HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-12-16, Page 1-VOL. 13 01. WIN(-ilAM., UNT.AEIU. 1' itiD l`Y°, >l�lir�L.N1)614.; C, VILe SELIG CHEAP. P LARGE ON OF THIS ISSUE. e 5 HOMUTH & BOVLES Winter Term Opens Jan. 3, '99 Nothing less than should satisfy you, eepecialiy when it Costa no more. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, - ONT. .EOlds first plaoe among the best com- cmeroial schools in the country;it will pay ;you to come hate for your education ; board.cheap; write for beautiful cate- Llogue. W. J. ELLIOTT. Principal Marriage Licenser leaned by F1tANK PemeaaON, No 23, Vio- •toris street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses 'required. CHEAP READING ! Our Clubbing List CHRISTMAS PERFUMES consisting of a large as- sortment by the best French and American makers. We also have a full stock of perfume atomizers from 5oc up. s During the Week before Xmas we will give a IOC bottle of perfume to every purchaser of $1 worth of goods at HAMILTON'S DRUG STORE W 1N(UTAM. PECIAL NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R G Gordon—Bargains to Boast About Hulsey Park—Xmas Gifts Smith Qc Pethick —Xmas is Close at Hand. J. R. Munshaw—Christmas Gifts. Alex, Ross—Celluloid Goods, etc. Peddie'e Caeh Store—Crowded to the Doors John Kerr—We Can Prove It The Milner Walker Wazon Co.—Public Warning M )I McIndoo—Useful Opportunity J E Doris—Nen Drug Store A L klamiltou—Xmas Perfumes Colin A Campbell—Perfdmes and Locals Wm Findlater—•Local Walker Bros i;s Button—Local T C Graham—Locals G E King—Locals Mason's Fair—Locals City Restaurant—Locals Star Restaurant—Locals The Times—Power of the Press 16.o8. , A YEAR 114 ADVANCE Fruits of all kinds, nuts, rais''.. The largest and best stock ver •ifored in Wingham. Call at th ol• reliable Star restaurant and see for ' nrsoif. Bio LOAD of OAT=.—Mr i D 111o1Jsven, of Morris, delivered to ;kir Win Clegg, the largest load of grata that bas came i. to Wingham this season. The load c. allied 170 bushels and 20 pounds of oa Ebony heir and clot b sties, silver mounted, cheap at Cam 's drug store. Poutelie Snow. -Tho annual winter show of the Huron Poultry •and Pat Stook Association will be held in Clinton January 24, 25 and 2(ith. The sl this season promtses to surpass a thing•of the part. Good new cutter fo ria • cheap. Apply to Walker Bros & Bu INCREASE IN.SIZE- Our advertisers have crowded us so much during the past few weeks, that we are this and next w issuing a ,ten page paper. With thi • nder• taking we aro able to give our adore the usual amount of reading mat Fancy perfumes from0 cents up at Campbell's drug store: LIBERAL CITIZEN=—Messrs`` A. E Lloyd and Van Vannorman, the two gentlemen, who took around the subscription list, ask. ing aid for Mrs Kincaid, sacceeeded securing some 380in cash and over $200 in furniture, clothing a • other household necessaries. Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, 1 ins, Dates all new goods and soil as heap as the cheapest at the City e-••urant. Oppo- site Bank of Hamilton. PARTIAL SUIPMENTS,—The following is a partial list of the shipments made from the G T R station this week :—Mr Wm Oasemore, a car of hogs to Hamilton and a car of cattle to Toronto ; Burchill & Rob- ertsoo, car of hogs to Colliugwood ; Mc- Donald de Walker, a car of hogs to Co ' wood ; Wm Clegg, two oars of oats or port. OYSTERS.—Best Bati or rands and served to suit your taate t se City Res- taurant. AN AGED LAD; Deee.-eThere died at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr Wm Mitchell, on Wednesday night, Sarah, be- loved wife of Mr Alex Mitchell. Mrs Mitchell. along with her husband, have been residing with their son in-law for a few years, coming here from Rothsay, where they had previously resided for many years.; rhe funeral will tape place Satur- day morning to the G T R station and from thero to Drayton by the early train, and the remains will be interred in the Rothsay cemetery. Walker Bros & Button, Furniture Deal- ers and Undertakers, have now the moat up-to-date stock that can he found outside of a city. Walker Bros dt Button, Furni- ture and Undertaking. • Cover ComeasaIONzna—The nomination for County