HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-11-11, Page 5TiE WI C ('a-UUAM TIMES, NOVEMBER 11, 1895. 11.1, liate,14.1S4NINFTW.,aoamempro .c Karat ewe,las% b t,.l saestalvineo"^cEelastast-o I GODERICIL Ordere We want to say that our stoela te of Woollens for fall and winter is P os complete, We have some of the Gil tir; best and most stylish goods in wo } market In ,pis Winter Underwear, hate, Caps and all kinds of Gents' Furnishings, Woterproof Coats, Ready.made Pants and Overalls. t" It is to your interest to inspect our stock before purchasing Clothing. 0 Opp. Queen's Hotel, Wingham. ��'��Lb•'tab'Q!/r1b't9►✓�'i��+�'�^ma.��'@1��1� ` '�,®•'�,�,�4�'��0 Every day a bargain day. Box Shoes when you need them. `leoacedfor.r•aiinrtilla' bar;ant' clay to buy then at fair price xi' you wear "Slater Shoes." A1waysame price --proportion of leather, Svcrl nianship and profit, uni- form year in, year out. No premiums to pay—no cut prices to wait for, only steady, dependable iney'sworth,straightandb,boveboard, guaranteed by the :makers. Goodyear 'welted. Name andpuce, $3.00, $4.0o and $5.00 per pair stamped on sole. CAYA LOGUC FREE. • "The Slater Shoe." rir For Sale Only by NINTH 86 BOWLES. REMEMBER Your eyes are priceless. Take care of them, as no one will take care of them for you. If you need SPECTACLES OR EYE GLASSES buy them from us. . Also a full line of Watches, Clocks, and al( kinds of Jewelry. Repairing promptly attended to. /Rt. l.IT31 uPTICIAN AND JEWELER. - UGGIES I SURRIESt Phaetons, Spring Wagons, Road Wagons and Carts. HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC. Magistrates Seger apd Horton gave their judgement Saturday afternoon in the Cox -Beattie shooting ease, In every point the magistrates find that Cox Was not to blame in any degree; that he was fully justified in every step he took ; that the shooting was purely in self-defence and perfectly • justifiable. The prisoner was accord- ingly honorably discharged. There I was a very large crowd in court and great cheering when the judgement' was given. Cox was congratulated warmly on his discharge. Trunks, Valises, Whips, Brushes, Curry Combs, Harvest Mitts, Lap Rugs Dusters, Axel Grease, Oil, Harness Oil and Soap. CAMACE TRIMililiNG AND HARNESS REPAIRING DONE on short notice, and at reasonable prices. R. J. MAcMATH. • 3ras decided to give his custothers and: the eople An l,Teneral The greatest chance of their life to save money by purchasing their'falraiYd winter .goods from him., , His stock or complete in all up-to-date Dress .goods, com- prising Bouckle Figured, Braided, Stripes, Cheeks anci Plain, fr'o neheapest Ito finest New York styles in Tailor-made' Mantles in beaver, Fino Broad Cloth, Heavy Curled Bouckle and Frieze in all colors ranging fxou ,$3,00 up to $10.00. Ladies' FUR CAPES.arid JACKHTS.' These Jackets are of the best pelts (no t...nder shins) and are guarantiedto wear. Every person Who in- tends purchasing a jacket, should see these goods and get prices. See onr special lines of Ladies' Vests in Lamb Weol, Marino, Natural Wool and Union from 15e up, Men's, .Boys' and Children's Underwear in AJTnions and All•Wools ; also Heavy Lined American makes from 221c each garment to the finest Scotch wear. Men's largest; sites always kept in ntoek. A full line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Snits and Overcoatsto clear tut at special low prioes. - Men's Tweed Rainproof Coats, Mandloberg's Sowed Seams. No giv- 'ng way at the seatn in these goods. Special from $5,00 up. 11 Ladies' Tweed Cireulli.rs with 1, 2, 3 Capes in different; colors, also nandleber 's sewn seams; just the thing for this season at special price. 