HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1898-11-11, Page 2"l;lice e rr'a1,•e<.t 'l .ochre,*,,. Butter ellea1 ;;1 e is eleatiter.
teaee'e il.i,lt.:••,•l.Att•ete Pine bete
tired ealne)'U to duweet ta'v must tit if
3oti;Ar•, Cert till i6 hene Lie tont: ti i' �t,.Itt,ili.
Lieleri,l, le the only more or less
It'iveetee comae- where (Meeks are
et'n104 eittirSely Iikl:t•raftl With. The
asait rieee exactly ee (i :i. fit, end bah
1t (> p. tn. til"•:'1;;'f' yt'ttr, and
its veil welly t '1 ie;l, i Coen.
a A 3
L e.e2
T'a :y also relic S'':. ? frc. '
Ynd:y, ria . aril toy Eateee :. i e.
reef ia: ;3_r~ -e4;y 1`Iauaxi, Drt;v i-
r:as`, LA :.`So lilt,, Ce•itt1 'mese
all,! in. ;he +L\::i i! �' #' I'S:.I . 'rl•'�
tke rewclz. Purely C%ezet..iiie.
471Gora, 4iI! a
6 r --e. Wit... ....Y•
`•: a 3�- Car tic .ci,
;t1..� .. and d enand
ari'w = Little Liver Pills.
E .'t aii1 Fen's are Often Affected
111E WINUI.T ilM TIMES" S" NOVEMBER 11,, 1898,
.n,w«n.»,wgrr„ww+•r...q+•M.v+,www... v.w...uNrv+..++�+�
When Baby turd Scald fiend--
1i'lien Mother had Stilt lebent•--•
,ci,t this season of the year tt great When Pother had, Piles.
many butter -makers have tioutile,
and wuuder why 11 takes so long for'
butter to "come." I make bu'ter
the year round from Jersey a'u's
for the special Le:vie, and have lied
meny thine!. to lee, ii. 1 Ilse the di t'p
sewing, satunc•'';'rti Hy'etetn, ueitig lee
Wueu '•eeue.., orlon at 12. and 21
hours; keep cream in one end of .
ere:truer until enol.gh is collet;ted Cur
chnruing, and churn at least twice a i
week. At. thio Si'tttt cit, veal' tremble
beg:ln, having to churn Use to three
hours before butter appeared, and iu
• several instances atter all clay twists,
,tatl'O i4 up. I USt'i the barrel, end
over end, churn.
As ttie rc:eult or t:xpe"iments I now,
at this Season Of tl;eey'ear, warm the
cream the day befdre churning, to 70
degrees and set in a warru room,
adding butter inn suf'tielont, a.3 a
'[tarter, ,to fetch to a Ixtulesses titin•
eistency at the end of 2 e hou:,
: when it Sho11id be churned. Delay
will c/ndangcr [izVur Of clic butter.
The temperature of churning must
be ascertained by trial. Cream must
be warmer freta cows long in. milk.
I use five gallon pails; heat'in warm
water en tt;e .hove. Churning to-
day carve in 30 minutee, Cream for
the chant was heated to 74 degrees;
from old milk mostly.
I At time of breaking add a little
cold. water. As soon as the butter•
milk will run draw what •you can;
�' er
1taIlrl to
• use several waters, letting
cool and harden, being careful not to
l ehueu too much, to lose the granular
form.- I use a strainer cin t.,p of pail
to save particles of butter. Use the
wooden. shovel or ladel, and give
tune to her(en. I salt III the cl'turn,
to the taste of customer. I measure
the cream instead of weighing bunter,
to save labor. After the butter has
'stood half an hour or thereabouts, to
dissolve the salt, I take out into the
worker, being careful • to stop when
it is ready for the printer or jar.
1)o not spoil the grain by overworI -
inr. • The butter thus handled is
' Selling' as fast as I can furnish at 35
Entiye E ysto.Cents per pound. t I venture the
ati.Causs Pm:triton of the !
tt.piuion that your subscriber's cream
was tt,o cold and not sufficiently
.A K.itetets 1 naey Teseeics to Her axe i erii7ened-"—i•I, te. liavilaud iu Ohio
per:epee in tee Use of Ifllburn's
te cart r,'1:} serve pine
Pectfe who s'::'yerfrom any disease or
.disort'-,r of Cita heart nervous system,
such zv l aid: ori, a„Skip Beats, Smother-
ing or Sini'.in.;; ~mations, Sleeplessness,
Pain in the Head, etc., can-
not a.-.r:•;.I to waste time trying- various
reme;iics, which have nothing more to
back up their claims than the bold asser-
tions ot• their proprietors.