Commiesionera for the several districts will take place on Monday next at one o'clock. In No 7 division, which comprises Wingham, Blyth, East and West Wawanosh, the nomination meeting will be held at Belgrave. MesarsPatterson and Stuart, the present commissioners, will likely be in the field for re-election. We have heard the name of Mr Matthew LoCkhart, a prominent farmer of East Wawanoah mentioned les a candidate.In No 8division,which comprises Turnborry,How• ick and Wroxeter, the nomination will he held at Wrxoeter. Messrs Cook and Miller are the present commissioners and we have not yet heard of any new nrlmoe being mentioned.We notice that Mrlterr ofjllrus• andh for No G division, e sola in the field i would snake a capital commissioner should he be elected. Monday next may see a number of new men in the field. , li. nose music store still goad. No out of town, but up town, opposite th Presbyterian nhur*h, .Sig etookrrk anuria of all deaertptionr. 'loonier to *me our subscribers the trouble of makinti two or Mere remittances we have made stpecialarranxemenfs with the publishers by which we aro enabled to offer the tollowinr pubtloatione in connection with tite CVINGIIAM 'TIMES It special tow rates from new until Deo. Rlet,1899. '126 'Tures and Weekly Globe, - • Times mid' Wtetern Advertiser, 140 Timer and t"atnily Herald and Weekly Star and Picture - 1 75 'Times and learmere Adc•oeste, 1 90 Ikons end Ioarmitse, weekly, - 176 These and Montreal Weekly Witness, 1 do 'Shoes and Vermeils' Sure . • 180 "Mew and Daily fllobe a it% "Tkeos and (tally World • x00 Ticaes and Country Gentlemen, 2 TO Times and Weekly Mail and Lutpire 1 26 -Tifton and telly Hoatrrel Herald, 1 00 il'peedt1-chtbhinar rates with all newspaper* and nnagestnte ennted on application. The halaboe of -th4 td h year will be riven free to now echecrlbers of are peckiien, nicest the Family Gerald end 1VoFmil lckle Star. The Times will be sent to new •,subaeribcrs until January let, 1899. ;fool; mu** seeeml•any all (*dere. Subscribers should resew •ektdv aubscriptlons as salty as possible es the tin: -peiiition et postage after Jannery let. *111111(4y .eornptI sa to stake an advance to the above fats;. .A;41r*M "Tali orders to et ea11 et the MES O]O "Mtn Alt, ex - Holly 1 .FLolly 1 Ho y 1 . r Christmas Itt T C Graham's, Chi i. n block. QUIET WEnDIro i -A quiet wedding was held at the home of Mr. A. W Webster, on Wednesday evening, when his sister, Miss Susian M,Webeter"was united in marriage to Mr Thos H Eades, of Brussels, formerly of this town. The ceremony was perform• ed by the Rev D Perrier /The TIMES ex- tends long life and good wishes to ill : ew- ly wedded couple. Butter 16 and 17 cent , P oice turkeys uudrawn 9 cents.'' ody giyes '20 pounds granulated. C King.• L. 0, L. OFFICERS.F,,•Wingbatn L 0 L No, 794, elected the following officers at their meeting on December 2nd, for the ensoing year :=-W M, A H Musgrove ; D M, John Davidson ; Chaplain, Rev. Wm. Lowe ; Ree See'y, R J Mac?dath ; Fin Sec'y, Jas Stewart ; Treas, T Abraham ; D of 0, 0 Barber Leet, A. McManus ; Committee, Wm Clegg, F Davidson, John Conroy, Jesse Button and J S J oma..; ;'" 25 dozen assorted rag,m .:just,received 15,30 and 3 5 Fair. r' s at Mason'sj cents. See them. MUST 1•',E IN Nr.rrxace—The regulations reguiring nominations of candidates to be made in writings will come into force for the first time at the coming municipal elections. Section 118 of the Municipal Elections Aot says "The person or per- sons to fill each office shall be proposed and seconded seriatim, and every such nomination shall be in writing, shall state the full name, place of residence e,nd occupation of the candidate, and shall bo signed by hie proposer and seconder. Mixed candies, 4 pound. •r 25e, at the old reliable Star res •rant., PnoceemeeroN.—The Ontario Gazette contains a proclamation declaring Decem- ber '26 and January 2 next public holidays. This action has been taken because of the fact that the next ensuing Christmas .% and New Year's Day fall on Sun( Candies, walnuts, altnonds peanuts at T 0 Gr block. WINGI[Anr TALENT :,anon.