1 am tic ouly merchant in 1Vinghatn who keeps a fall range of'Car• pets in Brussels, 'Tapestry, All Wool, Unions and Hcmps. Also Linoleum Oilcloths. '7Cara'•stri'r Giarpe1M from 35e to 755. IT>ttitalttst from g:3:1e to 19c. Jhfeartans froths. 1214e to 23e, U LJJ NANN AN. Mr. Wrn. Reid is busy engaged chopping grain for the farmers in this vieinity Billy has a splendid outfit and farmors would do well by getting hint, Mrs. John .Townsend, of Keut, is visiting at Mr. Thos. Aitkens this week. Miss Nellie Small is under the doe- tor's cure with billions fever. We hope site will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Stevens were visiting Mr. Jos. Fox in Logan this week. Rev, W; Pocock, of Wingham, spent a few days with Mr. John Hutton last week. EAST WAWANOSH. Rev. Mr. Paul, of Brussels, will occupy the pulpit at Brick church next Sunday. Mr. Albert Rintoul has improve d the Appearance of his house ba new- ly siding it. Mr. Jas. WValker, of Brussels, was visiting under the -parental roof last week. - Miss Minnie -Williamson, of Grey, has returned to her home after visit- ing for some time at her sister's, Mrs Geo Walker. See the net/. line of Envelopes at The TIMES Moe. rI'URNBEILPo.'. •! HOWIOK. The annual meeting of the Klon- cdka Beef Association took place at the residence of Mr. A. Mitchell, on Friday evening of last week. There was a. good attendance, The bus- iness matters were satisfactorily wound up for the season, and it was unanimously decided to carry it on for another year. What looked like a one•legged tramp called at a farmhouse a few nights ago and asked permission to stay all night. On being referred to the barn he immediately decamped. Wonder it he is anything to the one that was wanted a short time ago. WROXETER. Mr, Alex. Walker; of the Walker house, h.eid a veru successful shoot- ing match on Thursday last, Mr. H. J, Snell is attending the Hign School at Goderieh, Barnard & Douglas, our butchers, have dissolved partnership. Mr. Jos. Barnard will continue the business., i Miss M. Rae, of Blyth, is assisting Mrs. Miller in her millinery store. Miss Livingston, of Brussels, was visiting with' Miss Tena Smith. Mrs. Mooney, who has been visit- ing friends around here for some time, returned to her home in Minne- sota on Tuesday. Mr. W. R, Thompson has lost one of his valuable horses. Be. had been busy hauling apple barrels from here and the horse took sick. At the greeting of the Bible Society, held recently, Mr. Thos. Gibson was elected president and Mr. W. M, Robinson, secretarytreasurer. The Wroxeter • curling club has been re organized with the following officers :—Pres. John . Bray ; Vice- I'res. Robt. Black ; Sec.-Treas. J. E. Black ; Managing committee, J. I, Black, Thos. Rae and Robt..Black. Mr, Bert J. Reid,. of the 12th, bas J Ab1L7'SZ'0 4VN. completed drawing out his apples. Mr. G. Russell's report is . that he packed many more bb's. of apples and of a better quality than any other :orchard twice the size. Of course -the orchard was sprayedwith right eulutioirs 'and at the proper time. Russell thinks it was tell in the s;t,rayieg,. but their are anany other things to look at in caring for an orehard besides spraying, never the less, it has a great deal to do with the quality and also the •grrran- tity of apples. BELG RA V E..