss Family Robinson 25c, Boys' Owii, Girls' Own, Sunday at Home, Leisure Hour, &c • \,'t'e will call special attention to.our stock of Bibles. • We bought, an assorted stock which we are able to sell Ott 25 per cent. below regular price, ranging from 25c to $$.00, English Church Prayer Books and Hymnals, ..Catholic Prayer Books, Presbyterian hymnals, Meth°- dist I iy mnals. • DOLLS ! DOLLS ! DOLLS ! `.l'oys of all kinds, Horses, Rabbits, Pigs, Waggons, deigns, Dolls, Carriages, Wheelbarrow, Rocking horses, Iron Shovels, Whistles, Parrots, Drawing Slates, Pencils and Paint Boxes combined. Santa Claus left a complete stock. (all and see them at b PKarges ALEX, ROSS, Popular Book Store HOOT and SHOE DEALER (;,x11 and get a January Fashion Sheet 1:epairing promptly intended to. :,+' ,w, ,,+►, „'r,11,11, ,..16,a,w•t .1011,•*-„ekgaeloamoa, ,A,. 4