—The Orange- vill Banner of November 8th, thus refers to Miss Lottie McKenzie of this town, who took part in a concert give's by the Maccabees of that town :—"Miss Lottie McKenzie, of Wingham, contributed several recitations, in a style whio spoke elocutionary abilities of ommon order." Mason's Fair has •e argot stock of Xmas goods in Win ni. Fact. TIIE LAST Meerrno,—Camp Caledonia, Sons of Scotland, will hold the Last regular meeting for this year in their lodge room, Mason block, on Monday evening next, It is important that every member be present, as the election of officers will take place at this meeting. The Camp h, also received an invitation to vi '• the Camp at Teeswater this (Friday evening, where Organizer Ninno is no working. filberts and 's, Chisholm e .sellahhiamsteenietialltie0T For nice Xmas, New Year, wedding or birthday presents in something nsefui, handsome and durable just look into 5 Gracey's furniture store. 3t. EsT'ennen PIONEER ,PASSED Aw v An• other old and respected pioneer is gor..e in the person of James Carr, who died at his home, in Lower Wingham, on Saturday night last, at the ripe old age of 71 years and 5 months. Mr Carr was a man that was highly respected by all who knew him. Deceased had only been confined to his bed f or about a week, but had not been feeling well for some months past. The trouble which caused his death was neuraligia of the nerves, from wbioh he suffered intense pain for a few days. He came to Canada from Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland,in 1853 and settled at Caledonia, from there be came to Wingham in 1862, and had lived ever since that time in Lower Wingham, with the aIcaption of three years spent in Clinton ; ile was therefore one of the early pioneers of this district. He was a Presbyterian in religion and a staunch Liberal in politics. lie was married to Miss Isabella Wishart before leaving Scotland, who survival him, besides a family of seven children—William,Georgs, Alfred, dames, Anna, Bella and Mlnnie,all Of whom aro living M home with the exception of William, who is married and lives in town. Mr and Mr* Carr, aecompaniod by their daughter Minnie, were on a trip to Scotland three years ago, where they spent a pleasant time, viewing the scenes of their ohild- bood. The remains were interred in the Wingham cemetery on Tuesday afternoon, the funeral being largely attended by the old friends and acquaintances of the 3e. ceased. The bereaved widow and family will have the sympathy of the community in their lose of a kind husband and dear parent. Try our Hot Beef T the City Restaurant. CLEAN THE SIDEwALES.—A good many people clean their sidewalks par- ticularly after every snow fall, others do it once each winter or less often. Now it is of very little benefit to pedistrains if ono man cleans his walk and his neighbor does not. Please take warning. Get your snow shovel out and remove the surplus snow or ice, not so much for the benefit of pedestrians, but to give you an appetite for your meals. Miss Macpherson will sell millinery at cost for the next three weeks. Come early and secure bargains. d Lemonade at Welker fires It Button, undertakers. n anof the bus'uess we, sir` This br ch �paystrict 1t attention to, Latest art of embalming. iteeidenoe one door south at Mayor Mor- ton's, or calls at the Batton block will re - stave prompt attention, First -Mass beast in connection. Primo very raaaonarbla, Walker Bras dt Button, tlnlert islet* and :'neral Dfreaterr. Mixed Nuts of all d • s at bottom prices at the City Reetan O. GOLDEN WEDnn:o,--Mr and Mrs F J Carr were in Woodstock lest week attend- ing the golden wedding of Mrs Carr's parents Mr and Mrs Withrow. A ' full report of the wedding taken from the Woodstock Times will be found in another column of this issue. Gond winter apptes,butter and eggs want- edat the Corner Grocery, LIabon block. tf CnursTNts Dar.—Christmas this year falls on Sunday, and as a consequence, Monday, the 26th, will be observed as a holiday. All places of businees in Wing - ham will be closed on Monday, the 26th, the several business men having agreed to this arrangement. Our readers will do make a note of the above. ock of musical instrumento, 1 in town at T. H. Ross' vt gree` music MUNICIPAL AFFAFRs.