• .The Leslie's Aid of Knox onareb, of this place will hold a grand 'con- cert in the Foresters' hall here, on Thursday evening, November:24th. Miss Crozier, of Grand YaIley, sopra- no singer and elocutionist; Miss Alba Chisholm, pianist, of Wingham and others will take part in the program. Admission 15 cents. Proceeds will be used towards the erection .of the new sehurch. Messrs. Oleg and Dames shipped a D. D. car of hlrga last week to Tor- onto. Large quantities of gi•ain isibeit.g taken ra at Ciegg's store house. The Rev. Mr. Paul, of Brtaxssels., will oceuoy the 'Methodist pulpit -next Sunday evening. Miss Alice Harrison has opened up r. dress -Making Shop in A. Ilaslam's store. til• tn.. Clegg, of Wingham, snipped 3 ears of grain this week to Toronto. .11r, Jos. Noble is visiting his par- ents in Clinton this week. Quite ai number from this vicinity attended the :Maud Henderson Bra. mate Co. at 1•'Vinghaur 'Saturday evening. The A., 0. U. W. initiated Feveral members one night last week. Or- ganizer Alien la a hustler. �momromrammonewoomow Nanakes the cures after all. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Thing;' get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in ,the right direction toward health. Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with hypophos- phites Can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tissues, and makes rich blood. yoc, amt i.om; lrit drubgists. SCOTT dr WWI% Clounkts,'rm I3eh w is the report of the result of the promotion examination held in 18. 5. No. 1, Rowiek in Oetober :— Sr. III to Jr, IV. To pass 425. :Alberta Crawford not!, Alexander Sangster 582, Alex Finlay 505, Lizzie Gallo s'ay 482, Willie Tremble '.481, Baker Pomeroy 450'. Jr, III to Sc. III. To pass 400. :clary Parateroy 5113, Willie Nickel 411, Charlie Finlay 424, *Annie Dettrnann 341. Sr. 11 to Jr.- III. To pass 825. Lizzie Crawford 416, Etta Finlay 382, Willie Burns 344, Henry De.tt- mann 331, *Alvina Dettmann 292, *Maggie Nickel 2-1.6,*Robbie Nickle 233. JAS. MCE1i x , Teacher. G ORRIS. Quarterly services were held in the Methodist church un Sunday Last. Miss Carrie and Annie Ardell are visiting with friends in Clandeboye, Luean and Granton. Mrs, Dow, of Exeter, was visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Robs. 111e. Laughlin. . Rev. A. B. Forney held a children's service on Sunday last. Mrs. White, of Mt. Forest, is visit- ing with her son, Mr. R. F. White. A Bible Society meeting was held in tbe Presbyterian church on Thurs- day evening of last week. Addresses were delivered by Rev. J. W. Mag. wood, the agent, and resident min- isters. Mr. John Ferguson, of Parkhill, Revs. I1: T. and J. J. Ferguson, of Coliingwood and Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Girvin, of Dungannon, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans, of Tees- jwater attended the funeral of their i nephew, tbe late Fred {bans. A most successful shooting match wit, held at Mr. Thos. McEwen's last Week. John Simpson has arrived home ft• • n Wawnnosh, to stay. 'airs. Geo. Werner and Georgette left last - week for Toronto,. ' where 111r. Werner has secured a;good .job m a foundry, and now they wilt. make the 1` permanent residence in the city. Mr. Thos. McFarlane is very lo'w 1 at present with a trevere attack of pleurisy. The old :gentleman is •v- ing in a very low :condition, but we hope to see him aneu•nd -again. Mr. Alex Bryan bas disposed of ibis driver to Grocer Thompson, of Brus- sels. Mr. Peter. McFarlane .has seoeteed a job of milling in robe Wrosseter flour mill for the evinter. -Pete will start to work tis soon :as -the 'river gibes high enough to•dative the twill. Lew Eckmier, ofJthei, .was•calling last week on his brother, George, our general blacksmith. Mr. James Bishop, .of Muskoka, rs renewing old acquaintances •ran the 3rd and 4th of Grey: Sti 11 the "fox' and 'dear" :hunting goes on in this vicinity. t17i�,ondee wno will get the game? - MORRIS. Joe Sellars repaired a culvert be- tween the 2nd and 3rd cons. last •week and made a good job of it. Miss Ellie McCracken was visiting old friends on the 2nd last week. Wilton & Turnbull, of Brussels, were Out last -week eavetroughing Henry Busman's cottage for the fall rani ; and Jack Mustard got the "sinokers" on his new house built for the winter snow. Wonder what the two young men are preparing iota?