Th.:,t diseases ere too serious to per-
mit r." y otir e:a:eriment n,g with untried
remedies. When you buy Mitburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills, you know you
iavti behind them the testimony of thous-
ands of Canaoi Ins who have been cured
by t.ari- use. Otte of those is Mrs. A.
•'rBYr. Iris, c,•z (seen Street, Kingston,
Ont.. who wri:.:s as follows :
"1 L.sve sit :>r. ri fir some years with
a. sal ...lcr:ng suisa,.ori caused by licart
dike:::-•-, The severity of the pains in
illy lir-:.r: c4.u: d me much sut'erinv,. I
nous also very nervous, and my whole
syst.•m was ran down and debilitated.
.r I;t•aring of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills being a specific for these
-troubles, I though I would try them, and
therefore got, a bor. at McLccd's Drug
"Tile- aiTnr dc.ci me great relief, having
toned in illy system and removed the
distr .s lig•- symptoms from which I suf-
fered. I ,-an he artily recommend these
zvo• d fu1 pi::a to all st.f zra:s from
heart fro,:ble.
Ph G
Dr. Agnew'sOlatntentgave the quick-
est relief and surest, relief. These are
gems of truth piolsea from testimouy
which is given every day to this greatest
of healers. It has aortic been iiuttched
in curative dualities iu any and every
kind of skid discoed—eezeiutt, tetter, skin
uruptioue, blind, bleet;ia , itching or ui-
certltin.; piles, eeatcls, burns, old soros,
eta., eft ,—aod it's 33 cents a box. bold
by A. L. liauiilton,.
His WOrin•
One time a roan came to one of the
:um he bail working for him, and
!gave hint a big stone and said.
I• a� "Now you, cut in this stone the
leaves just like the ones in this pla-
t nre,'
The stoue did not,: look very pretty
and the marl said:
`I will do just the very best I can,
but I wish I could eat in this beano --
I fol marble gore.'
So he toiled away with his sharp
tools, and after Lntt h work he finish-
! cd the leaves aceojding to the pat-
When he finished this, the master
I brought hint another just like it, and
Itold him to cut a branch on it. And
so for weeks he wprked on these big
rough stones; and he did not know
what they were for.
One day When ' he was walking
down town in a large city, he saw a
beautiful building. He went over
to look at it, and there, in tbe front
of that large building, were all those
bit,„ rough stories upon which he had
been working for'so long. But they
were all put together now. to form a
most be''tatiful picture. The man
looked at it a long. time, and then
'Ole how glad I aro that I did it.
well ! Now I see what the master
If we do our best the results will
always more than repay us.
Stuck to Low's.
"We hove tried a good many worm
medicines but during the peat five years
have stuck to Dr. Low's, as it proves to
be the best." Samuel T. Sargent, Brock-
ville, Ont.
1t:; Cmime WAR Iters ALREADY COST
UNOLE SAM $160,000,000..
Washington, Nov,3,—The comp-
letion of the treasury returns for Oct-
ober leaves the net cost of the Span-
ish war up to the present time about
$160,000,000. This result is obtain-
ed by deducting from the entire cost
of the military and naval• depart-
ments since the beginning of March
the cost upon a peace basis and in -
(nested by the expenditures of pre-
.It.tt. [teat','..
The expenditures on • acco.tnt of
the war are far from ended, however,
and the treasury oftieials have no
basis for judgment ss to when they
will diminish, It is hoped that the
cost of maintaining garrisons in the
dependencies, with the ether inciden-
tal expenses of the war, will not av-
erage more than $10,000,000 per
inoiitii during the remaining eight
mouths of the fiscal year, which ends
nein June.
• If these estimates are verified, 880,-
000,000 will be added to the present
cost of the war, and the total expen-
ditures up to the beginning of anoth-.
er fiscial year will be $240,000,000,
It is probable that arrangements
will be made by that time to impose
upon the dependencies themselves
the cost of maintaining order with
their limits.