—We beard an old resident say on Tuesday, "I never saw municipal matters so quiet in town." This statement is correct, as we have not yet heard a name mentioned for the Mayor - silty. Mayor Morton will not again uffer himself for the position. Nomination will be held on Monday, December 26th, and there may be many names before the ratepayers, Try Kitchen Queen Baking Powder, warranted pure, 15c per pound can, at the Corner Grocery, Mason block. tf h m PILLING ENGAuu1tIFNTB — The Wlllg a Orchestral Club furnished mus)' at; ati entertainment given by the Congregational church at p'•nmi11's Corners on Tuesday evening,i.,'a organization has an en- gagement to as a Methodist church entertainment k, Wroxeter on Monday evening next. This Club is one of the best musical organinntions In this section and are doing splendid work, under the direction of Mayor Morton. Call and see my premiums to cash pur- ohasers.—W. J. Kennedy, Corner Grocery, Mason block. 11 A NEW S.Tonx,—A new continued story will bo started in the TnMEs of December 30th, entitled "Woman against Woman," by Mary E. Holmes. This story is of more than usual interest. There is much that:gis strange and stirring in the story, 'and it is full of dramatic incidents. There id' not a dull lino, in it. Now is the time to subscribe for the Tlxss and get the opening chapters of this wonderful story. We club with any paper you desire. Note our liet in another column, - i Hocsifr MATTnns.-9. meeting of the Wingham hockey club was held on Mon- day evening, at which several matters in connection with the club was discussed. It was decided to hold the first practise, which will be free to all, at the rink on Monday evening next. All hockey play- ers are urgently requested to attend on that croen ing, as it is intended to hold an important meeting immediately after the praotice. Alt those wishing to become members of the club, Dan do so on the night of practice. Drug Stor Now Is THE TIme To Bur,—You are Purses of all kinds at C _ bell's probably going to buy some Christmas store. p gifts this year. If you aro shrewd you . —1899 will have 53 Sundays. won't put of the work til) the last days of —Only one week till Chi ist nos. the season. Read the TIMES' advertise- uients and learn what is in the market ' —Try the TIMES for wedding stationary, and where to get it ; then go et once and latest "big"- • have the pick of the market. Don't come ' —Pitch -holes. Teo much snow for goci in after the culling has been going on for sleighing. many days when you can have first If yon want good butter, try tllo Corner choice. Grocery, Mason block. tf Remember 5 Graoey is still in Wingham ' -Szver al new lock boxes have been placed (notwithstandiug all the oppositions that in position at the post office. ' have started up during the past seventeen—Wingham still leads in tl grain. n furniture and ears and is still In the forints e years) market. The local buyers pay c hig+herta undertaking business. -IIs has the largest stock of furniture of any retail store in prices, totvu. 31 perfumes, hair bru'b.' JonN MCMANN DEAD.' --His many old for Xmas at Campb friends in Wingham were pained to hear' —The Wingham skating rink was opens of the death of Mr John McMann, who ed on 'Tuesday for tbo ilrst time this:, formerly resided In Wingham and who is sea so—Thn. a brother of Mrs W Patterson, of town, e Bank of Hamilton have under', which sad event occurred at the home of consideration the opening of a bra - n. his brother at Waverley, near Barrie, on Palmerston, Thursday morning of last week: Mr Mc- The largest stock o candies, nuts), Mann bad been working in the furnitureoranges, etc., for 4t mss trade, will bel factory at Cbesley since leaving Wingham found at Megelule s Star restaurant. e1.11110111.01111111011. - mss Uoods Perfur-es The best odors in fancy cult glass bottles and in bulk. Toilet Articles Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Military Brushes, Etc. Pipes Gold Mounted, Sterling Silver Mounted and Com- bination Sets, all filled with best Amber Mouthpieces. White Metal Goods including Manicures Sets, Jewel Cases, etc., at cost. Celluloid goods including Toilet Cases. Fancy Boxes,, etc„ also at cost at MORROW9s Drug Store. drug 2 Having re'fu ire to my native town, ' on Satur- day, Dec. 171t open out my new Drug tore in the Mac- donald Block, next to the Post Office, with a large stock of Drugs, Druggists' Sundries, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Spices, and other household requisites, all of which will be found • complete and of first quality. Particular attention paid to Doctors'Prescriptions., p HolidayGoods will be opened . in a few daays..