• Liss Eva May Soach, of the 3rd, LOND +'SB®1 U3. Accident. — Wednesday .df last week bir. Wm. Woodman met with serious 5 ,us acc;fde rrc J:Ie had the horse bitched and .standing la the shed ready to go to She station with the mail. He left the 'horse for a few minutes and waren hp returned to the shed the horse 'vas dow-si. In trying to get the hearse up be was thrown back on the stones and had his thigh fractured, ffIe was taken into Hill's hotel and is doiug ae well as can be expected. We holo .to see him out soon. iiiade Meeting. ---A meeting was held in the temperance hall on Wed nesday afternoon to make final ar. rangements for the opening of the church. It wasdeeided toopen thenew church on Thanksgiving Day instead of the 27th., when a grand dinner and concert will be given. The corn mittee are sparing no trouble to make it a success!. Notes, -•Mr. Jim. Bell moved to Clinton on Monday. We wish hire success in his new home. Mr. A. A. Taylor paid a viait to our village on- Wednesday. Mr. D. Floody arid A. Collison re. turned from Dakota last Thursday. Messrs: Crawford and Little are fixing the iron bridge south of the village. ; AlsetED—bl.vlaliAl, "ratan% Otrtpv 1'Gtt• +o1.111 thin ntr t.: to , l ,,.4 '•lair busirtos tot•tr uw•a and ticurtaj co,Iltivt, It is tnsiillp attic* out h , o,.nut tt4 ut 1ron.v,, malar' btrsight $eau u year ram t,iamsmrs--ttsficttn, iv -mantic, tie mono. co 1• + iul,try, Ms- tAtim Sta. Vet -el tucOs, 1111010 :t0 1�! 477-o.d•1', NtiOA, Vrdl es,tGIO1 rs, hvnhcot,a, n tees nom,/ lrtmlrt� e° > 'ii had the misfortune to fall off the fence and break Iter left arm lust above the wrist. e hope she will soon ase herself again. Mrs. L. Fraser :and Xarifti are off on a holiday, visiting friends this week. eamother girl en the 2nd and Luth- er smiles serenely. Turnips are all up. • Mr. F. Embury and R. Armstrong are off to Muskoka en a deer hunt- ing -expedition. They are good hunts- men end no doubt will bring •home their game. 5 More For Your Money The better volae we give you the more incli.n- ation you'll have to buy onr goods, • 1We aim to give yott mole for your money In point of highest quality, because highest Anality alone will induce von to Ikeep on buying"Tillson's" PAN -BLD :LED Ota We relieve that your taste and good health are factors that count in our favor. Reece we give. you best quality, absolute cleanliness, freedom from hulls, rieh, nutty flavor in every pound of our Rolled Oats yon buy.. Your grocer sells them, • or will get them for you, if you insist. The Tillson Co.'y, laraitec, Tiisonburg, Ont •••2129.11•1.6410261101.1. 73/16817,11M60==.47.../1.111131,M7110.0 eon 12, 830 ; A. Johnston, drain, corgi 9, $33.49, grading and gravelling. con 6, 844, grading and culvert on east boundary, 848.94 ; .71 Kerpate rick, cutting hill cn east boundary,, 838.50 ; E. McLean, gravel and dam- age, 87.30 ; Jno. Barber, gravel and damage, 819 64; Jas. Young, lumber,. 