Mrs. David Labor, Waterford, Ont.,
says: "1 can recommend Hagyard'i
anykind. 11
'e owfor wins
�. 1t (Al(ill {O
1 f • i,in' lust the
cured me of a distressiut, pain'
doctor could not cure."
Two of a ILind.
Patrick O'Mars, a private in the
Ninth U. S. Regulars, went to the
colonel of his regiment and asked for
a two weeks' leave of absence. The
colonel was a severe disciplinarian,.
who did not believe in extending too I
many privileges to his men. and did At every age. from 20 to t'5 the
not 1'esitate in using a subterfuge in chances of a single man going mad
evading the granting of one. • are much greater than those of a
"`Well, said the colonel, "wbat do , married roan.
you want a two weeks' furlough i Ostrich eggs weigh about 3?
for ?" ' pounds each: They are sometimes
Patrick answered : "Me woife is ' eaten in Africa..
very sick, and the children are not i
well, and if ye didn't mind, site' France produces annually about
Provineiftl Show. would like to have rile home for a 300,000 tons of chestnuts.
;7:1''^1'. Nt► ''+"rte t. ;k 1.:NI R1 ,' l
nm a nw 111111 i uu,11nnu,,nnuu en u! uruuunuu,�nu. �u;,";gin,.
,A\ r!: t c grillers i ci: uruitOn leer Au -
similatitlg the?'oo:laadReguta-
liing thestomachs andBown.ts of
:4l:.:: IATURff
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful-
Hess andRest.Contaifs neither
Opwm,Morphine nor Mineral.
giro vlem"at 2rraAVIt. Pl2itlr2.2
Jtmpido SceJ-
.1511:e Seed «
Appended. -
pt ear arcic,rade
Mar.. Steil -
CTiward Step
Aperfcct Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
ctnss andLOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
Cestorla is put up in one-sisn bottles only.. It,
is not Gold in Wit. Don't allow anyone 4o sol,".
p you anything else on the oloa or promise that it
y Yt
"'will every pur-
answer oro
311aas o
is ust as
ood a - F
J g
pose." r Sco that yon get 0 -A -S -T -0 -$I -A.
�ho taa-
signature ,,✓'r
"WI 0610117.45MMILL.a.
is on
l ettitja:.,
few weeks to give„ her a bit of as Lasa -Liver Pills cure Constipation and
The Provincial Fat Stock and sistance. Biltousn;six. They work..without a grip
., ouazati% �u;"er.�rs.
'Dairy Show will the held et Brant The colonel eyed him for a few or gripe and never fail totlo good. Price
f +•I hate tried Milburn's Rheumatic
Plnh aid $n t they do all that is claimed ford on lz
Laua:-;.i•'or P°11s cure nliicuanecs, Dye.
pefs.s C:rst;pollen. Every perfect.
eerie ALL YOUR PAIRS Writs
Pain -Killer
A Medicine Cheat In Itself.
Shapie, Safe and Quick Cure for
23 end 50 cent Bottles.
lov, 30th and Dee, 1st and minutes and said: [`Patrick, I might 25c -
nor iham. i cannot say 1.00 notch in 2nd. The,follnwing is a eyuopsis of grant .your request, but I got a letter;
e S ' 1 e frons your wile this morning saying
that sbe didn'•t want you home ;
that you were a nuisance and raised
the devil whenever you were there.
She hopes I won't let you have any I
more furloughs:''
"That settles it. • I suppose I can't°
: f '1 ITh h e" id P t.
their lav or. A. wift, SLaico
Streei, Toronto, Ont.
Profitable Pullets.
the prizes to be given.
CATTLE—In the fat cattle classes
the prizes are as follows: —Shorthorns,
8210; Specials,$i120. Total, $330
I YOUNG HlENS P :Y FIVE TIMES BETTER Herefords and Polled Angus, and
THAN OLD ONES. Gallowys and Deavons, $165 in each
class. Grades, :x285, besides specials
The following interesting facts are by H. D Smith, Compton, Que.
given in a bulletin issued by the SHEEP -8147 are offered in each "No ; I'll afraid not Patrick. It
Agricultural college at Logan, Utah,
as a comparison between old hens
of the following pure bred classes: wouldn't be well for me to do so
—Cotswolds, Lincotos,Leicesters, Ox- ander the cireumstances."
and pullets for egg produttion. ford, Shropshires, and Southdcwns It was Petrick's • turn now to eye
;'Tile profit from the young hens or —$582, .176 are offered for Dorset the colonel as be started for the door.