�7. 1 YJ . E. DA Y I9 I- r'im. 8. raigest firm. Gott , pipes and purses s drag store. and was married to a young lady of that town about four months ago. He had been ailing for some time and was on a visit to his brother when death occurred. His remains were interred in the family plot at Waverley. Deceased's relatives and friends will have the sympathy of the community in their affitction, Mrs, Patterson attended the funeral of her brother. ,+ -Mr Thos Gray and family have moved; . to Beigraye, where he will work in the saw mill during the winter.'' —We have a report of the proceedin of the Huron County Council at andel; but it came too late for this ' e, 3 A Nice Xmas Box.—A of our high dress suiting ai price. King. a r —2uc Daektrown Swells Company ga. s•r V,ralltel 13ros & Button have everything go;,d illinsteral shows in the town hall, oh in good working order now since they Tuesday.and Weduesday of this week. have enlarged the front of their shop.1 Nifty goods arriving every day for the —News items from Brussels, Gerrie,-- Xmas trade. A call solicited. Walker Lucknow, Culross, Wroxeter, ' waterl Bros &tl3utton. Shop opposite post office.i and llowick will be found the inside''` pages of this issue. Currants, raisi s, a ' o, peel. Every, . thing necessary uddinge or cakes at T --Campbell's Headache Wafers gaaran- 0 Graham's, C Iahofm block. teed to cure headache. 1 —On and after Christmas the rate of t SMALL LOCALS. —CElold weather. I postage to Great Britain and Ireland will —Have you renewed your subscription be two instead of five cents, but in the to the Tlxtsse Dominion the rate will remain at three Finest cooking figs 50 a lb. at W. J. cents. Kennedy's Corner Grocery. —Mr Geo Shaw has added a number new cutters to his livery. Pipes, Tobaccos and Cig ars at the Ci Restaurant. --The G T R and C P R announce 1 We don't blow, but our Xmas stock is of all right this year. Call and see our new goods.—Li. PATSEnsoN, Jeweller. 2m I —The Hamilton Spectator says that dr t}' Berlin drinks more lager with less unk- �, eness and has more churches and the religion than any other town in Usual excursion rates for the Christmas minion of Canada. and New Year's holidays. Oranges.—The largest stock at the lowest prices at ;tfe11elvte's restaurant. —The rush of freight caused extra train to be run over theT ' rota Palm• eriton to Kinterdine on Se r ay. Tho largest range of • ines, plain and silver: mounted, the . • t Campbell's drug store. •Chvhie to the storm the Preebyterran church choir did not go to Lucknow " last Thursday evening. They gave the concert Nat (Thhrrday) evening. -•-Mr J 3i lagan, hernia specialist, of Toronto, was at the tfineen'e hotel here en R'ttturday. lie intends to again visit in Nin yarn early fi Ci:rwrn+y boo rtvrrratMing to *how you in brzikoom suites, sideboards, oouobes, parlor suites and soane at the abe=t things ie Sit I robots, eesretrrryditelte,n d wive' Memel, Gish mull roe tet vita br as tristi Choice Confectionery ante nee our stock. your holiday trad ,fees Do• gf�rll kinds. Call. solicit a share of the City Restaurant. —The Stratford herald has issued s, very handsome souvenir trade edition. it consists of six pages, and is well illustrated, portraits of the leading mon of the •oiry, and several of the county official • grading its columns. Don't buy old dru /hat wouldn't gall boy them whore fresh and gu rant bell'e drug store. r ,i0 re old, drug* her town, but now they are pore. at Colin A. Camp- -Wo regret to hefty' of tate Muter of Mitt tin rico. Imo wit birth .btriffl B a 3 il t'6 p i� tittle son {still born) on'beloveduty 1111-4 weak end Erse been dmoregrety aurae. bler4too>r lits tomertreitaillit ported omit ' sa *lila Igor meogoii. See