827.92 ; D. McDonald,:half of job en, north boundary, 825 ; J'is, Foster; gravel and damage, $5.60 ; Wm, McAllister, lumber for drain,' 50c; Sainte' Clark, charity, 810. Council adjourned to meet on Dee, 15th at o'clock. , W. 3. McCuosTlx, Tp. (sleek, WEST WAWANOSH. Council met according to adjourn- ment on Nov. lst, 1898. Members al.l. present. , Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Treasurer's statement showed balance on hand of $497.27, received and filled. Jno. ?tucitter waited on council :about a drain opposite his lot 25, con 2. lsaard offered Mr. Ilucker 82 oto their share of outlet to drain on me tion of Plunkett and Cameron. - Messrs. Munro and Young waited (-oto council about drain in Manchester, Council agreed to send on the town- ship engineer to attend to same, Messrs. Munro and Young also aeked fee charity for Samuel Clark. 810 IVaS granted on motion of Medd ono I'if rankett, • 'li'he folioivixg checks were issued : Mutlicfp& World, supplies, 63-641; Jno. Mole, refund of statute labor, 81,50 ; •D. Kennedy, gravel, $3.50 ; Thos. Agnew, gravel, 81.89 ; Jno, Taylor, 2 culverts on south bound- ary., $1.50; Wm. Plucker, work on south 'boundary, 82 ; Jno. Mole, 2' culverts in. Manchester, $2, drain on - s:'uth boundary, $x2.50; Peter \Vat• soil, balance on gravel, 1 days work, 813 75; clerk selecting jurors, $t -l; a°sesSor, 'electing jurors, $4; reeve, selecting, jurors, $4; Thos. Ilamilton, -.travel, $:3. 7 ; Jno. Leddy, rep. eul- vott, con 6101; John Good, shovell• (ng gravel„ $5e; J. Cranston, drait , eon 7, $1; O. Donnelly, gravelling, eon 10, $9.24, gravelling eon 1, $111.75, crating hill, con 3, $21,• cul- vert, con 5, $4; Geo, Mowbray; cul. Vert on east boundary, 86,7- ; R, Murray, drain,. 'eon 8, 83; Thos. Ni cholsnn, gravel, 812,27; Itilm l e. Loan. gr'a'vel,. 821.401 S. tD'Itller, lam bar ani lid and 4a7 bridge, • BLYTI-T. Apple shipping is engaging the at- tention of many people here. Mr. Wm. Richmond and family removed to London last week. Dr. Cooke was in Chesley last week, attending the funerel of his brother, Dr, Geo. Cooke,'of Thorold, who was found dead in bed. St. Andrew's church Sunday School intend holding an entertainment in, the near future. Mr. Stewart Plummer, -jr., has been engaged to teach its S. S. No. 2, Godericb township. Be was selected out of 40 applicants. Blyth L. 0 L. celebrated the Gun- powder Piot on Friday es ening last, by holding supper and concert. Mr. ,r. 8. Alien, tn•ga'•izer for .the A. 0. U. W., lair( Blyth a visit last week. &t -en stew n.t tuters were added to the Weal ]aloe, es a result of his Vleit. Mr. J. G. Etnigh hots leased the Commercial hotel to Mr. Harry James, el Brussels. Mr. l rnigh, who has been in the hotel business in Blyth for about :i0 yeal',x, will retire into private life to et joy a well earned holiday. . The paputaithe, is le r;tn is 9,C32, ,-r within 3net of the. tette mark, The Poopte's Faith Firmly Crounded Upon Coal Merit —They Know Hood's Sarsaparilla Absolutely and - Permanently Cures When All Others Fail, Hood's Sarsaparilla is not merely a sinapl+e preparation of Sarsaparilla, Dock, Stil. lingia and a little Iodide of Potassium. Besides these excellent alteratives, It also contains those great anti-biiloue and liver remedies, Mandrake and Dande- lion. It also contains those great kidney remedies, Ilya 't1'rsi, Juniper Berries, and Pipsissewa, Xor are these all. Other very valuable curative agents -are harmoniously com- bfried in Hood's Sarsaparilla and it is carefully prepared urider the personal supervision of a regularly educated pharmaeist. - 1itiowing these facts, is the abiding faith the people have In Hood's Sar*ap'eriva a matter of surprise? You cast stew]kyy Hood's Sarsaparilla cares, Whets other. tnedioitiers totally, absolutely ttd'1. Hood's Sarsapari:IMsi 19the boat ---iii shot the Ono 'rrtilre. lis tl t >titteto seat by all tlrug1sts, $1,