Horns and MUlerinos, and Hatnpshires Stopping suddenly, he said
and Suffoiks-488 in each class, $125. "Colonel,• can I say something to
Grades and crosses, $118. 1 yez ?"
"Certainly, Patrick ; what is it?" -
"I want to say there are twe
splendid liars in this roost, and I'm
one of them. I was never married
in my loife."
pullets is about five times greater
than that of the old hens. Not only
did the olrl hens lay considerably
fewer eggs, but the eggs were worth
less per dozen. Those of the old
hens averaged less than a cent
1 apiece while those from the pallets
We guarantee that these
Plasters will relieve
pain quicker than any
other. Put up only in
25c. tin boxes and $1.00
yard rolls. The latter
allows you to Cut the
Plaster any size.
livery' lam;lly+
should have one
ready for tin emer-
t ro..:11 & LAWiliNgt 00,y
with the exception of pen 2, averag-
ed more than a cent apiece. This is
accounted for by the fact that the
pullets laid a large proportion of
their eggs in early, winter, when the
price was good. The old hens were
3 to four yea's old. In the experi-
ment there were no 2 -year-olds.
The effect of exercise on food con
sumpt'on is also illustrated, The
three pens having no exercise aver-
aged 120 eggs, while those from the
exercised pens averaged 146 eggs,.
The average food cost per dozen of
eggs was for the nonexercised pens
6,5 cents and 5.3 cents for the exer•
,cased pens, over 22 per cent. in favor Weak Lund.
of exerciee. The fact, when studied "I was troubled with a Sore Throat
in connection with the other fact that and Weak Lungs and was completely
there was no appreciable 'difference cured by Di...wood's Norway Pine Syr -
in the relative weights of the fowls up." Prank Jennings, Coldwater, Ont.
during the year, would seem to in.
l dicate that exercise such as was
SWINE -8129 are offered in each
of the following classes:-- Improved
Berkshire, Improved Yorkshire, Ches-
ter Whites, Poland Chinas, Suffolks
and Essex, Tamworths, and Duroc-
Jerseys. Total, 8903. • Fee grades
and crosses, $88. For,export bacon
DAIar—Shorthorns, Ayshires, •11o1 -
steins. Jerseys, Guernseys, Grades,
$100 each -8600. In'addition there
are special prizes for Shorthorns, $100
Ayshires, $50; Holstein -Friesians, $65
and $25 open to pure breds. For
the most valuable exhibit in the
dairy department, a grain grinder,
value 850. In addition these there
are over $250 offered as specie' priz-
es in the various departments.
given 1.5 an aid to digestion, or in
other words, the exercised hen made
a better use of the food. It took 22
per cent. more food to make a dozen
of eggs without the exercise than
with it --in other words, 22 per cel%
of the food wasted by the unexercis-
ed hen. It was not used in the
rowth of flesh, for the weights show for'" The Story of the Philippines' by Murat
Halstead, st.Za•,cenod by the <iovernment us
that the exercised hen was as heavy Orflcial Histor, p
on•exercfsed. It seems to be tln
a mere question of The ci at%lft:,ila, 311 Cha instil"aet,t cant s With Aauhial�
c1o, on Ilia deck of rho oIynili1s with ])ea'ey and lir
rho roar el 'nettle at the fall at Manila l onantitt
tion and prevents waste O o for aftents. nrimtnl tlf o it;iflai
pictures token by
A perfectly formed face is one-
third forehead, one-third nose, and
one-third upper and lower chin,
The entire eolleetion of coins and
Boils Banished,
• Mr. O. J. Murray, Charlottetown, P, D.
I. writes: "Aboutaix months ago I was
troubled with painful boils and got rine
bottle of 11. B.13. which completely cured
Pointed Paragraphs.
No one bas discovered a sure cure
for laziness.
Labor's worst enemy is the work-
ing man who won't work.
The life work of a. wise man may
be destroyed by a fool in a day.
The avenge woman has more list
ening than speaking acquaintances.
The average man lets good oppor-
tunities go by while waiting for a
better one.
Lew living and high thinking will
produce better men than high living
and low thinking.
As a rule the more tt man has to
say about women the more he dosen t
really know about them.
medals in the British Museum con- It is said that a barned Child dreads
sista of nearly 250,000 specimens. the fire. Probably that's why a
newly .married man tries to avoid
oxl"VIS soLICTToRS cvAN'rrtri rvi:itywxrea his old flaiiles.-Chrca{�,O News
a,1 to- t;ie war Tia artment, Tlic
b k wag Wrtttafl in army camps at sin Pransiseo,
as the n the i:taif a with gnrrerai itorritt, to Cha hospitals
:digestion.at llonoruhi, in Hong 1{ung, urn tha American ttenelt
exercise aids digestion end a.ssimila•
f'f feed. It
ig mise exec i of note that fowls 1'0oblc. los' p,it.s. 138-lytsi+rolitslerreight paid.
without exercise laid heavier eggs Credit giron. Drop till trashy unofficial war books,
nutat free. Addroqss, b'. T, Garber, Boay,, Star
those with it. Insurance Bldg.,Chra*o,
For Infanta and Children.
The dry chestnat contail,s nearly
as much nitroge00ns matter .as bar
ley, with more fatty and a trifle less
peesphatic unatter.
In some ports of Europe the chest,-,
nut is an important pint of the diet I
of tbe people., being used as a sub-
stitute for cereals in breadmaking.
4. et Arlt AA
ABook for Young and Gid.
0 u
Egg. 1878
Vii Ctdfi¢ i
.SKIN f6.
250,000 CURED
YOUNG 1 nava you sinned
, against nature
wheat ignorant o t o terrible crime you
were committing. Did you onlyeons:dor
tbo fascinating allurements of this evil
habit? When too latoto avoid the ter-
rible results, Were your eying opened to
youraany TUNATDorBSAOnD
disease? Wereyououred? Do you now
and then see some alarming symptoms?
Due you marry in your tesant con-
dition? You know, "DIRE MATHHElt,
LIRE 13ON." If married aro you con-
stantly living in. dread? 3's marriago a
failure with youou account ofany woak-
noytt caused by early abuse or later ex-
cesses? Have you been drugged with
mercury? This bookletwiltpoint,outto
you the results of thecrimes aid point
out howour NIiWse METHOD TREAT-
MENT will positively euro you. It
shows how thousand shavo been saved by
our NEW TRnATMENT. It proves
"The Wages of Sin" tent free by
enclosing 2o stamp. CONSULTATION
ER ii E. If unable to call Write for
x x12.8.
Cort Michigan Ave. and Shelby Stn
Will stand wear and tear fuer
y ears. No better proof care
be given of their durability
than is shown by the' fact
that some of -these pumps put
in wells 25 years ago are
still working.
Supplied to Order.
Repairing promptly attended to,
SaoP—Diagonal St. opposite Beat ties,
W1n;;ham, Onto
Caveats and Trade-Marlcs obtained and ail patent
business conducted for Idi1DL+IitiTltt 1(Pt88. My
ofkdcisiutheimmcdi.uc vkinityofthePatontOtnce
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed.
Send model, slcetch orp.iotograph of invention, twit$
description and statement as to advantage, claimed -
ad" No charge is arcade for an opinion as tie
patentabiih;1 , and my fee (or prosecuting the
application will soot So caped. for until the
patent '7 allowed. "Isyssrors GUtna" coati
twining full information sent free, hll C@t:inilt,st•
cations Considered as Strictly Confidential.
Sin: fi' ne voeiL, wASIlTIII14t;3'z on . D. C..
g .� TRADE i' lAims
., ii'' v4 OCSIONS
Anyone sending a sketch and descrTalion mar
quickly ascertain Gni opinion free whether au
invention ,a probably p'ttentnble. Commlmica-
Lions strictly contidSntlal. itondbook onPatents
sunt free. oldest agency for securing patents.
Penults 1, alien tbroueh Munn ,f- Co. receive,
special notice, without ohnreo, itt the
S k fiCtil Cali. '
A. handsomely illmcr,itAci t, nokly. Ttersest err+
culatton of any scion:1110 l• [:runt. Terms, ea It
ear• four menthe, V. SO dbyall newsdealers.
ANN tat o.a01«roa,iv,oy, New 'fork'
Braaclt Office. 013 r et.. Wathinyton. D. C.
'd'IMES ...